///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id: wxmain.h,v 1.12 2002-08-30 16:23:36 bdenney Exp $ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This file defines variables and classes that the wxWindows .cc files // share. It should be included only by wx.cc and wxmain.cc. // forward class declaration so that each class can have a pointer to // the others. class MyFrame; class MyPanel; class SimThread; class FloppyConfigDialog; //hack alert; yuck; FIXME extern MyFrame *theFrame; extern MyPanel *thePanel; #define MAX_EVENTS 256 extern unsigned long num_events; extern BxEvent event_queue[MAX_EVENTS]; enum { ID_Quit = 1, ID_Config_New, ID_Config_Read, ID_Config_Save, ID_Edit_FD_0, ID_Edit_FD_1, ID_Edit_HD_0, ID_Edit_HD_1, ID_Edit_Cdrom, ID_Edit_Boot, ID_Edit_Vga, ID_Edit_Memory, ID_Edit_Sound, ID_Edit_Network, ID_Edit_Keyboard, ID_Edit_Other, ID_Simulate_Start, ID_Simulate_PauseResume, ID_Simulate_Stop, ID_Simulate_Speed, ID_Debug_ShowCpu, ID_Debug_ShowMemory, ID_Log_View, ID_Log_Prefs, ID_Log_PrefsDevice, ID_Help_About, ID_Sim2CI_Event, // ids for Bochs toolbar ID_Toolbar_FloppyA, ID_Toolbar_FloppyB, ID_Toolbar_CdromD, ID_Toolbar_Reset, ID_Toolbar_Power, ID_Toolbar_Copy, ID_Toolbar_Paste, ID_Toolbar_Snapshot, ID_Toolbar_Config, ID_Toolbar_Mouse_en, ID_Toolbar_User, // dialog box: LogMsgAskDialog ID_Continue, ID_Die, ID_DumpCore, ID_Debugger, ID_Help, // dialog box: FloppyConfigDialog ID_None, ID_Physical_A, ID_Physical_B, ID_Filename, ID_FilenameText, ID_Browse, ID_Create, // dialog box: HDConfigDialog ID_Enable, ID_Cylinders, ID_Heads, ID_SPT, ID_Megs, ID_ComputeGeometry, }; // to compile in debug messages, change these defines to x. To remove them, // change the defines to return nothing. #define IFDBG_VGA(x) /* nothing */ //#define IFDBG_VGA(x) x #define IFDBG_KEY(x) /* nothing */ //#define IFDBG_KEY(x) x /// the MyPanel methods are defined in wx.cc class MyPanel: public wxPanel { Boolean fillBxKeyEvent (wxKeyEvent& event, BxKeyEvent& bxev, Boolean release); // for all platforms Boolean fillBxKeyEvent_MSW (wxKeyEvent& event, BxKeyEvent& bxev, Boolean release); Boolean fillBxKeyEvent_GTK (wxKeyEvent& event, BxKeyEvent& bxev, Boolean release); public: MyPanel(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, const wxString& name = "panel") : wxPanel (parent, id, pos, size, style, name) { wxLogDebug ("MyPanel constructor"); } void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event); void OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent& event); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event); void MyRefresh (); void ReadConfiguration (); void SaveConfiguration (); private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; /// the MyFrame methods are defined in wxmain.cc class MyFrame: public wxFrame { MyPanel *panel; public: MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const long style); enum StatusChange { Start, Stop, Pause, Resume }; void simStatusChanged (StatusChange change, Boolean popupNotify=false); void OnConfigNew(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnConfigRead(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnConfigSave(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnStartSim(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnPauseResumeSim(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnKillSim(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSim2CIEvent(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnOtherEvent(wxCommandEvent& event); static bool editFloppyValidate (FloppyConfigDialog *dialog); void editFloppyConfig (int drive); void editHDConfig (int drive); void editCdromConfig (); void OnToolbarClick(wxCommandEvent& event); int HandleAskParam (BxEvent *event); int HandleAskParamString (bx_param_string_c *param); // called from the sim thread's OnExit() method. void OnSimThreadExit (); private: wxCriticalSection sim_thread_lock; SimThread *sim_thread; // get the lock before accessing sim_thread int start_bochs_times; wxMenu *menuConfiguration; wxMenu *menuEdit; wxMenu *menuSimulate; wxMenu *menuDebug; wxMenu *menuLog; wxMenu *menuHelp; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() };