//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id$ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Stanislav Shwartsman // Written by Stanislav Shwartsman [sshwarts at sourceforge net] // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA B 02110-1301 USA // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define NEED_CPU_REG_SHORTCUTS 1 #include "bochs.h" #include "cpu.h" #define LOG_THIS BX_CPU_THIS_PTR void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(3) BX_CPU_C::jump_protected(bxInstruction_c *i, Bit16u cs_raw, bx_address disp) { bx_descriptor_t descriptor; bx_selector_t selector; Bit32u dword1, dword2; /* destination selector is not null else #GP(0) */ if ((cs_raw & 0xfffc) == 0) { BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: cs == 0")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0); } parse_selector(cs_raw, &selector); /* destination selector index is within its descriptor table limits else #GP(selector) */ fetch_raw_descriptor(&selector, &dword1, &dword2, BX_GP_EXCEPTION); /* examine AR byte of destination selector for legal values: */ parse_descriptor(dword1, dword2, &descriptor); if (descriptor.segment) { check_cs(&descriptor, cs_raw, BX_SELECTOR_RPL(cs_raw), CPL); branch_far64(&selector, &descriptor, disp, CPL); return; } else { // call gate DPL must be >= CPL else #GP(gate selector) if (descriptor.dpl < CPL) { BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: call gate.dpl < CPL")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, cs_raw & 0xfffc); } // call gate DPL must be >= gate selector RPL else #GP(gate selector) if (descriptor.dpl < selector.rpl) { BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: call gate.dpl < selector.rpl")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, cs_raw & 0xfffc); } #if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 if (long_mode()) { if (descriptor.type != BX_386_CALL_GATE) { BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: gate type %u unsupported in long mode", (unsigned) descriptor.type)); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, cs_raw & 0xfffc); } // gate must be present else #NP(gate selector) if (! IS_PRESENT(descriptor)) { BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: call gate not present!")); exception(BX_NP_EXCEPTION, cs_raw & 0xfffc); } jmp_call_gate64(&selector); return; } #endif switch (descriptor.type) { case BX_SYS_SEGMENT_AVAIL_286_TSS: case BX_SYS_SEGMENT_AVAIL_386_TSS: if (descriptor.type==BX_SYS_SEGMENT_AVAIL_286_TSS) BX_DEBUG(("jump_protected: jump to 286 TSS")); else BX_DEBUG(("jump_protected: jump to 386 TSS")); if (descriptor.valid==0 || selector.ti) { BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: jump to bad TSS selector !")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, cs_raw & 0xfffc); } // TSS must be present, else #NP(TSS selector) if (! IS_PRESENT(descriptor)) { BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: jump to not present TSS !")); exception(BX_NP_EXCEPTION, cs_raw & 0xfffc); } // SWITCH_TASKS _without_ nesting to TSS task_switch(i, &selector, &descriptor, BX_TASK_FROM_JUMP, dword1, dword2); // EIP must be in code seg limit, else #GP(0) if (EIP > BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled) { BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: EIP not within CS limits")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0); } return; case BX_TASK_GATE: task_gate(i, &selector, &descriptor, BX_TASK_FROM_JUMP); return; case BX_286_CALL_GATE: case BX_386_CALL_GATE: jmp_call_gate(&selector, &descriptor); return; default: BX_ERROR(("jump_protected: gate type %u unsupported", (unsigned) descriptor.type)); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, cs_raw & 0xfffc); } } } void BX_CPU_C::task_gate(bxInstruction_c *i, bx_selector_t *selector, bx_descriptor_t *gate_descriptor, unsigned source) { Bit16u raw_tss_selector; bx_selector_t tss_selector; bx_descriptor_t tss_descriptor; Bit32u dword1, dword2; Bit32u temp_eIP; // task gate must be present else #NP(gate selector) if (! gate_descriptor->p) { BX_ERROR(("task_gate: task gate not present")); exception(BX_NP_EXCEPTION, selector->value & 0xfffc); } // examine selector to TSS, given in Task Gate descriptor // must specify global in the local/global bit else #GP(TSS selector) raw_tss_selector = gate_descriptor->u.taskgate.tss_selector; parse_selector(raw_tss_selector, &tss_selector); if (tss_selector.ti) { BX_ERROR(("task_gate: tss_selector.ti=1")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, raw_tss_selector & 0xfffc); } // index must be within GDT limits else #GP(TSS selector) fetch_raw_descriptor(&tss_selector, &dword1, &dword2, BX_GP_EXCEPTION); // descriptor AR byte must specify available TSS // else #GP(TSS selector) parse_descriptor(dword1, dword2, &tss_descriptor); if (tss_descriptor.valid==0 || tss_descriptor.segment) { BX_ERROR(("task_gate: TSS selector points to bad TSS")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, raw_tss_selector & 0xfffc); } if (tss_descriptor.type!=BX_SYS_SEGMENT_AVAIL_286_TSS && tss_descriptor.type!=BX_SYS_SEGMENT_AVAIL_386_TSS) { BX_ERROR(("task_gate: TSS selector points to bad TSS")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, raw_tss_selector & 0xfffc); } // task state segment must be present, else #NP(tss selector) if (! IS_PRESENT(tss_descriptor)) { BX_ERROR(("task_gate: TSS descriptor.p == 0")); exception(BX_NP_EXCEPTION, raw_tss_selector & 0xfffc); } // SWITCH_TASKS _without_ nesting to TSS task_switch(i, &tss_selector, &tss_descriptor, source, dword1, dword2); // EIP must be within code segment limit, else #GP(0) if (BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.d_b) temp_eIP = EIP; else temp_eIP = IP; if (temp_eIP > BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled) { BX_ERROR(("task_gate: EIP > CS.limit")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0); } } void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2) BX_CPU_C::jmp_call_gate(bx_selector_t *selector, bx_descriptor_t *gate_descriptor) { bx_selector_t gate_cs_selector; bx_descriptor_t gate_cs_descriptor; Bit32u dword1, dword2; if (gate_descriptor->type==BX_286_CALL_GATE) BX_DEBUG(("jmp_call_gate: jump to 286 CALL GATE")); else BX_DEBUG(("jmp_call_gate: jump to 386 CALL GATE")); // task gate must be present else #NP(gate selector) if (! gate_descriptor->p) { BX_ERROR(("jmp_call_gate: call gate not present!")); exception(BX_NP_EXCEPTION, selector->value & 0xfffc); } // examine selector to code segment given in call gate descriptor // selector must not be null, else #GP(0) Bit16u gate_cs_raw = gate_descriptor->u.gate.dest_selector; if ((gate_cs_raw & 0xfffc) == 0) { BX_ERROR(("jmp_call_gate: CS selector null")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0); } parse_selector(gate_cs_raw, &gate_cs_selector); // selector must be within its descriptor table limits else #GP(CS selector) fetch_raw_descriptor(&gate_cs_selector, &dword1, &dword2, BX_GP_EXCEPTION); parse_descriptor(dword1, dword2, &gate_cs_descriptor); // check code-segment descriptor check_cs(&gate_cs_descriptor, gate_cs_raw, 0, CPL); Bit32u temp_EIP = gate_descriptor->u.gate.dest_offset; branch_far32(&gate_cs_selector, &gate_cs_descriptor, temp_EIP, CPL); } #if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) BX_CPU_C::jmp_call_gate64(bx_selector_t *gate_selector) { bx_selector_t cs_selector; Bit32u dword1, dword2, dword3; bx_descriptor_t cs_descriptor; bx_descriptor_t gate_descriptor; BX_DEBUG(("jmp_call_gate64: jump to CALL GATE 64")); fetch_raw_descriptor_64(gate_selector, &dword1, &dword2, &dword3, BX_GP_EXCEPTION); parse_descriptor(dword1, dword2, &gate_descriptor); Bit16u dest_selector = gate_descriptor.u.gate.dest_selector; // selector must not be null else #GP(0) if ((dest_selector & 0xfffc) == 0) { BX_ERROR(("jmp_call_gate64: selector in gate null")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0); } parse_selector(dest_selector, &cs_selector); // selector must be within its descriptor table limits, // else #GP(code segment selector) fetch_raw_descriptor(&cs_selector, &dword1, &dword2, BX_GP_EXCEPTION); parse_descriptor(dword1, dword2, &cs_descriptor); // find the RIP in the gate_descriptor Bit64u new_RIP = gate_descriptor.u.gate.dest_offset; new_RIP |= ((Bit64u)dword3 << 32); // AR byte of selected descriptor must indicate code segment, // else #GP(code segment selector) if (cs_descriptor.valid==0 || cs_descriptor.segment==0 || IS_DATA_SEGMENT(cs_descriptor.type)) { BX_ERROR(("jmp_call_gate64: not code segment in 64-bit call gate")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, dest_selector & 0xfffc); } // In long mode, only 64-bit call gates are allowed, and they must point // to 64-bit code segments, else #GP(selector) if (! IS_LONG64_SEGMENT(cs_descriptor) || cs_descriptor.u.segment.d_b) { BX_ERROR(("jmp_call_gate64: not 64-bit code segment in 64-bit call gate")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, dest_selector & 0xfffc); } // check code-segment descriptor check_cs(&cs_descriptor, dest_selector, 0, CPL); // and transfer the control branch_far64(&cs_selector, &cs_descriptor, new_RIP, CPL); } #endif