What is the date? [5/29/2001] What is your name? [Bryce Denney] What is your email address? [bryce dot denney at bigfoot dot com] Do you mind if your name and email address are placed on a testing results web page so that people with a similar setup can write to you? [X] Ok, put it on a web page [ ] No, keep my address private. What type of hardware are you using, e.g. 500MHz Intel Celeron. [PowerPC G4 with 384meg RAM] What operating system are you using? Please be specific, e.g. Redhat Linux 6.2 with 2.2.16 kernel. [MacOS X, build 3K78] What version of bochs are you using? [ ] compiled from version 1.0 (3/25/2000 snapshot) [ ] compiled from version 1.1 (bugfix1) [ ] compiled from version 1.1.1 (bugfix2) [ ] compiled from version 1.1.2 (bugfix3) [X] compiled from version 1.2-pre1 [ ] I compiled it from the CVS sources from date: [__] [ ] other source distribution from URL: [__] [ ] binary distribution from URL: [__] Please fill in the next few questions only if you compiled Bochs yourself, as opposed to downloading a binary. Did the configure script run ok, and detect your hardware and operating system? [ ] Yes [ ] No, configure crashed. [X] No, configure ran ok but produced a bad configuration. [ ] No, I cannot run configure on my platform (win32 and mac). If you used configure, what arguments did you give it? If you used a .conf.* script, give the name of the .conf script instead. [ NOTE: This was done on a system that has no X windows libraries! ./configure (no args): it said it could not find X windows libraries, then it set itself up for X windows anyway. This failed of course. If I install X windows I'll try it again. ./configure --with-term: could not find mvaddch in any of the three libraries it searched (curses, ncurses, termlib). So I changed configure.in to search for waddch instead of mvwaddch, ran autoconf again, and it said that waddch is found in curses. However it still will not build because of a few missing functions: keypad(), set_curs(), and nodelay(). It's only complaining about "implicit declaration" of these; they may actually be in the library but not the header? ./configure --with-rfb: worked great! Not tested much though. ] What compiler did you use? (Please include version.) [Reading specs from /usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/ppc/2.95.2/specs Apple Computer, Inc. version gcc-926, based on gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release) ] Did Bochs compile clean without any hacking? [X] Yes, once I started using RFB mode. [ ] No If you had to make changes to compile, please summarize the problems you had or include diffs. [./configure --with-rfb works fine X will probably be ok if I ever install it. ] End of compile-specific questions! What guest operating system are you using inside bochs? [4meg linux image from web site] Are you booting from a floppy or hard disk? [ ] floppy image [ ] raw floppy drive [X] hard drive image [ ] raw hard drive (is this even possible?) [ ] other [__] Did the guest operating system boot successfully? [X] Yes [ ] No If no, what error messages do you see on the console or in the log file? [__] What applications worked under this guest operating system? [not time to run many, this machine is very slow] What applications failed under this guest operating system? Did the application function incorrectly, crash Bochs, or what? If you got a panic, paste in the panic message that you received with some description of what was happening at the time. [none yet] The remaining questions are about Bochs features that you may not have used. If you tried out the feature, move the X to the "works" or "fails" column. Not Works tested ok Fails Comments? floppy disk [X] [ ] [ ] [__] raw floppy disk [X] [ ] [ ] [__] hard disk [ ] [X] [ ] [__] floating point [X] [ ] [ ] [__] mouse [X] [ ] [ ] [__] cdrom [X] [ ] [ ] [__] sb16 [X] [ ] [ ] [__] ne2000 [X] [ ] [ ] [__] i440FX pci [X] [ ] [ ] [__] debugger [X] [ ] [ ] [__] external loader [X] [ ] [ ] [__] VGA [X] [ ] [ ] [__] Thank you for your contribution in the Bochs testing effort! Please mail completed forms to bochs-testing@tlw.com.