413 lines
12 KiB
413 lines
12 KiB
// $Id: pciusb.h,v 1.9 2005-01-21 16:07:38 vruppert Exp $
// Copyright (C) 2004 MandrakeSoft S.A.
// MandrakeSoft S.A.
// 43, rue d'Aboukir
// 75002 Paris - France
// http://www.linux-mandrake.com/
// http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Benjamin D Lunt (fys at frontiernet net) coded most of this usb emulation.
# define BX_USB_THIS theUSBDevice->
# define BX_USB_THIS_PTR theUSBDevice
# define BX_USB_THIS this->
# define BX_USB_THIS_PTR this
#define BX_USB_MAXDEV 1
#define BX_USB_CONFDEV 1 /* only 1 USB hub currently */
#define USB_NUM_PORTS 2 /* UHCI supports 2 ports per root hub */
#define USB_CUR_DEVS 2 // 2 devices. 1 on each port
#define TOKEN_IN 0x69
#define TOKEN_OUT 0xE1
#define TOKEN_SETUP 0x2D
// Bus Line Status States
#define LO_IDLE BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 1; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 0;
#define LO_K BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 0; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 1;
#define LO_J BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 1; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 0;
#define HI_IDLE BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 0; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 1;
#define HI_K BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 1; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 0;
#define HI_J BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 0; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 1;
#define SE0 BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 0; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 0;
#define SE1 BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 1; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 1;
#define LO_SOP LO_K
// device requests
// interface requests
// standard endpoint requests
#define SET_FEATURE_TEST_MODE 0 /////////TODO: I don't know yet what this value is to be
// Descriptor types
// setup packets
Bit8u request_type;
Bit8u request;
Bit16u value;
Bit16u index;
Bit16u length;
#define KEYPAD_LEN 128
struct KEYPAD {
Bit8u scan_code[8];
Bit8u keypad_packet[8];
// set it to 1 (align on byte) and save so we can pop it
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct USB_DEVICE {
int dev_type; // our device type
bx_bool connect_status; // is device connected
Bit8u address; // 7 bit address
Bit8u config; // which configuration to use
Bit8u Interface; // which interface to use
Bit8u alt_interface; // which alt interface to use
Bit8u endpt; // which endpt to use
unsigned state; // the state the device is in. DEFAULT, ADDRESS, or CONFIGURED
struct {
Bit8u direction;
Bit8u *in;
Bit8u *out;
Bit16u in_cnt;
Bit16u out_cnt;
unsigned configs; ///// this is the same as configs below??????
struct {
Bit8u len;
Bit8u type;
Bit16u usb_ver;
Bit8u _class;
Bit8u subclass;
Bit8u protocol;
Bit8u max_packet_size;
Bit16u vendorid;
Bit16u productid;
Bit16u device_rel;
Bit8u manuf_indx;
Bit8u prod_indx;
Bit8u serial_indx;
Bit8u configs;
} device_descr;
struct {
Bit8u len;
Bit8u type;
Bit16u tot_len;
Bit8u interfaces;
Bit8u config_val;
Bit8u config_indx;
Bit8u attrbs;
Bit8u max_power;
struct {
Bit8u size;
Bit8u type;
Bit8u interface_num;
Bit8u alternate;
Bit8u num_endpts;
Bit8u iclass;
Bit8u subclass;
Bit8u protocol;
Bit8u str_indx;
struct {
Bit8u size;
Bit8u type;
Bit8u endpt;
Bit8u attrib;
Bit16u max_size;
Bit8u interval;
} endpts[4];
struct {
Bit8u size;
Bit8u type;
Bit16u HID_class;
Bit8u country_code;
Bit8u num_descriptors;
struct {
Bit8u type;
Bit16u len;
Bit8u dev_hid_descript_report[128];
} descriptor[16];
} dev_hid_descript;
int lookup_cnt;
struct KEYPAD lookup[KEYPAD_LEN];
} Interface[4];
} device_config[4];
struct {
Bit8u size;
Bit8u type;
Bit16u langid[3];
} str_descriptor;
struct {
Bit8u size;
Bit8u type;
Bit8u unicode_str[64];
} string[6];
} function; // currently, we only support 1 function
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef struct {
Bit32u base_ioaddr;
int timer_index;
// Registers
// Base + 0x00 Command register
// Base + 0x02 Status register
// Base + 0x04 Interrupt Enable register
// Base + 0x06 Frame Number register
// Base + 0x08 Frame Base Register (32-bit)
// Base + 0x0C Start of Frame Modify register
// Base + 0x0D
// Base + 0x0E
// Base + 0x0F
// Base + 0x10 Eight(?) 16-bit ports (one for each port on hub)
// Bit reps of registers above
// Command Register
// Bits 15-8 are reserved
// Bit 7 = Maximum packet size
// Bit 6 = Host Controller has been configured (set by software)
// Bit 5 = software debug mode
// Bit 4 = force global resume
// Bit 3 = enter global suspend mode
// Bit 2 = global reset
// Bit 1 = host controller reset
// Bit 0 = run/stop schedule
struct {
bx_bool max_packet_size; //(bit 7) 0 = 32 bytes, 1 = 64 bytes
bx_bool configured; //(bit 6)
bx_bool debug; //(bit 5)
bx_bool resume; //(bit 4)
bx_bool suspend; //(bit 3)
bx_bool reset; //(bit 2)
bx_bool host_reset; //(bit 1)
bx_bool schedule; //(bit 0) 0 = Stop, 1 = Run
} usb_command;
// Status Register
// Bits 15-6 are reserved
// Bit 5 = Host controller halted
// Bit 4 = Host controller process error
// Bit 3 = PCI Bus error
// Bit 2 = resume received
// Bit 1 = USB error interrupt
// Bit 0 = USB interrupt
struct {
bx_bool host_halted; //(bit 5)
bx_bool host_error; //(bit 4)
bx_bool pci_error; //(bit 3)
bx_bool resume; //(bit 2)
bx_bool error_interrupt; //(bit 1)
bx_bool interrupt; //(bit 0)
} usb_status;
// Interrupt Enable Register
// Bits 15-4 are reserved
// Bit 3 = enable short packet interrupts
// Bit 2 = enable interrupt On Complete
// Bit 1 = enable resume
// Bit 0 = enable timeout/crc
struct {
bx_bool short_packet; //(bit 3)
bx_bool on_complete; //(bit 2)
bx_bool resume; //(bit 1)
bx_bool timeout_crc; //(bit 0)
} usb_enable;
// Frame Number Register
// Bits 15-11 are reserved
// Bits 10-0 Frame List Current Index/Frame Number
struct {
Bit16u frame_num;
} usb_frame_num;
// Frame List Base Address Register
// Bits 31-12 Base
// Bits 11-0 *must* be zeros when written to
struct {
Bit32u frame_base;
} usb_frame_base;
// Start of Frame Modify Register
// Bit 7 reserved
// Bits 6-0 SOF timing value (default 64)
// SOF cycle time equals 11936+timing value
struct {
Bit8u sof_timing;
} usb_sof;
// Port Register (0-1)
// Bits 15-13 are reserved
// Bit 12 suspend port
// Bit 11-10 are reserved
// Bit 9 port in reset state
// Bit 8 low-speed device is attached (read-only)
// Bit 7 reserved
// Bit 6 resume detected (read-only)
// Bit 5 line-status D+ (read-only)
// Bit 4 line-status D- (read-only)
// Bit 3 port enabled/disable status has changed
// (write 1 to this bit to clear it)
// Bit 2 port is enabled
// Bit 1 connect status has changed
// (write 1 to this bit to clear it)
// Bit 0 current connect status (read-only)
// Can only write in WORD sizes (Read in byte sizes???)
struct {
// our data
int device_num; // device number on this hub
// bit reps of actual port
bx_bool suspend;
bx_bool reset;
bx_bool low_speed;
bx_bool resume;
bx_bool line_dminus;
bx_bool line_dplus;
bx_bool able_changed;
bx_bool enabled;
bx_bool connect_changed;
bx_bool status;
} usb_port[USB_NUM_PORTS];
Bit8u pci_conf[256];
Bit8u devfunc;
struct USB_DEVICE device[USB_CUR_DEVS]; // two ports per hub, 127 devices per port (max)
int statusbar_id[2]; // IDs of the status LEDs
} bx_usb_t;
#pragma pack (push, 1)
struct TD {
Bit32u dword0;
Bit32u dword1;
Bit32u dword2;
Bit32u dword3;
Bit32u resv[4];
#pragma pack (pop)
#define HC_HORZ 0x80
#define HC_VERT 0x81
struct HCSTACK {
Bit32u next;
Bit8u d; // if queue, denotes VERT or HORZ
bx_bool q;
bx_bool t;
class bx_pciusb_c : public bx_usb_stub_c
virtual void init(void);
virtual void reset(unsigned);
virtual void usb_mouse_enq(int delta_x, int delta_y, int delta_z, unsigned button_state);
virtual void usb_mouse_enable(bx_bool enable);
virtual bx_bool usb_key_enq(Bit8u *scan_code);
virtual bx_bool usb_keyboard_connected();
virtual bx_bool usb_mouse_connected();
bx_bool busy;
bx_usb_t hub[BX_USB_CONFDEV];
Bit8u global_reset;
int mouse_delayed_dx;
int mouse_delayed_dy;
int mouse_delayed_dz;
unsigned button_state;
Bit8s mouse_x;
Bit8s mouse_y;
Bit8s mouse_z;
Bit8u b_state;
Bit8u saved_key[8];
Bit8u key_pad_packet[8];
static void set_irq_level(bx_bool level);
Bit8u *device_buffer;
unsigned set_address_stk;
Bit8u set_address[128];
bx_bool last_connect;
bx_bool keyboard_connected;
bx_bool mouse_connected;
static void init_device(Bit8u port, char *devname);
static void usb_set_connect_status(int type, bx_bool connected);
static void usb_timer_handler(void *);
void usb_timer(void);
void DoTransfer(struct TD *);
unsigned GetDescriptor(struct USB_DEVICE *, struct REQUEST_PACKET *);
void set_status(struct TD *td, bx_bool stalled, bx_bool data_buffer_error, bx_bool babble,
bx_bool nak, bx_bool crc_time_out, bx_bool bitstuff_error, Bit16u act_len);
static Bit32u read_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, unsigned io_len);
static void write_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
static Bit32u pci_read_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit8u address, unsigned io_len);
static void pci_write_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit8u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
Bit32u read(Bit32u address, unsigned io_len);
void write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
Bit32u pci_read(Bit8u address, unsigned io_len);
void pci_write(Bit8u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);