/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 1.875b. */ /* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison, Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction. This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in version 1.24 of Bison. */ /* Tokens. */ #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE # define YYTOKENTYPE /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers know about them. */ enum yytokentype { BX_TOKEN_REG_AL = 258, BX_TOKEN_REG_BL = 259, BX_TOKEN_REG_CL = 260, BX_TOKEN_REG_DL = 261, BX_TOKEN_REG_AH = 262, BX_TOKEN_REG_BH = 263, BX_TOKEN_REG_CH = 264, BX_TOKEN_REG_DH = 265, BX_TOKEN_REG_AX = 266, BX_TOKEN_REG_BX = 267, BX_TOKEN_REG_CX = 268, BX_TOKEN_REG_DX = 269, BX_TOKEN_REG_EAX = 270, BX_TOKEN_REG_EBX = 271, BX_TOKEN_REG_ECX = 272, BX_TOKEN_REG_EDX = 273, BX_TOKEN_REG_SI = 274, BX_TOKEN_REG_DI = 275, BX_TOKEN_REG_BP = 276, BX_TOKEN_REG_SP = 277, BX_TOKEN_REG_IP = 278, BX_TOKEN_REG_ESI = 279, BX_TOKEN_REG_EDI = 280, BX_TOKEN_REG_EBP = 281, BX_TOKEN_REG_ESP = 282, BX_TOKEN_REG_EIP = 283, BX_TOKEN_CS = 284, BX_TOKEN_ES = 285, BX_TOKEN_SS = 286, BX_TOKEN_DS = 287, BX_TOKEN_FS = 288, BX_TOKEN_GS = 289, BX_TOKEN_FLAGS = 290, BX_TOKEN_ON = 291, BX_TOKEN_OFF = 292, BX_TOKEN_CONTINUE = 293, BX_TOKEN_STEPN = 294, BX_TOKEN_STEP_OVER = 295, BX_TOKEN_NEXT_STEP = 296, BX_TOKEN_SET = 297, BX_TOKEN_DEBUGGER = 298, BX_TOKEN_LIST_BREAK = 299, BX_TOKEN_VBREAKPOINT = 300, BX_TOKEN_LBREAKPOINT = 301, BX_TOKEN_PBREAKPOINT = 302, BX_TOKEN_DEL_BREAKPOINT = 303, BX_TOKEN_ENABLE_BREAKPOINT = 304, BX_TOKEN_DISABLE_BREAKPOINT = 305, BX_TOKEN_INFO = 306, BX_TOKEN_QUIT = 307, BX_TOKEN_REGISTERS = 308, BX_TOKEN_CPU = 309, BX_TOKEN_FPU = 310, BX_TOKEN_SSE = 311, BX_TOKEN_ALL = 312, BX_TOKEN_IDT = 313, BX_TOKEN_IVT = 314, BX_TOKEN_GDT = 315, BX_TOKEN_LDT = 316, BX_TOKEN_TSS = 317, BX_TOKEN_TAB = 318, BX_TOKEN_DIRTY = 319, BX_TOKEN_LINUX = 320, BX_TOKEN_CONTROL_REGS = 321, BX_TOKEN_EXAMINE = 322, BX_TOKEN_XFORMAT = 323, BX_TOKEN_DISFORMAT = 324, BX_TOKEN_SETPMEM = 325, BX_TOKEN_SYMBOLNAME = 326, BX_TOKEN_QUERY = 327, BX_TOKEN_PENDING = 328, BX_TOKEN_TAKE = 329, BX_TOKEN_DMA = 330, BX_TOKEN_IRQ = 331, BX_TOKEN_DUMP_CPU = 332, BX_TOKEN_SET_CPU = 333, BX_TOKEN_DISASSEMBLE = 334, BX_TOKEN_INSTRUMENT = 335, BX_TOKEN_STRING = 336, BX_TOKEN_STOP = 337, BX_TOKEN_DOIT = 338, BX_TOKEN_CRC = 339, BX_TOKEN_TRACE = 340, BX_TOKEN_TRACEREG = 341, BX_TOKEN_SWITCH_MODE = 342, BX_TOKEN_SIZE = 343, BX_TOKEN_PTIME = 344, BX_TOKEN_TIMEBP_ABSOLUTE = 345, BX_TOKEN_TIMEBP = 346, BX_TOKEN_RECORD = 347, BX_TOKEN_PLAYBACK = 348, BX_TOKEN_MODEBP = 349, BX_TOKEN_PRINT_STACK = 350, BX_TOKEN_WATCH = 351, BX_TOKEN_UNWATCH = 352, BX_TOKEN_READ = 353, BX_TOKEN_WRITE = 354, BX_TOKEN_SHOW = 355, BX_TOKEN_LOAD_SYMBOLS = 356, BX_TOKEN_SYMBOLS = 357, BX_TOKEN_LIST_SYMBOLS = 358, BX_TOKEN_GLOBAL = 359, BX_TOKEN_WHERE = 360, BX_TOKEN_PRINT_STRING = 361, BX_TOKEN_NUMERIC = 362, BX_TOKEN_LONG_NUMERIC = 363, BX_TOKEN_NE2000 = 364, BX_TOKEN_PIC = 365, BX_TOKEN_PAGE = 366, BX_TOKEN_HELP = 367, BX_TOKEN_CALC = 368, BX_TOKEN_VGA = 369, BX_TOKEN_COMMAND = 370, BX_TOKEN_RSHIFT = 371, BX_TOKEN_LSHIFT = 372, NEG = 373, NOT = 374 }; #endif #define BX_TOKEN_REG_AL 258 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_BL 259 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_CL 260 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_DL 261 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_AH 262 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_BH 263 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_CH 264 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_DH 265 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_AX 266 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_BX 267 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_CX 268 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_DX 269 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_EAX 270 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_EBX 271 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_ECX 272 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_EDX 273 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_SI 274 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_DI 275 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_BP 276 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_SP 277 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_IP 278 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_ESI 279 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_EDI 280 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_EBP 281 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_ESP 282 #define BX_TOKEN_REG_EIP 283 #define BX_TOKEN_CS 284 #define BX_TOKEN_ES 285 #define BX_TOKEN_SS 286 #define BX_TOKEN_DS 287 #define BX_TOKEN_FS 288 #define BX_TOKEN_GS 289 #define BX_TOKEN_FLAGS 290 #define BX_TOKEN_ON 291 #define BX_TOKEN_OFF 292 #define BX_TOKEN_CONTINUE 293 #define BX_TOKEN_STEPN 294 #define BX_TOKEN_STEP_OVER 295 #define BX_TOKEN_NEXT_STEP 296 #define BX_TOKEN_SET 297 #define BX_TOKEN_DEBUGGER 298 #define BX_TOKEN_LIST_BREAK 299 #define BX_TOKEN_VBREAKPOINT 300 #define BX_TOKEN_LBREAKPOINT 301 #define BX_TOKEN_PBREAKPOINT 302 #define BX_TOKEN_DEL_BREAKPOINT 303 #define BX_TOKEN_ENABLE_BREAKPOINT 304 #define BX_TOKEN_DISABLE_BREAKPOINT 305 #define BX_TOKEN_INFO 306 #define BX_TOKEN_QUIT 307 #define BX_TOKEN_REGISTERS 308 #define BX_TOKEN_CPU 309 #define BX_TOKEN_FPU 310 #define BX_TOKEN_SSE 311 #define BX_TOKEN_ALL 312 #define BX_TOKEN_IDT 313 #define BX_TOKEN_IVT 314 #define BX_TOKEN_GDT 315 #define BX_TOKEN_LDT 316 #define BX_TOKEN_TSS 317 #define BX_TOKEN_TAB 318 #define BX_TOKEN_DIRTY 319 #define BX_TOKEN_LINUX 320 #define BX_TOKEN_CONTROL_REGS 321 #define BX_TOKEN_EXAMINE 322 #define BX_TOKEN_XFORMAT 323 #define BX_TOKEN_DISFORMAT 324 #define BX_TOKEN_SETPMEM 325 #define BX_TOKEN_SYMBOLNAME 326 #define BX_TOKEN_QUERY 327 #define BX_TOKEN_PENDING 328 #define BX_TOKEN_TAKE 329 #define BX_TOKEN_DMA 330 #define BX_TOKEN_IRQ 331 #define BX_TOKEN_DUMP_CPU 332 #define BX_TOKEN_SET_CPU 333 #define BX_TOKEN_DISASSEMBLE 334 #define BX_TOKEN_INSTRUMENT 335 #define BX_TOKEN_STRING 336 #define BX_TOKEN_STOP 337 #define BX_TOKEN_DOIT 338 #define BX_TOKEN_CRC 339 #define BX_TOKEN_TRACE 340 #define BX_TOKEN_TRACEREG 341 #define BX_TOKEN_SWITCH_MODE 342 #define BX_TOKEN_SIZE 343 #define BX_TOKEN_PTIME 344 #define BX_TOKEN_TIMEBP_ABSOLUTE 345 #define BX_TOKEN_TIMEBP 346 #define BX_TOKEN_RECORD 347 #define BX_TOKEN_PLAYBACK 348 #define BX_TOKEN_MODEBP 349 #define BX_TOKEN_PRINT_STACK 350 #define BX_TOKEN_WATCH 351 #define BX_TOKEN_UNWATCH 352 #define BX_TOKEN_READ 353 #define BX_TOKEN_WRITE 354 #define BX_TOKEN_SHOW 355 #define BX_TOKEN_LOAD_SYMBOLS 356 #define BX_TOKEN_SYMBOLS 357 #define BX_TOKEN_LIST_SYMBOLS 358 #define BX_TOKEN_GLOBAL 359 #define BX_TOKEN_WHERE 360 #define BX_TOKEN_PRINT_STRING 361 #define BX_TOKEN_NUMERIC 362 #define BX_TOKEN_LONG_NUMERIC 363 #define BX_TOKEN_NE2000 364 #define BX_TOKEN_PIC 365 #define BX_TOKEN_PAGE 366 #define BX_TOKEN_HELP 367 #define BX_TOKEN_CALC 368 #define BX_TOKEN_VGA 369 #define BX_TOKEN_COMMAND 370 #define BX_TOKEN_RSHIFT 371 #define BX_TOKEN_LSHIFT 372 #define NEG 373 #define NOT 374 #if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED) #line 19 "parser.y" typedef union YYSTYPE { char *sval; Bit32u uval; Bit64u ulval; bx_bool bval; bx_num_range uval_range; } YYSTYPE; /* Line 1252 of yacc.c. */ #line 283 "y.tab.h" # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif extern YYSTYPE bxlval;