///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id: rombios.c,v 1.18 2001-10-05 23:58:45 bdenney Exp $ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2001 MandrakeSoft S.A. // // MandrakeSoft S.A. // 43, rue d'Aboukir // 75002 Paris - France // http://www.linux-mandrake.com/ // http://www.mandrakesoft.com/ // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA /* includes a subset of config.h that can be compiled by bcc, and applies to this file */ #include "biosconfig.h" // ROM BIOS for use with Bochs x86 emulation environment // ROM BIOS compatability entry points: // =================================== // $e05b ; POST Entry Point // $e2c3 ; NMI Handler Entry Point // $e3fe ; INT 13h Fixed Disk Services Entry Point // $e401 ; Fixed Disk Parameter Table // $e6f2 ; INT 19h Boot Load Service Entry Point // $e6f5 ; Configuration Data Table // $e729 ; Baud Rate Generator Table // $e739 ; INT 14h Serial Communications Service Entry Point // $e82e ; INT 16h Keyboard Service Entry Point // $e987 ; INT 09h Keyboard Service Entry Point // $ec59 ; INT 13h Diskette Service Entry Point // $ef57 ; INT 0Eh Diskette Hardware ISR Entry Point // $efc7 ; Diskette Controller Parameter Table // $efd2 ; INT 17h Printer Service Entry Point // $f045 ; INT 10 Functions 0-Fh Entry Point // $f065 ; INT 10h Video Support Service Entry Point // $f0a4 ; MDA/CGA Video Parameter Table (INT 1Dh) // $f841 ; INT 12h Memory Size Service Entry Point // $f84d ; INT 11h Equipment List Service Entry Point // $f859 ; INT 15h System Services Entry Point // $fa6e ; Character Font for 320x200 & 640x200 Graphics (lower 128 characters) // $fe6e ; INT 1Ah Time-of-day Service Entry Point // $fea5 ; INT 08h System Timer ISR Entry Point // $fef3 ; Initial Interrupt Vector Offsets Loaded by POST // $ff53 ; IRET Instruction for Dummy Interrupt Handler // $ff54 ; INT 05h Print Screen Service Entry Point // $fff0 ; Power-up Entry Point // $fff5 ; ASCII Date ROM was built - 8 characters in MM/DD/YY // $fffe ; System Model ID // old NOTES: // int74 needs to be reworked. Uses direct [bp] offsets. // take out int13 printf()s, or conditionally compile them // int13: // f04 (verify sectors) isn't complete // f02/03/04 should set current cyl,etc in BDA // // int1a: // f03/f05 are not complete - just CLC for now // // int16_function: default case ? // NOTES: // 990104: // - NMI access (bit7 of addr written to 70h) // - timer ISR should deal with floppy counter and turn floppy motor off #define BX_CPU 3 #define BX_USE_PS2_MOUSE 1 #define BX_CALL_INT15_4F 1 #define BX_USE_EBDA 1 #define BX_SUPPORT_FLOPPY 1 /* model byte 0xFC = AT */ #define SYS_MODEL_ID 0xFC #define SYS_SUBMODEL_ID 0x00 #define BIOS_REVISION 1 #define BIOS_CONFIG_TABLE 0xe6f5 // 1K of base memory used for Extended Bios Data Area (EBDA) // EBDA is used for PS/2 mouse support, and IDE BIOS, etc. #define BASE_MEM_IN_K (640 - 1) #define EBDA_SEG 0x9FC0 #define PANIC_PORT 0x400 // #20 is dec 20 // #$20 is hex 20 = 32 // LDA #$20 // JSR $E820 // LDD .i,S // JSR $C682 // mov al, #$20 // all hex literals should be prefixed with '0x' // grep "#[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]" rombios.c // no mov SEG-REG, #value, must mov register into seg-reg // grep -i "mov[ ]*.s" rombios.c #asm .rom .org 0x0000 #if BX_CPU >= 3 use16 386 #else use16 286 #endif MACRO HALT ;; the HALT macro is called with the line number of the HALT call. ;; The line number is then sent to the PANIC_PORT, causing Bochs to ;; print a BX_PANIC message. This will normally halt the simulation ;; with a message such as "BIOS panic at rombios.c, line 4091". ;; However, users can choose to make panics non-fatal and continue. mov dx,#PANIC_PORT mov ax,#?1 out dx,ax MEND MACRO HALT2 ;; the HALT macro is called with the line number of the HALT call. ;; The line number is then sent to the PANIC_PORT, causing Bochs to ;; print a BX_PANIC message. This will normally halt the simulation ;; with a message such as "BIOS panic at rombios.c, line 4091". ;; However, users can choose to make panics non-fatal and continue. mov dx,#0x401 mov ax,#?1 out dx,ax MEND MACRO JMP_AP db 0xea dw ?2 dw ?1 MEND MACRO SET_INT_VECTOR mov ax, ?3 mov ?1*4, ax mov ax, ?2 mov ?1*4+2, ax MEND #endasm typedef unsigned char Bit8u; typedef unsigned short Bit16u; typedef unsigned short Boolean; // for access to RAM area which is used by interrupt vectors // and BIOS Data Area typedef struct { unsigned char filler1[0x400]; unsigned char filler2[0x6c]; Bit16u ticks_low; Bit16u ticks_high; Bit8u midnight_flag; } bios_data_t; #define BiosData ((bios_data_t *) 0) typedef struct { union { struct { Bit16u di, si, bp, sp; Bit16u bx, dx, cx, ax; } r16; struct { Bit16u filler[4]; Bit8u bl, bh, dl, dh, cl, ch, al, ah; } r8; } u; } pusha_regs_t; typedef struct { union { struct { Bit16u flags; } r16; struct { Bit8u flagsl; Bit8u flagsh; } r8; } u; } flags_t; #define SetCF(x) x.u.r8.flagsl |= 0x01 #define SetZF(x) x.u.r8.flagsl |= 0x40 #define ClearCF(x) x.u.r8.flagsl &= 0xfe #define ClearZF(x) x.u.r8.flagsl &= 0xbf #define GetCF(x) (x.u.r8.flagsl & 0x01) typedef struct { Bit16u ip; Bit16u cs; flags_t flags; } iret_addr_t; static Bit8u inb(); static Bit8u inb_cmos(); static void outb(); static void outb_cmos(); static Bit16u inw(); static void outw(); static void init_rtc(); static Boolean rtc_updating(); static Bit8u read_byte(); static Bit16u read_word(); static void write_byte(); static void write_word(); static void bios_printf(); static Bit16u UDIV(); static Bit8u inhibit_mouse_int_and_events(); static void enable_mouse_int_and_events(); static Bit8u send_to_mouse_ctrl(); static Bit8u get_mouse_data(); static void set_kbd_command_byte(); static void int09_function(); static void int13_function(); static void int13_diskette_function(); static void int15_function(); static void int16_function(); static void int1a_function(); static void int70_function(); static void int74_function(); //static Bit16u get_DS(); //static void set_DS(); static Bit16u get_SS(); static void enqueue_key(); static unsigned int dequeue_key(); static void set_disk_ret_status(); static void get_hd_geometry(); static void set_diskette_ret_status(); static void set_diskette_current_cyl(); static void determine_floppy_media(); static Boolean floppy_drive_exists(); static Boolean floppy_drive_recal(); static Boolean floppy_media_known(); static Boolean floppy_media_sense(); static void cli(); static Boolean set_enable_a20(); static void debugger_on(); static void debugger_off(); static void keyboard_panic(); static void boot_failure_msg(); static void nmi_handler_msg(); static void print_bios_banner(); static char bios_version_string[] = "BIOS Version is $Id: rombios.c,v 1.18 2001-10-05 23:58:45 bdenney Exp $"; #define DEBUG_ROMBIOS 0 #if DEBUG_ROMBIOS # define printf(format, p...) bios_printf(0, format, ##p) # define panic(format, p...) bios_printf(1, format, ##p) #else # define printf(format, p...) # define panic(format, p...) bios_printf(1, format, ##p) #endif #define SET_AL(val8) AX = ((AX & 0xff00) | (val8)) #define SET_BL(val8) BX = ((BX & 0xff00) | (val8)) #define SET_CL(val8) CX = ((CX & 0xff00) | (val8)) #define SET_DL(val8) DX = ((DX & 0xff00) | (val8)) #define SET_AH(val8) AX = ((AX & 0x00ff) | ((val8) << 8)) #define SET_BH(val8) BX = ((BX & 0x00ff) | ((val8) << 8)) #define SET_CH(val8) CX = ((CX & 0x00ff) | ((val8) << 8)) #define SET_DH(val8) DX = ((DX & 0x00ff) | ((val8) << 8)) #define GET_AL() ( AX & 0x00ff ) #define GET_BL() ( BX & 0x00ff ) #define GET_CL() ( CX & 0x00ff ) #define GET_DL() ( DX & 0x00ff ) #define GET_AH() ( AX >> 8 ) #define GET_BH() ( BX >> 8 ) #define GET_CH() ( CX >> 8 ) #define GET_DH() ( DX >> 8 ) #define SET_CF() FLAGS |= 0x0001 #define CLEAR_CF() FLAGS &= 0xfffe #define GET_CF() (FLAGS & 0x0001) #define SET_ZF() FLAGS |= 0x0040 #define CLEAR_ZF() FLAGS &= 0xffbf #define GET_ZF() (FLAGS & 0x0040) #define UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION 0x86 #define none 0 #define MAX_SCAN_CODE 0x53 static struct { Bit16u normal; Bit16u shift; Bit16u control; Bit16u alt; } scan_to_scanascii[MAX_SCAN_CODE + 1] = { { none, none, none, none }, { 0x011b, 0x011b, 0x011b, 0x0100 }, /* escape */ { 0x0231, 0x0221, none, 0x7800 }, /* 1! */ { 0x0332, 0x0340, 0x0300, 0x7900 }, /* 2@ */ { 0x0433, 0x0423, none, 0x7a00 }, /* 3# */ { 0x0534, 0x0524, none, 0x7b00 }, /* 4$ */ { 0x0635, 0x0625, none, 0x7c00 }, /* 5% */ { 0x0736, 0x075e, 0x071e, 0x7d00 }, /* 6^ */ { 0x0837, 0x0826, none, 0x7e00 }, /* 7& */ { 0x0938, 0x092a, none, 0x7f00 }, /* 8* */ { 0x0a39, 0x0a28, none, 0x8000 }, /* 9( */ { 0x0b30, 0x0b29, none, 0x8100 }, /* 0) */ { 0x0c2d, 0x0c5f, 0x0c1f, 0x8200 }, /* -_ */ { 0x0d3d, 0x0d2b, none, 0x8300 }, /* =+ */ { 0x0e08, 0x0e08, 0x0e7f, none }, /* backspace */ { 0x0f09, 0x0f00, none, none }, /* tab */ { 0x1071, 0x1051, 0x1011, 0x1000 }, /* Q */ { 0x1177, 0x1157, 0x1117, 0x1100 }, /* W */ { 0x1265, 0x1245, 0x1205, 0x1200 }, /* E */ { 0x1372, 0x1352, 0x1312, 0x1300 }, /* R */ { 0x1474, 0x1454, 0x1414, 0x1400 }, /* T */ { 0x1579, 0x1559, 0x1519, 0x1500 }, /* Y */ { 0x1675, 0x1655, 0x1615, 0x1600 }, /* U */ { 0x1769, 0x1749, 0x1709, 0x1700 }, /* I */ { 0x186f, 0x184f, 0x180f, 0x1800 }, /* O */ { 0x1970, 0x1950, 0x1910, 0x1900 }, /* P */ { 0x1a5b, 0x1a7b, 0x1a1b, none }, /* [{ */ { 0x1b5d, 0x1b7d, 0x1b1d, none }, /* ]} */ { 0x1c0d, 0x1c0d, 0x1c0a, none }, /* Enter */ { none, none, none, none }, /* L Ctrl */ { 0x1e61, 0x1e41, 0x1e01, 0x1e00 }, /* A */ { 0x1f73, 0x1f53, 0x1f13, 0x1f00 }, /* S */ { 0x2064, 0x2044, 0x2004, 0x2000 }, /* D */ { 0x2166, 0x2146, 0x2106, 0x2100 }, /* F */ { 0x2267, 0x2247, 0x2207, 0x2200 }, /* G */ { 0x2368, 0x2348, 0x2308, 0x2300 }, /* H */ { 0x246a, 0x244a, 0x240a, 0x2400 }, /* J */ { 0x256b, 0x254b, 0x250b, 0x2500 }, /* K */ { 0x266c, 0x264c, 0x260c, 0x2600 }, /* L */ { 0x273b, 0x273a, none, none }, /* ;: */ { 0x2827, 0x2822, none, none }, /* '" */ { 0x2960, 0x297e, none, none }, /* `~ */ { none, none, none, none }, /* L shift */ { 0x2b5c, 0x2b7c, 0x2b1c, none }, /* |\ */ { 0x2c7a, 0x2c5a, 0x2c1a, 0x2c00 }, /* Z */ { 0x2d78, 0x2d58, 0x2d18, 0x2d00 }, /* X */ { 0x2e63, 0x2e43, 0x2e03, 0x2e00 }, /* C */ { 0x2f76, 0x2f56, 0x2f16, 0x2f00 }, /* V */ { 0x3062, 0x3042, 0x3002, 0x3000 }, /* B */ { 0x316e, 0x314e, 0x310e, 0x3100 }, /* N */ { 0x326d, 0x324d, 0x320d, 0x3200 }, /* M */ { 0x332c, 0x333c, none, none }, /* ,< */ { 0x342e, 0x343e, none, none }, /* .> */ { 0x352f, 0x353f, none, none }, /* /? */ { none, none, none, none }, /* R Shift */ { 0x372a, 0x372a, none, none }, /* * */ { none, none, none, none }, /* L Alt */ { 0x3920, 0x3920, 0x3920, 0x3920 }, /* space */ { none, none, none, none }, /* caps lock */ { 0x3b00, 0x5400, 0x5e00, 0x6800 }, /* F1 */ { 0x3c00, 0x5500, 0x5f00, 0x6900 }, /* F2 */ { 0x3d00, 0x5600, 0x6000, 0x6a00 }, /* F3 */ { 0x3e00, 0x5700, 0x6100, 0x6b00 }, /* F4 */ { 0x3f00, 0x5800, 0x6200, 0x6c00 }, /* F5 */ { 0x4000, 0x5900, 0x6300, 0x6d00 }, /* F6 */ { 0x4100, 0x5a00, 0x6400, 0x6e00 }, /* F7 */ { 0x4200, 0x5b00, 0x6500, 0x6f00 }, /* F8 */ { 0x4300, 0x5c00, 0x6600, 0x7000 }, /* F9 */ { 0x4400, 0x5d00, 0x6700, 0x7100 }, /* F10 */ { none, none, none, none }, /* Num Lock */ { none, none, none, none }, /* Scroll Lock */ { 0x4700, 0x4737, 0x7700, none }, /* 7 Home */ { 0x4800, 0x4838, none, none }, /* 8 UP */ { 0x4900, 0x4939, 0x8400, none }, /* 9 PgUp */ { 0x4a2d, 0x4a2d, none, none }, /* - */ { 0x4b00, 0x4b34, 0x7300, none }, /* 4 Left */ { 0x4c00, 0x4c35, none, none }, /* 5 */ { 0x4d00, 0x4d36, 0x7400, none }, /* 6 Right */ { 0x4e2b, 0x4e2b, none, none }, /* + */ { 0x4f00, 0x4f31, 0x7500, none }, /* 1 End */ { 0x5000, 0x5032, none, none }, /* 2 Down */ { 0x5100, 0x5133, 0x7600, none }, /* 3 PgDn */ { 0x5200, 0x5230, none, none }, /* 0 Ins */ { 0x5300, 0x532e, none, none } /* Del */ }; Bit8u inb(port) Bit16u port; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push dx mov dx, 4[bp] in al, dx pop dx pop bp #endasm } #if 0 Bit16u inw(port) Bit16u port; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push dx mov dx, 4[bp] in ax, dx pop dx pop bp #endasm } #endif void outb(port, val) Bit16u port; Bit8u val; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push ax push dx mov dx, 4[bp] mov al, 6[bp] out dx, al pop dx pop ax pop bp #endasm } #if 0 void outw(port, val) Bit16u port; Bit16u val; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push ax push dx mov dx, 4[bp] mov ax, 6[bp] out dx, ax pop dx pop ax pop bp #endasm } #endif void outb_cmos(cmos_reg, val) Bit8u cmos_reg; Bit8u val; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp mov al, 4[bp] ;; cmos_reg out 0x70, al mov al, 6[bp] ;; val out 0x71, al pop bp #endasm } Bit8u inb_cmos(cmos_reg) Bit8u cmos_reg; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp mov al, 4[bp] ;; cmos_reg out 0x70, al in al, 0x71 pop bp #endasm } void init_rtc() { outb_cmos(0x0a, 0x26); outb_cmos(0x0b, 0x02); inb_cmos(0x0c); inb_cmos(0x0d); } Boolean rtc_updating() { // This function checks to see if the update-in-progress bit // is set in CMOS Status Register A. If not, it returns 0. // If it is set, it tries to wait until there is a transition // to 0, and will return 0 if such a transition occurs. A 1 // is returned only after timing out. The maximum period // that this bit should be set is constrained to 244useconds. // The count I use below guarantees coverage or more than // this time, with any reasonable IPS setting. Bit16u count; count = 25000; while (--count != 0) { if ( (inb_cmos(0x0a) & 0x80) == 0 ) return(0); } return(1); // update-in-progress never transitioned to 0 } Bit8u read_byte(seg, offset) Bit16u seg; Bit16u offset; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push bx push ds mov ax, 4[bp] ; segment mov ds, ax mov bx, 6[bp] ; offset mov al, [bx] ;; al = return value (byte) pop ds pop bx pop bp #endasm } Bit16u read_word(seg, offset) Bit16u seg; Bit16u offset; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push bx push ds mov ax, 4[bp] ; segment mov ds, ax mov bx, 6[bp] ; offset mov ax, [bx] ;; ax = return value (word) pop ds pop bx pop bp #endasm } void write_byte(seg, offset, data) Bit16u seg; Bit16u offset; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push ax push bx push ds mov ax, 4[bp] ; segment mov ds, ax mov bx, 6[bp] ; offset mov al, 8[bp] ; data byte mov [bx], al ; write data byte pop ds pop bx pop ax pop bp #endasm } void write_word(seg, offset, data) Bit16u seg; Bit16u offset; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push ax push bx push ds mov ax, 4[bp] ; segment mov ds, ax mov bx, 6[bp] ; offset mov ax, 8[bp] ; data word mov [bx], ax ; write data word pop ds pop bx pop ax pop bp #endasm } Bit16u UDIV(a, b) Bit16u a, b; { // divide a by b // return value in AX is: AL=quotient, AH=remainder #asm push bp mov bp, sp push bx mov ax, 4[bp] ;; a mov bx, 6[bp] ;; b: only low eight bits used div bl ;; AX / BL --> quotient=AL, remainder=AH pop bx pop bp #endasm } Bit16u UDIV16(a, b) Bit16u a, b; { // divide a by b, discarding remainder #asm push bp mov bp, sp push dx push bx xor dx,dx mov ax, 4[bp] ;; a mov bx, 6[bp] ;; b div bx ;; DX:AX / BX -> AX, DX = remainder pop bx pop dx pop bp #endasm } // Bit16u //get_DS() //{ //#asm // mov ax, ds //#endasm //} // void //set_DS(ds_selector) // Bit16u ds_selector; //{ //#asm // push bp // mov bp, sp // // push ax // mov ax, 4[bp] ; ds_selector // mov ds, ax // pop ax // // pop bp //#endasm //} Bit16u get_SS() { #asm mov ax, ss #endasm } void put_int(val, width, neg) short val, width; Boolean neg; { short nval = UDIV16(val, 10); if (nval) put_int(nval, width - 1, neg); else { while (--width > 0) outb(0xfff0, ' '); if (neg) outb(0xfff0, '-'); } outb(0xfff0, val - (nval * 10) + '0'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bios_printf() // A compact variable argument printf function which prints its output via // an I/O port so that it can be logged by Bochs. Currently, only %x is // supported (or %02x, %04x, etc). //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void bios_printf(bomb, s) Boolean bomb; Bit8u *s; { Bit8u c, format_char; Boolean in_format; short i; Bit16u *arg_ptr; Bit16u arg_seg, arg, nibble, shift_count, format_width; arg_ptr = &s; arg_seg = get_SS(); in_format = 0; format_width = 0; while (c = read_byte(0xf000, s)) { if ( c == '%' ) { in_format = 1; format_width = 0; } else if (in_format) { if ( (c>='0') && (c<='9') ) { format_width = (format_width * 10) + (c - '0'); } else if (c == 'x') { arg_ptr++; // increment to next arg arg = read_word(arg_seg, arg_ptr); if (format_width == 0) format_width = 4; for (i=format_width-1; i>=0; i--) { nibble = (arg >> (4 * i)) & 0x000f; if (nibble <= 9) outb(0xfff0, nibble + '0'); else outb(0xfff0, (nibble - 10) + 'A'); } in_format = 0; } else if (c == 'd') { arg_ptr++; // increment to next arg arg = read_word(arg_seg, arg_ptr); if (arg & 0x8000) put_int(-arg, format_width - 1, 1); else put_int(arg, format_width, 0); in_format = 0; } else panic("bios_printf: unknown format"); } else { outb(0xfff0, c); } s ++; } if (bomb) { #asm HALT2(__LINE__) #endasm } } void cli() { #asm cli #endasm } void keyboard_panic() { panic("Keyboard RESET error"); } void boot_failure_msg(drive) Bit16u drive; { if (drive < 0x80) { bios_printf(0, "Booting from floppy drive %d.\n", drive); } else { bios_printf(0, "Booting from hard drive %d.\n", drive & 0x7f); } if (drive & 0x100) panic("Not a bootable disk"); else panic("Could not read the boot disk"); } void nmi_handler_msg() { bios_printf(0, "NMI Handler called\n"); } void print_bios_banner() { bios_printf(0, bios_version_string); bios_printf(0, "\n"); } Boolean set_enable_a20(val) Boolean val; { Bit8u oldval; // Use PS2 System Control port A to set A20 enable // get current setting first oldval = inb(0x92); // change A20 status if (val) outb(0x92, oldval | 0x02); else outb(0x92, oldval & 0xfd); return((oldval & 0x02) != 0); } void debugger_on() { outb(0xfedc, 0x01); } void debugger_off() { outb(0xfedc, 0x00); } void int15_function(DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, ES, DS, FLAGS) Bit16u DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, ES, DS, FLAGS; { Bit16u ebda_seg; Bit8u mouse_flags_1, mouse_flags_2; Bit16u mouse_driver_seg; Bit16u mouse_driver_offset; Bit8u in_byte; Bit8u response, prev_command_byte; Boolean prev_a20_enable; Bit16u base15_00; Bit8u base23_16; Bit16u ss; Bit8u ret, mouse_data1, mouse_data2, mouse_data3; Bit8u comm_byte; switch (GET_AH()) { case 0x24: /* A20 Control */ printf("BIOS: int15: Func 24h, subfunc %02xh, A20 gate control not supported\n", (unsigned) GET_AL()); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; case 0x41: SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; case 0x4f: /* keyboard intercept, ignore */ SET_CF(); #if BX_CPU < 2 SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); #endif break; case 0x87: #if BX_CPU < 3 # error "Int15 function 87h not supported on < 80386" #endif // +++ should probably have descriptor checks // +++ should have exception handlers cli(); prev_a20_enable = set_enable_a20(1); // enable A20 line // 128K max of transfer on 386+ ??? // source == destination ??? // ES:SI points to descriptor table // offset use initially comments // ============================================== // 00..07 Unused zeros Null descriptor // 08..0f GDT zeros filled in by BIOS // 10..17 source ssssssss source of data // 18..1f dest dddddddd destination of data // 20..27 CS zeros filled in by BIOS // 28..2f SS zeros filled in by BIOS //es:si //eeee0 //0ssss //----- // check for access rights of source & dest here // Initialize GDT descriptor base15_00 = (ES << 4) + SI; base23_16 = ES >> 12; if (base15_00 < (ES<<4)) base23_16++; write_word(ES, SI+0x08+0, 47); // limit 15:00 = 6 * 8bytes/descriptor write_word(ES, SI+0x08+2, base15_00);// base 15:00 write_byte(ES, SI+0x08+4, base23_16);// base 23:16 write_byte(ES, SI+0x08+5, 0x93); // access write_word(ES, SI+0x08+6, 0x0000); // base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16 // Initialize CS descriptor write_word(ES, SI+0x20+0, 0xffff);// limit 15:00 = normal 64K limit write_word(ES, SI+0x20+2, 0x0000);// base 15:00 write_byte(ES, SI+0x20+4, 0x000f);// base 23:16 write_byte(ES, SI+0x20+5, 0x9b); // access write_word(ES, SI+0x20+6, 0x0000);// base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16 // Initialize SS descriptor ss = get_SS(); base15_00 = ss << 4; base23_16 = ss >> 12; write_word(ES, SI+0x28+0, 0xffff); // limit 15:00 = normal 64K limit write_word(ES, SI+0x28+2, base15_00);// base 15:00 write_byte(ES, SI+0x28+4, base23_16);// base 23:16 write_byte(ES, SI+0x28+5, 0x93); // access write_word(ES, SI+0x28+6, 0x0000); // base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16 #asm // Compile generates locals offset info relative to SP. // Get CX (word count) from stack. mov bx, sp SEG SS mov cx, _int15_function.CX [bx] // since we need to set SS:SP, save them to the BDA // for future restore mov ax, #0x00 mov ds, ax mov 0x0469, ss mov 0x0467, sp SEG ES lgdt [si + 0x08] SEG CS lidt [pmode_IDT_info] ;; perhaps do something with IDT here ;; set PE bit in CR0 xor eax, eax mov al, #0x01 mov cr0, eax ;; far jump to flush CPU queue after transition to protected mode JMP_AP(0x0020, protected_mode) protected_mode: ;; GDT points to valid descriptor table, now load SS, DS, ES mov ax, #0x28 ;; 101 000 = 5th descriptor in table, TI=GDT, RPL=00 mov ss, ax mov ax, #0x10 ;; 010 000 = 2nd descriptor in table, TI=GDT, RPL=00 mov ds, ax mov ax, #0x18 ;; 011 000 = 3rd descriptor in table, TI=GDT, RPL=00 mov es, ax xor si, si xor di, di cld rep movsw ;; move CX words from DS:SI to ES:DI ;; clear CR3 and reset PG bit in CR0 ??? xor eax, eax mov cr0, eax ;; far jump to flush CPU queue after transition to real mode JMP_AP(0xf000, real_mode) real_mode: ;; restore IDT to normal real-mode defaults SEG CS lidt [rmode_IDT_info] // restore SS:SP from the BDA mov ax, #0x00 mov ds, ax mov ss, 0x0469 mov sp, 0x0467 #endasm set_enable_a20(prev_a20_enable); SET_AH(0); CLEAR_CF(); break; case 0x88: /* extended memory size */ #if BX_CPU < 2 SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); SET_CF(); #else /* ??? change this back later... */ /* number of 1K blocks of extended memory, subtract off 1st 1Meg */ // AX = bx_mem.get_memory_in_k() - 1024; in_byte = inb_cmos(0x30); SET_AL(in_byte); in_byte = inb_cmos(0x31); SET_AH(in_byte); CLEAR_CF(); #endif break; case 0x90: /* Device busy interrupt. Called by Int 16h when no key available */ break; case 0x91: /* Interrupt complete. Called by Int 16h when key becomes available */ break; case 0xbf: printf("BIOS: *** int 15h function AH=bf not yet supported!\n"); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; case 0xC0: #if 0 SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; #endif CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); BX = BIOS_CONFIG_TABLE; ES = 0xF000; break; case 0xc1: #if BX_USE_PS2_MOUSE ES = read_word(0x0040, 0x000E); CLEAR_CF(); #else SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); #endif break; case 0xC2: // Return Codes status in AH // ========================= // 00: success // 01: invalid subfunction (AL > 7) // 02: invalid input value (out of allowable range) // 03: interface error // 04: resend command received from mouse controller, // device driver should attempt command again // 05: cannot enable mouse, since no far call has been installed // 80/86: mouse service not implemented #if BX_USE_PS2_MOUSE < 1 SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); #else ebda_seg = read_word(0x0040, 0x000E); switch (GET_AL()) { case 0: // Disable/Enable Mouse printf("case 0:\n"); switch (GET_BH()) { case 0: // Disable Mouse printf("case 0: disable mouse\n"); inhibit_mouse_int_and_events(); // disable IRQ12 and packets ret = send_to_mouse_ctrl(0xF5); // disable mouse command if (ret == 0) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data1); if ( (ret == 0) || (mouse_data1 == 0xFA) ) { CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); return; } } // error SET_CF(); SET_AH(ret); return; break; case 1: // Enable Mouse printf("case 1: enable mouse\n"); mouse_flags_2 = read_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0027); if ( (mouse_flags_2 & 0x80) == 0 ) { //printf("INT 15h C2 Enable Mouse, no far call handler\n"); SET_CF(); // error SET_AH(5); // no far call installed return; } inhibit_mouse_int_and_events(); // disable IRQ12 and packets ret = send_to_mouse_ctrl(0xF4); // enable mouse command if (ret == 0) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data1); if ( (ret == 0) && (mouse_data1 == 0xFA) ) { enable_mouse_int_and_events(); // turn IRQ12 and packet generation on CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); return; } } SET_CF(); SET_AH(ret); return; default: // invalid subfunction //printf("INT 15h C2 AL=0, BH=%02x\n", (unsigned) GET_BH()); SET_CF(); // error SET_AH(1); // invalid subfunction return; } break; case 1: // Reset Mouse case 5: // Initialize Mouse printf("case 1 or 5:\n"); if (GET_AL() == 5) { if (GET_BH() != 3) panic("INT 15h C2 AL=5, BH=%02x", (unsigned) GET_BH()); mouse_flags_2 = read_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0027); mouse_flags_2 = (mouse_flags_2 & 0x00) | GET_BH(); mouse_flags_1 = 0x00; write_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0026, mouse_flags_1); write_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0027, mouse_flags_2); } inhibit_mouse_int_and_events(); // disable IRQ12 and packets ret = send_to_mouse_ctrl(0xFF); // disable mouse command if (ret == 0) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data3); if (mouse_data3 != 0xfa) panic("Mouse reset returned %02x (should be ack)", (unsigned)mouse_data3); if ( ret == 0 ) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data1); if ( ret == 0 ) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data2); if ( ret == 0 ) { // turn IRQ12 and packet generation on enable_mouse_int_and_events(); CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); SET_BL(mouse_data1); SET_BH(mouse_data2); return; } } } } // error SET_CF(); SET_AH(ret); return; case 2: // Set Sample Rate printf("case 2:\n"); switch (GET_BH()) { case 0: // 10 reports/sec case 1: // 20 reports/sec case 2: // 40 reports/sec case 3: // 60 reports/sec case 4: // 80 reports/sec case 5: // 100 reports/sec (default) case 6: // 200 reports/sec CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); break; default: panic("INT 15h C2 AL=2, BH=%02x", (unsigned) GET_BH()); } break; case 3: // Set Resolution printf("case 3:\n"); // BX: // 0 = 25 dpi, 1 count per millimeter // 1 = 50 dpi, 2 counts per millimeter // 2 = 100 dpi, 4 counts per millimeter // 3 = 200 dpi, 8 counts per millimeter CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); break; case 4: // Get Device ID printf("case 4:\n"); CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); SET_BH(0); break; case 6: // Return Status & Set Scaling Factor... printf("case 6:\n"); switch (GET_BH()) { case 0: // Return Status comm_byte = inhibit_mouse_int_and_events(); // disable IRQ12 and packets ret = send_to_mouse_ctrl(0xE9); // get mouse info command if (ret == 0) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data1); if (mouse_data1 != 0xfa) panic("Mouse status returned %02x (should be ack)", (unsigned)mouse_data1); if (ret == 0) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data1); if ( ret == 0 ) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data2); if ( ret == 0 ) { ret = get_mouse_data(&mouse_data3); if ( ret == 0 ) { CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); SET_BL(mouse_data1); SET_CL(mouse_data2); SET_DL(mouse_data3); set_kbd_command_byte(comm_byte); // restore IRQ12 and serial enable return; } } } } } // error SET_CF(); SET_AH(ret); set_kbd_command_byte(comm_byte); // restore IRQ12 and serial enable return; case 1: // Set Scaling Factor to 1:1 CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); break; default: panic("INT 15h C2 AL=6, BH=%02x", (unsigned) GET_BH()); } break; case 7: // Set Mouse Handler Address printf("case 7:\n"); mouse_driver_seg = ES; mouse_driver_offset = BX; write_word(ebda_seg, 0x0022, mouse_driver_offset); write_word(ebda_seg, 0x0024, mouse_driver_seg); mouse_flags_2 = read_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0027); mouse_flags_2 |= 0x80; write_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0027, mouse_flags_2); CLEAR_CF(); SET_AH(0); break; default: printf("case default:\n"); SET_AH(1); // invalid function SET_CF(); } #endif break; case 0xC4: printf("BIOS: *** int 15h function AX=%04x, BX=%04x not yet supported!\n", (unsigned) AX, (unsigned) BX); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; case 0xD8: printf("BIOS: *** int 15h function AX=D8 not yet supported!\n"); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; case 0xe0: printf("BIOS: *** int 15h function AH=e0 not yet supported!\n"); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; default: printf("BIOS: *** int 15h function AH=%02x not yet supported!\n", (unsigned) GET_AH()); SET_CF(); SET_AH(UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); break; } } void int16_function(DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, FLAGS) Bit16u DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, FLAGS; { Bit8u scan_code, ascii_code, shift_flags; switch (GET_AH()) { case 0x00: /* read keyboard input */ if ( !dequeue_key(&scan_code, &ascii_code, 1) ) { panic("KBD: int16h: out of keyboard input"); } AX = (scan_code << 8) | ascii_code; break; case 0x01: /* check keyboard status */ if ( !dequeue_key(&scan_code, &ascii_code, 0) ) { SET_ZF(); return; } AX = (scan_code << 8) | ascii_code; CLEAR_ZF(); break; case 0x02: /* get shift flag status */ /*AL = 0;*/ shift_flags = read_byte(0x0040, 0x17); SET_AL(shift_flags); break; default: /*bx_cpu.set_ZF(1);*/ /* ??? */ printf("KBD: unsupported int 16h function %02x\n", GET_AH()); } } unsigned int dequeue_key(scan_code, ascii_code, incr) Bit8u *scan_code; Bit8u *ascii_code; unsigned int incr; { Bit16u buffer_start, buffer_end, buffer_head, buffer_tail; Bit16u ss; Bit8u acode, scode; #if BX_CPU < 2 buffer_start = 0x001E; buffer_end = 0x003E; #else buffer_start = read_word(0x0040, 0x0080); buffer_end = read_word(0x0040, 0x0082); #endif buffer_head = read_word(0x0040, 0x001a); buffer_tail = read_word(0x0040, 0x001c); if (buffer_head != buffer_tail) { ss = get_SS(); acode = read_byte(0x0040, buffer_head); scode = read_byte(0x0040, buffer_head+1); write_byte(ss, ascii_code, acode); write_byte(ss, scan_code, scode); if (incr) { buffer_head += 2; if (buffer_head >= buffer_end) buffer_head = buffer_start; write_word(0x0040, 0x001a, buffer_head); } return(1); } else { return(0); } } Bit8u inhibit_mouse_int_and_events() { Bit8u command_byte, prev_command_byte; // Turn off IRQ generation and aux data line if ( inb(0x64) & 0x02 ) panic("inhibmouse: keyboard input buffer full"); outb(0x64, 0x20); // get command byte while ( (inb(0x64) & 0x01) != 0x01 ); prev_command_byte = inb(0x60); command_byte = prev_command_byte; //while ( (inb(0x64) & 0x02) ); if ( inb(0x64) & 0x02 ) panic("inhibmouse, keyboard input buffer full"); command_byte &= 0xfd; // turn off IRQ 12 generation command_byte |= 0x20; // disable mouse serial clock line outb(0x64, 0x60); // write command byte outb(0x60, command_byte); return(prev_command_byte); } void enable_mouse_int_and_events() { Bit8u command_byte; // Turn on IRQ generation and aux data line if ( inb(0x64) & 0x02 ) panic("enabmouse: keyboard input buffer full"); outb(0x64, 0x20); // get command byte while ( (inb(0x64) & 0x01) != 0x01 ); command_byte = inb(0x60); //while ( (inb(0x64) & 0x02) ); if ( inb(0x64) & 0x02 ) panic("enabmouse, keyboard input buffer full"); command_byte |= 0x02; // turn on IRQ 12 generation command_byte &= 0xdf; // enable mouse serial clock line outb(0x64, 0x60); // write command byte outb(0x60, command_byte); } Bit8u send_to_mouse_ctrl(sendbyte) Bit8u sendbyte; { Bit8u response; // wait for chance to write to ctrl if ( inb(0x64) & 0x02 ) panic("sendmouse, keyboard input buffer full"); outb(0x64, 0xD4); outb(0x60, sendbyte); return(0); } Bit8u get_mouse_data(data) Bit8u *data; { Bit8u response; Bit16u ss; while ( (inb(0x64) & 0x21) != 0x21 ) { } response = inb(0x60); ss = get_SS(); write_byte(ss, data, response); return(0); } void set_kbd_command_byte(command_byte) Bit8u command_byte; { if ( inb(0x64) & 0x02 ) panic("setkbdcomm, input buffer full"); outb(0x64, 0x60); // write command byte outb(0x60, command_byte); } void int09_function(DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX) Bit16u DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX; { Bit8u scancode, asciicode, shift_flags; // // DS has been set to F000 before call // scancode = GET_AL(); if (scancode == 0) { printf("KBD: int09 handler: AL=0\n"); return; } shift_flags = read_byte(0x0040, 0x17); switch (scancode) { case 0x3a: /* Caps Lock press */ shift_flags |= 0x40; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0xba: /* Caps Lock release */ shift_flags &= ~0x40; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0x2a: /* L Shift press */ shift_flags |= 0x02; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0xaa: /* L Shift release */ shift_flags &= ~0x02; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0x36: /* R Shift press */ shift_flags |= 0x01; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0xb6: /* R Shift release */ shift_flags &= ~0x01; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0x1d: /* L Cttrl press */ shift_flags |= 0x04; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0x9d: /* L Cttrl release */ shift_flags &= ~0x04; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0x38: /* L Alt press */ shift_flags |= 0x08; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0xb8: /* L Alt release */ shift_flags &= ~0x08; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0x45: /* Num Lock press */ shift_flags |= 0x20; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; case 0xc5: /* Num Lock release */ shift_flags &= ~0x20; write_byte(0x0040, 0x17, shift_flags); break; default: if (scancode & 0x80) return; /* toss key releases ... */ if (scancode > MAX_SCAN_CODE) { panic("KBD: int09h_handler(): unknown scancode read!"); return; } if (shift_flags & 0x08) { /* ALT */ asciicode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].alt; scancode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].alt >> 8; } else if (shift_flags & 0x04) { /* CONTROL */ asciicode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].control; scancode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].control >> 8; } else if (shift_flags & 0x43) { /* CAPSLOCK + LSHIFT + RSHIFT */ /* check if both CAPSLOCK and a SHIFT key are pressed */ if ((shift_flags & 0x03) && (shift_flags & 0x40)) { asciicode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].normal; scancode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].normal >> 8; } else { asciicode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].shift; scancode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].shift >> 8; } } else { asciicode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].normal; scancode = scan_to_scanascii[scancode].normal >> 8; } if (scancode==0 && asciicode==0) { panic("KBD: int09h_handler(): scancode & asciicode are zero?"); } enqueue_key(scancode, asciicode); break; } } void enqueue_key(scan_code, ascii_code) Bit8u scan_code, ascii_code; { Bit16u buffer_start, buffer_end, buffer_head, buffer_tail, temp_tail; //printf("KBD: enqueue_key() called scan:%02x, ascii:%02x\n", // scan_code, ascii_code); #if BX_CPU < 2 buffer_start = 0x001E; buffer_end = 0x003E; #else buffer_start = read_word(0x0040, 0x0080); buffer_end = read_word(0x0040, 0x0082); #endif buffer_head = read_word(0x0040, 0x001A); buffer_tail = read_word(0x0040, 0x001C); temp_tail = buffer_tail; buffer_tail += 2; if (buffer_tail >= buffer_end) buffer_tail = buffer_start; if (buffer_tail == buffer_head) { panic("KBD: dropped key scan=%02x, ascii=%02x", (int) scan_code, (int) ascii_code); return; } write_byte(0x0040, temp_tail, ascii_code); write_byte(0x0040, temp_tail+1, scan_code); write_word(0x0040, 0x001C, buffer_tail); } void int74_function(make_farcall, Z, Y, X, status) Bit16u make_farcall, Z, Y, X, status; { Bit8u in_byte, index, package_count; Bit16u ebda_seg; Bit8u mouse_flags_1, mouse_flags_2; printf("entering int74_function\n"); make_farcall = 0; in_byte = inb(0x64); if ( (in_byte & 0x21) != 0x21 ) { return; } in_byte = inb(0x60); printf("int74: read byte %02x\n", in_byte); ebda_seg = read_word(0x0040, 0x000E); mouse_flags_1 = read_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0026); mouse_flags_2 = read_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0027); if ( (mouse_flags_2 & 0x80) != 0x80 ) { panic("int74_function:"); } package_count = mouse_flags_2 & 0x07; index = mouse_flags_1 & 0x07; write_byte(ebda_seg, 0x28 + index, in_byte); if ( (index+1) >= package_count ) { printf("int74_function: make_farcall=1\n"); status = read_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0028 + 0); X = read_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0028 + 1); Y = read_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0028 + 2); Z = 0; mouse_flags_1 = 0; // check if far call handler installed if (mouse_flags_2 & 0x80) make_farcall = 1; } else { mouse_flags_1++; } write_byte(ebda_seg, 0x0026, mouse_flags_1); } void outLBA(cylinder,hd_heads,head,hd_sectors,sector,dl) Bit16u cylinder; Bit16u hd_heads; Bit16u head; Bit16u hd_sectors; Bit16u sector; Bit16u dl; { #asm push bp mov bp, sp push eax push ebx push edx xor eax,eax mov ax,4[bp] xor ebx,ebx mov bl,6[bp] imul ebx add al,8[bp] adc ah,#0 mov bl,10[bp] imul ebx add al,12[bp] adc ah,#0 dec eax mov dx,#0x1f3 out dx,al mov dx,#0x1f4 mov al,ah out dx,al shr eax,#16 mov dx,#0x1f5 out dx,al and ah,#0xf mov bl,14[bp] and bl,#1 shl bl,#4 or ah,bl or ah,#0xe0 mov al,ah mov dx,#0x01f6 out dx,al pop edx pop ebx pop eax pop bp #endasm } void int13_function(DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, ES, FLAGS) Bit16u DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, ES, FLAGS; { Bit8u drive, num_sectors, sector, head, status, mod; Bit8u n_drives; Bit16u cyl_mod, ax; Bit16u max_cylinder, cylinder, total_sectors; Bit16u hd_cylinders; Bit8u hd_heads, hd_sectors; Bit16u val16; Bit8u sector_count; unsigned int i; Bit16u tempbx; Bit16u lba; write_byte(0x0040, 0x008e, 0); // clear completion flag /* at this point, DL is >= 0x80 to be passed from the floppy int13h handler code */ /* check how many disks first (cmos reg 0x12), return an error if DL > n_drives */ n_drives = inb_cmos(0x12); n_drives = ((n_drives & 0xf0)==0) ? 0 : ((n_drives & 0x0f) ? 2 : 1); if (!((GET_DL()&0x7f) < n_drives)) { /* allow 0, 1, or 2 disks */ SET_AH(0x01); set_disk_ret_status(0x01); SET_CF(); /* error occurred */ return; } switch (GET_AH()) { case 0x00: /* disk controller reset */ printf("int13_f00\n"); SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); set_diskette_ret_status(0); set_diskette_current_cyl(0, 0); /* current cylinder, diskette 1 */ set_diskette_current_cyl(1, 0); /* current cylinder, diskette 2 */ CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x01: /* read disk status */ printf("int13_f01\n"); status = read_byte(0x0040, 0x0074); SET_AH(status); set_disk_ret_status(0); /* set CF if error status read */ if (status) SET_CF(); else CLEAR_CF(); return; break; case 0x04: // verify disk sectors case 0x02: // read disk sectors drive = GET_DL(); get_hd_geometry(drive, &hd_cylinders, &hd_heads, &hd_sectors); num_sectors = GET_AL(); cylinder = GET_CH(); cylinder |= ( ((Bit16u) GET_CL()) << 2) & 0x300; sector = (GET_CL() & 0x3f); head = GET_DH(); if (hd_cylinders > 1024) { if (hd_cylinders <= 2048) { cylinder <<= 1; } else if (hd_cylinders <= 4096) { cylinder <<= 2; } else if (hd_cylinders <= 8192) { cylinder <<= 3; } else { // hd_cylinders <= 16384 cylinder <<= 4; } ax = UDIV(head, hd_heads); cyl_mod = ax & 0xff; head = ax >> 8; cylinder |= cyl_mod; } if ( (cylinder >= hd_cylinders) || (sector > hd_sectors) || (head >= hd_heads) ) { SET_AH(1); set_disk_ret_status(1); SET_CF(); /* error occurred */ return; } if ( (num_sectors > 128) || (num_sectors == 0) ) panic("int13_function(): num_sectors out of range!"); if ( GET_AH() == 0x04 ) { SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); return; } status = inb(0x1f7); if (status & 0x80) { panic("hard drive BIOS:(read/verify) BUSY bit set"); } outb(0x01f2, num_sectors); /* activate LBA? (tomv) */ if (hd_heads > 15) { printf("CHS: %x %x %x\n", cylinder, head, sector); outLBA(cylinder,hd_heads,head,hd_sectors,sector,drive); } else { outb(0x01f3, sector); outb(0x01f4, cylinder & 0x00ff); outb(0x01f5, cylinder >> 8); outb(0x01f6, 0xa0 | ((drive & 0x01)<<4) | (head & 0x0f)); } outb(0x01f7, 0x20); while (1) { status = inb(0x1f7); if ( !(status & 0x80) ) break; } if ( !(status & 0x08) ) { printf("status was %02x\n", (unsigned) status); panic("hard drive BIOS:(read/verify) data-request bit not set"); } sector_count = 0; tempbx = BX; #asm sti ;; enable higher priority interrupts #endasm while (1) { #asm ;; store temp bx in real DI register push bp mov bp, sp mov di, _int13_function.tempbx + 2 [bp] pop bp ;; adjust if there will be an overrun cmp di, #0xfe00 jbe i13_f02_no_adjust i13_f02_adjust: sub di, #0x0200 ; sub 512 bytes from offset mov ax, es add ax, #0x0020 ; add 512 to segment mov es, ax i13_f02_no_adjust: mov cx, #0x0100 ;; counter (256 words = 512b) mov dx, #0x01f0 ;; AT data read port rep insw ;; CX words transfered from port(DX) to ES:[DI] i13_f02_done: ;; store real DI register back to temp bx push bp mov bp, sp mov _int13_function.tempbx + 2 [bp], di pop bp #endasm sector_count++; num_sectors--; if (num_sectors == 0) { status = inb(0x1f7); if ( (status & 0xc9) != 0x40 ) panic("no sectors left to read/verify, status is %02x", (unsigned) status); break; } else { status = inb(0x1f7); if ( (status & 0xc9) != 0x48 ) panic("more sectors left to read/verify, status is %02x", (unsigned) status); continue; } } SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); SET_AL(sector_count); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x03: /* write disk sectors */ printf("int13_f03\n"); drive = GET_DL (); get_hd_geometry(drive, &hd_cylinders, &hd_heads, &hd_sectors); num_sectors = GET_AL(); cylinder = GET_CH(); cylinder |= ( ((Bit16u) GET_CL()) << 2) & 0x300; sector = (GET_CL() & 0x3f); head = GET_DH(); if (hd_cylinders > 1024) { if (hd_cylinders <= 2048) { cylinder <<= 1; } else if (hd_cylinders <= 4096) { cylinder <<= 2; } else if (hd_cylinders <= 8192) { cylinder <<= 3; } else { // hd_cylinders <= 16384 cylinder <<= 4; } ax = UDIV(head, hd_heads); cyl_mod = ax & 0xff; head = ax >> 8; cylinder |= cyl_mod; } if ( (cylinder >= hd_cylinders) || (sector > hd_sectors) || (head >= hd_heads) ) { SET_AH( 1); set_disk_ret_status(1); SET_CF(); /* error occurred */ return; } if ( (num_sectors > 128) || (num_sectors == 0) ) panic("int13_function(): num_sectors out of range!"); status = inb(0x1f7); if (status & 0x80) { panic("hard drive BIOS:(read) BUSY bit set"); } // should check for Drive Ready Bit also in status reg outb(0x01f2, num_sectors); /* activate LBA? (tomv) */ if (hd_heads > 15) { printf("CHS (write): %x %x %x\n", cylinder, head, sector); outLBA(cylinder,hd_heads,head,hd_sectors,sector,GET_DL()); } else { outb(0x01f3, sector); outb(0x01f4, cylinder & 0x00ff); outb(0x01f5, cylinder >> 8); outb(0x01f6, 0xa0 | ((GET_DL() & 0x01)<<4) | (head & 0x0f)); } outb(0x01f7, 0x30); // wait for busy bit to turn off after seeking while (1) { status = inb(0x1f7); if ( !(status & 0x80) ) break; } if ( !(status & 0x08) ) { printf("status was %02x\n", (unsigned) status); panic("hard drive BIOS:(write) data-request bit not set"); } sector_count = 0; tempbx = BX; #asm sti ;; enable higher priority interrupts #endasm while (1) { #asm ;; store temp bx in real SI register push bp mov bp, sp mov si, _int13_function.tempbx + 2 [bp] pop bp ;; adjust if there will be an overrun cmp si, #0xfe00 jbe i13_f03_no_adjust i13_f03_adjust: sub si, #0x0200 ; sub 512 bytes from offset mov ax, es add ax, #0x0020 ; add 512 to segment mov es, ax i13_f03_no_adjust: mov cx, #0x0100 ;; counter (256 words = 512b) mov dx, #0x01f0 ;; AT data read port seg ES rep outsw ;; CX words tranfered from ES:[SI] to port(DX) ;; store real SI register back to temp bx push bp mov bp, sp mov _int13_function.tempbx + 2 [bp], si pop bp #endasm sector_count++; num_sectors--; if (num_sectors == 0) { status = inb(0x1f7); if ( (status & 0xe9) != 0x40 ) panic("no sectors left to write, status is %02x", (unsigned) status); break; } else { status = inb(0x1f7); if ( (status & 0xc9) != 0x48 ) panic("more sectors left to write, status is %02x", (unsigned) status); continue; } } SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); SET_AL(sector_count); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x05: /* format disk track */ printf("int13_f05\n"); panic("format disk track called"); /* nop */ SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x08: /* read disk drive parameters */ printf("int13_f08\n"); drive = GET_DL (); get_hd_geometry(drive, &hd_cylinders, &hd_heads, &hd_sectors); // translate CHS // if (hd_cylinders <= 1024) { // hd_cylinders >>= 0; // hd_heads <<= 0; } else if (hd_cylinders <= 2048) { hd_cylinders >>= 1; hd_heads <<= 1; } else if (hd_cylinders <= 4096) { hd_cylinders >>= 2; hd_heads <<= 2; } else if (hd_cylinders <= 8192) { hd_cylinders >>= 3; hd_heads <<= 3; } else { // hd_cylinders <= 16384 hd_cylinders >>= 4; hd_heads <<= 4; } max_cylinder = hd_cylinders - 2; /* 0 based */ SET_AL(0); SET_CH(max_cylinder & 0xff); SET_CL(((max_cylinder >> 2) & 0xc0) | (hd_sectors & 0x3f)); SET_DH(hd_heads - 1); SET_DL(n_drives); /* returns 0, 1, or 2 hard drives */ SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x09: /* initialize drive parameters */ printf("int13_f09\n"); SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x0a: /* read disk sectors with ECC */ printf("int13_f0a\n"); case 0x0b: /* write disk sectors with ECC */ printf("int13_f0b\n"); panic("int13h Functions 0Ah & 0Bh not implemented!"); return; break; case 0x0c: /* seek to specified cylinder */ printf("int13_f0c\n"); printf("int13h function 0ch (seek) not implemented!\n"); SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x0d: /* alternate disk reset */ printf("int13_f0d\n"); SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x10: /* check drive ready */ printf("int13_f10\n"); //SET_AH(0); //set_disk_ret_status(0); //CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ //return; //break; // should look at 40:8E also??? status = inb(0x01f7); if ( (status & 0xc0) == 0x40 ) { SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); // drive ready return; } else { SET_AH(0xAA); set_disk_ret_status(0xAA); SET_CF(); // not ready return; } break; case 0x11: /* recalibrate */ printf("int13_f11\n"); SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ return; break; case 0x14: /* controller internal diagnostic */ printf("int13_f14\n"); SET_AH(0); set_disk_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); /* successful */ SET_AL(0); return; break; case 0x15: /* read disk drive size */ drive = GET_DL(); get_hd_geometry(drive, &hd_cylinders, &hd_heads, &hd_sectors); #asm push bp mov bp, sp mov al, _int13_function.hd_heads + 2 [bp] mov ah, _int13_function.hd_sectors + 2 [bp] mul al, ah ;; ax = heads * sectors mov bx, _int13_function.hd_cylinders + 2 [bp] dec bx ;; use (cylinders - 1) ??? mul ax, bx ;; dx:ax = (cylinders -1) * (heads * sectors) ;; now we need to move the 32bit result dx:ax to what the ;; BIOS wants which is cx:dx. ;; and then into CX:DX on the stack mov _int13_function.CX + 2 [bp], dx mov _int13_function.DX + 2 [bp], ax pop bp #endasm SET_AH(3); // hard disk accessible set_disk_ret_status(0); // ??? should this be 0 CLEAR_CF(); // successful return; break; case 0x18: /* */ case 0x41: // IBM/MS installation check case 0x42: // IBM/MS extended read case 0x43: // IBM/MS extended write case 0x44: // IBM/MS verify sectors case 0x45: // IBM/MS lock/unlock drive case 0x46: // IBM/MS eject media case 0x47: // IBM/MS extended seek case 0x48: // IBM/MS get drive parameters case 0x49: // IBM/MS extended media change printf("int13_f18,41-49\n"); SET_AH(1); // code=invalid function in AH or invalid parameter set_disk_ret_status(1); SET_CF(); /* unsuccessful */ return; break; default: panic("case 0x%x found in int13_function()", (unsigned) GET_AH()); break; } } ////////////////////// // FLOPPY functions // ////////////////////// Boolean floppy_media_known(drive) Bit16u drive; { Bit8u val8; Bit16u media_state_offset; val8 = read_byte(0x0040, 0x003e); // diskette recal status if (drive) val8 >>= 1; val8 &= 0x01; if (val8 == 0) return(0); media_state_offset = 0x0090; if (drive) media_state_offset += 1; val8 = read_byte(0x0040, media_state_offset); val8 = (val8 >> 4) & 0x01; if (val8 == 0) return(0); // check pass, return KNOWN return(1); } Boolean floppy_media_sense(drive) Bit16u drive; { Boolean retval; Bit16u media_state_offset; Bit8u drive_type, config_data, media_state; if (floppy_drive_recal(drive) == 0) { return(0); } // for now cheat and get drive type from CMOS, // assume media is same as drive type drive_type = inb_cmos(0x10); if (drive == 0) drive_type >>= 4; else drive_type &= 0x0f; if ( drive_type == 2 ) { // 1.2 MB 5.25" drive config_data = 0x00; // 0000 0000 media_state = 0x25; // 0001 0101 retval = 1; } else if ( drive_type == 3 ) { // 720K 3.5" drive config_data = 0x00; // 0000 0000 ??? media_state = 0x17; // 0001 0111 retval = 1; } else if ( drive_type == 4 ) { // 1.44 MB 3.5" drive config_data = 0x00; // 0000 0000 media_state = 0x17; // 0001 0111 retval = 1; } else if ( drive_type == 5 ) { // 2.88 MB 3.5" drive config_data = 0xCC; // 1100 1100 media_state = 0xD7; // 1101 0111 retval = 1; } else { // not recognized config_data = 0x00; // 0000 0000 media_state = 0x00; // 0000 0000 retval = 0; } if (drive == 0) media_state_offset = 0x90; else media_state_offset = 0x91; write_byte(0x0040, 0x008B, config_data); write_byte(0x0040, media_state_offset, media_state); return(retval); } Boolean floppy_drive_recal(drive) Bit16u drive; { Bit8u val8, dor; Bit16u curr_cyl_offset; // set 40:3e bit 7 to 0 val8 = read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e); val8 &= 0x7f; write_byte(0x0000, 0x043e, val8); // turn on motor of selected drive, DMA & int enabled, normal operation if (drive) dor = 0x20; else dor = 0x10; dor |= 0x0c; dor |= drive; outb(0x03f2, dor); // check port 3f4 for drive readiness val8 = inb(0x3f4); if ( (val8 & 0xf0) != 0x80 ) panic("floppy recal:f07: ctrl not ready"); // send Recalibrate command (2 bytes) to controller outb(0x03f5, 0x07); // 07: Recalibrate outb(0x03f5, drive); // 0=drive0, 1=drive1 // turn on interrupts #asm sti #endasm // wait on 40:3e bit 7 to become 1 val8 = (read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e) & 0x80); while ( val8 == 0 ) { val8 = (read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e) & 0x80); } val8 = 0; // separate asm from while() loop // turn off interrupts #asm cli #endasm // set 40:3e bit 7 to 0, and calibrated bit val8 = read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e); val8 &= 0x7f; if (drive) { val8 |= 0x02; // Drive 1 calibrated curr_cyl_offset = 0x0095; } else { val8 |= 0x01; // Drive 0 calibrated curr_cyl_offset = 0x0094; } write_byte(0x0040, 0x003e, val8); write_byte(0x0040, curr_cyl_offset, 0); // current cylinder is 0 return(1); } Boolean floppy_drive_exists(drive) Bit16u drive; { Bit8u drive_type; // check CMOS to see if drive exists drive_type = inb_cmos(0x10); if (drive == 0) drive_type >>= 4; else drive_type &= 0x0f; if ( drive_type == 0 ) return(0); else return(1); } #if BX_SUPPORT_FLOPPY void int13_diskette_function(DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, ES, FLAGS) Bit16u DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, ES, FLAGS; { Bit8u drive, num_sectors, track, sector, head, status; Bit16u base_address, base_count, base_es; Bit8u page, mode_register, val8, dor; Bit8u return_status[7]; Bit8u drive_type, num_floppies, ah; Bit16u es, last_addr; //printf("BIOS: int13: AX=%04x BX=%04x CX=%04x DX=%04x\n", AX, BX, CX, DX); ah = GET_AH(); switch ( ah ) { case 0x00: // diskette controller reset printf("floppy f00\n"); drive = GET_DL(); if (drive > 1) { SET_AH(1); // invalid param set_diskette_ret_status(1); SET_CF(); return; } drive_type = inb_cmos(0x10); if (drive == 0) drive_type >>= 4; else drive_type &= 0x0f; if (drive_type == 0) { SET_AH(0x80); // drive not responding set_diskette_ret_status(0x80); SET_CF(); return; } SET_AH(0); set_diskette_ret_status(0); CLEAR_CF(); // successful set_diskette_current_cyl(drive, 0); // current cylinder return; case 0x01: // Read Diskette Status CLEAR_CF(); val8 = read_byte(0x0000, 0x0441); SET_AH(val8); if (val8) { SET_CF(); } return; case 0x02: // Read Diskette Sectors case 0x03: // Write Diskette Sectors case 0x04: // Verify Diskette Sectors num_sectors = GET_AL(); track = GET_CH(); sector = GET_CL(); head = GET_DH(); drive = GET_DL(); if ( (drive > 1) || (head > 1) || (num_sectors == 0) || (num_sectors > 72) ) { printf("floppy: drive>1 || head>1 ...\n"); SET_AH(1); set_diskette_ret_status(1); SET_AL(0); // no sectors read SET_CF(); // error occurred return; } // see if drive exists if (floppy_drive_exists(drive) == 0) { SET_AH(0x80); // not responding set_diskette_ret_status(0x80); SET_AL(0); // no sectors read SET_CF(); // error occurred return; } // see if media in drive, and type is known if (floppy_media_known(drive) == 0) { if (floppy_media_sense(drive) == 0) { SET_AH(0x0C); // Media type not found set_diskette_ret_status(0x0C); SET_AL(0); // no sectors read SET_CF(); // error occurred return; } } if (ah == 0x02) { // Read Diskette Sectors //----------------------------------- // set up DMA controller for transfer //----------------------------------- // es:bx = pointer to where to place information from diskette // port 04: DMA-1 base and current address, channel 2 // port 05: DMA-1 base and current count, channel 2 page = (ES >> 12); // upper 4 bits base_es = (ES << 4); // lower 16bits contributed by ES base_address = base_es + BX; // lower 16 bits of address // contributed by ES:BX if ( base_address < base_es ) { // in case of carry, adjust page by 1 page++; } base_count = (num_sectors * 512) - 1; // check for 64K boundary overrun last_addr = base_address + base_count; if (last_addr < base_address) { SET_AH(0x09); set_diskette_ret_status(0x09); SET_AL(0); // no sectors read SET_CF(); // error occurred return; } printf("masking DMA-1 c2\n"); outb(0x000a, 0x06); printf("clear flip-flop\n"); outb(0x000c, 0x00); // clear flip-flop outb(0x0004, base_address); outb(0x0004, base_address>>8); printf("clear flip-flop\n"); outb(0x000c, 0x00); // clear flip-flop outb(0x0005, base_count); outb(0x0005, base_count>>8); // port 0b: DMA-1 Mode Register mode_register = 0x46; // single mode, increment, autoinit disable, // transfer type=write, channel 2 printf("setting mode register\n"); outb(0x000b, mode_register); printf("setting page register\n"); // port 81: DMA-1 Page Register, channel 2 outb(0x0081, page); printf("unmask chan 2\n"); outb(0x000a, 0x02); // unmask channel 2 printf("unmasking DMA-1 c2\n"); outb(0x000a, 0x02); //-------------------------------------- // set up floppy controller for transfer //-------------------------------------- // set 40:3e bit 7 to 0 val8 = read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e); val8 &= 0x7f; write_byte(0x0000, 0x043e, val8); // turn on motor of selected drive, DMA & int enabled, normal operation if (drive) dor = 0x20; else dor = 0x10; dor |= 0x0c; dor |= drive; outb(0x03f2, dor); // check port 3f4 for drive readiness val8 = inb(0x3f4); if ( (val8 & 0xf0) != 0x80 ) panic("int13_diskette:f02: ctrl not ready"); // send read-normal-data command (9 bytes) to controller outb(0x03f5, 0xe6); // e6: read normal data outb(0x03f5, (head << 2) | drive); // HD DR1 DR2 outb(0x03f5, track); outb(0x03f5, head); outb(0x03f5, sector); outb(0x03f5, 2); // 512 byte sector size outb(0x03f5, 0); // last sector number possible on track outb(0x03f5, 0); // Gap length outb(0x03f5, 0xff); // Gap length // turn on interrupts #asm sti #endasm // wait on 40:3e bit 7 to become 1 val8 = (read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e) & 0x80); while ( val8 == 0 ) { val8 = (read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e) & 0x80); } val8 = 0; // separate asm from while() loop // turn off interrupts #asm cli #endasm // set 40:3e bit 7 to 0 val8 = read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e); val8 &= 0x7f; write_byte(0x0000, 0x043e, val8); // check port 3f4 for accessibility to status bytes val8 = inb(0x3f4); if ( (val8 & 0xc0) != 0xc0 ) panic("int13_diskette: ctrl not ready"); // read 7 return status bytes from controller // using loop index broken, have to unroll... return_status[0] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[1] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[2] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[3] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[4] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[5] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[6] = inb(0x3f5); // record in BIOS Data Area write_byte(0x0040, 0x0042, return_status[0]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0043, return_status[1]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0044, return_status[2]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0045, return_status[3]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0046, return_status[4]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0047, return_status[5]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0048, return_status[6]); if ( (return_status[0] & 0xc0) != 0 ) { SET_AH(0x20); set_diskette_ret_status(0x20); SET_AL(0); // no sectors read SET_CF(); // error occurred return; } // ??? should track be new val from return_status[3] ? set_diskette_current_cyl(drive, track); // AL = number of sectors read (same value as passed) SET_AH(0x00); // success CLEAR_CF(); // success return; } else if (ah == 0x03) { // Write Diskette Sectors //----------------------------------- // set up DMA controller for transfer //----------------------------------- // es:bx = pointer to where to place information from diskette // port 04: DMA-1 base and current address, channel 2 // port 05: DMA-1 base and current count, channel 2 page = (ES >> 12); // upper 4 bits base_es = (ES << 4); // lower 16bits contributed by ES base_address = base_es + BX; // lower 16 bits of address // contributed by ES:BX if ( base_address < base_es ) { // in case of carry, adjust page by 1 page++; } base_count = (num_sectors * 512) - 1; // check for 64K boundary overrun last_addr = base_address + base_count; if (last_addr < base_address) { SET_AH(0x09); set_diskette_ret_status(0x09); SET_AL(0); // no sectors read SET_CF(); // error occurred return; } printf("masking DMA-1 c2\n"); outb(0x000a, 0x06); outb(0x000c, 0x00); // clear flip-flop outb(0x0004, base_address); outb(0x0004, base_address>>8); outb(0x000c, 0x00); // clear flip-flop outb(0x0005, base_count); outb(0x0005, base_count>>8); // port 0b: DMA-1 Mode Register mode_register = 0x4a; // single mode, increment, autoinit disable, // transfer type=read, channel 2 outb(0x000b, mode_register); // port 81: DMA-1 Page Register, channel 2 outb(0x0081, page); printf("unmasking DMA-1 c2\n"); outb(0x000a, 0x02); //-------------------------------------- // set up floppy controller for transfer //-------------------------------------- // set 40:3e bit 7 to 0 val8 = read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e); val8 &= 0x7f; write_byte(0x0000, 0x043e, val8); // turn on motor of selected drive, DMA & int enabled, normal operation if (drive) dor = 0x20; else dor = 0x10; dor |= 0x0c; dor |= drive; outb(0x03f2, dor); // check port 3f4 for drive readiness val8 = inb(0x3f4); if ( (val8 & 0xf0) != 0x80 ) panic("int13_diskette:f03: ctrl not ready"); // send read-normal-data command (9 bytes) to controller outb(0x03f5, 0xc5); // c5: write normal data outb(0x03f5, (head << 2) | drive); // HD DR1 DR2 outb(0x03f5, track); outb(0x03f5, head); outb(0x03f5, sector); outb(0x03f5, 2); // 512 byte sector size outb(0x03f5, 0); // last sector number possible on track outb(0x03f5, 0); // Gap length outb(0x03f5, 0xff); // Gap length // turn on interrupts #asm sti #endasm // wait on 40:3e bit 7 to become 1 val8 = (read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e) & 0x80); while ( val8 == 0 ) { val8 = (read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e) & 0x80); } val8 = 0; // separate asm from while() loop // turn off interrupts #asm cli #endasm // set 40:3e bit 7 to 0 val8 = read_byte(0x0000, 0x043e); val8 &= 0x7f; write_byte(0x0000, 0x043e, val8); // check port 3f4 for accessibility to status bytes val8 = inb(0x3f4); if ( (val8 & 0xc0) != 0xc0 ) panic("int13_diskette: ctrl not ready"); // read 7 return status bytes from controller // using loop index broken, have to unroll... return_status[0] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[1] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[2] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[3] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[4] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[5] = inb(0x3f5); return_status[6] = inb(0x3f5); // record in BIOS Data Area write_byte(0x0040, 0x0042, return_status[0]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0043, return_status[1]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0044, return_status[2]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0045, return_status[3]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0046, return_status[4]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0047, return_status[5]); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0048, return_status[6]); if ( (return_status[0] & 0xc0) != 0 ) { if ( (return_status[1] & 0x02) != 0 ) { // diskette not writable. // AH=status code=0x03 (tried to write on write-protected disk) // AL=number of sectors written=0 AX = 0x0300; SET_CF(); return; } else { panic("int13_diskette_function: read error"); } } // ??? should track be new val from return_status[3] ? set_diskette_current_cyl(drive, track); // AL = number of sectors read (same value as passed) SET_AH(0x00); // success CLEAR_CF(); // success return; } else { // if (ah == 0x04) // Verify Diskette Sectors // ??? should track be new val from return_status[3] ? set_diskette_current_cyl(drive, track); // AL = number of sectors verified (same value as passed) CLEAR_CF(); // success SET_AH(0x00); // success return; } case 0x05: // format diskette track printf("floppy f05\n"); num_sectors = GET_AL(); track = GET_CH(); head = GET_DH(); drive = GET_DL(); if (drive > 1) { SET_AH(1); set_diskette_ret_status(1); SET_CF(); // error occurred } drive_type = inb_cmos(0x10); if (drive == 0) drive_type >>= 4; else drive_type &= 0x0f; if (drive_type == 0) { SET_AH(0x80); // drive not responding set_diskette_ret_status(0x80); SET_CF(); // error occurred return; } /* nop */ SET_AH(0); set_diskette_ret_status(0); set_diskette_current_cyl(drive, track); CLEAR_CF(); // successful return; case 0x08: // read diskette drive parameters printf("floppy f08\n"); drive = GET_DL(); if (drive>1) { AX = 0; BX = 0; CX = 0; DX = 0; //ES = 0; // ??? SET_DL(num_floppies); //set_diskette_ret_status(AH=1); SET_CF(); return; } drive_type = inb_cmos(0x10); num_floppies = 0; if (drive_type & 0xf0) num_floppies++; if (drive_type & 0x0f) num_floppies++; if (drive == 0) drive_type >>= 4; else drive_type &= 0x0f; SET_BH(0); SET_BL(drive_type); SET_AH(0); SET_AL(0); SET_DL(num_floppies); switch (drive_type) { case 0: // none CX = 0; SET_DH(0); // max head # break; case 1: // 360KB, 5.25" CX = 0x2709; // 40 tracks, 9 sectors SET_DH(1); // max head # break; case 2: // 1.2MB, 5.25" CX = 0x4f0f; // 80 tracks, 15 sectors SET_DH(1); // max head # break; case 3: // 720KB, 3.5" CX = 0x4f09; // 80 tracks, 9 sectors SET_DH(1); // max head # break; case 4: // 1.44MB, 3.5" CX = 0x4f12; // 80 tracks, 18 sectors SET_DH(1); // max head # break; case 5: // 2.88MB, 3.5" CX = 0x4f24; // 80 tracks, 36 sectors SET_DH(1); // max head # break; default: // ? panic("floppy: int13: bad floppy type"); } /* set es & di to point to 11 byte diskette param table */ DI = read_word(0x0000, 0x0078); ES = read_word(0x0000, 0x007a); CLEAR_CF(); // success /* disk status not changed upon success */ return; case 0x15: // read diskette drive type printf("floppy f15\n"); drive = GET_DL(); if (drive > 1) { SET_AH(0); // only 2 drives supported // set_diskette_ret_status here ??? SET_CF(); return; } drive_type = inb_cmos(0x10); if (drive == 0) drive_type >>= 4; else drive_type &= 0x0f; CLEAR_CF(); // successful, not present if (drive_type==0) { SET_AH(0); // drive not present } else { SET_AH(1); // drive present, does not support change line } return; case 0x16: // get diskette change line status printf("floppy f16\n"); drive = GET_DL(); if (drive > 1) { SET_AH(0x01); // invalid drive set_diskette_ret_status(0x01); SET_CF(); return; } SET_AH(0x06); // change line not supported set_diskette_ret_status(0x06); SET_CF(); return; case 0x17: // set diskette type for format(old) printf("floppy f17\n"); /* not used for 1.44M floppies */ SET_AH(0x01); // not supported set_diskette_ret_status(1); /* not supported */ SET_CF(); return; case 0x18: // set diskette type for format(new) printf("floppy f18\n"); SET_AH(0x01); // do later set_diskette_ret_status(1); SET_CF(); return; default: if ( (ah==0x20) || ((ah>=0x41) && (ah<=0x49)) || (ah==0x4e) ) { SET_AH(0x01); // ??? set_diskette_ret_status(1); SET_CF(); printf("floppy: int13: 0x%02x\n", ah); return; } panic("int13_diskette: AH=%02x", ah); } } #else // #if BX_SUPPORT_FLOPPY void int13_diskette_function(DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, ES, FLAGS) Bit16u DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX, ES, FLAGS; { Bit8u val8; switch ( GET_AH() ) { case 0x01: // Read Diskette Status CLEAR_CF(); val8 = read_byte(0x0000, 0x0441); SET_AH(val8); if (val8) { SET_CF(); } return; default: SET_CF(); write_byte(0x0000, 0x0441, 0x01); SET_AH(0x01); } } #endif // #if BX_SUPPORT_FLOPPY void set_disk_ret_status(val) Bit8u val; { write_byte(0x0040, 0x0074, val); } void set_diskette_ret_status(value) Bit8u value; { write_byte(0x0040, 0x0041, value); } void set_diskette_current_cyl(drive, cyl) Bit8u drive; Bit8u cyl; { if (drive > 1) panic("set_diskette_current_cyl(): drive > 1"); write_byte(0x0040, 0x0094+drive, cyl); } void determine_floppy_media(drive) Bit16u drive; { #if 0 Bit8u val8, DOR, ctrl_info; ctrl_info = read_byte(0x0040, 0x008F); if (drive==1) ctrl_info >>= 4; else ctrl_info &= 0x0f; #if 0 if (drive == 0) { DOR = 0x1c; // DOR: drive0 motor on, DMA&int enabled, normal op, drive select 0 } else { DOR = 0x2d; // DOR: drive1 motor on, DMA&int enabled, normal op, drive select 1 } #endif if ( (ctrl_info & 0x04) != 0x04 ) { // Drive not determined means no drive exists, done. return; } #if 0 // check Main Status Register for readiness val8 = inb(0x03f4) & 0x80; // Main Status Register if (val8 != 0x80) panic("d_f_m: MRQ bit not set"); // change line // existing BDA values // turn on drive motor outb(0x03f2, DOR); // Digital Output Register // #endif panic("d_f_m: OK so far"); #endif } void get_hd_geometry(drive, hd_cylinders, hd_heads, hd_sectors) Bit8u drive; Bit16u *hd_cylinders; Bit8u *hd_heads; Bit8u *hd_sectors; { Bit8u hd_type; Bit16u ss; Bit16u cylinders; Bit8u iobase; ss = get_SS(); if (drive == 0x80) { hd_type = inb_cmos(0x12) & 0xf0; if (hd_type != 0xf0) panic("HD0 cmos reg 12h not type F"); hd_type = inb_cmos(0x19); // HD0: extended type if (hd_type != 47) panic("HD0 cmos reg 19h not user definable type 47"); iobase = 0x1b; } else { hd_type = inb_cmos(0x12) & 0x0f; if (hd_type != 0x0f) panic("HD1 cmos reg 12h not type F"); hd_type = inb_cmos(0x1a); // HD0: extended type if (hd_type != 47) panic("HD1 cmos reg 1ah not user definable type 47"); iobase = 0x24; } // cylinders cylinders = inb_cmos(iobase) | (inb_cmos(iobase+1) << 8); write_word(ss, hd_cylinders, cylinders); // heads write_byte(ss, hd_heads, inb_cmos(iobase+2)); // sectors per track write_byte(ss, hd_sectors, inb_cmos(iobase+8)); } void int1a_function(regs, ds, iret_addr) pusha_regs_t regs; // regs pushed from PUSHA instruction Bit16u ds; // previous DS:, DS set to 0x0000 by asm wrapper iret_addr_t iret_addr; // CS,IP,Flags pushed from original INT call { Bit8u val8; #asm sti #endasm switch (regs.u.r8.ah) { case 0: // get current clock count #asm cli #endasm regs.u.r16.cx = BiosData->ticks_high; regs.u.r16.dx = BiosData->ticks_low; regs.u.r8.al = BiosData->midnight_flag; BiosData->midnight_flag = 0; // reset flag #asm sti #endasm // AH already 0 ClearCF(iret_addr.flags); // OK break; case 1: // Set Current Clock Count #asm cli #endasm BiosData->ticks_high = regs.u.r16.cx; BiosData->ticks_low = regs.u.r16.dx; BiosData->midnight_flag = 0; // reset flag #asm sti #endasm regs.u.r8.ah = 0; ClearCF(iret_addr.flags); // OK break; case 2: // Read CMOS Time if (rtc_updating()) { SetCF(iret_addr.flags); break; } regs.u.r8.dh = inb_cmos(0x00); // Seconds regs.u.r8.cl = inb_cmos(0x02); // Minutes regs.u.r8.ch = inb_cmos(0x04); // Hours regs.u.r8.dl = inb_cmos(0x0b) & 0x01; // Stat Reg B regs.u.r8.ah = 0; regs.u.r8.al = regs.u.r8.ch; ClearCF(iret_addr.flags); // OK break; case 3: // Set CMOS Time // Using a debugger, I notice the following masking/setting // of bits in Status Register B, by setting Reg B to // a few values and getting its value after INT 1A was called. // // try#1 try#2 try#3 // before 1111 1101 0111 1101 0000 0000 // after 0110 0010 0110 0010 0000 0010 // // Bit4 in try#1 flipped in hardware (forced low) due to bit7=1 // My assumption: RegB = ((RegB & 01100000b) | 00000010b) if (rtc_updating()) { init_rtc(); // fall through as if an update were not in progress } outb_cmos(0x00, regs.u.r8.dh); // Seconds outb_cmos(0x02, regs.u.r8.cl); // Minutes outb_cmos(0x04, regs.u.r8.ch); // Hours // Set Daylight Savings time enabled bit to requested value val8 = (inb_cmos(0x0b) & 0x60) | 0x02 | (regs.u.r8.dl & 0x01); // (reg B already selected) outb_cmos(0x0b, val8); regs.u.r8.ah = 0; regs.u.r8.al = val8; // val last written to Reg B ClearCF(iret_addr.flags); // OK break; case 4: // Read CMOS Date regs.u.r8.ah = 0; if (rtc_updating()) { SetCF(iret_addr.flags); break; } regs.u.r8.cl = inb_cmos(0x09); // Year regs.u.r8.dh = inb_cmos(0x08); // Month regs.u.r8.dl = inb_cmos(0x07); // Day of Month regs.u.r8.ch = inb_cmos(0x32); // Century regs.u.r8.al = regs.u.r8.ch; ClearCF(iret_addr.flags); // OK break; case 5: // Set CMOS Date // Using a debugger, I notice the following masking/setting // of bits in Status Register B, by setting Reg B to // a few values and getting its value after INT 1A was called. // // try#1 try#2 try#3 try#4 // before 1111 1101 0111 1101 0000 0010 0000 0000 // after 0110 1101 0111 1101 0000 0010 0000 0000 // // Bit4 in try#1 flipped in hardware (forced low) due to bit7=1 // My assumption: RegB = (RegB & 01111111b) if (rtc_updating()) { init_rtc(); SetCF(iret_addr.flags); break; } outb_cmos(0x09, regs.u.r8.cl); // Year outb_cmos(0x08, regs.u.r8.dh); // Month outb_cmos(0x07, regs.u.r8.dl); // Day of Month outb_cmos(0x32, regs.u.r8.ch); // Century val8 = inb_cmos(0x0b) & 0x7f; // clear halt-clock bit outb_cmos(0x0b, val8); regs.u.r8.ah = 0; regs.u.r8.al = val8; // AL = val last written to Reg B ClearCF(iret_addr.flags); // OK break; case 6: // Set Alarm Time in CMOS // Using a debugger, I notice the following masking/setting // of bits in Status Register B, by setting Reg B to // a few values and getting its value after INT 1A was called. // // try#1 try#2 try#3 // before 1101 1111 0101 1111 0000 0000 // after 0110 1111 0111 1111 0010 0000 // // Bit4 in try#1 flipped in hardware (forced low) due to bit7=1 // My assumption: RegB = ((RegB & 01111111b) | 00100000b) val8 = inb_cmos(0x0b); // Get Status Reg B regs.u.r16.ax = 0; if (val8 & 0x20) { // Alarm interrupt enabled already SetCF(iret_addr.flags); // Error: alarm in use break; } if (rtc_updating()) { init_rtc(); // fall through as if an update were not in progress } outb_cmos(0x01, regs.u.r8.dh); // Seconds alarm outb_cmos(0x03, regs.u.r8.cl); // Minutes alarm outb_cmos(0x05, regs.u.r8.ch); // Hours alarm outb(0xa1, inb(0xa1) & 0xfe); // enable IRQ 8 // enable Status Reg B alarm bit, clear halt clock bit outb_cmos(0x0b, (val8 & 0x7f) | 0x20); ClearCF(iret_addr.flags); // OK break; case 7: // Turn off Alarm // Using a debugger, I notice the following masking/setting // of bits in Status Register B, by setting Reg B to // a few values and getting its value after INT 1A was called. // // try#1 try#2 try#3 try#4 // before 1111 1101 0111 1101 0010 0000 0010 0010 // after 0100 0101 0101 0101 0000 0000 0000 0010 // // Bit4 in try#1 flipped in hardware (forced low) due to bit7=1 // My assumption: RegB = (RegB & 01010111b) val8 = inb_cmos(0x0b); // Get Status Reg B // clear clock-halt bit, disable alarm bit outb_cmos(0x0b, val8 & 0x57); // disable alarm bit regs.u.r8.ah = 0; regs.u.r8.al = val8; // val last written to Reg B ClearCF(iret_addr.flags); // OK break; default: SetCF(iret_addr.flags); // Unsupported } } void int70_function(regs, ds, iret_addr) pusha_regs_t regs; // regs pushed from PUSHA instruction Bit16u ds; // previous DS:, DS set to 0x0000 by asm wrapper iret_addr_t iret_addr; // CS,IP,Flags pushed from original INT call { // INT 70h: IRQ 8 - CMOS RTC interrupt from periodic or alarm modes Bit8u val8; val8 = inb_cmos(0x0c); // Status Reg C if (val8 == 0) panic("int70: regC 0"); if (val8 & 0x40) panic("int70: periodic request"); if (val8 & 0x20) { // Alarm Flag indicates alarm time matches current time // call user INT 4Ah alarm handler #asm sti //pushf //;; call_ep [ds:loc] //CALL_EP( 0x4a << 2 ) int #0x4a cli #endasm } #asm ;; send EOI to slave & master PICs mov al, #0x20 out #0xA0, al ;; slave PIC EOI out #0x20, al ;; master PIC EOI #endasm } #asm ;------------------------------------------ ;- INT74h : PS/2 mouse hardware interrupt - ;------------------------------------------ int74_handler: sti pusha push ds ;; save DS push #0x00 ;; placeholder for status push #0x00 ;; placeholder for X push #0x00 ;; placeholder for Y push #0x00 ;; placeholder for Z push #0x00 ;; placeholder for make_far_call boolean call _int74_function pop cx ;; remove make_far_call from stack jcxz int74_done ;; make far call to EBDA:0022 push #0x00 pop ds push 0x040E ;; push 0000:040E (opcodes 0xff, 0x36, 0x0E, 0x04) pop ds //CALL_EP(0x0022) ;; call far routine (call_Ep DS:0022 :opcodes 0xff, 0x1e, 0x22, 0x00) call far ptr[0x22] int74_done: cli mov al, #0x20 ;; send EOI to slave & master PICs out #0xA0, al ;; slave PIC EOI out #0x20, al ;; master PIC EOI add sp, #8 ;; pop status, x, y, z pop ds ;; restore DS popa iret ;; This will perform an IRET, but will retain value of current CF ;; by altering flags on stack. Better than RETF #02. iret_modify_cf: jc carry_set push bp mov bp, sp and BYTE [bp + 0x06], #0xfe pop bp iret carry_set: push bp mov bp, sp or BYTE [bp + 0x06], #0x01 pop bp iret ;---------------------- ;- INT13h (relocated) - ;---------------------- int13_relocated: pushf test dl, #0x80 jz int13_floppy int13_disk: ;; pushf already done push es pusha call _int13_function popa pop es popf // JMPL(iret_modify_cf) jmp iret_modify_cf int13_floppy: popf // JMPL(int13_diskette) jmp int13_diskette ;---------------------- ;- INT19h (relocated) - ;---------------------- int19_relocated: ;; check bit 5 in CMOS reg 0x2d. load either 0x00 or 0x80 into DL ;; in preparation for the intial INT 13h (0=floppy A:, 0x80=C:) ;; 0: system boot sequence, first drive C: then A: ;; 1: system boot sequence, first drive A: then C: mov al, #0x2d out 0x70, al in al, 0x71 and al, #0x20 jz int19_usedisk int19_usefloppy: mov dl, #0x00 jmp int19_loadsector int19_usedisk: mov dl, #0x80 int19_loadsector: mov ax, #0x0000 mov es, ax ;; seg = 0000 mov bx, #0x7c00 ;; load boot sector into 0000:7c000 mov ah, #0x02 ;; function 2, read diskette sector mov al, #0x01 ;; read 1 sector mov ch, #0x00 ;; track 0 mov cl, #0x01 ;; sector 1 mov dh, #0x00 ;; head 0 int #0x13 xor dh,dh jc bootstrap_problem inc dh cmp WORD [0x7DFE], #0xAA55 jne bootstrap_problem JMP_AP(0x0000, 0x7c00) bootstrap_problem: push dx call _boot_failure_msg int #0x18 ;; Boot failure iret ;---------- ;- INT18h - ;---------- int18_handler: ;; Boot Failure routing HALT(__LINE__) iret ;---------- ;- INT1Ch - ;---------- int1c_handler: ;; User Timer Tick iret ;---------------------- ;- POST: Floppy Drive - ;---------------------- floppy_drive_post: mov ax, #0x0000 mov ds, ax mov al, #0x00 mov 0x043e, al ;; drive 0 & 1 uncalibrated, no interrupt has occurred mov 0x043f, al ;; diskette motor status: read op, drive0, motors off mov 0x0440, al ;; diskette motor timeout counter: not active mov 0x0441, al ;; diskette controller status return code mov 0x0442, al ;; disk & diskette controller status register 0 mov 0x0443, al ;; diskette controller status register 1 mov 0x0444, al ;; diskette controller status register 2 mov 0x0445, al ;; diskette controller cylinder number mov 0x0446, al ;; diskette controller head number mov 0x0447, al ;; diskette controller sector number mov 0x0448, al ;; diskette controller bytes written mov 0x048b, al ;; diskette configuration data ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; (048F) diskette controller information ;; mov al, #0x10 ;; get CMOS diskette drive type out 0x70, AL in AL, 0x71 mov ah, al ;; save byte to AH look_drive0: shr al, #4 ;; look at top 4 bits for drive 0 jz f0_missing ;; jump if no drive0 mov bl, #0x07 ;; drive0 determined, multi-rate, has changed line jmp look_drive1 f0_missing: mov bl, #0x00 ;; no drive0 look_drive1: mov al, ah ;; restore from AH and al, #0x0f ;; look at bottom 4 bits for drive 1 jz f1_missing ;; jump if no drive1 or bl, #0x70 ;; drive1 determined, multi-rate, has changed line f1_missing: ;; leave high bits in BL zerod mov 0x048f, bl ;; put new val in BDA (diskette controller information) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------- mov al, #0x00 mov 0x0490, al ;; diskette 0 media state mov 0x0491, al ;; diskette 1 media state ;; diskette 0,1 operational starting state ;; drive type has not been determined, ;; has no changed detection line mov 0x0492, al mov 0x0493, al mov 0x0494, al ;; diskette 0 current cylinder mov 0x0495, al ;; diskette 1 current cylinder mov al, #0x02 out #0x0a, al ;; clear DMA-1 channel 2 mask bit SET_INT_VECTOR(0x1E, #0xF000, #diskette_param_table) SET_INT_VECTOR(0x40, #0xF000, #int13_diskette) SET_INT_VECTOR(0x0E, #0xF000, #int0e_handler) ;; IRQ 6 ret ;-------------------- ;- POST: HARD DRIVE - ;-------------------- ; relocated here because the primary POST area isnt big enough. hard_drive_post: // IRQ 14 = INT 76h // INT 76h calls INT 15h function ax=9100 mov al, #0x0a ; 0000 1010 = reserved, disable IRQ 14 mov dx, #0x03f6 out dx, al mov ax, #0x0000 mov ds, ax mov 0x0474, al /* hard disk status of last operation */ mov 0x0477, al /* hard disk port offset (XT only ???) */ mov 0x048c, al /* hard disk status register */ mov 0x048d, al /* hard disk error register */ mov 0x048e, al /* hard disk task complete flag */ mov al, #0x01 mov 0x0475, al /* hard disk number attached */ mov al, #0xc0 mov 0x0476, al /* hard disk control byte */ SET_INT_VECTOR(0x13, #0xF000, #int13_handler) SET_INT_VECTOR(0x76, #0xF000, #int76_handler) ;; INT 41h: hard disk 0 configuration pointer ;; INT 46h: hard disk 1 configuration pointer SET_INT_VECTOR(0x41, #EBDA_SEG, #0x003D) SET_INT_VECTOR(0x46, #EBDA_SEG, #0x004D) ;; move disk geometry data from CMOS to EBDA disk parameter table(s) mov al, #0x12 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 and al, #0xf0 cmp al, #0xf0 je post_d0_extended jmp check_for_hd1 post_d0_extended: mov al, #0x19 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 cmp al, #47 ;; decimal 47 - user definable je post_d0_type47 HALT(__LINE__) post_d0_type47: ;; CMOS purpose param table offset ;; 1b cylinders low 0 ;; 1c cylinders high 1 ;; 1d heads 2 ;; 1e write pre-comp low 5 ;; 1f write pre-comp high 6 ;; 20 retries/bad map/heads>8 8 ;; 21 landing zone low C ;; 22 landing zone high D ;; 23 sectors/track E mov ax, #EBDA_SEG mov ds, ax ;;; Filling EBDA table for hard disk 0. mov al, #0x1f out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov ah, al mov al, #0x1e out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov (0x003d + 0x05), ax ;; write precomp word mov al, #0x20 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov (0x003d + 0x08), al ;; drive control byte mov al, #0x22 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov ah, al mov al, #0x21 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov (0x003d + 0x0C), ax ;; landing zone word mov al, #0x1c ;; get cylinders word in AX out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 ;; high byte mov ah, al mov al, #0x1b out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 ;; low byte mov bx, ax ;; BX = cylinders mov al, #0x1d out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov cl, al ;; CL = heads mov al, #0x23 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov dl, al ;; DL = sectors cmp bx, #1024 jnbe hd0_post_logical_chs ;; if cylinders > 1024, use translated style CHS hd0_post_physical_chs: ;; no logical CHS mapping used, just physical CHS ;; use Standard Fixed Disk Parameter Table (FDPT) mov (0x003d + 0x00), bx ;; number of physical cylinders mov (0x003d + 0x02), cl ;; number of physical heads mov (0x003d + 0x0E), dl ;; number of physical sectors jmp check_for_hd1 hd0_post_logical_chs: ;; complies with Phoenix style Translated Fixed Disk Parameter Table (FDPT) mov (0x003d + 0x09), bx ;; number of physical cylinders mov (0x003d + 0x0b), cl ;; number of physical heads mov (0x003d + 0x04), dl ;; number of physical sectors mov (0x003d + 0x0e), dl ;; number of logical sectors (same) mov al, #0xa0 mov (0x003d + 0x03), al ;; A0h signature, indicates translated table cmp bx, #2048 jnbe hd0_post_above_2048 ;; 1024 < c <= 2048 cylinders shr bx, #0x01 shl cl, #0x01 jmp hd0_post_store_logical hd0_post_above_2048: cmp bx, #4096 jnbe hd0_post_above_4096 ;; 2048 < c <= 4096 cylinders shr bx, #0x02 shl cl, #0x02 jmp hd0_post_store_logical hd0_post_above_4096: cmp bx, #8192 jnbe hd0_post_above_8192 ;; 4096 < c <= 8192 cylinders shr bx, #0x03 shl cl, #0x03 jmp hd0_post_store_logical hd0_post_above_8192: ;; 8192 < c <= 16384 cylinders shr bx, #0x04 shl cl, #0x04 hd0_post_store_logical: mov (0x003d + 0x00), bx ;; number of physical cylinders mov (0x003d + 0x02), cl ;; number of physical heads ;; checksum mov cl, #0x0f ;; repeat count mov si, #0x003d ;; offset to disk0 FDPT mov al, #0x00 ;; sum hd0_post_checksum_loop: add al, [si] inc si dec cl jnz hd0_post_checksum_loop not al ;; now take 2s complement inc al mov [si], al ;;; Done filling EBDA table for hard disk 0. check_for_hd1: ;; is there really a second hard disk? if not, return now mov al, #0x12 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 and al, #0x0f jnz post_d1_exists ret post_d1_exists: ;; check that the hd type is really 0x0f. cmp al, #0x0f jz post_d1_extended HALT(__LINE__) post_d1_extended: ;; check that the extended type is 47 - user definable mov al, #0x1a out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 cmp al, #47 ;; decimal 47 - user definable je post_d1_type47 HALT(__LINE__) post_d1_type47: ;; Table for disk1. ;; CMOS purpose param table offset ;; 0x24 cylinders low 0 ;; 0x25 cylinders high 1 ;; 0x26 heads 2 ;; 0x27 write pre-comp low 5 ;; 0x28 write pre-comp high 6 ;; 0x29 heads>8 8 ;; 0x2a landing zone low C ;; 0x2b landing zone high D ;; 0x2c sectors/track E ;;; Fill EBDA table for hard disk 1. mov al, #0x28 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov ah, al mov al, #0x27 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov (0x004d + 0x05), ax ;; write precomp word mov al, #0x29 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov (0x004d + 0x08), al ;; drive control byte mov al, #0x2b out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov ah, al mov al, #0x2a out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov (0x004d + 0x0C), ax ;; landing zone word mov al, #0x25 ;; get cylinders word in AX out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 ;; high byte mov ah, al mov al, #0x24 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 ;; low byte mov bx, ax ;; BX = cylinders mov al, #0x26 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov cl, al ;; CL = heads mov al, #0x2c out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 mov dl, al ;; DL = sectors cmp bx, #1024 jnbe hd1_post_logical_chs ;; if cylinders > 1024, use translated style CHS hd1_post_physical_chs: ;; no logical CHS mapping used, just physical CHS ;; use Standard Fixed Disk Parameter Table (FDPT) mov (0x004d + 0x00), bx ;; number of physical cylinders mov (0x004d + 0x02), cl ;; number of physical heads mov (0x004d + 0x0E), dl ;; number of physical sectors ret hd1_post_logical_chs: ;; complies with Phoenix style Translated Fixed Disk Parameter Table (FDPT) mov (0x004d + 0x09), bx ;; number of physical cylinders mov (0x004d + 0x0b), cl ;; number of physical heads mov (0x004d + 0x04), dl ;; number of physical sectors mov (0x004d + 0x0e), dl ;; number of logical sectors (same) mov al, #0xa0 mov (0x004d + 0x03), al ;; A0h signature, indicates translated table cmp bx, #2048 jnbe hd1_post_above_2048 ;; 1024 < c <= 2048 cylinders shr bx, #0x01 shl cl, #0x01 jmp hd1_post_store_logical hd1_post_above_2048: cmp bx, #4096 jnbe hd1_post_above_4096 ;; 2048 < c <= 4096 cylinders shr bx, #0x02 shl cl, #0x02 jmp hd1_post_store_logical hd1_post_above_4096: cmp bx, #8192 jnbe hd1_post_above_8192 ;; 4096 < c <= 8192 cylinders shr bx, #0x03 shl cl, #0x03 jmp hd1_post_store_logical hd1_post_above_8192: ;; 8192 < c <= 16384 cylinders shr bx, #0x04 shl cl, #0x04 hd1_post_store_logical: mov (0x004d + 0x00), bx ;; number of physical cylinders mov (0x004d + 0x02), cl ;; number of physical heads ;; checksum mov cl, #0x0f ;; repeat count mov si, #0x004d ;; offset to disk0 FDPT mov al, #0x00 ;; sum hd1_post_checksum_loop: add al, [si] inc si dec cl jnz hd1_post_checksum_loop not al ;; now take 2s complement inc al mov [si], al ;;; Done filling EBDA table for hard disk 0. ret BcdToBin: ;; in: AL in BCD format ;; out: AL in binary format, AH will always be 0 ;; trashes BX mov bl, al and bl, #0x0f ;; bl has low digit shr al, #4 ;; al has high digit mov bh, #10 mul al, bh ;; multiply high digit by 10 (result in AX) add al, bl ;; then add low digit ret timer_tick_post: ;; Setup the Timer Ticks Count (0x46C:dword) and ;; Timer Ticks Roller Flag (0x470:byte) ;; The Timer Ticks Count needs to be set according to ;; the current CMOS time, as if ticks have been occurring ;; at 18.2hz since midnight up to this point. Calculating ;; this is a little complicated. Here are the factors I gather ;; regarding this. 14,318,180 hz was the original clock speed, ;; chosen so it could be divided by either 3 to drive the 5Mhz CPU ;; at the time, or 4 to drive the CGA video adapter. The div3 ;; source was divided again by 4 to feed a 1.193Mhz signal to ;; the timer. With a maximum 16bit timer count, this is again ;; divided down by 65536 to 18.2hz. ;; ;; 14,318,180 Hz clock ;; /3 = 4,772,726 Hz fed to orginal 5Mhz CPU ;; /4 = 1,193,181 Hz fed to timer ;; /65536 (maximum timer count) = 18.20650736 ticks/second ;; 1 second = 18.20650736 ticks ;; 1 minute = 1092.390442 ticks ;; 1 hour = 65543.42651 ticks ;; ;; Given the values in the CMOS clock, one could calculate ;; the number of ticks by the following: ;; ticks = (BcdToBin(seconds) * 18.206507) + ;; (BcdToBin(minutes) * 1092.3904) ;; (BcdToBin(hours) * 65543.427) ;; To get a little more accuracy, since Im using integer ;; arithmatic, I use: ;; ticks = (BcdToBin(seconds) * 18206507) / 1000000 + ;; (BcdToBin(minutes) * 10923904) / 10000 + ;; (BcdToBin(hours) * 65543427) / 1000 ;; assuming DS=0000 ;; get CMOS seconds xor eax, eax ;; clear EAX mov al, #0x00 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 ;; AL has CMOS seconds in BCD call BcdToBin ;; EAX now has seconds in binary mov edx, #18206507 mul eax, edx mov ebx, #1000000 xor edx, edx div eax, ebx mov ecx, eax ;; ECX will accumulate total ticks ;; get CMOS minutes xor eax, eax ;; clear EAX mov al, #0x02 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 ;; AL has CMOS minutes in BCD call BcdToBin ;; EAX now has minutes in binary mov edx, #10923904 mul eax, edx mov ebx, #10000 xor edx, edx div eax, ebx add ecx, eax ;; add to total ticks ;; get CMOS hours xor eax, eax ;; clear EAX mov al, #0x04 out #0x70, al in al, #0x71 ;; AL has CMOS hours in BCD call BcdToBin ;; EAX now has hours in binary mov edx, #65543427 mul eax, edx mov ebx, #1000 xor edx, edx div eax, ebx add ecx, eax ;; add to total ticks mov 0x46C, ecx ;; Timer Ticks Count xor al, al mov 0x470, al ;; Timer Ticks Rollover Flag ret int76_handler: ;; record completion in BIOS task complete flag push ax push ds mov ax, #0x0040 mov ds, ax mov 0x008E, #0xff mov al, #0x20 out #0xA0, al ;; slave PIC EOI out #0x20, al ;; master PIC EOI pop ds pop ax iret ;; for 'C' strings and other data, insert them here with ;; a the following hack: ;; DATA_SEG_DEFS_HERE ;-------- ;- POST - ;-------- .org 0xe05b ; POST Entry Point post: ;; Examine CMOS shutdown status. ;; 0 = normal startup mov AL, #0x0f out 0x70, AL in AL, 0x71 cmp AL, #0x00 jz normal_post HALT(__LINE__) ; mov AL, #0x0f out 0x70, AL ; select CMOS register Fh mov AL, #0x00 out 0x71, AL ; set shutdown action to normal ; ;#if 0 ; 0xb0, 0x20, /* mov al, #0x20 */ ; 0xe6, 0x20, /* out 0x20, al ;send EOI to PIC */ ;#endif ; pop es pop ds popa iret normal_post: ; case 0: normal startup cli mov ax, #0xfffe mov sp, ax mov ax, #0x0000 mov ds, ax mov ss, ax ;; zero out BIOS data area (40:00..40:ff) mov es, ax mov cx, #0x0080 ;; 128 words mov di, #0x0400 cld rep stosw ;; set all interrupts to default handler mov bx, #0x0000 ;; offset index mov cx, #0x0100 ;; counter (256 interrupts) mov ax, #dummy_iret_handler mov dx, #0xF000 post_default_ints: mov [bx], ax inc bx inc bx mov [bx], dx inc bx inc bx loop post_default_ints ;; base memory in K 40:13 (word) mov ax, #BASE_MEM_IN_K mov 0x0413, ax ;; Manufacturing Test 40:12 ;; zerod out above ;; Warm Boot Flag 0040:0072 ;; value of 1234h = skip memory checks ;; zerod out above ;; Printer Services vector SET_INT_VECTOR(0x17, #0xF000, #int17_handler) ;; Bootstrap failure vector SET_INT_VECTOR(0x18, #0xF000, #int18_handler) ;; Bootstrap Loader vector SET_INT_VECTOR(0x19, #0xF000, #int19_handler) ;; User Timer Tick vector SET_INT_VECTOR(0x1c, #0xF000, #int1c_handler) ;; Memory Size Check vector SET_INT_VECTOR(0x12, #0xF000, #int12_handler) ;; Equipment Configuration Check vector SET_INT_VECTOR(0x11, #0xF000, #int11_handler) ;; System Services SET_INT_VECTOR(0x15, #0xF000, #int15_handler) mov ax, #0x0000 ; mov EBDA seg into 40E mov ds, ax mov 0x40E, #EBDA_SEG ;; PIT setup SET_INT_VECTOR(0x08, #0xF000, #int08_handler) ;; int 1C already points at dummy_iret_handler (above) mov al, #0x34 ; timer0: binary count, 16bit count, mode 2 out 0x43, al mov al, #0x00 ; maximum count of 0000H = 18.2Hz out 0x40, al out 0x40, al ;; Keyboard SET_INT_VECTOR(0x09, #0xF000, #int09_handler) SET_INT_VECTOR(0x16, #0xF000, #int16_handler) mov ax, #0x0000 mov ds, ax mov 0x0417, al /* keyboard shift flags, set 1 */ mov 0x0418, al /* keyboard shift flags, set 2 */ mov 0x0419, al /* keyboard alt-numpad work area */ mov 0x0471, al /* keyboard ctrl-break flag */ mov 0x0496, al /* keyboard status flags 3 */ mov 0x0497, al /* keyboard status flags 4 */ /* keyboard head of buffer pointer */ mov bx, #0x001E mov 0x041A, bx /* keyboard end of buffer pointer */ mov 0x041C, bx /* keyboard buffer */ // for (i=0; i<16; i++) // bx_mem.access_physical(0x41E + i*2, 2, BX_WRITE, &zero16); /* keyboard pointer to start of buffer */ mov bx, #0x001E mov 0x0480, bx /* keyboard pointer to end of buffer */ mov bx, #0x003E mov 0x0482, bx /* (mch) Keyboard self-test */ mov al, #0xaa out 0x64, al in al, 0x60 cmp al, #0x55 je keyboard_ok call _keyboard_panic keyboard_ok: #if BX_USE_PS2_MOUSE in al, 0xa1 and al, #0xef out 0xa1, al // hack to tell CMOS & BIOS data area that we have a mouse mov al, #0x14 out 0x70, al in al, 0x71 or al, #0x04 out 0x71, al #endif ;; mov CMOS Equipment Byte to BDA Equipment Word mov ax, 0x0410 mov al, #0x14 out 0x70, al in al, 0x71 mov 0x0410, ax ;; DMA ;; nothing for now ;; Parallel setup SET_INT_VECTOR(0x0F, #0xF000, #dummy_iret_handler) mov ax, #0x0000 mov ds, ax mov 0x408, AX ; Parallel I/O address, port 1 mov 0x40A, AX ; Parallel I/O address, port 2 mov 0x40C, AX ; Parallel I/O address, port 3 mov 0x478, AL ; Parallel printer 1 timeout mov 0x479, AL ; Parallel printer 2 timerout mov 0x47A, AL ; Parallel printer 3 timerout mov 0x47B, AL ; Parallel printer 4 timerout ;; Serial setup SET_INT_VECTOR(0x0C, #0xF000, #dummy_iret_handler) SET_INT_VECTOR(0x14, #0xF000, #int14_handler) ;; assuming AX==0, DS==0 from above mov 0x400, AX ; Serial I/O address, port 1 mov 0x402, AX ; Serial I/O address, port 2 mov 0x404, AX ; Serial I/O address, port 3 mov 0x406, AX ; Serial I/O address, port 4 mov 0x47C, AL ; Serial 1 timeout mov 0x47D, AL ; Serial 2 timeout mov 0x47E, AL ; Serial 3 timeout mov 0x47F, AL ; Serial 4 timeout mov AX, 0x410 ; Equipment word bits 9..11 determing # serial ports and AX, #0xf1ff ; clear bits 9..11 for now (zero ports) mov 0x410, AX ;; CMOS RTC SET_INT_VECTOR(0x1A, #0xF000, #int1a_handler) SET_INT_VECTOR(0x4A, #0xF000, #dummy_iret_handler) SET_INT_VECTOR(0x70, #0xF000, #int70_handler) ;; BIOS DATA AREA 0x4CE ??? call timer_tick_post ;; PS/2 mouse setup SET_INT_VECTOR(0x74, #0xF000, #int74_handler) ;; Video setup SET_INT_VECTOR(0x10, #0xF000, #int10_handler) ;; Call extension ROMs - scan C0000 to F4000 in 800 steps mov bx, #0xc000 romscan: mov ds, bx mov ax, 0x0000 cmp ax, #0xAA55 jne notrom xor ax,ax mov ds,ax push bx push #3 mov bp,sp db 0xff ; call 0[bp] db 0x5e db 0 pop ax pop bx notrom: add bx,#0x80 cmp bx,#0xf400 jne romscan xor ax,ax mov ds,ax ;; PIC mov al, #0x00 out 0x21, AL ;master pic: all IRQs unmasked out 0xA1, AL ;slave pic: all IRQs unmasked ;; ;; Hard Drive setup ;; call hard_drive_post ;; ;; Floppy setup ;; call floppy_drive_post call _print_bios_banner int #0x19 //JMP_EP(0x0064) ; INT 19h location .org 0xe2c3 ; NMI Handler Entry Point call _nmi_handler_msg HALT(__LINE__) iret ;------------------------------------------- ;- INT 13h Fixed Disk Services Entry Point - ;------------------------------------------- .org 0xe3fe ; INT 13h Fixed Disk Services Entry Point int13_handler: //JMPL(int13_relocated) jmp int13_relocated .org 0xe401 ; Fixed Disk Parameter Table ;---------- ;- INT19h - ;---------- .org 0xe6f2 ; INT 19h Boot Load Service Entry Point int19_handler: //JMPL(int19_relocated) jmp int19_relocated ;------------------------------------------- ;- System BIOS Configuration Data Table ;------------------------------------------- .org BIOS_CONFIG_TABLE db 0x08 ; Table size (bytes) -Lo db 0x00 ; Table size (bytes) -Hi db SYS_MODEL_ID db SYS_SUBMODEL_ID db BIOS_REVISION ; Feature byte 1 ; b7: 1=DMA channel 3 used by hard disk ; b6: 1=2 interrupt controllers present ; b5: 1=RTC present ; b4: 1=BIOS calls int 15h/4Fh every key ; b3: 1=wait for extern event supported (Int 15h/41h) ; b2: 1=extended BIOS data area used ; b1: 0=AT or ESDI bus, 1=MicroChannel ; b0: 1=Dual bus (MicroChannel + ISA) db (0 << 7) | \ (1 << 6) | \ (1 << 5) | \ (BX_CALL_INT15_4F << 4) | \ (0 << 3) | \ (BX_USE_EBDA << 2) | \ (0 << 1) | \ (0 << 0) ; Feature byte 2 ; b7: 1=32-bit DMA supported ; b6: 1=int16h, function 9 supported ; b5: 1=int15h/C6h (get POS data) supported ; b4: 1=int15h/C7h (get mem map info) supported ; b3: 1=int15h/C8h (en/dis CPU) supported ; b2: 1=non-8042 kb controller ; b1: 1=data streaming supported ; b0: reserved db 0x00 ; Feature byte 3 ; b7: not used ; b6: reserved ; b5: reserved ; b4: POST supports ROM-to-RAM enable/disable ; b3: SCSI on system board ; b2: info panel installed ; b1: Initial Machine Load (IML) system - BIOS on disk ; b0: SCSI supported in IML db 0x00 ; Feature byte 4 ; b7: IBM private ; b6: EEPROM present ; b5-3: ABIOS presence (011 = not supported) ; b2: private ; b1: memory split above 16Mb supported ; b0: POSTEXT directly supported by POST db 0x00 ; Feature byte 5 (IBM) ; b1: enhanced mouse ; b0: flash EPROM db 0x00 .org 0xe729 ; Baud Rate Generator Table ;---------- ;- INT14h - ;---------- .org 0xe739 ; INT 14h Serial Communications Service Entry Point int14_handler: ;; ??? should post message here iret ;---------------------------------------- ;- INT 16h Keyboard Service Entry Point - ;---------------------------------------- .org 0xe82e int16_handler: push ds pushf pusha cmp ah, #0x00 je int16_F00 mov bx, #0xf000 mov ds, bx call _int16_function popa popf pop ds jz int16_zero_set int16_zero_clear: push bp mov bp, sp //SEG SS and BYTE [bp + 0x06], #0xbf pop bp iret int16_zero_set: push bp mov bp, sp //SEG SS or BYTE [bp + 0x06], #0x40 pop bp iret int16_F00: mov bx, #0x0040 mov ds, bx int16_wait_for_key: cli mov bx, 0x001a cmp bx, 0x001c jne int16_key_found sti nop #if 0 /* no key yet, call int 15h, function AX=9002 */ 0x50, /* push AX */ 0xb8, 0x02, 0x90, /* mov AX, #0x9002 */ 0xcd, 0x15, /* int 15h */ 0x58, /* pop AX */ 0xeb, 0xea, /* jmp WAIT_FOR_KEY */ #endif jmp int16_wait_for_key int16_key_found: mov bx, #0xf000 mov ds, bx call _int16_function popa popf pop ds #if 0 /* notify int16 complete w/ int 15h, function AX=9102 */ 0x50, /* push AX */ 0xb8, 0x02, 0x91, /* mov AX, #0x9102 */ 0xcd, 0x15, /* int 15h */ 0x58, /* pop AX */ #endif iret ;------------------------------------------------- ;- INT09h : Keyboard Hardware Service Entry Point - ;------------------------------------------------- .org 0xe987 int09_handler: cli push ax mov al, #0xAD ;;disable keyboard out #0x64, al sti ;; see if there is really a key to read from the controller in al, #0x64 test al, #0x01 jz int09_done ;; nope, skip processing in al, #0x60 ;;read key from keyboard controller //test al, #0x80 ;;look for key release //jnz int09_process_key ;; dont pass releases to intercept? #ifdef BX_CALL_INT15_4F mov ah, #0x4f ;; allow for keyboard intercept stc int #0x15 jnc int09_done #endif //int09_process_key: push ds pusha mov bx, #0xf000 mov ds, bx call _int09_function popa pop ds int09_done: cli ;; look at PIC in-service-register to see if EOI required mov al, #0x0B out #0x20, al in al, #0x20 and al, #0x02 ;; IRQ 1 in service jz int09_finish mov al, #0x20 ;; send EOI to master PIC out #0x20, al int09_finish: mov al, #0xAE ;;enable keyboard out #0x64, al pop ax iret ;---------------------------------------- ;- INT 13h Diskette Service Entry Point - ;---------------------------------------- .org 0xec59 int13_diskette: pushf push es pusha call _int13_diskette_function popa pop es popf //JMPL(iret_modify_cf) jmp iret_modify_cf #if 0 pushf cmp ah, #0x01 je i13d_f01 ;; pushf already done push es pusha call _int13_diskette_function popa pop es popf //JMPL(iret_modify_cf) jmp iret_modify_cf i13d_f01: popf push ds push bx mov bx, #0x0000 mov ds, bx mov ah, 0x0441 pop bx pop ds clc ;; ??? dont know if this service changes the return status //JMPL(iret_modify_cf) jmp iret_modify_cf #endif ;--------------------------------------------- ;- INT 0Eh Diskette Hardware ISR Entry Point - ;--------------------------------------------- .org 0xef57 ; INT 0Eh Diskette Hardware ISR Entry Point int0e_handler: push ax push ds mov ax, #0x0000 ;; segment 0000 mov ds, ax mov al, #0x20 out 0x20, al ;; send EOI to PIC mov al, 0x043e or al, #0x80 ;; diskette interrupt has occurred mov 0x043e, al pop ds pop ax iret .org 0xefc7 ; Diskette Controller Parameter Table diskette_param_table: ;; Since no provisions are made for multiple drive types, most ;; values in this table are ignored. I set parameters for 1.44M ;; floppy here db 0xAF db 0x02 ;; head load time 0000001, DMA used db 0x25 db 0x02 db 18 db 0x1B db 0xFF db 0x6C db 0xF6 db 0x0F db 0x01 ;; most systems default to 8 ;---------------------------------------- ;- INT17h : Printer Service Entry Point - ;---------------------------------------- .org 0xefd2 int17_handler: iret ;; for now... .org 0xf045 ; INT 10 Functions 0-Fh Entry Point HALT(__LINE__) iret ;---------- ;- INT10h - ;---------- .org 0xf065 ; INT 10h Video Support Service Entry Point int10_handler: ;; dont do anything, since the VGA BIOS handles int10h requests iret .org 0xf0a4 ; MDA/CGA Video Parameter Table (INT 1Dh) ;---------- ;- INT12h - ;---------- .org 0xf841 ; INT 12h Memory Size Service Entry Point ; ??? different for Pentium (machine check)? int12_handler: push ds mov ax, #0x0040 mov ds, ax mov ax, 0x0013 pop ds iret ;---------- ;- INT11h - ;---------- .org 0xf84d ; INT 11h Equipment List Service Entry Point int11_handler: push ds mov ax, #0x0040 mov ds, ax mov ax, 0x0010 pop ds iret ;---------- ;- INT15h - ;---------- .org 0xf859 ; INT 15h System Services Entry Point int15_handler: pushf push ds push es pusha call _int15_function popa pop es pop ds popf //JMPL(iret_modify_cf) jmp iret_modify_cf ;; Protected mode IDT descriptor ;; ;; I just make the limit 0, so the machine will shutdown ;; if an exception occurs during protected mode memory ;; transfers. ;; ;; Set base to f0000 to correspond to beginning of BIOS, ;; in case I actually define an IDT later ;; Set limit to 0 pmode_IDT_info: dw 0x0000 ;; limit 15:00 dw 0x0000 ;; base 15:00 db 0x0f ;; base 23:16 ;; Real mode IDT descriptor ;; ;; Set to typical real-mode values. ;; base = 000000 ;; limit = 03ff rmode_IDT_info: dw 0x03ff ;; limit 15:00 dw 0x0000 ;; base 15:00 db 0x00 ;; base 23:16 .org 0xfa6e ; Character Font for 320x200 & 640x200 Graphics (lower 128 characters) ;---------- ;- INT1Ah - ;---------- .org 0xfe6e ; INT 1Ah Time-of-day Service Entry Point int1a_handler: push ds pusha mov ax, #0x0000 mov ds, ax call _int1a_function popa pop ds iret ;; ;; int70h: IRQ8 - CMOS RTC ;; int70_handler: push ds pusha mov ax, #0x0000 mov ds, ax call _int70_function popa pop ds iret ;--------- ;- INT08 - ;--------- .org 0xfea5 ; INT 08h System Timer ISR Entry Point int08_handler: sti push eax push ds mov ax, #0x0000 mov ds, ax mov eax, 0x046c ;; get ticks dword inc eax ;; compare eax to one days worth of timer ticks at 18.2 hz cmp eax, #0x001800B0 jb int08_store_ticks ;; there has been a midnight rollover at this point xor eax, eax ;; zero out counter inc BYTE 0x0470 ;; increment rollover flag int08_store_ticks: mov 0x046c, eax ;; store new ticks dword ;; chain to user timer tick INT #0x1c //pushf //;; call_ep [ds:loc] //CALL_EP( 0x1c << 2 ) int #0x1c cli mov al, #0x20 out 0x20, al ; send EOI to PIC pop ds pop eax iret .org 0xfef3 ; Initial Interrupt Vector Offsets Loaded by POST ;------------------------------------------------ ;- IRET Instruction for Dummy Interrupt Handler - ;------------------------------------------------ .org 0xff53 ; IRET Instruction for Dummy Interrupt Handler dummy_iret_handler: iret .org 0xff54 ; INT 05h Print Screen Service Entry Point HALT(__LINE__) iret ; .org 0xff00 ; .ascii "(c) 1994-2000 Kevin P. Lawton" .org 0xfff0 ; Power-up Entry Point //JMPL(post) jmp post .org 0xfff5 ; ASCII Date ROM was built - 8 characters in MM/DD/YY .ascii "06/23/99" .org 0xfffe ; System Model ID db SYS_MODEL_ID db 0x00 ; filler .org 0xd000 // bcc-generated data will be placed here // For documentation of this config structure, look on developer.intel.com and // search for multiprocessor specification. Note that when you change anything // you must update the checksum (a pain!). It would be better to construct this // with C structures, or at least fill in the checksum automatically. #if (BX_SMP_PROCESSORS==1) // no structure necessary. #elif (BX_SMP_PROCESSORS==2) // define the Intel MP Configuration Structure for 2 processors at // APIC ID 0,1. I/O APIC at ID=2. .align 16 mp_config_table: db 0x50, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x50 ;; "PCMP" signature dw (mp_config_end-mp_config_table) ;; table length db 4 ;; spec rev db 0x65 ;; checksum .ascii "BOCHSCPU" ;; OEM id = "BOCHSCPU" db 0x30, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x20 ;; vendor id = "0.1 " db 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 db 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 dw 0,0 ;; oem table ptr dw 0 ;; oem table size dw 20 ;; entry count dw 0x0000, 0xfee0 ;; memory mapped address of local APIC dw 0 ;; extended table length db 0 ;; extended table checksum db 0 ;; reserved mp_config_proc0: db 0 ;; entry type=processor db 0 ;; local APIC id db 0x11 ;; local APIC version number db 3 ;; cpu flags: enabled db 0,6,0,0 ;; cpu signature dw 0x201,0 ;; feature flags dw 0,0 ;; reserved dw 0,0 ;; reserved mp_config_proc1: db 0 ;; entry type=processor db 1 ;; local APIC id db 0x11 ;; local APIC version number db 1 ;; cpu flags: enabled db 0,6,0,0 ;; cpu signature dw 0x201,0 ;; feature flags dw 0,0 ;; reserved dw 0,0 ;; reserved mp_config_isa_bus: db 1 ;; entry type=bus db 0 ;; bus ID db 0x49, 0x53, 0x41, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 ;; bus type="ISA " mp_config_ioapic: db 2 ;; entry type=I/O APIC db 2 ;; apic id=2. linux will set. db 0x11 ;; I/O APIC version number db 1 ;; flags=1=enabled dw 0x0000, 0xfec0 ;; memory mapped address of I/O APIC mp_config_irqs: db 3 ;; entry type=I/O interrupt db 0 ;; interrupt type=vectored interrupt db 0,0 ;; flags po=0, el=0 (linux uses as default) db 0 ;; source bus ID is ISA db 0 ;; source bus IRQ db 2 ;; destination I/O APIC ID db 0 ;; destination I/O APIC interrrupt in ;; repeat pattern for interrupts 0-15 db 3,0,0,0,0,1,2,1 db 3,0,0,0,0,2,2,2 db 3,0,0,0,0,3,2,3 db 3,0,0,0,0,4,2,4 db 3,0,0,0,0,5,2,5 db 3,0,0,0,0,6,2,6 db 3,0,0,0,0,7,2,7 db 3,0,0,0,0,8,2,8 db 3,0,0,0,0,9,2,9 db 3,0,0,0,0,10,2,10 db 3,0,0,0,0,11,2,11 db 3,0,0,0,0,12,2,12 db 3,0,0,0,0,13,2,13 db 3,0,0,0,0,14,2,14 db 3,0,0,0,0,15,2,15 #elif (BX_SMP_PROCESSORS==4) // define the Intel MP Configuration Structure for 4 processors at // APIC ID 0,1,2,3. I/O APIC at ID=4. .align 16 mp_config_table: db 0x50, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x50 ;; "PCMP" signature dw (mp_config_end-mp_config_table) ;; table length db 4 ;; spec rev db 0xdd ;; checksum .ascii "BOCHSCPU" ;; OEM id = "BOCHSCPU" db 0x30, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x20 ;; vendor id = "0.1 " db 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 db 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 dw 0,0 ;; oem table ptr dw 0 ;; oem table size dw 22 ;; entry count dw 0x0000, 0xfee0 ;; memory mapped address of local APIC dw 0 ;; extended table length db 0 ;; extended table checksum db 0 ;; reserved mp_config_proc0: db 0 ;; entry type=processor db 0 ;; local APIC id db 0x11 ;; local APIC version number db 1 ;; cpu flags: enabled db 0,6,0,0 ;; cpu signature dw 0x201,0 ;; feature flags dw 0,0 ;; reserved dw 0,0 ;; reserved mp_config_proc1: db 0 ;; entry type=processor db 1 ;; local APIC id db 0x11 ;; local APIC version number db 1 ;; cpu flags: enabled db 0,6,0,0 ;; cpu signature dw 0x201,0 ;; feature flags dw 0,0 ;; reserved dw 0,0 ;; reserved mp_config_proc2: db 0 ;; entry type=processor db 2 ;; local APIC id db 0x11 ;; local APIC version number db 3 ;; cpu flags: enabled, bootstrap processor db 0,6,0,0 ;; cpu signature dw 0x201,0 ;; feature flags dw 0,0 ;; reserved dw 0,0 ;; reserved mp_config_proc3: db 0 ;; entry type=processor db 3 ;; local APIC id db 0x11 ;; local APIC version number db 1 ;; cpu flags: enabled db 0,6,0,0 ;; cpu signature dw 0x201,0 ;; feature flags dw 0,0 ;; reserved dw 0,0 ;; reserved mp_config_isa_bus: db 1 ;; entry type=bus db 0 ;; bus ID db 0x49, 0x53, 0x41, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 ;; bus type="ISA " mp_config_ioapic: db 2 ;; entry type=I/O APIC db 4 ;; apic id=2. linux will set. db 0x11 ;; I/O APIC version number db 1 ;; flags=1=enabled dw 0x0000, 0xfec0 ;; memory mapped address of I/O APIC mp_config_irqs: db 3 ;; entry type=I/O interrupt db 0 ;; interrupt type=vectored interrupt db 0,0 ;; flags po=0, el=0 (linux uses as default) db 0 ;; source bus ID is ISA db 0 ;; source bus IRQ db 4 ;; destination I/O APIC ID db 0 ;; destination I/O APIC interrrupt in ;; repeat pattern for interrupts 0-15 db 3,0,0,0,0,1,4,1 db 3,0,0,0,0,2,4,2 db 3,0,0,0,0,3,4,3 db 3,0,0,0,0,4,4,4 db 3,0,0,0,0,5,4,5 db 3,0,0,0,0,6,4,6 db 3,0,0,0,0,7,4,7 db 3,0,0,0,0,8,4,8 db 3,0,0,0,0,9,4,9 db 3,0,0,0,0,10,4,10 db 3,0,0,0,0,11,4,11 db 3,0,0,0,0,12,4,12 db 3,0,0,0,0,13,4,13 db 3,0,0,0,0,14,4,14 db 3,0,0,0,0,15,4,15 #else # error Sorry, rombios only has configurations for 1, 2, or 4 processors. #endif // if (BX_SMP_PROCESSORS==...) mp_config_end: // this label used to find length of mp structure db 0 #if (BX_SMP_PROCESSORS>1) .align 16 mp_floating_pointer_structure: db 0x5f, 0x4d, 0x50, 0x5f ; "_MP_" signature dw mp_config_table, 0xf ;; pointer to MP configuration table db 1 ;; length of this struct in 16-bit byte chunks db 4 ;; MP spec revision db 0xc1 ;; checksum db 0 ;; MP feature byte 1. value 0 means look at the config table db 0,0,0,0 ;; MP feature bytes 2-5. #endif #endasm