[warnings] fix implicit widening conversion
This commit is contained in:
@ -404,9 +404,9 @@ UINT cliprdr_read_format_list(wStream* s, CLIPRDR_FORMAT_LIST* formatList, BOOL
else if (!useLongFormatNames)
const size_t cap = Stream_Capacity(sub1);
formatList->numFormats = (cap / 36);
formatList->numFormats = (cap / 36ULL);
if ((formatList->numFormats * 36) != cap)
if ((36ULL * formatList->numFormats) != cap)
WLog_ERR(TAG, "Invalid short format list length: %" PRIuz "", cap);
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static UINT encomsp_read_unicode_string(wStream* s, ENCOMSP_UNICODE_STRING* str)
if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLengthOfSize(TAG, s, str->cchString, sizeof(WCHAR)))
Stream_Read(s, &(str->wString), (str->cchString * 2)); /* String (variable) */
Stream_Read(s, &(str->wString), (sizeof(WCHAR) * str->cchString)); /* String (variable) */
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ static DWORD WINAPI copyThread(void* data)
Plugin* plugin = (Plugin*)data;
size_t const bufsize = 16 * 1024;
size_t const bufsize = 16ULL * 1024ULL;
while (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ static INLINE UINT32 rdpgfx_estimate_h264_avc420(const RDPGFX_AVC420_BITMAP_STRE
/* H264 metadata + H264 stream. See rdpgfx_write_h264_avc420 */
return sizeof(UINT32) /* numRegionRects */
+ 10 /* regionRects + quantQualityVals */
+ 10ULL /* regionRects + quantQualityVals */
* havc420->meta.numRegionRects +
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ static int rdpsnd_alsa_set_sw_params(rdpsndAlsaPlugin* alsa)
SND_PCM_CHECK("snd_pcm_sw_params_malloc", status);
status = snd_pcm_sw_params_current(alsa->pcm_handle, sw_params);
SND_PCM_CHECK("snd_pcm_sw_params_current", status);
status = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min(alsa->pcm_handle, sw_params,
(alsa->aformat.nChannels * alsa->actual_channels));
status = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min(
alsa->pcm_handle, sw_params, (1ULL * alsa->aformat.nChannels * alsa->actual_channels));
SND_PCM_CHECK("snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min", status);
status = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold(alsa->pcm_handle, sw_params,
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ static BOOL rdpsnd_pulse_open_stream(rdpsndDevicePlugin* device)
if (pulse->latency > 0)
buffer_attr.maxlength = UINT32_MAX;
buffer_attr.tlength = pa_usec_to_bytes(pulse->latency * 1000, &pulse->sample_spec);
buffer_attr.tlength = pa_usec_to_bytes(1000ULL * pulse->latency, &pulse->sample_spec);
buffer_attr.prebuf = UINT32_MAX;
buffer_attr.minreq = UINT32_MAX;
buffer_attr.fragsize = UINT32_MAX;
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ static UINT rdpsnd_server_select_format(RdpsndServerContext* context, UINT16 cli
switch (format->wFormatTag)
bs = (format->nBlockAlign - 4 * format->nChannels) * 4;
bs = 4ULL * (format->nBlockAlign - 4ULL * format->nChannels);
context->priv->out_frames -= context->priv->out_frames % bs;
if (context->priv->out_frames < bs)
@ -146,15 +146,13 @@ static BOOL tsmf_alsa_play(ITSMFAudioDevice* audio, const BYTE* src, UINT32 data
int frames = 0;
const BYTE* end = NULL;
const BYTE* pindex = NULL;
int rbytes_per_frame = 0;
int sbytes_per_frame = 0;
TSMFAlsaAudioDevice* alsa = (TSMFAlsaAudioDevice*)audio;
DEBUG_TSMF("data_size %" PRIu32 "", data_size);
if (alsa->out_handle)
sbytes_per_frame = alsa->source_channels * alsa->bytes_per_sample;
rbytes_per_frame = alsa->actual_channels * alsa->bytes_per_sample;
const size_t sbytes_per_frame = 1ULL * alsa->source_channels * alsa->bytes_per_sample;
const size_t rbytes_per_frame = 1ULL * alsa->actual_channels * alsa->bytes_per_sample;
pindex = src;
end = pindex + data_size;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#define AUDIO_TOLERANCE 10000000LL
/* 1 second = 10,000,000 100ns units*/
#define VIDEO_ADJUST_MAX 10 * 1000 * 1000
#define VIDEO_ADJUST_MAX 10ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL
#define MAX_ACK_TIME 666667
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ static UINT urb_isoch_transfer(IUDEVICE* pdev, GENERIC_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callbac
packetDescriptorData = Stream_Pointer(s);
Stream_Seek(s, NumberOfPackets * 12);
Stream_Seek(s, 12ULL * NumberOfPackets);
if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLength(TAG, s, sizeof(UINT32)))
@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ static int libusb_udev_isoch_transfer(IUDEVICE* idev, GENERIC_CHANNEL_CALLBACK*
struct libusb_transfer* iso_transfer = NULL;
size_t outSize = (NumberOfPackets * 12);
size_t outSize = (12ULL * NumberOfPackets);
uint32_t streamID = 0x40000000 | RequestId;
if (!pdev || !pdev->urbdrc)
@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ static int libusb_udev_isoch_transfer(IUDEVICE* idev, GENERIC_CHANNEL_CALLBACK*
user_data->StartFrame = StartFrame;
if (!Buffer)
Stream_Seek(user_data->data, (NumberOfPackets * 12));
Stream_Seek(user_data->data, (12ULL * NumberOfPackets));
if (NumberOfPackets > 0)
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static BOOL PresentationContext_ref(PresentationContext* presentation)
static PresentationContext* PresentationContext_new(VideoClientContext* video, BYTE PresentationId,
UINT32 x, UINT32 y, UINT32 width, UINT32 height)
size_t s = width * height * 4ULL;
size_t s = 4ULL * width * height;
VideoClientContextPriv* priv = NULL;
PresentationContext* ret = NULL;
@ -647,9 +647,9 @@ static UINT video_control_send_client_notification(VideoClientContext* context,
Stream_Write_UINT32(s, notif->FramerateOverride.Flags);
Stream_Write_UINT32(s, notif->FramerateOverride.DesiredFrameRate);
Stream_Zero(s, 4 * 2);
Stream_Zero(s, 4ULL * 2ULL);
cbSize += 4 * 4;
cbSize += 4UL * 4UL;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ static BOOL wlf_Pointer_New(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer)
if (!ptr)
return FALSE;
ptr->size = pointer->width * pointer->height * 4ULL;
ptr->size = 4ULL * pointer->width * pointer->height;
ptr->data = winpr_aligned_malloc(ptr->size, 16);
if (!ptr->data)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static BOOL wlf_Pointer_Set(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer)
!wlf_scale_coordinates(context, &w, &h, FALSE))
return FALSE;
size = w * h * 4ULL;
size = 4ULL * w * h;
data = malloc(size);
if (!data)
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ static BOOL wlf_Pointer_Set(rdpContext* context, rdpPointer* pointer)
area.right = (UINT16)pointer->width;
area.bottom = (UINT16)pointer->height;
if (!wlf_copy_image(ptr->data, pointer->width * 4, pointer->width, pointer->height, data, w * 4,
w, h, &area,
if (!wlf_copy_image(ptr->data, 4ULL * pointer->width, pointer->width, pointer->height, data,
4ULL * w, w, h, &area,
freerdp_settings_get_bool(context->settings, FreeRDP_SmartSizing)))
goto fail;
@ -754,8 +754,8 @@ BOOL wlf_copy_image(const void* src, size_t srcStride, size_t srcWidth, size_t s
const size_t baseSrcOffset = area->top * srcStride + area->left * 4;
const size_t baseDstOffset = area->top * dstStride + area->left * 4;
const size_t baseSrcOffset = 1ULL * area->top * srcStride + 4ULL * area->left;
const size_t baseDstOffset = 1ULL * area->top * dstStride + 4ULL * area->left;
const size_t width = MIN((size_t)area->right - area->left, dstWidth - area->left);
const size_t height = MIN((size_t)area->bottom - area->top, dstHeight - area->top);
const BYTE* psrc = (const BYTE*)src;
@ -226,29 +226,30 @@ static int xf_tsmf_xv_video_frame_event(TsmfClientContext* tsmf, TSMF_VIDEO_FRAM
if (image->pitches[0] == event->frameWidth)
CopyMemory(image->data + image->offsets[0], event->frameData,
event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight);
1ULL * event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight);
for (int i = 0; i < event->frameHeight; i++)
CopyMemory(image->data + image->offsets[0] + i * image->pitches[0],
event->frameData + i * event->frameWidth, event->frameWidth);
CopyMemory(image->data + 1ULL * image->offsets[0] +
1ULL * i * image->pitches[0],
event->frameData + 1ULL * i * event->frameWidth, event->frameWidth);
/* UV */
/* Conversion between I420 and YV12 is to simply swap U and V */
if (!converti420yv12)
data1 = event->frameData + event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight;
data2 = event->frameData + event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight +
event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight / 4;
data1 = event->frameData + 1ULL * event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight;
data2 = event->frameData + 1ULL * event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight +
1ULL * event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight / 4;
data2 = event->frameData + event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight;
data1 = event->frameData + event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight +
event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight / 4;
data2 = event->frameData + 1ULL * event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight;
data1 = event->frameData + 1ULL * event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight +
1ULL * event->frameWidth * event->frameHeight / 4;
image->id = pixfmt == RDP_PIXFMT_I420 ? RDP_PIXFMT_YV12 : RDP_PIXFMT_I420;
@ -263,10 +264,12 @@ static int xf_tsmf_xv_video_frame_event(TsmfClientContext* tsmf, TSMF_VIDEO_FRAM
for (int i = 0; i < event->frameHeight / 2; i++)
CopyMemory(image->data + image->offsets[1] + i * image->pitches[1],
data1 + i * event->frameWidth / 2, event->frameWidth / 2);
CopyMemory(image->data + image->offsets[2] + i * image->pitches[2],
data2 + i * event->frameWidth / 2, event->frameWidth / 2);
CopyMemory(image->data + 1ULL * image->offsets[1] +
1ULL * i * image->pitches[1],
data1 + 1ULL * i * event->frameWidth / 2, event->frameWidth / 2);
CopyMemory(image->data + 1ULL * image->offsets[2] +
1ULL * i * image->pitches[2],
data2 + 1ULL * i * event->frameWidth / 2, event->frameWidth / 2);
@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ static void cliprdr_file_fuse_read(fuse_req_t fuse_req, fuse_ino_t fuse_ino, siz
size = MIN(size, 8 * 1024 * 1024);
size = MIN(size, 8ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL);
result = request_file_range_async(file_context, fuse_file, fuse_req, offset, size);
@ -1910,7 +1910,7 @@ static BOOL set_selection_for_clip_data_entry(CliprdrFileContext* file_context,
filetime += file->ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
fuse_file->last_write_time_unix =
filetime / (10 * 1000 * 1000) - WIN32_FILETIME_TO_UNIX_EPOCH;
1ULL * filetime / (10ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL) - WIN32_FILETIME_TO_UNIX_EPOCH;
fuse_file->has_last_write_time = TRUE;
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ static int persistent_cache_read_v3(rdpPersistentCache* persistent)
if (fread((void*)&entry, sizeof(entry), 1, persistent->fp) != 1)
if (fseek(persistent->fp, (entry.width * entry.height * 4), SEEK_CUR) != 0)
if (fseek(persistent->fp, (4ULL * entry.width * entry.height), SEEK_CUR) != 0)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ static INLINE UINT16 out_copy_count_2(UINT16 in_count, wStream* WINPR_RESTRICT i
Stream_Write_UINT16(in_s, in_count);
Stream_Write(in_s, Stream_Buffer(in_data), in_count * 2);
Stream_Write(in_s, Stream_Buffer(in_data), 2ULL * in_count);
Stream_SetPosition(in_data, 0);
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ static INLINE UINT16 out_copy_count_3(UINT16 in_count, wStream* WINPR_RESTRICT i
Stream_Write_UINT16(in_s, in_count);
Stream_Write(in_s, Stream_Pointer(in_data), in_count * 3);
Stream_Write(in_s, Stream_Pointer(in_data), 3ULL * in_count);
Stream_SetPosition(in_data, 0);
@ -484,16 +484,16 @@ static INLINE SSIZE_T freerdp_bitmap_compress_24(const void* WINPR_RESTRICT srcD
UINT16 fom_count = 0;
size_t fom_mask_len = 0;
const char* start = (const char*)srcData;
const char* line = start + width * start_line * 4;
const char* line = start + 4ULL * width * start_line;
const char* last_line = NULL;
while ((line >= start) && (out_count < 32768))
size_t i = Stream_GetPosition(s) + count * 3U;
size_t i = Stream_GetPosition(s) + 3ULL * count;
if ((i - (color_count * 3) >= byte_limit) && (i - (bicolor_count * 3) >= byte_limit) &&
(i - (fill_count * 3) >= byte_limit) && (i - (mix_count * 3) >= byte_limit) &&
(i - (fom_count * 3) >= byte_limit))
if ((i - (3ULL * color_count) >= byte_limit) &&
(i - (3ULL * bicolor_count) >= byte_limit) && (i - (3ULL * fill_count) >= byte_limit) &&
(i - (3ULL * mix_count) >= byte_limit) && (i - (3ULL * fom_count) >= byte_limit))
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ static INLINE SSIZE_T freerdp_bitmap_compress_24(const void* WINPR_RESTRICT srcD
last_line = line;
line = line - width * 4;
line = line - 4ULL * width;
@ -790,16 +790,16 @@ static INLINE SSIZE_T freerdp_bitmap_compress_16(const void* WINPR_RESTRICT srcD
UINT16 fom_count = 0;
size_t fom_mask_len = 0;
const char* start = (const char*)srcData;
const char* line = start + width * start_line * 2;
const char* line = start + 2ULL * width * start_line;
const char* last_line = NULL;
while ((line >= start) && (out_count < 32768))
size_t i = Stream_GetPosition(s) + count * 2;
size_t i = Stream_GetPosition(s) + 2ULL * count;
if ((i - (color_count * 2) >= byte_limit) && (i - (bicolor_count * 2) >= byte_limit) &&
(i - (fill_count * 2) >= byte_limit) && (i - (mix_count * 2) >= byte_limit) &&
(i - (fom_count * 2) >= byte_limit))
if ((i - (2ULL * color_count) >= byte_limit) &&
(i - (2ULL * bicolor_count) >= byte_limit) && (i - (2ULL * fill_count) >= byte_limit) &&
(i - (2ULL * mix_count) >= byte_limit) && (i - (2ULL * fom_count) >= byte_limit))
@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ static INLINE SSIZE_T freerdp_bitmap_compress_16(const void* WINPR_RESTRICT srcD
last_line = line;
line = line - width * 2;
line = line - 2ULL * width;
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ static BOOL clear_decompress_bands_data(CLEAR_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT clear,
if (!resize_vbar_entry(clear, vBarShortEntry))
return FALSE;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < vBarShortPixelCount; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < vBarShortPixelCount; y++)
BYTE r = 0;
BYTE g = 0;
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ static BOOL clear_decompress_bands_data(CLEAR_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT clear,
return FALSE;
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < count; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < count; x++)
UINT32 color = 0;
color = FreeRDPReadColor(&pSrcPixel[x * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(clear->format)],
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ BYTE* freerdp_glyph_convert(UINT32 width, UINT32 height, const BYTE* WINPR_RESTR
if (!dstData)
return NULL;
ZeroMemory(dstData, width * height);
ZeroMemory(dstData, 1ULL * width * height);
BYTE* dstp = dstData;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ BOOL freerdp_image_copy_from_monochrome(BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pDstData, UINT32 Ds
const UINT32 monoStep = (nWidth + 7) / 8;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
BYTE* pDstLine = &pDstData[((nYDst + y) * nDstStep)];
UINT32 monoBit = 0x80;
const BYTE* monoBits = &pSrcData[monoStep * y];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
BYTE* pDstPixel = &pDstLine[((nXDst + x) * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat))];
BOOL monoPixel = (*monoBits & monoBit) ? TRUE : FALSE;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static void fill_gdi_palette_for_icon(const BYTE* colorTable, UINT16 cbColorTabl
for (UINT16 i = 0; i < cbColorTable / 4; i++)
palette->palette[i] = FreeRDPReadColor_int(&colorTable[4 * i], palette->format);
palette->palette[i] = FreeRDPReadColor_int(&colorTable[4ULL * i], palette->format);
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ BOOL freerdp_image_copy_from_icon_data(BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pDstData, UINT32 Dst
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
maskByte = &bitsMask[stride * (nHeight - 1 - y)];
maskByte = &bitsMask[1ULL * stride * (nHeight - 1 - y)];
nextBit = 0x80;
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
@ -319,12 +319,12 @@ static BOOL freerdp_image_copy_from_pointer_data_1bpp(
if (andStep * nHeight > andMaskLength)
return FALSE;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const BYTE* andBits = NULL;
const BYTE* xorBits = NULL;
BYTE* pDstPixel =
&pDstData[((nYDst + y) * nDstStep) + (nXDst * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat))];
BYTE* pDstPixel = &pDstData[((nYDst + y) * nDstStep) +
(1ULL * nXDst * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat))];
xorBit = andBit = 0x80;
if (!vFlip)
@ -417,12 +417,12 @@ static BOOL freerdp_image_copy_from_pointer_data_xbpp(
return FALSE;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const BYTE* xorBits = NULL;
const BYTE* andBits = NULL;
BYTE* pDstPixel =
&pDstData[((nYDst + y) * nDstStep) + (nXDst * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat))];
BYTE* pDstPixel = &pDstData[((nYDst + y) * nDstStep) +
(1ULL * nXDst * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat))];
andBit = 0x80;
if (!vFlip)
@ -554,10 +554,10 @@ static INLINE BOOL overlapping(const BYTE* pDstData, UINT32 nXDst, UINT32 nYDst,
UINT32 nYSrc, UINT32 nSrcStep, UINT32 srcBytesPerPixel,
UINT32 nWidth, UINT32 nHeight)
const BYTE* pDstStart = &pDstData[nXDst * dstBytesPerPixel + nYDst * nDstStep];
const BYTE* pDstEnd = pDstStart + nHeight * nDstStep;
const BYTE* pSrcStart = &pSrcData[nXSrc * srcBytesPerPixel + nYSrc * nSrcStep];
const BYTE* pSrcEnd = pSrcStart + nHeight * nSrcStep;
const BYTE* pDstStart = &pDstData[1ULL * nXDst * dstBytesPerPixel + 1ULL * nYDst * nDstStep];
const BYTE* pDstEnd = pDstStart + 1ULL * nHeight * nDstStep;
const BYTE* pSrcStart = &pSrcData[1ULL * nXSrc * srcBytesPerPixel + 1ULL * nYSrc * nSrcStep];
const BYTE* pSrcEnd = pSrcStart + 1ULL * nHeight * nSrcStep;
@ -819,10 +819,10 @@ BOOL freerdp_image_copy_overlap(BYTE* pDstData, DWORD DstFormat, UINT32 nDstStep
const BYTE* srcLine = &pSrcData[srcVMultiplier * (y + nYSrc) * nSrcStep + srcVOffset];
BYTE* dstLine = &pDstData[dstVMultiplier * (y + nYDst) * nDstStep + dstVOffset];
UINT32 color = FreeRDPReadColor_int(&srcLine[nXSrc * srcByte], SrcFormat);
UINT32 color = FreeRDPReadColor_int(&srcLine[1ULL * nXSrc * srcByte], SrcFormat);
UINT32 oldColor = color;
UINT32 dstColor = FreeRDPConvertColor(color, SrcFormat, DstFormat, palette);
FreeRDPWriteColor_int(&dstLine[nXDst * dstByte], DstFormat, dstColor);
FreeRDPWriteColor_int(&dstLine[1ULL * nXDst * dstByte], DstFormat, dstColor);
for (SSIZE_T x = 1; x < nWidth; x++)
color = FreeRDPReadColor_int(&srcLine[(x + nXSrc) * srcByte], SrcFormat);
@ -889,18 +889,18 @@ BOOL freerdp_image_fill(BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pDstData, DWORD DstFormat, UINT32 n
if (nDstStep == 0)
nDstStep = (nXDst + nWidth) * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat);
pFirstDstLine = &pDstData[nYDst * nDstStep];
pFirstDstLineXOffset = &pFirstDstLine[nXDst * bpp];
pFirstDstLine = &pDstData[1ULL * nYDst * nDstStep];
pFirstDstLineXOffset = &pFirstDstLine[1ULL * nXDst * bpp];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
BYTE* pDst = &pFirstDstLine[(x + nXDst) * bpp];
FreeRDPWriteColor_int(pDst, DstFormat, color);
for (UINT32 y = 1; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 1; y < nHeight; y++)
BYTE* pDstLine = &pDstData[(y + nYDst) * nDstStep + nXDst * bpp];
BYTE* pDstLine = &pDstData[(y + nYDst) * nDstStep + 1ULL * nXDst * bpp];
memcpy(pDstLine, pFirstDstLineXOffset, 1ull * nWidth * bpp);
@ -1481,7 +1481,8 @@ BOOL freerdp_dsp_context_reset(FREERDP_DSP_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT context,
size_t min_frame_data = 1ull * context->common.format.wBitsPerSample *
context->common.format.nChannels * FramesPerPacket;
size_t data_per_block =
(context->common.format.nBlockAlign - 4 * context->common.format.nChannels) * 8;
(1ULL * context->common.format.nBlockAlign - 4ULL * context->common.format.nChannels) *
size_t nb_block_per_packet = min_frame_data / data_per_block;
if (min_frame_data % data_per_block)
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ static INLINE BOOL diff_tile(const RECTANGLE_16* regionRect, BYTE* pYUVData[3],
if (regionRect->right / 2u > iStride[2])
return FALSE;
for (UINT16 y = regionRect->top; y < regionRect->bottom; y++)
for (size_t y = regionRect->top; y < regionRect->bottom; y++)
const BYTE* cur0 = &pYUVData[0][y * iStride[0]];
const BYTE* cur1 = &pYUVData[1][y * iStride[1]];
@ -2679,7 +2679,7 @@ int ncrush_compress(NCRUSH_CONTEXT* ncrush, const BYTE* pSrcData, UINT32 SrcSize
if (IndexLEC * 2ull >= ARRAYSIZE(HuffCodeLEC))
return -1;
CodeLEC = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[IndexLEC * 2]);
CodeLEC = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[2ULL * IndexLEC]);
if (BitLength > 15)
return -1006;
@ -2773,7 +2773,7 @@ int ncrush_compress(NCRUSH_CONTEXT* ncrush, const BYTE* pSrcData, UINT32 SrcSize
if (IndexLEC * 2ull >= ARRAYSIZE(HuffCodeLEC))
return -1;
CodeLEC = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[IndexLEC * 2]);
CodeLEC = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[2ULL * IndexLEC]);
if (BitLength > 15)
return -1008;
@ -2820,7 +2820,7 @@ int ncrush_compress(NCRUSH_CONTEXT* ncrush, const BYTE* pSrcData, UINT32 SrcSize
BitLength = HuffLengthLEC[IndexLEC];
if (IndexLEC * 2ull >= ARRAYSIZE(HuffCodeLEC))
return -1;
CodeLEC = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[IndexLEC * 2]);
CodeLEC = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[2ULL * IndexLEC]);
if (BitLength >= 15)
return -1011;
@ -2879,7 +2879,7 @@ int ncrush_compress(NCRUSH_CONTEXT* ncrush, const BYTE* pSrcData, UINT32 SrcSize
if (IndexLEC * 2ull >= ARRAYSIZE(HuffCodeLEC))
return -1;
BitLength = HuffLengthLEC[IndexLEC];
CodeLEC = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[IndexLEC * 2]);
CodeLEC = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[2ULL * IndexLEC]);
if (BitLength > 15)
return -1014;
@ -2903,7 +2903,7 @@ int ncrush_compress(NCRUSH_CONTEXT* ncrush, const BYTE* pSrcData, UINT32 SrcSize
if (BitLength > 15)
return -1015;
bits = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[IndexLEC * 2]);
bits = get_word(&HuffCodeLEC[2ULL * IndexLEC]);
NCrushWriteBits(&DstPtr, &accumulator, &offset, bits, BitLength);
NCrushWriteFinish(&DstPtr, accumulator);
const intptr_t dsize = DstPtr - pDstData;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static BOOL nsc_decode(NSC_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT context)
if (!bmpdata)
return FALSE;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < context->height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < context->height; y++)
const BYTE* yplane = NULL;
const BYTE* coplane = NULL;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ fail:
static BOOL nsc_encode_argb_to_aycocg(NSC_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT context,
const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT data, UINT32 scanline)
UINT16 y = 0;
size_t y = 0;
UINT16 rw = 0;
BYTE ccl = 0;
const BYTE* src = NULL;
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ static BOOL nsc_encode_subsampling(NSC_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT context)
if (tempWidth > context->priv->PlaneBuffersLength / tempHeight)
return FALSE;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < tempHeight >> 1; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < tempHeight >> 1; y++)
BYTE* co_dst = context->priv->PlaneBuffers[1] + y * (tempWidth >> 1);
BYTE* cg_dst = context->priv->PlaneBuffers[2] + y * (tempWidth >> 1);
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ static INLINE INT32 planar_decompress_plane_rle_only(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT
for (INT32 y = 0; y < (INT32)nHeight; y++)
BYTE* dstp = &pDstData[((y) * (INT32)nWidth)];
BYTE* dstp = &pDstData[(1ULL * (y) * (INT32)nWidth)];
pixel = 0;
currentScanline = dstp;
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ static INLINE INT32 planar_decompress_plane_rle(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcD
pixel = deltaValue;
deltaValue = previousScanline[x * 4] + pixel;
deltaValue = previousScanline[4LL * x] + pixel;
*dstp = deltaValue;
dstp += 4;
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ static INLINE INT32 planar_decompress_plane_rle(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcD
while (nRunLength > 0)
deltaValue = previousScanline[x * 4] + pixel;
deltaValue = previousScanline[4LL * x] + pixel;
*dstp = deltaValue;
dstp += 4;
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ static BOOL planar_subsample_expand(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT plane, size_t pla
return FALSE;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const BYTE* src = plane + y / 2 * nPlaneWidth;
@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ static INLINE BOOL freerdp_split_color_planes(BITMAP_PLANAR_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTR
UINT32 k = 0;
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < height; i++)
const BYTE* pixel = &data[scanline * (UINT32)i];
const BYTE* pixel = &data[1ULL * scanline * (UINT32)i];
for (UINT32 j = 0; j < width; j++)
@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ static INLINE BOOL freerdp_split_color_planes(BITMAP_PLANAR_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTR
for (INT64 i = (INT64)height - 1; i >= 0; i--)
const BYTE* pixel = &data[scanline * (UINT32)i];
const BYTE* pixel = &data[1ULL * scanline * (UINT32)i];
for (UINT32 j = 0; j < width; j++)
@ -1728,14 +1728,14 @@ BOOL freerdp_bitmap_planar_context_reset(BITMAP_PLANAR_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT c
return FALSE;
context->rlePlanesBuffer = tmp;
context->planes[0] = &context->planesBuffer[context->maxPlaneSize * 0];
context->planes[1] = &context->planesBuffer[context->maxPlaneSize * 1];
context->planes[2] = &context->planesBuffer[context->maxPlaneSize * 2];
context->planes[3] = &context->planesBuffer[context->maxPlaneSize * 3];
context->deltaPlanes[0] = &context->deltaPlanesBuffer[context->maxPlaneSize * 0];
context->deltaPlanes[1] = &context->deltaPlanesBuffer[context->maxPlaneSize * 1];
context->deltaPlanes[2] = &context->deltaPlanesBuffer[context->maxPlaneSize * 2];
context->deltaPlanes[3] = &context->deltaPlanesBuffer[context->maxPlaneSize * 3];
context->planes[0] = &context->planesBuffer[0ULL * context->maxPlaneSize];
context->planes[1] = &context->planesBuffer[1ULL * context->maxPlaneSize];
context->planes[2] = &context->planesBuffer[2ULL * context->maxPlaneSize];
context->planes[3] = &context->planesBuffer[3ULL * context->maxPlaneSize];
context->deltaPlanes[0] = &context->deltaPlanesBuffer[0ULL * context->maxPlaneSize];
context->deltaPlanes[1] = &context->deltaPlanesBuffer[1ULL * context->maxPlaneSize];
context->deltaPlanes[2] = &context->deltaPlanesBuffer[2ULL * context->maxPlaneSize];
context->deltaPlanes[3] = &context->deltaPlanesBuffer[3ULL * context->maxPlaneSize];
return TRUE;
@ -393,12 +393,12 @@ static INLINE RFX_PROGRESSIVE_TILE* progressive_tile_new(void)
goto fail;
memset(tile->data, 0xFF, dataLen);
size_t signLen = (8192 + 32) * 3;
size_t signLen = (8192ULL + 32ULL) * 3ULL;
tile->sign = (BYTE*)winpr_aligned_malloc(signLen, 16);
if (!tile->sign)
goto fail;
size_t currentLen = (8192 + 32) * 3;
size_t currentLen = (8192ULL + 32ULL) * 3ULL;
tile->current = (BYTE*)winpr_aligned_malloc(currentLen, 16);
if (!tile->current)
goto fail;
@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ static INLINE int progressive_rfx_decode_component(
if (status < 0)
return status;
CopyMemory(sign, buffer, 4096 * 2);
CopyMemory(sign, buffer, 4096ULL * 2ULL);
if (!extrapolate)
rfx_differential_decode(buffer + 4032, 64);
@ -2622,7 +2622,7 @@ PROGRESSIVE_CONTEXT* progressive_context_new_ex(BOOL Compressor, UINT32 Threadin
progressive->rects = Stream_New(NULL, 1024);
if (!progressive->rects)
goto fail;
progressive->bufferPool = BufferPool_New(TRUE, (8192 + 32) * 3, 16);
progressive->bufferPool = BufferPool_New(TRUE, (8192LL + 32LL) * 3LL, 16);
if (!progressive->bufferPool)
goto fail;
progressive->SurfaceContexts = HashTable_New(TRUE);
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ BOOL region16_union_rect(REGION16* dst, const REGION16* src, const RECTANGLE_16*
return TRUE;
newItems = allocateRegion((1 + region16_n_rects(src)) * 4);
newItems = allocateRegion((1ULL + 4ULL * region16_n_rects(src)));
if (!newItems)
return FALSE;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ static INLINE void rfx_tile_init(void* obj)
static INLINE void* rfx_decoder_tile_new(const void* val)
const size_t size = 4 * 64 * 64;
const size_t size = 4ULL * 64ULL * 64ULL;
RFX_TILE* tile = NULL;
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ RFX_CONTEXT* rfx_context_new_ex(BOOL encoder, UINT32 ThreadingFlags)
* We then multiply by 3 to use a single, partioned buffer for all 3 channels.
priv->BufferPool = BufferPool_New(TRUE, (8192 + 32) * 3, 16);
priv->BufferPool = BufferPool_New(TRUE, (8192ULL + 32ULL) * 3ULL, 16);
if (!priv->BufferPool)
goto fail;
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ static INLINE BOOL rfx_process_message_channels(RFX_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT cont
/* Now, only the first monitor can be used, therefore the other channels will be ignored. */
Stream_Seek(s, 5 * (numChannels - 1));
Stream_Seek(s, 5ULL * (numChannels - 1));
WLog_Print(context->priv->log, WLOG_DEBUG,
"numChannels %" PRIu8 " id %" PRIu8 ", %" PRIu16 "x%" PRIu16 ".", numChannels,
channelId, context->width, context->height);
@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@ static INLINE BOOL rfx_write_progressive_region(RFX_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT rfx,
for (UINT16 i = 0; i < msg->numQuant; i++)
const UINT32* qv = &msg->quantVals[i * 10];
const UINT32* qv = &msg->quantVals[10ULL * i];
Stream_Write_UINT8(s, (UINT8)(qv[0] + (qv[2] << 4))); /* LL3 (4-bit), HL3 (4-bit) */
Stream_Write_UINT8(s, (UINT8)(qv[1] + (qv[3] << 4))); /* LH3 (4-bit), HH3 (4-bit) */
@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ BOOL rfx_decode_rgb(RFX_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT context, const RFX_TILE* WINPR_R
static const prim_size_t roi_64x64 = { 64, 64 };
const primitives_t* prims = primitives_get();
y_quants = context->quants + (tile->quantIdxY * 10);
cb_quants = context->quants + (tile->quantIdxCb * 10);
cr_quants = context->quants + (tile->quantIdxCr * 10);
y_quants = context->quants + (10ULL * tile->quantIdxY);
cb_quants = context->quants + (10ULL * tile->quantIdxCb);
cr_quants = context->quants + (10ULL * tile->quantIdxCr);
pBuffer = (BYTE*)BufferPool_Take(context->priv->BufferPool, -1);
pSrcDst[0] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192 + 32) * 0) + 16])); /* y_r_buffer */
pSrcDst[1] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192 + 32) * 1) + 16])); /* cb_g_buffer */
pSrcDst[2] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192 + 32) * 2) + 16])); /* cr_b_buffer */
pSrcDst[0] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192ULL + 32ULL) * 0ULL) + 16ULL])); /* y_r_buffer */
pSrcDst[1] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192ULL + 32ULL) * 1ULL) + 16ULL])); /* cb_g_buffer */
pSrcDst[2] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192ULL + 32ULL) * 2ULL) + 16ULL])); /* cr_b_buffer */
rfx_decode_component(context, y_quants, tile->YData, tile->YLen, pSrcDst[0]); /* YData */
rfx_decode_component(context, cb_quants, tile->CbData, tile->CbLen, pSrcDst[1]); /* CbData */
rfx_decode_component(context, cr_quants, tile->CrData, tile->CrLen, pSrcDst[2]); /* CrData */
@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ static void rfx_dwt_2d_encode_block(INT16* WINPR_RESTRICT buffer, INT16* WINPR_R
for (UINT32 n = 0; n < subband_width; n++)
UINT32 y = n << 1;
l = dwt + n * total_width + x;
h = l + subband_width * total_width;
src = buffer + y * total_width + x;
l = dwt + 1ULL * n * total_width + x;
h = l + 1ULL * subband_width * total_width;
src = buffer + 1ULL * y * total_width + x;
/* H */
*h = (src[total_width] -
@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ static void rfx_dwt_2d_encode_block(INT16* WINPR_RESTRICT buffer, INT16* WINPR_R
/* The lower part L generates LL(3) and HL(0). */
/* The higher part H generates LH(1) and HH(2). */
ll = buffer + subband_width * subband_width * 3;
ll = buffer + 3ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
hl = buffer;
l_src = dwt;
lh = buffer + subband_width * subband_width;
hh = buffer + subband_width * subband_width * 2;
h_src = dwt + subband_width * subband_width * 2;
lh = buffer + 1ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
hh = buffer + 2ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
h_src = dwt + 2ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < subband_width; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < subband_width; y++)
/* L */
for (UINT32 n = 0; n < subband_width; n++)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static void rfx_encode_format_rgb(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT rgb_data, int width
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
src = rgb_data + y * rowstride;
src = rgb_data + 1ULL * y * rowstride;
switch (pixel_format)
@ -280,12 +280,12 @@ void rfx_encode_rgb(RFX_CONTEXT* WINPR_RESTRICT context, RFX_TILE* WINPR_RESTRIC
YLen = CbLen = CrLen = 0;
YQuant = context->quants + (tile->quantIdxY * 10);
CbQuant = context->quants + (tile->quantIdxCb * 10);
CrQuant = context->quants + (tile->quantIdxCr * 10);
pSrcDst[0] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192 + 32) * 0) + 16])); /* y_r_buffer */
pSrcDst[1] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192 + 32) * 1) + 16])); /* cb_g_buffer */
pSrcDst[2] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192 + 32) * 2) + 16])); /* cr_b_buffer */
YQuant = context->quants + (10ULL * tile->quantIdxY);
CbQuant = context->quants + (10ULL * tile->quantIdxCb);
CrQuant = context->quants + (10ULL * tile->quantIdxCr);
pSrcDst[0] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192ULL + 32ULL) * 0ULL) + 16ULL])); /* y_r_buffer */
pSrcDst[1] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192ULL + 32ULL) * 1ULL) + 16ULL])); /* cb_g_buffer */
pSrcDst[2] = (INT16*)((BYTE*)(&pBuffer[((8192ULL + 32ULL) * 2ULL) + 16ULL])); /* cr_b_buffer */
rfx_encode_format_rgb(tile->data, tile->width, tile->height, tile->scanline,
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
static BOOL nsc_encode_argb_to_aycocg_sse2(NSC_CONTEXT* context, const BYTE* data, UINT32 scanline)
UINT16 y = 0;
size_t y = 0;
UINT16 rw = 0;
BYTE ccl = 0;
const BYTE* src = NULL;
@ -247,27 +247,30 @@ static BOOL nsc_encode_argb_to_aycocg_sse2(NSC_CONTEXT* context, const BYTE* dat
r_val = _mm_set_epi16(
context->palette[(*(src + 7)) * 3], context->palette[(*(src + 6)) * 3],
context->palette[(*(src + 5)) * 3], context->palette[(*(src + 4)) * 3],
context->palette[(*(src + 3)) * 3], context->palette[(*(src + 2)) * 3],
context->palette[(*(src + 1)) * 3], context->palette[(*src) * 3]);
g_val = _mm_set_epi16(context->palette[(*(src + 7)) * 3 + 1],
context->palette[(*(src + 6)) * 3 + 1],
context->palette[(*(src + 5)) * 3 + 1],
context->palette[(*(src + 4)) * 3 + 1],
context->palette[(*(src + 3)) * 3 + 1],
context->palette[(*(src + 2)) * 3 + 1],
context->palette[(*(src + 1)) * 3 + 1],
context->palette[(*src) * 3 + 1]);
b_val = _mm_set_epi16(context->palette[(*(src + 7)) * 3 + 2],
context->palette[(*(src + 6)) * 3 + 2],
context->palette[(*(src + 5)) * 3 + 2],
context->palette[(*(src + 4)) * 3 + 2],
context->palette[(*(src + 3)) * 3 + 2],
context->palette[(*(src + 2)) * 3 + 2],
context->palette[(*(src + 1)) * 3 + 2],
context->palette[(*src) * 3 + 2]);
r_val = _mm_set_epi16(context->palette[(*(src + 7ULL)) * 3ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 6ULL)) * 3ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 5ULL)) * 3ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 4ULL)) * 3ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 3ULL)) * 3ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 2ULL)) * 3ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 1ULL)) * 3ULL],
context->palette[(*src) * 3ULL]);
g_val = _mm_set_epi16(context->palette[(*(src + 7ULL)) * 3ULL + 1ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 6ULL)) * 3ULL + 1ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 5ULL)) * 3ULL + 1ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 4ULL)) * 3ULL + 1ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 3ULL)) * 3ULL + 1ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 2ULL)) * 3ULL + 1ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 1ULL)) * 3ULL + 1ULL],
context->palette[(*src) * 3ULL + 1ULL]);
b_val = _mm_set_epi16(context->palette[(*(src + 7ULL)) * 3ULL + 2ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 6ULL)) * 3ULL + 2ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 5ULL)) * 3ULL + 2ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 4ULL)) * 3ULL + 2ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 3ULL)) * 3ULL + 2ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 2ULL)) * 3ULL + 2ULL],
context->palette[(*(src + 1ULL)) * 3ULL + 2ULL],
context->palette[(*src) * 3ULL + 2ULL]);
src += 8;
@ -341,7 +344,7 @@ static void nsc_encode_subsampling_sse2(NSC_CONTEXT* context)
tempWidth = ROUND_UP_TO(context->width, 8);
tempHeight = ROUND_UP_TO(context->height, 2);
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < tempHeight >> 1; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < tempHeight >> 1; y++)
co_dst = context->priv->PlaneBuffers[1] + y * (tempWidth >> 1);
cg_dst = context->priv->PlaneBuffers[2] + y * (tempWidth >> 1);
@ -321,19 +321,19 @@ rfx_dwt_2d_decode_block_sse2(INT16* WINPR_RESTRICT buffer, INT16* WINPR_RESTRICT
INT16* ll = NULL;
INT16* l_dst = NULL;
INT16* h_dst = NULL;
_mm_prefetch_buffer((char*)idwt, subband_width * 4 * sizeof(INT16));
_mm_prefetch_buffer((char*)idwt, 4ULL * subband_width * sizeof(INT16));
/* Inverse DWT in horizontal direction, results in 2 sub-bands in L, H order in tmp buffer idwt.
/* The 4 sub-bands are stored in HL(0), LH(1), HH(2), LL(3) order. */
/* The lower part L uses LL(3) and HL(0). */
/* The higher part H uses LH(1) and HH(2). */
ll = buffer + subband_width * subband_width * 3;
ll = buffer + 3ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
hl = buffer;
l_dst = idwt;
rfx_dwt_2d_decode_block_horiz_sse2(ll, hl, l_dst, subband_width);
lh = buffer + subband_width * subband_width;
hh = buffer + subband_width * subband_width * 2;
h_dst = idwt + subband_width * subband_width * 2;
lh = buffer + 1ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
hh = buffer + 2ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
h_dst = idwt + 2ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
rfx_dwt_2d_decode_block_horiz_sse2(lh, hh, h_dst, subband_width);
/* Inverse DWT in vertical direction, results are stored in original buffer. */
rfx_dwt_2d_decode_block_vert_sse2(l_dst, h_dst, buffer, subband_width);
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ rfx_dwt_2d_encode_block_vert_sse2(INT16* WINPR_RESTRICT src, INT16* WINPR_RESTRI
src_2n_1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(src + total_width));
if (n < subband_width - 1)
src_2n_2 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(src + 2 * total_width));
src_2n_2 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(src + 2ULL * total_width));
src_2n_2 = src_2n;
@ -461,19 +461,19 @@ rfx_dwt_2d_encode_block_sse2(INT16* WINPR_RESTRICT buffer, INT16* WINPR_RESTRICT
INT16* ll = NULL;
INT16* l_src = NULL;
INT16* h_src = NULL;
_mm_prefetch_buffer((char*)dwt, subband_width * 4 * sizeof(INT16));
_mm_prefetch_buffer((char*)dwt, 4ULL * subband_width * sizeof(INT16));
/* DWT in vertical direction, results in 2 sub-bands in L, H order in tmp buffer dwt. */
l_src = dwt;
h_src = dwt + subband_width * subband_width * 2;
h_src = dwt + 2ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
rfx_dwt_2d_encode_block_vert_sse2(buffer, l_src, h_src, subband_width);
/* DWT in horizontal direction, results in 4 sub-bands in HL(0), LH(1), HH(2), LL(3) order,
* stored in original buffer. */
/* The lower part L generates LL(3) and HL(0). */
/* The higher part H generates LH(1) and HH(2). */
ll = buffer + subband_width * subband_width * 3;
ll = buffer + 3ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
hl = buffer;
lh = buffer + subband_width * subband_width;
hh = buffer + subband_width * subband_width * 2;
lh = buffer + 1ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
hh = buffer + 2ULL * subband_width * subband_width;
rfx_dwt_2d_encode_block_horiz_sse2(l_src, ll, hl, subband_width);
rfx_dwt_2d_encode_block_horiz_sse2(h_src, lh, hh, subband_width);
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static BOOL test_ClearDecompressExample(UINT32 nr, UINT32 width, UINT32 height,
int status = 0;
BYTE* pDstData = calloc(width * height, 4);
BYTE* pDstData = calloc(4ULL * width, height);
CLEAR_CONTEXT* clear = clear_context_new(FALSE);
if (!clear || !pDstData)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ static BOOL run_encode_decode_single(UINT16 bpp, BITMAP_INTERLEAVED_CONTEXT* enc
const UINT32 y = 0;
const UINT32 format = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX32;
const UINT32 bstep = FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(format);
const size_t step = (w + 13) * 4;
const size_t step = (13ULL + w) * 4ULL;
const size_t SrcSize = step * h;
const float maxDiff = 4.0f * ((bpp < 24) ? 2.0f : 1.0f);
UINT32 DstSize = SrcSize;
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ static BOOL run_encode_decode_single(UINT16 bpp, BITMAP_INTERLEAVED_CONTEXT* enc
BYTE dr = 0;
BYTE dg = 0;
BYTE db = 0;
const UINT32 srcColor = FreeRDPReadColor(&srcLine[j * bstep], format);
const UINT32 dstColor = FreeRDPReadColor(&dstLine[j * bstep], format);
const UINT32 srcColor = FreeRDPReadColor(&srcLine[1ULL * j * bstep], format);
const UINT32 dstColor = FreeRDPReadColor(&dstLine[1ULL * j * bstep], format);
FreeRDPSplitColor(srcColor, format, &r, &g, &b, NULL, NULL);
FreeRDPSplitColor(dstColor, format, &dr, &dg, &db, NULL, NULL);
@ -5461,12 +5461,12 @@ static BOOL CompareBitmap(const BYTE* srcA, UINT32 srcAFormat, const BYTE* srcB,
maxDiff = 0.0;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
const BYTE* lineA = &srcA[width * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(srcAFormat) * y];
const BYTE* lineB = &srcB[width * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(srcBFormat) * y];
const BYTE* lineA = &srcA[y * width * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(srcAFormat)];
const BYTE* lineB = &srcB[y * width * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(srcBFormat)];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
BYTE sR = 0;
BYTE sG = 0;
@ -5508,7 +5508,8 @@ static BOOL RunTestPlanar(BITMAP_PLANAR_CONTEXT* planar, const BYTE* srcBitmap,
UINT32 dstSize = 0;
BYTE* compressedBitmap = freerdp_bitmap_compress_planar(planar, srcBitmap, srcFormat, width,
height, 0, NULL, &dstSize);
BYTE* decompressedBitmap = (BYTE*)calloc(height, width * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(dstFormat));
BYTE* decompressedBitmap =
(BYTE*)calloc(height, 1ULL * width * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(dstFormat));
(void)printf("%s [%s] --> [%s]: ", __func__, FreeRDPGetColorFormatName(srcFormat),
@ -5572,11 +5573,11 @@ static BOOL RunTestPlanarSingleColor(BITMAP_PLANAR_CONTEXT* planar, const UINT32
if (!bmp || !decompressedBitmap)
goto fail_loop;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
BYTE* line = &bmp[width * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(srcFormat) * y];
BYTE* line = &bmp[y * width * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(srcFormat)];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
FreeRDPWriteColor(line, srcFormat, color);
line += FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(srcFormat);
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ static void test_fill_image_alpha_channel(BYTE* data, int width, int height, BYT
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
pixel = (UINT32*)&data[((i * width) + j) * 4];
pixel = (UINT32*)&data[((1ULL * i * width) + j) * 4ULL];
*pixel = ((*pixel & 0x00FFFFFF) | (value << 24));
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ static BYTE* test_progressive_load_bitmap(char* path, char* file, size_t* size,
return NULL;
buffer = image->data;
*size = image->height * image->scanline;
*size = 1ULL * image->height * image->scanline;
test_fill_image_alpha_channel(image->data, image->width, image->height, 0xFF);
test_image_fill_unused_quarters(image->data, image->scanline, image->width, image->height,
quarter, 0xFF000000);
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ static int test_progressive_ms_sample(char* ms_sample_path)
count = 4;
progressive = progressive_context_new(FALSE);
g_DstData = winpr_aligned_malloc(g_DstStep * g_Height, 16);
g_DstData = winpr_aligned_malloc(1LL * g_DstStep * g_Height, 16);
progressive_create_surface_context(progressive, 0, g_Width, g_Height);
/* image 1 */
@ -1083,11 +1083,11 @@ static BOOL test_encode_decode(const char* path)
dstImage->data = resultData;
winpr_image_write(dstImage, "/tmp/test.bmp");
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < image->height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < image->height; y++)
const BYTE* orig = &image->data[y * image->scanline];
const BYTE* dec = &resultData[y * image->scanline];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < image->width; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < image->width; x++)
const BYTE* po = &orig[x * 4];
const BYTE* pd = &dec[x * 4];
@ -795,9 +795,9 @@ static UINT32 srefImage
#define IMG_WIDTH 64
#define IMG_HEIGHT 64
#define FORMAT_SIZE 4
#define IMG_WIDTH 64ULL
#define IMG_HEIGHT 64ULL
static INLINE size_t fuzzyCompare(BYTE b1, BYTE b2)
@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ static INLINE BOOL avc420_yuv_to_rgb(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pYUVData[3],
const INT32 width = rect->right - rect->left;
const INT32 height = rect->bottom - rect->top;
BYTE* pDstPoint =
pDstData + rect->top * nDstStep + rect->left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat);
BYTE* pDstPoint = pDstData + 1ULL * rect->top * nDstStep +
1ULL * rect->left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat);
pYUVPoint[0] = pYUVData[0] + rect->top * iStride[0] + rect->left;
pYUVPoint[1] = pYUVData[1] + rect->top / 2 * iStride[1] + rect->left / 2;
pYUVPoint[2] = pYUVData[2] + rect->top / 2 * iStride[2] + rect->left / 2;
pYUVPoint[0] = pYUVData[0] + 1ULL * rect->top * iStride[0] + rect->left;
pYUVPoint[1] = pYUVData[1] + 1ULL * rect->top / 2 * iStride[1] + rect->left / 2;
pYUVPoint[2] = pYUVData[2] + 1ULL * rect->top / 2 * iStride[2] + rect->left / 2;
roi.width = width;
roi.height = height;
@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ static INLINE BOOL avc444_yuv_to_rgb(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pYUVData[3],
const INT32 width = rect->right - rect->left;
const INT32 height = rect->bottom - rect->top;
BYTE* pDstPoint =
pDstData + rect->top * nDstStep + rect->left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat);
BYTE* pDstPoint = pDstData + 1ULL * rect->top * nDstStep +
1ULL * rect->left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat);
pYUVPoint[0] = pYUVData[0] + rect->top * iStride[0] + rect->left;
pYUVPoint[1] = pYUVData[1] + rect->top * iStride[1] + rect->left;
pYUVPoint[2] = pYUVData[2] + rect->top * iStride[2] + rect->left;
pYUVPoint[0] = pYUVData[0] + 1ULL * rect->top * iStride[0] + rect->left;
pYUVPoint[1] = pYUVData[1] + 1ULL * rect->top * iStride[1] + rect->left;
pYUVPoint[2] = pYUVData[2] + 1ULL * rect->top * iStride[2] + rect->left;
roi.width = width;
roi.height = height;
@ -663,13 +663,14 @@ static void CALLBACK yuv420_encode_work_callback(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE instance,
roi.width = param->rect.right - param->rect.left;
roi.height = param->rect.bottom - param->rect.top;
src = param->pSrcData + param->nSrcStep * param->rect.top +
param->rect.left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(param->SrcFormat);
pYUVData[0] = param->pYUVLumaData[0] + param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVData[1] =
param->pYUVLumaData[1] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] + param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVData[2] =
param->pYUVLumaData[2] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] + param->rect.left / 2;
src = param->pSrcData + 1ULL * param->nSrcStep * param->rect.top +
1ULL * param->rect.left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(param->SrcFormat);
pYUVData[0] =
param->pYUVLumaData[0] + 1ULL * param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVData[1] = param->pYUVLumaData[1] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] +
param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVData[2] = param->pYUVLumaData[2] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] +
param->rect.left / 2;
if (prims->RGBToYUV420_8u_P3AC4R(src, param->SrcFormat, param->nSrcStep, pYUVData,
param->iStride, &roi) != PRIMITIVES_SUCCESS)
@ -694,20 +695,20 @@ static void CALLBACK yuv444v1_encode_work_callback(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE instanc
roi.width = param->rect.right - param->rect.left;
roi.height = param->rect.bottom - param->rect.top;
src = param->pSrcData + param->nSrcStep * param->rect.top +
param->rect.left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(param->SrcFormat);
src = param->pSrcData + 1ULL * param->nSrcStep * param->rect.top +
1ULL * param->rect.left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(param->SrcFormat);
pYUVLumaData[0] =
param->pYUVLumaData[0] + param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVLumaData[1] =
param->pYUVLumaData[1] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] + param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVLumaData[2] =
param->pYUVLumaData[2] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] + param->rect.left / 2;
param->pYUVLumaData[0] + 1ULL * param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVLumaData[1] = param->pYUVLumaData[1] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] +
param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVLumaData[2] = param->pYUVLumaData[2] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] +
param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVChromaData[0] =
param->pYUVChromaData[0] + param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVChromaData[1] =
param->pYUVChromaData[1] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] + param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVChromaData[2] =
param->pYUVChromaData[2] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] + param->rect.left / 2;
param->pYUVChromaData[0] + 1ULL * param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVChromaData[1] = param->pYUVChromaData[1] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] +
param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVChromaData[2] = param->pYUVChromaData[2] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] +
param->rect.left / 2;
if (prims->RGBToAVC444YUV(src, param->SrcFormat, param->nSrcStep, pYUVLumaData, param->iStride,
pYUVChromaData, param->iStride, &roi) != PRIMITIVES_SUCCESS)
@ -731,20 +732,20 @@ static void CALLBACK yuv444v2_encode_work_callback(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE instanc
roi.width = param->rect.right - param->rect.left;
roi.height = param->rect.bottom - param->rect.top;
src = param->pSrcData + param->nSrcStep * param->rect.top +
param->rect.left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(param->SrcFormat);
src = param->pSrcData + 1ULL * param->nSrcStep * param->rect.top +
1ULL * param->rect.left * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(param->SrcFormat);
pYUVLumaData[0] =
param->pYUVLumaData[0] + param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVLumaData[1] =
param->pYUVLumaData[1] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] + param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVLumaData[2] =
param->pYUVLumaData[2] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] + param->rect.left / 2;
param->pYUVLumaData[0] + 1ULL * param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVLumaData[1] = param->pYUVLumaData[1] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] +
param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVLumaData[2] = param->pYUVLumaData[2] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] +
param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVChromaData[0] =
param->pYUVChromaData[0] + param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVChromaData[1] =
param->pYUVChromaData[1] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] + param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVChromaData[2] =
param->pYUVChromaData[2] + param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] + param->rect.left / 2;
param->pYUVChromaData[0] + 1ULL * param->rect.top * param->iStride[0] + param->rect.left;
pYUVChromaData[1] = param->pYUVChromaData[1] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[1] +
param->rect.left / 2;
pYUVChromaData[2] = param->pYUVChromaData[2] + 1ULL * param->rect.top / 2 * param->iStride[2] +
param->rect.left / 2;
if (prims->RGBToAVC444YUVv2(src, param->SrcFormat, param->nSrcStep, pYUVLumaData,
param->iStride, pYUVChromaData, param->iStride,
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#define TAG FREERDP_TAG("core.gateway.http")
#define RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT 64 * 1024 * 1024
#define RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT 64ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL
#define WEBSOCKET_MAGIC_GUID "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
@ -2754,7 +2754,7 @@ BOOL update_write_cache_glyph_order(wStream* s, const CACHE_GLYPH_ORDER* cache_g
Stream_Zero(s, cache_glyph->cGlyphs * 2);
Stream_Zero(s, 2ULL * cache_glyph->cGlyphs);
return TRUE;
@ -2860,7 +2860,7 @@ BOOL update_write_cache_glyph_v2_order(wStream* s, const CACHE_GLYPH_V2_ORDER* c
Stream_Zero(s, cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs * 2);
Stream_Zero(s, 2ULL * cache_glyph_v2->cGlyphs);
return TRUE;
@ -2886,7 +2886,7 @@ static BOOL update_decompress_brush(wStream* s, BYTE* output, size_t outSize, BY
for (size_t k = 0; k < bytesPerPixel; k++)
const size_t dstIndex = ((y * 8 + x) * bytesPerPixel) + k;
const size_t dstIndex = ((8ULL * y + x) * bytesPerPixel) + k;
const size_t srcIndex = (index * bytesPerPixel) + k;
if (dstIndex >= outSize)
return FALSE;
@ -2975,7 +2975,7 @@ static CACHE_BRUSH_ORDER* update_read_cache_brush_order(rdpUpdate* update, wStre
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
Stream_Read(s, &cache_brush->data[i * scanline], scanline);
Stream_Read(s, &cache_brush->data[1LL * i * scanline], scanline);
@ -3052,7 +3052,7 @@ BOOL update_write_cache_brush_order(wStream* s, const CACHE_BRUSH_ORDER* cache_b
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
Stream_Write(s, &cache_brush->data[i * scanline], scanline);
Stream_Write(s, &cache_brush->data[1LL * i * scanline], scanline);
@ -3096,7 +3096,7 @@ update_read_create_offscreen_bitmap_order(wStream* s,
if (deleteList->cIndices > deleteList->sIndices)
UINT16* new_indices = NULL;
new_indices = (UINT16*)realloc(deleteList->indices, deleteList->cIndices * 2);
new_indices = (UINT16*)realloc(deleteList->indices, 2ULL * deleteList->cIndices);
if (!new_indices)
return FALSE;
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ static BOOL gdi_patblt(rdpContext* context, PATBLT_ORDER* patblt)
const BYTE* hatched = NULL;
hatched = GDI_BS_HATCHED_PATTERNS + (8 * brush->hatch);
hatched = GDI_BS_HATCHED_PATTERNS + (8ULL * brush->hatch);
if (!freerdp_image_copy_from_monochrome(data, gdi->drawing->hdc->format, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8,
hatched, backColor, foreColor, &gdi->palette))
@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ static BOOL gdi_mem3blt(rdpContext* context, MEM3BLT_ORDER* mem3blt)
UINT32 brushFormat = 0;
BYTE* data = (BYTE*)winpr_aligned_malloc(
8 * 8 * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(gdi->drawing->hdc->format), 16);
8ULL * 8ULL * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(gdi->drawing->hdc->format), 16);
if (!data)
@ -751,11 +751,11 @@ static BOOL gdi_apply_alpha(BYTE* data, UINT32 format, UINT32 stride, RECTANGLE_
const UINT32 bpp = FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(format);
for (UINT32 y = rect->top; y < rect->bottom; y++)
for (size_t y = rect->top; y < rect->bottom; y++)
BYTE* line = &data[stride * y];
BYTE* line = &data[y * stride];
for (UINT32 x = first ? rect->left + startOffsetX : rect->left; x < rect->right; x++)
for (size_t x = first ? rect->left + startOffsetX : rect->left; x < rect->right; x++)
BYTE r = 0;
BYTE g = 0;
@ -825,11 +825,11 @@ static UINT gdi_SurfaceCommand_Alpha(rdpGdi* gdi, RdpgfxClientContext* context,
if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLengthOfSize(TAG, s, cmd->height, cmd->width))
for (UINT32 y = cmd->top; y < cmd->top + cmd->height; y++)
for (size_t y = cmd->top; y < cmd->top + cmd->height; y++)
BYTE* line = &surface->data[surface->scanline * y];
BYTE* line = &surface->data[y * surface->scanline];
for (UINT32 x = cmd->left; x < cmd->left + cmd->width; x++)
for (size_t x = cmd->left; x < cmd->left + cmd->width; x++)
UINT32 color = 0;
BYTE r = 0;
@ -622,9 +622,8 @@ INLINE BOOL gdi_InvalidateRegion(HGDI_DC hdc, INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 w, INT32 h
if ((hdc->hwnd->ninvalid + 1) > (INT64)hdc->hwnd->count)
size_t new_cnt = 0;
HGDI_RGN new_rgn = NULL;
new_cnt = hdc->hwnd->count * 2;
size_t new_cnt = 2ULL * hdc->hwnd->count;
if (new_cnt > UINT32_MAX)
return FALSE;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ static int test_gdi_CreateBitmap(void)
width = 32;
height = 16;
if (!(data = (BYTE*)winpr_aligned_malloc(width * height * 4, 16)))
if (!(data = (BYTE*)winpr_aligned_malloc(4ULL * width * height, 16)))
printf("failed to allocate aligned bitmap data memory\n");
return -1;
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ static int test_gdi_FillRect(void)
hBitmap = gdi_CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, width, height);
ZeroMemory(hBitmap->data, width * height * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(hdc->format));
ZeroMemory(hBitmap->data, 1ULL * width * height * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(hdc->format));
gdi_SelectObject(hdc, (HGDIOBJECT)hBitmap);
color = FreeRDPGetColor(PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB32, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xFF);
hBrush = gdi_CreateSolidBrush(color);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ HGDI_BITMAP test_convert_to_bitmap(const BYTE* src, UINT32 SrcFormat, UINT32 Src
if (DstStride == 0)
DstStride = nWidth * FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat);
data = winpr_aligned_malloc(DstStride * nHeight, 16);
data = winpr_aligned_malloc(1ULL * DstStride * nHeight, 16);
if (!data)
return NULL;
@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ static pstatus_t general_YCoCgToRGB_8u_AC4R(const BYTE* pSrc, INT32 srcStep, BYT
const DWORD formatSize = FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(DstFormat);
fkt_writePixel writePixel = getPixelWriteFunction(DstFormat, TRUE);
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
const BYTE* sptr = &pSrc[srcStep * y];
BYTE* dptr = &pDst[dstStep * y];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
const BYTE* sptr = &pSrc[y * srcStep];
BYTE* dptr = &pDst[y * dstStep];
for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
/* Note: shifts must be done before sign-conversion. */
const INT16 Cg = convert(*sptr++, shift);
@ -44,38 +44,38 @@ static pstatus_t general_LumaToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcRaw[3
const UINT32 evenY = 0;
const UINT32 oddX = 1;
const UINT32 evenX = 0;
const BYTE* pSrc[3] = { pSrcRaw[0] + roi->top * srcStep[0] + roi->left,
pSrcRaw[1] + roi->top / 2 * srcStep[1] + roi->left / 2,
pSrcRaw[2] + roi->top / 2 * srcStep[2] + roi->left / 2 };
BYTE* pDst[3] = { pDstRaw[0] + roi->top * dstStep[0] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[1] + roi->top * dstStep[1] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[2] + roi->top * dstStep[2] + roi->left };
const BYTE* pSrc[3] = { pSrcRaw[0] + 1ULL * roi->top * srcStep[0] + roi->left,
pSrcRaw[1] + 1ULL * roi->top / 2 * srcStep[1] + roi->left / 2,
pSrcRaw[2] + 1ULL * roi->top / 2 * srcStep[2] + roi->left / 2 };
BYTE* pDst[3] = { pDstRaw[0] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[0] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[1] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[1] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[2] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[2] + roi->left };
/* Y data is already here... */
/* B1 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const BYTE* Ym = pSrc[0] + srcStep[0] * y;
const BYTE* Ym = pSrc[0] + y * srcStep[0];
BYTE* pY = pDst[0] + dstStep[0] * y;
memcpy(pY, Ym, nWidth);
/* The first half of U, V are already here part of this frame. */
/* B2 and B3 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
const UINT32 val2y = (2 * y + evenY);
const UINT32 val2y = (2ULL * y + evenY);
const UINT32 val2y1 = val2y + oddY;
const BYTE* Um = pSrc[1] + srcStep[1] * y;
const BYTE* Vm = pSrc[2] + srcStep[2] * y;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y;
BYTE* pU1 = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y1;
BYTE* pV1 = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y1;
const BYTE* Um = pSrc[1] + y * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* Vm = pSrc[2] + y * srcStep[2];
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y;
BYTE* pU1 = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y1;
BYTE* pV1 = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y1;
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
const UINT32 val2x = 2 * x + evenX;
const UINT32 val2x = 2UL * x + evenX;
const UINT32 val2x1 = val2x + oddX;
pU[val2x] = Um[x];
pV[val2x] = Vm[x];
@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ static pstatus_t general_ChromaFilter(BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pDst[3], const UINT32
const UINT32 val2y = (y * 2 + evenY);
const UINT32 val2y1 = val2y + oddY;
BYTE* pU1 = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y1;
BYTE* pV1 = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y1;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y;
BYTE* pU1 = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y1;
BYTE* pV1 = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y1;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y;
if (val2y1 > nHeight)
@ -157,23 +157,23 @@ static pstatus_t general_ChromaV1ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcR
/* The auxilary frame is aligned to multiples of 16x16.
* We need the padded height for B4 and B5 conversion. */
const UINT32 padHeigth = nHeight + 16 - nHeight % 16;
const BYTE* pSrc[3] = { pSrcRaw[0] + roi->top * srcStep[0] + roi->left,
pSrcRaw[1] + roi->top / 2 * srcStep[1] + roi->left / 2,
pSrcRaw[2] + roi->top / 2 * srcStep[2] + roi->left / 2 };
BYTE* pDst[3] = { pDstRaw[0] + roi->top * dstStep[0] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[1] + roi->top * dstStep[1] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[2] + roi->top * dstStep[2] + roi->left };
const BYTE* pSrc[3] = { pSrcRaw[0] + 1ULL * roi->top * srcStep[0] + roi->left,
pSrcRaw[1] + 1ULL * roi->top / 2 * srcStep[1] + roi->left / 2,
pSrcRaw[2] + 1ULL * roi->top / 2 * srcStep[2] + roi->left / 2 };
BYTE* pDst[3] = { pDstRaw[0] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[0] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[1] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[1] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[2] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[2] + roi->left };
/* The second half of U and V is a bit more tricky... */
/* B4 and B5 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < padHeigth; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < padHeigth; y++)
const BYTE* Ya = pSrc[0] + srcStep[0] * y;
const BYTE* Ya = pSrc[0] + y * srcStep[0];
if ((y) % mod < (mod + 1) / 2)
const UINT32 pos = (2 * uY++ + oddY);
const size_t pos = (2 * uY++ + oddY);
if (pos >= nHeight)
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ static pstatus_t general_ChromaV1ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcR
const UINT32 pos = (2 * vY++ + oddY);
const size_t pos = (2 * vY++ + oddY);
if (pos >= nHeight)
@ -194,15 +194,15 @@ static pstatus_t general_ChromaV1ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcR
/* B6 and B7 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
const UINT32 val2y = (y * 2 + evenY);
const BYTE* Ua = pSrc[1] + srcStep[1] * y;
const BYTE* Va = pSrc[2] + srcStep[2] * y;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y;
const UINT32 val2y = (y * 2ULL + evenY);
const BYTE* Ua = pSrc[1] + y * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* Va = pSrc[2] + y * srcStep[2];
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y;
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
const UINT32 val2x1 = (x * 2 + oddX);
pU[val2x1] = Ua[x];
@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ static pstatus_t general_ChromaV2ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const UINT32 yTop = y + roi->top;
const BYTE* pYaU = pSrc[0] + srcStep[0] * yTop + roi->left / 2;
const BYTE* pYaU = pSrc[0] + 1ULL * srcStep[0] * yTop + roi->left / 2;
const BYTE* pYaV = pYaU + nTotalWidth / 2;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * yTop + roi->left;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * yTop + roi->left;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * yTop + roi->left;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * yTop + roi->left;
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
const UINT32 odd = 2 * x + 1;
pU[odd] = *pYaU++;
@ -244,16 +244,16 @@ static pstatus_t general_ChromaV2ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[
/* B6 - B9 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
const BYTE* pUaU = pSrc[1] + srcStep[1] * (y + roi->top / 2) + roi->left / 4;
const BYTE* pUaV = pUaU + nTotalWidth / 4;
const BYTE* pVaU = pSrc[2] + srcStep[2] * (y + roi->top / 2) + roi->left / 4;
const BYTE* pVaV = pVaU + nTotalWidth / 4;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * (2 * y + 1 + roi->top) + roi->left;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * (2 * y + 1 + roi->top) + roi->left;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * (2ULL * y + 1 + roi->top) + roi->left;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * (2ULL * y + 1 + roi->top) + roi->left;
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < quaterWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < quaterWidth; x++)
pU[4 * x + 0] = *pUaU++;
pV[4 * x + 0] = *pUaV++;
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ general_YUV444SplitToYUV420(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[3], const UINT
halfHeight = (roi->height + 1) / 2;
/* B1 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi->height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi->height; y++)
const BYTE* pSrcY = pSrc[0] + y * srcStep[0];
BYTE* pY = pMainDst[0] + y * dstMainStep[0];
@ -322,16 +322,16 @@ general_YUV444SplitToYUV420(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[3], const UINT
/* B2 and B3 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
const BYTE* pSrcU = pSrc[1] + 2 * y * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* pSrcV = pSrc[2] + 2 * y * srcStep[2];
const BYTE* pSrcU1 = pSrc[1] + (2 * y + 1) * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* pSrcV1 = pSrc[2] + (2 * y + 1) * srcStep[2];
const BYTE* pSrcU = pSrc[1] + 2ULL * y * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* pSrcV = pSrc[2] + 2ULL * y * srcStep[2];
const BYTE* pSrcU1 = pSrc[1] + (2ULL * y + 1ULL) * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* pSrcV1 = pSrc[2] + (2ULL * y + 1ULL) * srcStep[2];
BYTE* pU = pMainDst[1] + y * dstMainStep[1];
BYTE* pV = pMainDst[2] + y * dstMainStep[2];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
/* Filter */
const INT32 u = pSrcU[2 * x] + pSrcU[2 * x + 1] + pSrcU1[2 * x] + pSrcU1[2 * x + 1];
@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ general_YUV444SplitToYUV420(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[3], const UINT
/* B4 and B5 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < padHeigth; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < padHeigth; y++)
BYTE* pY = pAuxDst[0] + y * dstAuxStep[0];
if (y % 16 < 8)
const UINT32 pos = (2 * uY++ + 1);
const size_t pos = (2 * uY++ + 1);
const BYTE* pSrcU = pSrc[1] + pos * srcStep[1];
if (pos >= roi->height)
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ general_YUV444SplitToYUV420(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[3], const UINT
const UINT32 pos = (2 * vY++ + 1);
const size_t pos = (2 * vY++ + 1);
const BYTE* pSrcV = pSrc[2] + pos * srcStep[2];
if (pos >= roi->height)
@ -369,14 +369,14 @@ general_YUV444SplitToYUV420(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[3], const UINT
/* B6 and B7 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
const BYTE* pSrcU = pSrc[1] + 2 * y * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* pSrcV = pSrc[2] + 2 * y * srcStep[2];
BYTE* pU = pAuxDst[1] + y * dstAuxStep[1];
BYTE* pV = pAuxDst[2] + y * dstAuxStep[2];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < halfWidth; x++)
pU[x] = pSrcU[2 * x + 1];
pV[x] = pSrcV[2 * x + 1];
@ -402,14 +402,14 @@ static pstatus_t general_YUV444ToRGB_8u_P3AC4R_general(const BYTE* const WINPR_R
const UINT32 nWidth = roi->width;
const UINT32 nHeight = roi->height;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const BYTE* pY = pSrc[0] + y * srcStep[0];
const BYTE* pU = pSrc[1] + y * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* pV = pSrc[2] + y * srcStep[2];
BYTE* pRGB = pDst + y * dstStep;
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
const BYTE Y = pY[x];
const BYTE U = pU[x];
@ -439,14 +439,14 @@ static pstatus_t general_YUV444ToRGB_8u_P3AC4R_BGRX(const BYTE* const WINPR_REST
const UINT32 nWidth = roi->width;
const UINT32 nHeight = roi->height;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const BYTE* pY = pSrc[0] + y * srcStep[0];
const BYTE* pU = pSrc[1] + y * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* pV = pSrc[2] + y * srcStep[2];
BYTE* pRGB = pDst + y * dstStep;
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
const BYTE Y = pY[x];
const BYTE U = pU[x];
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@ static pstatus_t general_RGBToYUV444_8u_P3AC4R(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc,
nWidth = roi->width;
nHeight = roi->height;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const BYTE* pRGB = pSrc + y * srcStep;
BYTE* pY = pDst[0] + y * dstStep[0];
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + y * dstStep[1];
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + y * dstStep[2];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
BYTE B = 0;
BYTE G = 0;
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToYUV420_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc
const UINT32 dstStep[3],
const prim_size_t* WINPR_RESTRICT roi)
UINT32 i = 0;
size_t i = 0;
size_t x1 = 0;
size_t x2 = 4;
size_t x3 = srcStep;
@ -681,14 +681,14 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToYUV420_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc
UINT32 max_x = roi->width - 1;
UINT32 max_y = roi->height - 1;
for (UINT32 y = i = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2, i++)
for (size_t y = i = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2, i++)
const BYTE* src = pSrc + y * srcStep;
BYTE* ydst = pDst[0] + y * dstStep[0];
BYTE* udst = pDst[1] + i * dstStep[1];
BYTE* vdst = pDst[2] + i * dstStep[2];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < roi->width; x += 2)
for (size_t x = 0; x < roi->width; x += 2)
BYTE R = 0;
BYTE G = 0;
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToYUV420_RGBX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc
UINT32 max_x = roi->width - 1;
UINT32 max_y = roi->height - 1;
for (UINT32 y = 0, i = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2, i++)
for (size_t y = 0, i = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2, i++)
const BYTE* src = pSrc + y * srcStep;
BYTE* ydst = pDst[0] + y * dstStep[0];
@ -836,14 +836,14 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToYUV420_ANY(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc,
UINT32 max_x = roi->width - 1;
UINT32 max_y = roi->height - 1;
for (UINT32 y = 0, i = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2, i++)
for (size_t y = 0, i = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2, i++)
const BYTE* src = pSrc + y * srcStep;
BYTE* ydst = pDst[0] + y * dstStep[0];
BYTE* udst = pDst[1] + i * dstStep[1];
BYTE* vdst = pDst[2] + i * dstStep[2];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < roi->width; x += 2)
for (size_t x = 0; x < roi->width; x += 2)
BYTE R = 0;
BYTE G = 0;
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToYUV420_ANY(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc,
*udst++ = RGB2U(Ra, Ga, Ba);
*vdst++ = RGB2V(Ra, Ga, Ba);
ydst += 2;
src += 2 * bpp;
src += 2ULL * bpp;
@ -1043,9 +1043,9 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToAVC444YUV_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT p
* Note:
* Read information in function general_RGBToAVC444YUV_ANY below !
const BYTE* pMaxSrc = pSrc + (roi->height - 1) * srcStep;
const BYTE* pMaxSrc = pSrc + 1ULL * (roi->height - 1) * srcStep;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
const BOOL last = (y >= (roi->height - 1));
const BYTE* srcEven = y < roi->height ? pSrc + y * srcStep : pMaxSrc;
@ -1056,8 +1056,8 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToAVC444YUV_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT p
BYTE* b1Odd = !last ? (b1Even + dst1Step[0]) : NULL;
BYTE* b2 = pDst1[1] + (y / 2) * dst1Step[1];
BYTE* b3 = pDst1[2] + (y / 2) * dst1Step[2];
BYTE* b4 = pDst2[0] + dst2Step[0] * n;
BYTE* b5 = b4 + 8 * dst2Step[0];
BYTE* b4 = pDst2[0] + 1ULL * dst2Step[0] * n;
BYTE* b5 = b4 + 8ULL * dst2Step[0];
BYTE* b6 = pDst2[1] + (y / 2) * dst2Step[1];
BYTE* b7 = pDst2[2] + (y / 2) * dst2Step[2];
general_RGBToAVC444YUV_BGRX_DOUBLE_ROW(srcEven, srcOdd, b1Even, b1Odd, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6,
@ -1184,9 +1184,9 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToAVC444YUV_RGBX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT p
* Note:
* Read information in function general_RGBToAVC444YUV_ANY below !
const BYTE* pMaxSrc = pSrc + (roi->height - 1) * srcStep;
const BYTE* pMaxSrc = pSrc + 1ULL * (roi->height - 1) * srcStep;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
const BOOL last = (y >= (roi->height - 1));
const BYTE* srcEven = y < roi->height ? pSrc + y * srcStep : pMaxSrc;
@ -1197,8 +1197,8 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToAVC444YUV_RGBX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT p
BYTE* b1Odd = !last ? (b1Even + dst1Step[0]) : NULL;
BYTE* b2 = pDst1[1] + (y / 2) * dst1Step[1];
BYTE* b3 = pDst1[2] + (y / 2) * dst1Step[2];
BYTE* b4 = pDst2[0] + dst2Step[0] * n;
BYTE* b5 = b4 + 8 * dst2Step[0];
BYTE* b4 = pDst2[0] + 1ULL * dst2Step[0] * n;
BYTE* b5 = b4 + 8ULL * dst2Step[0];
BYTE* b6 = pDst2[1] + (y / 2) * dst2Step[1];
BYTE* b7 = pDst2[2] + (y / 2) * dst2Step[2];
general_RGBToAVC444YUV_RGBX_DOUBLE_ROW(srcEven, srcOdd, b1Even, b1Odd, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6,
@ -1385,9 +1385,9 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToAVC444YUV_ANY(
* }
const BYTE* pMaxSrc = pSrc + (roi->height - 1) * srcStep;
const BYTE* pMaxSrc = pSrc + 1ULL * (roi->height - 1) * srcStep;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
const BOOL last = (y >= (roi->height - 1));
const BYTE* srcEven = y < roi->height ? pSrc + y * srcStep : pMaxSrc;
@ -1398,8 +1398,8 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToAVC444YUV_ANY(
BYTE* b1Odd = !last ? (b1Even + dst1Step[0]) : NULL;
BYTE* b2 = pDst1[1] + (y / 2) * dst1Step[1];
BYTE* b3 = pDst1[2] + (y / 2) * dst1Step[2];
BYTE* b4 = pDst2[0] + dst2Step[0] * n;
BYTE* b5 = b4 + 8 * dst2Step[0];
BYTE* b4 = pDst2[0] + 1ULL * dst2Step[0] * n;
BYTE* b5 = b4 + 8ULL * dst2Step[0];
BYTE* b6 = pDst2[1] + (y / 2) * dst2Step[1];
BYTE* b7 = pDst2[2] + (y / 2) * dst2Step[2];
general_RGBToAVC444YUV_ANY_DOUBLE_ROW(srcEven, srcOdd, srcFormat, b1Even, b1Odd, b2, b3, b4,
@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToAVC444YUVv2_ANY(
if (roi->height < 1 || roi->width < 1)
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
const BYTE* srcEven = (pSrc + y * srcStep);
const BYTE* srcOdd = (y < roi->height - 1) ? (srcEven + srcStep) : NULL;
@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ static INLINE pstatus_t general_RGBToAVC444YUVv2_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT
if (roi->height < 1 || roi->width < 1)
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
const BYTE* srcEven = (pSrc + y * srcStep);
const BYTE* srcOdd = (y < roi->height - 1) ? (srcEven + srcStep) : NULL;
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ static pstatus_t general_alphaComp_argb(const BYTE* pSrc1, UINT32 src1Step, cons
UINT32 src2Step, BYTE* pDst, UINT32 dstStep, UINT32 width,
UINT32 height)
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
const UINT32* sptr1 = (const UINT32*)(pSrc1 + y * src1Step);
const UINT32* sptr2 = (const UINT32*)(pSrc2 + y * src2Step);
UINT32* dptr = (UINT32*)(pDst + y * dstStep);
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
const UINT32 src1 = *sptr1++;
const UINT32 src2 = *sptr2++;
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_YUV420ToRGB_BGRX(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[],
const UINT32 pad = roi->width % 16;
const __m128i duplicate = _mm_set_epi8(7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0);
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
__m128i* dst = (__m128i*)(pDst + dstStep * y);
const BYTE* YData = pSrc[0] + y * srcStep[0];
@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_YUV444ToRGB_8u_P3AC4R_BGRX(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRI
const UINT32 nHeight = roi->height;
const UINT32 pad = roi->width % 16;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
__m128i* dst = (__m128i*)(pDst + dstStep * y);
const BYTE* YData = pSrc[0] + y * srcStep[0];
const BYTE* UData = pSrc[1] + y * srcStep[1];
const BYTE* VData = pSrc[2] + y * srcStep[2];
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < nWidth - pad; x += 16)
for (size_t x = 0; x < nWidth - pad; x += 16)
__m128i Y = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)YData);
__m128i U = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)UData);
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_YUV444ToRGB_8u_P3AC4R_BGRX(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRI
dst = ssse3_YUV444Pixel(dst, Y, U, V, 3);
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < pad; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < pad; x++)
const BYTE Y = *YData++;
const BYTE U = *UData++;
@ -472,10 +472,10 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_RGBToYUV420_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc, UINT32
ssse3_RGBToYUV420_BGRX_UV(line1, line2, udst, vdst, roi->width);
ssse3_RGBToYUV420_BGRX_Y(line1, ydst, roi->width);
ssse3_RGBToYUV420_BGRX_Y(line2, ydst + dstStep[0], roi->width);
argb += 2 * srcStep;
ydst += 2 * dstStep[0];
udst += 1 * dstStep[1];
vdst += 1 * dstStep[2];
argb += 2ULL * srcStep;
ydst += 2ULL * dstStep[0];
udst += 1ULL * dstStep[1];
vdst += 1ULL * dstStep[2];
if (roi->height & 1)
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_RGBToAVC444YUV_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc, UINT
const UINT32 dst2Step[],
const prim_size_t* WINPR_RESTRICT roi)
const BYTE* pMaxSrc = pSrc + (roi->height - 1) * srcStep;
const BYTE* pMaxSrc = pSrc + 1ULL * (roi->height - 1) * srcStep;
if (roi->height < 1 || roi->width < 1)
@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_RGBToAVC444YUV_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc, UINT
return generic->RGBToAVC444YUV(pSrc, srcFormat, srcStep, pDst1, dst1Step, pDst2, dst2Step,
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
const BOOL last = (y >= (roi->height - 1));
const BYTE* srcEven = y < roi->height ? pSrc + y * srcStep : pMaxSrc;
@ -742,8 +742,8 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_RGBToAVC444YUV_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc, UINT
BYTE* b1Odd = !last ? (b1Even + dst1Step[0]) : NULL;
BYTE* b2 = pDst1[1] + (y / 2) * dst1Step[1];
BYTE* b3 = pDst1[2] + (y / 2) * dst1Step[2];
BYTE* b4 = pDst2[0] + dst2Step[0] * n;
BYTE* b5 = b4 + 8 * dst2Step[0];
BYTE* b4 = pDst2[0] + 1ULL * dst2Step[0] * n;
BYTE* b5 = b4 + 8ULL * dst2Step[0];
BYTE* b6 = pDst2[1] + (y / 2) * dst2Step[1];
BYTE* b7 = pDst2[2] + (y / 2) * dst2Step[2];
ssse3_RGBToAVC444YUV_BGRX_DOUBLE_ROW(srcEven, srcOdd, b1Even, b1Odd, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7,
@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_RGBToAVC444YUVv2_BGRX(const BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc, UI
return generic->RGBToAVC444YUVv2(pSrc, srcFormat, srcStep, pDst1, dst1Step, pDst2, dst2Step,
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi->height; y += 2)
const BYTE* srcEven = (pSrc + y * srcStep);
const BYTE* srcOdd = (srcEven + srcStep);
@ -1100,36 +1100,36 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_LumaToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcRaw[],
const UINT32 evenY = 0;
const UINT32 oddX = 1;
const UINT32 evenX = 0;
const BYTE* pSrc[3] = { pSrcRaw[0] + roi->top * srcStep[0] + roi->left,
pSrcRaw[1] + roi->top / 2 * srcStep[1] + roi->left / 2,
pSrcRaw[2] + roi->top / 2 * srcStep[2] + roi->left / 2 };
BYTE* pDst[3] = { pDstRaw[0] + roi->top * dstStep[0] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[1] + roi->top * dstStep[1] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[2] + roi->top * dstStep[2] + roi->left };
const BYTE* pSrc[3] = { pSrcRaw[0] + 1ULL * roi->top * srcStep[0] + roi->left,
pSrcRaw[1] + 1ULL * roi->top / 2 * srcStep[1] + roi->left / 2,
pSrcRaw[2] + 1ULL * roi->top / 2 * srcStep[2] + roi->left / 2 };
BYTE* pDst[3] = { pDstRaw[0] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[0] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[1] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[1] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[2] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[2] + roi->left };
/* Y data is already here... */
/* B1 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const BYTE* Ym = pSrc[0] + srcStep[0] * y;
BYTE* pY = pDst[0] + dstStep[0] * y;
const BYTE* Ym = pSrc[0] + y * srcStep[0];
BYTE* pY = pDst[0] + y * dstStep[0];
memcpy(pY, Ym, nWidth);
/* The first half of U, V are already here part of this frame. */
/* B2 and B3 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
const UINT32 val2y = (2 * y + evenY);
const UINT32 val2y1 = val2y + oddY;
const BYTE* Um = pSrc[1] + srcStep[1] * y;
const BYTE* Vm = pSrc[2] + srcStep[2] * y;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y;
BYTE* pU1 = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y1;
BYTE* pV1 = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y1;
const size_t val2y = (2 * y + evenY);
const size_t val2y1 = val2y + oddY;
const BYTE* Um = pSrc[1] + 1ULL * srcStep[1] * y;
const BYTE* Vm = pSrc[2] + 1ULL * srcStep[2] * y;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y;
BYTE* pU1 = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y1;
BYTE* pV1 = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y1;
UINT32 x = 0;
size_t x = 0;
for (; x < halfWidth - halfPad; x += 16)
const __m128i unpackHigh = _mm_set_epi8(7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0);
@ -1139,10 +1139,10 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_LumaToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcRaw[],
const __m128i u = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&Um[x]);
const __m128i uHigh = _mm_shuffle_epi8(u, unpackHigh);
const __m128i uLow = _mm_shuffle_epi8(u, unpackLow);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&pU[2 * x], uHigh);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&pU[2 * x + 16], uLow);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&pU1[2 * x], uHigh);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&pU1[2 * x + 16], uLow);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&pU[2ULL * x], uHigh);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&pU[2ULL * x + 16], uLow);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&pU1[2ULL * x], uHigh);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&pU1[2ULL * x + 16], uLow);
const __m128i u = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&Vm[x]);
@ -1207,15 +1207,15 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_ChromaFilter(BYTE* WINPR_RESTRICT pDst[], const UINT32 ds
const UINT32 halfPad = halfWidth % 16;
/* Filter */
for (UINT32 y = roi->top; y < halfHeight + roi->top; y++)
for (size_t y = roi->top; y < halfHeight + roi->top; y++)
UINT32 x = roi->left;
size_t x = roi->left;
const UINT32 val2y = (y * 2 + evenY);
const UINT32 val2y1 = val2y + oddY;
BYTE* pU1 = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y1;
BYTE* pV1 = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y1;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y;
BYTE* pU1 = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y1;
BYTE* pV1 = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y1;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * val2y;
if (val2y1 > nHeight)
@ -1269,21 +1269,21 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_ChromaV1ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcRaw
/* The auxilary frame is aligned to multiples of 16x16.
* We need the padded height for B4 and B5 conversion. */
const UINT32 padHeigth = nHeight + 16 - nHeight % 16;
const BYTE* pSrc[3] = { pSrcRaw[0] + roi->top * srcStep[0] + roi->left,
pSrcRaw[1] + roi->top / 2 * srcStep[1] + roi->left / 2,
pSrcRaw[2] + roi->top / 2 * srcStep[2] + roi->left / 2 };
BYTE* pDst[3] = { pDstRaw[0] + roi->top * dstStep[0] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[1] + roi->top * dstStep[1] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[2] + roi->top * dstStep[2] + roi->left };
const BYTE* pSrc[3] = { pSrcRaw[0] + 1ULL * roi->top * srcStep[0] + roi->left,
pSrcRaw[1] + 1ULL * roi->top / 2 * srcStep[1] + roi->left / 2,
pSrcRaw[2] + 1ULL * roi->top / 2 * srcStep[2] + roi->left / 2 };
BYTE* pDst[3] = { pDstRaw[0] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[0] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[1] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[1] + roi->left,
pDstRaw[2] + 1ULL * roi->top * dstStep[2] + roi->left };
const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
const __m128i mask = _mm_set_epi8(0, (char)0x80, 0, (char)0x80, 0, (char)0x80, 0, (char)0x80, 0,
(char)0x80, 0, (char)0x80, 0, (char)0x80, 0, (char)0x80);
/* The second half of U and V is a bit more tricky... */
/* B4 and B5 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < padHeigth; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < padHeigth; y++)
const BYTE* Ya = pSrc[0] + srcStep[0] * y;
const BYTE* Ya = pSrc[0] + 1ULL * srcStep[0] * y;
if ((y) % mod < (mod + 1) / 2)
@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_ChromaV1ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcRaw
if (pos >= nHeight)
pX = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * pos;
pX = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * pos;
@ -1302,22 +1302,22 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_ChromaV1ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrcRaw
if (pos >= nHeight)
pX = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * pos;
pX = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * pos;
memcpy(pX, Ya, nWidth);
/* B6 and B7 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
const UINT32 val2y = (y * 2 + evenY);
const size_t val2y = (y * 2 + evenY);
const BYTE* Ua = pSrc[1] + srcStep[1] * y;
const BYTE* Va = pSrc[2] + srcStep[2] * y;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * val2y;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * val2y;
UINT32 x = 0;
size_t x = 0;
for (; x < halfWidth - halfPad; x += 16)
@ -1374,15 +1374,15 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_ChromaV2ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[3]
(char)0x80, 2, (char)0x80, 1, (char)0x80, 0);
/* B4 and B5: odd UV values for width/2, height */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
const UINT32 yTop = y + roi->top;
const size_t yTop = y + roi->top;
const BYTE* pYaU = pSrc[0] + srcStep[0] * yTop + roi->left / 2;
const BYTE* pYaV = pYaU + nTotalWidth / 2;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + dstStep[1] * yTop + roi->left;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + dstStep[2] * yTop + roi->left;
BYTE* pU = pDst[1] + 1ULL * dstStep[1] * yTop + roi->left;
BYTE* pV = pDst[2] + 1ULL * dstStep[2] * yTop + roi->left;
UINT32 x = 0;
size_t x = 0;
for (; x < halfWidth - halfPad; x += 16)
@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ static pstatus_t ssse3_ChromaV2ToYUV444(const BYTE* const WINPR_RESTRICT pSrc[3]
/* B6 - B9 */
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < halfHeight; y++)
const BYTE* pUaU = pSrc[1] + srcStep[1] * (y + roi->top / 2) + roi->left / 4;
const BYTE* pUaV = pUaU + nTotalWidth / 4;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#define TOLERANCE 1
static inline const UINT32* PIXEL(const BYTE* _addr_, UINT32 _bytes_, UINT32 _x_, UINT32 _y_)
const BYTE* addr = _addr_ + _x_ * sizeof(UINT32) + _y_ * _bytes_;
const BYTE* addr = _addr_ + 1ULL * _x_ * sizeof(UINT32) + 1ULL * _y_ * _bytes_;
return (const UINT32*)addr;
@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ static BOOL test_RGBToRGB_16s8u_P3AC4R_func(prim_size_t roi, DWORD DstFormat)
r = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, rgbStride * roi.height, 16);
g = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, rgbStride * roi.height, 16);
b = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, rgbStride * roi.height, 16);
out1 = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, dstStride * roi.height, 16);
out2 = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, dstStride * roi.height, 16);
r = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, 1ULL * rgbStride * roi.height, 16);
g = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, 1ULL * rgbStride * roi.height, 16);
b = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, 1ULL * rgbStride * roi.height, 16);
out1 = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, 1ULL * dstStride * roi.height, 16);
out2 = winpr_aligned_calloc(1, 1ULL * dstStride * roi.height, 16);
if (!r || !g || !b || !out1 || !out2)
goto fail;
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ static BOOL test_RGBToRGB_16s8u_P3AC4R_func(prim_size_t roi, DWORD DstFormat)
winpr_RAND(r, rgbStride * roi.height);
winpr_RAND(g, rgbStride * roi.height);
winpr_RAND(b, rgbStride * roi.height);
winpr_RAND(r, 1ULL * rgbStride * roi.height);
winpr_RAND(g, 1ULL * rgbStride * roi.height);
winpr_RAND(b, 1ULL * rgbStride * roi.height);
ptrs[0] = r;
ptrs[1] = g;
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static BOOL test_RGBToRGB_16s8u_P3AC4R_func(prim_size_t roi, DWORD DstFormat)
if (memcmp(out1, out2, dstStride * roi.height) != 0)
if (memcmp(out1, out2, 1ULL * dstStride * roi.height) != 0)
for (UINT64 i = 0; i < 1ull * roi.width * roi.height; ++i)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static BOOL test_YCoCgRToRGB_8u_AC4R_func(UINT32 width, UINT32 height)
goto loop_fail;
if (memcmp(out_c, out_sse, dstStride * height) != 0)
if (memcmp(out_c, out_sse, 1ULL * dstStride * height) != 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1ull * width * height; ++i)
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveYUVCombine(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi)
const BYTE** cpv;
BYTE** pv;
} cnv;
UINT32 awidth = 0;
UINT32 aheight = 0;
size_t awidth = 0;
size_t aheight = 0;
BYTE* luma[3] = { 0 };
BYTE* chroma[3] = { 0 };
@ -283,10 +283,10 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveYUVCombine(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi)
for (UINT32 x = 0; x < 3; x++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < 3; x++)
size_t halfStride = ((x > 0) ? awidth / 2 : awidth);
size_t size = aheight * awidth;
size_t size = 1ULL * aheight * awidth;
size_t halfSize = ((x > 0) ? halfStride * aheight / 2 : awidth * aheight);
if (!check_padding(luma[x], halfSize, padding, "luma"))
@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveYUVCombine(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi)
goto fail;
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi.height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi.height; y++)
UINT32 w = roi.width;
UINT32 lstride = lumaStride[i];
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveYUV(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi, BOOL use444)
size_t size = 0;
size_t uvsize = 0;
size_t uvwidth = 0;
size_t padding = 100 * 16;
size_t padding = 100ULL * 16ULL;
UINT32 stride = 0;
@ -415,8 +415,8 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveYUV(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi, BOOL use444)
/* Buffers need to be 16x16 aligned. */
awidth = roi.width + 16 - roi.width % 16;
aheight = roi.height + 16 - roi.height % 16;
stride = awidth * sizeof(UINT32);
size = awidth * aheight;
stride = 1ULL * awidth * sizeof(UINT32);
size = 1ULL * awidth * aheight;
if (use444)
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveYUV(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi, BOOL use444)
if (!(yuv[2] = set_padding(uvsize, padding)))
goto fail;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi.height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi.height; y++)
BYTE* line = &rgb[y * stride];
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveYUV(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi, BOOL use444)
(!check_padding(yuv[2], uvsize, padding, "V")))
goto fail;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi.height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi.height; y++)
BYTE* srgb = &rgb[y * stride];
BYTE* drgb = &rgb_dst[y * stride];
@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ fail:
static BOOL allocate_yuv420(BYTE** planes, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, UINT32 padding)
const size_t size = width * height;
const size_t uvwidth = (width + 1) / 2;
const size_t uvsize = (height + 1) / 2 * uvwidth;
const size_t size = 1ULL * width * height;
const size_t uvwidth = (1ULL + width) / 2;
const size_t uvsize = (1ULL + height) / 2 * uvwidth;
if (!(planes[0] = set_padding(size, padding)))
goto fail;
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ static void free_yuv420(BYTE** planes, UINT32 padding)
static BOOL check_yuv420(BYTE** planes, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, UINT32 padding)
const size_t size = width * height;
const size_t size = 1ULL * width * height;
const size_t uvwidth = (width + 1) / 2;
const size_t uvsize = (height + 1) / 2 * uvwidth;
const BOOL yOk = check_padding(planes[0], size, padding, "Y");
@ -662,9 +662,9 @@ static BOOL compare_yuv420(BYTE** planesA, BYTE** planesB, UINT32 width, UINT32
UINT32 padding)
const size_t size = width * height;
const size_t uvwidth = (width + 1) / 2;
const size_t uvsize = (height + 1) / 2 * uvwidth;
const size_t size = 1ULL * width * height;
const size_t uvwidth = (1ULL * width + 1) / 2;
const size_t uvsize = (1ULL * height + 1) / 2 * uvwidth;
if (check_for_mismatches(planesA[0], planesB[0], size))
@ -720,9 +720,9 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveRgbToLumaChroma(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi, U
if (aheight % 16 != 0)
aheight += 16 - roi.height % 16;
stride = awidth * sizeof(UINT32);
size = awidth * aheight;
uvwidth = (awidth + 1) / 2;
stride = 1ULL * awidth * sizeof(UINT32);
size = 1ULL * awidth * aheight;
uvwidth = 1ULL * (awidth + 1) / 2;
if (!prims || !generic)
return FALSE;
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ static BOOL TestPrimitiveRgbToLumaChroma(primitives_t* prims, prim_size_t roi, U
if (!allocate_yuv420(chromaGeneric, awidth, aheight, padding))
goto fail;
for (UINT32 y = 0; y < roi.height; y++)
for (size_t y = 0; y < roi.height; y++)
BYTE* line = &rgb[y * stride];
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ int TestRingBuffer(int argc, char* argv[])
return -1;
ringbuffer_commit_read_bytes(&ringBuffer, 50 * 1000);
ringbuffer_commit_read_bytes(&ringBuffer, 50ULL * 1000ULL);
(void)fprintf(stderr, "ok\n");
@ -269,7 +269,8 @@ static BOOL rdtk_nine_patch_get_scale_ht(rdtkNinePatch* ninePatch, wImage* image
for (uint32_t y = 1; y < image->height - 1; y++)
const uint32_t* pixel = (const uint32_t*)&image->data[image->scanline * y]; /* (1, 0) */
const uint32_t* pixel =
(const uint32_t*)&image->data[1ULL * image->scanline * y]; /* (1, 0) */
if (beg < 0)
if (*pixel)
@ -312,8 +313,9 @@ static BOOL rdtk_nine_patch_get_fill_lr(rdtkNinePatch* ninePatch, wImage* image)
for (uint32_t x = 1; x < image->width - 1; x++)
const uint32_t* pixel = (uint32_t*)&image->data[((image->height - 1) * image->scanline) +
x * sizeof(uint32_t)]; /* (1, height - 1) */
const uint32_t* pixel =
(uint32_t*)&image->data[((1ULL * image->height - 1ULL) * image->scanline) +
x * sizeof(uint32_t)]; /* (1, height - 1) */
if (beg < 0)
if (*pixel)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ int rdtk_surface_fill(rdtkSurface* surface, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t wid
for (uint32_t i = y; i < y * 1ul + height; i++)
uint8_t* line = &surface->data[i * surface->scanline];
uint8_t* line = &surface->data[1ULL * i * surface->scanline];
for (uint32_t j = x; j < x * 1ul + width; j++)
uint32_t* pixel = (uint32_t*)&line[j + 4ul];
@ -362,10 +362,10 @@ static BOOL test_peer_load_icon(freerdp_peer* client)
goto out_fail;
/* background with same size, which will be used to erase the icon from old position */
if (!(context->bg_data = calloc(context->image->height, context->image->width * 3)))
if (!(context->bg_data = calloc(context->image->height, 3ULL * context->image->width)))
goto out_fail;
memset(context->bg_data, 0xA0, context->image->height * context->image->width * 3ull);
memset(context->bg_data, 0xA0, 3ULL * context->image->height * context->image->width);
return TRUE;
context->bg_data = NULL;
@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ static BOOL channelTracker_resetCurrentPacket(ChannelStateTracker* tracker)
if (tracker->currentPacket)
const size_t cap = Stream_Capacity(tracker->currentPacket);
if (cap < 1 * 1000 * 1000)
if (cap < 1ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL)
create = FALSE;
Stream_Free(tracker->currentPacket, TRUE);
if (create)
tracker->currentPacket = Stream_New(NULL, 10 * 1024);
tracker->currentPacket = Stream_New(NULL, 10ULL * 1024ULL);
if (!tracker->currentPacket)
return FALSE;
Stream_SetPosition(tracker->currentPacket, 0);
@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ static int x11_shadow_subsystem_init(rdpShadowSubsystem* sub)
subsystem->cursorMaxWidth = 256;
subsystem->cursorMaxHeight = 256;
subsystem->cursorPixels =
winpr_aligned_malloc(subsystem->cursorMaxWidth * subsystem->cursorMaxHeight * 4ull, 16);
winpr_aligned_malloc(4ULL * subsystem->cursorMaxWidth * subsystem->cursorMaxHeight, 16);
if (!subsystem->cursorPixels)
return -1;
@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ static INLINE UINT32 rdpgfx_estimate_h264_avc420(RDPGFX_AVC420_BITMAP_STREAM* ha
/* H264 metadata + H264 stream. See rdpgfx_write_h264_avc420 */
return sizeof(UINT32) /* numRegionRects */
+ 10 /* regionRects + quantQualityVals */
+ 10ULL /* regionRects + quantQualityVals */
* havc420->meta.numRegionRects +
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ static int shadow_encoder_init_grid(rdpShadowEncoder* encoder)
for (UINT32 j = 0; j < encoder->gridWidth; j++)
UINT32 k = (i * encoder->gridWidth) + j;
const size_t k = (1ULL * i * encoder->gridWidth) + j;
encoder->grid[k] = &(encoder->gridBuffer[k * tileSize]);
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ static int shadow_encoder_init(rdpShadowEncoder* encoder)
if (!encoder->bs)
encoder->bs = Stream_New(NULL, encoder->maxTileWidth * encoder->maxTileHeight * 4ULL);
encoder->bs = Stream_New(NULL, 4ULL * encoder->maxTileWidth * encoder->maxTileHeight);
if (!encoder->bs)
return -1;
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ static BOOL convertKeyType(CK_KEY_TYPE k, LPWSTR dest, DWORD len, DWORD* outlen)
if (dest)
memcpy(dest, r, retLen * 2);
memcpy(dest, r, sizeof(WCHAR) * retLen);
dest[retLen] = 0;
@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ static SECURITY_STATUS NCryptP11EnumKeys(NCRYPT_PROV_HANDLE hProvider, LPCWSTR p
(1 + (sizeof(key->slotId) * 2) /*slotId*/ + 1 + (key->idLen * 2) + 1) * 2;
convertKeyType(key->keyType, NULL, 0, &algoSz);
KEYNAME_SZ += (algoSz + 1) * 2;
KEYNAME_SZ += (1ULL + algoSz) * 2ULL;
keyName = calloc(1, sizeof(*keyName) + KEYNAME_SZ);
if (!keyName)
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ static LONG WINAPI PCSC_SCardListCardsW(SCARDCONTEXT hContext, LPCBYTE pbAtr,
*pcchCards = outputLen;
if (autoAllocate)
output = malloc(outputLen * 2);
output = calloc(outputLen, sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!output)
@ -516,8 +516,8 @@ BOOL SetWaitableTimer(HANDLE hTimer, const LARGE_INTEGER* lpDueTime, LONG lPerio
if (lPeriod > 0)
timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_sec = (lPeriod / 1000); /* seconds */
timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_nsec = ((lPeriod % 1000) * 1000000); /* nanoseconds */
timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_sec = (lPeriod / 1000ULL); /* seconds */
timer->timeout.it_interval.tv_nsec = (1000000ULL * (lPeriod % 1000ULL)); /* nanoseconds */
if (lpDueTime->QuadPart != 0)
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static void* winpr_bitmap_write_buffer(const BYTE* data, size_t size, UINT32 wid
goto fail;
Stream_Write(s, bmp_header, WINPR_IMAGE_BMP_HEADER_LEN);
if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, stride * height * 1ull))
if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, 1ULL * stride * height))
goto fail;
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ SSIZE_T winpr_convert_from_jpeg(const BYTE* comp_data, size_t comp_data_bytes, U
if (!jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo))
goto fail;
size_t stride = cinfo.image_width * cinfo.num_components;
size_t stride = 1ULL * cinfo.image_width * cinfo.num_components;
decomp_data = calloc(stride, cinfo.image_height);
if (decomp_data)
@ -947,9 +947,9 @@ static void* winpr_read_png_from_buffer(const void* data, size_t SrcSize, size_t
row_pointers = png_get_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr);
if (row_pointers)
const size_t stride = width * bpp / 8ull;
const size_t stride = 1ULL * width * bpp / 8ull;
const size_t png_stride = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr);
const size_t size = width * height * bpp / 8ull;
const size_t size = 1ULL * width * height * bpp / 8ull;
const size_t copybytes = stride > png_stride ? png_stride : stride;
rc = malloc(size);
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ void winpr_HexLogDump(wLog* log, UINT32 lvl, const void* data, size_t length)
* ASIC line 'ab..cd'
* zero terminator '\0'
const size_t blen =
const size_t blen = (maxlen + 3ULL) + (WINPR_HEXDUMP_LINE_LENGTH * 3ULL) + 3ULL +
size_t pos = 0;
char* buffer = NULL;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user