libfreerdp-core: add full timezone redirection support
This commit is contained in:
@ -1085,6 +1085,390 @@ static const TIME_ZONE_ENTRY TimeZoneTable[] =
const char* windows;
const char* tzid;
const WINDOWS_TZID_ENTRY WindowsTimeZoneIdTable[] =
{ "Afghanistan Standard Time", "Asia/Kabul" },
{ "Alaskan Standard Time", "America/Anchorage America/"
"Juneau America/Nome America/Sitka America/Yakutat" },
{ "Alaskan Standard Time", "America/Anchorage" },
{ "Arab Standard Time", "Asia/Aden" },
{ "Arab Standard Time", "Asia/Bahrain" },
{ "Arab Standard Time", "Asia/Kuwait" },
{ "Arab Standard Time", "Asia/Qatar" },
{ "Arab Standard Time", "Asia/Riyadh" },
{ "Arabian Standard Time", "Asia/Dubai" },
{ "Arabian Standard Time", "Asia/Muscat" },
{ "Arabian Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-4" },
{ "Arabic Standard Time", "Asia/Baghdad" },
{ "Argentina Standard Time", "America/Buenos_Aires America/"
"Argentina/La_Rioja America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos America/"
"Argentina/Salta America/Argentina/San_Juan America/Argentina/"
"San_Luis America/Argentina/Tucuman America/Argentina/Ushuaia America/"
"Catamarca America/Cordoba America/Jujuy America/Mendoza" },
{ "Argentina Standard Time", "America/Buenos_Aires" },
{ "Atlantic Standard Time", "America/Halifax America/"
"Glace_Bay America/Goose_Bay America/Moncton" },
{ "Atlantic Standard Time", "America/Halifax" },
{ "Atlantic Standard Time", "America/Thule" },
{ "Atlantic Standard Time", "Atlantic/Bermuda" },
{ "AUS Central Standard Time", "Australia/Darwin" },
{ "AUS Eastern Standard Time", "Australia/Sydney Australia/Melbourne" },
{ "AUS Eastern Standard Time", "Australia/Sydney" },
{ "Azerbaijan Standard Time", "Asia/Baku" },
{ "Azores Standard Time", "America/Scoresbysund" },
{ "Azores Standard Time", "Atlantic/Azores" },
{ "Bahia Standard Time", "America/Bahia" },
{ "Bangladesh Standard Time", "Asia/Dhaka" },
{ "Bangladesh Standard Time", "Asia/Thimphu" },
{ "Canada Central Standard Time", "America/Regina America/Swift_Current" },
{ "Canada Central Standard Time", "America/Regina" },
{ "Cape Verde Standard Time", "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" },
{ "Cape Verde Standard Time", "Etc/GMT+1" },
{ "Caucasus Standard Time", "Asia/Yerevan" },
{ "Cen. Australia Standard Time", "Australia/Adelaide Australia/Broken_Hill" },
{ "Cen. Australia Standard Time", "Australia/Adelaide" },
{ "Central America Standard Time", "America/Belize" },
{ "Central America Standard Time", "America/Costa_Rica" },
{ "Central America Standard Time", "America/El_Salvador" },
{ "Central America Standard Time", "America/Guatemala" },
{ "Central America Standard Time", "America/Managua" },
{ "Central America Standard Time", "America/Tegucigalpa" },
{ "Central America Standard Time", "Etc/GMT+6" },
{ "Central America Standard Time", "Pacific/Galapagos" },
{ "Central Asia Standard Time", "Antarctica/Vostok" },
{ "Central Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Almaty Asia/Qyzylorda" },
{ "Central Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Almaty" },
{ "Central Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Bishkek" },
{ "Central Asia Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-6" },
{ "Central Asia Standard Time", "Indian/Chagos" },
{ "Central Brazilian Standard Time", "America/Cuiaba America/Campo_Grande" },
{ "Central Brazilian Standard Time", "America/Cuiaba" },
{ "Central Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Belgrade" },
{ "Central Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Bratislava" },
{ "Central Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Budapest" },
{ "Central Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Ljubljana" },
{ "Central Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Podgorica" },
{ "Central Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Prague" },
{ "Central Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Tirane" },
{ "Central European Standard Time", "Europe/Sarajevo" },
{ "Central European Standard Time", "Europe/Skopje" },
{ "Central European Standard Time", "Europe/Warsaw" },
{ "Central European Standard Time", "Europe/Zagreb" },
{ "Central Pacific Standard Time", "Antarctica/Macquarie" },
{ "Central Pacific Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-11" },
{ "Central Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific/Efate" },
{ "Central Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific/Guadalcanal" },
{ "Central Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific/Noumea" },
{ "Central Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific/Ponape Pacific/Kosrae" },
{ "Central Standard Time (Mexico)", "America/Mexico_City America/"
"Bahia_Banderas America/Cancun America/Merida America/Monterrey" },
{ "Central Standard Time (Mexico)", "America/Mexico_City" },
{ "Central Standard Time", "America/Chicago America/Indiana/"
"Knox America/Indiana/Tell_City America/Menominee America/"
"North_Dakota/Beulah America/North_Dakota/Center America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" },
{ "Central Standard Time", "America/Chicago" },
{ "Central Standard Time", "America/Matamoros" },
{ "Central Standard Time", "America/Winnipeg America/"
"Rainy_River America/Rankin_Inlet America/Resolute" },
{ "Central Standard Time", "CST6CDT" },
{ "China Standard Time", "Asia/Hong_Kong" },
{ "China Standard Time", "Asia/Macau" },
{ "China Standard Time", "Asia/Shanghai Asia/Chongqing Asia/Harbin Asia/Kashgar Asia/Urumqi" },
{ "China Standard Time", "Asia/Shanghai" },
{ "Dateline Standard Time", "Etc/GMT+12" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Addis_Ababa" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Asmera" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Djibouti" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Juba" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Kampala" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Khartoum" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Mogadishu" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Nairobi" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Antarctica/Syowa" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-3" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Indian/Antananarivo" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Indian/Comoro" },
{ "E. Africa Standard Time", "Indian/Mayotte" },
{ "E. Australia Standard Time", "Australia/Brisbane Australia/Lindeman" },
{ "E. Australia Standard Time", "Australia/Brisbane" },
{ "E. Europe Standard Time", "Asia/Nicosia" },
{ "E. South America Standard Time", "America/Sao_Paulo" },
{ "Eastern Standard Time", "America/Grand_Turk" },
{ "Eastern Standard Time", "America/Nassau" },
{ "Eastern Standard Time", "America/New_York America/Detroit America/"
"Indiana/Petersburg America/Indiana/Vincennes America/"
"Indiana/Winamac America/Kentucky/Monticello America/Louisville" },
{ "Eastern Standard Time", "America/New_York" },
{ "Eastern Standard Time", "America/Toronto America/Iqaluit America/"
"Montreal America/Nipigon America/Pangnirtung America/Thunder_Bay" },
{ "Eastern Standard Time", "EST5EDT" },
{ "Egypt Standard Time", "Africa/Cairo" },
{ "Egypt Standard Time", "Asia/Gaza Asia/Hebron" },
{ "Ekaterinburg Standard Time", "Asia/Yekaterinburg" },
{ "Fiji Standard Time", "Pacific/Fiji" },
{ "FLE Standard Time", "Europe/Helsinki" },
{ "FLE Standard Time", "Europe/Kiev Europe/Simferopol Europe/Uzhgorod Europe/Zaporozhye" },
{ "FLE Standard Time", "Europe/Kiev" },
{ "FLE Standard Time", "Europe/Mariehamn" },
{ "FLE Standard Time", "Europe/Riga" },
{ "FLE Standard Time", "Europe/Sofia" },
{ "FLE Standard Time", "Europe/Tallinn" },
{ "FLE Standard Time", "Europe/Vilnius" },
{ "Georgian Standard Time", "Asia/Tbilisi" },
{ "GMT Standard Time", "Atlantic/Canary" },
{ "GMT Standard Time", "Atlantic/Faeroe" },
{ "GMT Standard Time", "Europe/Dublin" },
{ "GMT Standard Time", "Europe/Guernsey" },
{ "GMT Standard Time", "Europe/Isle_of_Man" },
{ "GMT Standard Time", "Europe/Jersey" },
{ "GMT Standard Time", "Europe/Lisbon Atlantic/Madeira" },
{ "GMT Standard Time", "Europe/London" },
{ "Greenland Standard Time", "America/Godthab" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Abidjan" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Accra" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Bamako" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Banjul" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Bissau" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Conakry" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Dakar" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/El_Aaiun" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Freetown" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Lome" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Monrovia" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Nouakchott" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Ouagadougou" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Africa/Sao_Tome" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Atlantic/Reykjavik" },
{ "Greenwich Standard Time", "Atlantic/St_Helena" },
{ "GTB Standard Time", "Europe/Athens" },
{ "GTB Standard Time", "Europe/Bucharest" },
{ "GTB Standard Time", "Europe/Chisinau" },
{ "Hawaiian Standard Time", "Etc/GMT+10" },
{ "Hawaiian Standard Time", "Pacific/Fakaofo" },
{ "Hawaiian Standard Time", "Pacific/Honolulu" },
{ "Hawaiian Standard Time", "Pacific/Johnston" },
{ "Hawaiian Standard Time", "Pacific/Rarotonga" },
{ "Hawaiian Standard Time", "Pacific/Tahiti" },
{ "India Standard Time", "Asia/Calcutta" },
{ "Iran Standard Time", "Asia/Tehran" },
{ "Israel Standard Time", "Asia/Jerusalem" },
{ "Jordan Standard Time", "Asia/Amman" },
{ "Kaliningrad Standard Time", "Europe/Kaliningrad" },
{ "Kaliningrad Standard Time", "Europe/Minsk" },
{ "Korea Standard Time", "Asia/Pyongyang" },
{ "Korea Standard Time", "Asia/Seoul" },
{ "Magadan Standard Time", "Asia/Magadan Asia/Anadyr Asia/Kamchatka" },
{ "Magadan Standard Time", "Asia/Magadan" },
{ "Mauritius Standard Time", "Indian/Mahe" },
{ "Mauritius Standard Time", "Indian/Mauritius" },
{ "Mauritius Standard Time", "Indian/Reunion" },
{ "Middle East Standard Time", "Asia/Beirut" },
{ "Montevideo Standard Time", "America/Montevideo" },
{ "Morocco Standard Time", "Africa/Casablanca" },
{ "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)", "America/Chihuahua America/Mazatlan" },
{ "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)", "America/Chihuahua" },
{ "Mountain Standard Time", "America/Denver America/Boise America/Shiprock" },
{ "Mountain Standard Time", "America/Denver" },
{ "Mountain Standard Time", "America/Edmonton America/"
"Cambridge_Bay America/Inuvik America/Yellowknife" },
{ "Mountain Standard Time", "America/Ojinaga" },
{ "Mountain Standard Time", "MST7MDT" },
{ "Myanmar Standard Time", "Asia/Rangoon" },
{ "Myanmar Standard Time", "Indian/Cocos" },
{ "N. Central Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Novosibirsk Asia/Novokuznetsk Asia/Omsk" },
{ "N. Central Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Novosibirsk" },
{ "Namibia Standard Time", "Africa/Windhoek" },
{ "Nepal Standard Time", "Asia/Katmandu" },
{ "New Zealand Standard Time", "Antarctica/South_Pole Antarctica/McMurdo" },
{ "New Zealand Standard Time", "Pacific/Auckland" },
{ "Newfoundland Standard Time", "America/St_Johns" },
{ "North Asia East Standard Time", "Asia/Irkutsk" },
{ "North Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" },
{ "Pacific SA Standard Time", "America/Santiago" },
{ "Pacific SA Standard Time", "Antarctica/Palmer" },
{ "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)", "America/Santa_Isabel" },
{ "Pacific Standard Time", "America/Los_Angeles" },
{ "Pacific Standard Time", "America/Tijuana" },
{ "Pacific Standard Time", "America/Vancouver America/Dawson America/Whitehorse" },
{ "Pacific Standard Time", "PST8PDT" },
{ "Pakistan Standard Time", "Asia/Karachi" },
{ "Paraguay Standard Time", "America/Asuncion" },
{ "Romance Standard Time", "Europe/Brussels" },
{ "Romance Standard Time", "Europe/Copenhagen" },
{ "Romance Standard Time", "Europe/Madrid Africa/Ceuta" },
{ "Romance Standard Time", "Europe/Paris" },
{ "Russian Standard Time", "Europe/Moscow Europe/Samara Europe/Volgograd" },
{ "Russian Standard Time", "Europe/Moscow" },
{ "SA Eastern Standard Time", "America/Cayenne" },
{ "SA Eastern Standard Time", "America/Fortaleza America/"
"Araguaina America/Belem America/Maceio America/Recife America/Santarem" },
{ "SA Eastern Standard Time", "America/Paramaribo" },
{ "SA Eastern Standard Time", "Antarctica/Rothera" },
{ "SA Eastern Standard Time", "Etc/GMT+3" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "America/Bogota" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "America/Cayman" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "America/Coral_Harbour" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "America/Guayaquil" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "America/Jamaica" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "America/Lima" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "America/Panama" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "America/Port-au-Prince" },
{ "SA Pacific Standard Time", "Etc/GMT+5" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Anguilla" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Antigua" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Aruba" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Barbados" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Blanc-Sablon" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Curacao" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Dominica" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Grenada" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Guadeloupe" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Guyana" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/La_Paz" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Manaus America/"
"Boa_Vista America/Eirunepe America/Porto_Velho America/Rio_Branco" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Marigot" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Martinique" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Montserrat" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Port_of_Spain" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Puerto_Rico" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Santo_Domingo" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/St_Barthelemy" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/St_Kitts" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/St_Lucia" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/St_Thomas" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/St_Vincent" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "America/Tortola" },
{ "SA Western Standard Time", "Etc/GMT+4" },
{ "Samoa Standard Time", "Pacific/Apia" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Antarctica/Davis" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Bangkok" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Hovd" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Jakarta Asia/Pontianak" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Phnom_Penh" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Saigon" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Vientiane" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-7" },
{ "SE Asia Standard Time", "Indian/Christmas" },
{ "Singapore Standard Time", "Asia/Brunei" },
{ "Singapore Standard Time", "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Asia/Kuching" },
{ "Singapore Standard Time", "Asia/Makassar" },
{ "Singapore Standard Time", "Asia/Manila" },
{ "Singapore Standard Time", "Asia/Singapore" },
{ "Singapore Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-8" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Blantyre" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Bujumbura" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Gaborone" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Harare" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Johannesburg" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Kigali" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Lubumbashi" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Lusaka" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Maputo" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Maseru" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Mbabane" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Tripoli" },
{ "South Africa Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-2" },
{ "Sri Lanka Standard Time", "Asia/Colombo" },
{ "Syria Standard Time", "Asia/Damascus" },
{ "Taipei Standard Time", "Asia/Taipei" },
{ "Tasmania Standard Time", "Australia/Hobart Australia/Currie" },
{ "Tasmania Standard Time", "Australia/Hobart" },
{ "Tokyo Standard Time", "Asia/Dili" },
{ "Tokyo Standard Time", "Asia/Jayapura" },
{ "Tokyo Standard Time", "Asia/Tokyo" },
{ "Tokyo Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-9" },
{ "Tokyo Standard Time", "Pacific/Palau" },
{ "Tonga Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-13" },
{ "Tonga Standard Time", "Pacific/Enderbury" },
{ "Tonga Standard Time", "Pacific/Tongatapu" },
{ "Turkey Standard Time", "Europe/Istanbul" },
{ "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time", "Asia/Ulaanbaatar Asia/Choibalsan" },
{ "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time", "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" },
{ "US Eastern Standard Time", "America/Indianapolis America/"
"Indiana/Marengo America/Indiana/Vevay" },
{ "US Eastern Standard Time", "America/Indianapolis" },
{ "US Mountain Standard Time", "America/Dawson_Creek" },
{ "US Mountain Standard Time", "America/Hermosillo" },
{ "US Mountain Standard Time", "America/Phoenix" },
{ "US Mountain Standard Time", "Etc/GMT+7" },
{ "UTC", "America/Danmarkshavn" },
{ "UTC", "Etc/GMT" },
{ "UTC+12", "Etc/GMT-12" },
{ "UTC+12", "Pacific/Funafuti" },
{ "UTC+12", "Pacific/Majuro Pacific/Kwajalein" },
{ "UTC+12", "Pacific/Nauru" },
{ "UTC+12", "Pacific/Tarawa" },
{ "UTC+12", "Pacific/Wake" },
{ "UTC+12", "Pacific/Wallis" },
{ "UTC-02", "America/Noronha" },
{ "UTC-02", "Atlantic/South_Georgia" },
{ "UTC-02", "Etc/GMT+2" },
{ "UTC-11", "Etc/GMT+11" },
{ "UTC-11", "Pacific/Midway" },
{ "UTC-11", "Pacific/Niue" },
{ "UTC-11", "Pacific/Pago_Pago" },
{ "Venezuela Standard Time", "America/Caracas" },
{ "Vladivostok Standard Time", "Asia/Vladivostok Asia/Sakhalin" },
{ "Vladivostok Standard Time", "Asia/Vladivostok" },
{ "W. Australia Standard Time", "Antarctica/Casey" },
{ "W. Australia Standard Time", "Australia/Perth" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Algiers" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Bangui" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Brazzaville" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Douala" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Kinshasa" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Lagos" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Libreville" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Luanda" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Malabo" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Ndjamena" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Niamey" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Porto-Novo" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Africa/Tunis" },
{ "W. Central Africa Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-1" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Arctic/Longyearbyen" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Amsterdam" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Andorra" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Berlin" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Gibraltar" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Luxembourg" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Malta" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Monaco" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Oslo" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Rome" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/San_Marino" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Stockholm" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Vaduz" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Vatican" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Vienna" },
{ "W. Europe Standard Time", "Europe/Zurich" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Antarctica/Mawson" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Ashgabat" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Dushanbe" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Oral Asia/Aqtau Asia/Aqtobe" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Tashkent Asia/Samarkand" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Asia/Tashkent" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-5" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Indian/Kerguelen" },
{ "West Asia Standard Time", "Indian/Maldives" },
{ "West Pacific Standard Time", "Antarctica/DumontDUrville" },
{ "West Pacific Standard Time", "Etc/GMT-10" },
{ "West Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific/Guam" },
{ "West Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific/Port_Moresby" },
{ "West Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific/Saipan" },
{ "West Pacific Standard Time", "Pacific/Truk" },
{ "Yakutsk Standard Time", "Asia/Yakutsk" },
* Read SYSTEM_TIME structure (TS_SYSTEMTIME).\n
* @msdn{cc240478}
@ -1160,6 +1544,109 @@ char* rdp_get_unix_timezone_identifier()
return tzid;
boolean match_unix_timezone_identifier_with_list(const char* tzid, const char* list)
char* p;
char* list_copy;
list_copy = xstrdup(list);
p = strtok(list_copy, " ");
while (p != NULL)
if (strcmp(p, tzid) == 0)
return true;
p = strtok(NULL, " ");
return false;
uint64 rdp_get_windows_time_from_unix_time(time_t unix_time)
uint64 windows_time;
windows_time = (unix_time * 10000000) + 621355968000000000;
return windows_time;
time_t rdp_get_unix_time_from_windows_time(uint64 windows_time)
time_t unix_time;
unix_time = (windows_time - 621355968000000000) / 10000000;
return unix_time;
uint64 rdp_windows_gmtime()
time_t unix_time;
uint64 windows_time;
windows_time = rdp_get_windows_time_from_unix_time(unix_time);
return windows_time;
TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* rdp_detect_windows_time_zone(uint32 bias)
int i, j;
char* tzid;
TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* timezone;
tzid = rdp_get_unix_timezone_identifier();
if (tzid == NULL)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(TimeZoneTable) / sizeof(TIME_ZONE_ENTRY); i++)
if (bias == TimeZoneTable[i].Bias)
for (j = 0; j < sizeof(WindowsTimeZoneIdTable) / sizeof(WINDOWS_TZID_ENTRY); j++)
if (strcmp(TimeZoneTable[i].Id, WindowsTimeZoneIdTable[j].windows) != 0)
if (match_unix_timezone_identifier_with_list(tzid, WindowsTimeZoneIdTable[j].tzid))
timezone = (TIME_ZONE_ENTRY*) xmalloc(sizeof(TIME_ZONE_ENTRY));
memcpy((void*) timezone, (void*) &TimeZoneTable[i], sizeof(TIME_ZONE_ENTRY));
return timezone;
return NULL;
TIME_ZONE_RULE_ENTRY* rdp_get_current_time_zone_rule(TIME_ZONE_RULE_ENTRY* rules, uint32 count)
int i;
uint64 windows_time;
windows_time = rdp_windows_gmtime();
for (i = 0; i < (int) count; i++)
if ((rules[i].TicksStart <= windows_time) && (windows_time >= rules[i].TicksEnd))
return &rules[i];
return NULL;
* Get client time zone information.\n
* @param s stream
@ -1169,8 +1656,8 @@ char* rdp_get_unix_timezone_identifier()
void rdp_get_client_time_zone(STREAM* s, rdpSettings* settings)
time_t t;
char* tzid;
struct tm* local_time;
TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* timezone;
TIME_ZONE_INFO* clientTimeZone;
@ -1202,12 +1689,52 @@ void rdp_get_client_time_zone(STREAM* s, rdpSettings* settings)
clientTimeZone->daylightBias = clientTimeZone->bias + 60;
tzid = rdp_get_unix_timezone_identifier();
timezone = rdp_detect_windows_time_zone(clientTimeZone->bias);
strftime(clientTimeZone->standardName, 32, "%Z, Standard Time", local_time);
clientTimeZone->standardName[31] = 0;
strftime(clientTimeZone->daylightName, 32, "%Z, Summer Time", local_time);
clientTimeZone->daylightName[31] = 0;
if (timezone != NULL)
clientTimeZone->bias = timezone->Bias;
sprintf(clientTimeZone->standardName, "%s", timezone->StandardName);
sprintf(clientTimeZone->daylightName, "%s", timezone->DaylightName);
if ((timezone->SupportsDST) && (timezone->RuleTableCount > 0))
rule = rdp_get_current_time_zone_rule(timezone->RuleTable, timezone->RuleTableCount);
if (rule != NULL)
clientTimeZone->standardBias = 0;
clientTimeZone->daylightBias = rule->DaylightDelta;
clientTimeZone->standardDate.wYear = rule->StandardDate.wYear;
clientTimeZone->standardDate.wMonth = rule->StandardDate.wMonth;
clientTimeZone->standardDate.wDayOfWeek = rule->StandardDate.wDayOfWeek;
clientTimeZone->standardDate.wDay = rule->StandardDate.wDay;
clientTimeZone->standardDate.wHour = rule->StandardDate.wHour;
clientTimeZone->standardDate.wMinute = rule->StandardDate.wMinute;
clientTimeZone->standardDate.wSecond = rule->StandardDate.wSecond;
clientTimeZone->standardDate.wMilliseconds = rule->StandardDate.wMilliseconds;
clientTimeZone->daylightDate.wYear = rule->DaylightDate.wYear;
clientTimeZone->daylightDate.wMonth = rule->DaylightDate.wMonth;
clientTimeZone->daylightDate.wDayOfWeek = rule->DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek;
clientTimeZone->daylightDate.wDay = rule->DaylightDate.wDay;
clientTimeZone->daylightDate.wHour = rule->DaylightDate.wHour;
clientTimeZone->daylightDate.wMinute = rule->DaylightDate.wMinute;
clientTimeZone->daylightDate.wSecond = rule->DaylightDate.wSecond;
clientTimeZone->daylightDate.wMilliseconds = rule->DaylightDate.wMilliseconds;
/* could not detect timezone, fallback to using GMT */
sprintf(clientTimeZone->standardName, "%s", "GMT Standard Time");
sprintf(clientTimeZone->daylightName, "%s", "GMT Daylight Time");
@ -1269,19 +1796,6 @@ void rdp_write_client_time_zone(STREAM* s, rdpSettings* settings)
rdp_get_client_time_zone(s, settings);
clientTimeZone = settings->client_time_zone;
* temporary fix: to be valid the time zone names need to match
* the data that can be found at the following registry location:
* HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones
* We should extract the data out of the registry and hardcode it
* within FreeRDP. We should then be able to figure out the proper
* names to use from the standardBias and daylightBias numerical
* values which we detect.
sprintf(clientTimeZone->standardName, "%s", "GMT Standard Time");
sprintf(clientTimeZone->daylightName, "%s", "GMT Daylight Time");
standardName = (uint8*) freerdp_uniconv_out(settings->uniconv, clientTimeZone->standardName, &length);
standardNameLength = length;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Client
* TZID to Windows TimeZone Identifier Table Generator
* Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau <>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
* this script uses windowsZones.xml which can be obtained at:
namespace WindowsZones
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
string tzid, windows;
const string file = @"WindowsZones.txt";
List<string> list = new List<string>();
StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(file, false);
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(@"windowsZones.xml");
stream.WriteLine("struct _WINDOWS_TZID_ENTRY");
stream.WriteLine("\tconst char* windows;");
stream.WriteLine("\tconst char* tzid;");
stream.WriteLine("typedef struct _WINDOWS_TZID_ENTRY WINDOWS_TZID_ENTRY;");
while (reader.Read())
switch (reader.NodeType)
case XmlNodeType.Element:
if (reader.Name.Equals("mapZone"))
tzid = reader.GetAttribute("type");
windows = reader.GetAttribute("other");
string entry = String.Format("\"{0}\", \"{1}\"", windows, tzid);
if (!list.Contains(entry))
stream.WriteLine("const WINDOWS_TZID_ENTRY WindowsTimeZoneIdTable[] =");
foreach (string entry in list)
stream.Write("\t{ ");
stream.WriteLine(" },");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user