Volker Ruppert 79e1dfafcc Added support for using jade directly if docbook2html is not installed (based
on Debian patch). Removed outdated jade specific Makefile.
2020-01-27 18:22:12 +00:00

116 lines
4.2 KiB

<!-- This file defines the DocBook-utils Style Sheet for DocBook
Eric Bischoff <>
<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY % html "IGNORE">
<![%html; [
<!ENTITY % print "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML Stylesheet//EN" CDATA dsssl>
<!ENTITY % print "INCLUDE">
<![%print; [
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print Stylesheet//EN" CDATA dsssl>
;; ===================================================================
;; Generic Parameters
;; (Generic currently means: both print and html)
(define %chapter-autolabel% #t)
(define %section-autolabel% #t)
(define (toc-depth nd) 3)
;; ===================================================================
;; Print Parameters
;; Call: jade -d docbook-utils.dsl#print
; === Page layout ===
;; (define %paper-type% "A4") ;; use A4 paper - comment this out if needed
; === Media objects ===
(define preferred-mediaobject-extensions ;; this magic allows to use different graphical
(list "eps")) ;; formats for printing and putting online
(define acceptable-mediaobject-extensions
(define preferred-mediaobject-notations
(list "EPS"))
(define acceptable-mediaobject-notations
(list "linespecific"))
; === Rendering ===
(define %head-after-factor% 0.2) ;; not much whitespace after orderedlist head
(define ($paragraph$) ;; more whitespace after paragraph than before
(make paragraph
first-line-start-indent: (if (is-first-para)
space-before: (* %para-sep% 4)
space-after: (/ %para-sep% 4)
quadding: %default-quadding%
hyphenate?: %hyphenation%
language: (dsssl-language-code)
;; ===================================================================
;; HTML Parameters
;; Call: jade -d docbook-utils.dsl#html
; === File names ===
(define %root-filename% "index") ;; name for the root html file
(define %html-ext% ".html") ;; default extension for html output files
(define %html-prefix% "") ;; prefix for all filenames generated (except root)
(define %use-id-as-filename% #t) ;; if #t uses ID value, if present, as filename
;; otherwise a code is used to indicate level
;; of chunk, and general element number
;; (nth element in the document)
(define use-output-dir #f) ;; output in separate directory?
(define %output-dir% "HTML") ;; if output in directory, it's called HTML
; === HTML settings ===
(define %html-pubid% "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN") ;; Nearly true :-(
(define %html40% #t)
; === Media objects ===
(define preferred-mediaobject-extensions ;; this magic allows to use different graphical
(list "png" "jpg" "jpeg")) ;; formats for printing and putting online
(define acceptable-mediaobject-extensions
(list "bmp" "gif" "eps" "epsf" "avi" "mpg" "mpeg" "qt"))
(define preferred-mediaobject-notations
(list "PNG" "JPG" "JPEG"))
(define acceptable-mediaobject-notations
(list "EPS" "BMP" "GIF" "linespecific"))
; === Rendering ===
(define %admon-graphics% #f) ;; use symbols for Caution|Important|Note|Tip|Warning
; === Books only ===
(define %generate-book-titlepage% #t)
(define %generate-book-toc% #t)
(define ($generate-chapter-toc$) #f) ;; never generate a chapter TOC in books
; === Articles only ===
(define %generate-article-titlepage% #t)
(define %generate-article-toc% #t) ;; make TOC