Replaced fprintf(stderr with DEBUG_WARN
This commit is contained in:
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ static void df_process_channel_event(rdpChannels* channels, freerdp* instance)
fprintf(stderr, "df_process_channel_event: unknown event type %d\n", GetMessageType(event->id));
DEBUG_WARN( "df_process_channel_event: unknown event type %d\n", GetMessageType(event->id));
@ -339,17 +339,17 @@ int dfreerdp_run(freerdp* instance)
if (freerdp_get_fds(instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
if (freerdp_channels_get_fds(channels, instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get channel manager file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get channel manager file descriptor\n");
if (df_get_fds(instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get dfreerdp file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get dfreerdp file descriptor\n");
@ -378,24 +378,24 @@ int dfreerdp_run(freerdp* instance)
(errno == EINPROGRESS) ||
(errno == EINTR))) /* signal occurred */
fprintf(stderr, "dfreerdp_run: select failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "dfreerdp_run: select failed\n");
if (freerdp_check_fds(instance) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
if (df_check_fds(instance, &rfds_set) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check dfreerdp file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to check dfreerdp file descriptor\n");
if (freerdp_channels_check_fds(channels, instance) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check channel manager file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to check channel manager file descriptor\n");
df_process_channel_event(channels, instance);
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ DWORD fixKeyCode(DWORD keyCode, unichar keyChar, enum APPLE_KEYBOARD_TYPE type)
vkcode &= 0xFF;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "keyDown: keyCode: 0x%04X scancode: 0x%04X vkcode: 0x%04X keyFlags: %d name: %s\n",
DEBUG_WARN( "keyDown: keyCode: 0x%04X scancode: 0x%04X vkcode: 0x%04X keyFlags: %d name: %s\n",
keyCode, scancode, vkcode, keyFlags, GetVirtualKeyName(vkcode));
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ DWORD fixKeyCode(DWORD keyCode, unichar keyChar, enum APPLE_KEYBOARD_TYPE type)
vkcode &= 0xFF;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "keyUp: key: 0x%04X scancode: 0x%04X vkcode: 0x%04X keyFlags: %d name: %s\n",
DEBUG_WARN( "keyUp: key: 0x%04X scancode: 0x%04X vkcode: 0x%04X keyFlags: %d name: %s\n",
keyCode, scancode, vkcode, keyFlags, GetVirtualKeyName(vkcode));
@ -683,29 +683,29 @@ DWORD fixKeyCode(DWORD keyCode, unichar keyChar, enum APPLE_KEYBOARD_TYPE type)
vkcode &= 0xFF;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "flagsChanged: key: 0x%04X scancode: 0x%04X vkcode: 0x%04X extended: %d name: %s modFlags: 0x%04X\n",
DEBUG_WARN( "flagsChanged: key: 0x%04X scancode: 0x%04X vkcode: 0x%04X extended: %d name: %s modFlags: 0x%04X\n",
key - 8, scancode, vkcode, keyFlags, GetVirtualKeyName(vkcode), modFlags);
if (modFlags & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)
fprintf(stderr, "NSAlphaShiftKeyMask\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "NSAlphaShiftKeyMask\n");
if (modFlags & NSShiftKeyMask)
fprintf(stderr, "NSShiftKeyMask\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "NSShiftKeyMask\n");
if (modFlags & NSControlKeyMask)
fprintf(stderr, "NSControlKeyMask\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "NSControlKeyMask\n");
if (modFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask)
fprintf(stderr, "NSAlternateKeyMask\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "NSAlternateKeyMask\n");
if (modFlags & NSCommandKeyMask)
fprintf(stderr, "NSCommandKeyMask\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "NSCommandKeyMask\n");
if (modFlags & NSNumericPadKeyMask)
fprintf(stderr, "NSNumericPadKeyMask\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "NSNumericPadKeyMask\n");
if (modFlags & NSHelpKeyMask)
fprintf(stderr, "NSHelpKeyMask\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "NSHelpKeyMask\n");
if ((modFlags & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask) && !(kbdModFlags & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask))
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ BOOL mac_pre_connect(freerdp* instance)
if (!settings->ServerHostname)
fprintf(stderr, "error: server hostname was not specified with /v:<server>[:port]\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "error: server hostname was not specified with /v:<server>[:port]\n");
[NSApp terminate:nil];
return -1;
@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ static void update_activity_cb(freerdp* instance)
fprintf(stderr, "update_activity_cb: No queue!\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "update_activity_cb: No queue!\n");
@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ static void input_activity_cb(freerdp* instance)
fprintf(stderr, "input_activity_cb: No queue!\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "input_activity_cb: No queue!\n");
@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ static void channel_activity_cb(freerdp* instance)
if (event)
fprintf(stderr, "channel_activity_cb: message %d\n", event->id);
DEBUG_WARN( "channel_activity_cb: message %d\n", event->id);
switch (GetMessageClass(event->id))
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ void wf_cliprdr_init(wfContext* wfc, rdpChannels* channels)
if (!wfc->instance->settings->RedirectClipboard)
wfc->cliprdr_context = NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "clipboard is not redirected.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "clipboard is not redirected.\n");
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ static BOOL wf_cliprdr_get_file_contents(wchar_t *file_name, BYTE *buffer, int p
if (file_name == NULL || buffer == NULL || puSize == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "get file contents Invalid Arguments.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "get file contents Invalid Arguments.\n");
return FALSE;
@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ static void wf_cliprdr_process_cb_filecontents_request_event(wfContext *wfc, RDP
hRet = OleGetClipboard(&pDataObj);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hRet))
fprintf(stderr, "filecontents: get ole clipboard failed.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "filecontents: get ole clipboard failed.\n");
goto error;
@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ static void wf_cliprdr_process_cb_filecontents_request_event(wfContext *wfc, RDP
event->nPositionLow, event->nPositionHigh, event->cbRequested, &uSize);
if (bRet == FALSE)
fprintf(stderr, "get file contents failed.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "get file contents failed.\n");
uSize = 0;
goto error;
@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ error:
pDataObj = NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "filecontents: send failed response.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "filecontents: send failed response.\n");
cliprdr_send_response_filecontents(cliprdr, event->streamId, 0, NULL);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ BOOL wf_set_rop2(HDC hdc, int rop2)
if ((rop2 < 0x01) || (rop2 > 0x10))
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported ROP2: %d\n", rop2);
DEBUG_WARN( "Unsupported ROP2: %d\n", rop2);
return FALSE;
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ void wf_gdi_surface_bits(wfContext* wfc, SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND* surface_bits_comm
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codecID %d\n", surface_bits_command->codecID);
DEBUG_WARN( "Unsupported codecID %d\n", surface_bits_command->codecID);
if (tile_bitmap != NULL)
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void wf_Bitmap_Decompress(wfContext* wfc, rdpBitmap* bitmap,
if (status != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Bitmap Decompression Failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Bitmap Decompression Failed\n");
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ int wf_create_console(void)
freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout);
freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "Debug console created.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Debug console created.\n");
return 0;
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ BOOL wf_pre_connect(freerdp* instance)
wfc->connectionRdpFile = freerdp_client_rdp_file_new();
fprintf(stderr, "Using connection file: %s\n", settings->ConnectionFile);
DEBUG_WARN( "Using connection file: %s\n", settings->ConnectionFile);
freerdp_client_parse_rdp_file(wfc->connectionRdpFile, settings->ConnectionFile);
freerdp_client_populate_settings_from_rdp_file(wfc->connectionRdpFile, settings);
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ BOOL wf_pre_connect(freerdp* instance)
if ((settings->DesktopWidth < 64) || (settings->DesktopHeight < 64) ||
(settings->DesktopWidth > 4096) || (settings->DesktopHeight > 4096))
fprintf(stderr, "wf_pre_connect: invalid dimensions %d %d\n", settings->DesktopWidth, settings->DesktopHeight);
DEBUG_WARN( "wf_pre_connect: invalid dimensions %d %d\n", settings->DesktopWidth, settings->DesktopHeight);
return 1;
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ BOOL wf_authenticate(freerdp* instance, char** username, char** password, char**
if (status != NO_ERROR)
fprintf(stderr, "CredUIPromptForCredentials unexpected status: 0x%08X\n", status);
DEBUG_WARN( "CredUIPromptForCredentials unexpected status: 0x%08X\n", status);
return FALSE;
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ BOOL wf_authenticate(freerdp* instance, char** username, char** password, char**
status = CredUIParseUserNameA(UserName, User, sizeof(User), Domain, sizeof(Domain));
//fprintf(stderr, "User: %s Domain: %s Password: %s\n", User, Domain, Password);
//DEBUG_WARN( "User: %s Domain: %s Password: %s\n", User, Domain, Password);
*username = _strdup(User);
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ static BOOL wf_auto_reconnect(freerdp* instance)
return FALSE;
/* A network disconnect was detected */
fprintf(stderr, "Network disconnect!\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Network disconnect!\n");
if (!instance->settings->AutoReconnectionEnabled)
/* No auto-reconnect - just quit */
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ static BOOL wf_auto_reconnect(freerdp* instance)
return FALSE;
/* Attempt the next reconnect */
fprintf(stderr, "Attempting reconnect (%u of %u)\n", num_retries, max_retries);
DEBUG_WARN( "Attempting reconnect (%u of %u)\n", num_retries, max_retries);
if (freerdp_reconnect(instance))
return TRUE;
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ static BOOL wf_auto_reconnect(freerdp* instance)
fprintf(stderr, "Maximum reconnect retries exceeded\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Maximum reconnect retries exceeded\n");
return FALSE;
@ -784,13 +784,13 @@ DWORD WINAPI wf_client_thread(LPVOID lpParam)
if (freerdp_get_fds(instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
if (wf_get_fds(instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get wfreerdp file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get wfreerdp file descriptor\n");
@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI wf_client_thread(LPVOID lpParam)
if (freerdp_channels_get_fds(channels, instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get channel manager file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get channel manager file descriptor\n");
@ -816,14 +816,14 @@ DWORD WINAPI wf_client_thread(LPVOID lpParam)
/* exit if nothing to do */
if (fds_count == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "wfreerdp_run: fds_count is zero\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "wfreerdp_run: fds_count is zero\n");
/* do the wait */
if (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(fds_count, fds, FALSE, 1000, QS_ALLINPUT) == WAIT_FAILED)
fprintf(stderr, "wfreerdp_run: WaitForMultipleObjects failed: 0x%04X\n", GetLastError());
DEBUG_WARN( "wfreerdp_run: WaitForMultipleObjects failed: 0x%04X\n", GetLastError());
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI wf_client_thread(LPVOID lpParam)
if (wf_auto_reconnect(instance))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI wf_client_thread(LPVOID lpParam)
if (wf_check_fds(instance) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check wfreerdp file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to check wfreerdp file descriptor\n");
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI wf_client_thread(LPVOID lpParam)
if (freerdp_channels_check_fds(channels, instance) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check channel manager file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to check channel manager file descriptor\n");
@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI wf_keyboard_thread(LPVOID lpParam)
if (status == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "keyboard thread error getting message\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "keyboard thread error getting message\n");
@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI wf_keyboard_thread(LPVOID lpParam)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to install keyboard hook\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "failed to install keyboard hook\n");
printf("Keyboard thread exited.\n");
@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ int freerdp_client_focus_out(wfContext* wfc)
int freerdp_client_set_window_size(wfContext* wfc, int width, int height)
fprintf(stderr, "freerdp_client_set_window_size %d, %d", width, height);
DEBUG_WARN( "freerdp_client_set_window_size %d, %d", width, height);
if ((width != wfc->client_width) || (height != wfc->client_height))
@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ int freerdp_client_load_settings_from_rdp_file(wfContext* wfc, char* filename)
wfc->connectionRdpFile = freerdp_client_rdp_file_new();
fprintf(stderr, "Using connection file: %s\n", settings->ConnectionFile);
DEBUG_WARN( "Using connection file: %s\n", settings->ConnectionFile);
if (!freerdp_client_parse_rdp_file(wfc->connectionRdpFile, settings->ConnectionFile))
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ LPSTR tr_esc_str(LPCSTR arg)
tmp = (LPSTR)realloc(tmp, ds * sizeof(CHAR));
if(NULL == tmp)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate string buffer.");
DEBUG_WARN( "Could not allocate string buffer.");
/* Copy character for character and check, if it is necessary to escape. */
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ LPSTR tr_esc_str(LPCSTR arg)
tmp = (LPSTR)realloc(tmp, ds * sizeof(CHAR));
if(NULL == tmp)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
DEBUG_WARN( "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
tmp[cs++] = '&';
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ LPSTR tr_esc_str(LPCSTR arg)
tmp = (LPSTR)realloc(tmp, ds * sizeof(CHAR));
if(NULL == tmp)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
DEBUG_WARN( "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
tmp[cs++] = '&';
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ LPSTR tr_esc_str(LPCSTR arg)
tmp = (LPSTR)realloc(tmp, ds * sizeof(CHAR));
if(NULL == tmp)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
DEBUG_WARN( "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
tmp[cs++] = '&';
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ LPSTR tr_esc_str(LPCSTR arg)
tmp = (LPSTR)realloc(tmp, ds * sizeof(CHAR));
if(NULL == tmp)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
DEBUG_WARN( "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
tmp[cs++] = '&';
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ LPSTR tr_esc_str(LPCSTR arg)
tmp = (LPSTR)realloc(tmp, ds * sizeof(CHAR));
if(NULL == tmp)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
DEBUG_WARN( "Could not reallocate string buffer.");
tmp[cs++] = '&';
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fp = fopen(fname, "w");
if(NULL == fp)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open '%s' for writing.", fname);
DEBUG_WARN( "Could not open '%s' for writing.", fname);
return -1;
/* The tag used as header in the manpage */
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
* compatible XML */
if(elements < 2)
fprintf(stderr, "The argument array 'args' is empty, writing an empty file.");
DEBUG_WARN( "The argument array 'args' is empty, writing an empty file.");
elements = 1;
for(x=0; x<elements - 1; x++)
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ BOOL xf_get_pixmap_info(xfContext *xfc)
pfs = XListPixmapFormats(xfc->display, &pf_count);
if(pfs == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "xf_get_pixmap_info: XListPixmapFormats failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_get_pixmap_info: XListPixmapFormats failed\n");
return 1;
for(i = 0; i < pf_count; i++)
@ -592,13 +592,13 @@ BOOL xf_get_pixmap_info(xfContext *xfc)
template.screen = xfc->screen_number;
if(XGetWindowAttributes(xfc->display, RootWindowOfScreen(xfc->screen), &window_attributes) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "xf_get_pixmap_info: XGetWindowAttributes failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_get_pixmap_info: XGetWindowAttributes failed\n");
return FALSE;
vis = XGetVisualInfo(xfc->display, VisualClassMask | VisualScreenMask, &template, &vi_count);
if(vis == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "xf_get_pixmap_info: XGetVisualInfo failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_get_pixmap_info: XGetVisualInfo failed\n");
return FALSE;
vi = NULL;
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ int xf_error_handler(Display *d, XErrorEvent *ev)
char buf[256];
int do_abort = TRUE;
XGetErrorText(d, ev->error_code, buf, sizeof(buf));
fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf);
DEBUG_WARN( "%s", buf);
_def_error_handler(d, ev);
@ -721,20 +721,20 @@ BOOL xf_pre_connect(freerdp *instance)
fprintf(stderr, "warning: XInitThreads() failure\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "warning: XInitThreads() failure\n");
xfc->UseXThreads = FALSE;
xfc->display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "xf_pre_connect: failed to open display: %s\n", XDisplayName(NULL));
fprintf(stderr, "Please check that the $DISPLAY environment variable is properly set.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_pre_connect: failed to open display: %s\n", XDisplayName(NULL));
DEBUG_WARN( "Please check that the $DISPLAY environment variable is properly set.\n");
return FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "Enabling X11 debug mode.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Enabling X11 debug mode.\n");
XSynchronize(xfc->display, TRUE);
_def_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(_xf_error_handler);
@ -750,15 +750,15 @@ BOOL xf_pre_connect(freerdp *instance)
/* Check --authonly has a username and password. */
if(settings->Username == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "--authonly, but no -u username. Please provide one.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--authonly, but no -u username. Please provide one.\n");
return FALSE;
if(settings->Password == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "--authonly, but no -p password. Please provide one.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--authonly, but no -p password. Please provide one.\n");
return FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "Authentication only. Don't connect to X.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Authentication only. Don't connect to X.\n");
/* Avoid XWindows initialization and configuration below. */
return TRUE;
@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ BOOL xf_auto_reconnect(freerdp *instance)
if(freerdp_error_info(instance) != 0)
return FALSE;
/* A network disconnect was detected */
fprintf(stderr, "Network disconnect!\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Network disconnect!\n");
/* No auto-reconnect - just quit */
@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ BOOL xf_auto_reconnect(freerdp *instance)
return FALSE;
/* Attempt the next reconnect */
fprintf(stderr, "Attempting reconnect (%u of %u)\n", num_retries, max_retries);
DEBUG_WARN( "Attempting reconnect (%u of %u)\n", num_retries, max_retries);
xfc->disconnect = FALSE;
@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ BOOL xf_auto_reconnect(freerdp *instance)
fprintf(stderr, "Maximum reconnect retries exceeded\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Maximum reconnect retries exceeded\n");
return FALSE;
@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
fprintf(stderr, "Authentication only, exit status %d\n", !status);
DEBUG_WARN( "Authentication only, exit status %d\n", !status);
@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
if(freerdp_get_fds(instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
exit_code = XF_EXIT_CONN_FAILED;
@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
if(freerdp_channels_get_fds(channels, instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get channel manager file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get channel manager file descriptor\n");
exit_code = XF_EXIT_CONN_FAILED;
@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
if(xf_get_fds(instance, rfds, &rcount, wfds, &wcount) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get xfreerdp file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to get xfreerdp file descriptor\n");
exit_code = XF_EXIT_CONN_FAILED;
@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
if(!((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) ||
(errno == EINPROGRESS) || (errno == EINTR))) /* signal occurred */
fprintf(stderr, "xfreerdp_run: select failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xfreerdp_run: select failed\n");
@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor\n");
@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
if(freerdp_channels_check_fds(channels, instance) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to check channel manager file descriptor\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Failed to check channel manager file descriptor\n");
xf_process_channel_event(channels, instance);
@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
if(xf_process_x_events(instance) != TRUE)
fprintf(stderr, "Closed from X11\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Closed from X11\n");
@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ void *xf_thread(void *param)
if(!freerdp_message_queue_process_pending_messages(instance, FREERDP_INPUT_MESSAGE_QUEUE))
fprintf(stderr, "User Disconnect\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "User Disconnect\n");
xfc->disconnect = TRUE;
@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@ static int xfreerdp_client_start(rdpContext *context)
rdpSettings *settings = context->settings;
fprintf(stderr, "error: server hostname was not specified with /v:<server>[:port]\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "error: server hostname was not specified with /v:<server>[:port]\n");
return -1;
xfc->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) xf_thread,
@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ void xf_cliprdr_init(xfContext* xfc, rdpChannels* channels)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error querying X Fixes extension version\n", __FUNCTION__);
DEBUG_WARN( "%s: Error querying X Fixes extension version\n", __FUNCTION__);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error loading X Fixes extension\n", __FUNCTION__);
DEBUG_WARN( "%s: Error loading X Fixes extension\n", __FUNCTION__);
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Using clipboard redirection without XFIXES extension is strongly discouraged!\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "Warning: Using clipboard redirection without XFIXES extension is strongly discouraged!\n");
n = 0;
@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ static BOOL xf_cliprdr_process_dib(clipboardContext* cb, BYTE* data, int size)
Stream_Read_UINT16(s, bpp);
if ((bpp < 1) || (bpp > 32))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid bpp value %d", __FUNCTION__, bpp);
DEBUG_WARN( "%s: invalid bpp value %d", __FUNCTION__, bpp);
return FALSE;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ BOOL xf_set_rop2(xfContext* xfc, int rop2)
if ((rop2 < 0x01) || (rop2 > 0x10))
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported ROP2: %d\n", rop2);
DEBUG_WARN( "Unsupported ROP2: %d\n", rop2);
return FALSE;
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ BOOL xf_set_rop3(xfContext* xfc, int rop3)
if (function < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported ROP3: 0x%08X\n", rop3);
DEBUG_WARN( "Unsupported ROP3: 0x%08X\n", rop3);
XSetFunction(xfc->display, xfc->gc, GXclear);
return FALSE;
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ void xf_gdi_patblt(rdpContext* context, PATBLT_ORDER* patblt)
fprintf(stderr, "unimplemented brush style:%d\n", brush->style);
DEBUG_WARN( "unimplemented brush style:%d\n", brush->style);
if (xfc->drawing == xfc->primary)
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ void xf_gdi_multi_opaque_rect(rdpContext* context, MULTI_OPAQUE_RECT_ORDER* mult
void xf_gdi_draw_nine_grid(rdpContext* context, DRAW_NINE_GRID_ORDER* draw_nine_grid)
fprintf(stderr, "DrawNineGrid\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "DrawNineGrid\n");
void xf_gdi_line_to(rdpContext* context, LINE_TO_ORDER* line_to)
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ void xf_gdi_mem3blt(rdpContext* context, MEM3BLT_ORDER* mem3blt)
fprintf(stderr, "Mem3Blt unimplemented brush style:%d\n", brush->style);
DEBUG_WARN( "Mem3Blt unimplemented brush style:%d\n", brush->style);
XCopyArea(xfc->display, bitmap->pixmap, xfc->drawing, xfc->gc,
@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ void xf_gdi_polygon_sc(rdpContext* context, POLYGON_SC_ORDER* polygon_sc)
fprintf(stderr, "PolygonSC unknown fillMode: %d\n", polygon_sc->fillMode);
DEBUG_WARN( "PolygonSC unknown fillMode: %d\n", polygon_sc->fillMode);
@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ void xf_gdi_polygon_cb(rdpContext* context, POLYGON_CB_ORDER* polygon_cb)
fprintf(stderr, "PolygonCB unknown fillMode: %d\n", polygon_cb->fillMode);
DEBUG_WARN( "PolygonCB unknown fillMode: %d\n", polygon_cb->fillMode);
@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ void xf_gdi_polygon_cb(rdpContext* context, POLYGON_CB_ORDER* polygon_cb)
fprintf(stderr, "PolygonCB unimplemented brush style:%d\n", brush->style);
DEBUG_WARN( "PolygonCB unimplemented brush style:%d\n", brush->style);
XSetFunction(xfc->display, xfc->gc, GXcopy);
@ -908,12 +908,12 @@ void xf_gdi_polygon_cb(rdpContext* context, POLYGON_CB_ORDER* polygon_cb)
void xf_gdi_ellipse_sc(rdpContext* context, ELLIPSE_SC_ORDER* ellipse_sc)
fprintf(stderr, "EllipseSC\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "EllipseSC\n");
void xf_gdi_ellipse_cb(rdpContext* context, ELLIPSE_CB_ORDER* ellipse_cb)
fprintf(stderr, "EllipseCB\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "EllipseCB\n");
void xf_gdi_surface_frame_marker(rdpContext* context, SURFACE_FRAME_MARKER* surface_frame_marker)
@ -1111,12 +1111,12 @@ void xf_gdi_surface_bits(rdpContext* context, SURFACE_BITS_COMMAND* surface_bits
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid bitmap size - data is %d bytes for %dx%d\n update", surface_bits_command->bitmapDataLength, surface_bits_command->width, surface_bits_command->height);
DEBUG_WARN( "Invalid bitmap size - data is %d bytes for %dx%d\n update", surface_bits_command->bitmapDataLength, surface_bits_command->width, surface_bits_command->height);
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codecID %d\n", surface_bits_command->codecID);
DEBUG_WARN( "Unsupported codecID %d\n", surface_bits_command->codecID);
xf_unlock_x11(xfc, FALSE);
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ void xf_Bitmap_Decompress(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap,
switch (codec_id)
fprintf(stderr, "xf_Bitmap_Decompress: nsc not done\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_Bitmap_Decompress: nsc not done\n");
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void xf_Bitmap_Decompress(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap,
if (!msg)
fprintf(stderr, "xf_Bitmap_Decompress: rfx Decompression Failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_Bitmap_Decompress: rfx Decompression Failed\n");
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void xf_Bitmap_Decompress(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap,
if (!jpeg_decompress(data, bitmap->data, width, height, length, bpp))
fprintf(stderr, "xf_Bitmap_Decompress: jpeg Decompression Failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_Bitmap_Decompress: jpeg Decompression Failed\n");
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ void xf_Bitmap_Decompress(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap,
if (!status)
fprintf(stderr, "xf_Bitmap_Decompress: Bitmap Decompression Failed\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_Bitmap_Decompress: Bitmap Decompression Failed\n");
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ int xf_input_touch_remote(xfContext* xfc, XIDeviceEvent* event, int evtype)
else if (evtype == XI_TouchUpdate)
printf("TouchUpdate: %d\n", touchId);
DEBUG_MSG("TouchUpdate: %d\n", touchId);
contactId = rdpei->TouchUpdate(rdpei, touchId, x, y);
else if (evtype == XI_TouchEnd)
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ void xf_keyboard_send_key(xfContext* xfc, BOOL down, BYTE keycode)
if (rdp_scancode == RDP_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN)
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown key with X keycode 0x%02x\n", keycode);
DEBUG_WARN( "Unknown key with X keycode 0x%02x\n", keycode);
else if (rdp_scancode == RDP_SCANCODE_PAUSE &&
!xf_keyboard_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_L) && !xf_keyboard_key_pressed(xfc, XK_Control_R))
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ void xf_process_rail_exec_result_event(xfContext* xfc, rdpChannels* channels, wM
if (exec_result->execResult != RAIL_EXEC_S_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "RAIL exec error: execResult=%s NtError=0x%X\n",
DEBUG_WARN( "RAIL exec error: execResult=%s NtError=0x%X\n",
error_code_names[exec_result->execResult], exec_result->rawResult);
xfc->disconnect = True;
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ void xf_process_rail_appid_resp_event(xfContext* xfc, rdpChannels* channels, wMe
fprintf(stderr, "Server Application ID Response PDU: windowId=0x%X "
DEBUG_WARN( "Server Application ID Response PDU: windowId=0x%X "
"applicationId=(length=%d dump)\n",
appid_resp->windowId, 512);
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ void xf_process_rail_langbarinfo_event(xfContext* xfc, rdpChannels* channels, wM
fprintf(stderr, "Language Bar Information PDU: languageBarStatus=0x%X\n",
DEBUG_WARN( "Language Bar Information PDU: languageBarStatus=0x%X\n",
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ void xf_tsmf_init(xfContext* xfc, long xv_port)
fprintf(stderr, "xf_tsmf_init: pixel format ");
DEBUG_WARN( "xf_tsmf_init: pixel format ");
fo = XvListImageFormats(xfc->display, xv->xv_port, &ret);
if (ret > 0)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void xf_tsmf_init(xfContext* xfc, long xv_port)
xv->xv_pixfmts[i] = fo[i].id;
fprintf(stderr, "%c%c%c%c ", ((char*)(xv->xv_pixfmts + i))[0], ((char*)(xv->xv_pixfmts + i))[1],
DEBUG_WARN( "%c%c%c%c ", ((char*)(xv->xv_pixfmts + i))[0], ((char*)(xv->xv_pixfmts + i))[1],
((char*)(xv->xv_pixfmts + i))[2], ((char*)(xv->xv_pixfmts + i))[3]);
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ void xf_tsmf_init(xfContext* xfc, long xv_port)
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "\n");
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <freerdp/crypto/crypto.h>
#include <freerdp/locale/keyboard.h>
#include <freerdp/utils/debug.h>
#include <freerdp/client/cmdline.h>
#include <freerdp/version.h>
@ -1190,7 +1191,7 @@ int freerdp_client_settings_parse_command_line_arguments(rdpSettings* settings,
if (compatibility)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Using deprecated command-line interface!\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "WARNING: Using deprecated command-line interface!\n");
return freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(argc, argv, settings);
@ -1374,7 +1375,7 @@ int freerdp_client_settings_parse_command_line_arguments(rdpSettings* settings,
if (!id)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not identify keyboard layout: %s\n", arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "Could not identify keyboard layout: %s\n", arg->Value);
@ -1732,7 +1733,7 @@ int freerdp_client_settings_parse_command_line_arguments(rdpSettings* settings,
fprintf(stderr, "unknown protocol security: %s\n", arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "unknown protocol security: %s\n", arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "sec-rdp")
@ -1878,7 +1879,7 @@ int freerdp_client_settings_parse_command_line_arguments(rdpSettings* settings,
fprintf(stderr, "reconnect-cookie: invalid base64 '%s'\n",
DEBUG_WARN( "reconnect-cookie: invalid base64 '%s'\n",
@ -1943,7 +1944,7 @@ int freerdp_client_load_static_channel_addin(rdpChannels* channels, rdpSettings*
if (freerdp_channels_client_load(channels, settings, entry, data) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "loading channel %s\n", name);
DEBUG_WARN( "loading channel %s\n", name);
return 0;
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <freerdp/addin.h>
#include <freerdp/settings.h>
#include <freerdp/client/channels.h>
#include <freerdp/utils/debug.h>
#include <freerdp/locale/keyboard.h>
#include <freerdp/client/cmdline.h>
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ int freerdp_client_old_process_plugin(rdpSettings* settings, ADDIN_ARGV* args)
if (strcmp(args->argv[0], "cliprdr") == 0)
settings->RedirectClipboard = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--plugin cliprdr -> +clipboard\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--plugin cliprdr -> +clipboard\n");
else if (strcmp(args->argv[0], "rdpdr") == 0)
@ -437,37 +438,37 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "0")
settings->ConsoleSession = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "-0 -> /admin\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "-0 -> /admin\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "a")
settings->ColorDepth = atoi(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-a %s -> /bpp:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-a %s -> /bpp:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "c")
settings->ShellWorkingDirectory = _strdup(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-c %s -> /shell-dir:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-c %s -> /shell-dir:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "D")
settings->Decorations = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "-D -> -decorations\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "-D -> -decorations\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "T")
settings->WindowTitle = _strdup(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-T %s -> /title:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-T %s -> /title:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "d")
settings->Domain = _strdup(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-d %s -> /d:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-d %s -> /d:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "f")
settings->Fullscreen = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "-f -> /f\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "-f -> /f\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "g")
@ -484,50 +485,50 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
fprintf(stderr, "-g %s -> /size:%s or /w:%d /h:%d\n", arg->Value, arg->Value,
DEBUG_WARN( "-g %s -> /size:%s or /w:%d /h:%d\n", arg->Value, arg->Value,
settings->DesktopWidth, settings->DesktopHeight);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "k")
sscanf(arg->Value, "%X", &(settings->KeyboardLayout));
fprintf(stderr, "-k %s -> /kbd:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-k %s -> /kbd:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "K")
settings->GrabKeyboard = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "-K -> -grab-keyboard\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "-K -> -grab-keyboard\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "n")
settings->ClientHostname = _strdup(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-n -> /client-hostname:%s\n", arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-n -> /client-hostname:%s\n", arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "o")
settings->RemoteConsoleAudio = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "-o -> /audio-mode:1\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "-o -> /audio-mode:1\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "p")
settings->Password = _strdup(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-p ****** -> /p:******\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "-p ****** -> /p:******\n");
/* Hide the value from 'ps'. */
FillMemory(arg->Value, strlen(arg->Value), '*');
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "s")
settings->AlternateShell = _strdup(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-s %s -> /shell:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-s %s -> /shell:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "t")
settings->ServerPort = atoi(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-t %s -> /port:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-t %s -> /port:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "u")
settings->Username = _strdup(arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "-u %s -> /u:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-u %s -> /u:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "x")
@ -555,31 +556,31 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
fprintf(stderr, "-x %s -> /network:", arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-x %s -> /network:", arg->Value);
fprintf(stderr, "modem");
DEBUG_WARN( "modem");
fprintf(stderr, "broadband");
DEBUG_WARN( "broadband");
fprintf(stderr, "lan");
DEBUG_WARN( "lan");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "X")
settings->ParentWindowId = strtol(arg->Value, NULL, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "-X %s -> /parent-window:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "-X %s -> /parent-window:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "z")
settings->CompressionEnabled = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "-z -> /compression\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "-z -> /compression\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "app")
settings->RemoteApplicationMode = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--app -> /app: + program name or alias\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--app -> /app: + program name or alias\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "ext")
@ -588,7 +589,7 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "no-auth")
settings->Authentication = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--no-auth -> -authentication\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--no-auth -> -authentication\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "authonly")
@ -602,12 +603,12 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
settings->FastPathInput = FALSE;
settings->FastPathOutput = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--no-fastpath -> -fast-path\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--no-fastpath -> -fast-path\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "no-motion")
settings->MouseMotion = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--no-motion -> -mouse-motion\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--no-motion -> -mouse-motion\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "gdi")
@ -616,26 +617,26 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
else if (strcmp(arg->Value, "hw") == 0)
settings->SoftwareGdi = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--gdi %s -> /gdi:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "--gdi %s -> /gdi:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "no-osb")
settings->OffscreenSupportLevel = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--no-osb -> -offscreen-cache\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--no-osb -> -offscreen-cache\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "no-bmp-cache")
settings->BitmapCacheEnabled = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--no-bmp-cache -> -bitmap-cache\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--no-bmp-cache -> -bitmap-cache\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "plugin")
fprintf(stderr, "--plugin -> /a, /vc, /dvc and channel-specific options\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--plugin -> /a, /vc, /dvc and channel-specific options\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "rfx")
settings->RemoteFxCodec = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--rfx -> /rfx\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--rfx -> /rfx\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "rfx-mode")
@ -644,37 +645,37 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
else if (arg->Value[0] == 'i')
settings->RemoteFxCodecMode = 0x02;
fprintf(stderr, "--rfx-mode -> /rfx-mode:%s\n", settings->RemoteFxCodecMode ? "image" : "video");
DEBUG_WARN( "--rfx-mode -> /rfx-mode:%s\n", settings->RemoteFxCodecMode ? "image" : "video");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "nsc")
settings->NSCodec = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--nsc -> /nsc\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--nsc -> /nsc\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "disable-wallpaper")
settings->DisableWallpaper = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--disable-wallpaper -> -wallpaper\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--disable-wallpaper -> -wallpaper\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "composition")
settings->AllowDesktopComposition = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--composition -> +composition\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--composition -> +composition\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "disable-full-window-drag")
settings->DisableFullWindowDrag = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--disable-full-window-drag -> -window-drag\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--disable-full-window-drag -> -window-drag\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "disable-menu-animations")
settings->DisableMenuAnims = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--disable-menu-animations -> -menu-anims\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--disable-menu-animations -> -menu-anims\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "disable-theming")
settings->DisableThemes = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--disable-theming -> -themes\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--disable-theming -> -themes\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "ntlm")
@ -683,7 +684,7 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "ignore-certificate")
settings->IgnoreCertificate = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--ignore-certificate -> /cert-ignore\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--ignore-certificate -> /cert-ignore\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "sec")
@ -709,22 +710,22 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
settings->NlaSecurity = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "--sec %s -> /sec:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
DEBUG_WARN( "--sec %s -> /sec:%s\n", arg->Value, arg->Value);
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "no-rdp")
settings->RdpSecurity = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--no-rdp -> -sec-rdp\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--no-rdp -> -sec-rdp\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "no-tls")
settings->TlsSecurity = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--no-tls -> -sec-tls\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--no-tls -> -sec-tls\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "no-nla")
settings->NlaSecurity = FALSE;
fprintf(stderr, "--no-nla -> -sec-nla\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "--no-nla -> -sec-nla\n");
CommandLineSwitchCase(arg, "secure-checksum")
@ -739,12 +740,12 @@ int freerdp_client_parse_old_command_line_arguments(int argc, char** argv, rdpSe
while ((arg = CommandLineFindNextArgumentA(arg)) != NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "%s -> /v:%s", settings->ServerHostname, settings->ServerHostname);
DEBUG_WARN( "%s -> /v:%s", settings->ServerHostname, settings->ServerHostname);
if (settings->ServerPort != 3389)
fprintf(stderr, " /port:%d", settings->ServerPort);
DEBUG_WARN( " /port:%d", settings->ServerPort);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "\n");
return 1;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "config.h"
#include <freerdp/utils/debug.h>
#include <freerdp/client/file.h>
#include <freerdp/client/cmdline.h>
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ BOOL freerdp_client_rdp_file_set_integer(rdpFile* file, const char* name, int va
BOOL bStandard = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "%s:i:%d\n", name, value);
DEBUG_WARN( "%s:i:%d\n", name, value);
if (_stricmp(name, "use multimon") == 0)
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ BOOL freerdp_client_rdp_file_set_string(rdpFile* file, const char* name, const c
BOOL bStandard = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "%s:s:%s\n", name, value);
DEBUG_WARN( "%s:s:%s\n", name, value);
if (_stricmp(name, "username") == 0)
@ -665,7 +666,7 @@ BOOL freerdp_client_write_rdp_file(const rdpFile* file, const char* name, BOOL u
if (length < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "freerdp_client_write_rdp_file: error determining buffer size.\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "freerdp_client_write_rdp_file: error determining buffer size.\n");
return FALSE;
@ -673,7 +674,7 @@ BOOL freerdp_client_write_rdp_file(const rdpFile* file, const char* name, BOOL u
if (freerdp_client_write_rdp_file_buffer(file, buffer, length + 1) != length)
fprintf(stderr, "freerdp_client_write_rdp_file: error writing to output buffer\n");
DEBUG_WARN( "freerdp_client_write_rdp_file: error writing to output buffer\n");
return FALSE;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user