///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id: pit82c54.cc,v 1.32 2008-02-15 22:05:43 sshwarts Exp $ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Emulator of an Intel 8254/82C54 Programmable Interval Timer. * Greg Alexander * * * Things I am unclear on (greg): * 1.)What happens if both the status and count registers are latched, * but the first of the two count registers has already been read? * I.E.: * latch count 0 (16-bit) * Read count 0 (read LSByte) * READ_BACK status of count 0 * Read count 0 - do you get MSByte or status? * This will be flagged as an error. * 2.)What happens when we latch the output in the middle of a 2-part * unlatched read? * 3.)I assumed that programming a counter removes a latched status. * 4.)I implemented the 8254 description of mode 0, not the 82C54 one. * 5.)clock() calls represent a rising clock edge followed by a falling * clock edge. * 6.)What happens when we trigger mode 1 in the middle of a 2-part * write? */ #include "iodev.h" #include "pit82c54.h" #define LOG_THIS this-> void pit_82C54::print_counter(counter_type &thisctr) { BX_INFO(("Printing Counter")); BX_INFO(("count: %d",thisctr.count)); BX_INFO(("count_binary: %x",thisctr.count_binary)); BX_INFO(("counter gate: %x",thisctr.GATE)); BX_INFO(("counter OUT: %x",thisctr.OUTpin)); BX_INFO(("next_change_time: %d",thisctr.next_change_time)); BX_INFO(("End Counter Printout")); } void pit_82C54::print_cnum(Bit8u cnum) { if (cnum>MAX_COUNTER) { BX_ERROR(("Bad counter index to print_cnum")); } else { print_counter(counter[cnum]); } } void pit_82C54::latch_counter(counter_type &thisctr) { if (thisctr.count_LSB_latched || thisctr.count_MSB_latched) { //Do nothing because previous latch has not been read.; } else { switch(thisctr.read_state) { case MSByte: thisctr.outlatch=thisctr.count & 0xFFFF; thisctr.count_MSB_latched=1; break; case LSByte: thisctr.outlatch=thisctr.count & 0xFFFF; thisctr.count_LSB_latched=1; break; case LSByte_multiple: thisctr.outlatch=thisctr.count & 0xFFFF; thisctr.count_LSB_latched=1; thisctr.count_MSB_latched=1; break; case MSByte_multiple: if (!(seen_problems & UNL_2P_READ)) { // seen_problems|=UNL_2P_READ; BX_ERROR(("Unknown behavior when latching during 2-part read.")); BX_ERROR((" This message will not be repeated.")); } //I guess latching and resetting to LSB first makes sense; BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to LSB_mult")); thisctr.read_state=LSByte_multiple; thisctr.outlatch=thisctr.count & 0xFFFF; thisctr.count_LSB_latched=1; thisctr.count_MSB_latched=1; break; default: BX_ERROR(("Unknown read mode found during latch command.")); break; } } } void pit_82C54::set_OUT (counter_type &thisctr, bx_bool data) { if (thisctr.OUTpin != data) { thisctr.OUTpin = data; if (thisctr.out_handler != NULL) { thisctr.out_handler(data); } } } void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2) pit_82C54::set_count (counter_type &thisctr, Bit32u data) { thisctr.count=data & 0xFFFF; set_binary_to_count(thisctr); } void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) pit_82C54::set_count_to_binary(counter_type &thisctr) { if (thisctr.bcd_mode) { thisctr.count= (((thisctr.count_binary/1)%10)<<0) | (((thisctr.count_binary/10)%10)<<4) | (((thisctr.count_binary/100)%10)<<8) | (((thisctr.count_binary/1000)%10)<<12); } else { thisctr.count=thisctr.count_binary; } } void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) pit_82C54::set_binary_to_count(counter_type &thisctr) { if (thisctr.bcd_mode) { thisctr.count_binary= (1*((thisctr.count>>0)&0xF)) + (10*((thisctr.count>>4)&0xF)) + (100*((thisctr.count>>8)&0xF)) + (1000*((thisctr.count>>12)&0xF)); } else { thisctr.count_binary=thisctr.count; } } void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) pit_82C54::decrement (counter_type &thisctr) { if (!thisctr.count) { if (thisctr.bcd_mode) { thisctr.count=0x9999; thisctr.count_binary=9999; } else { thisctr.count=0xFFFF; thisctr.count_binary=0xFFFF; } } else { thisctr.count_binary--; set_count_to_binary(thisctr); } } void pit_82C54::init(void) { put("PIT81"); settype(PIT81LOG); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to LSB")); counter[i].read_state=LSByte; counter[i].write_state=LSByte; counter[i].GATE=1; counter[i].OUTpin=1; counter[i].triggerGATE=0; counter[i].mode=4; counter[i].first_pass=0; counter[i].bcd_mode=0; counter[i].count=0; counter[i].count_binary=0; counter[i].state_bit_1=0; counter[i].state_bit_2=0; counter[i].null_count=0; counter[i].rw_mode=1; counter[i].count_written=1; counter[i].count_LSB_latched=0; counter[i].count_MSB_latched=0; counter[i].status_latched=0; counter[i].next_change_time=0; counter[i].out_handler=NULL; } seen_problems=0; } pit_82C54::pit_82C54(void) { init(); } void pit_82C54::reset(unsigned type) {} void pit_82C54::register_state(bx_param_c *parent) { char name[4]; for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++) { sprintf(name, "%d", i); bx_list_c *tim = new bx_list_c(parent, name, 22); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "GATE", &counter[i].GATE); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "OUTpin", &counter[i].OUTpin); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "count", &counter[i].count); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "outlatch", &counter[i].outlatch); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "inlatch", &counter[i].inlatch); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "status_latch", &counter[i].status_latch); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "rw_mode", &counter[i].rw_mode); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "mode", &counter[i].mode); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "bcd_mode", &counter[i].bcd_mode); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "null_count", &counter[i].null_count); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "count_LSB_latched", &counter[i].count_LSB_latched); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "count_MSB_latched", &counter[i].count_MSB_latched); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "status_latched", &counter[i].status_latched); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "count_binary", &counter[i].count_binary); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "triggerGATE", &counter[i].triggerGATE); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "write_state", (Bit8u*)&counter[i].write_state); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "read_state", (Bit8u*)&counter[i].read_state); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "count_written", &counter[i].count_written); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "first_pass", &counter[i].first_pass); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "state_bit_1", &counter[i].state_bit_1); new bx_shadow_bool_c(tim, "state_bit_2", &counter[i].state_bit_2); new bx_shadow_num_c(tim, "next_change_time", &counter[i].next_change_time); } } void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2) pit_82C54::decrement_multiple(counter_type &thisctr, Bit32u cycles) { while(cycles>0) { if (cycles<=thisctr.count_binary) { thisctr.count_binary-=cycles; cycles-=cycles; set_count_to_binary(thisctr); } else { cycles-=(thisctr.count_binary+1); thisctr.count_binary-=thisctr.count_binary; set_count_to_binary(thisctr); decrement(thisctr); } } } void pit_82C54::clock_multiple(Bit8u cnum, Bit32u cycles) { if (cnum>MAX_COUNTER) { BX_ERROR(("Counter number too high in clock")); } else { counter_type &thisctr = counter[cnum]; while(cycles>0) { if (thisctr.next_change_time==0) { if (thisctr.count_written) { switch(thisctr.mode) { case 0: if (thisctr.GATE && (thisctr.write_state!=MSByte_multiple)) { decrement_multiple(thisctr, cycles); } break; case 1: decrement_multiple(thisctr, cycles); break; case 2: if (!thisctr.first_pass && thisctr.GATE) { decrement_multiple(thisctr, cycles); } break; case 3: if (!thisctr.first_pass && thisctr.GATE) { decrement_multiple(thisctr, 2*cycles); } break; case 4: if (thisctr.GATE) { decrement_multiple(thisctr, cycles); } break; case 5: decrement_multiple(thisctr, cycles); break; default: break; } } cycles-=cycles; } else { switch(thisctr.mode) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 4: case 5: if (thisctr.next_change_time > cycles) { decrement_multiple(thisctr,cycles); thisctr.next_change_time-=cycles; cycles-=cycles; } else { decrement_multiple(thisctr,(thisctr.next_change_time-1)); cycles-=thisctr.next_change_time; clock(cnum); } break; case 3: if (thisctr.next_change_time > cycles) { decrement_multiple(thisctr,cycles*2); thisctr.next_change_time-=cycles; cycles-=cycles; } else { decrement_multiple(thisctr,(thisctr.next_change_time-1)*2); cycles-=thisctr.next_change_time; clock(cnum); } break; default: cycles-=cycles; break; } } } #if 0 print_counter(thisctr); #endif } } void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) pit_82C54::clock(Bit8u cnum) { if (cnum>MAX_COUNTER) { BX_ERROR(("Counter number too high in clock")); } else { counter_type &thisctr = counter[cnum]; switch(thisctr.mode) { case 0: if (thisctr.count_written) { if (thisctr.null_count) { set_count(thisctr, thisctr.inlatch); if (thisctr.GATE) { if (thisctr.count_binary==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } thisctr.null_count=0; } else { if (thisctr.GATE && (thisctr.write_state!=MSByte_multiple)) { decrement(thisctr); if (!thisctr.OUTpin) { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; if (!thisctr.count) { set_OUT(thisctr,1); } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; //if the clock isn't moving. } } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; //default to 0. } thisctr.triggerGATE=0; break; case 1: if (thisctr.count_written) { if (thisctr.triggerGATE) { set_count(thisctr, thisctr.inlatch); if (thisctr.count_binary==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; } thisctr.null_count=0; set_OUT(thisctr,0); if (thisctr.write_state==MSByte_multiple) { BX_ERROR(("Undefined behavior when loading a half loaded count.")); } } else { decrement(thisctr); if (!thisctr.OUTpin) { if (thisctr.count_binary==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; } if (thisctr.count==0) { set_OUT(thisctr,1); } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; //default to 0. } thisctr.triggerGATE=0; break; case 2: if (thisctr.count_written) { if (thisctr.triggerGATE || thisctr.first_pass) { set_count(thisctr, thisctr.inlatch); thisctr.next_change_time=(thisctr.count_binary-1) & 0xFFFF; thisctr.null_count=0; if (thisctr.inlatch==1) { BX_ERROR(("ERROR: count of 1 is invalid in pit mode 2.")); } if (!thisctr.OUTpin) { set_OUT(thisctr,1); } if (thisctr.write_state==MSByte_multiple) { BX_ERROR(("Undefined behavior when loading a half loaded count.")); } thisctr.first_pass=0; } else { if (thisctr.GATE) { decrement(thisctr); thisctr.next_change_time=(thisctr.count_binary-1) & 0xFFFF; if (thisctr.count==1) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; set_OUT(thisctr,0); thisctr.first_pass=1; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } thisctr.triggerGATE=0; break; case 3: if (thisctr.count_written) { if ((thisctr.triggerGATE || thisctr.first_pass || thisctr.state_bit_2) && thisctr.GATE) { set_count(thisctr, thisctr.inlatch & 0xFFFE); thisctr.state_bit_1=thisctr.inlatch & 0x1; if (!thisctr.OUTpin || !thisctr.state_bit_1) { if (((thisctr.count_binary/2)-1)==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=((thisctr.count_binary/2)-1) & 0xFFFF; } } else { if ((thisctr.count_binary/2)==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=(thisctr.count_binary/2) & 0xFFFF; } } thisctr.null_count=0; if (thisctr.inlatch==1) { BX_ERROR(("Count of 1 is invalid in pit mode 3.")); } if (!thisctr.OUTpin) { set_OUT(thisctr,1); } else if (thisctr.OUTpin && !thisctr.first_pass) { set_OUT(thisctr,0); } if (thisctr.write_state==MSByte_multiple) { BX_ERROR(("Undefined behavior when loading a half loaded count.")); } thisctr.state_bit_2=0; thisctr.first_pass=0; } else { if (thisctr.GATE) { decrement(thisctr); decrement(thisctr); if (!thisctr.OUTpin || !thisctr.state_bit_1) { thisctr.next_change_time=((thisctr.count_binary/2)-1) & 0xFFFF; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=(thisctr.count_binary/2) & 0xFFFF; } if (thisctr.count==0) { thisctr.state_bit_2=1; thisctr.next_change_time=1; } if ((thisctr.count==2) && (!thisctr.OUTpin || !thisctr.state_bit_1)) { thisctr.state_bit_2=1; thisctr.next_change_time=1; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } thisctr.triggerGATE=0; break; case 4: if (thisctr.count_written) { if (!thisctr.OUTpin) { set_OUT(thisctr,1); } if (thisctr.null_count) { set_count(thisctr, thisctr.inlatch); if (thisctr.GATE) { if (thisctr.count_binary==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } thisctr.null_count=0; if (thisctr.write_state==MSByte_multiple) { BX_ERROR(("Undefined behavior when loading a half loaded count.")); } thisctr.first_pass=1; } else { if (thisctr.GATE) { decrement(thisctr); if (thisctr.first_pass) { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; if (!thisctr.count) { set_OUT(thisctr,0); thisctr.next_change_time=1; thisctr.first_pass=0; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } thisctr.triggerGATE=0; break; case 5: if (thisctr.count_written) { if (!thisctr.OUTpin) { set_OUT(thisctr,1); } if (thisctr.triggerGATE) { set_count(thisctr, thisctr.inlatch); if (thisctr.count_binary==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; } thisctr.null_count=0; if (thisctr.write_state==MSByte_multiple) { BX_ERROR(("Undefined behavior when loading a half loaded count.")); } thisctr.first_pass=1; } else { decrement(thisctr); if (thisctr.first_pass) { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; if (!thisctr.count) { set_OUT(thisctr,0); thisctr.next_change_time=1; thisctr.first_pass=0; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } thisctr.triggerGATE=0; break; default: BX_ERROR(("Mode not implemented.")); thisctr.next_change_time=0; thisctr.triggerGATE=0; break; } } } void pit_82C54::clock_all(Bit32u cycles) { BX_DEBUG(("clock_all: cycles=%d",cycles)); clock_multiple(0,cycles); clock_multiple(1,cycles); clock_multiple(2,cycles); } Bit8u pit_82C54::read(Bit8u address) { if (address>MAX_ADDRESS) { BX_ERROR(("Counter address incorrect in data read.")); } else if (address==CONTROL_ADDRESS) { BX_DEBUG(("PIT Read: Control Word Register.")); //Read from control word register; /* This might be okay. If so, 0 seems the most logical * return value from looking at the docs. */ BX_ERROR(("Read from control word register not defined.")); return 0; } else { //Read from a counter; BX_DEBUG(("PIT Read: Counter %d.",address)); counter_type &thisctr=counter[address]; if (thisctr.status_latched) { //Latched Status Read; if (thisctr.count_MSB_latched && (thisctr.read_state==MSByte_multiple)) { BX_ERROR(("Undefined output when status latched and count half read.")); } else { thisctr.status_latched=0; return thisctr.status_latch; } } else { //Latched Count Read; if (thisctr.count_LSB_latched) { //Read Least Significant Byte; if (thisctr.read_state==LSByte_multiple) { BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to MSB_mult")); thisctr.read_state=MSByte_multiple; } thisctr.count_LSB_latched=0; return (thisctr.outlatch & 0xFF); } else if (thisctr.count_MSB_latched) { //Read Most Significant Byte; if (thisctr.read_state==MSByte_multiple) { BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to LSB_mult")); thisctr.read_state=LSByte_multiple; } thisctr.count_MSB_latched=0; return ((thisctr.outlatch>>8) & 0xFF); } else { //Unlatched Count Read; if (!(thisctr.read_state & 0x1)) { //Read Least Significant Byte; if (thisctr.read_state==LSByte_multiple) { thisctr.read_state=MSByte_multiple; BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to MSB_mult")); } return (thisctr.count & 0xFF); } else { //Read Most Significant Byte; if (thisctr.read_state==MSByte_multiple) { BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to LSB_mult")); thisctr.read_state=LSByte_multiple; } return ((thisctr.count>>8) & 0xFF); } } } } //Should only get here on errors; return 0; } void pit_82C54::write(Bit8u address, Bit8u data) { if (address>MAX_ADDRESS) { BX_ERROR(("Counter address incorrect in data write.")); } else if (address==CONTROL_ADDRESS) { Bit8u SC, RW, M, BCD; controlword=data; BX_DEBUG(("Control Word Write.")); SC = (controlword>>6) & 0x3; RW = (controlword>>4) & 0x3; M = (controlword>>1) & 0x7; BCD = controlword & 0x1; if (SC == 3) { //READ_BACK command; int i; BX_DEBUG(("READ_BACK command.")); for(i=0;i<=MAX_COUNTER;i++) { if ((M>>i) & 0x1) { //If we are using this counter; counter_type &thisctr=counter[i]; if (!((controlword>>5) & 1)) { //Latch Count; latch_counter(thisctr); } if (!((controlword>>4) & 1)) { //Latch Status; if (thisctr.status_latched) { //Do nothing because latched status has not been read.; } else { thisctr.status_latch= ((thisctr.OUTpin & 0x1) << 7) | ((thisctr.null_count & 0x1) << 6) | ((thisctr.rw_mode & 0x3) << 4) | ((thisctr.mode & 0x7) << 1) | (thisctr.bcd_mode&0x1); thisctr.status_latched=1; } } } } } else { counter_type &thisctr = counter[SC]; if (!RW) { //Counter Latch command; BX_DEBUG(("Counter Latch command. SC=%d",SC)); latch_counter(thisctr); } else { //Counter Program Command; BX_DEBUG(("Counter Program command. SC=%d, RW=%d, M=%d, BCD=%d",SC,RW,M,BCD)); thisctr.null_count=1; thisctr.count_LSB_latched=0; thisctr.count_MSB_latched=0; thisctr.status_latched=0; thisctr.inlatch=0; thisctr.count_written=0; thisctr.first_pass=1; thisctr.rw_mode=RW; thisctr.bcd_mode=(BCD > 0); thisctr.mode=M; switch(RW) { case 0x1: BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to LSB")); thisctr.read_state=LSByte; thisctr.write_state=LSByte; break; case 0x2: BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to MSB")); thisctr.read_state=MSByte; thisctr.write_state=MSByte; break; case 0x3: BX_DEBUG(("Setting read_state to LSB_mult")); thisctr.read_state=LSByte_multiple; thisctr.write_state=LSByte_multiple; break; default: BX_ERROR(("RW field invalid in control word write.")); break; } //All modes except mode 0 have initial output of 1.; if (M) { set_OUT(thisctr, 1); } else { set_OUT(thisctr, 0); } thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } } else { //Write to counter initial value. counter_type &thisctr = counter[address]; BX_DEBUG(("Write Initial Count: counter=%d, count=%d",address,data)); switch(thisctr.write_state) { case LSByte_multiple: thisctr.inlatch=(thisctr.inlatch & (0xFF<<8)) | data; thisctr.write_state=MSByte_multiple; break; case LSByte: thisctr.inlatch=(thisctr.inlatch & (0xFF<<8)) | data; thisctr.null_count=1; thisctr.count_written=1; break; case MSByte_multiple: thisctr.write_state=LSByte_multiple; case MSByte: //shared between MSB_multiple and MSByte thisctr.inlatch=(thisctr.inlatch & 0xFF) | (data<<8); thisctr.null_count=1; thisctr.count_written=1; break; default: BX_ERROR(("write counter in invalid write state.")); break; } switch(thisctr.mode) { case 0: if (thisctr.write_state==MSByte_multiple) { set_OUT(thisctr,0); } thisctr.next_change_time=1; break; case 1: if (thisctr.triggerGATE) { //for initial writes, if already saw trigger. thisctr.next_change_time=1; } //Otherwise, no change. break; case 6: case 2: thisctr.next_change_time=1; //FIXME: this could be loosened. break; case 7: case 3: thisctr.next_change_time=1; //FIXME: this could be loosened. break; case 4: thisctr.next_change_time=1; break; case 5: if (thisctr.triggerGATE) { //for initial writes, if already saw trigger. thisctr.next_change_time=1; } //Otherwise, no change. break; } } } void pit_82C54::set_GATE(Bit8u cnum, bx_bool data) { if (cnum>MAX_COUNTER) { BX_ERROR(("Counter number incorrect in 82C54 set_GATE")); } else { counter_type &thisctr = counter[cnum]; if (!((thisctr.GATE&&data) || (!(thisctr.GATE||data)))) { BX_INFO(("Changing GATE %d to: %d",cnum,data)); thisctr.GATE=data; if (thisctr.GATE) { thisctr.triggerGATE=1; } switch(thisctr.mode) { case 0: if (data && thisctr.count_written) { if (thisctr.null_count) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { if ((!thisctr.OUTpin) && (thisctr.write_state!=MSByte_multiple)) { if (thisctr.count_binary==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } } else { if (thisctr.null_count) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } break; case 1: if (data && thisctr.count_written) { //only triggers cause a change. thisctr.next_change_time=1; } break; case 2: if (!data) { set_OUT(thisctr,1); thisctr.next_change_time=0; } else { if (thisctr.count_written) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } break; case 3: if (!data) { set_OUT(thisctr,1); thisctr.first_pass=1; thisctr.next_change_time=0; } else { if (thisctr.count_written) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } break; case 4: if (!thisctr.OUTpin || thisctr.null_count) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { if (data && thisctr.count_written) { if (thisctr.first_pass) { if (thisctr.count_binary==0) { thisctr.next_change_time=1; } else { thisctr.next_change_time=thisctr.count_binary & 0xFFFF; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } else { thisctr.next_change_time=0; } } break; case 5: if (data && thisctr.count_written) { //only triggers cause a change. thisctr.next_change_time=1; } break; default: break; } } } } bx_bool pit_82C54::read_OUT(Bit8u cnum) { if (cnum>MAX_COUNTER) { BX_ERROR(("Counter number incorrect in 82C54 read_OUT")); return 0; } return counter[cnum].OUTpin; } bx_bool pit_82C54::read_GATE(Bit8u cnum) { if (cnum>MAX_COUNTER) { BX_ERROR(("Counter number incorrect in 82C54 read_GATE")); return 0; } return counter[cnum].GATE; } Bit32u pit_82C54::get_clock_event_time(Bit8u cnum) { if (cnum>MAX_COUNTER) { BX_ERROR(("Counter number incorrect in 82C54 read_GATE")); return 0; } return counter[cnum].next_change_time; } Bit32u pit_82C54::get_next_event_time(void) { Bit32u out; Bit32u time0=get_clock_event_time(0); Bit32u time1=get_clock_event_time(1); Bit32u time2=get_clock_event_time(2); out=time0; if (time1 && (time1