2011-02-24 22:05:47 +00:00

1010 lines
25 KiB
Executable File

// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2010 The Bochs Project
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "bochs.h"
#include "paramtree.h"
// define methods of bx_param_* and family
extern bx_simulator_interface_c *SIM;
extern logfunctions *siminterface_log;
extern bx_list_c *root_param;
#define LOG_THIS siminterface_log->
const char* bx_param_c::default_text_format = NULL;
bx_param_c::bx_param_c(Bit32u id, const char *param_name, const char *param_desc)
: bx_object_c(id),
this->name = new char[strlen(param_name)+1];
strcpy(this->name, param_name);
this->text_format = default_text_format;
this->long_text_format = default_text_format;
this->runtime_param = 0;
this->enabled = 1;
// dependent_list must be initialized before the set(),
// because set calls update_dependents().
dependent_list = NULL;
bx_param_c::bx_param_c(Bit32u id, const char *param_name, const char *param_label, const char *param_desc)
: bx_object_c(id),
this->name = new char[strlen(param_name)+1];
strcpy(this->name, param_name);
this->text_format = default_text_format;
this->long_text_format = default_text_format;
this->runtime_param = 0;
this->enabled = 1;
// dependent_list must be initialized before the set(),
// because set calls update_dependents().
dependent_list = NULL;
delete [] name;
delete [] label;
delete [] description;
delete [] ask_format;
delete [] group_name;
void bx_param_c::set_description(const char *text)
delete [] this->description;
if (text) {
this->description = new char[strlen(text)+1];
strcpy(this->description, text);
} else {
this->description = NULL;
void bx_param_c::set_label(const char *text)
delete [] label;
if (text) {
label = new char[strlen(text)+1];
strcpy(label, text);
} else {
label = NULL;
void bx_param_c::set_ask_format(const char *format)
delete [] ask_format;
if (format) {
ask_format = new char[strlen(format)+1];
strcpy(ask_format, format);
} else {
ask_format = NULL;
void bx_param_c::set_group(const char *group)
delete [] group_name;
if (group) {
group_name = new char[strlen(group)+1];
strcpy(group_name, group);
} else {
group_name = NULL;
int bx_param_c::get_param_path(char *path_out, int maxlen)
if ((get_parent() == NULL) || (get_parent() == root_param)) {
// Start with an empty string.
// Never print the name of the root param.
path_out[0] = 0;
} else {
// build path of the parent, add a period, add path of this node
if (get_parent()->get_param_path(path_out, maxlen) > 0) {
strncat(path_out, ".", maxlen);
strncat(path_out, name, maxlen);
return strlen(path_out);
const char* bx_param_c::set_default_format(const char *f)
const char *old = default_text_format;
default_text_format = f;
return old;
bx_param_num_c::bx_param_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
Bit64s min, Bit64s max, Bit64s initial_val,
bx_bool is_shadow)
: bx_param_c(SIM->gen_param_id(), name, label, description)
this->min = min;
this->max = max;
this->initial_val = initial_val;
this->val.number = initial_val;
this->handler = NULL;
this->save_handler = NULL;
this->restore_handler = NULL;
this->enable_handler = NULL;
this->base = default_base;
this->is_shadow = is_shadow;
if (!is_shadow) {
if (parent) {
BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
this->parent = (bx_list_c *)parent;
Bit32u bx_param_num_c::default_base = BASE_DEC;
Bit32u bx_param_num_c::set_default_base(Bit32u val)
Bit32u old = default_base;
default_base = val;
return old;
void bx_param_num_c::set_handler(param_event_handler handler)
this->handler = handler;
// now that there's a handler, call set once to run the handler immediately
//set (get ());
void bx_param_num_c::set_sr_handlers(void *devptr, param_save_handler save, param_restore_handler restore)
sr_devptr = devptr;
save_handler = save;
restore_handler = restore;
void bx_param_num_c::set_dependent_list(bx_list_c *l)
dependent_list = l;
Bit64s bx_param_num_c::get64()
if (save_handler) {
return (*save_handler)(sr_devptr, this);
if (handler) {
// the handler can decide what value to return and/or do some side effect
return (*handler)(this, 0, val.number);
} else {
// just return the value
return val.number;
void bx_param_num_c::set(Bit64s newval)
if (handler) {
// the handler can override the new value and/or perform some side effect
val.number = newval;
(*handler)(this, 1, newval);
} else {
// just set the value. This code does not check max/min.
val.number = newval;
if (restore_handler) {
val.number = newval;
(*restore_handler)(sr_devptr, this, newval);
if ((val.number < min || val.number > max) && (Bit64u)max != BX_MAX_BIT64U)
BX_PANIC(("numerical parameter '%s' was set to " FMT_LL "d, which is out of range " FMT_LL "d to " FMT_LL "d", get_name (), val.number, min, max));
if (dependent_list != NULL) update_dependents();
void bx_param_num_c::set_range(Bit64u min, Bit64u max)
this->min = min;
this->max = max;
void bx_param_num_c::set_initial_val(Bit64s initial_val)
this->val.number = this->initial_val = initial_val;
void bx_param_num_c::update_dependents()
if (dependent_list) {
int en = val.number && enabled;
for (int i=0; i<dependent_list->get_size(); i++) {
bx_param_c *param = dependent_list->get(i);
if (param != this)
void bx_param_num_c::set_enabled(int en)
// The enable handler may wish to allow/disallow the action
if (enable_handler) {
en = (*enable_handler)(this, en);
// Signed 64 bit
bx_shadow_num_c::bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit64s *ptr_to_real_val,
int base,
Bit8u highbit,
Bit8u lowbit)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, BX_MIN_BIT64S, BX_MAX_BIT64S, *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
this->varsize = 64;
this->lowbit = lowbit;
this->mask = ((BX_MAX_BIT64S >> (63 - (highbit - lowbit))) << lowbit);
val.p64bit = ptr_to_real_val;
if (base == BASE_HEX) {
this->base = base;
this->text_format = "0x"FMT_LL"x";
// Unsigned 64 bit
bx_shadow_num_c::bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit64u *ptr_to_real_val,
int base,
Bit8u highbit,
Bit8u lowbit)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, BX_MIN_BIT64U, BX_MAX_BIT64U, *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
this->varsize = 64;
this->lowbit = lowbit;
this->mask = ((BX_MAX_BIT64U >> (63 - (highbit - lowbit))) << lowbit);
val.p64bit = (Bit64s*) ptr_to_real_val;
if (base == BASE_HEX) {
this->base = base;
this->text_format = "0x"FMT_LL"x";
// Signed 32 bit
bx_shadow_num_c::bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit32s *ptr_to_real_val,
int base,
Bit8u highbit,
Bit8u lowbit)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, BX_MIN_BIT32S, BX_MAX_BIT32S, *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
this->varsize = 32;
this->lowbit = lowbit;
this->mask = ((BX_MAX_BIT32S >> (31 - (highbit - lowbit))) << lowbit);
val.p32bit = ptr_to_real_val;
if (base == BASE_HEX) {
this->base = base;
this->text_format = "0x%08x";
// Unsigned 32 bit
bx_shadow_num_c::bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit32u *ptr_to_real_val,
int base,
Bit8u highbit,
Bit8u lowbit)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, BX_MIN_BIT32U, BX_MAX_BIT32U, *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
this->varsize = 32;
this->lowbit = lowbit;
this->mask = ((BX_MAX_BIT32U >> (31 - (highbit - lowbit))) << lowbit);
val.p32bit = (Bit32s*) ptr_to_real_val;
if (base == BASE_HEX) {
this->base = base;
this->text_format = "0x%08x";
// Signed 16 bit
bx_shadow_num_c::bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit16s *ptr_to_real_val,
int base,
Bit8u highbit,
Bit8u lowbit)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, BX_MIN_BIT16S, BX_MAX_BIT16S, *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
this->varsize = 16;
this->lowbit = lowbit;
this->mask = ((BX_MAX_BIT16S >> (15 - (highbit - lowbit))) << lowbit);
val.p16bit = ptr_to_real_val;
if (base == BASE_HEX) {
this->base = base;
this->text_format = "0x%04x";
// Unsigned 16 bit
bx_shadow_num_c::bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit16u *ptr_to_real_val,
int base,
Bit8u highbit,
Bit8u lowbit)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, BX_MIN_BIT16U, BX_MAX_BIT16U, *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
this->varsize = 16;
this->lowbit = lowbit;
this->mask = ((BX_MAX_BIT16U >> (15 - (highbit - lowbit))) << lowbit);
val.p16bit = (Bit16s*) ptr_to_real_val;
if (base == BASE_HEX) {
this->base = base;
this->text_format = "0x%04x";
// Signed 8 bit
bx_shadow_num_c::bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit8s *ptr_to_real_val,
int base,
Bit8u highbit,
Bit8u lowbit)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, BX_MIN_BIT8S, BX_MAX_BIT8S, *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
this->varsize = 8;
this->lowbit = lowbit;
this->mask = ((BX_MAX_BIT8S >> (7 - (highbit - lowbit))) << lowbit);
this->mask = (1 << (highbit - lowbit)) - 1;
val.p8bit = ptr_to_real_val;
if (base == BASE_HEX) {
this->base = base;
this->text_format = "0x%02x";
// Unsigned 8 bit
bx_shadow_num_c::bx_shadow_num_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit8u *ptr_to_real_val,
int base,
Bit8u highbit,
Bit8u lowbit)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, BX_MIN_BIT8U, BX_MAX_BIT8U, *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
this->varsize = 8;
this->lowbit = lowbit;
this->mask = ((BX_MAX_BIT8U >> (7 - (highbit - lowbit))) << lowbit);
val.p8bit = (Bit8s*) ptr_to_real_val;
if (base == BASE_HEX) {
this->base = base;
this->text_format = "0x%02x";
Bit64s bx_shadow_num_c::get64()
Bit64u current = 0;
switch (varsize) {
case 8: current = *(val.p8bit); break;
case 16: current = *(val.p16bit); break;
case 32: current = *(val.p32bit); break;
case 64: current = *(val.p64bit); break;
default: BX_PANIC(("unsupported varsize %d", varsize));
current = (current >> lowbit) & mask;
if (handler) {
// the handler can decide what value to return and/or do some side effect
return (*handler)(this, 0, current) & mask;
} else {
// just return the value
return current;
void bx_shadow_num_c::set(Bit64s newval)
Bit64u tmp = 0;
if (((newval < min) || (newval > max)) && (min != BX_MIN_BIT64S) && ((Bit64u)max != BX_MAX_BIT64U))
BX_PANIC(("numerical parameter %s was set to " FMT_LL "d, which is out of range " FMT_LL "d to " FMT_LL "d", get_name (), newval, min, max));
switch (varsize) {
case 8:
tmp = *(val.p8bit) & ~(mask << lowbit);
tmp |= (newval & mask) << lowbit;
*(val.p8bit) = (Bit8s)tmp;
case 16:
tmp = *(val.p16bit) & ~(mask << lowbit);
tmp |= (newval & mask) << lowbit;
*(val.p16bit) = (Bit16s)tmp;
case 32:
tmp = *(val.p32bit) & ~(mask << lowbit);
tmp |= (newval & mask) << lowbit;
*(val.p32bit) = (Bit32s)tmp;
case 64:
tmp = *(val.p64bit) & ~(mask << lowbit);
tmp |= (newval & mask) << lowbit;
*(val.p64bit) = (Bit64s)tmp;
BX_PANIC(("unsupported varsize %d", varsize));
if (handler) {
// the handler can override the new value and/or perform some side effect
(*handler)(this, 1, tmp);
void bx_shadow_num_c::reset()
BX_PANIC(("reset not supported on bx_shadow_num_c yet"));
bx_param_bool_c::bx_param_bool_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
Bit64s initial_val,
bx_bool is_shadow)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, label, description, 0, 1, initial_val, is_shadow)
bx_shadow_bool_c::bx_shadow_bool_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
bx_bool *ptr_to_real_val,
Bit8u bitnum)
: bx_param_bool_c(parent, name, label, NULL, (Bit64s) *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
val.pbool = ptr_to_real_val;
this->bitnum = bitnum;
bx_shadow_bool_c::bx_shadow_bool_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
bx_bool *ptr_to_real_val,
Bit8u bitnum)
: bx_param_bool_c(parent, name, NULL, NULL, (Bit64s) *ptr_to_real_val, 1)
val.pbool = ptr_to_real_val;
this->bitnum = bitnum;
Bit64s bx_shadow_bool_c::get64()
if (handler) {
// the handler can decide what value to return and/or do some side effect
Bit64s ret = (*handler)(this, 0, (Bit64s) *(val.pbool));
return (ret>>bitnum) & 1;
} else {
// just return the value
return (*(val.pbool)) & 1;
void bx_shadow_bool_c::set(Bit64s newval)
// only change the bitnum bit
Bit64s tmp = (newval&1) << bitnum;
*(val.pbool) &= ~tmp;
*(val.pbool) |= tmp;
if (handler) {
// the handler can override the new value and/or perform some side effect
(*handler)(this, 1, newval&1);
bx_param_enum_c::bx_param_enum_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
const char **choices,
Bit64s initial_val,
Bit64s value_base)
: bx_param_num_c(parent, name, label, description, value_base, BX_MAX_BIT64S, initial_val)
this->choices = choices;
// count number of choices, set max
const char **p = choices;
while (*p != NULL) p++;
this->min = value_base;
// now that the max is known, replace the BX_MAX_BIT64S sent to the parent
// class constructor with the real max.
this->max = value_base + (p - choices - 1);
this->deps_bitmap = NULL;
if (deps_bitmap != NULL) {
void bx_param_enum_c::set(Bit64s val)
int bx_param_enum_c::find_by_name(const char *string)
const char **p;
for (p=&choices[0]; *p; p++) {
if (!strcmp(string, *p))
return p-choices;
return -1;
bx_bool bx_param_enum_c::set_by_name(const char *string)
int n = find_by_name(string);
if (n<0) return 0;
set(n + min);
return 1;
void bx_param_enum_c::set_dependent_list(bx_list_c *l, bx_bool enable_all)
dependent_list = l;
deps_bitmap = (Bit64u*)malloc(sizeof(Bit64u) * (max - min + 1));
for (int i=0; i<(max-min+1); i++) {
if (enable_all) {
deps_bitmap[i] = (1 << (l->get_size())) - 1;
} else {
deps_bitmap[i] = 0;
void bx_param_enum_c::set_dependent_bitmap(Bit64s value, Bit64u bitmap)
if (deps_bitmap != NULL) {
deps_bitmap[value - min] = bitmap;
Bit64u bx_param_enum_c::get_dependent_bitmap(Bit64s value)
if (deps_bitmap != NULL) {
return deps_bitmap[value - min];
return 0;
void bx_param_enum_c::update_dependents()
if ((dependent_list != NULL) && (deps_bitmap != NULL)) {
Bit64u en_bmap = deps_bitmap[val.number - min];
Bit64u mask = 0x1;
for (int i=0; i<dependent_list->get_size(); i++) {
int en = (en_bmap & mask) && enabled;
bx_param_c *param = dependent_list->get(i);
if (param != this)
mask <<= 1;
void bx_param_enum_c::set_enabled(int en)
// The enable handler may wish to allow/disallow the action
if (enable_handler) {
en = (*enable_handler)(this, en);
bx_param_string_c::bx_param_string_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
const char *initial_val,
int maxsize)
: bx_param_c(SIM->gen_param_id(), name, label, description)
int initial_val_size = strlen(initial_val) + 1;
if (maxsize < 0) {
maxsize = initial_val_size;
} else if (initial_val_size > maxsize) {
initial_val_size = maxsize;
this->val = new char[maxsize];
this->initial_val = new char[maxsize];
this->handler = NULL;
this->enable_handler = NULL;
this->maxsize = maxsize;
strncpy(this->val, initial_val, initial_val_size);
if (maxsize > initial_val_size)
memset(this->val + initial_val_size, 0, maxsize - initial_val_size);
strncpy(this->initial_val, initial_val, maxsize);
this->options = 0;
if (parent) {
BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
this->parent = (bx_list_c *)parent;
bx_param_filename_c::bx_param_filename_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
const char *label,
const char *description,
const char *initial_val,
int maxsize)
: bx_param_string_c(parent, name, label, description, initial_val, maxsize)
ext = NULL;
if (val != NULL) delete [] val;
if (initial_val != NULL) delete [] initial_val;
void bx_param_string_c::reset()
void bx_param_string_c::set_handler(param_string_event_handler handler)
this->handler = handler;
void bx_param_string_c::set_enable_handler(param_enable_handler handler)
this->enable_handler = handler;
void bx_param_string_c::update_dependents()
if (dependent_list) {
int en = (strlen(val) > 0) && (strcmp(val, "none")) && enabled;
for (int i=0; i<dependent_list->get_size(); i++) {
bx_param_c *param = dependent_list->get(i);
if (param != this)
void bx_param_string_c::set_enabled(int en)
// The enable handler may wish to allow/disallow the action
if (enable_handler) {
en = (*enable_handler)(this, en);
if (dependent_list != NULL) update_dependents();
void bx_param_string_c::set_dependent_list(bx_list_c *l)
dependent_list = l;
Bit32s bx_param_string_c::get(char *buf, int len)
if (options & RAW_BYTES)
memcpy(buf, val, len);
strncpy(buf, val, len);
if (handler) {
// the handler can choose to replace the value in val/len. Also its
// return value is passed back as the return value of get.
(*handler)(this, 0, buf, buf, len);
return 0;
void bx_param_string_c::set(const char *buf)
char *oldval = new char[maxsize];
if (options & RAW_BYTES) {
memcpy(oldval, val, maxsize);
memcpy(val, buf, maxsize);
} else {
strncpy(oldval, val, maxsize);
oldval[maxsize - 1] = 0;
strncpy(val, buf, maxsize);
val[maxsize - 1] = 0;
if (handler) {
// the handler can return a different char* to be copied into the value
buf = (*handler)(this, 1, oldval, buf, -1);
delete [] oldval;
if (dependent_list != NULL) update_dependents();
bx_bool bx_param_string_c::equals(const char *buf)
if (options & RAW_BYTES)
return (memcmp(val, buf, maxsize) == 0);
return (strncmp(val, buf, maxsize) == 0);
void bx_param_string_c::set_initial_val(const char *buf)
if (options & RAW_BYTES)
memcpy(initial_val, buf, maxsize);
strncpy(initial_val, buf, maxsize);
bx_shadow_data_c::bx_shadow_data_c(bx_param_c *parent,
const char *name,
Bit8u *ptr_to_data,
Bit32u data_size)
: bx_param_c(SIM->gen_param_id(), name, "")
this->data_ptr = ptr_to_data;
this->data_size = data_size;
if (parent) {
BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
this->parent = (bx_list_c *)parent;
bx_list_c::bx_list_c(bx_param_c *parent, int maxsize)
: bx_param_c(SIM->gen_param_id(), "list", "")
this->size = 0;
this->maxsize = maxsize;
this->list = new bx_param_c* [maxsize];
this->parent = NULL;
if (parent) {
BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
this->parent = (bx_list_c *)parent;
bx_list_c::bx_list_c(bx_param_c *parent, const char *name, int maxsize)
: bx_param_c(SIM->gen_param_id(), name, "")
set_type (BXT_LIST);
this->size = 0;
this->maxsize = maxsize;
this->list = new bx_param_c* [maxsize];
this->parent = NULL;
if (parent) {
BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
this->parent = (bx_list_c *)parent;
bx_list_c::bx_list_c(bx_param_c *parent, const char *name, const char *title,
int maxsize)
: bx_param_c(SIM->gen_param_id(), name, "")
set_type (BXT_LIST);
this->size = 0;
this->maxsize = maxsize;
this->list = new bx_param_c* [maxsize];
this->parent = NULL;
if (parent) {
BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
this->parent = (bx_list_c *)parent;
bx_list_c::bx_list_c(bx_param_c *parent, const char *name, const char *title, bx_param_c **init_list)
: bx_param_c(SIM->gen_param_id(), name, "")
this->size = 0;
while (init_list[this->size] != NULL)
this->maxsize = this->size;
this->list = new bx_param_c* [maxsize];
for (int i=0; i<this->size; i++)
this->list[i] = init_list[i];
this->parent = NULL;
if (parent) {
BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
this->parent = (bx_list_c *)parent;
if (list != NULL) {
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
delete list[i];
delete [] list;
if (title != NULL) delete title;
if (choice != NULL) delete choice;
void bx_list_c::init(const char *list_title)
// the title defaults to the name
this->title = new bx_param_string_c(NULL,
"", "",
get_name(), 80);
if ((list_title != NULL) && (strlen(list_title) > 0)) {
this->title->set((char *)list_title);
this->options = 0;
this->choice = new bx_param_num_c(NULL,
"list_choice", "", "", 0, BX_MAX_BIT64S, 1);
void bx_list_c::set_parent(bx_param_c *newparent)
if (parent) {
// if this object already had a parent, the correct thing
// to do would be to remove this object from the parent's
// list of children. Deleting children is currently
// not supported.
BX_PANIC(("bx_list_c::set_parent: changing from one parent to another is not supported"));
if (newparent) {
BX_ASSERT(newparent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
parent = (bx_list_c *)newparent;
bx_list_c* bx_list_c::clone()
bx_list_c *newlist = new bx_list_c(NULL, name, title->getptr(), maxsize);
for (int i=0; i<get_size(); i++)
return newlist;
void bx_list_c::add(bx_param_c *param)
if (size >= maxsize) {
BX_PANIC(("add param '%s' to bx_list_c '%s': list capacity exceeded",
param->get_name(), get_name()));
list[size] = param;
bx_param_c* bx_list_c::get(int index)
BX_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < size);
return list[index];
bx_param_c* bx_list_c::get_by_name(const char *name)
int imax = get_size();
for (int i=0; i<imax; i++) {
bx_param_c *p = get(i);
if (!stricmp(name, p->get_name())) {
return p;
return NULL;
void bx_list_c::reset()
int imax = get_size();
for (int i=0; i<imax; i++) {
void bx_list_c::clear()
int imax = get_size();
for (int i=0; i<imax; i++) {
bx_param_c *param = get(i);
if (param->get_parent() == this) {
delete param;
size = 0;
void bx_list_c::remove(const char *name)
int imax = get_size();
int found = 0;
for (int i=0; i<imax; i++) {
bx_param_c *p = get(i);
if (!found && !stricmp(name, p->get_name())) {
if (p->get_parent() == this) {
delete p;
found = 1;
if (found) {
list[i] = list[i+1];
if (found) {