///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id$ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The Bochs Project // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #include "bochs.h" #include "bxversion.h" #include "iodev/iodev.h" #include "param_names.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H #include #endif #if defined(macintosh) // Work around a bug in SDL 1.2.4 on MacOS X, which redefines getenv to // SDL_getenv, but then neglects to provide SDL_getenv. It happens // because we are defining -Dmacintosh. #undef getenv #endif int bochsrc_include_count = 0; #if BX_PLUGINS Bit8u bx_user_plugin_count = 0; #endif #define LOG_THIS genlog-> extern bx_debug_t bx_dbg; static const char *get_builtin_variable(const char *varname); static int parse_line_unformatted(const char *context, char *line); static int parse_line_formatted(const char *context, int num_params, char *params[]); static int parse_bochsrc(const char *rcfile); static int get_floppy_type_from_image(const char *filename); static Bit64s bx_param_handler(bx_param_c *param, int set, Bit64s val) { char pname[BX_PATHNAME_LEN]; Bit8u device; //Bit8u channel; bx_list_c *base = (bx_list_c*) param->get_parent(); base->get_param_path(pname, BX_PATHNAME_LEN); if (!strncmp(pname, "ata.", 4)) { // channel = pname[4] - '0'; if (!strcmp(base->get_name(), "master")) { device = 0; } else { device = 1; } if (!strcmp(param->get_name(), "type")) { if (set) { switch (val) { case BX_ATA_DEVICE_DISK: ((bx_param_filename_c*)SIM->get_param("path", base))->set_extension("img"); break; case BX_ATA_DEVICE_CDROM: ((bx_param_filename_c*)SIM->get_param("path", base))->set_extension("iso"); break; } } } else { BX_PANIC(("bx_param_handler called with unknown parameter '%s.%s'", pname, param->get_name())); return -1; } } else { param->get_param_path(pname, BX_PATHNAME_LEN); if ((!strcmp(pname, BXPN_FLOPPYA_TYPE)) || (!strcmp(pname, BXPN_FLOPPYB_TYPE))) { if (set) { if (val == BX_FLOPPY_AUTO) { val = get_floppy_type_from_image(SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->getptr()); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(val); } else if (!SIM->get_init_done() && (val != BX_FLOPPY_NONE)) { switch (val) { case BX_FLOPPY_2_88: device = BX_FDD_350ED; break; case BX_FLOPPY_720K: case BX_FLOPPY_1_44: device = BX_FDD_350HD; break; default: device = BX_FDD_525HD; } SIM->get_param_enum("devtype", base)->set(device); } } } else { BX_PANIC(("bx_param_handler called with unknown parameter '%s'", pname)); return -1; } } return val; } const char *bx_param_string_handler(bx_param_string_c *param, int set, const char *oldval, const char *val, int maxlen) { char pname[BX_PATHNAME_LEN]; param->get_param_path(pname, BX_PATHNAME_LEN); if (!strcmp(pname, BXPN_SCREENMODE)) { if (set==1) { BX_INFO(("Screen mode changed to %s", val)); } #if BX_PLUGINS } else if (!strncmp(pname, "misc.user_plugin", 16)) { if ((strlen(oldval) > 0) && (strcmp(oldval, "none"))) { PLUG_unload_user_plugin(oldval); } if ((strlen(val) > 0) && (strcmp(val, "none"))) { PLUG_load_user_plugin(val); } #endif } else { BX_PANIC(("bx_param_string_handler called with unknown parameter '%s'", pname)); } return val; } void bx_init_std_nic_options(const char *name, bx_list_c *menu) { // networking module choices static const char *eth_module_list[] = { "null", #if BX_NETMOD_LINUX "linux", #endif #if BX_NETMOD_TAP "tap", #endif #if BX_NETMOD_TUNTAP "tuntap", #endif #if BX_NETMOD_WIN32 "win32", #endif #if BX_NETMOD_FBSD "fbsd", #endif #if BX_NETMOD_VDE "vde", #endif #if BX_NETMOD_SLIRP "slirp", #endif "vnet", NULL }; bx_param_enum_c *ethmod; bx_param_string_c *macaddr; bx_param_filename_c *path, *bootrom; char descr[120]; sprintf(descr, "MAC address of the %s device. Don't use an address of a machine on your net.", name); macaddr = new bx_param_string_c(menu, "macaddr", "MAC Address", descr, "", 6); macaddr->set_options(macaddr->RAW_BYTES); macaddr->set_initial_val("\xfe\xfd\xde\xad\xbe\xef"); macaddr->set_separator(':'); ethmod = new bx_param_enum_c(menu, "ethmod", "Ethernet module", "Module used for the connection to the real net.", eth_module_list, 0, 0); ethmod->set_by_name("null"); ethmod->set_ask_format("Choose ethernet module for the device [%s] "); new bx_param_string_c(menu, "ethdev", "Ethernet device", "Device used for the connection to the real net. This is only valid if an ethernet module other than 'null' is used.", "xl0", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); path = new bx_param_filename_c(menu, "script", "Device configuration script", "Name of the script that is executed after Bochs initializes the network interface (optional).", "none", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); path->set_ask_format("Enter new script name, or 'none': [%s] "); bootrom = new bx_param_filename_c(menu, "bootrom", "Boot ROM image", "Pathname of network boot ROM image to load", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); bootrom->set_format("Name of boot ROM image: %s"); } void bx_init_usb_options(const char *usb_name, const char *pname, int maxports) { char group[16], name[8], descr[512], label[512]; bx_param_c *usb = SIM->get_param("ports.usb"); sprintf(group, "USB %s", usb_name); sprintf(label, "%s Configuration", usb_name); bx_list_c *menu = new bx_list_c(usb, pname, label); menu->set_options(menu->SHOW_PARENT); sprintf(label, "Enable %s emulation", usb_name); sprintf(descr, "Enables the %s emulation", usb_name); bx_param_bool_c *enabled = new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "enabled", label, descr, 0); bx_list_c *deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); for (int i = 0; i < maxports; i++) { sprintf(name, "port%d", i+1); sprintf(label, "Port #%d Configuration", i+1); sprintf(descr, "Device connected to %s port #%d and it's options", usb_name, i+1); bx_list_c *port = new bx_list_c(menu, name, label); port->set_options(port->SERIES_ASK | port->USE_BOX_TITLE); sprintf(descr, "Device connected to %s port #%d", usb_name, i+1); bx_param_string_c *device = new bx_param_string_c(port, "device", "Device", descr, "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); sprintf(descr, "Options for device connected to %s port #%d", usb_name, i+1); bx_param_string_c *options = new bx_param_string_c(port, "options", "Options", descr, "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); port->set_group(group); deplist->add(port); deplist->add(device); deplist->add(options); } enabled->set_dependent_list(deplist); } void bx_init_options() { int i; bx_list_c *menu; bx_list_c *deplist; bx_param_num_c *ioaddr, *ioaddr2, *irq; bx_param_bool_c *enabled, *readonly, *status; bx_param_enum_c *mode, *type, *toggle; bx_param_filename_c *path; char name[BX_PATHNAME_LEN], descr[512], label[512]; bx_param_c *root_param = SIM->get_param("."); // general options subtree menu = new bx_list_c(root_param, "general", ""); // config interface option, set in bochsrc or command line static const char *config_interface_list[] = { #ifdef WIN32 "win32config", #endif #if BX_USE_TEXTCONFIG "textconfig", #endif #if BX_WITH_WX "wx", #endif NULL }; bx_param_enum_c *sel_config = new bx_param_enum_c(menu, "config_interface", "Configuration interface", "Select configuration interface", config_interface_list, 0, 0); sel_config->set_by_name(BX_DEFAULT_CONFIG_INTERFACE); static const char *bochs_start_names[] = { "quick", "load", "edit", "run" }; // quick start option, set by command line arg new bx_param_enum_c(menu, "start_mode", "Bochs start types", "Bochs start types", bochs_start_names, BX_RUN_START, BX_QUICK_START); new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "restore", "Restore Bochs session", "Restore Bochs session", 0); new bx_param_string_c(menu, "restore_path", "Path to data for restore", "Path to data for restore", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); // benchmarking mode, set by command line arg new bx_param_num_c(menu, "benchmark", "benchmark mode", "set benchmark mode", 0, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 0); // subtree for setting up log actions by device in bochsrc bx_list_c *logfn = new bx_list_c(menu, "logfn", "Logfunctions"); new bx_list_c(logfn, "debug", ""); new bx_list_c(logfn, "info", ""); new bx_list_c(logfn, "error", ""); new bx_list_c(logfn, "panic", ""); // optional plugin control menu = new bx_list_c(menu, "plugin_ctrl", "Optional Plugin Control"); // add the default set of plugins to the list new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "unmapped", "", "", 1); new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "biosdev", "", "", 1); new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "speaker", "", "", 1); new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "extfpuirq", "", "", 1); new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "parallel", "", "", 1); new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "serial", "", "", 1); #if BX_SUPPORT_GAMEPORT new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "gameport", "", "", 1); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_IODEBUG && BX_DEBUGGER new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "iodebug", "", "", 1); #endif // subtree for special menus bx_list_c *special_menus = new bx_list_c(root_param, "menu", ""); #if BX_SUPPORT_SMP #define BX_CPU_PROCESSORS_LIMIT 255 #define BX_CPU_CORES_LIMIT 8 #define BX_CPU_HT_THREADS_LIMIT 4 #else #define BX_CPU_PROCESSORS_LIMIT 1 #define BX_CPU_CORES_LIMIT 1 #define BX_CPU_HT_THREADS_LIMIT 1 #endif // cpu subtree bx_list_c *cpu_param = new bx_list_c(root_param, "cpu", "CPU Options"); static const char *cpu_names[] = { #define bx_define_cpudb(model) #model, #include "cpudb.h" NULL }; #undef bx_define_cpudb new bx_param_enum_c(cpu_param, "model", "CPU configuration", "Choose pre-defined CPU configuration", cpu_names, 0, 0); // cpu options bx_param_num_c *nprocessors = new bx_param_num_c(cpu_param, "n_processors", "Number of processors in SMP mode", "Sets the number of processors for multiprocessor emulation", 1, BX_CPU_PROCESSORS_LIMIT, 1); nprocessors->set_enabled(BX_CPU_PROCESSORS_LIMIT > 1); bx_param_num_c *ncores = new bx_param_num_c(cpu_param, "n_cores", "Number of cores in each processor in SMP mode", "Sets the number of cores per processor for multiprocessor emulation", 1, BX_CPU_CORES_LIMIT, 1); ncores->set_enabled(BX_CPU_CORES_LIMIT > 1); bx_param_num_c *nthreads = new bx_param_num_c(cpu_param, "n_threads", "Number of HT threads per each core in SMP mode", "Sets the number of HT (Intel(R) HyperThreading Technology) threads per core for multiprocessor emulation", 1, BX_CPU_HT_THREADS_LIMIT, 1); nthreads->set_enabled(BX_CPU_HT_THREADS_LIMIT > 1); new bx_param_num_c(cpu_param, "ips", "Emulated instructions per second (IPS)", "Emulated instructions per second, used to calibrate bochs emulated time with wall clock time.", BX_MIN_IPS, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 4000000); #if BX_SUPPORT_SMP new bx_param_num_c(cpu_param, "quantum", "Quantum ticks in SMP simulation", "Maximum amount of instructions allowed to execute before returning control to another CPU.", BX_SMP_QUANTUM_MIN, BX_SMP_QUANTUM_MAX, 16); #endif new bx_param_bool_c(cpu_param, "reset_on_triple_fault", "Enable CPU reset on triple fault", "Enable CPU reset if triple fault occured (highly recommended)", 1); #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5 new bx_param_bool_c(cpu_param, "ignore_bad_msrs", "Ignore RDMSR / WRMSR to unknown MSR register", "Ignore RDMSR/WRMSR to unknown MSR register", 1); #endif new bx_param_bool_c(cpu_param, "cpuid_limit_winnt", "Limit max CPUID function to 3", "Limit max CPUID function reported to 3 to workaround WinNT issue", 0); #if BX_SUPPORT_MONITOR_MWAIT new bx_param_bool_c(cpu_param, "mwait_is_nop", "Don't put CPU to sleep state by MWAIT", "Don't put CPU to sleep state by MWAIT", 0); #endif #if BX_CONFIGURE_MSRS new bx_param_filename_c(cpu_param, "msrs", "Configurable MSR definition file", "Set path to the configurable MSR definition file", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); #endif cpu_param->set_options(menu->SHOW_PARENT); // cpuid subtree #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4 bx_list_c *cpuid_param = new bx_list_c(root_param, "cpuid", "CPUID Options"); new bx_param_string_c(cpuid_param, "vendor_string", "CPUID vendor string", "Set the CPUID vendor string", #if BX_CPU_VENDOR_INTEL "GenuineIntel", #else "AuthenticAMD", #endif BX_CPUID_VENDOR_LEN+1); new bx_param_string_c(cpuid_param, "brand_string", "CPUID brand string", "Set the CPUID brand string", #if BX_CPU_VENDOR_INTEL " Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU ", #else "AMD Athlon(tm) processor", #endif BX_CPUID_BRAND_LEN+1); new bx_param_num_c(cpuid_param, "stepping", "Stepping ID", "Processor 4-bits stepping ID", 0, 15, 3); new bx_param_num_c(cpuid_param, "model", "Model ID", "Processor model ID, extended model ID", 0, 255, 3); new bx_param_num_c(cpuid_param, "family", "Family ID", "Processor family ID, extended family ID", BX_CPU_LEVEL, (BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6) ? 4095 : BX_CPU_LEVEL, BX_CPU_LEVEL); #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5 new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "mmx", "Support for MMX instruction set", "Support for MMX instruction set", 1); // configure defaults to XAPIC enabled static const char *apic_names[] = { "legacy", "xapic", #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6 "xapic_ext", "x2apic", #endif NULL }; new bx_param_enum_c(cpuid_param, "apic", "APIC configuration", "Select APIC configuration (Legacy APIC/XAPIC/XAPIC_EXT/X2APIC)", apic_names, BX_CPUID_SUPPORT_XAPIC, BX_CPUID_SUPPORT_LEGACY_APIC); #endif #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6 // configure defaults to CPU_LEVEL = 6 with SSE2 enabled static const char *sse_names[] = { "none", "sse", "sse2", "sse3", "ssse3", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", NULL }; new bx_param_enum_c(cpuid_param, "sse", "Support for SSE instruction set", "Support for SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE4_1/SSE4_2 instruction set", sse_names, BX_CPUID_SUPPORT_SSE2, BX_CPUID_SUPPORT_NOSSE); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "sse4a", "Support for AMD SSE4A instructions", "Support for AMD SSE4A instructions", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "sep", "Support for SYSENTER/SYSEXIT instructions", "Support for SYSENTER/SYSEXIT instructions", 1); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "movbe", "Support for MOVBE instruction", "Support for MOVBE instruction", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "adx", "Support for ADX instructions", "Support for ADCX/ADOX instructions", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "aes", "Support for AES instruction set", "Support for AES instruction set", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "xsave", "Support for XSAVE extensions", "Support for XSAVE extensions", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "xsaveopt", "Support for XSAVEOPT instruction", "Support for XSAVEOPT instruction", 0); #if BX_SUPPORT_AVX new bx_param_num_c(cpuid_param, "avx", "Support for AVX instruction set", "Support for AVX instruction set", 0, 2, 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "avx_f16c", "Support for AVX F16 convert instructions", "Support for AVX F16 convert instructions", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "avx_fma", "Support for AVX FMA instructions", "Support for AVX FMA instructions", 0); new bx_param_num_c(cpuid_param, "bmi", "Support for BMI instructions", "Support for Bit Manipulation Instructions (BMI)", 0, 2, 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "xop", "Support for AMD XOP instructions", "Support for AMD XOP instructions", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "fma4", "Support for AMD four operand FMA instructions", "Support for AMD FMA4 instructions", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "tbm", "Support for AMD TBM instructions", "Support for AMD Trailing Bit Manipulation (TBM) instructions", 0); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "x86_64", "x86-64 and long mode", "Support for x86-64 and long mode", 1); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "1g_pages", "1G pages support in long mode", "Support for 1G pages in long mode", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "pcid", "PCID support in long mode", "Support for process context ID (PCID) in long mode", 0); new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "fsgsbase", "FS/GS BASE access instructions support", "FS/GS BASE access instructions support in long mode", 0); #endif new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "smep", "Supervisor Mode Execution Protection support", "Supervisor Mode Execution Protection support", 0); #if BX_SUPPORT_MONITOR_MWAIT new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "mwait", "MONITOR/MWAIT instructions support", "MONITOR/MWAIT instructions support", BX_SUPPORT_MONITOR_MWAIT); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_VMX new bx_param_num_c(cpuid_param, "vmx", "Support for Intel VMX extensions emulation", "Support for Intel VMX extensions emulation", 0, BX_SUPPORT_VMX, 1); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_SVM new bx_param_bool_c(cpuid_param, "svm", "Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) emulation support", "Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) emulation support", 0); #endif #endif // CPU_LEVEL >= 6 cpuid_param->set_options(menu->SHOW_PARENT); // CPUID subtree depends on CPU model SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPU_MODEL)->set_dependent_list(cpuid_param->clone(), 0); // enable CPUID subtree only for CPU model choice #0 SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPU_MODEL)->set_dependent_bitmap(0, BX_MAX_BIT64U); #endif // CPU_LEVEL >= 4 // memory subtree bx_list_c *memory = new bx_list_c(root_param, "memory", "Memory Options"); bx_list_c *stdmem = new bx_list_c(memory, "standard", "Standard Options"); bx_list_c *optrom = new bx_list_c(memory, "optrom", "Optional ROM Images"); bx_list_c *optram = new bx_list_c(memory, "optram", "Optional RAM Images"); bx_list_c *ram = new bx_list_c(stdmem, "ram", "RAM size options"); bx_list_c *rom = new bx_list_c(stdmem, "rom", "BIOS ROM options"); bx_list_c *vgarom = new bx_list_c(stdmem, "vgarom", "VGABIOS ROM options"); // memory options (ram & rom) bx_param_num_c *ramsize = new bx_param_num_c(ram, "size", "Memory size (megabytes)", "Amount of RAM in megabytes", 1, ((Bit64u)(1) << BX_PHY_ADDRESS_WIDTH) / (1024*1024), BX_DEFAULT_MEM_MEGS); ramsize->set_ask_format("Enter memory size (MB): [%d] "); ramsize->set_options(ramsize->USE_SPIN_CONTROL); bx_param_num_c *host_ramsize = new bx_param_num_c(ram, "host_size", "Host allocated memory size (megabytes)", "Amount of host allocated memory in megabytes", 1, 2048, BX_DEFAULT_MEM_MEGS); host_ramsize->set_ask_format("Enter host memory size (MB): [%d] "); host_ramsize->set_options(ramsize->USE_SPIN_CONTROL); ram->set_options(ram->SERIES_ASK); path = new bx_param_filename_c(rom, "path", "ROM BIOS image", "Pathname of ROM image to load", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); path->set_format("Name of ROM BIOS image: %s"); sprintf(name, "%s/BIOS-bochs-latest", (char *)get_builtin_variable("BXSHARE")); path->set_initial_val(name); bx_param_num_c *romaddr = new bx_param_num_c(rom, "addr", "ROM BIOS address", "The address at which the ROM image should be loaded", 0, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 0); romaddr->set_base(16); romaddr->set_format("0x%05x"); romaddr->set_long_format("ROM BIOS address: 0x%05x"); rom->set_options(rom->SERIES_ASK); path = new bx_param_filename_c(vgarom, "path", "VGA BIOS image", "Pathname of VGA ROM image to load", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); path->set_format("Name of VGA BIOS image: %s"); sprintf(name, "%s/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest", get_builtin_variable("BXSHARE")); path->set_initial_val(name); vgarom->set_options(vgarom->SERIES_ASK); bx_param_num_c *optaddr; for (i=0; iset_format(strdup(label)); sprintf(descr, "The address at which the optional ROM image #%d should be loaded", i+1); optaddr = new bx_param_num_c(optnum1, "addr", "Address", descr, 0, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 0); optaddr->set_base(16); optaddr->set_format("0x%05x"); sprintf(label, "Optional ROM #%d address:", i+1); strcat(label, " 0x%05x"); optaddr->set_long_format(strdup(label)); optnum1->set_options(optnum1->SERIES_ASK | optnum1->USE_BOX_TITLE); } optrom->set_options(optrom->SHOW_PARENT); for (i=0; iset_format(strdup(label)); sprintf(descr, "The address at which the optional RAM image #%d should be loaded", i+1); optaddr = new bx_param_num_c(optnum2, "addr", "Address", descr, 0, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 0); optaddr->set_base(16); optaddr->set_format("0x%05x"); sprintf(label, "Optional RAM #%d address:", i+1); strcat(label, " 0x%05x"); optaddr->set_long_format(strdup(label)); optnum2->set_options(optnum2->SERIES_ASK | optnum2->USE_BOX_TITLE); } optram->set_options(optram->SHOW_PARENT); memory->set_options(memory->SHOW_PARENT | memory->USE_TAB_WINDOW); // clock & cmos subtree bx_list_c *clock_cmos = new bx_list_c(root_param, "clock_cmos", "Clock & CMOS Options"); // clock & cmos options static const char *clock_sync_names[] = { "none", "realtime", "slowdown", "both", NULL }; bx_param_enum_c *clock_sync = new bx_param_enum_c(clock_cmos, "clock_sync", "Synchronisation method", "Host to guest time synchronization method", clock_sync_names, BX_CLOCK_SYNC_NONE, BX_CLOCK_SYNC_NONE); bx_param_num_c *time0 = new bx_param_num_c(clock_cmos, "time0", "Initial CMOS time for Bochs\n(1:localtime, 2:utc, other:time in seconds)", "Initial time for Bochs CMOS clock, used if you really want two runs to be identical", 0, BX_MAX_BIT32U, BX_CLOCK_TIME0_LOCAL); bx_param_bool_c *rtc_sync = new bx_param_bool_c(clock_cmos, "rtc_sync", "Sync RTC speed with realtime", "If enabled, the RTC runs at realtime speed", 0); deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); deplist->add(rtc_sync); clock_sync->set_dependent_list(deplist, 0); clock_sync->set_dependent_bitmap(BX_CLOCK_SYNC_REALTIME, 1); clock_sync->set_dependent_bitmap(BX_CLOCK_SYNC_BOTH, 1); bx_list_c *cmosimage = new bx_list_c(clock_cmos, "cmosimage", "CMOS Image Options"); bx_param_bool_c *use_cmosimage = new bx_param_bool_c(cmosimage, "enabled", "Use a CMOS image", "Controls the usage of a CMOS image", 0); path = new bx_param_filename_c(cmosimage, "path", "Pathname of CMOS image", "Pathname of CMOS image", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); bx_param_bool_c *rtc_init = new bx_param_bool_c(cmosimage, "rtc_init", "Initialize RTC from image", "Controls whether to initialize the RTC with values stored in the image", 0); deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); deplist->add(path); deplist->add(rtc_init); use_cmosimage->set_dependent_list(deplist); time0->set_ask_format("Enter Initial CMOS time (1:localtime, 2:utc, other:time in seconds): [%d] "); clock_sync->set_ask_format("Enter Synchronisation method: [%s] "); clock_cmos->set_options(clock_cmos->SHOW_PARENT); cmosimage->set_options(cmosimage->SHOW_PARENT); // pci subtree bx_list_c *pci = new bx_list_c(root_param, "pci", "PCI Options"); // pci options deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); bx_param_bool_c *i440fx_support = new bx_param_bool_c(pci, "i440fx_support", "Enable i440FX PCI Support", "Controls whether to emulate the i440FX PCI chipset", BX_SUPPORT_PCI); // pci slots bx_list_c *slot = new bx_list_c(pci, "slot", "PCI Slots"); deplist->add(slot); for (i=0; iadd(devname); } i440fx_support->set_dependent_list(deplist); pci->set_options(pci->SHOW_PARENT); slot->set_options(slot->SHOW_PARENT); // display subtree bx_list_c *display = new bx_list_c(root_param, "display", "Bochs Display & Interface Options"); // this is a list of gui libraries that are known to be available at // compile time. The one that is listed first will be the default, // which is used unless the user overrides it on the command line or // in a configuration file. static const char *display_library_list[] = { #if BX_WITH_X11 "x", #endif #if BX_WITH_WIN32 "win32", #endif #if BX_WITH_CARBON "carbon", #endif #if BX_WITH_MACOS "macos", #endif #if BX_WITH_AMIGAOS "amigaos", #endif #if BX_WITH_SDL "sdl", #endif #if BX_WITH_SVGA "svga", #endif #if BX_WITH_TERM "term", #endif #if BX_WITH_RFB "rfb", #endif #if BX_WITH_WX "wx", #endif #if BX_WITH_NOGUI "nogui", #endif NULL }; bx_param_enum_c *sel_displaylib = new bx_param_enum_c(display, "display_library", "VGA Display Library", "Select VGA Display Library", display_library_list, 0, 0); sel_displaylib->set_by_name(BX_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_LIBRARY); sel_displaylib->set_ask_format("Choose which library to use for the Bochs display: [%s] "); new bx_param_string_c(display, "displaylib_options", "Display Library options", "Options passed to Display Library", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); new bx_param_bool_c(display, "private_colormap", "Use a private colormap", "Request that the GUI create and use it's own non-shared colormap. This colormap will be used when in the bochs window. If not enabled, a shared colormap scheme may be used. Not implemented on all GUI's.", 0); bx_param_bool_c *fullscreen = new bx_param_bool_c(display, "fullscreen", "Use full screen mode", "When enabled, bochs occupies the whole screen instead of just a window.", 0); bx_param_string_c *screenmode = new bx_param_string_c(display, "screenmode", "Screen mode name", "Screen mode name", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); screenmode->set_handler(bx_param_string_handler); #if !BX_WITH_AMIGAOS fullscreen->set_enabled(0); screenmode->set_enabled(0); #endif bx_param_num_c *vga_update_freq = new bx_param_num_c(display, "vga_update_frequency", "VGA Update Frequency", "Number of VGA updates per emulated second", 1, 60, 5); vga_update_freq->set_ask_format ("Type a new value for VGA update frequency: [%d] "); bx_param_string_c *vga_extension = new bx_param_string_c(display, "vga_extension", "VGA Extension", "Name of the VGA extension", "none", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); vga_extension->set_initial_val("vbe"); display->set_options(display->SHOW_PARENT); // keyboard & mouse subtree bx_list_c *kbd_mouse = new bx_list_c(root_param, "keyboard_mouse", "Keyboard & Mouse Options"); bx_list_c *keyboard = new bx_list_c(kbd_mouse, "keyboard", "Keyboard Options"); bx_list_c *mouse = new bx_list_c(kbd_mouse, "mouse", "Mouse Options"); static const char *keyboard_type_names[] = { "xt", "at", "mf", NULL }; // keyboard & mouse options type = new bx_param_enum_c(keyboard, "type", "Keyboard type", "Keyboard type reported by the 'identify keyboard' command", keyboard_type_names, BX_KBD_MF_TYPE, BX_KBD_XT_TYPE); type->set_ask_format ("Enter keyboard type: [%s] "); new bx_param_num_c(keyboard, "serial_delay", "Keyboard serial delay", "Approximate time in microseconds that it takes one character to be transferred from the keyboard to controller over the serial path.", 1, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 250); new bx_param_num_c(keyboard, "paste_delay", "Keyboard paste delay", "Approximate time in microseconds between attemps to paste characters to the keyboard controller.", 1000, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 100000); bx_param_bool_c *use_kbd_mapping = new bx_param_bool_c(keyboard, "use_mapping", "Use keyboard mapping", "Controls whether to use the keyboard mapping feature", 0); bx_param_filename_c *keymap = new bx_param_filename_c(keyboard, "keymap", "Keymap filename", "Pathname of the keymap file used", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); keymap->set_extension("map"); deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); deplist->add(keymap); use_kbd_mapping->set_dependent_list(deplist); bx_param_string_c *user_shortcut = new bx_param_string_c(keyboard, "user_shortcut", "Userbutton shortcut", "Defines the keyboard shortcut to be sent when you press the 'user' button in the headerbar.", "none", 20); user_shortcut->set_runtime_param(1); static const char *mouse_type_list[] = { "none", "ps2", "imps2", #if BX_SUPPORT_BUSMOUSE "bus", #endif "serial", "serial_wheel", "serial_msys", NULL }; type = new bx_param_enum_c(mouse, "type", "Mouse type", "The mouse type can be one of these: 'none', 'ps2', 'imps2', 'serial', 'serial_wheel'" #if BX_SUPPORT_BUSMOUSE ", 'bus'" #endif , mouse_type_list, BX_MOUSE_TYPE_PS2, BX_MOUSE_TYPE_NONE); type->set_ask_format("Choose the type of mouse [%s] "); new bx_param_bool_c(mouse, "enabled", "Enable mouse capture", "Controls whether the mouse sends events to the guest. The hardware emulation is always enabled.", 0); static const char *mouse_toggle_list[] = { "ctrl+mbutton", "ctrl+f10", "ctrl+alt", "f12", NULL }; toggle = new bx_param_enum_c(mouse, "toggle", "Mouse toggle method", "The mouse toggle method can be one of these: 'ctrl+mbutton', 'ctrl+f10', 'ctrl+alt'", mouse_toggle_list, BX_MOUSE_TOGGLE_CTRL_MB, BX_MOUSE_TOGGLE_CTRL_MB); toggle->set_ask_format("Choose the mouse toggle method [%s] "); kbd_mouse->set_options(kbd_mouse->SHOW_PARENT); keyboard->set_options(keyboard->SHOW_PARENT); mouse->set_options(mouse->SHOW_PARENT); // boot parameter subtree bx_list_c *boot_params = new bx_list_c(root_param, "boot_params", "Boot Options"); // boot sequence for (i=0; i<3; i++) { sprintf(name, "boot_drive%d", i+1); sprintf(label, "Boot drive #%d", i+1); sprintf(descr, "Name of drive #%d in boot sequence (A, C or CD)", i+1); bx_param_enum_c *bootdrive = new bx_param_enum_c(boot_params, name, label, descr, &bochs_bootdisk_names[(i==0)?BX_BOOT_FLOPPYA:BX_BOOT_NONE], (i==0)?BX_BOOT_FLOPPYA:BX_BOOT_NONE, (i==0)?BX_BOOT_FLOPPYA:BX_BOOT_NONE); bootdrive->set_ask_format("Boot from floppy drive, hard drive or cdrom ? [%s] "); } new bx_param_bool_c(boot_params, "floppy_sig_check", "Skip Floppy Boot Signature Check", "Skips check for the 0xaa55 signature on floppy boot device.", 0); // loader hack bx_list_c *load32bitos = new bx_list_c(boot_params, "load32bitos", "32-bit OS Loader Hack"); static const char *loader_os_names[] = { "none", "linux", "nullkernel", NULL }; bx_param_enum_c *whichOS = new bx_param_enum_c(load32bitos, "which", "Which operating system?", "Which OS to boot", loader_os_names, Load32bitOSNone, Load32bitOSNone); path = new bx_param_filename_c(load32bitos, "path", "Pathname of OS to load", "Pathname of the 32-bit OS to load", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); bx_param_filename_c *iolog = new bx_param_filename_c(load32bitos, "iolog", "Pathname of I/O log file", "I/O logfile used for initializing the hardware", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); bx_param_filename_c *initrd = new bx_param_filename_c(load32bitos, "initrd", "Pathname of initrd", "Pathname of the initial ramdisk", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); whichOS->set_ask_format("Enter OS to load: [%s] "); path->set_ask_format("Enter pathname of OS: [%s]"); iolog->set_ask_format("Enter pathname of I/O log: [%s] "); initrd->set_ask_format("Enter pathname of initrd: [%s] "); load32bitos->set_options(menu->SERIES_ASK); whichOS->set_dependent_list(load32bitos->clone(), 1); whichOS->set_dependent_bitmap(Load32bitOSNone, 0); whichOS->set(Load32bitOSNone); boot_params->set_options(menu->SHOW_PARENT); // floppy subtree bx_list_c *floppy = new bx_list_c(root_param, "floppy", "Floppy Options"); new bx_list_c(floppy, "0", "First Floppy Drive"); new bx_list_c(floppy, "1", "Second Floppy Drive"); bx_param_enum_c *devtype; // floppy options for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { bx_list_c *floppyX = (bx_list_c*)floppy->get(i); devtype = new bx_param_enum_c(floppyX, "devtype", "Type of floppy drive", "Type of floppy drive", floppy_devtype_names, BX_FDD_NONE, BX_FDD_NONE); devtype->set_ask_format("What type of floppy drive? [%s] "); if (i == 0) { strcpy(label, "First floppy image/device"); strcpy(descr, "Pathname of first floppy image file or device. If you're booting from floppy, this should be a bootable floppy."); } else { strcpy(label, "Second floppy image/device"); strcpy(descr, "Pathname of second floppy image file or device."); } path = new bx_param_filename_c(floppyX, "path", label, descr, "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); path->set_ask_format("Enter new filename, or 'none' for no disk: [%s] "); path->set_extension("img"); path->set_initial_val("none"); type = new bx_param_enum_c(floppyX, "type", "Type of floppy media", "Type of floppy media", floppy_type_names, BX_FLOPPY_NONE, BX_FLOPPY_NONE); type->set_ask_format("What type of floppy media? (auto=detect) [%s] "); type->set_handler(bx_param_handler); type->set_runtime_param(1); readonly = new bx_param_bool_c(floppyX, "readonly", "Write Protection", "Floppy media write protection", 0); readonly->set_ask_format("Is media write protected? [%s] "); status = new bx_param_bool_c(floppyX, "status", "Inserted", "Floppy media status (inserted / ejected)", 0); status->set_ask_format("Is media inserted in drive? [%s] "); deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); deplist->add(path); devtype->set_dependent_list(deplist, 1); devtype->set_dependent_bitmap(BX_FDD_NONE, 0); deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); deplist->add(type); deplist->add(readonly); deplist->add(status); path->set_dependent_list(deplist); floppyX->set_options(floppyX->SERIES_ASK | floppyX->USE_BOX_TITLE); } floppy->set_options(floppy->SHOW_PARENT); // ATA/ATAPI subtree bx_list_c *ata = new bx_list_c(root_param, "ata", "ATA/ATAPI Options"); ata->set_options(ata->USE_TAB_WINDOW); // disk options const char *s_atachannel[] = { "ATA channel 0", "ATA channel 1", "ATA channel 2", "ATA channel 3", }; const char *s_atadevname[2] = { "master", "slave", }; const char *s_atadevice[4][2] = { { "First HD/CD on channel 0", "Second HD/CD on channel 0" }, { "First HD/CD on channel 1", "Second HD/CD on channel 1" }, { "First HD/CD on channel 2", "Second HD/CD on channel 2" }, { "First HD/CD on channel 3", "Second HD/CD on channel 3" } }; Bit16u ata_default_ioaddr1[4] = { 0x1f0, 0x170, 0x1e8, 0x168 }; Bit16u ata_default_ioaddr2[4] = { 0x3f0, 0x370, 0x3e0, 0x360 }; Bit8u ata_default_irq[4] = { 14, 15, 11, 9 }; #define BXP_PARAMS_PER_ATA_DEVICE 12 bx_list_c *ata_menu[BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL]; bx_list_c *ata_res[BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL]; for (Bit8u channel=0; channelset_options(bx_list_c::USE_TAB_WINDOW); ata_res[channel] = new bx_list_c(ata_menu[channel], "resources", s_atachannel[channel]); ata_res[channel]->set_options(bx_list_c::SERIES_ASK); enabled = new bx_param_bool_c(ata_res[channel], "enabled", "Enable ATA channel", "Controls whether ata channel is installed or not", 0); enabled->set_ask_format("Channel is enabled: [%s] "); ioaddr = new bx_param_num_c(ata_res[channel], "ioaddr1", "I/O Address 1", "IO adress of ata command block", 0, 0xffff, ata_default_ioaddr1[channel]); ioaddr->set_base(16); ioaddr->set_ask_format("Enter new ioaddr1: [0x%x] "); ioaddr2 = new bx_param_num_c(ata_res[channel], "ioaddr2", "I/O Address 2", "IO adress of ata control block", 0, 0xffff, ata_default_ioaddr2[channel]); ioaddr2->set_base(16); ioaddr2->set_ask_format("Enter new ioaddr2: [0x%x] "); irq = new bx_param_num_c(ata_res[channel], "irq", "IRQ", "IRQ used by this ata channel", 0, 15, ata_default_irq[channel]); irq->set_ask_format("Enter new IRQ: [%d] "); irq->set_options(irq->USE_SPIN_CONTROL); // all items in the ata[channel] menu depend on the enabled flag. // The menu list is complete, but a few dependent_list items will // be added later. Use clone() to make a copy of the dependent_list // so that it can be changed without affecting the menu. enabled->set_dependent_list(ata_res[channel]->clone()); for (Bit8u slave=0; slave<2; slave++) { menu = new bx_list_c(ata_menu[channel], s_atadevname[slave], s_atadevice[channel][slave]); menu->set_options(menu->SERIES_ASK); bx_param_bool_c *present = new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "present", "Enable this device", "Controls whether ata device is installed or not", 0); present->set_ask_format("Device is enabled: [%s] "); static const char *atadevice_type_names[] = { "disk", "cdrom", NULL }; type = new bx_param_enum_c(menu, "type", "Type of ATA device", "Type of ATA device (disk or cdrom)", atadevice_type_names, BX_ATA_DEVICE_DISK, BX_ATA_DEVICE_DISK); type->set_ask_format("Enter type of ATA device, disk or cdrom: [%s] "); path = new bx_param_filename_c(menu, "path", "Path or physical device name", "Pathname of the image or physical device (cdrom only)", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); path->set_ask_format("Enter new filename: [%s] "); path->set_extension("img"); mode = new bx_param_enum_c(menu, "mode", "Type of disk image", "Mode of the ATA harddisk", hdimage_mode_names, BX_HDIMAGE_MODE_FLAT, BX_HDIMAGE_MODE_FLAT); mode->set_ask_format("Enter mode of ATA device, (flat, concat, etc.): [%s] "); status = new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "status", "Inserted", "CD-ROM media status (inserted / ejected)", 0); status->set_ask_format("Is media inserted in drive? [%s] "); bx_param_filename_c *journal = new bx_param_filename_c(menu, "journal", "Path of journal file", "Pathname of the journal file", "", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); journal->set_ask_format("Enter path of journal file: [%s]"); deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); deplist->add(journal); mode->set_dependent_list(deplist, 0); mode->set_dependent_bitmap(BX_HDIMAGE_MODE_UNDOABLE, 1); mode->set_dependent_bitmap(BX_HDIMAGE_MODE_VOLATILE, 1); mode->set_dependent_bitmap(BX_HDIMAGE_MODE_VVFAT, 1); bx_param_num_c *cylinders = new bx_param_num_c(menu, "cylinders", "Cylinders", "Number of cylinders", 0, 262143, 0); cylinders->set_ask_format("Enter number of cylinders: [%d] "); bx_param_num_c *heads = new bx_param_num_c(menu, "heads", "Heads", "Number of heads", 0, 16, 0); heads->set_ask_format("Enter number of heads: [%d] "); bx_param_num_c *spt = new bx_param_num_c(menu, "spt", "Sectors per track", "Number of sectors per track", 0, 63, 0); spt->set_ask_format("Enter number of sectors per track: [%d] "); bx_param_string_c *model = new bx_param_string_c(menu, "model", "Model name", "String returned by the 'identify device' command", "Generic 1234", 41); model->set_ask_format("Enter new model name: [%s]"); static const char *atadevice_biosdetect_names[] = { "none", "auto", "cmos", NULL }; bx_param_enum_c *biosdetect = new bx_param_enum_c(menu, "biosdetect", "BIOS Detection", "Type of bios detection", atadevice_biosdetect_names, BX_ATA_BIOSDETECT_AUTO, BX_ATA_BIOSDETECT_NONE); biosdetect->set_ask_format("Enter bios detection type: [%s]"); static const char *atadevice_translation_names[] = { "none", "lba", "large", "rechs", "auto", NULL }; bx_param_enum_c *translation = new bx_param_enum_c(menu, "translation", "Translation type", "How the ata-disk translation is done by the bios", atadevice_translation_names, BX_ATA_TRANSLATION_AUTO, BX_ATA_TRANSLATION_NONE); translation->set_ask_format("Enter translation type: [%s]"); // the menu and all items on it depend on the present flag deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL); deplist->add(type); deplist->add(path); deplist->add(model); deplist->add(biosdetect); present->set_dependent_list(deplist); // the master/slave menu depends on the ATA channel's enabled flag enabled->get_dependent_list()->add(menu); // the present flag depends on the ATA channel's enabled flag enabled->get_dependent_list()->add(present); // some items depend on the drive type bx_param_c *type_deplist[] = { mode, status, cylinders, heads, spt, translation, NULL }; deplist = new bx_list_c(NULL, "deplist", "", type_deplist); type->set_dependent_list(deplist, 0); type->set_dependent_bitmap(BX_ATA_DEVICE_DISK, 0x3d); type->set_dependent_bitmap(BX_ATA_DEVICE_CDROM, 0x02); type->set_handler(bx_param_handler); } // Enable two ATA interfaces by default, disable the others. // Now that the dependence relationships are established, call set() on // the ata device present params to set all enables correctly. enabled->set_initial_val(channel<2); enabled->set(channel<2); } // disk menu bx_param_c *disk_menu_init_list[] = { SIM->get_param(BXPN_FLOPPYA), SIM->get_param(BXPN_FLOPPYB), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA0_RES), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA0_MASTER), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA0_SLAVE), #if BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL>1 SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA1_RES), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA1_MASTER), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA1_SLAVE), #endif #if BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL>2 SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA2_RES), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA2_MASTER), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA2_SLAVE), #endif #if BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL>3 SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA3_RES), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA3_MASTER), SIM->get_param(BXPN_ATA3_SLAVE), #endif SIM->get_param("boot_params"), NULL }; menu = new bx_list_c(special_menus, "disk", "Bochs Disk Options", disk_menu_init_list); menu->set_options(menu->SHOW_PARENT); // disk menu for win32paramdlg bx_param_c *disk_menu2_init_list[] = { SIM->get_param("floppy"), SIM->get_param("ata.0"), #if BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL>1 SIM->get_param("ata.1"), #endif #if BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL>2 SIM->get_param("ata.2"), #endif #if BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL>3 SIM->get_param("ata.3"), #endif SIM->get_param("boot_params"), NULL }; menu = new bx_list_c(special_menus, "disk_win32", "Bochs Disk Options", disk_menu2_init_list); menu->set_options(menu->USE_TAB_WINDOW); // ports subtree bx_list_c *ports = new bx_list_c(root_param, "ports", "Serial and Parallel Port Options"); ports->set_options(ports->USE_TAB_WINDOW | ports->SHOW_PARENT); // parallel ports bx_list_c *parallel = new bx_list_c(ports, "parallel", "Parallel Port Options"); parallel->set_options(parallel->SHOW_PARENT); // parport options initialized in the devive plugin code // serial ports bx_list_c *serial = new bx_list_c(ports, "serial", "Serial Port Options"); serial->set_options(serial->SHOW_PARENT); // serial port options initialized in the devive plugin code // usb subtree bx_list_c *usb = new bx_list_c(ports, "usb", "USB Configuration"); usb->set_options(usb->USE_TAB_WINDOW | usb->SHOW_PARENT); // USB host controller options initialized in the devive plugin code // network subtree bx_list_c *network = new bx_list_c(root_param, "network", "Network Configuration"); network->set_options(network->USE_TAB_WINDOW | network->SHOW_PARENT); // network device options initialized in the devive plugin code // sound subtree bx_list_c *sound = new bx_list_c(root_param, "sound", "Sound Configuration"); sound->set_options(sound->USE_TAB_WINDOW | sound->SHOW_PARENT); // sound device options initialized in the devive plugin code // misc options subtree bx_list_c *misc = new bx_list_c(root_param, "misc", "Configure Everything Else"); misc->set_options(misc->SHOW_PARENT); // port e9 hack new bx_param_bool_c(misc, "port_e9_hack", "Enable port 0xE9 hack", "Debug messages written to i/o port 0xE9 will be displayed on console", 0); // GDB stub menu = new bx_list_c(misc, "gdbstub", "GDB Stub Options"); menu->set_options(menu->SHOW_PARENT | menu->USE_BOX_TITLE); menu->set_enabled(BX_GDBSTUB); enabled = new bx_param_bool_c(menu, "enabled", "Enable GDB stub", "", 0); enabled->set_enabled(BX_GDBSTUB); new bx_param_num_c(menu, "port", "Port", "TCP/IP port for GDB stub", 0, 65535, 1234); new bx_param_num_c(menu, "text_base", "Text base", "", 0, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 0); new bx_param_num_c(menu, "data_base", "Data base", "", 0, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 0); new bx_param_num_c(menu, "bss_base", "BSS base", "", 0, BX_MAX_BIT32U, 0); enabled->set_dependent_list(menu->clone()); #if BX_PLUGINS // user plugin options menu = new bx_list_c(misc, "user_plugin", "User Plugin Options"); menu->set_options(menu->SHOW_PARENT | menu->USE_BOX_TITLE); for (i=0; iset_handler(bx_param_string_handler); } // user-defined options subtree bx_list_c *user = new bx_list_c(root_param, "user", "User-defined options"); user->set_options(user->SHOW_PARENT); #endif // log options subtree menu = new bx_list_c(root_param, "log", "Logfile Options"); menu->set_options(menu->SHOW_PARENT); // log options path = new bx_param_filename_c(menu, "filename", "Log filename", "Pathname of bochs log file", "-", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); path->set_ask_format("Enter log filename: [%s] "); path->set_extension("txt"); bx_param_string_c *prefix = new bx_param_string_c(menu, "prefix", "Log output prefix", "Prefix prepended to log output", "%t%e%d", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); prefix->set_ask_format("Enter log prefix: [%s] "); path = new bx_param_filename_c(menu, "debugger_filename", "Debugger Log filename", "Pathname of debugger log file", "-", BX_PATHNAME_LEN); path->set_ask_format("Enter debugger log filename: [%s] "); path->set_extension("log"); path->set_enabled(BX_DEBUGGER); // runtime options menu = new bx_list_c(special_menus, "runtime", "Runtime options"); bx_list_c *cdrom = new bx_list_c(menu, "cdrom", "CD-ROM options"); cdrom->set_options(cdrom->SHOW_PARENT); usb = new bx_list_c(menu, "usb", "USB options"); usb->set_options(usb->SHOW_PARENT | usb->USE_TAB_WINDOW); // misc runtime options misc = new bx_list_c(menu, "misc", "Misc options"); misc->add(SIM->get_param(BXPN_VGA_UPDATE_FREQUENCY)); misc->add(SIM->get_param(BXPN_MOUSE_ENABLED)); misc->add(SIM->get_param(BXPN_KBD_PASTE_DELAY)); misc->add(SIM->get_param(BXPN_USER_SHORTCUT)); misc->set_options(misc->SHOW_PARENT | misc->SHOW_GROUP_NAME); } void bx_reset_options() { // cpu SIM->get_param("cpu")->reset(); #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4 // cpuid SIM->get_param("cpuid")->reset(); #endif // memory (ram & rom) SIM->get_param("memory")->reset(); // clock & cmos SIM->get_param("clock_cmos")->reset(); // pci SIM->get_param("pci")->reset(); // display & interface SIM->get_param("display")->reset(); // keyboard & mouse SIM->get_param("keyboard_mouse")->reset(); // boot SIM->get_param("boot_params")->reset(); // floppy drives SIM->get_param("floppy")->reset(); // ata/atapi drives SIM->get_param("ata")->reset(); // serial/parallel/usb SIM->get_param("ports")->reset(); // network devices SIM->get_param("network")->reset(); // sound devices SIM->get_param("sound")->reset(); // misc SIM->get_param("misc")->reset(); // logfile SIM->get_param("log")->reset(); #if BX_PLUGINS // user-defined options SIM->get_param("user")->reset(); bx_user_plugin_count = 0; #endif } int bx_read_configuration(const char *rcfile) { // parse rcfile first, then parse arguments in order. BX_INFO (("reading configuration from %s", rcfile)); if (parse_bochsrc(rcfile) < 0) { BX_PANIC (("reading from %s failed", rcfile)); return -1; } // update log actions for (int level=0; levelget_default_log_action(level); io->set_log_action(level, action); } return 0; } int bx_parse_cmdline(int arg, int argc, char *argv[]) { //if (arg < argc) BX_INFO (("parsing command line arguments")); while (arg < argc) { BX_INFO (("parsing arg %d, %s", arg, argv[arg])); parse_line_unformatted("cmdline args", argv[arg]); arg++; } // update log actions for (int level=0; levelget_default_log_action(level); io->set_log_action(level, action); } return 0; } char *bx_find_bochsrc() { FILE *fd = NULL; char rcfile[512]; Bit32u retry = 0, found = 0; // try several possibilities for the bochsrc before giving up while (!found) { rcfile[0] = 0; switch (retry++) { case 0: strcpy (rcfile, ".bochsrc"); break; case 1: strcpy (rcfile, "bochsrc"); break; case 2: strcpy (rcfile, "bochsrc.txt"); break; #ifdef WIN32 case 3: strcpy (rcfile, "bochsrc.bxrc"); break; #elif !BX_WITH_MACOS // only try this on unix case 3: { char *ptr = getenv("HOME"); if (ptr) snprintf (rcfile, sizeof(rcfile), "%s/.bochsrc", ptr); } break; case 4: strcpy (rcfile, "/etc/bochsrc"); break; #endif default: return NULL; } if (rcfile[0]) { BX_DEBUG (("looking for configuration in %s", rcfile)); fd = fopen(rcfile, "r"); if (fd) found = 1; } } assert (fd != NULL && rcfile[0] != 0); fclose (fd); return strdup(rcfile); } static int parse_bochsrc(const char *rcfile) { FILE *fd = NULL; char *ret; char line[512]; char context[BX_PATHNAME_LEN]; Bit32u linenum = 1; // try several possibilities for the bochsrc before giving up bochsrc_include_count++; fd = fopen (rcfile, "r"); if (fd == NULL) return -1; int retval = 0; do { ret = fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, fd); line[sizeof(line) - 1] = '\0'; size_t len = strlen(line); if ((len>0) && (line[len-1] < ' ')) line[len-1] = '\0'; if ((ret != NULL) && strlen(line)) { sprintf(context, "%s:%u", rcfile, linenum); if (parse_line_unformatted(context, line) < 0) { retval = -1; break; // quit parsing after first error } } linenum++; } while (!feof(fd)); fclose(fd); bochsrc_include_count--; return retval; } static const char *get_builtin_variable(const char *varname) { #ifdef WIN32 int code; DWORD size; DWORD type = 0; HKEY hkey; char keyname[80]; static char data[MAX_PATH]; #endif if (strlen(varname)<1) return NULL; else { if (!strcmp(varname, "BXSHARE")) { #ifdef WIN32 wsprintf(keyname, "Software\\Bochs %s", VER_STRING); code = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyname, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) { data[0] = 0; size = MAX_PATH; if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "", NULL, (LPDWORD)&type, (LPBYTE)data, (LPDWORD)&size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return data; } else { RegCloseKey(hkey); return NULL; } } else { return NULL; } #else return BX_SHARE_PATH; #endif } return NULL; } } static int parse_line_unformatted(const char *context, char *line) { #define MAX_PARAMS_LEN 40 char *ptr; unsigned i, string_i = 0; char string[512]; char *params[MAX_PARAMS_LEN]; int num_params; bx_bool inquotes = 0; bx_bool comment = 0; memset(params, 0, sizeof(params)); if (line == NULL) return 0; // if passed nothing but whitespace, just return for (i=0; i=strlen(line)) return 0; num_params = 0; if (!strncmp(line, "#include", 8)) ptr = strtok(line, " "); else ptr = strtok(line, ":"); while ((ptr) && (!comment)) { if (!inquotes) { string_i = 0; } else { string[string_i++] = ','; } for (i=0; iset_default_log_action(level, action); } else { sprintf(pname, "general.logfn.%s", params[0]); base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(pname); mparam = (bx_param_num_c*) base->get_by_name(module); if (mparam != NULL) { mparam->set(action); } else { mparam = new bx_param_num_c(base, module, "", "", -1, BX_MAX_BIT32U, action); if (mparam == NULL) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: %s: failed to add log module.", context, params[0])); } } } } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: %s directive malformed.", context, params[0])); free(param); return -1; } free(param); } return 0; } static int parse_debug_symbols(const char *context, const char **params, int num_params) { #if BX_DEBUGGER Bit32u offset = 0; const char *filename = 0; while (num_params > 0) { if (!strncmp(*params, "file=", 5)) { filename = *params + 5; } else if (!strncmp(*params, "offset=", 7)) { char* end; offset = strtoul(*params + 7, &end, 0); if (*end) PARSE_ERR(("%s: debug_symbols: invalid parameter %s", context, *params)); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: debug_symbols: invalid parameter %s", context, *params)); } params++; num_params--; } if (!filename) PARSE_ERR(("%s: debug_symbols: missing file name", context)); if (bx_dbg_symbol_command(filename, 1, offset) < 0) PARSE_ERR(("%s: debug_symbols: failed to load symbols from '%s'", context, filename)); #endif return 0; } static int parse_param_bool(const char *input, int len, const char *param) { if (input[len] == '0' || input[len] == '1') { SIM->get_param_bool(param)->set(input[len] - '0'); return 0; } return -1; } int bx_parse_usb_port_params(const char *context, bx_bool devopt, const char *param, int maxports, bx_list_c *base) { int idx, plen; char tmpname[20]; if (!devopt) { plen = 4; } else { plen = 7; } idx = param[plen]; if ((idx < '1') || (idx > '9') || (param[plen + 1] != '=')) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: usb_%s: portX / optionsX parameter malformed.", context, base->get_name())); return -1; } idx -= '0'; if (idx > maxports) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: usb_%s: port number out of range.", context, base->get_name())); return -1; } sprintf(tmpname, "port%d.%s", idx, devopt ? "options" : "device"); SIM->get_param_string(tmpname, base)->set(¶m[plen + 2]); return 0; } int bx_parse_nic_params(const char *context, const char *param, bx_list_c *base) { int tmp[6]; char tmpchar[6]; int valid = 0; int n; if (!strncmp(param, "enabled=", 8)) { if (atol(¶m[8]) == 0) valid |= 0x80; } else if (!strncmp(param, "mac=", 4)) { n = sscanf(¶m[4], "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", &tmp[0],&tmp[1],&tmp[2],&tmp[3],&tmp[4],&tmp[5]); if (n != 6) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: '%s' mac address malformed.", context, base->get_name())); } for (n=0;n<6;n++) tmpchar[n] = (unsigned char)tmp[n]; SIM->get_param_string("macaddr", base)->set(tmpchar); valid |= 0x04; } else if (!strncmp(param, "ethmod=", 7)) { if (!SIM->get_param_enum("ethmod", base)->set_by_name(¶m[7])) PARSE_ERR(("%s: ethernet module '%s' not available", context, ¶m[7])); } else if (!strncmp(param, "ethdev=", 7)) { SIM->get_param_string("ethdev", base)->set(¶m[7]); } else if (!strncmp(param, "script=", 7)) { SIM->get_param_string("script", base)->set(¶m[7]); } else if (!strncmp(param, "bootrom=", 8)) { SIM->get_param_string("bootrom", base)->set(¶m[8]); } else { PARSE_WARN(("%s: unknown parameter '%s' for '%s' ignored.", context, param, base->get_name())); return -1; } return valid; } static int parse_line_formatted(const char *context, int num_params, char *params[]) { int i, slot, t; bx_list_c *base; if (num_params < 1) return 0; if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: a bochsrc option needs at least one parameter", context)); } #if BX_SUPPORT_PCIPNIC // Temporary HACK for the PCI Pseudo NIC's bochsrc option name change if (!strcmp(params[0], "pnic")) { strcpy(params[0], "pcipnic"); } #endif if (!strcmp(params[0], "#include")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ignoring malformed #include directive.", context)); } if (!strcmp(params[1], context)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cannot include this file again.", context)); } if (bochsrc_include_count == 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: include directive in an included file not supported yet.", context)); } bx_read_configuration(params[1]); } else if ((!strcmp(params[0], "floppya")) || (!strcmp(params[0], "floppyb"))) { if (!strcmp(params[0], "floppya")) { base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(BXPN_FLOPPYA); } else { base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(BXPN_FLOPPYB); } for (i=1; iget_param_enum("devtype", base)->set(BX_FDD_350ED); } else if (!strcmp(params[i]+5, "1_44")) { SIM->get_param_enum("devtype", base)->set(BX_FDD_350HD); } else if (!strcmp(params[i]+5, "1_2")) { SIM->get_param_enum("devtype", base)->set(BX_FDD_525HD); } else if (!strcmp(params[i]+5, "720k")) { SIM->get_param_enum("devtype", base)->set(BX_FDD_350DD); } else if (!strcmp(params[i]+5, "360k")) { SIM->get_param_enum("devtype", base)->set(BX_FDD_525DD); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: %s: unknown type '%s'.", context, params[0], params[i]+5)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "2_88=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][5]); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(BX_FLOPPY_2_88); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "1_44=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][5]); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(BX_FLOPPY_1_44); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "1_2=", 4)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][4]); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(BX_FLOPPY_1_2); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "720k=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][5]); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(BX_FLOPPY_720K); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "360k=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][5]); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(BX_FLOPPY_360K); } // use CMOS reserved types? else if (!strncmp(params[i], "160k=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][5]); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(BX_FLOPPY_160K); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "180k=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][5]); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(BX_FLOPPY_180K); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "320k=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][5]); SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(BX_FLOPPY_320K); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "image=", 6)) { /* "image=" means we should get floppy type from image */ SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][6]); t = get_floppy_type_from_image(¶ms[i][6]); if (t != BX_FLOPPY_UNKNOWN) SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(t); else PARSE_ERR(("%s: %s image size doesn't match one of the supported types.", context, params[0])); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "status=inserted")) { SIM->get_param_bool("status", base)->set(1); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "status=ejected")) { SIM->get_param_bool("status", base)->set(0); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "write_protected=", 16)) { SIM->get_param_bool("readonly", base)->set(atol(¶ms[i][16])); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: %s attribute '%s' not understood.", context, params[0], params[i])); } } } else if ((!strncmp(params[0], "ata", 3)) && (strlen(params[0]) == 4)) { char tmpname[80]; Bit8u channel = params[0][3]; if ((channel < '0') || (channel > '9')) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX directive malformed.", context)); } channel-='0'; if (channel >= BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX directive malformed.", context)); } if ((num_params < 2) || (num_params > 5)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX directive malformed.", context)); } sprintf(tmpname, "ata.%d.resources", channel); base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(tmpname); if (strncmp(params[1], "enabled=", 8)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX directive malformed.", context)); } else { SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->set(atol(¶ms[1][8])); } if (num_params > 2) { if (strncmp(params[2], "ioaddr1=", 8)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX directive malformed.", context)); } else { if ((params[2][8] == '0') && (params[2][9] == 'x')) SIM->get_param_num("ioaddr1", base)->set(strtoul(¶ms[2][8], NULL, 16)); else SIM->get_param_num("ioaddr1", base)->set(strtoul(¶ms[2][8], NULL, 10)); } } if (num_params > 3) { if (strncmp(params[3], "ioaddr2=", 8)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX directive malformed.", context)); } else { if ((params[3][8] == '0') && (params[3][9] == 'x')) SIM->get_param_num("ioaddr2", base)->set(strtoul(¶ms[3][8], NULL, 16)); else SIM->get_param_num("ioaddr2", base)->set(strtoul(¶ms[3][8], NULL, 10)); } } if (num_params > 4) { if (strncmp(params[4], "irq=", 4)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX directive malformed.", context)); } else { SIM->get_param_num("irq", base)->set(atol(¶ms[4][4])); } } } // ataX-master, ataX-slave else if ((!strncmp(params[0], "ata", 3)) && (strlen(params[0]) > 4)) { Bit8u channel = params[0][3]; int type = -1, mode = BX_HDIMAGE_MODE_FLAT, biosdetect = BX_ATA_BIOSDETECT_AUTO; Bit32u cylinders = 0, heads = 0, sectors = 0; char tmpname[80]; if ((channel < '0') || (channel > '9')) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX-master/slave directive malformed.", context)); } channel-='0'; if (channel >= BX_MAX_ATA_CHANNEL) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX-master/slave directive malformed.", context)); } if ((strcmp(¶ms[0][4], "-slave")) && (strcmp(¶ms[0][4], "-master"))) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX-master/slave directive malformed.", context)); } sprintf(tmpname, "ata.%d.%s", channel, ¶ms[0][5]); base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(tmpname); for (i=1; ifind_by_name(¶ms[i][5]); if (type < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX-master/slave: unknown type '%s'", context, ¶ms[i][5])); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "mode=", 5)) { mode = SIM->get_param_enum("mode", base)->find_by_name(¶ms[i][5]); if (mode < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX-master/slave: unknown mode '%s'", context, ¶ms[i][5])); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "path=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->set(¶ms[i][5]); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "cylinders=", 10)) { cylinders = atol(¶ms[i][10]); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "heads=", 6)) { heads = atol(¶ms[i][6]); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "spt=", 4)) { sectors = atol(¶ms[i][4]); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "model=", 6)) { SIM->get_param_string("model", base)->set(¶ms[i][6]); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "biosdetect=", 11)) { biosdetect = SIM->get_param_enum("biosdetect", base)->find_by_name(¶ms[i][11]); if (biosdetect < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX-master/slave: unknown biosdetect '%s'", context, ¶ms[i][11])); } } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "translation=none")) { SIM->get_param_enum("translation", base)->set(BX_ATA_TRANSLATION_NONE); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "translation=lba")) { SIM->get_param_enum("translation", base)->set(BX_ATA_TRANSLATION_LBA); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "translation=large")) { SIM->get_param_enum("translation", base)->set(BX_ATA_TRANSLATION_LARGE); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "translation=echs")) { // synonym of large SIM->get_param_enum("translation", base)->set(BX_ATA_TRANSLATION_LARGE); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "translation=rechs")) { SIM->get_param_enum("translation", base)->set(BX_ATA_TRANSLATION_RECHS); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "translation=auto")) { SIM->get_param_enum("translation", base)->set(BX_ATA_TRANSLATION_AUTO); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "status=ejected")) { SIM->get_param_bool("status", base)->set(0); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "status=inserted")) { SIM->get_param_bool("status", base)->set(1); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "journal=", 8)) { SIM->get_param_string("journal", base)->set(¶ms[i][8]); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: ataX-master/slave directive malformed.", context)); } } // Enables the ata device if (type >= 0) { SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->set(type); SIM->get_param_num("biosdetect", base)->set(biosdetect); if (type == BX_ATA_DEVICE_DISK) { if (strlen(SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->getptr()) > 0) { SIM->get_param_bool("present", base)->set(1); SIM->get_param_enum("mode", base)->set(mode); SIM->get_param_num("cylinders", base)->set(cylinders); if ((cylinders == 0) && (heads == 0) && (sectors == 0)) { PARSE_WARN(("%s: ataX-master/slave CHS set to 0/0/0 - autodetection enabled", context)); // using heads = 16 and spt = 63 for autodetection (bximage defaults) SIM->get_param_num("heads", base)->set(16); SIM->get_param_num("spt", base)->set(63); } else { SIM->get_param_num("heads", base)->set(heads); SIM->get_param_num("spt", base)->set(sectors); } } else { SIM->get_param_bool("present", base)->set(0); } } else if (type == BX_ATA_DEVICE_CDROM) { SIM->get_param_bool("present", base)->set(1); } } else { SIM->get_param_bool("present", base)->set(0); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "boot")) { char tmppath[80]; if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: boot directive malformed.", context)); } for (i=1; iget_param_enum(tmppath)->set(BX_BOOT_NONE); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "a")) { SIM->get_param_enum(tmppath)->set(BX_BOOT_FLOPPYA); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "floppy")) { SIM->get_param_enum(tmppath)->set(BX_BOOT_FLOPPYA); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "c")) { SIM->get_param_enum(tmppath)->set(BX_BOOT_DISKC); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "disk")) { SIM->get_param_enum(tmppath)->set(BX_BOOT_DISKC); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "cdrom")) { SIM->get_param_enum(tmppath)->set(BX_BOOT_CDROM); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "network")) { SIM->get_param_enum(tmppath)->set(BX_BOOT_NETWORK); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: boot directive with unknown boot drive '%s'. use 'floppy', 'disk', 'cdrom' or 'network'.", context, params[i])); } } if (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE1)->get() == BX_BOOT_NONE) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: first boot drive must be one of 'floppy', 'disk' or 'cdrom'.", context)); } if ((SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE1)->get() == SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE2)->get()) || (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE1)->get() == SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE3)->get()) || ((SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE3)->get() != BX_BOOT_NONE) && (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE2)->get() == SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE3)->get()))) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: a boot drive appears twice in boot sequence.", context)); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "floppy_bootsig_check")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: floppy_bootsig_check directive malformed.", context)); } if (strncmp(params[1], "disabled=", 9)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: floppy_bootsig_check directive malformed.", context)); } if (parse_param_bool(params[1], 9, BXPN_FLOPPYSIGCHECK) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: floppy_bootsig_check directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "log")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: log directive has wrong # args.", context)); } SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOG_FILENAME)->set(params[1]); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "logprefix")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: logprefix directive has wrong # args.", context)); } SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOG_PREFIX)->set(params[1]); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "debugger_log")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: debugger_log directive has wrong # args.", context)); } SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_DEBUGGER_LOG_FILENAME)->set(params[1]); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "panic")) { if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: panic directive malformed.", context)); } if (parse_log_options(context, num_params, params) < 0) { return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "error")) { if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: error directive malformed.", context)); } if (parse_log_options(context, num_params, params) < 0) { return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "info")) { if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: info directive malformed.", context)); } if (parse_log_options(context, num_params, params) < 0) { return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "debug")) { if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: debug directive malformed.", context)); } if (parse_log_options(context, num_params, params) < 0) { return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "cpu")) { if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpu directive malformed.", context)); } for (i=1; iget_param_num(BXPN_CPU_NPROCESSORS)->set(processors); SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPU_NCORES)->set(cores); SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPU_NTHREADS)->set(threads); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "model=", 6)) { if (! SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPU_MODEL)->set_by_name(¶ms[i][6])) PARSE_ERR(("%s: unsupported CPU model option.", context)); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "ips=", 4)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_IPS)->set(atol(¶ms[i][4])); #if BX_SUPPORT_SMP } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "quantum=", 8)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_SMP_QUANTUM)->set(atol(¶ms[i][8])); #endif } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "reset_on_triple_fault=", 22)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 22, BXPN_RESET_ON_TRIPLE_FAULT) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpu directive malformed.", context)); } #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5 } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "ignore_bad_msrs=", 16)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 16, BXPN_IGNORE_BAD_MSRS) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpu directive malformed.", context)); } #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_MONITOR_MWAIT } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "mwait_is_nop=", 13)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 13, BXPN_MWAIT_IS_NOP) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpu directive malformed.", context)); } #endif } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "msrs=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_CONFIGURABLE_MSRS_PATH)->set(¶ms[i][5]); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "cpuid_limit_winnt=", 18)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 18, BXPN_CPUID_LIMIT_WINNT) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpu directive malformed.", context)); } } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpu directive malformed.", context)); } } #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4 } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "cpuid")) { if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } for (i=1; iget_param_string(BXPN_VENDOR_STRING)->set(¶ms[i][14]); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "brand_string=", 13)) { if (strlen(¶ms[i][13]) > BX_CPUID_BRAND_LEN) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_BRAND_STRING)->set(¶ms[i][13]); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "stepping=", 9)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_STEPPING)->set(atol(¶ms[i][9])); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "model=", 6)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_MODEL)->set(strtoul(¶ms[i][6], NULL, 0)); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "family=", 7)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_FAMILY)->set(strtoul(¶ms[i][7], NULL, 0)); #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5 } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "mmx=", 4)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 4, BXPN_CPUID_MMX) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "apic=", 5)) { if (! SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPUID_APIC)->set_by_name(¶ms[i][5])) PARSE_ERR(("%s: unsupported apic option.", context)); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "xapic=", 6)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: unsupported xapic option (deprecated).", context)); #endif #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6 } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "sse=", 4)) { if (! SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPUID_SSE)->set_by_name(¶ms[i][4])) PARSE_ERR(("%s: unsupported sse option.", context)); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "sse4a=", 6)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 6, BXPN_CPUID_SSE4A) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "aes=", 4)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 4, BXPN_CPUID_AES) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "movbe=", 6)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 6, BXPN_CPUID_MOVBE) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "adx=", 4)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 4, BXPN_CPUID_ADX) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "sep=", 4)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 4, BXPN_CPUID_SEP) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "xsave=", 6)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 6, BXPN_CPUID_XSAVE) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "xsaveopt=", 9)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 9, BXPN_CPUID_XSAVEOPT) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } #if BX_SUPPORT_AVX } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "avx=", 4)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_AVX)->set(atol(¶ms[i][4])); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "avx_f16c=", 9)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 9, BXPN_CPUID_AVX_F16CVT) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "avx_fma=", 8)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 8, BXPN_CPUID_AVX_FMA) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "bmi=", 4)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_BMI)->set(atol(¶ms[i][4])); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "xop=", 4)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 4, BXPN_CPUID_XOP) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "tbm=", 4)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 4, BXPN_CPUID_TBM) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "fma4=", 5)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 5, BXPN_CPUID_FMA4) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_VMX } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "vmx=", 4)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_VMX)->set(atol(¶ms[i][4])); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_SVM } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "svm=", 4)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 4, BXPN_CPUID_SVM) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "x86_64=", 7)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 7, BXPN_CPUID_X86_64) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "1g_pages=", 9)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 9, BXPN_CPUID_1G_PAGES) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "pcid=", 5)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 5, BXPN_CPUID_PCID) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "fsgsbase=", 9)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 9, BXPN_CPUID_FSGSBASE) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } #endif } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "smep=", 5)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 5, BXPN_CPUID_SMEP) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } #if BX_SUPPORT_MONITOR_MWAIT } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "mwait=", 6)) { if (parse_param_bool(params[i], 6, BXPN_CPUID_MWAIT) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } #endif #endif } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "cpuid_limit_winnt=", 18)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid_limit_winnt moved to CPU .bochsrc option.", context)); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: cpuid directive malformed.", context)); } } #endif } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "megs")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: megs directive: wrong # args.", context)); } SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_MEM_SIZE)->set(atol(params[1])); SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_HOST_MEM_SIZE)->set(atol(params[1])); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "memory")) { if (num_params < 3) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: memory directive malformed.", context)); } for (i=1; i 3)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: romimage directive: wrong # args.", context)); } if (!strncmp(params[1], "file=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_ROM_PATH)->set(¶ms[1][5]); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: romimage directive malformed.", context)); } if (num_params == 3) { if (!strncmp(params[2], "address=", 8)) { if ((params[2][8] == '0') && (params[2][9] == 'x')) SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_ROM_ADDRESS)->set(strtoul(¶ms[2][8], NULL, 16)); else SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_ROM_ADDRESS)->set(strtoul(¶ms[2][8], NULL, 10)); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: romimage directive malformed.", context)); } } else { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_ROM_ADDRESS)->set(0); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "vgaromimage")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: vgaromimage directive: wrong # args.", context)); } if (!strncmp(params[1], "file=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_VGA_ROM_PATH)->set(¶ms[1][5]); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: vgaromimage directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[0], "optromimage", 11)) { int num = atoi(¶ms[0][11]); char tmppath[80], tmpaddr[80]; if ((num < 1) || (num > BX_N_OPTROM_IMAGES)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: optromimage%d: not supported", context, num)); } if (num_params != 3) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: optromimage%d directive: wrong # args.", context, num)); } sprintf(tmppath, "memory.optrom.%d.path", num); sprintf(tmpaddr, "memory.optrom.%d.addr", num); for (i=1; i BX_N_OPTRAM_IMAGES)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: optramimage%d: not supported", context, num)); } if (num_params != 3) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: optramimage%d directive: wrong # args.", context, num)); } sprintf(tmppath, "memory.optram.%d.path", num); sprintf(tmpaddr, "memory.optram.%d.addr", num); for (i=1; i 0) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_VGA_UPDATE_FREQUENCY)->set(1000000 / value); PARSE_WARN(("%s: 'vga_update_interval' will be replaced by new 'vga: update_freq' option.", context)); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: invalid value for vga_update_interval", context)); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "vga")) { if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: vga directive malformed.", context)); } for (i=1; iget_param_num(BXPN_KBD_SERIAL_DELAY)->set(atol(params[1])); if (SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_KBD_SERIAL_DELAY)->get() < 5) { PARSE_ERR (("%s: keyboard_serial_delay not big enough!", context)); } PARSE_WARN(("%s: 'keyboard_serial_delay' will be replaced by new 'keyboard' option.", context)); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "keyboard_paste_delay")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: keyboard_paste_delay directive: wrong # args.", context)); } SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_KBD_PASTE_DELAY)->set(atol(params[1])); if (SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_KBD_PASTE_DELAY)->get() < 1000) { PARSE_ERR (("%s: keyboard_paste_delay not big enough!", context)); } PARSE_WARN(("%s: 'keyboard_paste_delay' will be replaced by new 'keyboard' option.", context)); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "text_snapshot_check")) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: the 'text_snapshot_check' feature has been removed.", context)); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "mouse")) { if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: mouse directive malformed.", context)); } for (i=1; iget_param_string(BXPN_SCREENMODE)->set(¶ms[1][5]); #endif } else if ((!strcmp(params[0], "pci")) || (!strcmp(params[0], "i440fxsupport"))) { // new option 'pci' for future extensions char tmpdev[80]; int enabled = -1; int chipset = -1; if (!strcmp(params[0], "i440fxsupport")) { chipset = 1; PARSE_WARN(("%s: 'i440fxsupport' will be replaced by new 'pci' option.", context)); } for (i=1; iget_param_bool(BXPN_I440FX_SUPPORT)->set(0); } else if (enabled == 1) { if (chipset == 1) { SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_I440FX_SUPPORT)->set(1); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: pci: chipset not specified", context)); } } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "cmosimage")) { for (i=1; iget_param_bool(BXPN_CMOSIMAGE_RTC_INIT)->set(0); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "rtc_init=image")) { SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CMOSIMAGE_RTC_INIT)->set(1); } else { // for backward compatiblity SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_CMOSIMAGE_PATH)->set(params[i]); } } if (strlen(SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_CMOSIMAGE_PATH)->getptr()) > 0) { SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CMOSIMAGE_ENABLED)->set(1); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "clock")) { for (i=1; iget_param_num(BXPN_CLOCK_TIME0)->set(BX_CLOCK_TIME0_LOCAL); } else if (!strcmp(params[i], "time0=utc")) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CLOCK_TIME0)->set(BX_CLOCK_TIME0_UTC); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "time0=", 6)) { SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CLOCK_TIME0)->set(atoi(¶ms[i][6])); } else { BX_ERROR(("%s: unknown parameter for clock ignored.", context)); } } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "gdbstub")) { #if BX_GDBSTUB if (num_params < 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: gdbstub directive: wrong # args.", context)); } base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(BXPN_GDBSTUB); for (i=1; iset(0); BX_INFO(("Disabled gdbstub")); bx_dbg.gdbstub_enabled = 0; } else if (params[i][8] == '1') { SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->set(1); BX_INFO(("Enabled gdbstub")); bx_dbg.gdbstub_enabled = 1; } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: gdbstub directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "port=", 5)) { SIM->get_param_num("port", base)->set(atoi(¶ms[i][5])); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "text_base=", 10)) { SIM->get_param_num("text_base", base)->set(atoi(¶ms[i][10])); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "data_base=", 10)) { SIM->get_param_num("data_base", base)->set(atoi(¶ms[i][10])); } else if (!strncmp(params[i], "bss_base=", 9)) { SIM->get_param_num("bss_base", base)->set(atoi(¶ms[i][9])); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: gdbstub directive malformed.", context)); } } #else PARSE_ERR(("%s: Bochs is not compiled with gdbstub support", context)); #endif } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "magic_break")) { #if BX_DEBUGGER if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: magic_break directive: wrong # args.", context)); } if (strncmp(params[1], "enabled=", 8)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: magic_break directive malformed.", context)); } if (params[1][8] == '0') { BX_INFO(("Ignoring magic break points")); bx_dbg.magic_break_enabled = 0; } else if (params[1][8] == '1') { BX_INFO(("Stopping on magic break points")); bx_dbg.magic_break_enabled = 1; } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: magic_break directive malformed.", context)); } #else PARSE_WARN(("%s: Bochs is not compiled with internal debugger support", context)); #endif } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "debug_symbols")) { if (parse_debug_symbols(context, (const char **)(params + 1), num_params - 1) < 0) { return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "print_timestamps")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: print_timestamps directive: wrong # args.", context)); } if (strncmp(params[1], "enabled=", 8)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: print_timestamps directive malformed.", context)); } if (params[1][8] == '0' || params[1][8] == '1') { bx_dbg.print_timestamps = params[1][8] - '0'; } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: print_timestamps directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "port_e9_hack")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: port_e9_hack directive: wrong # args.", context)); } if (strncmp(params[1], "enabled=", 8)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: port_e9_hack directive malformed.", context)); } if (parse_param_bool(params[1], 8, BXPN_PORT_E9_HACK) < 0) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: port_e9_hack directive malformed.", context)); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "load32bitOSImage")) { if ((num_params!=4) && (num_params!=5)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: load32bitOSImage directive: wrong # args.", context)); } if (strncmp(params[1], "os=", 3)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: load32bitOSImage: directive malformed.", context)); } if (!strcmp(¶ms[1][3], "nullkernel")) { SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_WHICH)->set(Load32bitOSNullKernel); } else if (!strcmp(¶ms[1][3], "linux")) { SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_WHICH)->set(Load32bitOSLinux); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: load32bitOSImage: unsupported OS.", context)); } if (strncmp(params[2], "path=", 5)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: load32bitOSImage: directive malformed.", context)); } if (strncmp(params[3], "iolog=", 6)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: load32bitOSImage: directive malformed.", context)); } SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_PATH)->set(¶ms[2][5]); SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_IOLOG)->set(¶ms[3][6]); if (num_params == 5) { if (strncmp(params[4], "initrd=", 7)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: load32bitOSImage: directive malformed.", context)); } SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_INITRD)->set(¶ms[4][7]); } } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "keyboard_type")) { if (num_params != 2) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: keyboard_type directive: wrong # args.", context)); } if (!SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_KBD_TYPE)->set_by_name(params[1])) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: keyboard_type directive: wrong arg '%s'.", context,params[1])); } PARSE_WARN(("%s: 'keyboard_type' will be replaced by new 'keyboard' option.", context)); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "keyboard_mapping") ||!strcmp(params[0], "keyboardmapping")) { for (i=1; iget_param_enum(BXPN_SEL_CONFIG_INTERFACE)->set_by_name(params[1])) PARSE_ERR(("%s: config_interface '%s' not available", context, params[1])); } else if (!strcmp(params[0], "display_library")) { if ((num_params < 2) || (num_params > 3)) { PARSE_ERR(("%s: display_library directive: wrong # args.", context)); } if (!SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_SEL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY)->set_by_name(params[1])) PARSE_ERR(("%s: display library '%s' not available", context, params[1])); if (num_params == 3) { if (!strncmp(params[2], "options=", 8)) { SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_DISPLAYLIB_OPTIONS)->set(¶ms[2][8]); } } } #if BX_PLUGINS else if (!strcmp(params[0], "user_plugin")) { char tmpname[80]; for (i=1; iget_param_string(tmpname)->set(¶ms[i][5]); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: too many user plugins", context)); } } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: unknown user plugin parameter '%s'", context, params[i])); } } } #endif else if (!strcmp(params[0], "plugin_ctrl")) { char *param, *pname, *val; for (i=1; iopt_plugin_ctrl(pname, atoi(val)); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: plugin_ctrl directive malformed", context)); } } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: plugin_ctrl directive malformed", context)); } free(param); } } // add-on options handled by registered functions else if (SIM->is_addon_option(params[0])) { return SIM->parse_addon_option(context, num_params, ¶ms[0]); } // treat unknown option as plugin name and try to load it else if (SIM->opt_plugin_ctrl(params[0], 1)) { // after loading the plugin a bochsrc option with it's name must exist if (SIM->is_addon_option(params[0])) { return SIM->parse_addon_option(context, num_params, ¶ms[0]); } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: directive '%s' not understood", context, params[0])); } } else { PARSE_ERR(("%s: directive '%s' not understood", context, params[0])); } return 0; } static const char *fdtypes[] = { "none", "1_2", "1_44", "2_88", "720k", "360k", "160k", "180k", "320k" }; int bx_write_floppy_options(FILE *fp, int drive) { char devtype[80], path[80], type[80], status[80], readonly[80]; int ftype; BX_ASSERT(drive==0 || drive==1); sprintf(devtype, "floppy.%d.devtype", drive); sprintf(path, "floppy.%d.path", drive); sprintf(type, "floppy.%d.type", drive); sprintf(status, "floppy.%d.status", drive); sprintf(readonly, "floppy.%d.readonly", drive); ftype = SIM->get_param_enum(devtype)->get(); if (ftype == BX_FDD_NONE) { fprintf(fp, "# no floppy%c\n", (char)'a'+drive); return 0; } else { fprintf(fp, "floppy%c: type=", (char)'a'+drive); if (ftype == BX_FDD_350ED) { fprintf(fp, "2_88"); } else if (ftype == BX_FDD_350HD) { fprintf(fp, "1_44"); } else if (ftype == BX_FDD_525HD) { fprintf(fp, "1_2"); } else if (ftype == BX_FDD_350DD) { fprintf(fp, "720k"); } else if (ftype == BX_FDD_525DD) { fprintf(fp, "360k"); } } if ((SIM->get_param_enum(type)->get() > BX_FLOPPY_NONE) && (SIM->get_param_enum(type)->get() <= BX_FLOPPY_LAST)) { fprintf(fp, ", %s=\"%s\", status=%s, write_protected=%d", fdtypes[SIM->get_param_enum(type)->get() - BX_FLOPPY_NONE], SIM->get_param_string(path)->getptr(), SIM->get_param_bool(status)->get() ? "inserted":"ejected", SIM->get_param_bool(readonly)->get()); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); return 0; } int bx_write_ata_options(FILE *fp, Bit8u channel, bx_list_c *base) { fprintf(fp, "ata%d: enabled=%d", channel, SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->get()); if (SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->get()) { fprintf(fp, ", ioaddr1=0x%x, ioaddr2=0x%x, irq=%d", SIM->get_param_num("ioaddr1", base)->get(), SIM->get_param_num("ioaddr2", base)->get(), SIM->get_param_num("irq", base)->get()); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); return 0; } int bx_write_atadevice_options(FILE *fp, Bit8u channel, Bit8u drive, bx_list_c *base) { if (SIM->get_param_bool("present", base)->get()) { fprintf(fp, "ata%d-%s: ", channel, drive==0?"master":"slave"); if (SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->get() == BX_ATA_DEVICE_DISK) { fprintf(fp, "type=disk"); fprintf(fp, ", mode=%s", SIM->get_param_enum("mode", base)->get_selected()); fprintf(fp, ", translation=%s", SIM->get_param_enum("translation", base)->get_selected()); fprintf(fp, ", path=\"%s\", cylinders=%d, heads=%d, spt=%d", SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->getptr(), SIM->get_param_num("cylinders", base)->get(), SIM->get_param_num("heads", base)->get(), SIM->get_param_num("spt", base)->get()); if (SIM->get_param_string("journal", base)->getptr() != NULL) if (strcmp(SIM->get_param_string("journal", base)->getptr(), "") != 0) fprintf(fp, ", journal=\"%s\"", SIM->get_param_string("journal", base)->getptr()); } else if (SIM->get_param_enum("type", base)->get() == BX_ATA_DEVICE_CDROM) { fprintf(fp, "type=cdrom, path=\"%s\", status=%s", SIM->get_param_string("path", base)->getptr(), SIM->get_param_bool("status", base)->get() ? "inserted":"ejected"); } fprintf(fp, ", biosdetect=%s", SIM->get_param_enum("biosdetect", base)->get_selected()); if (SIM->get_param_string("model", base)->getptr()>0) { fprintf(fp, ", model=\"%s\"", SIM->get_param_string("model", base)->getptr()); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } return 0; } int bx_write_usb_options(FILE *fp, int maxports, bx_list_c *base) { int i; char tmpname[20]; fprintf(fp, "usb_%s: enabled=%d", base->get_name(), SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->get()); if (SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->get()) { for (i = 1; i <= maxports; i++) { sprintf(tmpname, "port%d.device", i); fprintf(fp, ", port%d=%s", i, SIM->get_param_string(tmpname, base)->getptr()); sprintf(tmpname, "port%d.options", i); fprintf(fp, ", options%d=%s", i, SIM->get_param_string(tmpname, base)->getptr()); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); return 0; } int bx_write_pci_nic_options(FILE *fp, bx_list_c *base) { fprintf (fp, "%s: enabled=%d", base->get_name(), SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->get()); if (SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->get()) { char *ptr = SIM->get_param_string("macaddr", base)->getptr(); fprintf (fp, ", mac=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, ethmod=%s, ethdev=%s, script=%s, bootrom=%s", (unsigned int)(0xff & ptr[0]), (unsigned int)(0xff & ptr[1]), (unsigned int)(0xff & ptr[2]), (unsigned int)(0xff & ptr[3]), (unsigned int)(0xff & ptr[4]), (unsigned int)(0xff & ptr[5]), SIM->get_param_enum("ethmod", base)->get_selected(), SIM->get_param_string("ethdev", base)->getptr(), SIM->get_param_string("script", base)->getptr(), SIM->get_param_string("bootrom", base)->getptr()); } fprintf (fp, "\n"); return 0; } int bx_write_loader_options(FILE *fp) { if (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_WHICH)->get() == Load32bitOSNone) { fprintf(fp, "# no loader\n"); return 0; } BX_ASSERT((SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_WHICH)->get() == Load32bitOSLinux) || (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_WHICH)->get() == Load32bitOSNullKernel)); fprintf (fp, "load32bitOSImage: os=%s, path=%s, iolog=%s, initrd=%s\n", (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_WHICH)->get() == Load32bitOSLinux) ? "linux" : "nullkernel", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_PATH)->getptr(), SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_IOLOG)->getptr(), SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_LOAD32BITOS_INITRD)->getptr()); return 0; } int bx_write_clock_cmos_options(FILE *fp) { fprintf(fp, "clock: "); switch (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CLOCK_SYNC)->get()) { case BX_CLOCK_SYNC_NONE: fprintf(fp, "sync=none"); break; case BX_CLOCK_SYNC_REALTIME: fprintf(fp, "sync=realtime"); break; case BX_CLOCK_SYNC_SLOWDOWN: fprintf(fp, "sync=slowdown"); break; case BX_CLOCK_SYNC_BOTH: fprintf(fp, "sync=both"); break; default: BX_PANIC(("Unknown value for sync method")); } switch (SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CLOCK_TIME0)->get()) { case 0: break; case BX_CLOCK_TIME0_LOCAL: fprintf(fp, ", time0=local"); break; case BX_CLOCK_TIME0_UTC: fprintf(fp, ", time0=utc"); break; default: fprintf(fp, ", time0=%u", SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CLOCK_TIME0)->get()); } fprintf(fp, ", rtc_sync=%d\n", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CLOCK_RTC_SYNC)->get()); if (strlen(SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_CMOSIMAGE_PATH)->getptr()) > 0) { fprintf(fp, "cmosimage: file=%s, ", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_CMOSIMAGE_PATH)->getptr()); fprintf(fp, "rtc_init=%s\n", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CMOSIMAGE_RTC_INIT)->get()?"image":"time0"); } else { fprintf(fp, "# no cmosimage\n"); } return 0; } int bx_write_log_options(FILE *fp, bx_list_c *base) { fprintf(fp, "log: %s\n", SIM->get_param_string("filename", base)->getptr()); fprintf(fp, "logprefix: %s\n", SIM->get_param_string("prefix", base)->getptr()); fprintf(fp, "panic: action=%s\n", io->getaction(logfunctions::get_default_action(LOGLEV_PANIC))); fprintf(fp, "error: action=%s\n", io->getaction(logfunctions::get_default_action(LOGLEV_ERROR))); fprintf(fp, "info: action=%s\n", io->getaction(logfunctions::get_default_action(LOGLEV_INFO))); fprintf(fp, "debug: action=%s\n", io->getaction(logfunctions::get_default_action(LOGLEV_DEBUG))); return 0; } int bx_write_keyboard_options(FILE *fp) { fprintf(fp, "keyboard: type=%s, serial_delay=%u, paste_delay=%u, ", SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_KBD_TYPE)->get_selected(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_KBD_SERIAL_DELAY)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_KBD_PASTE_DELAY)->get()); if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_KBD_USEMAPPING)->get()) { fprintf(fp, "keymap=%s\n", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_KBD_KEYMAP)->getptr()); } else { fprintf(fp, "keymap=\n"); } fprintf(fp, "user_shortcut: keys=%s\n", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_USER_SHORTCUT)->getptr()); return 0; } int bx_write_debugger_options(FILE *fp) { #if BX_DEBUGGER fprintf(fp, "debugger_log: %s\n", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_DEBUGGER_LOG_FILENAME)->getptr()); fprintf(fp, "magic_break: enabled=%d\n", bx_dbg.magic_break_enabled); // TODO: debug symbols #endif #if BX_GDBSTUB bx_list_c *base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(BXPN_GDBSTUB); bx_bool enabled = SIM->get_param_bool("enabled", base)->get(); if (enabled) { fprintf(fp, "gdbstub: enabled=%d, port=%d, text_base=%d, data_base=%d, bss_base=%d\n", enabled, SIM->get_param_num("port", base)->get(), SIM->get_param_num("text_base", base)->get(), SIM->get_param_num("data_base", base)->get(), SIM->get_param_num("bss_base", base)->get()); } else { fprintf(fp, "# no gdb stub\n"); } #endif return 0; } // return values: // 0: written ok // -1: failed // -2: already exists, and overwrite was off int bx_write_configuration(const char *rc, int overwrite) { int i; char *strptr, tmppath[80], tmpaddr[80], tmpdev[80]; bx_list_c *base; BX_INFO(("write current configuration to %s", rc)); // check if it exists. If so, only proceed if overwrite is set. FILE *fp = fopen(rc, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); if (!overwrite) return -2; } fp = fopen(rc, "w"); if (fp == NULL) return -1; // finally it's open and we can start writing. fprintf(fp, "# configuration file generated by Bochs\n"); base = (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param(BXPN_PLUGIN_CTRL); if (base->get_size() > 0) { fprintf(fp, "plugin_ctrl: "); for (i = 0; i < base->get_size(); i++) { if (i > 0) fprintf(fp, ", "); bx_param_bool_c *plugin = (bx_param_bool_c*)(base->get(i)); fprintf(fp, "%s=1", plugin->get_name()); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } #if BX_PLUGINS // user plugins for (i=0; iget_param_string(tmpdev)->getptr()) > 0) { fprintf(fp, "user_plugin: name=%s\n", SIM->get_param_string(tmpdev)->getptr()); } } #endif fprintf(fp, "config_interface: %s\n", SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_SEL_CONFIG_INTERFACE)->get_selected()); fprintf(fp, "display_library: %s", SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_SEL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY)->get_selected()); strptr = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_DISPLAYLIB_OPTIONS)->getptr(); if (strlen(strptr) > 0) fprintf(fp, ", options=\"%s\"\n", strptr); else fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "memory: host=%d, guest=%d\n", SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_HOST_MEM_SIZE)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_MEM_SIZE)->get()); strptr = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_ROM_PATH)->getptr(); if (strlen(strptr) > 0) { fprintf(fp, "romimage: file=\"%s\"", strptr); if (SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_ROM_ADDRESS)->get() != 0) fprintf(fp, ", address=0x%08x\n", (unsigned int) SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_ROM_ADDRESS)->get()); else fprintf(fp, "\n"); } else { fprintf(fp, "# no romimage\n"); } strptr = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_VGA_ROM_PATH)->getptr(); if (strlen(strptr) > 0) fprintf(fp, "vgaromimage: file=\"%s\"\n", strptr); else fprintf(fp, "# no vgaromimage\n"); fprintf(fp, "boot: %s", SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_BOOTDRIVE1)->get_selected()); for (i=1; i<3; i++) { sprintf(tmppath, "boot_params.boot_drive%d", i+1); if (SIM->get_param_enum(tmppath)->get() != BX_BOOT_NONE) { fprintf(fp, ", %s", SIM->get_param_enum(tmppath)->get_selected()); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "floppy_bootsig_check: disabled=%d\n", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_FLOPPYSIGCHECK)->get()); // it would be nice to put this type of function as methods on // the structs like bx_floppy_options::print or something. bx_write_floppy_options(fp, 0); bx_write_floppy_options(fp, 1); for (Bit8u channel=0; channelget_param(tmppath); bx_write_ata_options(fp, channel, (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("resources", base)); bx_write_atadevice_options(fp, channel, 0, (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("master", base)); bx_write_atadevice_options(fp, channel, 1, (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("slave", base)); } for (i=0; iget_param_string(tmppath)->getptr(); if (strlen(strptr) > 0) fprintf(fp, "optromimage%d: file=\"%s\", address=0x%05x\n", i+1, strptr, (unsigned int)SIM->get_param_num(tmpaddr)->get()); } for (i=0; iget_param_string(tmppath)->getptr(); if (strlen(strptr) > 0) fprintf(fp, "optramimage%d: file=\"%s\", address=0x%05x\n", i+1, strptr, (unsigned int)SIM->get_param_num(tmpaddr)->get()); } // pci fprintf(fp, "pci: enabled=%d", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_I440FX_SUPPORT)->get()); if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_I440FX_SUPPORT)->get()) { fprintf(fp, ", chipset=i440fx"); for (i=0; iget_param_string(tmpdev)->getptr(); if (strlen(strptr) > 0) { fprintf(fp, ", slot%d=%s", i+1, strptr); } } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "vga: extension=%s, update_freq=%u\n", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_VGA_EXTENSION)->getptr(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_VGA_UPDATE_FREQUENCY)->get()); #if BX_SUPPORT_SMP fprintf(fp, "cpu: count=%u:%u:%u, ips=%u, quantum=%d, ", SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPU_NPROCESSORS)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPU_NCORES)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPU_NTHREADS)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_IPS)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_SMP_QUANTUM)->get()); #else fprintf(fp, "cpu: count=1, ips=%u, ", SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_IPS)->get()); #endif fprintf(fp, "model=%s, reset_on_triple_fault=%d, cpuid_limit_winnt=%d", SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPU_MODEL)->get_selected(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_RESET_ON_TRIPLE_FAULT)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_LIMIT_WINNT)->get()); #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5 fprintf(fp, ", ignore_bad_msrs=%d", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_IGNORE_BAD_MSRS)->get()); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_MONITOR_MWAIT fprintf(fp, ", mwait_is_nop=%d", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_MWAIT_IS_NOP)->get()); #endif #if BX_CONFIGURE_MSRS strptr = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_CONFIGURABLE_MSRS_PATH)->getptr(); if (strlen(strptr) > 0) fprintf(fp, ", msrs=\"%s\"", strptr); #endif fprintf(fp, "\n"); #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4 if (! SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPU_MODEL)->get()) { // dump only when using BX_GENERIC CPUDB profile fprintf(fp, "cpuid: family=%d, model=0x%02x, stepping=%d", SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_FAMILY)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_MODEL)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_STEPPING)->get()); #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5 fprintf(fp, ", mmx=%d, apic=%s", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_MMX)->get(), SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPUID_APIC)->get_selected()); #endif #if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6 fprintf(fp, ", sse=%s, sse4a=%d, sep=%d, aes=%d, xsave=%d, xsaveopt=%d, movbe=%d, adx=%d, smep=%d", SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_CPUID_SSE)->get_selected(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_SSE4A)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_SEP)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_AES)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_XSAVE)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_XSAVEOPT)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_MOVBE)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_ADX)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_SMEP)->get()); #if BX_SUPPORT_AVX fprintf(fp, ", avx=%d, avx_f16c=%d, avx_fma=%d, bmi=%d, xop=%d, tbm=%d, fma4=%d", SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_AVX)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_AVX_F16CVT)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_AVX_FMA)->get(), SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_BMI)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_XOP)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_TBM)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_FMA4)->get()); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_VMX fprintf(fp, ", vmx=%d", SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_VMX)->get()); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_SVM fprintf(fp, ", svm=%d", SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPUID_SVM)->get()); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 fprintf(fp, ", x86_64=%d, 1g_pages=%d, pcid=%d, fsgsbase=%d", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_X86_64)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_1G_PAGES)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_PCID)->get(), SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_FSGSBASE)->get()); #endif #if BX_SUPPORT_MONITOR_MWAIT fprintf(fp, ", mwait=%d", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_CPUID_MWAIT)->get()); #endif #endif fprintf(fp, "\n"); const char *vendor_string = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_VENDOR_STRING)->getptr(); if (vendor_string) fprintf(fp, "cpuid: vendor_string=\"%s\"\n", vendor_string); const char *brand_string = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_BRAND_STRING)->getptr(); if (brand_string) fprintf(fp, "cpuid: brand_string=\"%s\"\n", brand_string); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } #endif fprintf(fp, "print_timestamps: enabled=%d\n", bx_dbg.print_timestamps); bx_write_debugger_options(fp); fprintf(fp, "port_e9_hack: enabled=%d\n", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_PORT_E9_HACK)->get()); fprintf(fp, "private_colormap: enabled=%d\n", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_PRIVATE_COLORMAP)->get()); #if BX_WITH_AMIGAOS fprintf(fp, "fullscreen: enabled=%d\n", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_FULLSCREEN)->get()); fprintf(fp, "screenmode: name=\"%s\"\n", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_SCREENMODE)->getptr()); #endif bx_write_clock_cmos_options(fp); bx_write_loader_options(fp); bx_write_log_options(fp, (bx_list_c*) SIM->get_param("log")); bx_write_keyboard_options(fp); fprintf(fp, "mouse: enabled=%d, type=%s, toggle=%s\n", SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_MOUSE_ENABLED)->get(), SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_MOUSE_TYPE)->get_selected(), SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_MOUSE_TOGGLE)->get_selected()); SIM->save_addon_options(fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }