2017-08-07 18:18:18 +00:00

1460 lines
53 KiB

// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The Bochs Project
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// wxmain.cc implements the wxWidgets frame, toolbar, menus, and dialogs.
// When the application starts, the user is given a chance to choose/edit/save
// a configuration. When they decide to start the simulation, functions in
// main.cc are called in a separate thread to initialize and run the Bochs
// simulator.
// Most ports to different platforms implement only the VGA window and
// toolbar buttons. The wxWidgets port is the first to implement both
// the VGA display and the configuration interface, so the boundaries
// between them are somewhat blurry. See the extensive comments at
// the top of siminterface for the rationale behind this separation.
// The separation between wxmain.cc and wx.cc is as follows:
// - wxmain.cc implements a Bochs configuration interface (CI),
// which is the wxWidgets equivalent of textconfig.cc. wxmain creates
// a frame with several menus and a toolbar, and allows the user to
// choose the machine configuration and start the simulation. Note
// that wxmain.cc does NOT include bochs.h. All interactions
// between the CI and the simulator are through the siminterface
// object.
// - wx.cc implements a VGA display screen using wxWidgets. It is
// is the wxWidgets equivalent of x.cc, win32.cc, macos.cc, etc.
// wx.cc includes bochs.h and has access to all Bochs devices.
// The VGA panel accepts only paint, key, and mouse events. As it
// receives events, it builds BxEvents and places them into a
// thread-safe BxEvent queue. The simulation thread periodically
// processes events from the BxEvent queue (bx_wx_gui_c::handle_events)
// and notifies the appropriate emulated I/O device.
// Define BX_PLUGGABLE in files that can be compiled into plugins. For
// platforms that require a special tag on exported symbols, BX_PLUGGABLE
// is used to know when we are exporting symbols and when we are importing.
#include "config.h" // definitions based on configure script
#include "param_names.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <wx/clipbrd.h>
#include "osdep.h" // workarounds for missing stuff
#include "gui/siminterface.h" // interface to the simulator
#include "bxversion.h" // get version string
#include "wxdialog.h" // custom dialog boxes
#include "wxmain.h" // wxwidgets shared stuff
#include "extplugin.h"
// include XPM icons
#include "bitmaps/cdromd.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/copy.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/floppya.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/floppyb.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/paste.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/power.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/reset.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/snapshot.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/mouse.xpm"
//#include "bitmaps/configbutton.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/userbutton.xpm"
#include "bitmaps/saverestore.xpm"
#ifdef __WXGTK__
#include "icon_bochs.xpm"
// FIXME: ugly global variables that the bx_gui_c object in wx.cc can use
// to access the MyFrame and the MyPanel.
MyFrame *theFrame = NULL;
MyPanel *thePanel = NULL;
// The wxBochsClosing flag is used to keep track of when the wxWidgets GUI is
// shutting down. Shutting down can be somewhat complicated because the
// simulation may be running for a while in another thread before it realizes
// that it should shut down. The wxBochsClosing flag is a global variable, as
// opposed to a field of some C++ object, so that it will be valid at any stage
// of the program. wxBochsClosing starts out false (not wxBochsClosing). When
// the GUI decides to shut down, it sets wxBochsClosing=true. If there
// is not a simulation running, everything is quite simple and it can just
// call Close(TRUE). If a simulation is running, it calls OnKillSim to
// ask the simulation to stop. When the simulation thread stops, it calls
// Close(TRUE) on the frame. During the time that the simulation is
// still running and afterward, the wxBochsClosing flag is used to suppress
// any events that might reference parts of the GUI or create new dialogs.
bool wxBochsClosing = false;
// The wxBochsStopSim flag is used to select the right way when the simulation
// thread stops. It is set to 'true' when the stop simulation menu item is
// clicked instead of the power button.
bool wxBochsStopSim = false;
bool isSimThread() {
if (wxThread::IsMain()) return false;
wxThread *current = wxThread::This();
if (current == (wxThread*) theFrame->GetSimThread()) {
return true;
return false;
// class declarations
class MyApp: public wxApp
virtual bool OnInit();
virtual int OnExit();
// This default callback is installed when the simthread is NOT running,
// so that events coming from the simulator code can be handled.
// The primary culprit is panics which cause an BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_DLG.
static BxEvent *DefaultCallback(void *thisptr, BxEvent *event);
// SimThread is the thread in which the Bochs simulator runs. It is created
// by MyFrame::OnStartSim(). The SimThread::Entry() function calls a
// function in main.cc called bx_continue_after_config_interface() which
// initializes the devices and starts up the simulation. All events from
// the simulator
class SimThread: public wxThread
MyFrame *frame;
// when the sim thread sends a synchronous event to the GUI thread, the
// response is stored in sim2gui_mailbox.
// FIXME: this would be cleaner and more reusable if I made a general
// thread-safe mailbox class.
BxEvent *sim2gui_mailbox;
wxCriticalSection sim2gui_mailbox_lock;
SimThread(MyFrame *_frame) { frame = _frame; sim2gui_mailbox = NULL; }
virtual ExitCode Entry();
void OnExit();
// called by the siminterface code, with the pointer to the sim thread
// in the thisptr arg.
static BxEvent *SiminterfaceCallback(void *thisptr, BxEvent *event);
BxEvent *SiminterfaceCallback2(BxEvent *event);
// methods to coordinate synchronous response mailbox
void ClearSyncResponse();
void SendSyncResponse(BxEvent *);
BxEvent *GetSyncResponse();
// wxWidgets startup
static int ci_callback(void *userdata, ci_command_t command)
switch (command)
case CI_START:
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// on Windows only, wxEntry needs some data that is passed into WinMain.
// So, in main.cc we define WinMain and fill in the bx_startup_flags
// structure with the data, so that when we're ready to call wxEntry
// it has access to the data.
wxEntry(bx_startup_flags.argc, bx_startup_flags.argv);
fprintf(stderr, "wxmain.cc: runtime config not implemented\n");
fprintf(stderr, "wxmain.cc: shutdown not implemented\n");
return 0;
extern "C" int libwx_gui_plugin_init(plugin_t *plugin, plugintype_t type)
wxLogDebug(wxT("plugin_init for wxmain.cc"));
wxLogDebug(wxT("installing wxWidgets as the configuration interface"));
SIM->register_configuration_interface("wx", ci_callback, NULL);
wxLogDebug(wxT("installing %s as the Bochs GUI"), wxT("wxWidgets"));
return 0; // success
extern "C" void libwx_gui_plugin_fini()
// Nothing here yet
// MyApp: the wxWidgets application
// this is the entry point of the wxWidgets code. It is called as follows:
// 1. main() loads the wxWidgets plugin (if necessary) and calls
// libwx_LTX_plugin_init, which installs a function pointer to the
// ci_callback() function.
// 2. main() calls SIM->configuration_interface.
// 3. bx_real_sim_c::configuration_interface calls the function pointer that
// points to ci_callback() in this file, with command=CI_START.
// 4. ci_callback() calls wxEntry() in the wxWidgets library
// 5. wxWidgets library creates the app and calls OnInit().
// Before this code is called, the command line has already been parsed, and a
// .bochsrc has been loaded if it could be found. See main() for details.
bool MyApp::OnInit()
// wxLog::AddTraceMask(wxT("mime"));
wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogStderr());
// Install callback function to handle anything that occurs before the
// simulation begins. This is responsible for displaying any error
// dialogs during bochsrc and command line processing.
SIM->set_notify_callback(&MyApp::DefaultCallback, this);
MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(wxT("Bochs x86 Emulator"), wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(450,340), wxMINIMIZE_BOX | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCAPTION);
theFrame = frame; // hack alert
// if quickstart is enabled, kick off the simulation
if (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOCHS_START)->get() == BX_QUICK_START) {
wxCommandEvent unusedEvent;
return TRUE;
int MyApp::OnExit()
return 0;
// these are only called when the simthread is not running.
BxEvent *MyApp::DefaultCallback(void *thisptr, BxEvent *event)
wxLogDebug(wxT("DefaultCallback: event type %d"), event->type);
event->retcode = -1; // default return code
switch (event->type)
wxLogDebug(wxT("DefaultCallback: log ask event"));
if (wxBochsClosing) {
// gui closing down, do something simple and nongraphical.
wxString text;
text.Printf(wxT("Error: %s"), event->u.logmsg.msg);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", (const char *)text.mb_str(wxConvUTF8));
event->retcode = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_DIE;
} else {
wxString levelName(SIM->get_log_level_name(event->u.logmsg.level), wxConvUTF8);
wxMessageBox(wxString(event->u.logmsg.msg, wxConvUTF8), levelName, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
event->retcode = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_CONTINUE;
if (wxBochsClosing)
event->retcode = -1;
break; // ignore
break; // ignore
wxLogDebug(wxT("DefaultCallback: unknown event type %d"), event->type);
if (BX_EVT_IS_ASYNC(event->type)) {
delete event;
event = NULL;
return event;
// MyFrame: the top level frame for the Bochs application
EVT_MENU(ID_Config_New, MyFrame::OnConfigNew)
EVT_MENU(ID_Config_Read, MyFrame::OnConfigRead)
EVT_MENU(ID_Config_Save, MyFrame::OnConfigSave)
EVT_MENU(ID_State_Restore, MyFrame::OnStateRestore)
EVT_MENU(ID_Quit, MyFrame::OnQuit)
EVT_MENU(ID_Help_About, MyFrame::OnAbout)
EVT_MENU(ID_Simulate_Start, MyFrame::OnStartSim)
EVT_MENU(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, MyFrame::OnPauseResumeSim)
EVT_MENU(ID_Simulate_Stop, MyFrame::OnKillSim)
EVT_MENU(ID_Sim2CI_Event, MyFrame::OnSim2CIEvent)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Plugins, MyFrame::OnEditPluginCtrl)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_ATA0, MyFrame::OnEditATA)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_ATA1, MyFrame::OnEditATA)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_ATA2, MyFrame::OnEditATA)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_ATA3, MyFrame::OnEditATA)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_CPU, MyFrame::OnEditCPU)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Memory, MyFrame::OnEditMemory)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Clock_Cmos, MyFrame::OnEditClockCmos)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_PCI, MyFrame::OnEditPCI)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Display, MyFrame::OnEditDisplay)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Keyboard, MyFrame::OnEditKeyboard)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Boot, MyFrame::OnEditBoot)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Serial_Parallel, MyFrame::OnEditSerialParallel)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Network, MyFrame::OnEditNet)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Sound, MyFrame::OnEditSound)
EVT_MENU(ID_Edit_Other, MyFrame::OnEditOther)
EVT_MENU(ID_Log_Prefs, MyFrame::OnLogPrefs)
EVT_MENU(ID_Log_PrefsDevice, MyFrame::OnLogPrefsDevice)
EVT_MENU(ID_Log_View, MyFrame::OnLogView)
// toolbar events
EVT_TOOL(ID_Edit_FD_0, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Edit_FD_1, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Edit_Cdrom1, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Reset, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Power, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_SaveRestore, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Copy, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Paste, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Snapshot, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Mouse_en, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
EVT_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_User, MyFrame::OnToolbarClick)
// Menu layout (approximate)
// The actual menus will be changing so this probably isn't up
// to date, but having it in text form was useful in planning.
// - File
// +----------------------+
// | New Configuration |
// | Read Configuration |
// | Save Configuration |
// +----------------------+
// | Quit |
// +----------------------+
// - Edit
// +----------------------+
// | Floppy Disk 0... |
// | Floppy Disk 1... |
// | Hard Disk 0... |
// | Hard Disk 1... |
// | Cdrom... |
// | Boot... |
// | VGA... |
// | Memory... |
// | Sound... |
// | Networking... |
// | Keyboard... |
// | Other... |
// +----------------------+
// - Simulate
// +----------------------+
// | Start |
// | Pause/Resume |
// | Stop |
// +----------------------|
// - Debug
// +----------------------|
// | Show CPU |
// | Debug Console |
// +----------------------|
// - Event Log
// +----------------------+
// | View |
// | Preferences... |
// | By Device... |
// +----------------------+
// - Help
// +----------------------+
// | About Bochs... |
// +----------------------+
MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const long style)
: wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size, style)
// init variables
sim_thread = NULL;
start_bochs_times = 0;
// set up the gui
menuConfiguration = new wxMenu;
menuConfiguration->Append(ID_Config_New, wxT("&New Configuration"));
menuConfiguration->Append(ID_Config_Read, wxT("&Read Configuration"));
menuConfiguration->Append(ID_Config_Save, wxT("&Save Configuration"));
menuConfiguration->Append(ID_State_Restore, wxT("&Restore State"));
menuConfiguration->Append(ID_Quit, wxT("&Quit"));
menuEdit = new wxMenu;
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Plugins, wxT("Pl&ugin Control..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_FD_0, wxT("Floppy Disk &0..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_FD_1, wxT("Floppy Disk &1..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_ATA0, wxT("ATA Channel 0..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_ATA1, wxT("ATA Channel 1..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_ATA2, wxT("ATA Channel 2..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_ATA3, wxT("ATA Channel 3..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_CPU, wxT("&CPU..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_CPUID, wxT("CPU&ID..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Memory, wxT("&Memory..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Clock_Cmos, wxT("C&lock/Cmos..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_PCI, wxT("&PCI..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Display, wxT("&Display + Interface..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Keyboard, wxT("&Keyboard + Mouse..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Boot, wxT("&Boot..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Serial_Parallel, wxT("&Serial/Parallel/USB..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Network, wxT("&Network..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Sound, wxT("S&ound..."));
menuEdit->Append(ID_Edit_Other, wxT("&Other..."));
menuSimulate = new wxMenu;
menuSimulate->Append(ID_Simulate_Start, wxT("&Start..."));
menuSimulate->Append(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, wxT("&Pause..."));
menuSimulate->Append(ID_Simulate_Stop, wxT("S&top..."));
menuSimulate->Enable(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, FALSE);
menuSimulate->Enable(ID_Simulate_Stop, FALSE);
menuLog = new wxMenu;
menuLog->Append(ID_Log_View, wxT("&View"));
menuLog->Append(ID_Log_Prefs, wxT("&Preferences..."));
menuLog->Append(ID_Log_PrefsDevice, wxT("By &Device..."));
menuHelp = new wxMenu;
menuHelp->Append(ID_Help_About, wxT("&About..."));
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
menuBar->Append(menuConfiguration, wxT("&File"));
menuBar->Append(menuEdit, wxT("&Edit"));
menuBar->Append(menuSimulate, wxT("&Simulate"));
menuBar->Append(menuLog, wxT("&Log"));
menuBar->Append(menuHelp, wxT("&Help"));
// enable ATA channels in menu
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_ATA1, BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL > 1);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_ATA2, BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL > 2);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_ATA3, BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL > 3);
// enable restore state
menuConfiguration->Enable(ID_State_Restore, TRUE);
wxStatusBar *sb = GetStatusBar();
const int sbwidth[12] = {160, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, -1};
sb->SetStatusWidths(12, sbwidth);
bxToolBar = GetToolBar();
bxToolBar->SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(32, 32));
#define BX_ADD_TOOL(id, xpm_name, tooltip) do { \
bxToolBar->AddTool(id, wxT(""), wxBitmap(xpm_name), tooltip); \
} while (0)
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Edit_FD_0, floppya_xpm, wxT("Change Floppy A"));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Edit_FD_1, floppyb_xpm, wxT("Change Floppy B"));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Edit_Cdrom1, cdromd_xpm, wxT("Change CDROM"));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Reset, reset_xpm, wxT("Reset the system"));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Power, power_xpm, wxT("Turn power on/off"));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_SaveRestore, saverestore_xpm, wxT(""));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Copy, copy_xpm, wxT("Copy to clipboard"));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Paste, paste_xpm, wxT("Paste from clipboard"));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Snapshot, snapshot_xpm, wxT("Save screen snapshot"));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_Mouse_en, mouse_xpm, wxT("Enable mouse capture\nThere is also a shortcut for this: a CTRL key + the middle mouse button."));
BX_ADD_TOOL(ID_Toolbar_User, userbutton_xpm, wxT("Keyboard shortcut"));
// create a MyPanel that covers the whole frame
panel = new MyPanel(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER);
wxGridSizer *sz = new wxGridSizer(0, 1, 1, 0);
sz->Add(panel, 0, wxGROW);
// create modeless logfile viewer
showLogView = new LogViewDialog(this, -1);
delete panel;
delete showLogView;
wxLogDebug(wxT("MyFrame destructor"));
theFrame = NULL;
void MyFrame::OnConfigNew(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
int answer = wxMessageBox(wxT("This will reset all settings back to their default values.\nAre you sure you want to do this?"),
wxT("Are you sure?"), wxYES_NO | wxCENTER, this);
if (answer == wxYES) SIM->reset_all_param();
void MyFrame::OnConfigRead(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
char bochsrc[512];
long style = wxFD_OPEN;
wxFileDialog *fdialog = new wxFileDialog(this, wxT("Read configuration"), wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT("*.*"), style);
if (fdialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
strncpy(bochsrc, fdialog->GetPath().mb_str(wxConvUTF8), sizeof(bochsrc));
bochsrc[sizeof(bochsrc) - 1] = '\0';
delete fdialog;
void MyFrame::OnConfigSave(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
char bochsrc[512];
long style = wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT;
wxFileDialog *fdialog = new wxFileDialog(this, wxT("Save configuration"), wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT("*.*"), style);
if (fdialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
strncpy(bochsrc, fdialog->GetPath().mb_str(wxConvUTF8), sizeof(bochsrc));
bochsrc[sizeof(bochsrc) - 1] = '\0';
SIM->write_rc(bochsrc, 1);
delete fdialog;
void MyFrame::OnStateRestore(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
char sr_path[512];
// pass some initial dir to wxDirDialog
wxString dirSaveRestore;
wxDirDialog ddialog(this, wxT("Select folder with save/restore data"), dirSaveRestore, wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE);
if (ddialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
strncpy(sr_path, ddialog.GetPath().mb_str(wxConvUTF8), sizeof(sr_path));
sr_path[sizeof(sr_path) - 1] = '\0';
void MyFrame::OnEditPluginCtrl(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
PluginControlDialog dlg(this, -1);
void MyFrame::OnEditCPU(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("cpu");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
void MyFrame::OnEditCPUID(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("cpuid");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
void MyFrame::OnEditMemory(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("memory");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
void MyFrame::OnEditClockCmos(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("clock_cmos");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
void MyFrame::OnEditPCI(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("pci");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
void MyFrame::OnEditDisplay(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("display");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnEditKeyboard(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("keyboard_mouse");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnEditBoot(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
int bootDevices = 0;
bx_param_enum_c *floppy = SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_DEVTYPE);
if (floppy->get() != BX_FDD_NONE) {
bx_param_c *firsthd = SIM->get_first_hd();
if (firsthd != NULL) {
bx_param_c *firstcd = SIM->get_first_cdrom();
if (firstcd != NULL) {
if (bootDevices == 0) {
wxMessageBox(wxT("All the possible boot devices are disabled right now!\nYou must enable the first floppy drive, a hard drive, or a CD-ROM."),
wxT("None enabled"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this);
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("boot_params");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
void MyFrame::OnEditSerialParallel(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("ports");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnEditNet(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("network");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
void MyFrame::OnEditSound(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("sound");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnEditOther(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("misc");
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnLogPrefs(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
// Ideally I would use the siminterface methods to fill in the fields
// of the LogOptionsDialog, but in fact several things are hardcoded.
// At least I can verify that the expected numbers are the same.
wxASSERT(SIM->get_max_log_level() == LOG_OPTS_N_TYPES);
LogOptionsDialog dlg(this, -1);
// The inital values of the dialog are complicated. If the panic action
// for all modules is "ask", then clearly the inital value in the dialog
// for panic action should be "ask". This informs the user what the
// previous value was, and if they click Ok it won't do any harm. But if
// some devices are set to "ask" and others are set to "report", then the
// initial value should be "no change". With "no change", clicking on Ok
// will not destroy the settings for individual devices. You would only
// start to see "no change" if you've been messing around in the advanced
// menu already.
int level, nlevel = SIM->get_max_log_level();
for (level=0; level<nlevel; level++) {
int mod = 0;
int first = SIM->get_log_action(mod, level);
bool consensus = true;
// now compare all others to first. If all match, then use "first" as
// the initial value.
for (mod=1; mod<SIM->get_n_log_modules(); mod++) {
if (first != SIM->get_log_action(mod, level)) {
consensus = false;
if (consensus)
dlg.SetAction(level, first);
dlg.SetAction(level, LOG_OPTS_NO_CHANGE);
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
int n = dlg.ShowModal(); // show the dialog!
if (n == wxID_OK) {
for (level=0; level<nlevel; level++) {
// ask the dialog what action the user chose for this type of event
int action = dlg.GetAction(level);
if (action != LOG_OPTS_NO_CHANGE) {
// set new default
SIM->set_default_log_action(level, action);
// apply that action to all modules (devices)
SIM->set_log_action(-1, level, action);
void MyFrame::OnLogPrefsDevice(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxASSERT(SIM->get_max_log_level() == ADVLOG_OPTS_N_TYPES);
AdvancedLogOptionsDialog dlg(this, -1);
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnLogView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxASSERT(showLogView != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxBochsClosing = true;
bx_user_quit = 1;
if (!sim_thread) {
// no simulation thread is running. Just close the window.
} else {
SIM->set_notify_callback(&MyApp::DefaultCallback, this);
// ask the simulator to stop. When it stops it will close this frame.
SetStatusText(wxT("Waiting for simulation to stop..."));
void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxString str(wxT("Bochs x86 Emulator version "));
str += wxString(VER_STRING, wxConvUTF8);
str += wxT(" (wxWidgets port)");
wxMessageBox(str, wxT("About Bochs"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
// update the menu items, status bar, etc.
void MyFrame::simStatusChanged(StatusChange change, bx_bool popupNotify) {
char ata_name[20];
bx_list_c *base;
switch (change) {
case Start: // running
wxLogStatus(wxT("Starting Bochs simulation"));
menuSimulate->Enable(ID_Simulate_Start, FALSE);
menuSimulate->Enable(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, TRUE);
menuSimulate->Enable(ID_Simulate_Stop, TRUE);
menuSimulate->SetLabel(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, wxT("&Pause"));
case Stop: // not running
wxLogStatus(wxT("Simulation stopped"));
menuSimulate->Enable(ID_Simulate_Start, TRUE);
menuSimulate->Enable(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, FALSE);
menuSimulate->Enable(ID_Simulate_Stop, FALSE);
menuSimulate->SetLabel(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, wxT("&Pause"));
// This should only be used if the simulation stops due to error.
// Obviously if the user asked it to stop, they don't need to be told.
if (popupNotify)
wxMessageBox(wxT("Bochs simulation has stopped."), wxT("Bochs Stopped"),
case Pause: // pause
wxLogStatus(wxT("Pausing simulation"));
menuSimulate->SetLabel(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, wxT("&Resume"));
case Resume: // resume
wxLogStatus(wxT("Resuming simulation"));
menuSimulate->SetLabel(ID_Simulate_PauseResume, wxT("&Pause"));
bool canConfigure = (change == Stop);
menuConfiguration->Enable(ID_Config_New, canConfigure);
menuConfiguration->Enable(ID_Config_Read, canConfigure);
menuConfiguration->Enable(ID_State_Restore, canConfigure);
// only enabled ATA channels with a cdrom connected are available at runtime
for (unsigned i=0; i<BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL; i++) {
sprintf(ata_name, "ata.%u.resources", i);
base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(ata_name);
if (!SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->get()) {
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_ATA0+i, canConfigure);
} else {
sprintf(ata_name, "ata.%u.master", i);
base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(ata_name);
if (SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->get() != BX_ATA_DEVICE_CDROM) {
sprintf(ata_name, "ata.%u.slave", i);
base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(ata_name);
if (SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->get() != BX_ATA_DEVICE_CDROM) {
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_ATA0+i, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_Plugins, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_CPU, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_CPUID, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_Memory, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_Clock_Cmos, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_PCI, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_Boot, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_Network, canConfigure);
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_Other, canConfigure);
// during simulation, certain menu options like the floppy disk
// can be modified under some circumstances. A floppy drive can
// only be edited if it was enabled at boot time.
Bit64u value;
value = SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_DEVTYPE)->get();
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_FD_0, canConfigure || (value != BX_FDD_NONE));
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Edit_FD_0, canConfigure || (value != BX_FDD_NONE));
value = SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_DEVTYPE)->get();
menuEdit->Enable(ID_Edit_FD_1, canConfigure || (value != BX_FDD_NONE));
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Edit_FD_1, canConfigure || (value != BX_FDD_NONE));
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Edit_Cdrom1, canConfigure || (SIM->get_first_cdrom() != NULL));
void MyFrame::UpdateToolBar(bool simPresent)
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Toolbar_Reset, simPresent);
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Toolbar_Copy, simPresent);
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Toolbar_Paste, simPresent);
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Toolbar_Snapshot, simPresent);
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Toolbar_Mouse_en, simPresent);
bxToolBar->EnableTool(ID_Toolbar_User, simPresent);
if (simPresent) {
bxToolBar->SetToolShortHelp(ID_Toolbar_SaveRestore, wxT("Save simulation state"));
} else {
bxToolBar->SetToolShortHelp(ID_Toolbar_SaveRestore, wxT("Restore simulation state"));
void MyFrame::OnStartSim(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(sim_thread_lock);
if (sim_thread != NULL) {
wxT("Can't start Bochs simulator, because it is already running"),
wxT("Already Running"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this);
// check that display library is set to wx. If not, give a warning and
// change it to wx. It is technically possible to use other vga libraries
// with the wx config interface, but there are still some significant
// problems.
bx_param_enum_c *gui_param = SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_SEL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY);
const char *gui_name = gui_param->get_selected();
if (strcmp(gui_name, "wx") != 0) {
"The display library was not set to wxWidgets. When you use the\n"
"wxWidgets configuration interface, you must also select the wxWidgets\n"
"display library. I will change it to 'wx' now."),
wxT("display library error"), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING, this);
if (!gui_param->set_by_name("wx")) {
wxASSERT(0 && "Could not set display library setting to 'wx");
// give warning about restarting the simulation
if (start_bochs_times>1) {
"You have already started the simulator once this session. Due to memory leaks and bugs in init code, you may get unstable behavior."),
wxT("2nd time warning"), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING, this);
num_events = 0; // clear the queue of events for bochs to handle
wxBochsStopSim = false;
sim_thread = new SimThread(this);
wxLogDebug(wxT("Simulator thread has started."));
// set up callback for events from simulator thread
SIM->set_notify_callback(&SimThread::SiminterfaceCallback, sim_thread);
void MyFrame::OnPauseResumeSim(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(sim_thread_lock);
if (sim_thread) {
if (sim_thread->IsPaused()) {
} else {
bx_bool MyFrame::SimThreadControl(bx_bool resume)
bx_bool sim_running = 0;
wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(sim_thread_lock);
if (sim_thread) {
sim_running = !sim_thread->IsPaused();
if (resume) {
} else if (sim_running) {
return sim_running;
void MyFrame::OnKillSim(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
// DON'T use a critical section here. Delete implicitly calls
// OnSimThreadExit, which also tries to lock sim_thread_lock.
// If we grab the lock at this level, deadlock results.
bx_user_quit = 1;
if (sim_thread) {
wxBochsStopSim = true;
// Next time the simulator reaches bx_real_sim_c::periodic() it
// will quit. This is better than killing the thread because it
// gives it a chance to clean up after itself.
if (!wxBochsClosing) {
theFrame->simStatusChanged(theFrame->Stop, true);
void MyFrame::OnSimThreadExit()
wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(sim_thread_lock);
sim_thread = NULL;
int MyFrame::HandleAskParamString(bx_param_string_c *param)
wxLogDebug(wxT("HandleAskParamString start"));
int n_opt = param->get_options();
const char *msg = param->get_label();
if ((msg == NULL) || (strlen(msg) == 0)) {
msg = param->get_name();
char newval[512];
newval[0] = 0;
wxDialog *dialog = NULL;
if (n_opt & param->SELECT_FOLDER_DLG) {
// pass some initial dir to wxDirDialog
wxString homeDir;
wxDirDialog *ddialog = new wxDirDialog(this, wxString(msg, wxConvUTF8), homeDir, wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE);
if (ddialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
strncpy(newval, ddialog->GetPath().mb_str(wxConvUTF8), sizeof(newval));
newval[sizeof(newval) - 1] = '\0';
dialog = ddialog; // so I can delete it
} else if (n_opt & param->IS_FILENAME) {
// use file open dialog
long style =
wxFileDialog *fdialog = new wxFileDialog(this, wxString(msg, wxConvUTF8), wxT(""), wxString(param->getptr(), wxConvUTF8), wxT("*.*"), style);
if (fdialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
strncpy(newval, fdialog->GetPath().mb_str(wxConvUTF8), sizeof(newval));
newval[sizeof(newval) - 1] = '\0';
dialog = fdialog; // so I can delete it
} else {
// use simple string dialog
long style = wxOK|wxCANCEL;
wxTextEntryDialog *tdialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this, wxString(msg, wxConvUTF8), wxT("Enter new value"), wxString(param->getptr(), wxConvUTF8), style);
if (tdialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
strncpy(newval, tdialog->GetValue().mb_str(wxConvUTF8), sizeof(newval));
newval[sizeof(newval) - 1] = '\0';
dialog = tdialog; // so I can delete it
if (strlen(newval) > 0) {
// change floppy path to this value.
wxLogDebug(wxT("Setting param %s to '%s'"), param->get_name(), newval);
delete dialog;
return 1;
delete dialog;
return -1;
// This is called when the simulator needs to ask the user to choose
// a value or setting. For example, when the user indicates that he wants
// to change the floppy disk image for drive A, an ask-param event is created
// with the parameter id set to BXP_FLOPPYA_PATH. The simulator blocks until
// the gui has displayed a dialog and received a selection from the user.
// In the current implemention, the GUI will look up the parameter's
// data structure using SIM->get_param() and then call the set method on the
// parameter to change the param. The return value only needs to return
// success or failure (failure = cancelled, or not implemented).
// Returns 1 if the user chose a value and the param was modified.
// Returns 0 if the user cancelled.
// Returns -1 if the gui doesn't know how to ask for that param.
int MyFrame::HandleAskParam(BxEvent *event)
wxASSERT(event->type == BX_SYNC_EVT_ASK_PARAM);
bx_param_c *param = event->u.param.param;
Raise(); // bring window to front so that you will see the dialog
switch (param->get_type())
return HandleAskParamString((bx_param_string_c *)param);
long style = wxYES_NO;
if (((bx_param_bool_c *)param)->get() == 0) style |= wxNO_DEFAULT;
((bx_param_bool_c *)param)->set(wxMessageBox(wxString(param->get_description(), wxConvUTF8),
wxString(param->get_label(), wxConvUTF8), style, this) == wxYES);
return 0;
wxString msg;
msg.Printf(wxT("ask param for parameter type %d is not implemented in wxWidgets"),
wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("not implemented"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this);
return -1;
return -1; // could not display
// This is called from the wxWidgets GUI thread, when a Sim2CI event
// is found. (It got there via wxPostEvent in SiminterfaceCallback2, which is
// executed in the simulator Thread.)
void MyFrame::OnSim2CIEvent(wxCommandEvent& event)
IFDBG_EVENT(wxLogDebug(wxT("received a bochs event in the GUI thread")));
BxEvent *be = (BxEvent *) event.GetEventObject();
IFDBG_EVENT(wxLogDebug(wxT("event type = %d"), (int)be->type));
// all cases should return. sync event handlers MUST send back a
// response. async event handlers MUST delete the event.
switch (be->type) {
wxLogDebug(wxT("before HandleAskParam"));
be->retcode = HandleAskParam(be);
wxLogDebug(wxT("after HandleAskParam"));
// return a copy of the event back to the sender.
wxLogDebug(wxT("after SendSyncResponse"));
showLogView->AppendText(be->u.logmsg.level, wxString(be->u.logmsg.msg, wxConvUTF8));
delete [] be->u.logmsg.msg;
wxMessageBox(wxT("Bochs simulation has stopped."), wxT("Bochs Stopped"),
wxLogDebug(wxT("OnSim2CIEvent: event type %d ignored"), (int)be->type);
if (!BX_EVT_IS_ASYNC(be->type)) {
// if it's a synchronous event, and we fail to send back a response,
// the sim thread will wait forever. So send something!
if (BX_EVT_IS_ASYNC(be->type))
delete be;
void MyFrame::OnLogDlg(BxEvent *be)
wxLogDebug(wxT("log msg: level=%d, prefix='%s', msg='%s'"),
wxASSERT(be->type == BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_DLG);
wxString levelName(SIM->get_log_level_name(be->u.logmsg.level), wxConvUTF8);
LogMsgAskDialog dlg(this, -1, levelName); // panic, error, etc.
int mode = be->u.logmsg.mode;
dlg.EnableButton(dlg.CONT, mode != BX_LOG_DLG_QUIT);
dlg.EnableButton(dlg.DUMP, mode == BX_LOG_DLG_ASK);
dlg.EnableButton(dlg.DIE, mode != BX_LOG_DLG_WARN);
dlg.EnableButton(dlg.DEBUG, FALSE);
dlg.EnableButton(dlg.DEBUG, mode == BX_LOG_DLG_ASK);
dlg.SetContext(wxString(be->u.logmsg.prefix, wxConvUTF8));
dlg.SetMessage(wxString(be->u.logmsg.msg, wxConvUTF8));
int n = dlg.ShowModal();
// turn the return value into the constant that logfunctions::ask is
// expecting. 0=continue, 1=continue but ignore future messages from this
// device, 2=die, 3=dump core, 4=debugger.
be->retcode = n;
wxLogDebug(wxT("you chose %d"), n);
// This can be called from two different contexts:
// 1) before sim_thread starts, the default application callback can
// call OnLogAsk to display messages.
// 2) after the sim_thread starts, the sim_thread callback can call
// OnLogAsk to display messages
if (sim_thread)
sim_thread->SendSyncResponse(be); // only for case #2
void MyFrame::editFloppyConfig(int drive)
FloppyConfigDialog dlg(this, -1);
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(drive==0? BX_FLOPPY0_NAME : BX_FLOPPY1_NAME, wxConvUTF8));
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param((drive==0)? BXPN_FLOPPYA : BXPN_FLOPPYB);
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::editFirstCdrom()
bx_param_c *firstcd;
if (sim_thread != NULL) {
firstcd = ((bx_list_c*)SIM->get_param(BXPN_MENU_RUNTIME_CDROM))->get(0);
} else {
firstcd = SIM->get_first_cdrom();
if (!firstcd) {
wxMessageBox(wxT("No CDROM drive is enabled. Use Edit:ATA to set one up."),
wxT("No CDROM"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this);
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
dlg.SetTitle(wxT("Configure CDROM"));
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnEditATA(wxCommandEvent& event)
int id = event.GetId();
int channel = id - ID_Edit_ATA0;
char ata_name[10];
sprintf(ata_name, "ata.%d", channel);
ParamDialog dlg(this, -1);
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(ata_name);
dlg.SetTitle(wxString(list->get_title(), wxConvUTF8));
dlg.SetRuntimeFlag(sim_thread != NULL);
void MyFrame::OnToolbarClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxCommandEvent unusedEvent;
wxLogDebug(wxT("clicked toolbar thingy"));
bx_toolbar_buttons which = BX_TOOLBAR_UNDEFINED;
int id = event.GetId();
switch (id) {
case ID_Toolbar_Power:
if (theFrame->GetSimThread() == NULL) {
} else {
wxBochsStopSim = false;
case ID_Toolbar_Reset: which = BX_TOOLBAR_RESET; break;
case ID_Toolbar_SaveRestore:
if (theFrame->GetSimThread() == NULL) {
} else {
case ID_Edit_FD_0:
// floppy config dialog box
case ID_Edit_FD_1:
// floppy config dialog box
case ID_Edit_Cdrom1:
// cdrom config dialog box (first cd only)
case ID_Toolbar_Copy: which = BX_TOOLBAR_COPY; break;
case ID_Toolbar_Paste: which = BX_TOOLBAR_PASTE; break;
case ID_Toolbar_Snapshot: which = BX_TOOLBAR_SNAPSHOT; break;
case ID_Toolbar_Mouse_en: thePanel->ToggleMouse(true); break;
case ID_Toolbar_User: which = BX_TOOLBAR_USER; break;
wxLogError(wxT("unknown toolbar id %d"), id);
if ((which != BX_TOOLBAR_UNDEFINED) && (num_events < MAX_EVENTS)) {
event_queue[num_events].type = BX_ASYNC_EVT_TOOLBAR;
event_queue[num_events].u.toolbar.button = which;
void MyFrame::SetToolBarHelp(int id, wxString& text)
bxToolBar->SetToolShortHelp(id, text);
// Simulation Thread
void *SimThread::Entry(void)
// run all the rest of the Bochs simulator code. This function will
// run forever, unless a "kill_bochs_request" is issued. The shutdown
// procedure is as follows:
// - user selects "Kill Simulation" or GUI decides to kill bochs
// - GUI calls sim_thread->Delete()
// - sim continues to run until the next time it reaches SIM->periodic().
// - SIM->periodic() sends a synchronous tick event to the GUI, which
// finally calls TestDestroy() and realizes it needs to stop. It
// sets the sync event return code to -1. SIM->periodic() notices
// the -1 and calls quit_sim, which longjumps to quit_context, which is
// right here in SimThread::Entry.
// - Entry() exits and the thread stops. Whew.
wxLogDebug(wxT("in SimThread, starting at bx_continue_after_config_interface"));
static jmp_buf context; // this must not go out of scope. maybe static not needed
if (setjmp(context) == 0) {
SIM->begin_simulation(bx_startup_flags.argc, bx_startup_flags.argv);
wxLogDebug(wxT("in SimThread, SIM->begin_simulation() exited normally"));
} else {
wxLogDebug(wxT("in SimThread, SIM->begin_simulation() exited by longjmp"));
// it is possible that the whole interface has already been shut down.
// If so, we must end immediately.
// we're in the sim thread, so we must get a gui mutex before calling
// wxwidgets methods.
wxLogDebug(wxT("SimThread::Entry: get gui mutex"));
if (!wxBochsClosing) {
if (!wxBochsStopSim) {
wxLogDebug(wxT("SimThread::Entry: sim thread ending. call simStatusChanged"));
theFrame->simStatusChanged(theFrame->Stop, false);
BxEvent *be = new BxEvent;
} else {
wxLogMessage(wxT("SimThread::Entry: the gui is waiting for sim to finish. Now that it has finished, I will close the frame."));
return NULL;
void SimThread::OnExit()
// notify the MyFrame that the bochs thread has died. I can't adjust
// the sim_thread directly because it's private.
// don't use this SimThread's callback function anymore. Use the
// application default callback.
SIM->set_notify_callback(&MyApp::DefaultCallback, this);
// Event handler function for BxEvents coming from the simulator.
// This function is declared static so that I can get a usable
// function pointer for it. The function pointer is passed to
// SIM->set_notify_callback so that the siminterface can call this
// function when it needs to contact the gui. It will always be
// called with a pointer to the SimThread as the first argument, and
// it will be called from the simulator thread, not the GUI thread.
BxEvent *SimThread::SiminterfaceCallback(void *thisptr, BxEvent *event)
SimThread *me = (SimThread *)thisptr;
// call the normal non-static method now that we know the this pointer.
return me->SiminterfaceCallback2(event);
// callback function for sim thread events. This is called from
// the sim thread, not the GUI thread. So any GUI actions must be
// thread safe. Most events are handled by packaging up the event
// in a wxEvent of some kind, and posting it to the GUI thread for
// processing.
BxEvent *SimThread::SiminterfaceCallback2(BxEvent *event)
// wxLogDebug(wxT("SiminterfaceCallback with event type=%d"), (int)event->type);
event->retcode = 0; // default return code
int async = BX_EVT_IS_ASYNC(event->type);
if (!async) {
// for synchronous events, clear away any previous response. There
// can only be one synchronous event pending at a time.
event->retcode = -1; // default to error
// tick event must be handled right here in the bochs thread.
if (event->type == BX_SYNC_EVT_TICK) {
if (TestDestroy()) {
// tell simulator to quit
event->retcode = -1;
} else {
event->retcode = 0;
return event;
//encapsulate the bxevent in a wxwidgets event
wxCommandEvent wxevent(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, ID_Sim2CI_Event);
wxevent.SetEventObject((wxEvent *)event);
if (isSimThread()) {
IFDBG_EVENT(wxLogDebug(wxT("Sending an event to the window")));
wxPostEvent(frame, wxevent);
// if it is an asynchronous event, return immediately. The event will be
// freed by the recipient in the GUI thread.
if (async) return NULL;
wxLogDebug(wxT("SiminterfaceCallback2: synchronous event; waiting for response"));
// now wait forever for the GUI to post a response.
BxEvent *response = NULL;
while (response == NULL) {
response = GetSyncResponse();
if (!response) {
//wxLogDebug ("no sync response yet, waiting");
// don't get stuck here if the gui is trying to close.
if (wxBochsClosing) {
wxLogDebug(wxT("breaking out of sync event wait because gui is closing"));
event->retcode = -1;
return event;
wxASSERT(response != NULL);
return response;
} else {
wxLogDebug(wxT("sim2ci event sent from the GUI thread. calling handler directly"));
return event;
void SimThread::ClearSyncResponse()
wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(sim2gui_mailbox_lock);
if (sim2gui_mailbox != NULL) {
wxLogDebug(wxT("WARNING: ClearSyncResponse is throwing away an event that was previously in the mailbox"));
sim2gui_mailbox = NULL;
void SimThread::SendSyncResponse(BxEvent *event)
wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(sim2gui_mailbox_lock);
if (sim2gui_mailbox != NULL) {
wxLogDebug(wxT("WARNING: SendSyncResponse is throwing away an event that was previously in the mailbox"));
sim2gui_mailbox = event;
BxEvent *SimThread::GetSyncResponse()
wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(sim2gui_mailbox_lock);
BxEvent *event = sim2gui_mailbox;
sim2gui_mailbox = NULL;
return event;
// utility
void safeWxStrcpy(char *dest, wxString src, int destlen)
wxString tmp(src);
strncpy(dest, tmp.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), destlen);
dest[destlen-1] = 0;
#endif /* if BX_WITH_WX */