Volker Ruppert e44176f597 run stepN command in the simulation thread to avoid deadlock in wxBochs
GTK init is not required in the wxGTK case
removed unnecessary include
2013-02-15 15:47:16 +00:00

3441 lines
113 KiB

// $Id$
// (C) Chourdakis Michael, 2008
// Modified by Bruce Ewing
// Copyright (C) 2008-2013 The Bochs Project
#include "config.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "bochs.h"
#include "cpu/cpu.h"
#include "disasm/disasm.h"
#include "enh_dbg.h"
// Match stuff
#define MATCH_TRUE 1
#define MATCH_FALSE 0
#define MATCH_ABORT -1
// get a "class" to access the disassebler
// Note; any instance has access to all the member functions -- that is enough!
// -- i.e. No further initialization necessary.
static disassembler bx_disassemble;
const char* DC0txt[2] = {"P.Address","L.Address"}; // DumpMode definitions in text
const char* BTxt[6] = {
"Continue [c]",
"Step [s]",
"Step N [s ###]",
"Break [^C]",
"Break All"};
int BtnLkup[6] = {
#ifdef WIN32
int useCR = 1; // Win32 needs CRLF pairs for an EOL
bx_bool NeedSysRresize = TRUE; // use Sys Reg to help autosize Reg "hex" column
int useCR = 0;
bx_bool NeedSysRresize = FALSE; // use Sys Reg to help autosize Reg "hex" column
bx_bool SeeReg[8] = {
TRUE, // in 64bit mode, show 32bit versions of registers also (EAX, ...)
TRUE, // show segment registers (CS, ...)
TRUE, // show GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, Task Reg
TRUE, // show control register (CR0, ...)
FALSE, // show FPU (STi) / MMX registers
FALSE, // show XMM registers
FALSE, // show the Debug Registers (DR0, ...)
FALSE // Test Registers not yet supported in bochs
bx_bool SingleCPU = FALSE; // Display all SMP CPUs
bx_bool ShowIOWindows = TRUE; // Display the Input and Output Internal Debugger windows
bx_bool ShowButtons = TRUE; // Display the top-row Step/Continue pushbuttons
bx_bool SeeRegColors = TRUE; // Display registers with background color "groups"
bx_bool ignoreNxtT = TRUE; // Do not show "Next at t=" output lines
bx_bool ignSSDisasm = TRUE; // Do not show extra disassembly line at each break
int UprCase = 0; // 1 = convert all Asm, Register names, Register values to uppercase
int DumpInAsciiMode = 3; // bit 1 = show ASCII in dumps, bit 2 = show hex, value=0 is illegal
bx_bool isLittleEndian = TRUE;
int DefaultAsmLines = 512; // default # of asm lines disassembled and "cached"
int bottommargin = 6; // ASM autoscroller tries to leave this many lines below
int topmargin = 3; // autoscroller tries to leave this many lines above
// Note: topmargin must be less than bottommargin
// How to use DockOrder: the Register list is window 1, ASM is window 2, MemDump is window 3
// Create the hex value with the digits in the order you want the windows to be.
// 0x312 would have MemDump on the left, Register in the middle, ASM on the right
short DockOrder = 0x123; // set the default List "docking" (Reg, ASM, Dump)
bx_bool SA_valid = FALSE;
Bit64u SelectedDataAddress = 0;
Bit64u CurrentAsmLA = 0; // = EIP/RIP -- for highlighting in ASM window
Bit64u BottomAsmLA; // beginning and end addrs on ASM window
Bit64u TopAsmLA;
Bit32u PrevStepNSize = 50; // cpu_loop control variables
unsigned TotCPUs; // # of CPUs in a multi-CPU simulation
unsigned CpuSupportSSE = 0; // cpu supports SSE
unsigned CurrentCPU; // cpu that is being displayed
struct ASKTEXT ask_str;
// window resizing/docking stuff
int OneCharWide; // average width of a char in current font (pixels)
int Sizing = 0; // current "resizing/docking mode"
int Resize_HiX; // horizontal limits of the current resize operation (pixels)
int Resize_LoX;
unsigned ListWidthPix[3] = {5,7,8}; // set initial proportions of Reg, Asm, Dump windows
int CurCenterList = 0;
bx_bool DumpHasFocus = FALSE;
// BarClix holds the x-axis position (in pixels or logical units) of the two resizing bars,
// in parent coordinates (ie. any window that contains the lists)
unsigned short BarClix[2];
bx_bool AtBreak = FALSE; // Status indicators
bx_bool CpuModeChange = TRUE;
bx_bool StatusChange = TRUE;
bx_bool In64Mode = FALSE; // CPU modes
bx_bool In32Mode = FALSE;
unsigned CpuMode = 0;
Bit32u InPaging = 0; // Storage for the top bit of CR0, unmodified
bx_bool doOneTimeInit = TRUE; // Internal flags
bx_bool ResizeColmns; // address/value column autosize flag
bx_bool FWflag = FALSE; // friendly warning has been shown to user once already
static char *PrevStack; // buffer for testing changes in stack values
Bit64u PStackLA = 0; // to calculate alignment between prev and current stack
bx_bool StackEntChg[STACK_ENTRIES]; // flag for "change detected" on each stack line
// only pay special attention to registers up to EFER
static const char* RegLCName[EFER_Rnum + 1] = {
static char* RDispName[EFER_Rnum + 1];
static bx_param_num_c *RegObject[BX_MAX_SMP_THREADS_SUPPORTED][TOT_REG_NUM + EXTRA_REGS];
Bit64u rV[EFER_Rnum + 1]; // current values of registers
Bit64u PV[EFER_Rnum + 1]; // previous values of registers
Bit32s GDT_Len; // "limits" (= bytesize-1) for GDT and IDT
Bit32s IDT_Len;
Bit8u RegColor[TOT_REG_NUM]; // specifies foreground and background color of registers
// Text color is red if the upper bit is set. Background is set according to ColorList.
int RitemToRnum[TOT_REG_NUM]; // mapping from Reg List Item# to register number
Bit64u ladrmin = 0; // bochs linear addressing access variables
Bit64u ladrmax = 0;
Bit64u l_p_offset;
bx_bool DumpInitted = FALSE; // has the MemDump window ever been filled with data?
int DumpAlign = 1;
int PrevDAD; // saves "previous DumpAlign value" (forces column autosize)
char *DataDump;
Bit64u DumpStart = 0; // current emulated address (lin or phys) of DataDump
bx_bool doDumpRefresh;
int DViewMode = VIEW_MEMDUMP;
bx_bool LinearDump = TRUE; // FALSE = memdump uses physical addressing
char *tmpcb; // 512b is allocated in bigbuf
char *CurStack; // Stack workspace (400b usually)
char AsciiHex[512]; // Unsigned char to printable hex xlat table
static char UCtable[256];
char bigbuf[outbufSIZE]; // 40K preallocated storage for all char buffers (see DoAllInit)
char *DbgAppendPtr = bigbuf;
char *OutWindow; // buffer for the Output window
int OutWinCnt = OutWinSIZE; // available size of OutWindow buffer
int PO_Tdelay = 0; // delay before displaying partial output lines
int AsmLineCount = 1; // # of disassembled asm lines loaded
int AsmPgSize = 0;
int ListLineRatio; // number of vertical pixels in a ListView Item
int ListVerticalPix; // number of vertical pixels in each List
Bit64u AsmLA[MAX_ASM]; // linear address of each disassembled ASM line
// Command stuff
int CommandHistoryIdx = 0;
char *CmdHistory[CmdHistorySize]; // 64 command History storage (fixed 80b each)
int CmdHInsert = 0; // index of next history entry to store
int SizeList = 0;
Bit32s xClick = -1; // halfway through a mouseclick flag + location
Bit32s yClick = 0; // values are in Listview coordinates
static const char* GDTt2[8] = {
"16-bit code",
"64-bit code",
"32-bit code",
"16-bit data",
"64-bit data",
"32-bit data",
static const char* GDTsT[] = { "","Available 16bit TSS","LDT","Busy 16bit TSS","16bit Call Gate",
"Task Gate","16bit Interrupt Gate","16bit Trap Gate","Reserved",
"Available 32bit TSS","Reserved","Busy 32bit TSS","32bit Call Gate",
"Reserved","32bit Interrupt Gate","32bit Trap Gate"
// Register hex display formats -- index by UprCase
static const char* Fmt64b[2] = { FMT_ADDRX64, "%016llX" };
static const char* Fmt32b[2] = { "%08x", "%08X" };
static const char* Fmt16b[2] = { "%04x", "%04X" };
static const char* xDT64Fmt[2] = { FMT_ADDRX64 " (%4x)", "%016llX (%4X)" };
static const char* xDT32Fmt[2] = { "%08x (%4x)", "%08X (%4X)" };
static const char *BrkName[5] = {
"Linear Breakpt",
"Physical Breakpt",
"Virtual Breakpt",
"Write Watchpoint",
"Read Watchpoint",
bx_address BrkLAddr[BX_DBG_MAX_LIN_BPOINTS];
unsigned BrkIdx[BX_DBG_MAX_LIN_BPOINTS];
int BreakCount = 0;
// Breakpoint Dump Window stuff
unsigned short BrkpIDMap[256];
unsigned short WWP_BaseEntry;
unsigned short RWP_BaseEntry;
unsigned short EndLinEntry;
unsigned short EndPhyEntry;
unsigned short WWPSnapCount;
unsigned short RWPSnapCount;
bx_phy_address WWP_Snapshot[16];
bx_phy_address RWP_Snapshot[16];
char *debug_cmd;
bx_bool debug_cmd_ready;
bx_bool vgaw_refresh;
static bxevent_handler old_callback = NULL;
static void *old_callback_arg = NULL;
short nDock[36] = { // lookup table for alternate DockOrders
0x231, 0x312, 0x231, 0x213, 0x132, 0x132,
0x213, 0x321, 0x123, 0x123, 0x321, 0x312,
0x213, 0x213, 0x123, 0x312, 0x321, 0x312,
0x132, 0x123, 0x132, 0x321, 0x231, 0x231,
0x312, 0x312, 0x231, 0x213, 0x132, 0x213,
0x132, 0x123, 0x321, 0x321, 0x123, 0x231
void MakeXlatTables()
char *p, c;
int i = 256;
while (--i >= 0) // make an upper case translation table
UCtable[i]= toupper(i);
p = AsciiHex; // then also make a "hex" table
for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++)
c = i >> 4;
if (c > 9)
c += 'A' - 10; // do all hex in uppercase
c += '0';
*(p++)= c;
c = i & 0xf;
if (c > 9)
c += 'A' - 10;
c += '0';
*(p++)= c;
int DoMatch(const char *text, const char *p, bx_bool IsCaseSensitive)
// probably the MOST DIFFICULT FUNCTION in TurboIRC
// Thanks to BitchX for copying this function
//int last;
int matched;
//int reverse;
int pT = 0;
int pP = 0;
for (; p[pP] != '\0'; pP++, pT++)
if (text[pT] == '\0' && p[pP] != '*')
switch (p[pP])
// case '\\': // Match with following char
// pP++;
if (IsCaseSensitive)
if (text[pT] != p[pP])
if (UCtable[(int) text[pT]] != UCtable[(int) p[pP]])
case '?':
case '*':
if (p[pP] == '*')
if (p[pP] == '\0')
return MATCH_TRUE;
while (text[pT] != FALSE)
matched = DoMatch(text + pT++, p + pP, FALSE);
if (matched != MATCH_FALSE)
return matched;
return (text[pT] == '\0');
// This will be called from the other funcs
int VMatching(const char *text, const char *p, bx_bool IsCaseSensitive)
if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '\0')
return MATCH_TRUE;
return (DoMatch(text, p, IsCaseSensitive) == MATCH_TRUE);
int IsMatching(const char *text, const char *p, bx_bool IsCaseSensitive)
return VMatching(text, p, IsCaseSensitive);
// utility function for list resizing operation -- set LoX and HiX
// the resize operation exits if the mouse moves beyond LoX or HiX
void SetHorzLimits()
int i;
if (Sizing == -2) // is it the left or right bar?
Resize_LoX = OneCharWide << 2; // set horizontal limits
i = ListWidthPix[(DockOrder >> 8) -1]; // col1 width
// calculate end of col2 - 4 charwidths in parent coordinates
Resize_HiX = i + ListWidthPix[CurCenterList] - (OneCharWide << 2);
Sizing = 1;
i = ListWidthPix[(DockOrder >> 8) -1]; // col1 width
Resize_LoX = i + (OneCharWide << 2); // set horizontal limits
// calculate total width - 4 charwidths in parent coordinates
i = ListWidthPix[REG_WND] + ListWidthPix[ASM_WND] + ListWidthPix[DUMP_WND];
Resize_HiX = i - (OneCharWide << 2);
Sizing = 2;
void DockResize (int DestIdx, Bit32u ParentX)
if (Sizing >= 10) // dock operation
int Siz = Sizing - 10; // calculate which list initiated dock = moving window
if (Siz != DestIdx) // moving window = destination window is a no-op
// Convert Sizing and DestIdx into a table lookup index (j)
// -- otherwise, the "algorithm" to compute new DockOrder is annoying
int j = (Siz*2 + ((Siz | DestIdx) & 1)) *6;
if (Siz == 1)
j = (Siz*4 + (DestIdx & 2)) *3;
// convert current DockOrder to a number from 0 to 5, add to j
j += ((DockOrder >> 7) - 2) &6;
if (((DockOrder >> 4) &3) > (DockOrder & 3))
j += 1;
DockOrder = nDock[j];
else // resize operation
int idx, totpix;
if (Sizing == 1)
idx = (DockOrder >> 8) -1; // sizing the left bar
totpix = ListWidthPix[idx] + ListWidthPix[CurCenterList];
ListWidthPix[idx] = ParentX;
ListWidthPix[CurCenterList] = totpix - ParentX; // reset the widths of the left and center windows
ParentX -= ListWidthPix[(DockOrder >> 8) -1]; // caclulate new width of center window
idx = (DockOrder & 3) -1;
totpix = ListWidthPix[idx] + ListWidthPix[CurCenterList];
ListWidthPix[CurCenterList] = ParentX;
ListWidthPix[idx] = totpix - ParentX; // reset the widths of the right and center windows
// Convert a string (except for the 0x in a hex number) to uppercase
void upr(char* d)
char *p;
p = d;
while (*p != 0)
if (*p == '0' && p[1] == 'x')
p += 2;
*p = UCtable[(int) *p]; // use the lookup table created by MakeXlatTables
// create EFLAGS display for Status line
void ShowEflags(char *buf)
static const char *EflBName[16] = {
"cf", "pf", "af", "zf", "sf", "tf", "if", "df", "of", "nt", "rf", "vm", "ac", "vif", "vip", "id"
static const int EflBNameLen[16] = {
static const int EflBitVal[16] = {
1, 4, 0x10, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x4000, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000, 0x100000, 0x200000
Bit32u Efl = (Bit32u) rV[EFL_Rnum];
int i = 16;
char *cp = buf + 6;
sprintf(buf,"IOPL=%1u", (Efl & 0x3000) >> 12);
while (--i >= 0)
*(cp++)= ' ';
strcpy (cp, EflBName[i]); // copy the name of the bitflag
if ((Efl & EflBitVal[i]) != 0) // if the bit is set, put the name in uppercase
cp += EflBNameLen[i];
// change the display on the status line if anything has changed
void UpdateStatus()
static bx_bool PrevAtBreak = FALSE;
if (StatusChange == FALSE) return; // avoid sending unnecessary messages/invalidations
StatusChange = FALSE;
if (AtBreak != FALSE) // modify status line only during a break
char eflags_buf[80];
ShowEflags(eflags_buf); // prints out eflags
SetStatusText(3, eflags_buf); // display eflags
if (CpuModeChange != FALSE) // Did CR0 bits or EFER bits change value?
CpuModeChange = FALSE;
char mode[32];
switch (CpuMode) {
if (In32Mode == FALSE)
strcpy (mode, "CPU: Real Mode 16");
strcpy (mode, "CPU: Real Mode 32");
case BX_MODE_IA32_V8086:
strcpy (mode, "CPU: V8086 Mode");
if (In32Mode == FALSE) {
if (InPaging != 0)
strcpy (mode, "CPU: Protected Mode 16 (PG)");
strcpy (mode, "CPU: Protected Mode 16");
else {
if (InPaging != 0)
strcpy (mode, "CPU: Protected Mode 32 (PG)");
strcpy (mode, "CPU: Protected Mode 32");
strcpy (mode, "CPU: Compatibility Mode");
case BX_MODE_LONG_64:
strcpy (mode, "CPU: Long Mode");
SetStatusText(1, mode); // display CPU mode in status col#1
if (AtBreak != PrevAtBreak)
// switch window color ("active"=white or gray), depending on AtBreak value
PrevAtBreak = AtBreak;
// Read a copy of some emulated linear bochs memory
// Note: laddr + len must not cross a 4K boundary -- otherwise, there are no limits
bx_bool ReadBxLMem(Bit64u laddr, unsigned len, Bit8u *buf)
return bx_dbg_read_linear(CurrentCPU, laddr, len, buf);
// binary conversion (and validity testing) on hex/decimal char string inputs
Bit64u cvthex(char *p, Bit64u errval)
Bit64u ret = 0;
bx_bool end = FALSE;
while (end == FALSE)
if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') // test for digits
ret = (ret << 4) | (*(p++) - '0');
else if ((*p | 0x20) >= 'a' && (*p | 0x20) <= 'f') // test for hex letters
ret = (ret << 4) | ((*(p++) | 0x20) - 'a' + 10); // 0xA = 10, of course
end = TRUE;
if (*p != 0 && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t') // hex must end on a whitespace
return errval;
return ret;
Bit64u cvt64(char *nstr, bx_bool negok)
char *p, *s;
Bit64u ret = 0;
bx_bool neg = FALSE;
p= nstr;
while (*p==' ' || *p == '\t')
if (*p == '-' && negok != FALSE)
neg = TRUE;
if (*p == '0' && (p[1] | 0x20) == 'x' && neg == FALSE)
return cvthex (p+2, 0);
s = p;
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
ret = (ret * 10) + *(p++) - '0';
if ((*p | 0x20) >= 'a' && (*p | 0x20) <= 'f' && neg == FALSE)
return cvthex (s, ret);
if (neg != FALSE)
return 0 - ret;
return ret;
// "singlestep" disassembly lines from the internal debugger are sometimes ignored
bx_bool isSSDisasm(char *s)
if (ignSSDisasm == FALSE) // ignoring those lines?
return FALSE;
while (*s == ' ') // need to parse the line to see if it is ASM
if (*s != '(') // first char must be (
return FALSE;
while (*s != '[' && *s != 0) // then there must be a [
if (*s == 0)
return FALSE;
while (*s != 0 && (*s != ')' || s[1] != ':' || s[2] != ' '))
if (*s == 0)
return FALSE;
while (*s != ';' && *s != 0) // last, there must be a ;
if (*s == 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// dump output from the bochs internal debugger to Output window
// Note: this routine may be called *DIRECTLY* from bochs!
void ParseIDText(const char *x)
int i = 0;
int overflow = 0;
while (*x !=0 && *x != '\r' && *x != '\n' && DbgAppendPtr < tmpcb)
*(DbgAppendPtr++)= *(x++); // append the chars from x into the bigbuf
if (DbgAppendPtr >= tmpcb) // overflow error?
DispMessage("Debugger output cannot be parsed -- line too long","Buffer overflow");
DbgAppendPtr = bigbuf; // throw away the line
*DbgAppendPtr = 0;
if (*x == 0) // automatically process only complete lines further
PO_Tdelay = 2; // wait a half second, then force display of partial lines
PO_Tdelay = 0; // line completed -- cancel any partial output time delay
// restart DbgAppendPtr at the beginning of a new line buffer
char *s = DbgAppendPtr = bigbuf; // s -> raw text line from debugger
if (ignoreNxtT != FALSE)
if (strncmp(s,"Next at t",9) == 0)
if (isSSDisasm(s) != FALSE)
while ((*s >= ' ' || *s == '\t') && i < 204) // scan out to eol, count chars
if (i > 203) // max out at 203 chars per line (should never happen)
i = 200;
overflow = 3;
char *p = OutWindow;
if ((i+overflow+2+useCR) > OutWinCnt) // amt needed vs. space available
s = OutWindow; // need to toss lines off beginning of OutWindow
int j = OutWinCnt - overflow - 2 - useCR;
while (j < i) // throw away one line at a time
// stop on any unprintable char < ' '
while ((unsigned char)*s >= ' ' || *s == '\t')
++j; // increase available space as chars are tossed
// in reality, s must be pointing at an EOL
s += 1 + useCR;
j += 1 + useCR;
OutWinCnt = j + overflow + 2 + useCR;
j = OutWinSIZE - OutWinCnt; // chars to copy, without the terminal zero
while (j-- > 0) // recopy the OutWindow buffer up
*(p++) = *(s++);
p = OutWindow + OutWinSIZE - OutWinCnt;
OutWinCnt -= i + overflow + 1 + useCR;
if (useCR != 0)
*(p++) = '\r'; // end of buf only had a 0 in it,
*(p++) = '\n'; // and needs an EOL to display properly
s = bigbuf;
while (i-- > 0) // copy the new output line onto the buffer
*(p++) = *(s++);
if (overflow != 0)
*(p++) = '.'; // just for fun, if the line overflows
*(p++) = '.';
*(p++) = '.';
*p = 0;
SetOutWinTxt(); // OS specific routine to replace Output window's text
// load appropriate register values from simulation into local rV[] array
void FillRegs()
int i = EFER_Rnum + 1; // EFER is the highest reg # in rV
while (--i >= 0)
if (RegObject[CurrentCPU][i] != NULL)
rV[i] = RegObject[CurrentCPU][i]->get64();
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 == 0
// copy RIP, RSP from EIP, ESP -- so LAs for both are always easily available
rV[RIP_Rnum] = rV[EIP_Rnum];
rV[RSP_Rnum] = rV[ESP_Rnum];
// copy the lower dwords of RAX - RIP to EAX - EIP (with 32bit truncation)
i = RIP_Rnum + 1;
while (--i >= 0)
rV[i + (EAX_Rnum - RAX_Rnum)] = GET32L(rV[i]);
if (RegObject[CurrentCPU][GDTR_Lim] != NULL) // get the limits on GDT and IDT
GDT_Len = RegObject[CurrentCPU][GDTR_Lim]->get();
if (RegObject[CurrentCPU][IDTR_Lim] != NULL)
IDT_Len = RegObject[CurrentCPU][IDTR_Lim]->get();
// Check CR0 bit 31 -- Paging bit
Bit32u NewPg = (Bit32u) rV[CR0_Rnum] & 0x80000000;
if (InPaging != NewPg)
GrayMenuItem ((int) NewPg, CMD_PAGEV);
StatusChange = TRUE;
InPaging = NewPg;
// grab linear breakpoints out of internal debugger's bx_guard structures, and sort them
void ParseBkpt()
extern bx_guard_t bx_guard;
int k;
int j = 0;
int i = bx_guard.iaddr.num_linear;
while (--i >= 0)
if (bx_guard.iaddr.lin[i].enabled != FALSE)
BrkLAddr[j] = bx_guard.iaddr.lin[i].addr;
BrkIdx[j] = bx_guard.iaddr.lin[i].bpoint_id;
BreakCount = i = j;
// sort the breakpoint list (linear sort), to make it faster to search
while (--i > 0)
j = k = i;
while (--j >= 0)
if (BrkLAddr[j] > BrkLAddr[k]) // find the next biggest
k = j;
if (k < i)
bx_address h = BrkLAddr[i]; // do the swap on BOTH arrays
j = BrkIdx[i];
BrkLAddr[i] = BrkLAddr[k];
BrkIdx[i] = BrkIdx[k];
BrkLAddr[k] = h;
BrkIdx[k] = j;
// this routine is only called if debugger already knows SSE is supported
// -- but it might not be "turned on", either
int FillSSE(int LineCount)
#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6
Bit64u val = 0;
bx_param_num_c *p;
char *cols[3];
char ssetxt[80];
if ((rV[CR0_Rnum] & 0xc) != 0) // TS or EM flags in CR0 temporarily disable SSE
cols[0] = ssetxt;
strcpy (ssetxt, "SSE-off");
InsertListRow(cols, 1, REG_WND, LineCount, 4);
RitemToRnum[LineCount] = XMM0_Rnum;
return ++LineCount;
// format: XMM[#] 00000000:00000000 (each 16 hex digits)
*ssetxt = 0;
cols[1] = ssetxt; // column 1 is being left blank
cols[0] = ssetxt + 1;
cols[2] = ssetxt + 10;
strcpy (ssetxt+1, "XMM[0]");
ssetxt[10] = '0'; // I'm putting a hex value in the decimal column -- more room there!
ssetxt[11] = 'x';
strcpy (ssetxt + 28, " : ");
for (int i = 0; i < BX_XMM_REGISTERS; i++)
if (i >= 10)
ssetxt[5] = '1';
ssetxt[6] = i - 10 + '0';
ssetxt[7] = ']';
ssetxt[8] = 0;
ssetxt[5] = i + '0';
RitemToRnum[LineCount] = i + XMM0_Rnum;
p = RegObject[CurrentCPU][XMM0_hi + i];
if (p != NULL)
val = p->get64(); // get the value of "xmm(i)_hi" register
val = 0;
sprintf (ssetxt + 12,Fmt64b[UprCase],val);
p = RegObject[CurrentCPU][XMM0_Rnum + i];
if (p != NULL)
val = p->get64(); // "SSE.xmm[i]_lo"
val = 0;
sprintf (ssetxt + 31,Fmt64b[UprCase], val);
InsertListRow(cols, 3, REG_WND, LineCount, 4); // 3 cols, group 4
return (LineCount);
// this routine is only called if debugger already knows FPU is supported
// -- but it might not be active
int FillMMX(int LineCount)
static double scale_factor = pow(2.0, -63.0);
int i;
Bit16u exp = 0;
Bit64u mmreg = 0;
bx_param_num_c *p;
unsigned short exponent[8];
char *cols[3];
char fputxt[60];
cols[0] = fputxt;
if ((rV[CR0_Rnum] & 0xc) != 0) // TS or EM flags in CR0 temporarily disable MMX/FPU/SSE
strcpy (fputxt, "FPU-off");
InsertListRow(cols, 1, REG_WND, LineCount, 3);
RitemToRnum[LineCount] = ST0_Rnum;
return ++LineCount;
// format: MM#|ST# 00000000:00000000 then FPU float value in "decimal" column
cols[1] = fputxt + 10;
cols[2] = fputxt + 32;
strcpy (fputxt, "MM0-ST0");
strcpy (fputxt + 18, " : ");
i = 7;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
fputxt[2] = i + '0';
fputxt[6] = i + '0';
RitemToRnum[LineCount] = i + ST0_Rnum;
p = RegObject[CurrentCPU][ST0_Rnum + i];
if (p != NULL)
mmreg = p->get64(); // get the value of "mmx(i)" register
mmreg = 0;
sprintf (fputxt + 10,Fmt32b[UprCase],GET32H(mmreg));
sprintf (fputxt + 21,Fmt32b[UprCase], GET32L(mmreg));
p = RegObject[CurrentCPU][ST0_exp + i];
if (p != NULL)
exp = (Bit16u) p->get64(); // get the exponent for this FPU register
exp = 0;
exponent[i] = exp; // save each one temporarily
double f = pow(2.0, ((0x7fff & exp) - 0x3fff));
if (exp & 0x8000)
f = -f;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
f *= (double)(signed __int64)(mmreg>>1) * scale_factor * 2;
f *= mmreg*scale_factor;
sprintf (cols[2],"%.3e",f);
InsertListRow(cols, 3, REG_WND, LineCount, 3); // 3 cols, group 3
strcpy (fputxt, "ST0.exp");
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
fputxt[2] = i + '0';
RitemToRnum[LineCount] = i + ST0_exp;
sprintf (fputxt+10,Fmt16b[UprCase], exponent[i]); // col1
sprintf (fputxt+32,"%u", exponent[i]); // col2
InsertListRow(cols, 3, REG_WND, LineCount, 3); // 3 cols, group 3
return LineCount;
// get values of Debug registers from simulation
int FillDebugRegs(int itemnum)
bx_param_num_c *bxp;
Bit32u val;
unsigned int i;
char *cols[2];
char drtxt[20];
strcpy (drtxt,"dr0");
if (UprCase != FALSE)
*drtxt = 'D';
drtxt[1] = 'R';
cols[0] = drtxt;
cols[1] = drtxt + 4;
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
bxp = RegObject[CurrentCPU][DR0_Rnum + i];
val = 0;
if (bxp != NULL)
val = bxp->get();
RitemToRnum[itemnum] = i + DR0_Rnum;
sprintf(drtxt + 4,Fmt32b[UprCase],val);
InsertListRow(cols, 2, REG_WND, itemnum, 5); // 3 cols, group 5
++drtxt[2]; // change the name, the cheap way
if (i == 3) drtxt[2] += 2; // jump from "DR3" to "DR6"
return itemnum;
#define BX_GUI_DB_ASM_DATA (4400)
// Disassemble a linear memory area, in a loop, loading text into ASM window
// completely update the ASM display with new data
void FillAsm(Bit64u LAddr, int MaxLines)
Bit64u ReadAddr = LAddr;
int BufLen = 0;
int i, len;
bx_bool BufEmpty;
bx_bool Go = TRUE;
char AsmData[BX_GUI_DB_ASM_DATA]; // 5K for binary disassembly data
char *s, *p = AsmData; // just to avoid a compiler warning
char *cols[3];
char asmtxt[200];
cols[0] = asmtxt;
cols[1] = asmtxt + 36;
cols[2] = asmtxt + 100;
AsmLineCount = 0; // initialize for disasm window update
if (MaxLines > MAX_ASM) // just for protection
MaxLines = MAX_ASM;
while (Go != FALSE)
// copydown buffer -- buffer size must be 4K + 16
s= AsmData;
i= BufLen; // BufLen is guaranteed < 16
while (i-- > 0)
*(s++)= *(p++);
// load buffer, up to the next 4k boundary
len = 4096 - (((int) ReadAddr) & 0xfff); // calculate read amount
Go = ReadBxLMem(ReadAddr, len, (Bit8u *) s);
BufLen += len;
ReadAddr += len;
if (Go == FALSE)
BufEmpty = FALSE;
p= AsmData; // start at the beginning of the new buffer
while (AsmLineCount < MaxLines && BufEmpty == FALSE)
// disassemble 1 line with a direct call, into asmtxt
len = bx_disassemble.disasm(In32Mode, In64Mode, (bx_address) 0,
(bx_address) LAddr, (Bit8u *) p, cols[2]);
if (len <= BufLen) // disassembly was successful?
AsmLA[AsmLineCount] = LAddr; // save, and
if (In64Mode == FALSE) // "display" linear addy of the opcode
sprintf (asmtxt,Fmt32b[UprCase],LAddr);
sprintf (asmtxt,Fmt64b[UprCase],LAddr);
BufLen -= len; // used up len bytes from buffer
LAddr += len; // calculate next LAddr
// then build the "bytes" column entry
s = cols[1];
*(s++) = '('; // begin with the bytecount in parens
i = len;
if (len > 9)
*(s++)= '1'; // len < 16, so convert to decimal the easy way
i -= 10;
*(s++) = i + '0';
*(s++) = ')';
*(s++) = ' ';
while (len-- > 0)
i = (unsigned char) *(p++);
*(s++) = AsciiHex[2*i];
*(s++) = AsciiHex[2*i+1];
*s = 0; // zero terminate the "bytes" string
// then, finalize the ASM disassembly text
if (UprCase != FALSE) // do any requested uppercase conversion on the text
InsertListRow(cols, 3, ASM_WND, AsmLineCount, 8); // 3 cols, "no" group
BufEmpty = TRUE;
if (AsmLineCount >= MaxLines) // disassembled enough lines?
if (ResizeColmns != FALSE)
// Reload the entire Register window with data
void LoadRegList()
int i, itemnum; // TODO: This routine needs a big rewrite to make it pretty
bx_bool showEreg = TRUE;
char *cols[3];
char regtxt[100];
FillRegs(); // get new values for rV local register array
// Display GP registers -- 64 bit registers first, if they exist
cols[1] = regtxt;
cols[2] = regtxt + 40;
itemnum = 0;
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
if (In64Mode)
showEreg = SeeReg[0]; // get user option setting for EAX, etc.
for (i = RAX_Rnum; i <= R15_Rnum; i++)
RitemToRnum[itemnum] = i; // always recreate the register -> itemnum mapping
sprintf(regtxt,Fmt64b[UprCase], rV[i]); // print the hex column
sprintf(cols[2], FMT_LL "d", rV[i]); // and decimal
cols[0] = RDispName[i];
InsertListRow(cols, 3, REG_WND, itemnum, 0); // 3 cols, group 0
// then 32bit GP registers (if appropriate)
if (showEreg != FALSE)
for (i = EAX_Rnum; i <= EIP_Rnum; i++)
RitemToRnum[itemnum] = i;
sprintf(regtxt, Fmt32b[UprCase], (Bit32u)rV[i]); // print the hex column
sprintf(cols[2], FMT_LL "d", rV[i]); // and decimal
cols[0] = RDispName[i];
if (In32Mode == FALSE && i == 26) // Check for Real Mode (Pmode is TRUE in Long Mode)
rV[EIP_Rnum] &= 0xffff; // in Real Mode, mask IP to 2 bytes
++cols[0]; // and shorten name to 2 letters
InsertListRow(cols, 3, REG_WND, itemnum, 0); // 3 cols, group 0
// always insert eflags next
RitemToRnum[itemnum] = EFL_Rnum;
sprintf(regtxt,Fmt32b[UprCase],(Bit32u)rV[EFL_Rnum]); // print the hex column
cols[0] = RDispName[EFL_Rnum];
InsertListRow(cols, 2, REG_WND, itemnum, 0); // 2 cols, group 0
if (rV[EFL_Rnum] != PV[EFL_Rnum])
StatusChange = TRUE; // if eflags changed, force a status update
// display Segment registers (if requested)
if (SeeReg[1])
for(i = CS_Rnum; i <= GS_Rnum; i++) // segment registers
RitemToRnum[itemnum] = i;
sprintf(regtxt, Fmt16b[UprCase], rV[i] & 0xffff);
cols[0] = RDispName[i];
InsertListRow(cols, 2, REG_WND, itemnum, 1); // 2 cols, group 1
// display System regsiters (if requested)
// displaying these once may be necessary for column resizing
if (SeeReg[2] || (ResizeColmns != FALSE && NeedSysRresize != FALSE))
int j = TRRnum;
if (In32Mode == FALSE) // don't show lgdt or tr in Real mode
j= IDTRnum;
for(i = GDTRnum; i <= j; i++)
RitemToRnum[itemnum] = i;
if (i == GDTRnum || i == IDTRnum)
Bit16u limit = GDT_Len;
if (i == IDTRnum)
limit = IDT_Len;
if (In64Mode == FALSE)
sprintf(regtxt,Fmt16b[UprCase], rV[i] & 0xffff); // lgdt, tr
cols[0] = RDispName[i];
InsertListRow(cols, 2, REG_WND, itemnum, 1); // 2 cols, group 1
// display Control Registers (if requested)
if (SeeReg[3])
for(i = CR0_Rnum; i <= EFER_Rnum; i++)
RitemToRnum[itemnum] = i;
if (In64Mode && (i == CR2_Rnum || i == CR3_Rnum))
cols[0] = RDispName[i];
InsertListRow(cols, 2, REG_WND, itemnum, 2); // 2 cols, group 2
// set the register background colors for rV
i = EFER_Rnum + 1; // total number of registers stored in rV
while (--i >= 0)
if (rV[i] != PV[i]) // set the "red" flag if value changed
RegColor[i] |= 0x80;
RegColor[i] &= 0x7f;
// Load any optional STi, MMX, SSE, DRx, TRx register info into the Register window
// MMX-FPU registers
if (SeeReg[4] != FALSE)
itemnum = FillMMX(itemnum);
// SSE registers
if (CpuSupportSSE && SeeReg[5] != FALSE)
itemnum = FillSSE(itemnum);
// Internal x86 Debug Registers
if (SeeReg[6] != FALSE)
itemnum = FillDebugRegs(itemnum);
RedrawColumns(REG_WND); // resize Hex Value column sometimes
// scroll ASM window so that the current line is in the "middle"
void doAsmScroll()
int j;
int CurTopIdx = GetASMTopIdx();
int nli = -2;
// Can the current line be displayed at all?
if (CurrentAsmLA < *AsmLA || CurrentAsmLA > AsmLA[AsmLineCount-1])
// convert from LA to a Line Index (nli) with a search
j = CurTopIdx; // try to start at CurTopIdx
if (AsmLA[j] > CurrentAsmLA)
j = 0;
while (nli < 0 && j < AsmLineCount && AsmLA[j] <= CurrentAsmLA)
if (AsmLA[j] == CurrentAsmLA)
nli = j;
// not found -> CurrentAsmLA is an illegal opcode address
if (nli < 0)
// is the current line ALREADY in the middle of the window?
if (nli < CurTopIdx || nli >= CurTopIdx + AsmPgSize - bottommargin)
// need to scroll!
int ScrollLines = nli - CurTopIdx - topmargin;
j = AsmLineCount - CurTopIdx - AsmPgSize;
// limit ScrollLines by the theoretical max and min
if (ScrollLines > j)
ScrollLines = j + 1; // just a little extra to make sure
if (ScrollLines < -CurTopIdx)
ScrollLines = -CurTopIdx - 1; // just a little extra to make sure
// convert # of scroll lines to pixels
ScrollASM (ScrollLines * ListLineRatio);
Invalidate(ASM_WND); // "current opcode" in ASM window needs redrawing
// try to find a Linear Address to start a "pretty" autodisassembly
void CanDoLA(Bit64u *h)
int index;
if (TopAsmLA > *h || *h > AsmLA[AsmLineCount-1]) // is it hopeless?
if (bottommargin > AsmLineCount)
index = 0;
index = AsmLineCount - bottommargin;
while (++index < AsmLineCount)
if (AsmLA[index] == *h)
*h = AsmLA[index - topmargin];
void InitRegObjects()
bx_list_c *cpu_list;
extern bx_list_c *root_param;
// get the param tree interface objects for every single register on all CPUs
while (--cpu >= 0)
// RegObject[j]s are all initialized to NULL when allocated in the BSS area
// but it doesn't hurt anything to do it again, once
while (--i >= 0)
RegObject[cpu][i] = (bx_param_num_c *) NULL;
char pname[16];
sprintf (pname,"bochs.cpu%d", cpu); // set the "cpu number" for cpu_list
cpu_list = (bx_list_c *) SIM->get_param(pname, root_param);
// TODO: in the next version, put all the names in an array, and loop
// -- but that method is not compatible with bochs 2.3.7 or earlier
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 == 0
RegObject[cpu][EAX_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("EAX", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][EBX_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("EBX", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ECX_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("ECX", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][EDX_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("EDX", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ESI_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("ESI", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][EDI_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("EDI", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][EBP_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("EBP", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ESP_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("ESP", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][EIP_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("EIP", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RAX_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RAX", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RBX_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RBX", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RCX_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RCX", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RDX_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RDX", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RSI_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RSI", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RDI_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RDI", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RBP_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RBP", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RSP_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RSP", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][RIP_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("RIP", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][R8_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("R8", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][R9_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("R9", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][R10_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("R10", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][R11_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("R11", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][R12_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("R12", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][R13_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("R13", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][R14_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("R14", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][R15_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("R15", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][EFL_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("EFLAGS", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][CS_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("CS.selector", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][DS_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("DS.selector", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ES_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("ES.selector", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][SS_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SS.selector", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][FS_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FS.selector", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][GS_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("GS.selector", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][GDTRnum] = SIM->get_param_num("GDTR.base", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][GDTR_Lim] = SIM->get_param_num("GDTR.limit", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][IDTRnum] = SIM->get_param_num("IDTR.base", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][IDTR_Lim] = SIM->get_param_num("IDTR.limit", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][LDTRnum] = SIM->get_param_num("LDTR.base", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][TRRnum] = SIM->get_param_num("TR.base", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][CR0_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("CR0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][CR2_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("CR2", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][CR3_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("CR3", cpu_list);
#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5
RegObject[cpu][CR4_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("CR4", cpu_list);
#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6
RegObject[cpu][EFER_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("MSR.EFER", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST0_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st0.fraction", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST1_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st1.fraction", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST2_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st2.fraction", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST3_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st3.fraction", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST4_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st4.fraction", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST5_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st5.fraction", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST6_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st6.fraction", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST7_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st7.fraction", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST0_exp] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st0.exp", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST1_exp] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st1.exp", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST2_exp] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st2.exp", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST3_exp] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st3.exp", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST4_exp] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st4.exp", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST5_exp] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st5.exp", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST6_exp] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st6.exp", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][ST7_exp] = SIM->get_param_num("FPU.st7.exp", cpu_list);
#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6
CpuSupportSSE = SIM->get_param("SSE", cpu_list) != NULL;
if (CpuSupportSSE) {
RegObject[cpu][XMM0_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm00_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM1_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm01_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM2_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm02_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM3_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm03_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM4_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm04_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM5_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm05_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM6_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm06_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM7_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm07_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM0_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm00_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM1_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm01_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM2_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm02_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM3_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm03_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM4_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm04_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM5_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm05_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM6_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm06_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM7_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm07_1", cpu_list);
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
RegObject[cpu][XMM8_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm08_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM9_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm09_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMA_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm10_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMB_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm11_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMC_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm12_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMD_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm13_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMME_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm14_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMF_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm15_0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM8_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm08_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMM9_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm09_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMA_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm10_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMB_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm11_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMC_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm12_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMD_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm13_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMME_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm14_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][XMMF_hi] = SIM->get_param_num("SSE.xmm15_1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][DR0_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("DR0", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][DR1_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("DR1", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][DR2_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("DR2", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][DR3_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("DR3", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][DR6_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("DR6", cpu_list);
RegObject[cpu][DR7_Rnum] = SIM->get_param_num("DR7", cpu_list);
void doUpdate()
void FillStack();
if (doOneTimeInit != FALSE)
// begin an autoupdate of Register and Asm windows
LoadRegList(); // build and show ListView
ParseBkpt(); // get the linear breakpoint list
if (DViewMode == VIEW_STACK) // in stack view mode, keep the stack updated
CurrentAsmLA = BX_CPU(CurrentCPU)->get_laddr(BX_SEG_REG_CS, (bx_address) rV[RIP_Rnum]);
if (CurrentAsmLA < BottomAsmLA || CurrentAsmLA > TopAsmLA)
Bit64u h = CurrentAsmLA;
// generate a startLA (= h) that overlaps by topmargin, if possible
FillAsm(h, DefaultAsmLines);
// Set the scroll position for the new ASM window
BottomAsmLA = *AsmLA;
int j = bottommargin; // try to use this bottom margin on ASM window
if (j > AsmLineCount)
j = AsmLineCount;
TopAsmLA = AsmLA[AsmLineCount - j]; //TopAsmLA is the scroll point
doAsmScroll(); // ASM window may need to scroll
ResizeColmns = FALSE; // done with reformatting, if it was needed
UpdateStatus(); // Mode and Eflags may have changed status
// Fill the GDT ListView, reading GDT data directly from bochs linear mem
void FillGDT()
unsigned int i, j, GroupId;
unsigned int k = (GDT_Len + 1) / 8;
Bit8u gdtbuf[8];
char *cols[18];
char gdttxt[90];
doDumpRefresh = FALSE;
Bit64u laddr = rV[GDTRnum];
*gdttxt = 0;
cols[0]= gdttxt + 1;
cols[1]= gdttxt + 30;
cols[2]= gdttxt + 40;
cols[3]= gdttxt + 80;
cols[4]= gdttxt; // columns #5 to 17 are blank
cols[5]= gdttxt;
cols[6]= gdttxt;
cols[7]= gdttxt;
cols[8]= gdttxt;
cols[9]= gdttxt;
cols[10]= gdttxt;
cols[11]= gdttxt;
cols[12]= gdttxt;
cols[13]= gdttxt;
cols[14]= gdttxt;
cols[15]= gdttxt;
cols[16]= gdttxt;
for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
// read 2 dwords from bochs linear mem into "buffer"
sprintf(cols[0], "%02u (Selector 0x%04X)", i, i << 3);
if (ReadBxLMem(laddr, 8, gdtbuf) == FALSE) // abort the current GDT dump on a memory error
cols[1]= gdttxt; // ERROR - blank out cols #2 - 4 for this new row
cols[2]= gdttxt;
cols[3]= gdttxt;
cols[17] = gdttxt + 30;
strcpy (cols[17],"illegal address");
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, i, 8); // 18 cols, "no group"
laddr += 8;
// enforce proper littleendianness on the gdtbuf bytes
Bit32u limit = gdtbuf[0] | ((Bit32u) gdtbuf[1] << 8);
limit |= ((Bit32u)gdtbuf[6] & 0xf) << 16;
if ((gdtbuf[6] & 0x80) != 0) // 'Granularity' bit = 4K limit multiplier
limit = limit * 4096 + 4095; // and the bottom 12 bits aren't tested
GroupId = 8; // default to "blank" group
cols[17]= (char*)GDTsT[0]; // default info string is blank
j = 8; // default GDT type (group) is blank
if ((gdtbuf[5] & 0x10) == 0) // 'S' bit clear = System segment
GroupId = 1;
if (limit == 0 && (gdtbuf[5] & 0x80) == 0) // 'P' (present) bit
GroupId = 0;
// point to the approprate info string for the GDT system segment type
cols[17] = (char*)GDTsT[(int) (gdtbuf[5] & 0xf)];
else // it's an 'executable' code or data segment
j = (gdtbuf[6] & 0x60) >> 5; // get the 'L' and 'D/B' bits
if (j == 3) // both bits set is illegal
j = 6;
else if ((gdtbuf[5] & 0x8) == 0)
j += 3; // data seg -> j= 3 to 5, code seg -> j= 0 to 2
#ifndef IS_WIN98
GroupId = j; // use GroupIDs on XP and higher systems
cols[17] = (char*)GDTt2[j]; // otherwise, put descriptive text in "info" column
// enforce proper littleendianness on the gdtbuf bytes
Bit32u base = gdtbuf[2] | ((Bit32u) gdtbuf[3] << 8);
base |= (Bit32u) gdtbuf[4] << 16;
base |= (Bit32u) gdtbuf[7] << 24;
if ((gdtbuf[6] & 0x60) == 0x20) // test for longmode segment
base = 0; // the base is always 0 in longmode, with "no" limit
sprintf(cols[3],"%u", (gdtbuf[5] & 0x60) >> 5);
if (i == 0)
cols[17] = (char*)GDTt2[7]; // call "Null" selector "unused"
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, i, GroupId); // 18 cols
// Fills the IDT ListView, reading IDT data directly from bochs linear mem
void FillIDT()
Bit64u laddr;
Bit8u idtbuf[16];
Bit16u sel;
Bit32u ofs;
unsigned entrysize;
unsigned int i;
char *cols[18];
char idttxt[80];
unsigned int mode = 0;
if (In32Mode)
mode = 1;
if (In64Mode)
mode = 2;
doDumpRefresh = FALSE;
*idttxt = 0;
cols[0]= idttxt + 1;
cols[1]= idttxt; // columns #2 to 17 are blank
cols[2]= idttxt;
cols[3]= idttxt;
cols[4]= idttxt;
cols[5]= idttxt;
cols[6]= idttxt;
cols[7]= idttxt;
cols[8]= idttxt;
cols[9]= idttxt;
cols[10]= idttxt;
cols[11]= idttxt;
cols[12]= idttxt;
cols[13]= idttxt;
cols[14]= idttxt;
cols[15]= idttxt;
cols[16]= idttxt;
cols[17]= idttxt + 10;
entrysize = 4 << mode; // calculate the bytesize of the entries
unsigned int k = (IDT_Len + 1) / entrysize;
// recover the IDT linear base address
laddr = rV[IDTRnum];
if (k > 256) // if IDT_Len is unreasonably large, set a reasonable maximum
k = 256;
for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
idttxt[1] = AsciiHex[2*i];
idttxt[2] = AsciiHex[2*i+1];
idttxt[3] = 0;
if (ReadBxLMem(laddr, entrysize, idtbuf) == FALSE) // abort the current IDT dump on a memory error
strcpy (cols[17],"illegal address");
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, i, 8); // 18 cols, "no group"
laddr += entrysize;
// enforce proper littleendianness on the idtbuf bytes
ofs = idtbuf[0] | ((Bit32u) idtbuf[1] << 8);
sel = idtbuf[2] | ((Bit16u) idtbuf[3] << 8);
switch (mode)
case 0: // Real Mode
sprintf(cols[17],"0x%04X:0x%04X", sel, ofs);
case 1: // Pmode
ofs |= ((Bit32u) idtbuf[6] << 16) | ((Bit32u) idtbuf[7] << 24);
sprintf(cols[17],"0x%04X:0x%08X", sel, ofs);
// TODO: also print some flags from idtbuf[5], maybe, in another column
case 2: // Lmode
Bit64u off64 = (Bit64u)(ofs | ((Bit32u) idtbuf[6] << 16) | ((Bit32u) idtbuf[7] << 24));
off64 |= ((Bit64u) idtbuf[8] << 32) | ((Bit64u) idtbuf[9] << 40);
off64 |= ((Bit64u) idtbuf[10] << 48) | ((Bit64u) idtbuf[11] << 56);
sprintf(cols[17],"0x%04X:0x" FMT_LLCAPX, sel, off64);
// TODO: also print some flags from idtbuf[5], maybe, in another column
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, i, 8); // 18 cols, "no group"
// insert one entry into the Paging data list (a linear and a physical addy)
void AddPagingLine(int LC, char *pa_lin, char *pa_phy)
char zero = 0;
char *cols[18];
cols[0]= pa_lin;
cols[1]= &zero; // columns #2 to 17 are blank
cols[2]= &zero;
cols[3]= &zero;
cols[4]= &zero;
cols[5]= &zero;
cols[6]= &zero;
cols[7]= &zero;
cols[8]= &zero;
cols[9]= &zero;
cols[10]= &zero;
cols[11]= &zero;
cols[12]= &zero;
cols[13]= &zero;
cols[14]= &zero;
cols[15]= &zero;
cols[16]= &zero;
cols[17]= pa_phy;
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, LC, 8); // 18 cols, "no group"
// lifted from bx_dbg_dump_table in dbg_main of the internal debugger
void FillPAGE()
Bit32u lin, start_lin, curlin; // show only low 32 bit
bx_phy_address phy;
Bit64u start_phy, phy64;
int LineCount = 0;
char pa_lin[50];
char pa_phy[50];
doDumpRefresh = FALSE;
curlin = lin = 0; // always start at linear address 0
start_lin = 1; // force a mismatch on the first line
start_phy = 2;
while (LineCount < 1024 && curlin != 0xfffff000)
// get translation lin -> phys, and verify mapping is legal
if (BX_CPU(CurrentCPU)->dbg_xlate_linear2phy(lin, &phy) != FALSE)
phy64 = phy;
if ((lin - start_lin) != (phy64 - start_phy))
if (start_lin != 1)
sprintf (pa_lin,"0x%08X - 0x%08X",start_lin, lin - 1);
sprintf (pa_phy,"0x" FMT_LLCAPX " - 0x" FMT_LLCAPX,
start_phy, start_phy + (lin-1-start_lin));
AddPagingLine (LineCount,pa_lin,pa_phy);
start_lin = lin;
start_phy = phy64;
if (start_lin != 1)
sprintf (pa_lin,"0x%08X - 0x%08X",start_lin, lin - 1);
sprintf (pa_phy,"0x" FMT_LLCAPX " - 0x" FMT_LLCAPX,
start_phy, start_phy + (lin-1-start_lin));
AddPagingLine (LineCount,pa_lin,pa_phy);
start_lin = 1;
start_phy = 2;
curlin = lin;
lin += 0x1000; // then test the next 4K page in the loop
if (start_lin != 1) // need to output one last line?
sprintf (pa_lin,"0x%08X - 0x%08X", start_lin, -1);
sprintf (pa_phy,"0x" FMT_LLCAPX " - 0x" FMT_LLCAPX,start_phy, start_phy + (lin-1-start_lin));
AddPagingLine (LineCount,pa_lin,pa_phy);
// build the stack display
void FillStack()
// sometimes need to specially invalidate the stack window
static bx_bool StkInvOnce = FALSE;
Bit64u StackLA, EndLA;
unsigned int len, i, wordsize, overlap;
int j;
bx_bool LglAddy;
bx_bool UpdateDisp;
char *cp, *cpp;
char *cols[18];
char stktxt[120];
*stktxt = 0;
cols[0]= stktxt + 1;
cols[1]= stktxt + 40;
cols[2]= stktxt; // columns #3 to 17 are blank
cols[3]= stktxt;
cols[4]= stktxt;
cols[5]= stktxt;
cols[6]= stktxt;
cols[7]= stktxt;
cols[8]= stktxt;
cols[9]= stktxt;
cols[10]= stktxt;
cols[11]= stktxt;
cols[12]= stktxt;
cols[13]= stktxt;
cols[14]= stktxt;
cols[15]= stktxt;
cols[16]= stktxt;
cols[17]= stktxt + 80;
doDumpRefresh = FALSE;
StackLA = (Bit64u) BX_CPU(CurrentCPU)->get_laddr(BX_SEG_REG_SS, (bx_address) rV[RSP_Rnum]);
if (PStackLA == 1) // illegal value requests a full refresh
PStackLA = StackLA ^ 0x4000; // force a non-match below (kludge)
wordsize = 4; // assume Pmode
if (In32Mode == FALSE)
wordsize = 2;
else if (In64Mode)
wordsize = 8;
len = STACK_ENTRIES * wordsize;
// TODO: enforce that cp is wordsize aligned
// also -- enforce that StackLA is wordsize aligned
cp = CurStack;
i = (unsigned) StackLA & 0xfff; // where is stack bottom, in its 4K memory page?
if (i > 0x1000 - len) // does len cross a 4K boundary?
unsigned int ReadSize = 0x1000 - i;
// read up to the 4K boundary, then try to read the last chunk
if (ReadBxLMem(StackLA, ReadSize, (Bit8u *) cp) == FALSE)
// no data to show -- just one error message
sprintf (cols[17],"illegal address");
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, 0, 8); // 18 cols, "no group"
LglAddy = ReadBxLMem(StackLA + ReadSize, len + i - 0x1000, (Bit8u *) cp + ReadSize);
if (LglAddy == FALSE)
len = ReadSize;
ReadBxLMem(StackLA, len, (Bit8u *) cp);
UpdateDisp = CpuModeChange; // calculate which stack entries have changed
cp = CurStack;
cpp = PrevStack;
j = overlap = len / wordsize;
while (--j >= 0)
StackEntChg[j] = TRUE; // assume that all lines have changed
if (PStackLA > StackLA) // calculate the overlap between the prev and current stacks
EndLA = PStackLA - StackLA;
if (EndLA < len)
i = (unsigned int) (EndLA / wordsize);
cp += i * wordsize;
i = overlap; // force the next loop to exit
EndLA = StackLA - PStackLA;
if (EndLA < len)
i = 0;
j = (int) (EndLA / wordsize);
cpp += j * wordsize;
overlap -= j;
i = overlap; // force the next loop to exit
while (i < overlap)
j = wordsize; // if the two entries match, cancel the EntryChange flag for that entry
while (j > 0 && *cp == *cpp)
if (j == 0)
StackEntChg[i] = FALSE; // got a match on all bytes
cp += j; // bump the pointers to the next stack entry
cpp += j;
j = len / wordsize;
while (--j >= 0)
UpdateDisp |= StackEntChg[j];
if (UpdateDisp == FALSE) // Don't need to update the list? (no changes?)
if (StkInvOnce == FALSE)
Invalidate(DUMP_WND); // Invalidate ONCE to turn off all the red stuff
StkInvOnce = TRUE;
StkInvOnce = FALSE;
PStackLA = StackLA;
cp = CurStack;
cpp = PrevStack;
j = len;
while (--j >= 0)
*(cpp++)= *(cp++); // copy the stack to the Prev buffer
j= STACK_ENTRIES * 8 - len;
while (--j >= 0)
*(cpp++)= 0; // zero out the unused tail end of the prev buffer
cp = CurStack; // the following display loop runs on the cp pointer
EndLA = StackLA + len - 1;
i = 0;
while (StackLA < EndLA)
if (In64Mode == FALSE)
int tmp;
sprintf (cols[0],Fmt32b[1],StackLA);
if (In32Mode == FALSE)
tmp = *((Bit16s *) cp);
tmp = *((Bit32s *) cp);
sprintf (cols[1],Fmt32b[UprCase],tmp);
sprintf (cols[17],"%d",tmp);
Bit64s tmp = *((Bit64s *) cp);
sprintf (cols[0],Fmt64b[UprCase],StackLA);
sprintf (cols[1],Fmt64b[1],tmp);
sprintf (cols[17], FMT_LL "d",tmp);
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, i, 8); // 18 cols, "no group"
StackLA += wordsize;
cp += wordsize;
// utility function to print breakpoints in a unified way
void prtbrk (Bit32u seg, Bit64u addy, unsigned int id, bx_bool enabled, char *cols[])
int i = 0;
if (enabled == FALSE)
*cols[1] = 'n';
*cols[1] = 'y';
sprintf (cols[17],"%u",id);
if (seg <= 0xffff){
i= 5;
sprintf (cols[0],"%04X:",seg);
sprintf (cols[0] + i,FMT_LLCAPX,addy);
// Displays all Breakpoints and Watchpoints
void FillBrkp()
int LineCount, totqty, i;
char *cols[18];
char brktxt[60];
unsigned int brktype;
extern bx_guard_t bx_guard;
doDumpRefresh = FALSE;
*brktxt = 0;
brktxt[49] = 0; // 0 terminate the "enabled" string
cols[2]= brktxt; // columns #3 to 17 are blank
cols[3]= brktxt;
cols[4]= brktxt;
cols[5]= brktxt;
cols[6]= brktxt;
cols[7]= brktxt;
cols[8]= brktxt;
cols[9]= brktxt;
cols[10]= brktxt;
cols[11]= brktxt;
cols[12]= brktxt;
cols[13]= brktxt;
cols[14]= brktxt;
cols[15]= brktxt;
cols[16]= brktxt;
i = 256;
while (--i >= 0)
BrkpIDMap[i] = 0;
i = 16;
while (--i >= 0)
WWP_Snapshot[i] = 0;
RWP_Snapshot[i] = 0;
LineCount = 0;
for (brktype = 0; brktype < 5; brktype++)
cols[0]= brktxt;
cols[1]= brktxt;
cols[17]= brktxt;
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, LineCount++, 8); // make a blank row
cols[0]= (char*)BrkName[brktype];
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, LineCount++, 8); // brkpt "type" as only text on row
cols[0]= brktxt + 1;
if (brktype < 3)
cols[17]= brktxt + 50; // only breakpoints have IDs
cols[1]= brktxt + 48; // and can be "enabled"
if (brktype == 0)
totqty = bx_guard.iaddr.num_linear;
for (i = 0; i < totqty; i++)
BrkpIDMap[LineCount] = bx_guard.iaddr.lin[i].bpoint_id;
prtbrk (0xf0000, (Bit64u) bx_guard.iaddr.lin[i].addr,
(unsigned) BrkpIDMap[LineCount],
bx_guard.iaddr.lin[i].enabled, cols);
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, LineCount++, 8);
EndLinEntry = LineCount;
else if (brktype == 1)
totqty = bx_guard.iaddr.num_physical;
for (i = 0; i < totqty; i++)
BrkpIDMap[LineCount] = bx_guard.iaddr.phy[i].bpoint_id;
prtbrk (0xf0000, (Bit64u) bx_guard.iaddr.phy[i].addr,
(unsigned) BrkpIDMap[LineCount],
bx_guard.iaddr.phy[i].enabled, cols);
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, LineCount++, 8);
EndPhyEntry = LineCount;
totqty = bx_guard.iaddr.num_virtual;
for (i = 0; i < totqty; i++)
BrkpIDMap[LineCount] = bx_guard.iaddr.vir[i].bpoint_id;
prtbrk (bx_guard.iaddr.vir[i].cs,
(Bit64u) bx_guard.iaddr.vir[i].eip,
(unsigned) BrkpIDMap[LineCount],
bx_guard.iaddr.vir[i].enabled, cols);
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, LineCount++, 8);
else if (brktype == 3)
WWP_BaseEntry = LineCount;
totqty = num_write_watchpoints;
WWPSnapCount = num_write_watchpoints;
for (i = 0; i < totqty; i++)
WWP_Snapshot[i] = write_watchpoint[i].addr;
sprintf (cols[0], FMT_PHY_ADDRX, (bx_phy_address) write_watchpoint[i].addr);
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, LineCount++, 8);
RWP_BaseEntry = LineCount;
totqty = num_read_watchpoints;
RWPSnapCount = num_read_watchpoints;
for (i = 0; i < totqty; i++)
RWP_Snapshot[i] = read_watchpoint[i].addr;
sprintf (cols[0], FMT_PHY_ADDRX, (bx_phy_address) read_watchpoint[i].addr);
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, LineCount++, 8);
// performs endian byteswapping the hard way, for a Data dump
void FillDataX(char* t, char C, bx_bool doHex)
char tmpbuf[40];
char *d = tmpbuf;
if (isLittleEndian == FALSE || doHex == FALSE)
d = t + strlen(t); // bigendian can always be appended directly
*d = C;
d[1] = 0;
if (isprint(C) == 0)
*d = '.';
if (doHex != FALSE)
*d = AsciiHex[2* (unsigned char)C];
d[1] = AsciiHex[2* (unsigned char)C + 1];
d[2] = 0;
if (isLittleEndian) // little endian => reverse hex digits
strcpy(t,d); // so append the new bytes to the FRONT of t
// do the ShowData display work asynchronously, as a thread
void ShowData()
unsigned int i;
char *x;
char *cols[18];
char mdtxt[200];
char tmphex[40];
*mdtxt = 0;
cols[0]= mdtxt + 1; // the amount of storage needed for each column is complicated
cols[1]= mdtxt + 20;
cols[2]= mdtxt + 60;
cols[3]= mdtxt + 64;
cols[4]= mdtxt + 70;
cols[5]= mdtxt + 74;
cols[6]= mdtxt + 84;
cols[7]= mdtxt + 88;
cols[8]= mdtxt + 94;
cols[9]= mdtxt + 100;
cols[10]= mdtxt + 120;
cols[11]= mdtxt + 124;
cols[12]= mdtxt + 130;
cols[13]= mdtxt + 134;
cols[14]= mdtxt + 144;
cols[15]= mdtxt + 148;
cols[16]= mdtxt + 154;
cols[17]= mdtxt + 160;
doDumpRefresh = FALSE;
x = DataDump; // data dumps are ALWAYS 4K
for(i = 0; i < 4096; i += 16)
if (In64Mode == FALSE)
sprintf(cols[0],"0x%08X",(Bit32u) (DumpStart + i));
sprintf(cols[0],"0x" FMT_LLCAPX,DumpStart + i);
*tmphex = 0;
*cols[17] = 0;
for(unsigned y = 0; y < 16; y++)
if ((DumpInAsciiMode & 1) != 0)
// verify the char is printable, then append it to the "ascii" column
if ((DumpInAsciiMode & 2) != 0)
// convert char to hex, build "endian" hex value, 2 digits at a time
if (((y + 1) & (DumpAlign - 1)) == 0)
strcpy (cols[y+2-DumpAlign], tmphex);
*tmphex = 0; // FillDataX APPENDS, so you need to clear the buffer
InsertListRow(cols, 18, DUMP_WND, i>>4, 8); // 18 cols, list2, "no group"
x+= 16; // bump to the next row of data
// build Register "display" names from lower case names
// (must build the pointer list while building the names)
void MakeRDnames()
char *p = RDispName[0]; // first storage location
for (int i=0; i <= EFER_Rnum; i++)
RDispName[i] = p; // create the Name pointer
const char *c = RegLCName[i]; // Register name in lower case
if (UprCase != 0)
while (*c != 0)
*(p++) = UCtable[(int) *(c++)]; // use lookup tbl for uppercase
while (*c != 0)
*(p++) = *(c++);
*(p++) = 0;
// generic initialization routine -- called once, only at startup
void DoAllInit()
char *p;
int i;
CurrentCPU = 0; // need to init CPU info once only
if (SingleCPU == FALSE)
TotCPUs = 1;
// divide up the pre-allocated char buffer into smaller pieces
p = bigbuf + outbufSIZE; // point at the end of preallocated mem
p -= 200; // 200 bytes is enough for all the register names
RDispName[0] = p;
p -= 4096;
DataDump = p; // storage for 4K memory dumps
p -= OutWinCnt; // 10K for Output Window buffer
OutWindow = p;
i = 64;
while (--i >= 0)
p -= 80; // command history buffers are 80b each
CmdHistory[i] = p; // set up 64 of them (5120b)
*p = 0; // and clear each one
p -= STACK_ENTRIES * 8; // usually a 400 byte buffer for the stack values
PrevStack = p;
p -= STACK_ENTRIES * 8; // and another one
CurStack = p;
p -= 512;
p -= 512; // 2 "hex" bytes per byte value
tmpcb = p;
i = TOT_REG_NUM; // fake up a color table -- there are just enough, currently
int j = 7; // color 7 = orange
while (i > 0)
// change color when the loop goes below the base register number
if (i == DR0_Rnum) --j; // 6 Debug
else if (i == XMM0_Rnum) --j; // 8 or 16 XMM
else if (i == ST0_Rnum) --j; // 8 MMX/FPU
else if (i == CR0_Rnum) --j; // EFER and CR
else if (i == GDTRnum) --j; // Sys Registers
else if (i == CS_Rnum) --j; // Segments
else if (i == EAX_Rnum) --j; // GP Registers (32b)
// below EAX is 64bit GP Registers and EFLAGS
RegColor[--i] = j;
MakeXlatTables(); // create UpperCase and AsciiHex translation tables
MakeRDnames(); // create Rnames from lower-case register names
InitRegObjects(); // get/store all the bx_param_num_c objects for the registers
// refill whichever "data window" is active -- or param_tree
void RefreshDataWin()
switch (DViewMode)
if (DumpInitted != FALSE)
EndListUpdate(2); // list is empty, so end (show) it!
case VIEW_GDT:
case VIEW_IDT:
PStackLA = 1; // flag to force a full stack refresh
// performs tasks whenever the simulation "breaks"
void OnBreak()
int i = EFER_Rnum + 1;
// check if Ptime has changed
// display the new ptime on the status bar
char time_buf[20];
sprintf (time_buf,"t= " FMT_LL "d", bx_pc_system.time_ticks());
SetStatusText (2, time_buf);
// remember register values from before the last run
while (--i >= 0)
PV[i] = rV[i];
ladrmin = ladrmax; // invalidate any old linear->phys mapping
// then detect current CPU mode the *right* way -- look for changes
// TODO: create param Objects for CS.d_b and cpu_mode for each CPU
unsigned PrevCpuMode = CpuMode;
CpuMode = BX_CPU(CurrentCPU)->get_cpu_mode();
if (CpuMode == BX_MODE_LONG_64)
if (In64Mode == FALSE) // Entering LongMode?
CpuModeChange = TRUE;
In64Mode = TRUE;
In32Mode = TRUE; // In32Mode must be TRUE in LongMode
ResizeColmns = TRUE; // if so, some formatting has changed
bx_bool d_b = BX_CPU(CurrentCPU)->sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.d_b;
if (In32Mode != d_b || In64Mode != FALSE || PrevCpuMode != CpuMode)
CpuModeChange = TRUE;
In64Mode = FALSE;
In32Mode = d_b;
if (CpuModeChange)
GrayMenuItem ((int) In64Mode, CMD_EREG);
BottomAsmLA = ~0; // force an ASM autoload
StatusChange = TRUE;
doUpdate(); // do a full "autoupdate"
if (doDumpRefresh != FALSE)
static int HexFromAsk(const char* ask, char* b) // this routine converts a user-typed hex string into binary bytes
{ // it ignores any bigendian issues -- binary is converted front to end as chars
int y = 0;
int i = 0;
unsigned int C = 0;
if (strlen(ask + i) < 2)
if (!sscanf(ask + i,"%02X",&C))
b[y++] = C;
i += 2;
return y;
static bx_bool FindHex(const unsigned char* b1,int bs,const unsigned char* b2,int by)
// search bs bytes of b1
for(int i = 0; i < bs; i++) // TODO: this loop could be a little more efficient.
{ // -- it just scans an input byte string against DataDump memory
bx_bool Match = TRUE;
for(int y = 0; y < by; y++)
if (b1[i + y] != b2[y])
Match = FALSE;
if (Match != FALSE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bx_bool AskText(const char *title, const char *prompt, char *DefaultText)
ask_str.title= title;
ask_str.prompt= prompt;
ask_str.reply= DefaultText;
return ShowAskDialog();
// load new memory for a MemDump
// newDS = illegal (1) is a flag to ask the user for a DumpStart address
bx_bool InitDataDump(bx_bool isLinear, Bit64u newDS)
bx_bool retval = TRUE;
bx_bool MsgOnErr = FALSE;
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
return FALSE;
if (((int) newDS & 0xf) != 0) // legal addys must be on 16byte boundary
if (In64Mode == FALSE)
sprintf(tmpcb,"0x%X",(Bit32u) DumpStart);
sprintf(tmpcb,"0x" FMT_LL "X",DumpStart);
if (AskText("4K Memory Dump","4K Memory Dump -- Enter Address (use 0x for hex):",tmpcb) == FALSE)
return FALSE;
newDS = cvt64(tmpcb,FALSE); // input either hex or decimal
newDS &= ~15; // force Mem Dump to be 16b aligned
MsgOnErr = TRUE;
// load 4k DataDump array from bochs emulated linear or physical memory
if (isLinear)
// cannot read linear mem across a 4K boundary -- so break the read in two
// -- calculate location of 4K boundary (h):
unsigned len = (int) newDS & 0xfff;
unsigned i = 4096 - len;
Bit64u h = newDS + i;
retval = ReadBxLMem(newDS,i,(Bit8u *)DataDump);
if (retval != FALSE && len != 0)
retval = ReadBxLMem(h,len,(Bit8u *)DataDump + i);
else {
retval = (bx_bool) bx_mem.dbg_fetch_mem(BX_CPU(CurrentCPU),
(bx_phy_address)newDS, 4096, (Bit8u *)DataDump);
if (retval == FALSE)
// assume that the DataDump array is still valid -- fetch_mem should error without damage
if (MsgOnErr != FALSE)
DispMessage ("Address range was not legal memory","Memory Error");
return retval;
SA_valid = FALSE; // any previous MemDump click is now irrelevant
ResizeColmns = TRUE; // autosize column 0 once
DumpInitted = TRUE; // OK to refresh the Dump window in the future (it has data)
DumpStart = newDS;
LinearDump = isLinear; // finalize dump mode, since it worked
ShowMemData(TRUE); // Display DataDump using these new parameters/data
return TRUE;
// User is changing which registers are displaying in the Register list
void ToggleSeeReg(int cmd)
int i = cmd - CMD_EREG;
if (i < 0 || i > 7)
if (i == 4 || i == 5)
ResizeColmns = TRUE; // may need to resize the register value column
SeeReg[i] ^= TRUE;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) SeeReg[i], i + CHK_CMD_EREG);
if (AtBreak != FALSE)
LoadRegList(); // do a register window update
void doNewWSize(int i)
// DumpAlign is the "wordsize" in bytes -- need to "calculate" the power of 2
int j = 0;
if (DumpAlign == 2) j = 1;
else if (DumpAlign == 4) j = 2;
else if (DumpAlign == 8) j = 3;
else if (DumpAlign == 16) j = 4;
if (j != i)
ToggleWSchecks(i, j);
DumpAlign = 1<<i;
if (DViewMode == VIEW_MEMDUMP && DumpInitted != FALSE)
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
doDumpRefresh = TRUE;
void ToggleGDT()
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTWR);
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTRD);
if (DViewMode == VIEW_GDT || /*(GDT_Len & 7) != 7 ||*/ (unsigned) GDT_Len >= 0x10000)
if (DViewMode != VIEW_GDT)
DispMessage("GDT limit is illegal","Simulation error");
DViewMode = VIEW_GDT; // displaying a GDT
void ToggleIDT()
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTWR);
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTRD);
if (DViewMode == VIEW_IDT || /*(IDT_Len & 3) != 3 ||*/ (unsigned) IDT_Len >= 0x10000)
if (DViewMode != VIEW_IDT)
DispMessage("IDT limit is illegal","Simulation error");
DViewMode = VIEW_IDT; // displaying an IDT
void TogglePAGE()
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTWR);
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTRD);
if (DViewMode == VIEW_PAGING || InPaging == FALSE)
DViewMode = VIEW_PAGING; // currently displaying Paging info
void ToggleStack()
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTWR);
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTRD);
if (DViewMode == VIEW_STACK)
DViewMode = VIEW_STACK; // currently displaying stack
PStackLA = 1; // flag to force a full refresh
void ToggleBrkpt()
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTWR);
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTRD);
if (DViewMode == VIEW_BREAK)
HideTree(); // HideTree needs to know the "prev" DViewMode
DViewMode = VIEW_BREAK; // currently displaying breakpoint info
void TogglePTree()
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTWR);
GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTRD);
if (DViewMode == VIEW_PTREE)
// FillPTree needs to know the "prev" DViewMode, to handle "refresh" events properly
FillPTree(); // get all info from param_tree into tree-view window
DViewMode = VIEW_PTREE; // currently displaying param_tree
void doFind()
unsigned int i, L;
bx_bool Select;
char srchstr[100];
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
*tmpcb = 0;
// read ASM text or MemDump data, find matches, select all matching lines
if (DumpHasFocus == FALSE)
if (AskText("Find text in mnemonic lines","ASM Search text:",tmpcb) == FALSE)
if (strchr(tmpcb,'*') == 0 && strchr(tmpcb,'?') == 0)
if (UprCase != FALSE) // convert search string to uppercase if ASM is that way
for(i = 0; i < (unsigned) AsmLineCount; i++)
GetLIText(ASM_WND, i, 2, tmpcb); // retrieve the ASM column 2 text for row i
Select = FALSE;
if (IsMatching(tmpcb, srchstr, TRUE) != FALSE)
Select = TRUE;
SetLIState(ASM_WND, i, Select);
if (AskText("Memory Dump Search",
"Sequential hex bytes (e.g 00FEFA - no spaces), or ascii string (max. 16b):",tmpcb) == FALSE)
int by = HexFromAsk(tmpcb,srchstr); // by = len of binary search string
// Find in all rows of 16 bytes -- must do rows, so they can be selected
for(i = 0, L = 0; i < 4096; i += 16, L++)
Select = FALSE;
if (by != 0 && FindHex((unsigned char *)DataDump + i,16,(unsigned char *)srchstr,by))
Select = TRUE;
SetLIState(DUMP_WND, L, Select);
// Try ascii for additional matches and selected lines
Select = TRUE; // this loop, only add selected lines to the display
by = strlen(tmpcb);
for(i = 0, L = 0; i < 4096; i += 16, L++)
if (by != 0 && FindHex((unsigned char *)DataDump + i,16,(unsigned char *)tmpcb,by))
SetLIState(DUMP_WND, L, Select);
void doStepN()
// can't run sim until everything is ready
if (AtBreak == FALSE || debug_cmd_ready != FALSE)
sprintf (tmpcb,"%d",PrevStepNSize);
if (AskText("Singlestep N times","Number of steps (use 0x for hex):",tmpcb) == FALSE)
Bit32u i = (Bit32u) cvt64(tmpcb,FALSE); // input either hex or decimal
if (i == 0)
PrevStepNSize = i;
AtBreak = FALSE;
StatusChange = TRUE;
sprintf(debug_cmd, "s %d", i);
debug_cmd_ready = TRUE;
// User wants a custom disassembly
void doDisAsm()
int NumLines = DefaultAsmLines;
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
sprintf (tmpcb,"0x" FMT_LL "X",CurrentAsmLA);
if (AskText("Disassemble",
"Disassemble -- Enter Linear Start Address (use 0x for hex):",tmpcb) == FALSE)
Bit64u h = cvt64(tmpcb,FALSE); // input either hex or decimal
sprintf (tmpcb,"%d",NumLines);
if (AskText("Disassemble","Number of lines: (Max. 2048)",tmpcb) == FALSE)
sscanf (tmpcb,"%d",&NumLines);
if (NumLines <= 0 || NumLines > 2048)
if (NumLines > 1000 && FWflag == FALSE)
FillAsm(h, NumLines);
// Set the scroll limits for the new ASM window
BottomAsmLA = *AsmLA;
int j = bottommargin; // try to use this bottom margin on ASM window
if (j > AsmLineCount)
j = AsmLineCount;
TopAsmLA = AsmLA[AsmLineCount - j]; //TopAsmLA is the scroll point
// Toggle all "selected" items as linear breakpoint on the ASM window
void SetBreak(int OneEntry)
int L;
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
if (OneEntry >= 0)
L = OneEntry;
// -1 is a flag to start the search at the beginning
L = GetNextSelectedLI(ASM_WND, -1);
while (L >= 0)
int iExist = -1;
int i=0;
while (i < BreakCount && iExist < 0)
if (BrkLAddr[i] == AsmLA[L])
iExist = i;
if (iExist >= 0)
// existing, remove
i = iExist; // also compress it out of the local list
while (++i < BreakCount)
BrkLAddr[i-1] = BrkLAddr[i];
BrkIdx[i-1] = BrkIdx[i];
bx_address nbrk = (bx_address) AsmLA[L];
// Set a "regular" bochs linear breakpoint to that address
int BpId = bx_dbg_lbreakpoint_command(bkRegular, nbrk);
if (BpId >= 0)
// insertion sort the new Brkpt into the local list
i = BreakCount - 1;
while (i >= 0 && BrkLAddr[i] > nbrk)
BrkLAddr[i+1] = BrkLAddr[i];
BrkIdx[i+1] = BrkIdx[i];
BrkLAddr[i+1] = nbrk;
BrkIdx[i+1] = BpId;
if (OneEntry >= 0) // do not loop, if only doing one entry
L = -1;
// start the next ASM search at current item L
L = GetNextSelectedLI(ASM_WND, L);
Invalidate(ASM_WND); // redraw the ASM window -- colors may have changed
void DelWatchpoint(bx_watchpoint *wp_array, unsigned *TotEntries, int i)
while (++i < (int) *TotEntries)
wp_array[i-1] = wp_array[i];
-- *TotEntries;
void SetWatchpoint(unsigned *num_watchpoints, bx_watchpoint *watchpoint)
int iExist1 = -1;
int i = (int) *num_watchpoints;
if (AtBreak == FALSE || SA_valid == FALSE)
// the list is unsorted -- test all of them
while (--i >= 0)
if (watchpoint[i].addr == SelectedDataAddress)
iExist1 = i;
i = 0;
if (iExist1 >= 0)
// existing watchpoint, remove by copying the list down
DelWatchpoint(watchpoint, num_watchpoints, iExist1);
// Set a watchpoint to last clicked address -- the list is not sorted
if (*num_watchpoints >= BX_DBG_MAX_WATCHPONTS) {
DispMessage("Too many of that type of watchpoint. Max: 16", "Table Overflow");
else {
watchpoint[*num_watchpoints].len = 1;
watchpoint[*num_watchpoints].addr = (bx_phy_address) SelectedDataAddress;
Invalidate(DUMP_WND); // redraw the MemDump window -- colors may have changed
void ChangeReg()
// Change a register -- search for the first selected register
int L = GetNextSelectedLI(REG_WND, -1);
if (AtBreak == FALSE || L == -1 || L >= TOT_REG_NUM)
int i = RitemToRnum[L];
if (i > EFER_Rnum) // TODO: extend this to more reg -- need display names for all
// if (i > EFER_Rnum)
// *tmpcb = 0;
// else
sprintf (tmpcb,"0x" FMT_LL "X", rV[i]);
if (AskText("Change Register Value",RDispName[i],tmpcb))
Bit64u val = cvt64(tmpcb,TRUE); // input either hex or decimal
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
if (i >= EAX_Rnum && i <= EIP_Rnum) // must use RAX-RIP when setting 32b registers
i -= EAX_Rnum - RAX_Rnum;
RegObject[CurrentCPU][i]->set(val); // the set function should be a bool, not a void
// bx_bool worked = RegObject[CurrentCPU][i]->set(val);
// if (worked == FALSE)
// DispMessage ("Bochs does not allow you to set that register","Selection Error");
// else
LoadRegList(); // update the register window
// user wants to edit some memory
void SetMemLine(int L)
// get base address of "line" of data -- each line (L) is 16 bytes
char addrstr[64];
Bit64u h = DumpStart + (L<<4);
if (AtBreak == FALSE || L >= 256)
if (LinearDump == FALSE)
sprintf(addrstr,"Physical Address: 0x" FMT_LL "X",h);
sprintf(addrstr,"Linear Address: 0x" FMT_LL "X",h);
unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *)(DataDump + (L<<4)); // important that it be unsigned!
sprintf(tmpcb,"%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X",
if (AskText("Change Memory Values",addrstr,tmpcb))
Bit8u newval;
int err=0;
char *x = tmpcb;
upr(x); // force input string to uppercase
if (LinearDump) // is h is a LINEAR address? Convert to physical!
// use the ReadBx function to calculate the lin->phys offset
if (ReadBxLMem(h,0,(Bit8u *)addrstr) == FALSE) // "read" 0 bytes
err = 2;
h -= l_p_offset; // convert h to a physmem address
while (*x != 0 && err == 0)
char *s = x;
// verify that the next 2 chars are hex digits
if ((*x < '0' || *x > '9') && (*x < 'A' || *x > 'F'))
err = 1;
if ((*x < '0' || *x > '9') && (*x < 'A' || *x > 'F'))
err = 1;
if (*x != ' ' && *x != 0) // followed by a space or 0
err = 1;
if (err == 0)
// convert the hex to a byte, and try to store the byte in bochs physmem
sscanf (s,"%2X", (unsigned int*)&newval);
if (bx_mem.dbg_set_mem( (bx_phy_address) h, 1, &newval) == FALSE)
err = 2;
*u++ = newval; // update DataDump array so it will refresh on the screen
++h; // bump to the next mem address
while (*x == ' ') // scan past whitespace
if (err != 0)
if (err == 1)
DispMessage ("Improper char hex format","Input Format Error");
DispMessage ("Illegal memory address error?","Memory Error");
ShowData(); // refresh the data dump, even if there were errors
// Alt, Shift, Control keys are "down" if negative
// Normal return value is 0, return != 0 has OS-specific meaning.
int HotKey (int ww, int Alt, int Shift, int Control)
if (Alt < 0){
if (ww == '1')
else if (ww == '2')
else if (ww == '4')
else if (ww == '8')
else if (ww == '6')
else if (ww == VK_F2)
else if (ww == VK_F3) ToggleSeeReg(CMD_FPUR); // MMX/FPU toggle
else if (ww == VK_F6) // AltF6 = Read Watchpt
if (DumpHasFocus != FALSE)
else if (ww == VK_F7) // Alt+F7 memdump hex toggle
int i = DumpInAsciiMode;
i ^= 2;
if (i != 0)
DumpInAsciiMode = i;
i &= 2;
SetMenuCheckmark (i, CHK_CMD_MHEX);
GrayMenuItem (i, CMD_MASCII);
PrevDAD = 0; // force columns to resize
if (DViewMode == VIEW_MEMDUMP && DumpInitted != FALSE)
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
doDumpRefresh = TRUE;
return 0;
switch (ww)
CommandHistoryIdx = 0;
ShowMemData(FALSE); // force a "normal" MemDump window
case VK_UP:
// History from nextmost previous command
case VK_DOWN:
// Next History command
case VK_PRIOR:
// Page up on the MemDump window by 2K
if (DumpInitted != FALSE)
InitDataDump(LinearDump, DumpStart - 2048);
case VK_NEXT:
// Page down on the MemDump window by 2K
if (DumpInitted != FALSE)
InitDataDump(LinearDump, DumpStart + 2048);
case VK_F2:
if (Control < 0)
else if (Shift < 0)
case VK_F3: // ^F3 = param tree, F3 = toggle syntax
if (Control < 0)
if (AtBreak != FALSE)
// do the standard ASM window fill sequence
Bit64u h = CurrentAsmLA;
FillAsm(h, DefaultAsmLines);
BottomAsmLA = ~0; // force an ASM autoload
case VK_F4:
if (Shift < 0) // Debug register toggle
else if (Control >= 0) // Refresh
BottomAsmLA = ~0; // force an ASM autoload
ResizeColmns = TRUE; // force everything to repaint
doDumpRefresh = TRUE; // force a data window reload on a break
if (AtBreak != FALSE) // can't refresh the windows until a break!
doUpdate(); // refresh the ASM and Register windows
RefreshDataWin(); // and whichever data window is up
else {
if (CpuSupportSSE)
ToggleSeeReg(CMD_XMMR); // SSE toggle
case VK_F5:
if (Shift < 0) // ShiftF5 = Modechange brk toggle
// toggle mode_break on cpu0, use that value to reset all CPUs
bx_bool nmb = BX_CPU(0)->mode_break ^ TRUE;
int j = TotCPUs;
while (--j >= 0)
BX_CPU(j)->mode_break = nmb;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) nmb, CHK_CMD_MODEB);
// can't continue until everything is ready
if (AtBreak != FALSE && debug_cmd_ready == FALSE)
// The VGAW *MUST* be refreshed periodically -- it's best to use the timer.
// Which means that the sim cannot be directly run from this msglp thread.
*debug_cmd = 'c'; // send a fake "continue" command to the internal debugger
debug_cmd[1] = 0;
debug_cmd_ready = TRUE;
AtBreak = FALSE;
StatusChange = TRUE;
case VK_F7:
if (Control < 0)
InitDataDump(0,(Bit64u) 1); // ^F7 = PhysDump
else if (Shift < 0) // ShiftF7 = ascii toggle
int i = DumpInAsciiMode;
i ^= 1;
if (i != 0)
DumpInAsciiMode = i;
i &= 1;
SetMenuCheckmark (i, CHK_CMD_MASCII);
GrayMenuItem (i, CMD_MHEX);
PrevDAD = 0; // force columns to resize
if (DViewMode == VIEW_MEMDUMP && DumpInitted != FALSE)
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
doDumpRefresh = TRUE;
InitDataDump(1,(Bit64u) 1); // F7 = LinDump
case VK_F6:
if (Control < 0) // ^F6 = Breakpoint window
else if (Shift < 0) // ShiftF6 = Write Watchpt
if (DumpHasFocus == FALSE)
SetBreak(-1); // set or delete breakpoint(s) at the selected address(es)
if (DumpHasFocus == FALSE) // F6 = Brkpt
SetBreak(-1); // set or delete breakpoint(s) at the selected address(es)
case VK_F8:
// can't continue until everything is ready
if (AtBreak != FALSE && debug_cmd_ready == FALSE)
*debug_cmd = 'p'; // send a fake "proceed" command to the internal debugger
debug_cmd[1] = 0;
debug_cmd_ready = TRUE;
AtBreak = FALSE;
StatusChange = TRUE;
case VK_F11:
if (AtBreak != FALSE && debug_cmd_ready == FALSE)
bx_dbg_stepN_command(CurrentCPU, 1); // singlestep
StatusChange = TRUE;
case VK_F9:
doStepN(); // ask user for a step #
case 'C': // ^c = break
if (Control < 0)
case 'D':
if (Control < 0)
case 'F':
if (Control < 0)
case VK_RIGHT: // Win32: send a few virtual movement keys back into the Input window
case VK_LEFT:
case VK_END:
case VK_HOME:
return -1;
// can't run a command until everything is ready
if (AtBreak != FALSE && debug_cmd_ready == FALSE)
*tmpcb = 0;
StatusChange = TRUE;
if (*tmpcb == 0) // Hitting <CR> on a blank line means SINGLESTEP
bx_dbg_stepN_command(CurrentCPU, 1); // singlestep
// deal with the command history:
if (strlen(tmpcb) > 79)
DispMessage ("Running command, but history has an 80 char Max.",
"Command history overflow");
strcpy (CmdHistory[CmdHInsert], tmpcb);
CmdHInsert = (CmdHInsert + 1) & 63; // circular buffer, 0 to 63
strcpy (debug_cmd,tmpcb); // send the command into the bochs internal debugger
debug_cmd_ready = TRUE;
AtBreak = FALSE;
ClearInputWindow(); // prepare for the next command
CommandHistoryIdx = 0; // and reset the history queue to the new end
} // end the switch
// if (Control >= 0 && ww >= ' ' && ww < 0x7f) -- might be interesting to catch printable chars
// return 1;
return 0;
void ActivateMenuItem (int cmd)
int i;
case CMD_CONT: // run/go/continue
if (AtBreak != FALSE && debug_cmd_ready == FALSE)
// The VGAW *MUST* be refreshed periodically -- it's best to use the timer.
// Which means that the sim cannot be directly run from this msglp thread.
*debug_cmd = 'c'; // send a fake "continue" command to the internal debugger
debug_cmd[1] = 0;
debug_cmd_ready = TRUE;
AtBreak = FALSE;
StatusChange = TRUE;
case CMD_STEP1: // step 1
if (AtBreak != FALSE && debug_cmd_ready == FALSE)
bx_dbg_stepN_command(CurrentCPU, 1); // singlestep
StatusChange = TRUE;
case CMD_STEPN: // step N
case CMD_BREAK: // break/stop the sim
// SIM->debug_break() only "break"s the internal debugger
case CMD_BRKPT: // set or delete breakpoint(s) at the selected address(es)
case CMD_WPTWR: // set or delete a data write watchpoint
case CMD_WPTRD: // set or delete a data read watchpoint
case CMD_FIND: // find -- Control-F
case CMD_RFRSH: // force an update/refresh
BottomAsmLA = ~0; // force an ASM autoload
ResizeColmns = TRUE; // force everything to repaint
doDumpRefresh = TRUE; // force a data window reload on a break
if (AtBreak != FALSE) // can't refresh the windows until a break!
doUpdate(); // refresh the ASM and Register windows
RefreshDataWin(); // and whichever data window is up
case CMD_PHYDMP: // "physical mem" data dump
InitDataDump(0,(Bit64u) 1);
case CMD_LINDMP: // "linear memory" data dump
InitDataDump(1,(Bit64u) 1);
case CMD_STACK: // toggle display of Stack
case CMD_GDTV: // toggle display of GDT
case CMD_IDTV: // toggle display of IDT
case CMD_PAGEV: // display paging info
case CMD_VBRK: // display breakpoint/watchpoint info
case CMD_CMEM: // view current MemDump -- acts like "cancel"
CommandHistoryIdx = 0;
ShowMemData(FALSE); // force a "normal" MemDump window
case CMD_DISASM: // disassemble starting at a particular address
case CMD_MODEB: // toggle the simulation's Mode-Change-Break flag
// toggle mode_break on cpu0, use that value to reset all CPUs
bx_bool nmb = BX_CPU(0)->mode_break ^ TRUE;
i = TotCPUs;
while (--i >= 0)
BX_CPU(i)->mode_break = nmb;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) nmb, CHK_CMD_MODEB);
case CMD_ONECPU: // toggle whether to show SMP CPUs
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
SingleCPU ^= TRUE;
TotCPUs = 1;
if (SingleCPU == FALSE)
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) SingleCPU, CHK_CMD_ONECPU);
case CMD_DADEF: // set default # of disassembly lines in a list
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
sprintf (tmpcb,"%d",DefaultAsmLines);
if (AskText("Disassembly default linecount","Max. 2048:",tmpcb) == FALSE)
sscanf (tmpcb,"%u",&i);
if (i > 0 && i <= 2048)
DefaultAsmLines = i;
if (i > 1000 && FWflag == FALSE) // friendly warning
case CMD_ATTI: // Toggle ASM Syntax
if (AtBreak != FALSE)
// do the standard ASM window fill sequence
Bit64u h = CurrentAsmLA;
FillAsm(h, DefaultAsmLines);
BottomAsmLA = ~0; // force an ASM autoload
case CMD_IOWIN: // toggle display of internal debugger Input and Output windows
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
ShowIOWindows ^= TRUE;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) ShowIOWindows, CHK_CMD_IOWIN);
case CMD_SBTN: // Toggle showing top pushbutton-row
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
ShowButtons ^= TRUE;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) ShowButtons, CHK_CMD_SBTN);
case CMD_UCASE: // Toggle showing everything in uppercase
UprCase ^= 1;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) UprCase, CHK_CMD_UCASE);
if (AtBreak != FALSE)
// do the standard ASM window fill sequence
Bit64u h = CurrentAsmLA;
FillAsm(h, DefaultAsmLines);
BottomAsmLA = ~0; // force an ASM autoload
case CMD_MHEX: // Toggle showing hex in Dump window
i = DumpInAsciiMode;
i ^= 2;
if (i != 0)
DumpInAsciiMode = i;
i &= 2;
SetMenuCheckmark (i, CHK_CMD_MHEX);
GrayMenuItem (i, CMD_MASCII);
PrevDAD = 0; // force columns to resize
if (DViewMode == VIEW_MEMDUMP && DumpInitted != FALSE)
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
doDumpRefresh = TRUE;
case CMD_MASCII: // Toggle showing ASCII in Dump window
i = DumpInAsciiMode;
i ^= 1;
if (i != 0)
DumpInAsciiMode = i;
i &= 1;
SetMenuCheckmark (i, CHK_CMD_MASCII);
GrayMenuItem (i, CMD_MHEX);
PrevDAD = 0; // force columns to resize
if (DViewMode == VIEW_MEMDUMP && DumpInitted != FALSE)
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
doDumpRefresh = TRUE;
case CMD_LEND: // Toggle Endianness for the MemDumps
isLittleEndian ^= TRUE;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) isLittleEndian, CHK_CMD_LEND);
if (DViewMode == VIEW_MEMDUMP && DumpInitted != FALSE)
if (AtBreak == FALSE)
doDumpRefresh = TRUE;
case CMD_WS_1: // set memory dump "wordsize"
// "Align" = "wordsize" -- from 1 to 16
case CMD_WS_2:
case CMD_WS_4:
case CMD_WS_8:
case CMD_WS16:
case CMD_IGNSA: // Toggle ID disassembly output ignoring
ignSSDisasm ^= TRUE;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) ignSSDisasm, CHK_CMD_IGNSA);
case CMD_IGNNT: // Toggle NextT ignoring
ignoreNxtT ^= TRUE;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) ignoreNxtT, CHK_CMD_IGNNT);
case CMD_RCLR: // Toggle Register Coloring
SeeRegColors ^= TRUE;
SetMenuCheckmark ((int) SeeRegColors, CHK_CMD_RCLR);
if (AtBreak != FALSE)
case CMD_EREG: // Show Registers of various types
case CMD_SREG:
case CMD_SYSR:
case CMD_CREG:
case CMD_FPUR:
case CMD_XMMR:
case CMD_DREG:
case CMD_TREG:
case CMD_ABOUT: // "About" box
DispMessage ("Bochs Enhanced Debugger, Version 1.2\r\nCopyright (C) Chourdakis Michael.\r\nModified by Bruce Ewing",
case CMD_FONT: // font
ResizeColmns = TRUE; // column widths are font dependent
if (NewFont() != FALSE)
BxEvent *enh_dbg_notify_callback(void *unused, BxEvent *event)
switch (event->type)
debug_cmd = new char[512];
debug_cmd_ready = 0;
while (debug_cmd_ready == 0 && bx_user_quit == 0)
if (vgaw_refresh != 0) // is the GUI frontend requesting a VGAW refresh?
vgaw_refresh = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
if (bx_user_quit != 0) {
event->u.debugcmd.command = debug_cmd;
event->retcode = 1;
return event;
return event;
return (*old_callback)(old_callback_arg, event);
void InitDebugDialog()
// redirect notify callback to the debugger specific code
SIM->get_notify_callback(&old_callback, &old_callback_arg);
assert (old_callback != NULL);
SIM->set_notify_callback(enh_dbg_notify_callback, NULL);
DoAllInit(); // non-os-specific init stuff
void CloseDebugDialog()
SIM->set_notify_callback(old_callback, old_callback_arg);