- Added new structure bx_pci_bar_t that contains all parameters related to the PCI BARs (type, size, address and r/w handlers). - Added new methods init_bar_io() and init_bar_mem() to set up the new structure in the pci device init code. - Added new method pci_write_handler_common() to handle writes to the normal BARs and the ROM BAR. Writes to other registers are forwarded to the device specific PCI write handlers. Removed BAR and ROM BAR handling from the specific code. - Added new method pci_bar_change_notify() to execute specific code after BAR update (vga, ne2k). - Moved normal BAR handling to method after_restore_pci_state(). - Store pointer to PCI device name in bx_pci_device_c and use it for i/o setup.
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// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 The Bochs Project
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Peter Grehan (grehan@iprg.nokia.com) coded all of this
// NE2000/ether stuff.
// An implementation of an ne2000 ISA ethernet adapter. This part uses
// a National Semiconductor DS-8390 ethernet MAC chip, with some h/w
// to provide a windowed memory region for the chip and a MAC address.
#ifndef BX_IODEV_NE2K
#define BX_IODEV_NE2K
# define BX_NE2K_SMF static
# define BX_NE2K_THIS theNE2kDevice->
# define BX_NE2K_THIS_PTR theNE2kDevice
# define BX_NE2K_SMF
# define BX_NE2K_THIS this->
# define BX_NE2K_THIS_PTR this
#define BX_NE2K_MEMSIZ (32*1024)
#define BX_NE2K_MEMSTART (16*1024)
class eth_pktmover_c;
typedef struct {
// ne2k register state
// Page 0
// Command Register - 00h read/write
struct {
bx_bool stop; // STP - Software Reset command
bx_bool start; // START - start the NIC
bx_bool tx_packet; // TXP - initiate packet transmission
Bit8u rdma_cmd; // RD0,RD1,RD2 - Remote DMA command
Bit8u pgsel; // PS0,PS1 - Page select
} CR;
// Interrupt Status Register - 07h read/write
struct {
bx_bool pkt_rx; // PRX - packet received with no errors
bx_bool pkt_tx; // PTX - packet transmitted with no errors
bx_bool rx_err; // RXE - packet received with 1 or more errors
bx_bool tx_err; // TXE - packet tx'd " " " " "
bx_bool overwrite; // OVW - rx buffer resources exhausted
bx_bool cnt_oflow; // CNT - network tally counter MSB's set
bx_bool rdma_done; // RDC - remote DMA complete
bx_bool reset; // RST - reset status
} ISR;
// Interrupt Mask Register - 0fh write
struct {
bx_bool rx_inte; // PRXE - packet rx interrupt enable
bx_bool tx_inte; // PTXE - packet tx interrput enable
bx_bool rxerr_inte; // RXEE - rx error interrupt enable
bx_bool txerr_inte; // TXEE - tx error interrupt enable
bx_bool overw_inte; // OVWE - overwrite warn int enable
bx_bool cofl_inte; // CNTE - counter o'flow int enable
bx_bool rdma_inte; // RDCE - remote DMA complete int enable
bx_bool reserved; // D7 - reserved
} IMR;
// Data Configuration Register - 0eh write
struct {
bx_bool wdsize; // WTS - 8/16-bit select
bx_bool endian; // BOS - byte-order select
bx_bool longaddr; // LAS - long-address select
bx_bool loop; // LS - loopback select
bx_bool auto_rx; // AR - auto-remove rx packets with remote DMA
Bit8u fifo_size; // FT0,FT1 - fifo threshold
} DCR;
// Transmit Configuration Register - 0dh write
struct {
bx_bool crc_disable; // CRC - inhibit tx CRC
Bit8u loop_cntl; // LB0,LB1 - loopback control
bx_bool ext_stoptx; // ATD - allow tx disable by external mcast
bx_bool coll_prio; // OFST - backoff algorithm select
Bit8u reserved; // D5,D6,D7 - reserved
} TCR;
// Transmit Status Register - 04h read
struct {
bx_bool tx_ok; // PTX - tx complete without error
bx_bool reserved; // D1 - reserved
bx_bool collided; // COL - tx collided >= 1 times
bx_bool aborted; // ABT - aborted due to excessive collisions
bx_bool no_carrier; // CRS - carrier-sense lost
bx_bool fifo_ur; // FU - FIFO underrun
bx_bool cd_hbeat; // CDH - no tx cd-heartbeat from transceiver
bx_bool ow_coll; // OWC - out-of-window collision
} TSR;
// Receive Configuration Register - 0ch write
struct {
bx_bool errors_ok; // SEP - accept pkts with rx errors
bx_bool runts_ok; // AR - accept < 64-byte runts
bx_bool broadcast; // AB - accept eth broadcast address
bx_bool multicast; // AM - check mcast hash array
bx_bool promisc; // PRO - accept all packets
bx_bool monitor; // MON - check pkts, but don't rx
Bit8u reserved; // D6,D7 - reserved
} RCR;
// Receive Status Register - 0ch read
struct {
bx_bool rx_ok; // PRX - rx complete without error
bx_bool bad_crc; // CRC - Bad CRC detected
bx_bool bad_falign; // FAE - frame alignment error
bx_bool fifo_or; // FO - FIFO overrun
bx_bool rx_missed; // MPA - missed packet error
bx_bool rx_mbit; // PHY - unicast or mcast/bcast address match
bx_bool rx_disabled; // DIS - set when in monitor mode
bx_bool deferred; // DFR - collision active
} RSR;
Bit16u local_dma; // 01,02h read ; current local DMA addr
Bit8u page_start; // 01h write ; page start register
Bit8u page_stop; // 02h write ; page stop register
Bit8u bound_ptr; // 03h read/write ; boundary pointer
Bit8u tx_page_start; // 04h write ; transmit page start register
Bit8u num_coll; // 05h read ; number-of-collisions register
Bit16u tx_bytes; // 05,06h write ; transmit byte-count register
Bit8u fifo; // 06h read ; FIFO
Bit16u remote_dma; // 08,09h read ; current remote DMA addr
Bit16u remote_start; // 08,09h write ; remote start address register
Bit16u remote_bytes; // 0a,0bh write ; remote byte-count register
Bit8u tallycnt_0; // 0dh read ; tally counter 0 (frame align errors)
Bit8u tallycnt_1; // 0eh read ; tally counter 1 (CRC errors)
Bit8u tallycnt_2; // 0fh read ; tally counter 2 (missed pkt errors)
// Page 1
// Command Register 00h (repeated)
Bit8u physaddr[6]; // 01-06h read/write ; MAC address
Bit8u curr_page; // 07h read/write ; current page register
Bit8u mchash[8]; // 08-0fh read/write ; multicast hash array
// Page 2 - diagnostic use only
// Command Register 00h (repeated)
// Page Start Register 01h read (repeated)
// Page Stop Register 02h read (repeated)
// Current Local DMA Address 01,02h write (repeated)
// Transmit Page start address 04h read (repeated)
// Receive Configuration Register 0ch read (repeated)
// Transmit Configuration Register 0dh read (repeated)
// Data Configuration Register 0eh read (repeated)
// Interrupt Mask Register 0fh read (repeated)
Bit8u rempkt_ptr; // 03h read/write ; remote next-packet pointer
Bit8u localpkt_ptr; // 05h read/write ; local next-packet pointer
Bit16u address_cnt; // 06,07h read/write ; address counter
// Page 3 - should never be modified.
// Novell ASIC state
Bit8u macaddr[32]; // ASIC ROM'd MAC address, even bytes
Bit8u mem[BX_NE2K_MEMSIZ]; // on-chip packet memory
// ne2k internal state
Bit32u base_address;
int base_irq;
int tx_timer_index;
bx_bool tx_timer_active;
int statusbar_id;
// pci stuff
bx_bool pci_enabled;
Bit8u devfunc;
} bx_ne2k_t;
class bx_ne2k_c
: public bx_pci_device_c
: public bx_devmodel_c
virtual ~bx_ne2k_c();
virtual void init(void);
virtual void reset(unsigned type);
virtual void register_state(void);
virtual void after_restore_state(void);
virtual void debug_dump(int argc, char **argv);
virtual void pci_write_handler(Bit8u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
virtual void pci_bar_change_notify(void);
bx_ne2k_t s;
eth_pktmover_c *ethdev;
BX_NE2K_SMF Bit32u read_cr(void);
BX_NE2K_SMF void write_cr(Bit32u value);
BX_NE2K_SMF void set_irq_level(bx_bool level);
BX_NE2K_SMF Bit32u chipmem_read(Bit32u address, unsigned io_len) BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2);
BX_NE2K_SMF Bit32u asic_read(Bit32u offset, unsigned io_len) BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2);
BX_NE2K_SMF Bit32u page0_read(Bit32u offset, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF Bit32u page1_read(Bit32u offset, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF Bit32u page2_read(Bit32u offset, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF Bit32u page3_read(Bit32u offset, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF void chipmem_write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len) BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(3);
BX_NE2K_SMF void asic_write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF void page0_write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF void page1_write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF void page2_write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF void page3_write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
static void tx_timer_handler(void *);
BX_NE2K_SMF void tx_timer(void);
static Bit32u rx_status_handler(void *arg);
BX_NE2K_SMF Bit32u rx_status(void);
static void rx_handler(void *arg, const void *buf, unsigned len);
BX_NE2K_SMF unsigned mcast_index(const void *dst);
BX_NE2K_SMF void rx_frame(const void *buf, unsigned io_len);
BX_NE2K_SMF bx_bool mem_read_handler(bx_phy_address addr, unsigned len, void *data, void *param);
static Bit32u read_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, unsigned io_len);
static void write_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
Bit32u read(Bit32u address, unsigned io_len);
void write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len);
void print_info(int page, int reg, int nodups);