// Copyright (C) 2001 MandrakeSoft S.A. // // MandrakeSoft S.A. // 43, rue d'Aboukir // 75002 Paris - France // http://www.linux-mandrake.com/ // http://www.mandrakesoft.com/ // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #include "bochs.h" #include #include "state_file.h" static char *divider = "========================================================================"; // Just for the iofunctions #define LOG_THIS this->log-> int Allocio=0; void iofunctions::flush(void) { if(logfd && magic == MAGIC_LOGNUM) { fflush(logfd); } } void iofunctions::init(void) { // iofunctions methods must not be called before this magic // number is set. magic=MAGIC_LOGNUM; showtick = 1; n_logfn = 0; init_log(stderr); log = new logfunc_t(this); LOG_THIS put("IO"); LOG_THIS settype(IOLOG); BX_DEBUG(("Init(log file: '%s').",logfn)); } void iofunctions::add_logfn (logfunc_t *fn) { assert (n_logfn < MAX_LOGFNS); logfn_list[n_logfn++] = fn; } void iofunctions::set_log_action (int loglevel, int action) { for (int i=0; isetonoff(loglevel, action); } void iofunctions::init_log(char *fn) { assert (magic==MAGIC_LOGNUM); // use newfd/newfn so that we can log the message to the OLD log // file descriptor. FILE *newfd = stderr; char *newfn = "/dev/stderr"; if( strcmp( fn, "-" ) != 0 ) { newfd = fopen(fn, "w"); if(newfd != NULL) { newfn = strdup(fn); BX_DEBUG(("Opened log file '%s'.", fn )); } else { BX_PANIC(("Couldn't open log file: %s", fn)); } } logfd = newfd; logfn = newfn; } void iofunctions::init_log(FILE *fs) { assert (magic==MAGIC_LOGNUM); logfd = fs; if(fs == stderr) { logfn = "/dev/stderr"; } else if(fs == stdout) { logfn = "/dev/stdout"; } else { logfn = "(unknown)"; } } void iofunctions::init_log(int fd) { assert (magic==MAGIC_LOGNUM); FILE *tmpfd; if( (tmpfd = fdopen(fd,"w")) == NULL ) { BX_PANIC(("Couldn't open fd %d as a stream for writing", fd)); return; } init_log(tmpfd); return; }; // iofunctions::out( class, level, prefix, fmt, ap) // DO NOT nest out() from ::info() and the like. // fmt and ap retained for direct printinf from iofunctions only! void iofunctions::out(int f, int l, char *prefix, char *fmt, va_list ap) { assert (magic==MAGIC_LOGNUM); assert (this != NULL); assert (logfd != NULL); if( showtick ) fprintf(logfd, "%011lld ", bx_pc_system.time_ticks()); if(prefix != NULL) fprintf(logfd, "%s ", prefix); if(l==LOGLEV_PANIC) fprintf(logfd, ">>PANIC<< "); vfprintf(logfd, fmt, ap); fprintf(logfd, "\n"); fflush(logfd); return; } iofunctions::iofunctions(FILE *fs) { init(); init_log(fs); } iofunctions::iofunctions(char *fn) { init(); init_log(fn); } iofunctions::iofunctions(int fd) { init(); init_log(fd); } iofunctions::iofunctions(void) { this->init(); } iofunctions::~iofunctions(void) { // flush before erasing magic number, or flush does nothing. this->flush(); this->magic=0; } #undef LOG_THIS #define LOG_THIS genlog-> logfunctions::logfunctions(void) { put(" "); settype(GENLOG); if(io == NULL && Allocio == 0) { Allocio = 1; io = new iofunc_t(stderr); } setio(io); // BUG: unfortunately this can be called before the bochsrc is read, // which means that the bochsrc has no effect on the actions. for (int i=0; ilogio = i; // give iofunction a pointer to me i->add_logfn (this); } void logfunctions::put(char *p) { char *tmpbuf; tmpbuf=strdup("[ ]");// if we ever have more than 32 chars, // we need to rethink this int len=strlen(p); for(int i=1;iprefix=tmpbuf; } void logfunctions::settype(int t) { type=t; } void logfunctions::info(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; assert (this != NULL); assert (this->logio != NULL); if(!onoff[LOGLEV_INFO]) return; va_start(ap, fmt); this->logio->out(this->type,LOGLEV_INFO,this->prefix, fmt, ap); if (onoff[LOGLEV_INFO] == ACT_ASK) ask (LOGLEV_INFO, this->prefix, fmt, ap); if (onoff[LOGLEV_INFO] == ACT_FATAL) fatal (this->prefix, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void logfunctions::error(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; assert (this != NULL); assert (this->logio != NULL); if(!onoff[LOGLEV_ERROR]) return; va_start(ap, fmt); this->logio->out(this->type,LOGLEV_ERROR,this->prefix, fmt, ap); if (onoff[LOGLEV_ERROR] == ACT_ASK) ask (LOGLEV_ERROR, this->prefix, fmt, ap); if (onoff[LOGLEV_ERROR] == ACT_FATAL) fatal (this->prefix, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void logfunctions::panic(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; assert (this != NULL); assert (this->logio != NULL); if(!onoff[LOGLEV_PANIC]) return; va_start(ap, fmt); this->logio->out(this->type,LOGLEV_PANIC,this->prefix, fmt, ap); if (onoff[LOGLEV_PANIC] == ACT_ASK) ask (LOGLEV_PANIC, this->prefix, fmt, ap); if (onoff[LOGLEV_PANIC] == ACT_FATAL) fatal (this->prefix, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void logfunctions::ldebug(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; assert (this != NULL); assert (this->logio != NULL); if(!onoff[LOGLEV_DEBUG]) return; va_start(ap, fmt); this->logio->out(this->type,LOGLEV_DEBUG,this->prefix, fmt, ap); if (onoff[LOGLEV_DEBUG] == ACT_ASK) ask (LOGLEV_DEBUG, this->prefix, fmt, ap); if (onoff[LOGLEV_DEBUG] == ACT_FATAL) fatal (this->prefix, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void logfunctions::ask (int level, char *prefix, char *fmt, va_list ap) { char buf1[1024], buf2[1024]; vsprintf (buf1, fmt, ap); sprintf (buf2, "%s %s", prefix, buf1); // FIXME: facility set to 0 because it's unknown. int val = SIM->LOCAL_log_msg (prefix, level, buf2); switch (val) { case 0: // user chose continue break; case 1: // user said continue, and don't ask for this facility again. setonoff (level, ACT_REPORT); break; case 2: // user chose die fatal (prefix, fmt, ap); } } void logfunctions::fatal (char *prefix, char *fmt, va_list ap) { static int fatal_reentry = 0; if (fatal_reentry) return; fatal_reentry++; bx_atexit(); fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", divider); fprintf (stderr, "Bochs is exiting with the following message:\n"); fprintf (stderr, "%s ", prefix); vfprintf (stderr, fmt, ap); fprintf (stderr, "\n%s\n", divider); #if 0 && defined(WIN32) #error disabled because it is not working yet! // wait for a keypress before quitting. Depending on how bochs is // installed, the console window can disappear before the user has // a chance to read the final message. fprintf (stderr, "\n\nPress Enter to exit...\n"); char buf[8]; fgets (buf, 8, stdin); #endif #if !BX_DEBUGGER exit(1); #else static Boolean dbg_exit_called = 0; if (dbg_exit_called == 0) { dbg_exit_called = 1; bx_dbg_exit(1); } #endif fatal_reentry--; } iofunc_t *io = NULL; logfunc_t *genlog = NULL; void bx_center_print (FILE *file, char *line, int maxwidth) { int imax; imax = (maxwidth - strlen(line)) >> 1; for (int i=0; i