xfreerdp-client: sync
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
#include <winpr/crt.h>
#include <winpr/synch.h>
#include <winpr/file.h>
#include <winpr/print.h>
#include "xf_gdi.h"
#include "xf_rail.h"
@ -89,147 +90,52 @@ static int rtest = 0;
static long xv_port = 0;
static const size_t password_size = 512;
void testIM(size_t cols, size_t rows, void* data)
void * scaledBuf;
XImage* scaled_image;
Pixmap scaled_pixmap;
void setScale(rdpContext* context, double scale)
int w2, h2;
rdpGdi* gdi;
xfInfo* xfi;
//lets just dump it
FILE * pFile;
xfi = ((xfContext*) context)->xfi;
gdi = context->gdi;
pFile = fopen("dump.raw", "wb");
fwrite(data, 1, 4 * cols * rows, pFile);
int w, h;
Image* im;
Image* im_scaled;
ExceptionInfo* e;
MagickBooleanType ret;
ImageInfo* i_info;
MagickCoreGenesis("/tmp/", MagickTrue);
e = AcquireExceptionInfo();
w = cols / 2;
h = rows / 2;
if(w == 0)
w = 1;
if(h == 0)
h = 1;
im = ConstituteImage(cols, rows, "RGBA", CharPixel, data, e);
im_scaled = ResizeImage(im, w, h, LanczosFilter, 1.0, e);
if (im_scaled == (Image *) NULL)
//for now only run once
if(rtest == 0)
MagickError(e->severity, e->reason, e->description);
printf("cols:%d rows:%d\n", cols, rows);
printf("w:%d h:%d\n", w, h);
//must be careful here with rounding
w2 = (int)(gdi->width * scale);
h2 = (int)(gdi->height * scale);
printf("gdi: %dx%d, xfi: %dx%d\n", gdi->width, gdi->height, xfi->width, xfi->height);
printf("creating scaled buffer\n");
printf("%dx%d -> %.2f -> %dx%d (%d bytes)\n", gdi->width, gdi->height, scale, w2, h2, 4*w2*h2);
scaledBuf = malloc(4 * w2 * h2);
scaled_image = XCreateImage(xfi->display, xfi->visual, xfi->depth, ZPixmap, 0,
(char*) scaledBuf, w2, h2, xfi->scanline_pad, 0);
scaled_pixmap = XCreatePixmap(xfi->display, xfi->drawable,
w2, h2, xfi->depth);
ret = ExportImagePixels(im_scaled, 0, 0, w, h, "RGBA", CharPixel, data, e);
/*i_info=CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) NULL);
strcpy(im->filename, "atest.png");
WriteImage(NULL, im);
printf("wrote image\n");
//i_info = DestroyImageInfo(i_info);
im = DestroyImage(im);
im_scaled = DestroyImage(im_scaled);
// ExportImagePixels(image,0,0,640,1,"RGB",CharPixel,pixels,exception);
/* Upscaling the image uses simple bilinear interpolation */
int up_scale_image(
const unsigned char* const orig,
int width, int height, int channels,
unsigned char* resampled,
int resampled_width, int resampled_height
float dx, dy;
int x, y, c;
/* error(s) check */
if ( (width < 1) || (height < 1) ||
(resampled_width < 2) || (resampled_height < 2) ||
(channels < 1) ||
(NULL == orig) || (NULL == resampled) )
/* signify badness */
return 0;
for each given pixel in the new map, find the exact location
from the original map which would contribute to this guy
dx = (width - 1.0f) / (resampled_width - 1.0f);
dy = (height - 1.0f) / (resampled_height - 1.0f);
for ( y = 0; y < resampled_height; ++y )
/* find the base y index and fractional offset from that */
float sampley = y * dy;
int inty = (int)sampley;
/* if( inty < 0 ) { inty = 0; } else */
if( inty > height - 2 ) { inty = height - 2; }
sampley -= inty;
for ( x = 0; x < resampled_width; ++x )
float samplex = x * dx;
int intx = (int)samplex;
int base_index;
/* find the base x index and fractional offset from that */
/* if( intx < 0 ) { intx = 0; } else */
if( intx > width - 2 ) { intx = width - 2; }
samplex -= intx;
/* base index into the original image */
base_index = (inty * width + intx) * channels;
for ( c = 0; c < channels; ++c )
/* do the sampling */
float value = 0.5f;
value += orig[base_index]
value += orig[base_index+channels]
value += orig[base_index+width*channels]
value += orig[base_index+width*channels+channels]
/* move to the next channel */
/* save the new value */
resampled[y*resampled_width*channels+x*channels+c] =
(unsigned char)(value);
/* done */
return 1;
void xf_context_new(freerdp* instance, rdpContext* context)
context->channels = freerdp_channels_new();
@ -325,48 +231,93 @@ void xf_sw_end_paint(rdpContext* context)
//copy from xfi->primary to xfi->window->handle
XCopyArea(xfi->display, xfi->primary, xfi->window->handle, xfi->gc, x, y, w, h, x, y);
//XCopyArea(xfi->display, xfi->primary, xfi->window->handle, xfi->gc, x, y, w, h, x, y);
//try resizing the entire screen
int w, h;
//int w, h;
int w2, h2;
int x2, y2;
int i;
XImage xi_small;
Image* im_orig;
Image* im_small;
Image* im_re;
ExceptionInfo* e;
MagickBooleanType ret;
w = 1024;
h = 768;
double scale;
w2 = w/2;
h2 = h/2;
scale = 0.5;
setScale(context, scale);
w2 = (int)(w * scale);
h2 = (int)(h * scale);
x2 = (int)(x * scale);
y2 = (int)(y * scale);
if(w2 == 0)
if(h2 == 0)
MagickCoreGenesis("/tmp/", MagickTrue);
e = AcquireExceptionInfo();
XPutImage(xfi->display, xfi->primary, xfi->gc, xfi->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1024, 768);
//XPutImage(xfi->display, xfi->primary, xfi->gc, xfi->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1024, 768);
im_orig = ConstituteImage(w, h, "RGBA", CharPixel, (void *)xfi->image->data, e);
im_small = ResizeImage(im_orig, w2, h2, LanczosFilter, 1.0, e);
im_re = ResizeImage(im_orig, w2, h2, LanczosFilter, 1.0, e);
ret = CompositeImage(im_orig, AtopCompositeOp, im_small, 0, 0);
//ret = CompositeImage(im_orig, AtopCompositeOp, im_re, 0, 0);
ret = ExportImagePixels(im_orig, 0, 0, w, h, "RGBA", CharPixel, (void *)xfi->image->data, e);
//XPutImage(xfi->display, scaled_pixmap, xfi->gc, scaled_image, x2, y2, x2, y2, w2, h2);
XPutImage(xfi->display, scaled_pixmap, xfi->gc, scaled_image, x2, y2, x2, y2, w2, h2);
XCopyArea(xfi->display, xfi->primary, xfi->window->handle, xfi->gc, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0);
//printf("export bpl:%d calc:%d\n", scaled_image->bytes_per_line, 4*w2);
//ret = ExportImagePixels(im_re, 0, 0, w2, h2, "RGBA", CharPixel, scaled_image->data, e); //???
printf("rect: %dx%d @ %d, %d\n", w2, h2, x2, y2);
printf("im_re: %dx%d\n", im_re->columns, im_re->rows);
printf("address of data: %p\naddress of scaledBuf: %p\naddress of calculated offset: %p\n",
scaled_image->data + (scaled_image->bytes_per_line * y2));
for(i = 0; i < h2; i++)
int offset;
offset = scaled_image->bytes_per_line * (i);
offset += x2 * 4;
//printf("\toffset:%d i:%d/%d \n", offset, i, h2-1);
ret = ExportImagePixels(im_re, 0, i, im_re->columns, 1, "RGBA", CharPixel, scaled_image->data + offset, e);
XCopyArea(xfi->display, scaled_pixmap, xfi->window->handle, xfi->gc, x2, y2, w, h, x2, y2);
im_orig = DestroyImage(im_orig);
im_small = DestroyImage(im_small);
im_re = DestroyImage(im_re);
char tmp;
scanf("%c", &tmp);
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