NOTE: This has not been updated in a long long time. Please don't think that newer versions of linux or other distributions cannot be done just because these old instructions talk about redhat 5.0. If you want to write updated install instructions, please go ahead.

Instructions for installing RedHat 5.0 for use with bochs.

First, you need to have the RedHat 5.0 installation CD
and the boot & supplementary floppy disks.  Installing
Linux from other vendors is also possible, but I assume
you have RedHat 5.0 for the script file, and for these

Second, you need a real Linux system to create the
disk image file, for use with bochs.  This can be
later transfered to another platform.

Third, you should have already configured/compiled
bochs on your target platform.

# This section done on your Linux system #

Copy both boot & supplementary floppy disks to image files.

  # stick in Boot disk
  linux-> cp /dev/fd0 1.44_redhat_boot
  # stick in Supplementary disk
  linux-> cp /dev/fd0 1.44_redhat_sup

Mount your RedHat 5.0 CD.  The mountpoint and instructions
may be different for your system.

  linux-root> mount /mnt/cdrom

Now edit the install script in bochs-YYMMDD/misc, called
'install_redhat50'.  It has a small section of configurable
parameters you can edit.  Then run it as root.  Make sure
you are in the directory.

  linux-root> cd bochs-YYMMDD/misc
  linux-root> ./install_redhat50

If this went well, then you're hard disk image file
is prepared for you, and has a small set of packages
from the RedHat 5.0 CD on it.  You may add more later,
using the script file as an example.

# This section done on your target platform #

If you have a target system, different from you
original Linux system, transfer over the 2 floppy
image files, and the hard disk image file now.

Copy the boot floppy image to your working file

  unix-> cp 1.44_redhat_boot 1.44

Point your floppya directive to this working file

  [edit .bochsrc]

Boot bochs from the floppy

  unix-> bochs boot:a

The Welcom To Red Hat Linux screen appears.  At the
boot: prompt, enter 'rescue' and [Return]

  boot:  rescue [Return]

The Color Choices menu appears
press [Return] to take the default

The Keyboard Type menu appears
press [Return] to take the default

The Second Floppy menu appears
Copy the Supplementary floppy image to your working file

  unix-> cp 1.44_redhat_sup 1.44

Type [Return] to let the install program know you inserted
the new floppy.

The SCSI Configuration menu appears
Type [Return] to accept No.

You will now be at the Linux root prompt '#'.
Make an empty directory to mount the hard drive over.
Then mount the hard drive.  I didn't use any partitions
for this example, so use 'hda', not 'hda1'.

  # mkdir /mnt
  # mount -t ext2 /dev/hda /mnt

Run lilo, so you can boot from the hard disk.  Then
unmount the hard drive.

  # /mnt/sbin/lilo -r /mnt
  # umount /mnt

Bomb out of bochs, by clicking on the Power button.  Now
fire up bochs again, booting from the hard drive.

  unix-> bochs boot:c

You can type [Return] at the LILO prompt:

  LILO boot: [Return]

At the login prompt, login as root.  For kicks, try
compiling the sample "" program I included.
It should already be in your /root directory, ready
to be compiled.

  [root@bochs /root]# gcc -c
  [root@bochs /root]# ./a.out

When you're ready to shutdown Linux, you can
shutdown as normal:

  [root@bochs /root]# shutdown -h now
