///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id$ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2002-2021 The Bochs Project // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #ifndef _PCKEY_H #define _PCKEY_H // these keywords should only be used in keyboard.cc #if BX_USE_KEY_SMF # define BX_KEY_SMF static # define BX_KEY_THIS theKeyboard-> #else # define BX_KEY_SMF # define BX_KEY_THIS this-> #endif enum { MOUSE_MODE_RESET = 10, MOUSE_MODE_STREAM = 11, MOUSE_MODE_REMOTE = 12, MOUSE_MODE_WRAP = 13 }; class bx_keyb_c : public bx_devmodel_c { public: bx_keyb_c(); virtual ~bx_keyb_c(); // implement bx_devmodel_c interface virtual void init(void); virtual void reset(unsigned type); virtual void register_state(void); virtual void after_restore_state(void); private: static bool gen_scancode_static(void *dev, Bit32u key); BX_KEY_SMF void gen_scancode(Bit32u key); static Bit8u get_elements_static(void *dev); BX_KEY_SMF Bit8u get_elements(void); BX_KEY_SMF Bit8u get_kbd_enable(void); BX_KEY_SMF void create_mouse_packet(bool force_enq); BX_KEY_SMF unsigned periodic(Bit32u usec_delta); static Bit32u read_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, unsigned io_len); static void write_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len); #if !BX_USE_KEY_SMF void write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len); Bit32u read(Bit32u address, unsigned io_len); #endif struct { struct { /* status bits matching the status port*/ bool pare; // Bit7, 1= parity error from keyboard/mouse - ignored. bool tim; // Bit6, 1= timeout from keyboard - ignored. bool auxb; // Bit5, 1= mouse data waiting for CPU to read. bool keyl; // Bit4, 1= keyswitch in lock position - ignored. bool c_d; // Bit3, 1=command to port 64h, 0=data to port 60h bool sysf; // Bit2, bool inpb; // Bit1, bool outb; // Bit0, 1= keyboard data or mouse data ready for CPU // check aux to see which. Or just keyboard // data before AT style machines /* internal to our version of the keyboard controller */ bool kbd_clock_enabled; bool aux_clock_enabled; bool allow_irq1; bool allow_irq12; Bit8u kbd_output_buffer; Bit8u aux_output_buffer; Bit8u last_comm; Bit8u expecting_port60h; Bit8u expecting_mouse_parameter; Bit8u last_mouse_command; Bit32u timer_pending; bool irq1_requested; bool irq12_requested; bool scancodes_translate; bool expecting_scancodes_set; Bit8u current_scancodes_set; bool bat_in_progress; Bit8u kbd_type; } kbd_controller; struct mouseStruct { Bit8u type; Bit8u sample_rate; Bit8u resolution_cpmm; // resolution in counts per mm Bit8u scaling; Bit8u mode; Bit8u saved_mode; // the mode prior to entering wrap mode bool enable; Bit8u get_status_byte() { // top bit is 0 , bit 6 is 1 if remote mode. Bit8u ret = (Bit8u) ((mode == MOUSE_MODE_REMOTE) ? 0x40 : 0); ret |= (enable << 5); ret |= (scaling == 1) ? 0 : (1 << 4); ret |= ((button_status & 0x1) << 2); ret |= ((button_status & 0x2) << 0); return ret; } Bit8u get_resolution_byte() { Bit8u ret = 0; switch (resolution_cpmm) { case 1: ret = 0; break; case 2: ret = 1; break; case 4: ret = 2; break; case 8: ret = 3; break; default: genlog->panic("mouse: invalid resolution_cpmm"); } return ret; } Bit8u button_status; Bit16s delayed_dx; Bit16s delayed_dy; Bit16s delayed_dz; Bit8u im_request; bool im_mode; } mouse; struct { int num_elements; Bit8u buffer[BX_KBD_ELEMENTS]; int head; bool expecting_typematic; bool expecting_led_write; Bit8u delay; Bit8u repeat_rate; Bit8u led_status; bool scanning_enabled; } kbd_internal_buffer; struct { int num_elements; Bit8u buffer[BX_MOUSE_BUFF_SIZE]; int head; } mouse_internal_buffer; #define BX_KBD_CONTROLLER_QSIZE 5 Bit8u controller_Q[BX_KBD_CONTROLLER_QSIZE]; unsigned controller_Qsize; unsigned controller_Qsource; // 0=keyboard, 1=mouse } s; // State information for saving/loading BX_KEY_SMF void resetinternals(bool powerup); BX_KEY_SMF void set_kbd_clock_enable(Bit8u value) BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1); BX_KEY_SMF void set_aux_clock_enable(Bit8u value); BX_KEY_SMF void kbd_ctrl_to_kbd(Bit8u value); BX_KEY_SMF void kbd_ctrl_to_mouse(Bit8u value); BX_KEY_SMF void kbd_enQ(Bit8u scancode); BX_KEY_SMF void kbd_enQ_imm(Bit8u val); BX_KEY_SMF void activate_timer(void); BX_KEY_SMF void controller_enQ(Bit8u data, unsigned source); BX_KEY_SMF bool mouse_enQ_packet(Bit8u b1, Bit8u b2, Bit8u b3, Bit8u b4); BX_KEY_SMF void mouse_enQ(Bit8u mouse_data); static void mouse_enabled_changed_static(void *dev, bool enabled); void mouse_enabled_changed(bool enabled); static void mouse_enq_static(void *dev, int delta_x, int delta_y, int delta_z, unsigned button_state, bool absxy); void mouse_motion(int delta_x, int delta_y, int delta_z, unsigned button_state, bool absxy); static void timer_handler(void *); int timer_handle; }; #endif // #ifndef _PCKEY_H