
495 lines
13 KiB

// CDROM interface for MacOSX 10+. Uses IOKit facilities
// inplace of the ioctl driver interface used by the rest
// of the Unixes.
// Features:
// To configure and build with this cdrom interface, configure
// with:
// ./configure --enable-cdrom --with-osxcdrom
// On MacOSX the CD device special file -/dev/cdrom,/dev/disk3,etc..., is
// determined dynamically by the kernel so the user should not,
// theoretically, need to set cdromd in the configuration file. However,
// to conform to the existing boch design the user should just add any
// file path to keep the core of bochs happy example,
// cdromd: dev=/dev/cdrom, status=inserted
// is fine, even though there is no /dev/cdrom.
// Much of the IOKit code was taken from two sources, "Inside MacOSX:
// Accessing Hardware From Applications", a pdf document and the mount
// source ("mount_cd9660.c") both of these are available on the
// apple website,
// The ::read_toc bochs interface is not implemented. The reason for
// this is that at this point we do not have an application that will
// excersize this interface. The actual reading of the toc using IOKit
// is here and is used to get the size of the data on the cd for
// ::capacity. The issue with read_toc is formatting the toc entries to
// pass back to bochs.
// The loggin functions are not available outside of the cdrom_interface
// class. That is the reason for the printfs in the static functions below.
// Each cdrom_interface should inherit from cdrom_interface_base. The methods
// that need to be implemented uniquely should be declared virtual in
// cdrom_interface_base. cdrom.h needs to be untangled from the rest of
// the system for this to work painlessly.
// Scott Brumbaugh <> Dec 5, 2001
#include "bochs.h"
#define LOG_THIS
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <dev/disk.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
// This is needed to avoid a collision between
// with Boolean as used elsewhere.
#define Boolean _ourBoolean
typedef unsigned char _ourBoolean;
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOCDMedia.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOCDTypes.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
// These definitions were taken from mount_cd9660.c
// There are some similar definitions in IOCDTypes.h
// however there seems to be some dissagreement in
// the definition of CDTOC.length
struct _CDMSF {
u_char minute;
u_char second;
u_char frame;
#define MSF_TO_LBA(msf) \
(((((msf).minute * 60UL) + (msf).second) * 75UL) + (msf).frame - 150)
struct _CDTOC_Desc {
u_char session;
u_char ctrl_adr; /* typed to be machine and compiler independent */
u_char tno;
u_char point;
struct _CDMSF address;
u_char zero;
struct _CDMSF p;
struct _CDTOC {
u_short length; /* in native cpu endian */
u_char first_session;
u_char last_session;
struct _CDTOC_Desc trackdesc[1];
static kern_return_t FindEjectableCDMedia( io_iterator_t *mediaIterator,
mach_port_t *masterPort )
kern_return_t kernResult;
CFMutableDictionaryRef classesToMatch;
kernResult = IOMasterPort( bootstrap_port, masterPort );
if ( kernResult != KERN_SUCCESS )
fprintf ( stderr, "IOMasterPort returned %d\n", kernResult );
return kernResult;
// CD media are instances of class kIOCDMediaClass.
classesToMatch = IOServiceMatching( kIOCDMediaClass );
if ( classesToMatch == NULL )
fprintf ( stderr, "IOServiceMatching returned a NULL dictionary.\n" );
// Each IOMedia object has a property with key kIOMediaEjectable
// which is true if the media is indeed ejectable. So add property
// to CFDictionary for matching.
CFDictionarySetValue( classesToMatch,
CFSTR( kIOMediaEjectable ), kCFBooleanTrue );
kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices( *masterPort,
classesToMatch, mediaIterator );
if ( (kernResult != KERN_SUCCESS) || (*mediaIterator == NULL) )
fprintf( stderr, "No ejectable CD media found.\n kernResult = %d\n", kernResult );
return kernResult;
static kern_return_t GetDeviceFilePath( io_iterator_t mediaIterator,
char *deviceFilePath, CFIndex maxPathSize )
io_object_t nextMedia;
kern_return_t kernResult = KERN_FAILURE;
nextMedia = IOIteratorNext( mediaIterator );
if ( nextMedia == NULL )
*deviceFilePath = '\0';
CFTypeRef deviceFilePathAsCFString;
deviceFilePathAsCFString = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(
nextMedia, CFSTR( kIOBSDName ),
kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 );
*deviceFilePath = '\0';
if ( deviceFilePathAsCFString )
size_t devPathLength = strlen( _PATH_DEV );
strcpy( deviceFilePath, _PATH_DEV );
if ( CFStringGetCString( (const __CFString *) deviceFilePathAsCFString,
deviceFilePath + devPathLength,
maxPathSize - devPathLength,
kCFStringEncodingASCII ) )
// fprintf( stderr, "BSD path: %s\n", deviceFilePath );
kernResult = KERN_SUCCESS;
CFRelease( deviceFilePathAsCFString );
IOObjectRelease( nextMedia );
return kernResult;
static int OpenDrive( const char *deviceFilePath )
int fileDescriptor;
fileDescriptor = open( deviceFilePath, O_RDONLY );
if ( fileDescriptor == -1 )
fprintf( stderr, "Error %d opening device %s.\n", errno, deviceFilePath );
return fileDescriptor;
static struct _CDTOC * ReadTOC( const char * devpath ) {
struct _CDTOC * toc_p = NULL;
io_iterator_t iterator = 0;
io_registry_entry_t service = 0;
CFDictionaryRef properties = 0;
CFDataRef data = 0;
mach_port_t port = 0;
char * devname;
if (( devname = strrchr( devpath, '/' )) != NULL ) {
else {
devname = (char *) devpath;
if ( IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &port ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) {
fprintf( stderr, "IOMasterPort failed\n" );
goto Exit;
if ( IOServiceGetMatchingServices( port, IOBSDNameMatching( port, 0, devname ),
&iterator ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) {
fprintf( stderr, "IOServiceGetMatchingServices failed\n" );
goto Exit;
service = IOIteratorNext( iterator );
IOObjectRelease( iterator );
iterator = 0;
while ( service && !IOObjectConformsTo( service, "IOCDMedia" )) {
if ( IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator( service, kIOServicePlane,
&iterator ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) {
fprintf( stderr, "IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed\n" );
goto Exit;
IOObjectRelease( service );
service = IOIteratorNext( iterator );
IOObjectRelease( iterator );
if ( service == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "CD media not found\n" );
goto Exit;
if ( IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( service, (__CFDictionary **) &properties,
kNilOptions ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) {
fprintf( stderr, "IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed\n" );
goto Exit;
data = (CFDataRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR("TOC") );
if ( data == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "CFDictionaryGetValue failed\n" );
goto Exit;
else {
CFRange range;
CFIndex buflen;
buflen = CFDataGetLength( data ) + 1;
range = CFRangeMake( 0, buflen );
toc_p = (struct _CDTOC *) malloc( buflen );
if ( toc_p == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Out of memory\n" );
goto Exit;
else {
CFDataGetBytes( data, range, (unsigned char *) toc_p );
fprintf( stderr, "Table of contents\n length %d first %d last %d\n",
toc_p->length, toc_p->first_session, toc_p->last_session );
CFRelease( properties );
if ( service ) {
IOObjectRelease( service );
return toc_p;
static char CDDevicePath[ MAXPATHLEN ];
cdrom_interface::cdrom_interface(char *dev)
fd = -1; // File descriptor not yet allocated
if ( dev == NULL )
path = NULL;
else {
path = strdup(dev);
cdrom_interface::init(void) {
BX_DEBUG((",v 0.1 2001/12/5 sbrumbaugh"));
BX_INFO(("file = '%s'",path));
if (fd >= 0)
if (path)
cdrom_interface::insert_cdrom(char *dev)
mach_port_t masterPort = NULL;
io_iterator_t mediaIterator;
kern_return_t kernResult;
BX_INFO(( "Insert CDROM" ));
kernResult = FindEjectableCDMedia( &mediaIterator, &masterPort );
if ( kernResult != KERN_SUCCESS ) {
BX_INFO (("Unable to find CDROM"));
return false;
kernResult = GetDeviceFilePath( mediaIterator, CDDevicePath, sizeof( CDDevicePath ) );
if ( kernResult != KERN_SUCCESS ) {
BX_INFO (("Unable to get CDROM device file path" ));
return false;
// Here a cdrom was found so see if we can read from it.
// At this point a failure will result in panic.
if ( strlen( CDDevicePath ) ) {
fd = OpenDrive( CDDevicePath );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
BX_PANIC(( "Unable to open CDROM" ));
// read a test track
char buffer[2048];
if ( read( fd, buffer, 2048 ) == -1 ) {
BX_PANIC(( "Unable to read from CDROM error %d", errno ));
BX_INFO(( "Found CD at %s opened on descriptor %d", CDDevicePath, fd ));
return true;
// Logically eject the CD. I suppose we could stick in
// some ioctl() calls to really eject the CD as well.
BX_INFO(( "Eject" ));
fd = -1;
cdrom_interface::read_toc(uint8* buf, int* length, bool msf, int start_track)
// Read CD TOC. Returns false if start track is out of bounds.
BX_INFO(( "Read TOC - Not Implemented" ));
return false;
// Find the size of the first data track on the cd. This has produced
// the same results as the linux version on every cd I have tried, about
// 5. The differences here seem to be that the entries in the TOC when
// retrieved from the IOKit interface appear in a reversed order when
// compared with the linux READTOCENTRY ioctl.
// Return CD-ROM capacity. I believe you want to return
// the number of bytes of capacity the actual media has.
BX_INFO(( "Capacity" ));
struct _CDTOC * toc = ReadTOC( CDDevicePath );
if ( toc == NULL ) {
BX_PANIC(( "capacity: Failed to read toc" ));
size_t toc_entries = ( toc->length - 2 ) / sizeof( struct _CDTOC_Desc );
BX_DEBUG(( "reading %d toc entries\n", toc_entries ));
int start_sector = -1;
int data_track = -1;
// Iterate through the list backward. Pick the first data track and
// get the address of the immediately previous (or following depending
// on how you look at it). The difference in the sector numbers
// is returned as the sized of the data track.
for ( int i=toc_entries - 1; i>=0; i-- ) {
BX_DEBUG(( "session %d ctl_adr %d tno %d point %d lba %d z %d p lba %d\n",
MSF_TO_LBA( toc->trackdesc[i].address ),
MSF_TO_LBA(toc->trackdesc[i].p )));
if ( start_sector != -1 ) {
start_sector = MSF_TO_LBA(toc->trackdesc[i].p) - start_sector;
if (( toc->trackdesc[i].ctrl_adr >> 4) != 1 ) continue;
if ( toc->trackdesc[i].ctrl_adr & 0x04 ) {
data_track = toc->trackdesc[i].point;
start_sector = MSF_TO_LBA(toc->trackdesc[i].p);
free( toc );
if ( start_sector == -1 ) {
start_sector = 0;
BX_INFO(("first data track %d data size is %d", data_track, start_sector));
return start_sector;
#define CD_FRAMESIZE (2048)
#define CD_SEEK_DISTANCE kCDSectorSizeWhole
// The seeks on the CD need to be measured with kCDSectorSizeWhole which is
// defined to be 2352 or close. We then need to jump ahead 16 bytes to the
// data and read out the next 2048 as the data.
cdrom_interface::read_block(uint8* buf, int lba)
// Read a single block from the CD
off_t pos;
ssize_t n;
// This seek will leave us 16 bytes from the start of the data
// hence the magic number.
pos = lseek(fd, lba*CD_SEEK_DISTANCE + 16, SEEK_SET);
if (pos < 0) {
BX_PANIC(("cdrom: read_block: lseek returned error."));
n = read(fd, buf, CD_FRAMESIZE);
if (n != CD_FRAMESIZE) {
BX_PANIC(("cdrom: read_block: read returned %d",
(int) n));
for (int i=0; i<CD_FRAMESIZE; i++) {
printf (" %2X", buf[i] );
printf ("\n");