///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id$ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Stanislav Shwartsman // Written by Stanislav Shwartsman [sshwarts at sourceforge net] // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA B 02110-1301 USA // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define NEED_CPU_REG_SHORTCUTS 1 #include "bochs.h" #include "cpu.h" #define LOG_THIS BX_CPU_THIS_PTR #include "param_names.h" bxPageWriteStampTable pageWriteStampTable; void flushICaches(void) { for (unsigned i=0; iiCache.flushICacheEntries(); BX_CPU(i)->async_event |= BX_ASYNC_EVENT_STOP_TRACE; } pageWriteStampTable.resetWriteStamps(); } void handleSMC(bx_phy_address pAddr, Bit32u mask) { for (unsigned i=0; iasync_event |= BX_ASYNC_EVENT_STOP_TRACE; BX_CPU(i)->iCache.handleSMC(pAddr, mask); } } #if BX_SUPPORT_HANDLERS_CHAINING_SPEEDUPS BX_INSF_TYPE BX_CPU_C::BxEndTrace(bxInstruction_c *i) { // do nothing, return to main cpu_loop } void genDummyICacheEntry(bxInstruction_c *i, BxExecutePtr_tR execute) { i->setILen(0); i->setIaOpcode(BX_INSERTED_OPCODE); i->execute = execute; } #endif bxICacheEntry_c* BX_CPU_C::serveICacheMiss(bxICacheEntry_c *entry, Bit32u eipBiased, bx_phy_address pAddr) { bxICacheEntry_c *vc_hit = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR iCache.lookup_victim_cache(pAddr, BX_CPU_THIS_PTR fetchModeMask); if (vc_hit) { return vc_hit; } BX_CPU_THIS_PTR iCache.victim_entry(entry, BX_CPU_THIS_PTR fetchModeMask); BX_CPU_THIS_PTR iCache.alloc_trace(entry); // Cache miss. We weren't so lucky, but let's be optimistic - try to build // trace from incoming instruction bytes stream ! entry->pAddr = pAddr; entry->traceMask = 0; unsigned remainingInPage = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR eipPageWindowSize - eipBiased; const Bit8u *fetchPtr = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR eipFetchPtr + eipBiased; int ret; bxInstruction_c *i = entry->i; Bit32u pageOffset = PAGE_OFFSET((Bit32u) pAddr); Bit32u traceMask = 0; // Don't allow traces longer than cpu_loop can execute static unsigned quantum = #if BX_SUPPORT_SMP (BX_SMP_PROCESSORS > 1) ? SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_SMP_QUANTUM)->get() : #endif BX_MAX_TRACE_LENGTH; for (unsigned n=0;n < quantum;n++) { #if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 if (BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpu_mode == BX_MODE_LONG_64) ret = fetchDecode64(fetchPtr, i, remainingInPage); else #endif ret = fetchDecode32(fetchPtr, i, remainingInPage); if (ret < 0) { // Fetching instruction on segment/page boundary if (n > 0) { // The trace is already valid, it has several instructions inside, // in this case just drop the boundary instruction and stop // tracing. break; } // First instruction is boundary fetch, leave the trace cache entry // invalid for now because boundaryFetch() can fault entry->pAddr = ~entry->pAddr; entry->tlen = 1; boundaryFetch(fetchPtr, remainingInPage, i); // Add the instruction to trace cache entry->pAddr = ~entry->pAddr; entry->traceMask = 0x80000000; /* last line in page */ pageWriteStampTable.markICacheMask(entry->pAddr, entry->traceMask); pageWriteStampTable.markICacheMask(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR pAddrPage, 0x1); #if BX_SUPPORT_HANDLERS_CHAINING_SPEEDUPS entry->tlen++; /* Add the inserted end of trace opcode */ genDummyICacheEntry(++i, &BX_CPU_C::BxEndTrace); #endif BX_CPU_THIS_PTR iCache.commit_page_split_trace(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR pAddrPage, entry); return entry; } // add instruction to the trace unsigned iLen = i->ilen(); entry->tlen++; #ifdef BX_INSTR_STORE_OPCODE_BYTES i->set_opcode_bytes(fetchPtr); #endif BX_INSTR_OPCODE(BX_CPU_ID, i, fetchPtr, iLen, BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.d_b, long64_mode()); i++; traceMask |= 1 << (pageOffset >> 7); traceMask |= 1 << ((pageOffset + iLen - 1) >> 7); // continue to the next instruction remainingInPage -= iLen; if (ret != 0 /* stop trace indication */ || remainingInPage == 0) break; pAddr += iLen; pageOffset += iLen; fetchPtr += iLen; // try to find a trace starting from current pAddr and merge if (remainingInPage >= 15) { // avoid merging with page split trace if (mergeTraces(entry, i, pAddr)) { entry->traceMask |= traceMask; pageWriteStampTable.markICacheMask(pAddr, entry->traceMask); BX_CPU_THIS_PTR iCache.commit_trace(entry->tlen); return entry; } } } //BX_INFO(("commit trace %08x len=%d mask %08x", (Bit32u) entry->pAddr, entry->tlen, pageWriteStampTable.getFineGranularityMapping(entry->pAddr))); entry->traceMask |= traceMask; pageWriteStampTable.markICacheMask(pAddr, entry->traceMask); #if BX_SUPPORT_HANDLERS_CHAINING_SPEEDUPS entry->tlen++; /* Add the inserted end of trace opcode */ genDummyICacheEntry(i, &BX_CPU_C::BxEndTrace); #endif BX_CPU_THIS_PTR iCache.commit_trace(entry->tlen); return entry; } bx_bool BX_CPU_C::mergeTraces(bxICacheEntry_c *entry, bxInstruction_c *i, bx_phy_address pAddr) { bxICacheEntry_c *e = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR iCache.get_entry(pAddr, BX_CPU_THIS_PTR fetchModeMask); if (e->pAddr == pAddr) { // determine max amount of instruction to take from another entry unsigned max_length = e->tlen; #if BX_SUPPORT_HANDLERS_CHAINING_SPEEDUPS if (max_length + entry->tlen > BX_MAX_TRACE_LENGTH) return 0; #else if (max_length + entry->tlen > BX_MAX_TRACE_LENGTH) max_length = BX_MAX_TRACE_LENGTH - entry->tlen; if(max_length == 0) return 0; #endif memcpy(i, e->i, sizeof(bxInstruction_c)*max_length); entry->tlen += max_length; BX_ASSERT(entry->tlen <= BX_MAX_TRACE_LENGTH); entry->traceMask |= e->traceMask; return 1; } return 0; } void BX_CPU_C::boundaryFetch(const Bit8u *fetchPtr, unsigned remainingInPage, bxInstruction_c *i) { unsigned j, k; Bit8u fetchBuffer[32]; int ret; if (remainingInPage >= 15) { BX_ERROR(("boundaryFetch #GP(0): too many instruction prefixes")); exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0); } // Read all leftover bytes in current page up to boundary. for (j=0; jset_opcode_bytes(fetchBuffer); #endif BX_INSTR_OPCODE(BX_CPU_ID, i, fetchBuffer, i->ilen(), BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.d_b, long64_mode()); }