
107 lines
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What is your name?
[Bryce Denney]
What is your email address?
[bryce dot denney at bigfoot dot com]
Do you mind if your name and email address are placed on a testing results
web page so that people with a similar setup can write to you?
[X] Ok, put it on a web page
[ ] No, keep my address private.
What type of hardware are you using, e.g. 500MHz Intel Celeron.
[400MHz AMD K6]
What operating system are you using? Please be specific, e.g.
Redhat Linux 6.2 with 2.2.16 kernel.
[Redhat Linux 6.2 with 2.2.14]
What version of bochs are you using?
[ ] I compiled it from 03/25/2000 snapshot
[ ] I compiled it from 04/06/2001 bugfix snapshot
[X] I compiled it from 04/09/2001 bugfix snapshot
[ ] other source distribution from URL: [__]
[ ] binary distribution from URL: [__]
Please fill in the next few questions only if you compiled Bochs
yourself, as opposed to downloading a binary.
Did the configure script run ok, and detect your hardware and
operating system?
[X] Yes
[ ] No, configure crashed.
[ ] No, configure ran ok but produced a bad configuration.
[ ] No, I cannot run configure on my platform (win32 and mac).
If you used configure, what arguments did you give it? If you used a
.conf.* script, give the name of the .conf script instead.
What compiler did you use? (Please include version.)
Did Bochs compile clean without any hacking?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
If you had to make changes to compile, please summarize the problems you
had or include diffs.
End of compile-specific questions!
What guest operating system are you using inside bochs?
[freedos beta 4]
Are you booting from a floppy or hard disk?
[ ] floppy image
[ ] raw floppy drive
[X] hard drive image
[ ] raw hard drive (is this even possible?)
[ ] other [__]
Did the guest operating system boot successfully?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
If no, what error messages do you see on the console or in the log file?
What applications worked under this guest operating system?
[installation, fdisk, format, dir]
What applications failed under this guest operating system? Did the
application function incorrectly, crash Bochs, or what? If you got a
panic, paste in the panic message that you received with some
description of what was happening at the time.
1. edit hangs forever- the clock in lower right updates, but no keystrokes are
2. after running a few commands, sometimes dir appears empty from then on
3. emacs starts up once, then tells you to exit and start again. The second
time it appears to hang forever on "Saving F's in C:\EMACS\emacs ..."
4. compinfo crashes bochs with panic,
pit: outp(43h): comm Bh, mode 04, bcd 00 unhandled
The remaining questions are about Bochs features that you may not have
used. If you tried out the feature, move the X to the "works" or
"fails" column.
Not Works
tested ok Fails Comments?
floppy disk [ ] [X] [ ] [__]
raw floppy disk [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
hard disk [ ] [X] [ ] [__]
floating point [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
cdrom [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
sb16 [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
ne2000 [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
i440FX pci [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
debugger [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
external loader [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
VGA [X] [ ] [ ] [__]
Thank you for your contribution in the Bochs testing effort! Please
mail completed forms to