It has been compiled and tested on Linux, with MinGW/MSYS and MSVC nmake. TODO: Check whether or not the config interface choice "win32config" can be a plugin, too. Possibly add a new plugin type for config interfaces.
1557 lines
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1557 lines
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// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2002-2021 The Bochs Project
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// See siminterface.h for description of the siminterface concept.
// Basically, the siminterface is visible from both the simulator and
// the configuration user interface, and allows them to talk to each other.
#include "param_names.h"
#include "iodev.h"
#include "bx_debug/debug.h"
#include "virt_timer.h"
bx_simulator_interface_c *SIM = NULL;
logfunctions *siminterface_log = NULL;
bx_list_c *root_param = NULL;
#define LOG_THIS siminterface_log->
// bx_simulator_interface just defines the interface that the Bochs simulator
// and the gui will use to talk to each other. None of the methods of
// bx_simulator_interface are implemented; they are all virtual. The
// bx_real_sim_c class is a child of bx_simulator_interface_c, and it
// implements all the methods. The idea is that a gui needs to know only
// definition of bx_simulator_interface to talk to Bochs. The gui should
// not need to include bochs.h.
// I made this separation to ensure that all guis use the siminterface to do
// access bochs internals, instead of accessing things like
// bx_keyboard.s.internal_buffer[4] (or whatever) directly. -Bryce
static int rt_conf_id = 0;
typedef struct _rt_conf_entry_t {
int id;
void *device;
rt_conf_handler_t handler;
struct _rt_conf_entry_t *next;
} rt_conf_entry_t;
typedef struct _addon_option_t {
const char *name;
addon_option_parser_t parser;
addon_option_save_t savefn;
struct _addon_option_t *next;
} addon_option_t;
class bx_real_sim_c : public bx_simulator_interface_c {
bxevent_handler bxevent_callback;
void *bxevent_callback_data;
const char *registered_ci_name;
config_interface_callback_t ci_callback;
void *ci_callback_data;
rt_conf_entry_t *rt_conf_entries;
addon_option_t *addon_options;
bool init_done;
bool enabled;
// save context to jump to if we must quit unexpectedly
jmp_buf *quit_context;
int exit_code;
unsigned param_id;
bool bx_debug_gui;
bool bx_log_viewer;
bool wxsel;
virtual ~bx_real_sim_c() {}
virtual void set_quit_context(jmp_buf *context) { quit_context = context; }
virtual bool get_init_done() { return init_done; }
virtual int set_init_done(bool n);
virtual void reset_all_param();
// new param methods
virtual bx_param_c *get_param(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base=NULL);
virtual bx_param_num_c *get_param_num(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base=NULL);
virtual bx_param_string_c *get_param_string(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base=NULL);
virtual bx_param_bool_c *get_param_bool(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base=NULL);
virtual bx_param_enum_c *get_param_enum(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base=NULL);
virtual Bit32u gen_param_id() { return param_id++; }
virtual int get_n_log_modules();
virtual const char *get_logfn_name(int mod);
virtual int get_logfn_id(const char *name);
virtual const char *get_prefix(int mod);
virtual int get_log_action(int mod, int level);
virtual void set_log_action(int mod, int level, int action);
virtual const char *get_action_name(int action);
virtual int is_action_name(const char *val);
virtual int get_default_log_action(int level) {
return logfunctions::get_default_action(level);
virtual void set_default_log_action(int level, int action) {
logfunctions::set_default_action(level, action);
virtual const char *get_log_level_name(int level);
virtual int get_max_log_level() { return N_LOGLEV; }
virtual void quit_sim(int code);
virtual int get_exit_code() { return exit_code; }
virtual int get_default_rc(char *path, int len);
virtual int read_rc(const char *path);
virtual int write_rc(const char *path, int overwrite);
virtual int get_log_file(char *path, int len);
virtual int set_log_file(const char *path);
virtual int get_log_prefix(char *prefix, int len);
virtual int set_log_prefix(const char *prefix);
virtual int get_debugger_log_file(char *path, int len);
virtual int set_debugger_log_file(const char *path);
virtual void set_notify_callback(bxevent_handler func, void *arg);
virtual void get_notify_callback(bxevent_handler *func, void **arg);
virtual BxEvent* sim_to_ci_event(BxEvent *event);
virtual int log_dlg(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg, int mode);
virtual void log_msg(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg);
virtual void set_log_viewer(bool val) { bx_log_viewer = val; }
virtual bool has_log_viewer() const { return bx_log_viewer; }
virtual int ask_param(bx_param_c *param);
virtual int ask_param(const char *pname);
// ask the user for a pathname
virtual int ask_filename(const char *filename, int maxlen, const char *prompt, const char *the_default, int flags);
// yes/no dialog
virtual int ask_yes_no(const char *title, const char *prompt, bool the_default);
// simple message box
virtual void message_box(const char *title, const char *message);
// called at a regular interval, currently by the keyboard handler.
virtual void periodic();
virtual int create_disk_image(const char *filename, int sectors, bool overwrite);
virtual void refresh_ci();
virtual void refresh_vga() {
if (init_done) {
virtual void handle_events() {
// maybe need to check if something has been initialized yet?
// find first hard drive or cdrom
bx_param_c *get_first_atadevice(Bit32u search_type);
bx_param_c *get_first_cdrom() {
return get_first_atadevice(BX_ATA_DEVICE_CDROM);
bx_param_c *get_first_hd() {
return get_first_atadevice(BX_ATA_DEVICE_DISK);
virtual bool is_pci_device(const char *name);
virtual bool is_agp_device(const char *name);
virtual void debug_break();
virtual void debug_interpret_cmd(char *cmd);
virtual char *debug_get_next_command();
virtual void debug_puts(const char *cmd);
virtual void register_configuration_interface (
const char* name,
config_interface_callback_t callback,
void *userdata);
virtual int configuration_interface(const char* name, ci_command_t command);
virtual int begin_simulation(int argc, char *argv[]);
virtual int register_runtime_config_handler(void *dev, rt_conf_handler_t handler);
virtual void unregister_runtime_config_handler(int id);
virtual void update_runtime_options();
virtual void set_sim_thread_func(is_sim_thread_func_t func) {}
virtual bool is_sim_thread();
virtual void set_debug_gui(bool val) { bx_debug_gui = val; }
virtual bool has_debug_gui() const { return bx_debug_gui; }
virtual bool is_wx_selected() const { return wxsel; }
// provide interface to bx_gui->set_display_mode() method for config
// interfaces to use.
virtual void set_display_mode(disp_mode_t newmode) {
if (bx_gui != NULL)
virtual bool test_for_text_console();
// add-on config option support
virtual bool register_addon_option(const char *keyword, addon_option_parser_t parser, addon_option_save_t save_func);
virtual bool unregister_addon_option(const char *keyword);
virtual bool is_addon_option(const char *keyword);
virtual Bit32s parse_addon_option(const char *context, int num_params, char *params []);
virtual Bit32s save_addon_options(FILE *fp);
// statistics
virtual void init_statistics();
virtual void cleanup_statistics();
virtual bx_list_c *get_statistics_root() {
return (bx_list_c*)get_param("statistics", NULL);
// save/restore support
virtual void init_save_restore();
virtual void cleanup_save_restore();
virtual bool save_state(const char *checkpoint_path);
virtual bool restore_config();
virtual bool restore_logopts();
virtual bool restore_hardware();
virtual bx_list_c *get_bochs_root() {
return (bx_list_c*)get_param("bochs", NULL);
virtual bool restore_bochs_param(bx_list_c *root, const char *sr_path, const char *restore_name);
// special config parameter and options functions for plugins
virtual bool opt_plugin_ctrl(const char *plugname, bool load);
virtual void init_std_nic_options(const char *name, bx_list_c *menu);
virtual void init_usb_options(const char *usb_name, const char *pname, int maxports);
virtual int parse_param_from_list(const char *context, const char *param, bx_list_c *base);
virtual int parse_nic_params(const char *context, const char *param, bx_list_c *base);
virtual int parse_usb_port_params(const char *context, const char *param,
int maxports, bx_list_c *base);
virtual int split_option_list(const char *msg, const char *rawopt, char **argv, int max_argv);
virtual int write_param_list(FILE *fp, bx_list_c *base, const char *optname, bool multiline);
virtual int write_usb_options(FILE *fp, int maxports, bx_list_c *base);
virtual int bx_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
virtual char* bx_gets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream);
bool save_sr_param(FILE *fp, bx_param_c *node, const char *sr_path, int level);
// recursive function to find parameters from the path
static bx_param_c *find_param(const char *full_pname, const char *rest_of_pname, bx_param_c *base)
const char *from = rest_of_pname;
char component[BX_PATHNAME_LEN];
char *to = component;
// copy the first piece of pname into component, stopping at first separator
// or at the end of the string
while (*from != 0 && *from != '.') {
*to = *from;
*to = 0;
if (!component[0]) {
BX_PANIC(("find_param: found empty component in parameter name '%s'", full_pname));
// or does that mean that we're done?
if (base->get_type() != BXT_LIST) {
BX_PANIC(("find_param: base was not a list!"));
BX_DEBUG(("searching for component '%s' in list '%s'", component, base->get_name()));
// find the component in the list.
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c *)base;
bx_param_c *child = list->get_by_name(component);
// if child not found, there is nothing else that can be done. return NULL.
if (child == NULL) return NULL;
if (from[0] == 0) {
// that was the end of the path, we're done
return child;
// continue parsing the path
BX_ASSERT(from[0] == '.');
from++; // skip over the separator
return find_param(full_pname, from, child);
bx_param_c *bx_real_sim_c::get_param(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base)
if (base == NULL)
base = root_param;
// to access top level object, look for parameter "."
if (pname[0] == '.' && pname[1] == 0)
return base;
return find_param(pname, pname, base);
bx_param_num_c *bx_real_sim_c::get_param_num(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base)
bx_param_c *gen = get_param(pname, base);
if (gen==NULL) {
BX_ERROR(("get_param_num(%s) could not find a parameter", pname));
return NULL;
int type = gen->get_type();
if (type == BXT_PARAM_NUM || type == BXT_PARAM_BOOL || type == BXT_PARAM_ENUM)
return (bx_param_num_c *)gen;
BX_ERROR(("get_param_num(%s) could not find a number parameter with that name", pname));
return NULL;
bx_param_string_c *bx_real_sim_c::get_param_string(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base)
bx_param_c *gen = get_param(pname, base);
if (gen==NULL) {
BX_ERROR(("get_param_string(%s) could not find a parameter", pname));
return NULL;
if (gen->get_type() == BXT_PARAM_STRING || gen->get_type() == BXT_PARAM_BYTESTRING)
return (bx_param_string_c *)gen;
BX_ERROR(("get_param_string(%s) could not find a string parameter with that name", pname));
return NULL;
bx_param_bool_c *bx_real_sim_c::get_param_bool(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base)
bx_param_c *gen = get_param(pname, base);
if (gen==NULL) {
BX_ERROR(("get_param_bool(%s) could not find a parameter", pname));
return NULL;
if (gen->get_type () == BXT_PARAM_BOOL)
return (bx_param_bool_c *)gen;
BX_ERROR(("get_param_bool(%s) could not find a bool parameter with that name", pname));
return NULL;
bx_param_enum_c *bx_real_sim_c::get_param_enum(const char *pname, bx_param_c *base)
bx_param_c *gen = get_param(pname, base);
if (gen==NULL) {
BX_ERROR(("get_param_enum(%s) could not find a parameter", pname));
return NULL;
if (gen->get_type() == BXT_PARAM_ENUM)
return (bx_param_enum_c *)gen;
BX_ERROR(("get_param_enum(%s) could not find a enum parameter with that name", pname));
return NULL;
void bx_init_siminterface()
if (SIM == NULL) {
siminterface_log = new logfunctions();
siminterface_log->put("siminterface", "SIM");
SIM = new bx_real_sim_c();
if (root_param == NULL) {
root_param = new bx_list_c(NULL,
"list of top level bochs parameters"
bxevent_callback = NULL;
bxevent_callback_data = NULL;
ci_callback = NULL;
ci_callback_data = NULL;
is_sim_thread_func = NULL;
bx_debug_gui = 0;
bx_log_viewer = 0;
wxsel = 0;
enabled = 1;
init_done = 0;
quit_context = NULL;
exit_code = 0;
param_id = BXP_NEW_PARAM_ID;
rt_conf_entries = NULL;
addon_options = NULL;
int bx_real_sim_c::set_init_done(bool n)
if (n) {
if (bx_gui->has_gui_console()) {
if (strcmp(registered_ci_name, "textconfig") != 0) {
PLUG_load_plugin(textconfig, PLUGTYPE_CORE);
init_done = n;
return 0;
void bx_real_sim_c::reset_all_param()
int bx_real_sim_c::get_n_log_modules()
return io->get_n_logfns();
const char *bx_real_sim_c::get_logfn_name(int mod)
logfunc_t *logfn = io->get_logfn(mod);
return logfn->get_name();
int bx_real_sim_c::get_logfn_id(const char *name)
logfunc_t *logfn;
int id = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < io->get_n_logfns(); i++) {
logfn = io->get_logfn(i);
if (!stricmp(name, logfn->get_name())) {
id = i;
return id;
const char *bx_real_sim_c::get_prefix(int mod)
logfunc_t *logfn = io->get_logfn(mod);
return logfn->getprefix();
int bx_real_sim_c::get_log_action(int mod, int level)
logfunc_t *logfn = io->get_logfn(mod);
return logfn->getonoff(level);
void bx_real_sim_c::set_log_action(int mod, int level, int action)
// normal
if (mod >= 0) {
logfunc_t *logfn = io->get_logfn(mod);
logfn->setonoff(level, action);
// if called with mod<0 loop over all
int nmod = get_n_log_modules();
for (mod=0; mod<nmod; mod++)
set_log_action(mod, level, action);
const char *bx_real_sim_c::get_action_name(int action)
return io->getaction(action);
int bx_real_sim_c::is_action_name(const char *val)
return io->isaction(val);
const char *bx_real_sim_c::get_log_level_name(int level)
return io->getlevel(level);
void bx_real_sim_c::quit_sim(int code)
BX_INFO(("quit_sim called with exit code %d", code));
exit_code = code;
// use longjmp to quit cleanly, no matter where in the stack we are.
if (quit_context != NULL) {
longjmp(*quit_context, 1);
BX_PANIC(("in bx_real_sim_c::quit_sim, longjmp should never return"));
} else {
// use exit() to stop the application.
if (!code)
BX_PANIC(("Quit simulation command"));
int bx_real_sim_c::get_default_rc(char *path, int len)
char *rc = bx_find_bochsrc();
if (rc == NULL) return -1;
strncpy(path, rc, len);
path[len-1] = 0;
return 0;
int bx_real_sim_c::read_rc(const char *rc)
return bx_read_configuration(rc);
// return values:
// 0: written ok
// -1: failed
// -2: already exists, and overwrite was off
int bx_real_sim_c::write_rc(const char *rc, int overwrite)
return bx_write_configuration(rc, overwrite);
int bx_real_sim_c::get_log_file(char *path, int len)
strncpy(path, SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOG_FILENAME)->getptr(), len);
return 0;
int bx_real_sim_c::set_log_file(const char *path)
return 0;
int bx_real_sim_c::get_log_prefix(char *prefix, int len)
strncpy(prefix, SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOG_PREFIX)->getptr(), len);
return 0;
int bx_real_sim_c::set_log_prefix(const char *prefix)
return 0;
int bx_real_sim_c::get_debugger_log_file(char *path, int len)
strncpy(path, SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_DEBUGGER_LOG_FILENAME)->getptr(), len);
return 0;
int bx_real_sim_c::set_debugger_log_file(const char *path)
return 0;
const char *floppy_devtype_names[] = { "none", "5.25\" 360K", "5.25\" 1.2M", "3.5\" 720K", "3.5\" 1.44M", "3.5\" 2.88M", NULL };
const char *floppy_type_names[] = { "none", "1.2M", "1.44M", "2.88M", "720K", "360K", "160K", "180K", "320K", "auto", NULL };
int floppy_type_n_sectors[] = { -1, 80*2*15, 80*2*18, 80*2*36, 80*2*9, 40*2*9, 40*1*8, 40*1*9, 40*2*8, -1 };
const char *media_status_names[] = { "ejected", "inserted", NULL };
const char *bochs_bootdisk_names[] = { "none", "floppy", "disk","cdrom", "network", NULL };
void bx_real_sim_c::set_notify_callback(bxevent_handler func, void *arg)
bxevent_callback = func;
bxevent_callback_data = arg;
void bx_real_sim_c::get_notify_callback(bxevent_handler *func, void **arg)
*func = bxevent_callback;
*arg = bxevent_callback_data;
BxEvent *bx_real_sim_c::sim_to_ci_event(BxEvent *event)
if (bxevent_callback == NULL) {
BX_ERROR(("notify called, but no bxevent_callback function is registered"));
return NULL;
} else {
return (*bxevent_callback)(bxevent_callback_data, event);
int bx_real_sim_c::log_dlg(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg, int mode)
BxEvent be;
be.type = BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_DLG;
be.u.logmsg.prefix = prefix;
be.u.logmsg.level = level;
be.u.logmsg.msg = msg;
be.u.logmsg.mode = mode;
// default return value in case something goes wrong.
be.retcode = BX_LOG_NOTIFY_FAILED;
// calling notify
return be.retcode;
void bx_real_sim_c::log_msg(const char *prefix, int level, const char *msg)
if (SIM->has_log_viewer()) {
// send message to the log viewer
char *logmsg = new char[strlen(prefix) + strlen(msg) + 4];
sprintf(logmsg, "%s %s\n", prefix, msg);
BxEvent *event = new BxEvent();
event->type = BX_ASYNC_EVT_LOG_MSG;
event->u.logmsg.prefix = NULL;
event->u.logmsg.level = level;
event->u.logmsg.msg = logmsg;
// Called by simulator whenever it needs the user to choose a new value
// for a registered parameter. Create a synchronous ASK_PARAM event,
// send it to the CI, and wait for the response. The CI will call the
// set() method on the parameter if the user changes the value.
int bx_real_sim_c::ask_param(bx_param_c *param)
BX_ASSERT(param != NULL);
// create appropriate event
BxEvent event;
event.type = BX_SYNC_EVT_ASK_PARAM;
event.u.param.param = param;
return event.retcode;
int bx_real_sim_c::ask_param(const char *pname)
bx_param_c *paramptr = SIM->get_param(pname);
BX_ASSERT(paramptr != NULL);
// create appropriate event
BxEvent event;
event.type = BX_SYNC_EVT_ASK_PARAM;
event.u.param.param = paramptr;
return event.retcode;
int bx_real_sim_c::ask_filename(const char *filename, int maxlen, const char *prompt, const char *the_default, int flags)
BxEvent event;
bx_param_filename_c param(NULL, "filename", prompt, "", the_default, maxlen);
param.set_options(param.get_options() | flags);
event.type = BX_SYNC_EVT_ASK_PARAM;
event.u.param.param = ¶m;
if (event.retcode >= 0)
memcpy((char *)filename, param.getptr(), maxlen);
return event.retcode;
int bx_real_sim_c::ask_yes_no(const char *title, const char *prompt, bool the_default)
BxEvent event;
char format[512];
bx_param_bool_c param(NULL, "yes_no", title, prompt, the_default);
sprintf(format, "%s\n\n%s [%%s] ", title, prompt);
event.type = BX_SYNC_EVT_ASK_PARAM;
event.u.param.param = ¶m;
if (event.retcode >= 0) {
return param.get();
} else {
return event.retcode;
void bx_real_sim_c::message_box(const char *title, const char *message)
BxEvent event;
event.type = BX_SYNC_EVT_MSG_BOX;
event.u.logmsg.prefix = title;
event.u.logmsg.msg = message;
void bx_real_sim_c::periodic()
// give the GUI a chance to do periodic things on the bochs thread. in
// particular, notice if the thread has been asked to die.
BxEvent tick;
tick.type = BX_SYNC_EVT_TICK;
sim_to_ci_event (&tick);
if (tick.retcode < 0) {
BX_INFO(("Bochs thread has been asked to quit."));
static int refresh_counter = 0;
if (++refresh_counter == 50) {
// only ask the CI to refresh every 50 times periodic() is called.
// This should obviously be configurable because system speeds and
// user preferences vary.
refresh_counter = 0;
// create a disk image file called filename, size=512 bytes * sectors.
// If overwrite is 0 and the file exists, returns -1 without changing it.
// Otherwise, opens up the image and starts writing. Returns -2 if
// the image could not be opened, or -3 if there are failures during
// write, e.g. disk full.
// wxWidgets: This may be called from the gui thread.
int bx_real_sim_c::create_disk_image(const char *filename, int sectors, bool overwrite)
FILE *fp;
if (!overwrite) {
// check for existence first
fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp) {
// yes it exists
return -1;
fp = fopen(filename, "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
char buffer[1024];
sprintf(buffer, "while opening '%s' for writing", filename);
// not sure how to get this back into the CI
return -2;
int sec = sectors;
* seek to sec*512-1 and write a single character.
* can't just do: fseek(fp, 512*sec-1, SEEK_SET)
* because 512*sec may be too large for signed int.
while (sec > 0)
/* temp <-- min(sec, 4194303)
* 4194303 is (int)(0x7FFFFFFF/512)
int temp = ((sec < 4194303) ? sec : 4194303);
fseek(fp, 512*temp, SEEK_CUR);
sec -= temp;
fseek(fp, -1, SEEK_CUR);
if (fputc('\0', fp) == EOF)
return -3;
return 0;
void bx_real_sim_c::refresh_ci()
if (SIM->has_debug_gui()) {
// It's an async event, so allocate a pointer and send it.
// The event will be freed by the recipient.
BxEvent *event = new BxEvent();
event->type = BX_ASYNC_EVT_REFRESH;
bx_param_c *bx_real_sim_c::get_first_atadevice(Bit32u search_type)
char pname[80];
for (int channel=0; channel<BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL; channel++) {
sprintf(pname, "ata.%d.resources.enabled", channel);
if (!SIM->get_param_bool(pname)->get())
for (int slave=0; slave<2; slave++) {
sprintf(pname, "ata.%d.%s.type", channel, (slave==0)?"master":"slave");
Bit32u type = SIM->get_param_enum(pname)->get();
if (type == search_type) {
sprintf(pname, "ata.%d.%s", channel, (slave==0)?"master":"slave");
return SIM->get_param(pname);
return NULL;
bool bx_real_sim_c::is_pci_device(const char *name)
unsigned i, max_pci_slots = BX_N_PCI_SLOTS;
char devname[80];
const char *device;
if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_PCI_ENABLED)->get()) {
if (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_PCI_CHIPSET)->get() == BX_PCI_CHIPSET_I440BX) {
max_pci_slots = 4;
for (i = 0; i < max_pci_slots; i++) {
sprintf(devname, "pci.slot.%d", i+1);
device = SIM->get_param_enum(devname)->get_selected();
if (!strcmp(name, device)) {
return 1;
return 0;
bool bx_real_sim_c::is_agp_device(const char *name)
if (get_param_bool(BXPN_PCI_ENABLED)->get() &&
(SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_PCI_CHIPSET)->get() == BX_PCI_CHIPSET_I440BX)) {
const char *device = SIM->get_param_enum("pci.slot.5")->get_selected();
if (!strcmp(name, device)) {
return 1;
return 0;
// this can be safely called from either thread.
void bx_real_sim_c::debug_break()
// this should only be called from the sim_thread.
void bx_real_sim_c::debug_interpret_cmd(char *cmd)
if (!is_sim_thread()) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: debug_interpret_cmd called but not from sim_thread\n");
char *bx_real_sim_c::debug_get_next_command()
BxEvent event;
BX_DEBUG(("asking for next debug command"));
sim_to_ci_event (&event);
BX_DEBUG(("received next debug command: '%s'", event.u.debugcmd.command));
if (event.retcode >= 0)
return event.u.debugcmd.command;
return NULL;
void bx_real_sim_c::debug_puts(const char *text)
if (SIM->has_debug_gui()) {
// send message to the gui debugger
BxEvent *event = new BxEvent();
event->type = BX_ASYNC_EVT_DBG_MSG;
event->u.logmsg.msg = text;
} else {
// text mode debugger: just write to console
fputs(text, stdout);
void bx_real_sim_c::register_configuration_interface(
const char* name,
config_interface_callback_t callback,
void *userdata)
ci_callback = callback;
ci_callback_data = userdata;
registered_ci_name = name;
int bx_real_sim_c::configuration_interface(const char *ignore, ci_command_t command)
if (!ci_callback) {
BX_PANIC(("no configuration interface was loaded"));
return -1;
if (!strcmp(registered_ci_name, "wx"))
wxsel = 1;
wxsel = 0;
bx_debug_gui = wxsel;
// enter configuration mode, just while running the configuration interface
int retval = (*ci_callback)(ci_callback_data, command);
return retval;
int bx_real_sim_c::begin_simulation(int argc, char *argv[])
return bx_begin_simulation(argc, argv);
int bx_real_sim_c::register_runtime_config_handler(void *dev, rt_conf_handler_t handler)
rt_conf_entry_t *rt_conf_entry = new rt_conf_entry_t;
rt_conf_entry->id = rt_conf_id;
rt_conf_entry->device = dev;
rt_conf_entry->handler = handler;
rt_conf_entry->next = NULL;
if (rt_conf_entries == NULL) {
rt_conf_entries = rt_conf_entry;
} else {
rt_conf_entry_t *temp = rt_conf_entries;
while (temp->next) {
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = rt_conf_entry;
return rt_conf_id++;
void bx_real_sim_c::unregister_runtime_config_handler(int id)
rt_conf_entry_t *prev = NULL, *curr = rt_conf_entries;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (curr->id == id) {
if (prev != NULL) {
prev->next = curr->next;
} else {
rt_conf_entries = curr->next;
delete curr;
} else {
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
void bx_real_sim_c::update_runtime_options()
rt_conf_entry_t *temp = rt_conf_entries;
while (temp != NULL) {
temp = temp->next;
bool bx_real_sim_c::is_sim_thread()
if (is_sim_thread_func == NULL) return 1;
return (*is_sim_thread_func)();
// check if the text console exists. On some platforms, if Bochs is
// started from the "Start Menu" or by double clicking on it on a Mac,
// there may be nothing attached to stdin/stdout/stderr. This function
// tests if stdin/stdout/stderr are usable and returns 0 if not.
bool bx_real_sim_c::test_for_text_console()
// In a Carbon application, you have a text console if you run the app from
// the command line, but if you start it from the finder you don't.
if(!isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) return 0;
// default: yes
return 1;
bool bx_real_sim_c::is_addon_option(const char *keyword)
addon_option_t *addon_option;
for (addon_option = addon_options; addon_option; addon_option = addon_option->next) {
if (!strcmp(addon_option->name, keyword)) return 1;
return 0;
bool bx_real_sim_c::register_addon_option(const char *keyword, addon_option_parser_t parser,
addon_option_save_t save_func)
addon_option_t *addon_option = new addon_option_t;
addon_option->name = keyword;
addon_option->parser = parser;
addon_option->savefn = save_func;
addon_option->next = NULL;
if (addon_options == NULL) {
addon_options = addon_option;
} else {
addon_option_t *temp = addon_options;
while (temp->next) {
if (!strcmp(temp->name, keyword)) {
delete addon_option;
return 0;
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = addon_option;
return 1;
bool bx_real_sim_c::unregister_addon_option(const char *keyword)
addon_option_t *addon_option, *prev = NULL;
for (addon_option = addon_options; addon_option; addon_option = addon_option->next) {
if (!strcmp(addon_option->name, keyword)) {
if (prev == NULL) {
addon_options = addon_option->next;
} else {
prev->next = addon_option->next;
delete addon_option;
return 1;
} else {
prev = addon_option;
return 0;
Bit32s bx_real_sim_c::parse_addon_option(const char *context, int num_params, char *params [])
for (addon_option_t *addon_option = addon_options; addon_option; addon_option = addon_option->next) {
if ((!strcmp(addon_option->name, params[0])) &&
(addon_option->parser != NULL)) {
return (*addon_option->parser)(context, num_params, params);
return -1;
Bit32s bx_real_sim_c::save_addon_options(FILE *fp)
for (addon_option_t *addon_option = addon_options; addon_option; addon_option = addon_option->next) {
if (addon_option->savefn != NULL) {
return 0;
void bx_real_sim_c::init_statistics()
if (get_statistics_root() == NULL) {
new bx_list_c(root_param, "statistics", "statistics");
void bx_real_sim_c::cleanup_statistics()
bx_list_c *list;
if ((list = get_statistics_root()) != NULL) {
void bx_real_sim_c::init_save_restore()
if (get_bochs_root() == NULL) {
new bx_list_c(root_param, "bochs", "subtree for save/restore");
void bx_real_sim_c::cleanup_save_restore()
bx_list_c *list = get_bochs_root();
if (list != NULL) {
bool bx_real_sim_c::save_state(const char *checkpoint_path)
char sr_file[BX_PATHNAME_LEN];
char devname[20];
int dev, ndev = SIM->get_n_log_modules();
int type, ntype = SIM->get_max_log_level();
sprintf(sr_file, "%s/config", checkpoint_path);
if (write_rc(sr_file, 1) < 0)
return 0;
sprintf(sr_file, "%s/logopts", checkpoint_path);
FILE *fp = fopen(sr_file, "w");
if (fp != NULL) {
for (dev=0; dev<ndev; dev++) {
strcpy(devname, get_logfn_name(dev));
if ((strlen(devname) > 0) && (strcmp(devname, "?"))) {
fprintf(fp, "%s: ", devname);
for (type=0; type<ntype; type++) {
if (type > 0) fprintf(fp, ", ");
fprintf(fp, "%s=%s", get_log_level_name(type), get_action_name(get_log_action(dev, type)));
fprintf(fp, "\n");
} else {
return 0;
bx_list_c *sr_list = get_bochs_root();
ndev = sr_list->get_size();
for (dev=0; dev<ndev; dev++) {
sprintf(sr_file, "%s/%s", checkpoint_path, sr_list->get(dev)->get_name());
fp = fopen(sr_file, "w");
if (fp != NULL) {
save_sr_param(fp, sr_list->get(dev), checkpoint_path, 0);
} else {
return 0;
return 1;
bool bx_real_sim_c::restore_config()
char config[BX_PATHNAME_LEN];
sprintf(config, "%s/config", get_param_string(BXPN_RESTORE_PATH)->getptr());
BX_INFO(("restoring '%s'", config));
return (read_rc(config) >= 0);
bool bx_real_sim_c::restore_logopts()
char logopts[BX_PATHNAME_LEN];
char line[512], string[512], devname[20];
char *ret, *ptr;
int i, j, p, dev = 0, type = 0, action = 0;
FILE *fp;
sprintf(logopts, "%s/logopts", get_param_string(BXPN_RESTORE_PATH)->getptr());
BX_INFO(("restoring '%s'", logopts));
fp = fopen(logopts, "r");
if (fp != NULL) {
do {
ret = fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, fp);
line[sizeof(line) - 1] = '\0';
int len = strlen(line);
if ((len>0) && (line[len-1] < ' '))
line[len-1] = '\0';
i = 0;
if ((ret != NULL) && strlen(line)) {
ptr = strtok(line, ":");
while (ptr) {
p = 0;
while (isspace(ptr[p])) p++;
strcpy(string, ptr+p);
while (isspace(string[strlen(string)-1])) string[strlen(string)-1] = 0;
if (i == 0) {
strcpy(devname, string);
dev = get_logfn_id(devname);
} else if (dev >= 0) {
j = 6;
if (!strncmp(string, "DEBUG=", 6)) {
} else if (!strncmp(string, "INFO=", 5)) {
j = 5;
} else if (!strncmp(string, "ERROR=", 6)) {
} else if (!strncmp(string, "PANIC=", 6)) {
action = is_action_name(string+j);
if (action >= ACT_IGNORE) {
set_log_action(dev, type, action);
} else {
if (i == 1) {
BX_ERROR(("restore_logopts(): log module '%s' not found", devname));
ptr = strtok(NULL, ",");
} while (!feof(fp));
} else {
return 0;
return 1;
static int bx_restore_getline(FILE *fp, char *line, int maxlen)
char *ret = fgets(line, maxlen - 1, fp);
line[maxlen - 1] = '\0';
int len = strlen(line);
if ((len > 0) && (line[len - 1] < ' '))
line[len - 1] = '\0';
return (ret != NULL) ? len : 0;
bool bx_real_sim_c::restore_bochs_param(bx_list_c *root, const char *sr_path, const char *restore_name)
char devstate[BX_PATHNAME_LEN], devdata[BX_PATHNAME_LEN];
char line[512], buf[512];
char pname[81]; // take extra 81st character for /0
char *ptr;
int i;
unsigned n;
bx_param_c *param = NULL;
FILE *fp, *fp2;
if (root->get_by_name(restore_name) == NULL) {
BX_ERROR(("restore_bochs_param(): unknown parameter to restore"));
return 0;
sprintf(devstate, "%s/%s", sr_path, restore_name);
BX_INFO(("restoring '%s'", devstate));
bx_list_c *base = root;
fp = fopen(devstate, "r");
if (fp != NULL) {
do {
int len = bx_restore_getline(fp, line, BX_PATHNAME_LEN);
i = 0;
if (len > 0) {
ptr = strtok(line, " ");
while (ptr) {
if (i == 0) {
if (!strcmp(ptr, "}")) {
base = (bx_list_c*)base->get_parent();
} else {
param = get_param(ptr, base);
strncpy(pname, ptr, 80);
} else if (i == 2) {
if (param == NULL) {
BX_PANIC(("cannot find param '%s'!", pname));
else {
if (param->get_type() != BXT_LIST) {
param->get_param_path(pname, 80);
BX_DEBUG(("restoring parameter '%s'", pname));
switch (param->get_type()) {
bx_shadow_data_c *dparam = (bx_shadow_data_c*)param;
if (!dparam->is_text_format()) {
sprintf(devdata, "%s/%s", sr_path, ptr);
fp2 = fopen(devdata, "rb");
if (fp2 != NULL) {
fread(dparam->getptr(), 1, dparam->get_size(), fp2);
} else if (!strcmp(ptr, "[")) {
i = 0;
do {
bx_restore_getline(fp, buf, BX_PATHNAME_LEN);
ptr = strtok(buf, " ");
while (ptr) {
if (!strcmp(ptr, "]")) {
i = 0;
} else {
if (sscanf(ptr, "0x%02x", &n) == 1) {
dparam->set(i++, (Bit8u)n);
ptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
} while (i > 0);
sprintf(devdata, "%s/%s", sr_path, ptr);
fp2 = fopen(devdata, "rb");
if (fp2 != NULL) {
FILE **fpp = ((bx_shadow_filedata_c*)param)->get_fpp();
// If the temporary backing store file wasn't created, do it now.
if (*fpp == NULL)
*fpp = tmpfile();
if (*fpp != NULL) {
while (!feof(fp2)) {
char buffer[64];
size_t chars = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp2);
fwrite(buffer, 1, chars, *fpp);
case BXT_LIST:
base = (bx_list_c*)param;
BX_ERROR(("restore_bochs_param(): unknown parameter type"));
ptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
} while (!feof(fp));
} else {
BX_ERROR(("restore_bochs_param(): error in file open"));
return 0;
return 1;
bool bx_real_sim_c::restore_hardware()
bx_list_c *sr_list = get_bochs_root();
int ndev = sr_list->get_size();
for (int dev=0; dev<ndev; dev++) {
if (!restore_bochs_param(sr_list, get_param_string(BXPN_RESTORE_PATH)->getptr(), sr_list->get(dev)->get_name()))
return 0;
return 1;
bool bx_real_sim_c::save_sr_param(FILE *fp, bx_param_c *node, const char *sr_path, int level)
int i, j;
char pname[BX_PATHNAME_LEN], tmpstr[BX_PATHNAME_LEN+1];
FILE *fp2;
for (i=0; i<level; i++)
fprintf(fp, " ");
if (node == NULL) {
BX_ERROR(("NULL pointer"));
return 0;
fprintf(fp, "%s = ", node->get_name());
switch (node->get_type()) {
fprintf(fp, "\n");
bx_shadow_data_c *dparam = (bx_shadow_data_c*)node;
if (!dparam->is_text_format()) {
node->get_param_path(pname, BX_PATHNAME_LEN);
if (!strncmp(pname, "bochs.", 6)) {
strcpy(pname, pname+6);
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", pname);
if (sr_path)
sprintf(tmpstr, "%s/%s", sr_path, pname);
strcpy(tmpstr, pname);
fp2 = fopen(tmpstr, "wb");
if (fp2 != NULL) {
fwrite(dparam->getptr(), 1, dparam->get_size(), fp2);
} else {
fprintf(fp, "[\n");
for (i=0; i < (int)dparam->get_size(); i++) {
if ((i % 16) == 0) {
for (j=0; j<(level+1); j++)
fprintf(fp, " ");
} else {
fprintf(fp, ", ");
fprintf(fp, "0x%02x", dparam->get(i));
if (i == (int)(dparam->get_size() - 1)) {
fprintf(fp, "\n");
} else if ((i % 16) == 15) {
fprintf(fp, ",\n");
for (i=0; i<level; i++)
fprintf(fp, " ");
fprintf(fp, "]\n");
fprintf(fp, "%s.%s\n", node->get_parent()->get_name(), node->get_name());
if (sr_path)
sprintf(tmpstr, "%s/%s.%s", sr_path, node->get_parent()->get_name(), node->get_name());
sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.%s", node->get_parent()->get_name(), node->get_name());
fp2 = fopen(tmpstr, "wb");
if (fp2 != NULL) {
FILE **fpp = ((bx_shadow_filedata_c*)node)->get_fpp();
// If the backing store hasn't been created, just save an empty 0 byte placeholder file.
if (*fpp != NULL) {
while (!feof(*fpp)) {
char buffer[64];
size_t chars = fread (buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), *fpp);
fwrite(buffer, 1, chars, fp2);
case BXT_LIST:
fprintf(fp, "{\n");
bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*)node;
for (i=0; i < list->get_size(); i++) {
save_sr_param(fp, list->get(i), sr_path, level+1);
for (i=0; i<level; i++)
fprintf(fp, " ");
fprintf(fp, "}\n");
BX_ERROR(("save_sr_param(): unknown parameter type"));
return 0;
return 1;
bool bx_real_sim_c::opt_plugin_ctrl(const char *plugname, bool load)
bx_list_c *plugin_ctrl = (bx_list_c*)SIM->get_param(BXPN_PLUGIN_CTRL);
if (!strcmp(plugname, "*")) {
// verify optional plugin configuration and load/unload plugins if necessary
int i = 0;
while (i < plugin_ctrl->get_size()) {
bx_param_bool_c *plugin = (bx_param_bool_c*)plugin_ctrl->get(i);
if (load == (bool)plugin->get()) {
opt_plugin_ctrl(plugin->get_name(), load);
return 1;
if (plugin_ctrl->get_by_name(plugname) == NULL) {
BX_PANIC(("Plugin '%s' not found", plugname));
return 0;
if (load != PLUG_device_present(plugname)) {
if (load) {
if (PLUG_load_opt_plugin(plugname)) {
SIM->get_param_bool(plugname, plugin_ctrl)->set(1);
return 1;
} else {
// plugin load code panics in this case
return 0;
} else {
if (PLUG_unload_opt_plugin(plugname)) {
SIM->get_param_bool(plugname, plugin_ctrl)->set(0);
return 1;
} else {
// plugin load code panics in this case
return 0;
return 0;
void bx_real_sim_c::init_std_nic_options(const char *name, bx_list_c *menu)
bx_init_std_nic_options(name, menu);
void bx_real_sim_c::init_usb_options(const char *usb_name, const char *pname, int maxports)
bx_init_usb_options(usb_name, pname, maxports);
int bx_real_sim_c::parse_param_from_list(const char *context, const char *param, bx_list_c *base)
return bx_parse_param_from_list(context, param, base);
int bx_real_sim_c::parse_nic_params(const char *context, const char *param, bx_list_c *base)
return bx_parse_nic_params(context, param, base);
int bx_real_sim_c::parse_usb_port_params(const char *context, const char *param,
int maxports, bx_list_c *base)
return bx_parse_usb_port_params(context, param, maxports, base);
int bx_real_sim_c::split_option_list(const char *msg, const char *rawopt,
char **argv, int max_argv)
return bx_split_option_list(msg, rawopt, argv, max_argv);
int bx_real_sim_c::write_param_list(FILE *fp, bx_list_c *base, const char *optname, bool multiline)
return bx_write_param_list(fp, base, optname, multiline);
int bx_real_sim_c::write_usb_options(FILE *fp, int maxports, bx_list_c *base)
return bx_write_usb_options(fp, maxports, base);
int bx_real_sim_c::bx_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
char buf[1025];
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, 1024, fmt, ap);
if (get_init_done()) {
if (bx_gui->has_gui_console()) {
return bx_gui->bx_printf(buf);
return printf("%s", buf);
char* bx_real_sim_c::bx_gets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream)
if (get_init_done()) {
if (bx_gui->has_gui_console()) {
return bx_gui->bx_gets(s, size);
return fgets(s, size, stream);