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.\Document Author: Timothy R. Butler - tbutler@uninetsolutions.com
.TH bochsrc 5 "08 Dec 2002" "bochsrc" "The Bochs Project"
bochsrc \- Configuration file for Bochs.
Bochsrc is the configuration file that specifies
where Bochs should look for disk images, how the Bochs
emulation layer should work, etc. The syntax used
for bochsrc can also be used as command line arguments
for Bochs. The .bochsrc file should be placed either in
the current directory before running Bochs or in your
home directory.
Starting with Bochs 1.3, you can use environment variables in
the bochsrc file, for example:
diskc: file="$IMAGES/30M.sample", cyl=615, heads=6, spt=17
Starting with version 2.0, two environment variables have a built-in
default value which is set at compile time. $BXSHARE points to the
"share" directory which is typically /usr/local/share/bochs on UNIX
machines. See the $(sharedir) variable in the Makefile for the exact
value. $BXSHARE is used by disk images to locate the directory where
the BIOS images and keymaps can be found. If $BXSHARE is not defined, Bochs
will supply the default value. Also, $LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH points to a list of
directories (separated by colons if more than one) to search in for Bochs
plugins. A compile-time default is provided if this variable is not defined
by the user.
.I "#include"
This option includes another configuration file. It is
possible to put installation defaults in a global config
file (e.g. location of rom images).
#include /etc/bochsrc
.I "config_interface:"
The configuration interface is a series of menus or dialog boxes that
allows you to change all the settings that control Bochs's behavior.
There are two choices of configuration interface: a text mode version
called "textconfig" and a graphical version called "wx". The text
mode version uses stdin/stdout and is always compiled in. The graphical
version is only available when you use "--with-wx" on the configure
command. If you do not write a config_interface line, Bochs will
choose a default for you.
if you use the "wx" configuration interface, you must also use
the "wx" display library.
config_interface: textconfig
.I "display_library:"
The display library is the code that displays the Bochs VGA screen. Bochs
has a selection of about 10 different display library implementations for
different platforms. If you run configure with multiple --with-* options,
the display_library command lets you choose which one you want to run with.
If you do not write a display_library line, Bochs will choose a default for
The choices are:
x X windows interface, cross platform
win32 native win32 libraries
carbon Carbon library (for MacOS X)
beos native BeOS libraries
macintosh MacOS pre-10
amigaos native AmigaOS libraries
sdl SDL library, cross platform
term text only, uses curses/ncurses library, cross platform
rfb provides an interface to AT&T's VNC viewer, cross platform
wx wxWindows library, cross platform
nogui no display at all
if you use the "wx" configuration interface, you must also use
the "wx" display library.
display_library: x
.I "romimage:"
You need to load a ROM BIOS into F0000-FFFFF. The BIOS controls
what the PC does when it first powers on. Normally, you can use a
precompiled BIOS in the
.B bios/
directory of the source tree, named BIOS-bochs-latest. You can also use
the environment variable $BXSHARE to specify the location of the BIOS.
romimage: file=bios/BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xf0000
romimage: file=$BXSHARE/BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xf0000
.I "megs:"
Set this to the default number of Megabytes of
memory you want to emulate. You may also pass
.B 'megs:N'
option to bochs. The default
is 32MB, since most OS's won't need more than
megs: 32
.I "optromimage1: \fP, \fIoptromimage2: \fP, \fIoptromimage3: \fPor \fIoptromimage4:"
You may now load up to 4 optional ROM images. Be sure to use a
read-only area, typically between C8000 and EFFFF. These optional
ROM images should not overwrite the rombios (located at
F0000-FFFFF) and the videobios (located at C0000-C7FFF).
Those ROM images will be initialized by the bios if they contain
the right signature (0x55AA).
It can also be a convenient way to upload some arbitary code/data
in the simulation, that can be retrieved by the boot loader
optromimage1: file=optionalrom.bin, address=0xd0000
.I "vgaromimage:"
You also need to load a VGA ROM BIOS into
vgaromimage: bios/VGABIOS-elpin-2.40
vgaromimage: bios/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
vgaromimage: $BXSHARE/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
.I "floppya: \fPor \fIfloppyb:"
Point this to the pathname of a floppy image
file or device. Floppya is the first drive,
and floppyb is the second drive. If you're
booting from a floppy, floppya should point to
a bootable disk.
You can set the initial status of the media to
'ejected' or 'inserted'. Usually you will want
to use 'inserted'.
2.88M 3.5" Floppy:
floppya: 2_88=path, status=ejected
1.44M 3.5" Floppy:
floppya: 1_44=path, status=inserted
1.2M 5.25" Floppy:
floppyb: 1_2=path, status=ejected
720K 3.5" Floppy:
floppya: 720k=path, status=inserted
360K 5.25" Floppy:
floppya: 360k=path, status=inserted
.I "ata0: \fP, \fIata1: \fP, \fIata2: \fPor \fIata3:"
These options enables up to 4 ata channels. For each channel
the two base io addresses and the irq must be specified.
ata0 is enabled by default, with ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata1: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15
ata2: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1e8, ioaddr2=0x3e0, irq=11
ata3: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x168, ioaddr2=0x360, irq=9
.I "ata\fR[\fB0-3\fR]\fI-master: \fPor \fIata\fR[\fB0-3\fR]\fI-slave:"
This defines the type and characteristics of all attached ata devices:
type= type of attached device [disk|cdrom]
path= path of the image
mode= image mode [flat|concat|external|dll|sparse|vmware3|undoable|growing|volatile], only valid for disks
cylinders= only valid for disks
heads= only valid for disks
spt= only valid for disks
status= only valid for cdroms [inserted|ejected]
biosdetect= type of biosdetection [none|auto], only for disks on ata0 [cmos]
translation=type of transation of the bios, only for disks [none|lba|large|rechs|auto]
model= string returned by identify device command
journal= optional filename of the redolog for undoable and volatile disks
Point this at a hard disk image file, cdrom iso file,
or a physical cdrom device.
To create a hard disk image, try running bximage.
It will help you choose the size and then suggest a line that
works with it.
In UNIX it is possible to use a raw device as a Bochs hard disk,
The path, cylinders, heads, and spt are mandatory for type=disk
The path is mandatory for type=cdrom
The mode option defines how the disk image is handled. Disks can be defined as:
- flat : one file flat layout
- concat : multiple files layout
- external : developer's specific, through a C++ class
- dll : developer's specific, through a DLL
- sparse : stackable, commitable, rollbackable
- vmware3 : vmware3 disk support
- undoable : flat file with commitable redolog
- growing : growing file
- volatile : flat file with volatile redolog
The disk translation scheme (implemented in legacy int13 bios functions, and used by
older operating systems like MS-DOS), can be defined as:
- none : no translation, for disks up to 528MB (1032192 sectors)
- large : a standard bitshift algorithm, for disks up to 4.2GB (8257536 sectors)
- rechs : a revised bitshift algorithm, using a 15 heads fake physical geometry, for disks up to 7.9GB (15482880 sectors). (don't use this unless you understand what you're doing)
- lba : a standard lba-assisted algorithm, for disks up to 8.4GB (16450560 sectors)
- auto : autoselection of best translation scheme. (it should be changed if system does not boot)
Default values are:
mode=flat, biosdetect=auto, translation=auto, model="Generic 1234"
The biosdetect option has currently no effect on the bios
ata0-master: type=disk, path=10M.sample, cylinders=306, heads=4, spt=17
ata0-slave: type=disk, path=20M.sample, cylinders=615, heads=4, spt=17
ata1-master: type=disk, path=30M.sample, cylinders=615, heads=6, spt=17
ata1-slave: type=disk, path=46M.sample, cylinders=940, heads=6, spt=17
ata2-master: type=disk, path=62M.sample, cylinders=940, heads=8, spt=17
ata2-slave: type=disk, path=112M.sample, cylinders=900, heads=15, spt=17
ata3-master: type=disk, path=483M.sample, cylinders=1024, heads=15, spt=63
ata3-slave: type=cdrom, path=iso.sample, status=inserted
.I "com1:"
This defines a serial (COM) port. You can specify a device to use as com1.
This can be a real serial line, or a pty. To use a pty (under X/Unix),
create two windows (xterms, usually). One of them will run bochs, and the
other will act as com1. Find out the tty the com1 window using the `tty'
command, and use that as the `dev' parameter. Then do `sleep 1000000' in
the com1 window to keep the shell from messing with things, and run bochs in
the other window. Serial I/O to com1 (port 0x3f8) will all go to the other
com1: enabled=1, dev=/dev/ttyp7
com1: enabled=0
.I "parport1:"
This defines a parallel (printer) port. When turned on and an output file is
defined the emulated printer port sends characters printed by the guest
OS into the output file. On some platforms a device filename can be used to
send the data to the real parallel port (e.g. "/dev/lp0" on Linux).
parport1: enabled=1, file=parport.out
parport1: enabled=1, file="/dev/lp0"
parport1: enabled=0
.I "newharddrivesupport:"
This setting enables support for large hard
disks, better CD recognition, and various
other useful functions. You can set it to
"enabled=1" (on) or "enabled=0" (off). It is
recommended that this setting is left on
unless you are having trouble with it.
newharddrivesupport: enabled=1
.I "boot:"
This defines your boot drive. You can either
boot from 'floppy', 'disk' or 'cdrom'.
(legacy 'a' and 'c' are also supported)
boot: disk
.I "floppy_bootsig_check:"
This disables the 0xaa55 signature check on boot floppies
The check is enabled by default.
floppy_bootsig_check: disabled=1
.I "log:"
Give the path of the log file you'd like Bochs
debug and misc. verbage to be written to. If
you really don't want it, make it /dev/null.
log: bochs.out
log: /dev/tty (unix only)
log: /dev/null (unix only)
.I "logprefix:"
This handles the format of the string prepended to each log line :
You may use those special tokens :
%t : 11 decimal digits timer tick
%i : 8 hexadecimal digits of cpu0 current eip
%e : 1 character event type ('i'nfo, 'd'ebug, 'p'anic, 'e'rror)
%d : 5 characters string of the device, between brackets
Default : %t%e%d
logprefix: %t-%e-@%i-%d
logprefix: %i%e%d
.I "panic:"
If Bochs reaches a condition where it cannot
emulate correctly, it does a panic. This can
be a configuration problem (like a misspelled
bochsrc line) or an emulation problem (like an
unsupported video mode). The "panic" setting
in bochsrc tells Bochs how to respond to a
panic. You can set this to fatal (terminate
the session), report (print information to
the console), or ignore (do nothing).
The safest setting is action=fatal. If you are
getting panics, you can try action=report
instead. If you allow Bochs to continue after
a panic, don't be surprised if you get strange
behavior or crashes if a panic occurs. Please
report panic messages unless it is just a
configuration problem like "could not find
hard drive image."
panic: action=fatal
.I "error:"
Bochs produces an error message when it finds
a condition that really shouldn't happen, but
doesn't endanger the simulation. An example of
an error might be if the emulated software
produces an illegal disk command.
The "error" setting tells Bochs how to respond
to an error condition. You can set this to
fatal (terminate the session), report (print
information to the console), or ignore (do
error: action=report
.I "info:"
This setting tells Bochs what to do when an
event occurs that generates informational
messages. You can set this to fatal (that
would not be very smart though), report (print
information to the console), or ignore (do
nothing). For general usage, the "report"
option is probably a good choice.
info: action=report
.I "debug:"
This setting tells Bochs what to do with
messages intended to assist in debugging. You
can set this to fatal (but you shouldn't),
report (print information to the console), or
ignore (do nothing). You should generally set
this to ignore, unless you are trying to
diagnose a particular problem.
When action=report, Bochs may spit out
thousands of debug messages per second, which
can impact performance and fill up your disk.
debug: action=ignore
.I "debugger_log:"
Give the path of the log file you'd like Bochs to log debugger output.
If you really don't want it, make it '/dev/null', or '-'.
log: debugger.out
log: /dev/null (unix only)
log: -
.I "sb16:"
This defines the SB16 sound emulation. It can
have several of the following properties. All
properties are in this format:
sb16: property=value
The filename is where the midi data is sent.
This can be a device or just a file if you
want to record the midi data.
0 = No data should be output.
1 = output to device (system dependent - midi
denotes the device driver).
2 = SMF file output, including headers.
3 = Output the midi data stream to the file
(no midi headers and no delta times, just
command and data bytes).
This is the device/file where wave output is
0 = no data
1 = output to device (system dependent - wave
denotes the device driver).
2 = VOC file output, including headers.
3 = Output the raw wave stream to the file.
The file to write the sb16 emulator messages to.
0 = No log.
1 = Only midi program and bank changes.
2 = Severe errors.
3 = All errors.
4 = All errors plus all port accesses.
5 = All errors and port accesses plus a lot
of extra information.
Microseconds per second for a DMA cycle. Make
it smaller to fix non-continous sound. 750000
is usually a good value. This needs a
reasonably correct setting for IPS (see
sb16: midimode=1, midi=/dev/midi00,
wavemode=1, wave=/dev/dsp, loglevel=2,
log=sb16.log, dmatimer=600000
The example is wrapped onto three lines for
formatting reasons, but it should all be on
one line in the actual bochsrc file.
.I "vga_update_interval:"
Video memory is scanned for updates and screen
updated every so many virtual seconds. The
default is 300000, about 3Hz. This is
generally plenty. Keep in mind that you must
tweak the 'ips:' directive to be as close to
the number of emulated instructions-per-second
your workstation can do, for this to be
vga_update_interval: 250000
.I "keyboard_serial_delay:"
Approximate time in microseconds that it takes
one character to be transfered from the
keyboard to controller over the serial path.
keyboard_serial_delay: 200
.I "keyboard_paste_delay:"
Approximate time in microseconds between attempts to paste
characters to the keyboard controller. This leaves time for the
guest os to deal with the flow of characters. The ideal setting
depends on how your operating system processes characters. The
default of 100000 usec (.1 seconds) was chosen because it works
consistently in Windows.
If your OS is losing characters during a paste, increase the paste
delay until it stops losing characters.
keyboard_paste_delay: 100000
.I "floppy_command_delay:"
Time in microseconds to wait before completing
some floppy commands such as read, write,
seek, etc., which normally have a delay
associated. This was previous hardwired to
floppy_command_delay: 50000
.I "ips:"
Emulated Instructions Per Second. This is the
number of IPS that bochs is capable of running
on your machine. You can recompile Bochs,
using instructions included in config.h (in
the source code), to find your workstation's
IPS is used to calibrate many time-dependent
events within the bochs simulation. For
example, changing IPS affects the frequency of
VGA updates, the duration of time before a key
starts to autorepeat, and the measurement of
BogoMips and other benchmarks.
Example Specifications[1]
Machine Mips
650Mhz Athlon K-7 with Linux 2.4.x 2 to 2.5
400Mhz Pentium II with Linux 2.0.x 1 to 1.8
166Mhz 64bit Sparc with Solaris 2.x 0.75
200Mhz Pentium with Linux 2.x 0.5
[1] Mips are dependant on OS and compiler
configuration in addition to processor clock
ips: 1000000
.I "clock:"
This defines the parameters of the clock inside Bochs.
TO BE COMPLETED (see Greg explaination in bug #536329)
Specifies the start (boot) time of the virtual machine. Use a time
value as returned by the time(2) system call. If no time0 value is
set or if time0 equal to 1 (special case) or if time0 equal 'local',
the simulation will be started at the current local host time.
If time0 equal to 2 (special case) or if time0 equal 'utc',
the simulation will be started at the current utc time.
clock: sync=[none|slowdown|realtime], time0=[timeValue|local|utc]
Default value are sync=none, time0=local
clock: sync=realtime, time0=938581955 # Wed Sep 29 07:12:35 1999
.I "mouse:"
This option prevents Bochs from creating mouse
"events" unless a mouse is enabled. The
hardware emulation itself is not disabled by
this. You can turn the mouse on by setting
enabled to 1, or turn it off by setting
enabled to 0. Unless you have a particular
reason for enabling the mouse by default,
it is recommended that you leave it off.
mouse: enabled=1
mouse: enabled=0
.I "private_colormap:"
Requests that the GUI create and use it's own
non-shared colormap. This colormap will be
used when in the bochs window. If not enabled,
a shared colormap scheme may be used. Once
again, enabled=1 turns on this feature and 0
turns it off.
private_colormap: enabled=1
.I "i440fxsupport:"
Enables limited i440fx PCI chipset support.
i440fxsupport: enabled=1
.I "ne2k:"
Defines the characteristics of an attached ne2000 isa card :
ioaddr, irq:
You probably won't need to change ioaddr and irq, unless there are IRQ conflicts.
The MAC address MUST NOT match the address of any machine on the net.
Also, the first byte must be an even number (bit 0 set means a multicast
address), and you cannot use ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff because that's the broadcast
address. For the ethertap module, you must use fe:fd:00:00:00:01. There may
be other restrictions too. To be safe, just use the b0:c4... address.
The ethmod value defines which low level OS specific module to be used
to access pysical ethernet interface. Current implemented values include
- fbsd : ethernet on freebsd and openbsd
- linux : ethernet on linux
- win32 : ethernet on win32
- tap : ethernet through a linux tap interface
- tuntap : ethernet through a linux tuntap interface
The ethdev value is the name of the network interface on your host
platform. On UNIX machines, you can get the name by running ifconfig. On
Windows machines, you must run niclist to get the name of the ethdev.
Niclist source code is in misc/niclist.c and it is included in Windows
binary releases.
The script value is optionnal, and is the name of a script that
is executed after bochs initialize the network interface. You can use
this script to configure this network interface, or enable masquerading.
This is mainly useful for the tun/tap devices that only exist during
Bochs execution. The network interface name is supplied to the script
as first parameter
ne2k: ioaddr=0x240, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:00, ethmod=fbsd, ethdev=xlo
ne2k: ioaddr=0x240, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:00, ethmod=linux, ethdev=eth0
ne2k: ioaddr=0x240, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:01, ethmod=win32, ethdev=MYCARD
ne2k: ioaddr=0x240, irq=9, mac=fe:fd:00:00:00:01, ethmod=tap, ethdev=tap0
ne2k: ioaddr=0x240, irq=9, mac=fe:fd:00:00:00:01, ethmod=tuntap, ethdev=/dev/net/tun0, script=./tunconfig
.I "keyboard_mapping:"
This enables a remap of a physical localized keyboard to a
virtualized us keyboard, as the PC architecture expects.
If enabled, the keymap file must be specified.
keyboard_mapping: enabled=1, map=gui/keymaps/x11-pc-de.map
.I "keyboard_type:"
Type of emulated keyboard sent back to the OS
to a "keyboard identify" command. It must be
one of "xt", "at" or "mf".
keyboard_type: mf
.I "user_shortcut:"
This defines the keyboard shortcut to be sent when you press the "user"
button in the headerbar. The shortcut string can be a combination of
these key names: "alt", "bksp", "ctrl", "del", "esc", "f1", "f4", "tab",
"win". Up to 3 keys can be pressed at a time.
user_shortcut: keys=ctrlaltdel
.I "cmosimage:"
This defines image file that can be loaded into the CMOS RAM at startup.
cmosimage: cmos.img
.I "usb1:"
Enables the i440fx PCI USB root hub. USB devices with access to real hardware
are not implemented yet. PCI support must be enabled, too.
usb1: enabled=1, ioaddr=0xFF80, irq=10
.I "diskc:"
.I "diskd:"
The \fBdiskc\fR and \fBdiskd\fR options are deprecated. Use \fBata*\fR
options instead.
Point this at the disk image you want to use
as for a hard disk. If you use bximage(1) to
create the image, it will give you the
required cyl, head, and spt information.
diskc is the first hard drive, and diskd is the
second hard drive.
You cannot use both diskd and cdromd together.
diskc: file=10M.i, cyl=306, heads=4, spt=17
diskc: file=112M.i, cyl=900, heads=15, spt=17
diskd: file=483.i, cyl=1024, heads=15, spt=63
.I "cdromd:"
The \fBcdromd\fR option is deprecated. Use \fBata*\fR options instead.
Point this to a pathname of a raw CD-ROM device.
There is no cdromc option, only cdromd.
You cannot use both diskd and cdromd together.
cdromd: dev=/dev/cdrom, status=inserted
cdromd: dev=/dev/cdrom, status=ejected
.I "pit:"
The \fBpit\fR option is deprecated. Use the \fBclock\fR option instead.
The PIT is the programmable interval timer. It has an option that tries to
keep the PIT in sync with real time. This feature is still experimental,
but it may be useful if you want to prevent Bochs from running too fast, for
example a DOS video game. Be aware that with the realtime pit option, your
simulation will not be repeatable; this can a problem if you are debugging.
pit: realtime=1
.I "time0:"
The \fBtime0\fR option is deprecated. Use the \fBclock\fR option instead.
Specifies the start (boot) time of the virtual machine. Use a
time value as returned by the time(2) system call. Time
equal to 1 is a special case which starts the virtual machine at the
current time of the simulator host.
time0: 938581955
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU
Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation. See the COPYING file located in
/usr/local/share/doc/bochs/ for details on the license and
the lack of warrantee.
The latest version of this program can be found at:
bochs(1), bochs-dlx(1), bximage(1)
The Bochs IA-32 Emulator site on the World Wide Web:
Online Bochs Documentation
The Bochs emulator was created by Kevin Lawton
(kevin@mandrakesoft.com), and is currently maintained
by the members of the Bochs x86 Emulator Project. You
can see a current roster of members at:
Please report all bugs to the bug tracker on our web
site. Just go to http://bochs.sourceforge.net, and click
"Bug Reports" on the sidebar under "Feedback".
Provide a detailed description of the bug, the version of
the program you are running, the operating system you are
running the program on and the operating system you
are running in the emulator.