What's new?
Our last release was Bochs 1.4.1 on June 23 of this year. Since then there
has been a LOT of development activity, especially since mid-August. Here's
a summary.
When the feature freeze begins, we can focus on testing Bochs in all sorts of configurations, fixing bugs, updating documentation, and cleaning things up. This will last until we have some confidence that the most critical bugs have been fixed or worked around, and that Bochs will compile and work on all supported platforms. The documentation should cover all the new features and options.
During this time, the Source Forge bug/feature/patch trackers are very important and very useful. Any bug that we intend to fix before the 2.0 release should be marked with Group="to be fixed in v2.0". At the time of release, there will be no more open bugs, features, or patches marked for v2.0. All items that are marked for v2.0 will be either fixed (and closed), or postponed by changing their Group marking to something else like "long range goal". Using the bug database helps to ensure that nothing important gets forgotten. When you're looking at the Source Forge database, you can click on the Group box and select just the items that are selected for v2.0.
Click to see Bug Reports.
Click to see Feature Requests.
Click to see Patches.
Last Modified on by Bryce