
190 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable File

# $Id: batch-build.perl,v 1.2 2002-09-15 14:35:38 bdenney Exp $
# Batch build tool for multiple configurations
# switches:
# - show output vs. send it all to nohup. --nohup
# - serial or parallel. --parallel
# no args: serial, display output
# --nohup: serial, output to nohup.out. (Need summary.)
# --nohup --parallel: parallel, output to nohup.out
# --parallel: parallel, spawn xterm for each
sub usage {
print <<EOF;
Usage: $0 [--nohup] [--parallel]
--nohup causes the output of all compiles to go into nohup.out
--parallel causes all compiles to be run in parallel
Usage: $0 --clean
--clean erases the build directories and recreates them from scratch
Combinations of nohup and parallel:
no args: serial compile, output goes to stdout
--nohup: serial compile, output goes into individual nohup.out files
--nohup --parallel: parallel compile, output goes to individual nohup.out files
--parallel: parallel compile, spawn an xterm for each configuration
$pwd = `pwd`;
chop $pwd;
# create all the configurations that we should test. The first argument
# is the configuration name, which must be a valid directory name. To be
# safe, don't put spaces, slashes, ".", or ".." in here.
add_configuration ('normal',
add_configuration ('dbg',
add_configuration ('smp2',
add_configuration ('smp2-d',
'--enable-debugger --enable-processors=2');
add_configuration ('64bit',
add_configuration ('64bit-d',
'--enable-x86-64 --enable-debugger');
add_configuration ('wx',
add_configuration ('wx-d',
'--with-wx --enable-debugger --disable-readline');
add_configuration ('wx-64bit',
'--with-wx --enable-x86-64');
add_configuration ('wx-64bit-d',
'--with-wx --enable-x86-64 --enable-debugger --disable-readline');
my $nohup = 0;
my $parallel = 0;
my $clean = 0;
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg eq '--clean') {
$clean = 1;
} elsif ($arg eq '--nohup') {
$nohup = 1;
} elsif ($arg eq '--parallel') {
$parallel = 1;
} else {
usage(); exit 1;
# this script may be run from various directories, and this affects
# the path to the configure command. Try to figure out where the configure
# command is found, and set up the scripts accordingly. If it
# can't be found, spit out an error now instead of later.
my @configurepath_tries = ("configure", "../configure", "../../configure");
my $configurepath;
foreach my $trypath (@configurepath_tries) {
if (-x $trypath) {
print "Found configure at $configurepath.\n" if $DEBUG;
$configurepath = $trypath;
if (!defined $configurepath) {
print <<EOF;
ERROR I could not locate the configure script. This script is intended
to be run from the bochs main directory or a subdirectory of it. Examples:
1) cd $BOCHS; ./build/batch-build.perl
2) cd $BOCHS/build; ./batch-build.perl
Here are the places that I tried to find the configure script:
foreach (@configurepath_tries) {
print " $_\n";
exit 1;
for (my $i=0; $i <= $#config_names; $i++) {
my $name = "build-$config_names[$i]";
my $options = $config_opts[$i];
die if (!defined $name || !defined $options);
print "Compiling '$name' with opts '$options'\n" if $DEBUG;
if ($clean) {
my $rmcmd = "rm -rf $name";
print "Removing directory $name\n";
system $rmcmd;
if (! -d $name) { mkdir $name, 0755; }
$maybe_nohup = $nohup? "nohup" : "";
open (BUILD, ">$name/");
echo Running the configure script
$maybe_nohup ../$configurepath $options
if test $? != 0; then
echo Configure failed.
exit 1
echo Running make
$maybe_nohup make
if test $? != 0; then
echo Make failed.
exit 1
close BUILD;
chmod 0755, "$name/";
$gotodir = "cd $name";
$startcmd = "$maybe_nohup ./";
$header = <<HEADER_EOF;
Configuration name: $name
Directory: $pwd/$name
Config Options: $options
print $header;
if ($parallel && !$nohup) {
# special case for parallel without nohup. If you're not careful,
# all output from all compiles will go into the window at once, which
# is impossible to read. Also very hard to kill them until they have
# run their course. Instead, start each compile in a different xterm!
# What's even more useful is that after the compile stops it goes into
# a bash shell so that you can fix things, run the make again, etc.
# To do this, put the start command in a little shell script called
# Start the xterm with "-e" so that it
# runs the script as it starts.
open (XTI, ">$name/");
print XTI <<XTI_EOF;
cat <<EOF
exit 0
close XTI;
chmod 0755, "$name/";
$startcmd = "xterm -title $name -name $name -e ./";
$cmd = "$gotodir && $startcmd";
$cmd .= "&" if $parallel;
print "Executing '$cmd'\n" if $DEBUG;
system $cmd;
print "\n"x2;
print "batch-build script is done.\n";
exit 0;
sub add_configuration {
my ($name, $opts) = @_;
push @config_names, $name;
push @config_opts, $opts;