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* FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation
* FreeRDP Interface
* Copyright 2009-2011 Jay Sorg
* Copyright 2015 Thincast Technologies GmbH
* Copyright 2015 DI (FH) Martin Haimberger <>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
2023-03-14 12:39:18 +03:00
#include <winpr/stream.h>
#include <freerdp/api.h>
#include <freerdp/types.h>
2023-03-14 12:39:18 +03:00
#include <freerdp/settings.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
* @brief Read data from a transport layer
* @param userContext user defined context passed by @ref freerdp_set_io_callback_context
* @param data a buffer to read to
* @param bytes the size of the buffer
* @return the number of bytes read or <0 for failures
* @since version 3.9.0
typedef int (*pTransportLayerRead)(void* userContext, void* data, int bytes);
* @brief write data to a transport layer
* @param userContext user defined context passed by @ref freerdp_set_io_callback_context
* @param data a buffer to write
* @param bytes the size of the buffer
* @return the number of bytes written or <0 for failures
* @since version 3.9.0
typedef int (*pTransportLayerWrite)(void* userContext, const void* data, int bytes);
typedef BOOL (*pTransportLayerFkt)(void* userContext);
typedef BOOL (*pTransportLayerWait)(void* userContext, BOOL waitWrite, DWORD timeout);
typedef HANDLE (*pTransportLayerGetEvent)(void* userContext);
* @since version 3.9.0
typedef struct
ALIGN64 void* userContext;
ALIGN64 pTransportLayerRead Read;
ALIGN64 pTransportLayerWrite Write;
ALIGN64 pTransportLayerFkt Close;
ALIGN64 pTransportLayerWait Wait;
ALIGN64 pTransportLayerGetEvent GetEvent;
UINT64 reserved[64 - 6]; /* Reserve some space for ABI compatibility */
} rdpTransportLayer;
typedef int (*pTCPConnect)(rdpContext* context, rdpSettings* settings, const char* hostname,
int port, DWORD timeout);
typedef BOOL (*pTransportFkt)(rdpTransport* transport);
typedef BOOL (*pTransportAttach)(rdpTransport* transport, int sockfd);
typedef int (*pTransportRWFkt)(rdpTransport* transport, wStream* s);
typedef SSIZE_T (*pTransportRead)(rdpTransport* transport, BYTE* data, size_t bytes);
typedef BOOL (*pTransportGetPublicKey)(rdpTransport* transport, const BYTE** data,
DWORD* length);
* @brief Mofify transport behaviour between bocking and non blocking operation
* @param transport The transport to manipulate
* @param blocking Boolean to set the transport \b TRUE blocking and \b FALSE non-blocking
* @return \b TRUE for success, \b FALSE for any error
* @since version 3.3.0
typedef BOOL (*pTransportSetBlockingMode)(rdpTransport* transport, BOOL blocking);
typedef rdpTransportLayer* (*pTransportConnectLayer)(rdpTransport* transport,
const char* hostname, int port,
DWORD timeout);
* @brief Return the public key as PEM from transport layer.
* @param transport the transport to query
* @param layer the transport layer to attach
* @return \b TRUE for success, \b FALSE for failure
* @since version 3.2.0
typedef BOOL (*pTransportAttachLayer)(rdpTransport* transport, rdpTransportLayer* layer);
struct rdp_transport_io
pTCPConnect TCPConnect;
pTransportFkt TLSConnect;
pTransportFkt TLSAccept;
pTransportAttach TransportAttach;
pTransportFkt TransportDisconnect;
pTransportRWFkt ReadPdu; /* Reads a whole PDU from the transport */
pTransportRWFkt WritePdu; /* Writes a whole PDU to the transport */
pTransportRead ReadBytes; /* Reads up to a requested amount of bytes */
pTransportGetPublicKey GetPublicKey; /** @since version 3.2.0 */
pTransportSetBlockingMode SetBlockingMode; /** @since version 3.3.0 */
pTransportConnectLayer ConnectLayer; /** @since 3.9.0 */
pTransportAttachLayer AttachLayer; /** @since 3.9.0 */
UINT64 reserved[64 - 12]; /* Reserve some space for ABI compatibility */
typedef struct rdp_transport_io rdpTransportIo;
FREERDP_API BOOL freerdp_io_callback_set_event(rdpContext* context, BOOL set);
FREERDP_API const rdpTransportIo* freerdp_get_io_callbacks(rdpContext* context);
FREERDP_API BOOL freerdp_set_io_callbacks(rdpContext* context,
const rdpTransportIo* io_callbacks);
FREERDP_API BOOL freerdp_set_io_callback_context(rdpContext* context, void* usercontext);
FREERDP_API void* freerdp_get_io_callback_context(rdpContext* context);
/* PDU parser.
* incomplete: FALSE if the whole PDU is available, TRUE otherwise
* Return: 0 -> PDU header incomplete
* >0 -> PDU header complete, length of PDU.
* <0 -> Abort, an error occured
FREERDP_API SSIZE_T transport_parse_pdu(rdpTransport* transport, wStream* s, BOOL* incomplete);
FREERDP_API rdpContext* transport_get_context(rdpTransport* transport);
FREERDP_API rdpTransport* freerdp_get_transport(rdpContext* context);
* @brief Free a transport layer instance
* @param layer A pointer to the layer to free or \b NULL
* @since version 3.9.0
FREERDP_API void transport_layer_free(rdpTransportLayer* layer);
* @brief Create new transport layer instance
* @param transport A pointer to the transport instance to use
* @param contextSize The size of the context to use
* @return A new transport layer instance or \b NULL in case of failure
* @since version 3.9.0
WINPR_ATTR_MALLOC(transport_layer_free, 1)
FREERDP_API rdpTransportLayer* transport_layer_new(rdpTransport* transport, size_t contextSize);
#ifdef __cplusplus