The patch was posted in mailing list at Thu 6/16/2011. Desription for CHANGES: - Memory - Added new configure option which enables RAM file backing for large guest memory with a smaller amount host memory, without causing a panic when host memory is exhausted (patch by Gary Cameron). To enable configure with --enable-large-ramfile option.
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// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2010 The Bochs Project
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// parameter classes: bx_param_c and family
// All variables that can be configured through the CI are declared as
// "parameters" or objects of type bx_param_*. There is a bx_param_*
// class for each type of data that the user would need to see and
// edit, e.g. integer, boolean, enum, string, filename, or list of
// other parameters. The purpose of the bx_param_* class, in addition
// to storing the parameter's value, is to hold the name, description,
// and constraints on the value. The bx_param_* class should hold
// everything that the CI would need to display the value and allow
// the user to modify it. For integer parameters, the minimum and
// maximum allowed value can be defined, and the base in which it
// should be displayed and interpreted. For enums, the
// bx_param_enum_c structure includes the list of values which the
// parameter can have.
// Also, some parameter classes support get/set callback functions to
// allow arbitrary code to be executed when the parameter is get/set.
// An example of where this is useful: if you disable the NE2K card,
// the set() handler for that parameter can tell the user interface
// that the NE2K's irq, I/O address, and mac address should be
// disabled (greyed out, hidden, or made inaccessible). The get/set
// methods can also check if the set() value is acceptable using
// whatever means and override it.
// The parameter concept is similar to the use of parameters in JavaBeans.
// list of possible types for bx_param_c and descendant objects
typedef enum {
} bx_objtype;
class bx_object_c;
class bx_param_c;
class bx_param_num_c;
class bx_param_enum_c;
class bx_param_bool_c;
class bx_param_string_c;
class bx_param_filename_c;
class bx_list_c;
class BOCHSAPI bx_object_c {
Bit32u id;
bx_objtype type;
void set_type(bx_objtype _type) { type = _type; }
bx_object_c(Bit32u _id): id(_id), type(BXT_OBJECT) {}
virtual ~bx_object_c() {}
Bit32u get_id() const { return id; }
Bit8u get_type() const { return type; }
#define BASE_DEC 10
#define BASE_HEX 16
class BOCHSAPI bx_param_c : public bx_object_c {
BOCHSAPI_CYGONLY static const char *default_text_format;
bx_list_c *parent;
char *name;
char *description;
char *label; // label string for text menus and gui dialogs
const char *text_format; // printf format string. %d for ints, %s for strings, etc.
const char *long_text_format; // printf format string. %d for ints, %s for strings, etc.
char *ask_format; // format string for asking for a new value
char *group_name; // name of the group the param belongs to
int runtime_param;
int enabled;
Bit32u options;
// The dependent_list is initialized to NULL. If dependent_list is modified
// to point to a bx_list_c of other parameters, the set() method of the
// parameter type will enable those parameters when the enable condition is
// true, and disable them it is false.
bx_list_c *dependent_list;
void *device;
bx_param_c(Bit32u id, const char *name, const char *description);
bx_param_c(Bit32u id, const char *name, const char *label, const char *description);
virtual ~bx_param_c();
bx_param_c *get_parent() { return (bx_param_c *) parent; }
int get_param_path(char *path_out, int maxlen);
void set_format(const char *format) {text_format = format;}
const char *get_format() const {return text_format;}
void set_long_format(const char *format) {long_text_format = format;}
const char *get_long_format() const {return long_text_format;}
void set_ask_format(const char *format);
const char *get_ask_format() const {return ask_format;}
void set_label(const char *text);
void set_description(const char *text);
const char *get_label() const {return label;}
void set_runtime_param(int val) { runtime_param = val; }
int get_runtime_param() { return runtime_param; }
void set_group(const char *group);
const char *get_group() const {return group_name;}
const char *get_name() const { return name; }
const char *get_description() const { return description; }
int get_enabled() const { return enabled; }
virtual void set_enabled(int enabled) { this->enabled = enabled; }
virtual void reset() {}
int getint() const {return -1;}
static const char* set_default_format(const char *f);
static const char *get_default_format() { return default_text_format; }
bx_list_c *get_dependent_list() { return dependent_list; }
void set_options(Bit32u options) { this->options = options; }
Bit32u get_options() const { return options; }
void set_device_param(void *dev) { device = dev; }
void *get_device_param() { return device; }
virtual void text_print(FILE *fp) {}
virtual int text_ask(FILE *fpin, FILE *fpout) {return -1;}
typedef Bit64s (*param_event_handler)(class bx_param_c *, int set, Bit64s val);
typedef Bit64s (*param_save_handler)(void *devptr, class bx_param_c *);
typedef void (*param_restore_handler)(void *devptr, class bx_param_c *, Bit64s val);
typedef int (*param_enable_handler)(class bx_param_c *, int en);
class BOCHSAPI bx_param_num_c : public bx_param_c {
BOCHSAPI_CYGONLY static Bit32u default_base;
void update_dependents();
Bit64s min, max, initial_val;
union _uval_ {
Bit64s number; // used by bx_param_num_c
Bit64s *p64bit; // used by bx_shadow_num_c
Bit32s *p32bit; // used by bx_shadow_num_c
Bit16s *p16bit; // used by bx_shadow_num_c
Bit8s *p8bit; // used by bx_shadow_num_c
bx_bool *pbool; // used by bx_shadow_bool_c
} val;
param_event_handler handler;
void *sr_devptr;
param_save_handler save_handler;
param_restore_handler restore_handler;
param_enable_handler enable_handler;
int base;
bx_bool is_shadow;
enum {
// When a bx_param_num_c is displayed in dialog, USE_SPIN_CONTROL controls
// whether a spin control should be used instead of a simple text control.
} bx_numopt_bits;
bx_param_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
Bit64s min, Bit64s max, Bit64s initial_val,
bx_bool is_shadow = 0);
virtual void reset() { val.number = initial_val; }
void set_handler(param_event_handler handler);
void set_sr_handlers(void *devptr, param_save_handler save, param_restore_handler restore);
void set_enable_handler(param_enable_handler handler) { enable_handler = handler; }
void set_dependent_list(bx_list_c *l);
virtual void set_enabled(int enabled);
virtual Bit32s get() { return (Bit32s) get64(); }
virtual Bit64s get64();
virtual void set(Bit64s val);
void set_base(int base) { this->base = base; }
void set_initial_val(Bit64s initial_val);
int get_base() const { return base; }
void set_range(Bit64u min, Bit64u max);
Bit64s get_min() { return min; }
Bit64s get_max() { return max; }
static Bit32u set_default_base(Bit32u val);
static Bit32u get_default_base() { return default_base; }
virtual void text_print(FILE *fp);
virtual int text_ask(FILE *fpin, FILE *fpout);
// a bx_shadow_num_c is like a bx_param_num_c except that it doesn't
// store the actual value with its data. Instead, it uses val.p32bit
// to keep a pointer to the actual data. This is used to register
// existing variables as parameters, without having to access it via
// set/get methods.
class BOCHSAPI bx_shadow_num_c : public bx_param_num_c {
Bit8u varsize; // must be 64, 32, 16, or 8
Bit8u lowbit; // range of bits associated with this param
Bit64u mask; // mask is ANDed with value before it is returned from get
bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit64s *ptr_to_real_val,
int base = BASE_DEC,
Bit8u highbit = 63,
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit64u *ptr_to_real_val,
int base = BASE_DEC,
Bit8u highbit = 63,
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit32s *ptr_to_real_val,
int base = BASE_DEC,
Bit8u highbit = 31,
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit32u *ptr_to_real_val,
int base = BASE_DEC,
Bit8u highbit = 31,
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit16s *ptr_to_real_val,
int base = BASE_DEC,
Bit8u highbit = 15,
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit16u *ptr_to_real_val,
int base = BASE_DEC,
Bit8u highbit = 15,
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit8s *ptr_to_real_val,
int base = BASE_DEC,
Bit8u highbit = 7,
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit8u *ptr_to_real_val,
int base = BASE_DEC,
Bit8u highbit = 7,
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
virtual Bit64s get64();
virtual void set(Bit64s val);
virtual void reset();
class BOCHSAPI bx_param_bool_c : public bx_param_num_c {
// many boolean variables are used to enable/disable modules. In the
// user interface, the enable variable should enable/disable all the
// other parameters associated with that module.
bx_param_bool_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
Bit64s initial_val,
bx_bool is_shadow = 0);
virtual void text_print(FILE *fp);
virtual int text_ask(FILE *fpin, FILE *fpout);
// a bx_shadow_bool_c is a shadow param based on bx_param_bool_c.
class BOCHSAPI bx_shadow_bool_c : public bx_param_bool_c {
// each bit of a bitfield can be a separate value. bitnum tells which
// bit is used. get/set will only modify that bit.
Bit8u bitnum;
bx_shadow_bool_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
bx_bool *ptr_to_real_val,
Bit8u bitnum = 0);
bx_shadow_bool_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
bx_bool *ptr_to_real_val,
Bit8u bitnum = 0);
virtual Bit64s get64();
virtual void set(Bit64s val);
class BOCHSAPI bx_param_enum_c : public bx_param_num_c {
const char **choices;
Bit64u *deps_bitmap;
void update_dependents();
bx_param_enum_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
const char **choices,
Bit64s initial_val,
Bit64s value_base = 0);
virtual ~bx_param_enum_c();
const char *get_choice(int n) { return choices[n]; }
const char *get_selected() { return choices[val.number - min]; }
int find_by_name(const char *string);
virtual void set(Bit64s val);
bx_bool set_by_name(const char *string);
void set_dependent_list(bx_list_c *l, bx_bool enable_all);
void set_dependent_bitmap(Bit64s value, Bit64u bitmap);
Bit64u get_dependent_bitmap(Bit64s value);
virtual void set_enabled(int enabled);
virtual void text_print(FILE *fp);
virtual int text_ask(FILE *fpin, FILE *fpout);
typedef const char* (*param_string_event_handler)(class bx_param_string_c *,
int set, const char *oldval, const char *newval, int maxlen);
class BOCHSAPI bx_param_string_c : public bx_param_c {
int maxsize;
char *val, *initial_val;
param_string_event_handler handler;
param_enable_handler enable_handler;
char separator;
void update_dependents();
enum {
RAW_BYTES = 1, // use binary text editor, like MAC addr
IS_FILENAME = 2, // 1=yes it's a filename, 0=not a filename.
// Some guis have a file browser. This
// bit suggests that they use it.
SAVE_FILE_DIALOG = 4, // Use save dialog opposed to open file dialog
SELECT_FOLDER_DLG = 8 // Use folder selection dialog
} bx_string_opt_bits;
bx_param_string_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
const char *initial_val,
int maxsize=-1);
virtual ~bx_param_string_c();
virtual void reset();
void set_handler(param_string_event_handler handler);
void set_enable_handler(param_enable_handler handler);
virtual void set_enabled(int enabled);
void set_dependent_list(bx_list_c *l);
Bit32s get(char *buf, int len);
char *getptr() {return val; }
const char *getptr() const {return val; }
void set(const char *buf);
bx_bool equals(const char *buf);
void set_separator(char sep) {separator = sep; }
char get_separator() const {return separator; }
int get_maxsize() const {return maxsize; }
void set_initial_val(const char *buf);
virtual void text_print(FILE *fp);
virtual int text_ask(FILE *fpin, FILE *fpout);
// Declare a filename class. It is identical to a string, except that
// it initializes the options differently. This is just a shortcut
// for declaring a string param and setting the options with IS_FILENAME.
class BOCHSAPI bx_param_filename_c : public bx_param_string_c {
const char *ext;
bx_param_filename_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
const char *initial_val,
int maxsize=-1);
const char *get_extension() const {return ext;}
void set_extension(const char *newext) {ext = newext;}
class BOCHSAPI bx_shadow_data_c : public bx_param_c {
Bit32u data_size;
Bit8u *data_ptr;
bx_shadow_data_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit8u *ptr_to_data,
Bit32u data_size);
Bit8u *getptr() {return data_ptr;}
Bit32u get_size() const {return data_size;}
typedef void (*filedata_save_handler)(void *devptr, FILE *save_fp);
typedef void (*filedata_restore_handler)(void *devptr, FILE *save_fp);
class BOCHSAPI bx_shadow_filedata_c : public bx_param_c {
FILE **scratch_fpp; // Point to scratch file used for backing store
void *sr_devptr;
filedata_save_handler save_handler;
filedata_restore_handler restore_handler;
bx_shadow_filedata_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name, FILE **scratch_file_ptr_ptr);
void set_sr_handlers(void *devptr, filedata_save_handler save, filedata_restore_handler restore);
FILE **get_fpp() {return scratch_fpp;}
void save(FILE *save_file);
void restore(FILE *save_file);
class BOCHSAPI bx_list_c : public bx_param_c {
// just a list of bx_param_c objects. size tells current number of
// objects in the list, and maxsize tells how many list items are
// allocated in the constructor.
bx_param_c **list;
int size, maxsize;
// for a menu, the value of choice before the call to "ask" is default.
// After ask, choice holds the value that the user chose. Choice defaults
// to 1 in the constructor.
bx_param_num_c *choice;
// title of the menu or series
char *title;
void init(const char *list_title);
enum {
// When a bx_list_c is displayed as a menu, SHOW_PARENT controls whether or
// not the menu shows a "Return to parent menu" choice or not.
SHOW_PARENT = (1<<0),
// Some lists are best displayed shown as menus, others as a series of
// related questions. This bit suggests to the CI that the series of
// questions format is preferred.
SERIES_ASK = (1<<1),
// When a bx_list_c is displayed in a dialog, USE_TAB_WINDOW suggests
// to the CI that each item in the list should be shown as a separate
// tab. This would be most appropriate when each item is another list
// of parameters.
USE_TAB_WINDOW = (1<<2),
// When a bx_list_c is displayed in a dialog, the list name is used as the
// label of the group box if USE_BOX_TITLE is set. This is only necessary if
// more than one list appears in a dialog box.
USE_BOX_TITLE = (1<<3),
// When a bx_list_c is displayed as a menu, SHOW_GROUP_NAME controls whether
// or not the name of group the item belongs to is added to the name of the
// item (used in the runtime menu).
} bx_listopt_bits;
bx_list_c(bx_param_c *parent, int maxsize);
bx_list_c(bx_param_c *parent, const char *name, int maxsize);
bx_list_c(bx_param_c *parent, const char *name, const char *title, int maxsize = BX_DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
bx_list_c(bx_param_c *parent, const char *name, const char *title, bx_param_c **init_list);
virtual ~bx_list_c();
bx_list_c *clone();
void add(bx_param_c *param);
bx_param_c *get(int index);
bx_param_c *get_by_name(const char *name);
int get_size() const { return size; }
bx_param_num_c *get_choice() { return choice; }
char *get_title() { return title; }
void set_parent(bx_param_c *newparent);
bx_param_c *get_parent() { return parent; }
virtual void reset();
virtual void clear();
virtual void remove(const char *name);
virtual void text_print(FILE *);
virtual int text_ask(FILE *fpin, FILE *fpout);