///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id$ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2014-2017 The Bochs Project // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #define _MULTI_THREAD // Define BX_PLUGGABLE in files that can be compiled into plugins. For // platforms that require a special tag on exported symbols, BX_PLUGGABLE // is used to know when we are exporting symbols and when we are importing. #define BX_PLUGGABLE #include "bochs.h" #include "param_names.h" #include "keymap.h" #include "iodev.h" #if BX_WITH_SDL2 #include #include #include #include "icon_bochs.h" #include "sdl.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "win32dialog.h" #endif class bx_sdl2_gui_c : public bx_gui_c { public: bx_sdl2_gui_c(); DECLARE_GUI_VIRTUAL_METHODS() DECLARE_GUI_NEW_VIRTUAL_METHODS() virtual void set_display_mode(disp_mode_t newmode); virtual void statusbar_setitem_specific(int element, bx_bool active, bx_bool w); virtual void get_capabilities(Bit16u *xres, Bit16u *yres, Bit16u *bpp); virtual void set_mouse_mode_absxy(bx_bool mode); #if BX_SHOW_IPS virtual void show_ips(Bit32u ips_count); #endif virtual void set_console_edit_mode(bx_bool mode); }; // declare one instance of the gui object and call macro to insert the // plugin code static bx_sdl2_gui_c *theGui = NULL; IMPLEMENT_GUI_PLUGIN_CODE(sdl2) #define LOG_THIS theGui-> #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN const Uint32 status_led_green = 0x00ff0000; const Uint32 status_gray_text = 0x80808000; const Uint32 status_led_red = 0x0040ff00; #else const Uint32 status_led_green = 0x0000ff00; const Uint32 status_gray_text = 0x00808080; const Uint32 status_led_red = 0x00ff4000; #endif static unsigned prev_cursor_x=0; static unsigned prev_cursor_y=0; static Bit32u convertStringToSDLKey(const char *string); #define MAX_SDL_BITMAPS 32 struct bitmaps { SDL_Surface *surface; SDL_Rect src, dst; }; static SDL_Window *window; SDL_Surface *sdl_screen, *sdl_fullscreen; SDL_DisplayMode sdl_maxres; int sdl_fullscreen_toggle; int sdl_grab; unsigned res_x, res_y; unsigned half_res_x, half_res_y; int headerbar_height; static unsigned bx_bitmap_left_xorigin = 0; // pixels from left static unsigned bx_bitmap_right_xorigin = 0; // pixels from right static unsigned int text_rows = 25, text_cols = 80; Bit8u h_panning = 0, v_panning = 0; Bit16u line_compare = 1023; int fontwidth = 8, fontheight = 16; static unsigned disp_bpp=8; unsigned char menufont[256][8]; Uint32 sdl_palette[256]; Uint32 headerbar_fg, headerbar_bg; Bit8u old_mousebuttons=0, new_mousebuttons=0; int old_mousex=0, new_mousex=0; int old_mousey=0, new_mousey=0; bx_bool just_warped = 0; bx_bool sdl_mouse_mode_absxy = 0; bx_bool sdl_nokeyrepeat = 0; bitmaps *sdl_bitmaps[MAX_SDL_BITMAPS]; int n_sdl_bitmaps = 0; int statusbar_height = 18; static unsigned statusitem_pos[12] = { 0, 170, 220, 270, 320, 370, 420, 470, 520, 570, 620, 670 }; static bx_bool statusitem_active[12]; #if BX_SHOW_IPS SDL_TimerID timer_id; static bx_bool sdl_hide_ips = 0; static bx_bool sdl_ips_update = 0; static char sdl_ips_text[20]; #endif #ifndef WIN32 BxEvent *sdl2_notify_callback(void *unused, BxEvent *event); static bxevent_handler old_callback = NULL; static void *old_callback_arg = NULL; #endif static void sdl_set_status_text(int element, const char *text, bx_bool active, bx_bool w = 0) { Uint32 *buf, *buf_row; Uint32 disp, fgcolor, bgcolor; unsigned char *pfont_row, font_row; int rowsleft = statusbar_height - 2; int colsleft, textlen; int x, xleft, xsize; SDL_Rect item; statusitem_active[element] = active; if (!sdl_screen) return; disp = sdl_screen->pitch/4; xleft = statusitem_pos[element] + 2; xsize = statusitem_pos[element+1] - xleft - 1; buf = (Uint32 *)sdl_screen->pixels + (res_y + headerbar_height + 1) * disp + xleft; rowsleft = statusbar_height - 2; fgcolor = active?headerbar_fg:status_gray_text; if (element > 0) { bgcolor = active?(w?status_led_red:status_led_green):headerbar_bg; } else { bgcolor = headerbar_bg; } do { colsleft = xsize; buf_row = buf; do { *buf++ = bgcolor; } while(--colsleft); buf = buf_row + disp; } while(--rowsleft); if ((element > 0) && (strlen(text) > 6)) { textlen = 6; } else { textlen = strlen(text); } buf = (Uint32 *)sdl_screen->pixels + (res_y + headerbar_height + 5) * disp + xleft; x = 0; do { pfont_row = &menufont[(unsigned)text[x]][0]; buf_row = buf; rowsleft = 8; do { font_row = *pfont_row++; colsleft = 8; do { if((font_row & 0x80) != 0x00) *buf++ = fgcolor; else buf++; font_row <<= 1; } while(--colsleft); buf += (disp - 8); } while(--rowsleft); buf = buf_row + 8; x++; } while (--textlen); item.x = xleft; item.y = res_y + headerbar_height + 1; item.w = xsize; item.h = statusbar_height - 2; SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(window, &item, 1); } static Bit32u sdl_sym_to_bx_key(SDL_Keycode sym) { switch (sym) { case SDLK_UNKNOWN: return BX_KEY_UNHANDLED; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: return BX_KEY_BACKSPACE; case SDLK_TAB: return BX_KEY_TAB; case SDLK_RETURN: return BX_KEY_ENTER; case SDLK_PAUSE: return BX_KEY_PAUSE; case SDLK_ESCAPE: return BX_KEY_ESC; case SDLK_SPACE: return BX_KEY_SPACE; case SDLK_QUOTE: return BX_KEY_SINGLE_QUOTE; case SDLK_COMMA: return BX_KEY_COMMA; case SDLK_MINUS: return BX_KEY_MINUS; case SDLK_PERIOD: return BX_KEY_PERIOD; case SDLK_SLASH: return BX_KEY_SLASH; case SDLK_0: return BX_KEY_0; case SDLK_1: return BX_KEY_1; case SDLK_2: return BX_KEY_2; case SDLK_3: return BX_KEY_3; case SDLK_4: return BX_KEY_4; case SDLK_5: return BX_KEY_5; case SDLK_6: return BX_KEY_6; case SDLK_7: return BX_KEY_7; case SDLK_8: return BX_KEY_8; case SDLK_9: return BX_KEY_9; case SDLK_SEMICOLON: return BX_KEY_SEMICOLON; case SDLK_EQUALS: return BX_KEY_EQUALS; /* Skip uppercase letters */ case SDLK_LEFTBRACKET: return BX_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET; case SDLK_BACKSLASH: return BX_KEY_BACKSLASH; case SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET: return BX_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET; case SDLK_BACKQUOTE: return BX_KEY_GRAVE; case SDLK_a: return BX_KEY_A; case SDLK_b: return BX_KEY_B; case SDLK_c: return BX_KEY_C; case SDLK_d: return BX_KEY_D; case SDLK_e: return BX_KEY_E; case SDLK_f: return BX_KEY_F; case SDLK_g: return BX_KEY_G; case SDLK_h: return BX_KEY_H; case SDLK_i: return BX_KEY_I; case SDLK_j: return BX_KEY_J; case SDLK_k: return BX_KEY_K; case SDLK_l: return BX_KEY_L; case SDLK_m: return BX_KEY_M; case SDLK_n: return BX_KEY_N; case SDLK_o: return BX_KEY_O; case SDLK_p: return BX_KEY_P; case SDLK_q: return BX_KEY_Q; case SDLK_r: return BX_KEY_R; case SDLK_s: return BX_KEY_S; case SDLK_t: return BX_KEY_T; case SDLK_u: return BX_KEY_U; case SDLK_v: return BX_KEY_V; case SDLK_w: return BX_KEY_W; case SDLK_x: return BX_KEY_X; case SDLK_y: return BX_KEY_Y; case SDLK_z: return BX_KEY_Z; case SDLK_DELETE: return BX_KEY_DELETE; /* End of ASCII mapped keysyms */ /* Numeric keypad */ case SDLK_KP_0: return BX_KEY_KP_INSERT; case SDLK_KP_1: return BX_KEY_KP_END; case SDLK_KP_2: return BX_KEY_KP_DOWN; case SDLK_KP_3: return BX_KEY_KP_PAGE_DOWN; case SDLK_KP_4: return BX_KEY_KP_LEFT; case SDLK_KP_5: return BX_KEY_KP_5; case SDLK_KP_6: return BX_KEY_KP_RIGHT; case SDLK_KP_7: return BX_KEY_KP_HOME; case SDLK_KP_8: return BX_KEY_KP_UP; case SDLK_KP_9: return BX_KEY_KP_PAGE_UP; case SDLK_KP_PERIOD: return BX_KEY_KP_DELETE; case SDLK_KP_DIVIDE: return BX_KEY_KP_DIVIDE; case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: return BX_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY; case SDLK_KP_MINUS: return BX_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT; case SDLK_KP_PLUS: return BX_KEY_KP_ADD; case SDLK_KP_ENTER: return BX_KEY_KP_ENTER; /* Arrows + Home/End pad */ case SDLK_UP: return BX_KEY_UP; case SDLK_DOWN: return BX_KEY_DOWN; case SDLK_RIGHT: return BX_KEY_RIGHT; case SDLK_LEFT: return BX_KEY_LEFT; case SDLK_INSERT: return BX_KEY_INSERT; case SDLK_HOME: return BX_KEY_HOME; case SDLK_END: return BX_KEY_END; case SDLK_PAGEUP: return BX_KEY_PAGE_UP; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: return BX_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; /* Function keys */ case SDLK_F1: return BX_KEY_F1; case SDLK_F2: return BX_KEY_F2; case SDLK_F3: return BX_KEY_F3; case SDLK_F4: return BX_KEY_F4; case SDLK_F5: return BX_KEY_F5; case SDLK_F6: return BX_KEY_F6; case SDLK_F7: return BX_KEY_F7; case SDLK_F8: return BX_KEY_F8; case SDLK_F9: return BX_KEY_F9; case SDLK_F10: return BX_KEY_F10; case SDLK_F11: return BX_KEY_F11; case SDLK_F12: return BX_KEY_F12; /* Key state modifier keys */ case SDLK_NUMLOCKCLEAR: return BX_KEY_NUM_LOCK; case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: return BX_KEY_CAPS_LOCK; case SDLK_SCROLLLOCK: return BX_KEY_SCRL_LOCK; case SDLK_RSHIFT: return BX_KEY_SHIFT_R; case SDLK_LSHIFT: return BX_KEY_SHIFT_L; case SDLK_RCTRL: return BX_KEY_CTRL_R; case SDLK_LCTRL: return BX_KEY_CTRL_L; case SDLK_RALT: return BX_KEY_ALT_R; case SDLK_LALT: return BX_KEY_ALT_L; case SDLK_RGUI: return BX_KEY_WIN_R; case SDLK_LGUI: return BX_KEY_WIN_L; /* Miscellaneous function keys */ case SDLK_PRINTSCREEN: return BX_KEY_PRINT; case SDLK_MENU: return BX_KEY_MENU; default: BX_ERROR(("sdl keysym %d not mapped", (int)sym)); return BX_KEY_UNHANDLED; } } void switch_to_windowed(void) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, 0); SDL_SetWindowSize(window, res_x, res_y + headerbar_height + statusbar_height); sdl_screen = SDL_GetWindowSurface(window); sdl_fullscreen = NULL; bx_gui->show_headerbar(); DEV_vga_redraw_area(0, 0, res_x, res_y); if (sdl_grab) { bx_gui->toggle_mouse_enable(); } } void switch_to_fullscreen(void) { if (!sdl_grab) { bx_gui->toggle_mouse_enable(); } SDL_SetWindowSize(window, res_x, res_y); SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); sdl_fullscreen = SDL_GetWindowSurface(window); sdl_screen = NULL; DEV_vga_redraw_area(0, 0, res_x, res_y); } #if BX_SHOW_IPS #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER) Uint32 sdlTimer(Uint32 interval, void *param) { bx_show_ips_handler(); return interval; } #endif #endif #if defined(WIN32) && BX_DEBUGGER && BX_DEBUGGER_GUI DWORD WINAPI DebugGuiThread(LPVOID) { MSG msg; bx_gui->init_debug_dialog(); while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return 0; } #endif bx_sdl2_gui_c::bx_sdl2_gui_c() { Uint32 flags; put("SDL2"); flags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO; #if BX_SHOW_IPS #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER) flags |= SDL_INIT_TIMER; #endif #endif if (SDL_Init(flags) < 0) { BX_FATAL(("Unable to initialize SDL2 libraries")); return; } atexit(SDL_Quit); SDL_GetDisplayMode(0, 0, &sdl_maxres); info("maximum host resolution: x=%d y=%d", sdl_maxres.w, sdl_maxres.h); } // SDL2 implementation of the bx_gui_c methods (see nogui.cc for details) void bx_sdl2_gui_c::specific_init(int argc, char **argv, unsigned headerbar_y) { int i, j; unsigned icon_id; bx_bool gui_ci = 0; #ifdef WIN32 gui_ci = !strcmp(SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_SEL_CONFIG_INTERFACE)->get_selected(), "win32config"); #endif put("SDL2"); headerbar_height = headerbar_y; for(i=0;i<256;i++) for(j=0;j<16;j++) vga_charmap[i*32+j] = sdl_font8x16[i][j]; for(i=0;i<256;i++) for(j=0;j<8;j++) menufont[i][j] = sdl_font8x8[i][j]; window = SDL_CreateWindow( BOCHS_WINDOW_NAME, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 640, 480, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN ); if (window == NULL) { BX_FATAL(("Unable to create SDL2 window")); return; } sdl_screen = NULL; sdl_fullscreen_toggle = 0; dimension_update(640, 480); SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window, half_res_x, half_res_y); icon_id = create_bitmap(bochs_icon_bits, bochs_icon_width, bochs_icon_height); SDL_SetWindowIcon(window, sdl_bitmaps[icon_id]->surface); #ifndef WIN32 // redirect notify callback to SDL2 specific code SIM->get_notify_callback(&old_callback, &old_callback_arg); assert(old_callback != NULL); SIM->set_notify_callback(sdl2_notify_callback, NULL); #endif // load keymap for sdl if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_KBD_USEMAPPING)->get()) { bx_keymap.loadKeymap(convertStringToSDLKey); } // parse sdl specific options if (argc > 1) { for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "fullscreen")) { sdl_fullscreen_toggle = 1; switch_to_fullscreen(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "nokeyrepeat")) { BX_INFO(("disabled host keyboard repeat")); sdl_nokeyrepeat = 1; #if BX_DEBUGGER && BX_DEBUGGER_GUI } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "gui_debug")) { SIM->set_debug_gui(1); #ifdef WIN32 if (gui_ci) { // on Windows the debugger gui must run in a separate thread DWORD threadID; CreateThread(NULL, 0, DebugGuiThread, NULL, 0, &threadID); } else { BX_PANIC(("Config interface 'win32config' is required for gui debugger")); } #else init_debug_dialog(); #endif #endif #if BX_SHOW_IPS } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "hideIPS")) { BX_INFO(("hide IPS display in status bar")); sdl_hide_ips = 1; #endif } else { BX_PANIC(("Unknown sdl option '%s'", argv[i])); } } } new_gfx_api = 1; #if defined(WIN32) && BX_SHOW_IPS timer_id = SDL_AddTimer(1000, sdlTimer, NULL); #endif if (gui_ci) { dialog_caps = BX_GUI_DLG_ALL; } else { console.present = 1; } } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::text_update(Bit8u *old_text, Bit8u *new_text, unsigned long cursor_x, unsigned long cursor_y, bx_vga_tminfo_t *tm_info) { Bit8u *pfont_row, *old_line, *new_line, *text_base; unsigned int cs_y, i, x, y; unsigned int curs, hchars, offset; Bit8u fontline, fontpixels, fontrows; int rows; Uint32 fgcolor, bgcolor; Uint32 *buf, *buf_row, *buf_char; Uint32 disp; Bit16u font_row, mask; Bit8u cfstart, cfwidth, cfheight, split_fontrows, split_textrow; bx_bool cursor_visible, gfxcharw9, invert, forceUpdate, split_screen; bx_bool blink_mode, blink_state, dwidth; Uint32 text_palette[16]; forceUpdate = 0; blink_mode = (tm_info->blink_flags & BX_TEXT_BLINK_MODE) > 0; blink_state = (tm_info->blink_flags & BX_TEXT_BLINK_STATE) > 0; if (blink_mode) { if (tm_info->blink_flags & BX_TEXT_BLINK_TOGGLE) forceUpdate = 1; } dwidth = (fontwidth > 9); if (charmap_updated) { forceUpdate = 1; charmap_updated = 0; } for (i=0; i<16; i++) { text_palette[i] = sdl_palette[tm_info->actl_palette[i]]; } if ((tm_info->h_panning != h_panning) || (tm_info->v_panning != v_panning)) { forceUpdate = 1; h_panning = tm_info->h_panning; v_panning = tm_info->v_panning; } if (tm_info->line_compare != line_compare) { forceUpdate = 1; line_compare = tm_info->line_compare; } if (sdl_screen) { disp = sdl_screen->pitch/4; buf_row = (Uint32 *)sdl_screen->pixels + headerbar_height * disp; } else { disp = sdl_fullscreen->pitch/4; buf_row = (Uint32 *)sdl_fullscreen->pixels; } // first invalidate character at previous and new cursor location if ((prev_cursor_y < text_rows) && (prev_cursor_x < text_cols)) { curs = prev_cursor_y * tm_info->line_offset + prev_cursor_x * 2; old_text[curs] = ~new_text[curs]; } cursor_visible = ((tm_info->cs_start <= tm_info->cs_end) && (tm_info->cs_start < fontheight)); if((cursor_visible) && (cursor_y < text_rows) && (cursor_x < text_cols)) { curs = cursor_y * tm_info->line_offset + cursor_x * 2; old_text[curs] = ~new_text[curs]; } else { curs = 0xffff; } rows = text_rows; if (v_panning) rows++; y = 0; cs_y = 0; text_base = new_text - tm_info->start_address; if (line_compare < res_y) { split_textrow = (line_compare + v_panning) / fontheight; split_fontrows = ((line_compare + v_panning) % fontheight) + 1; } else { split_textrow = rows + 1; split_fontrows = 0; } split_screen = 0; do { buf = buf_row; hchars = text_cols; if (h_panning) hchars++; cfheight = fontheight; cfstart = 0; if (split_screen) { if (rows == 1) { cfheight = (res_y - line_compare - 1) % fontheight; if (cfheight == 0) cfheight = fontheight; } } else if (v_panning) { if (y == 0) { cfheight -= v_panning; cfstart = v_panning; } else if (rows == 1) { cfheight = v_panning; } } if (!split_screen && (y == split_textrow)) { if ((split_fontrows - cfstart) < cfheight) { cfheight = split_fontrows - cfstart; } } new_line = new_text; old_line = old_text; x = 0; offset = cs_y * tm_info->line_offset; do { cfwidth = fontwidth; if (h_panning) { if (hchars > text_cols) { cfwidth -= h_panning; } else if (hchars == 1) { cfwidth = h_panning; } } // check if char needs to be updated if(forceUpdate || (old_text[0] != new_text[0]) || (old_text[1] != new_text[1])) { // Get Foreground/Background pixel colors fgcolor = text_palette[new_text[1] & 0x0F]; if (blink_mode) { bgcolor = text_palette[(new_text[1] >> 4) & 0x07]; if (!blink_state && (new_text[1] & 0x80)) fgcolor = bgcolor; } else { bgcolor = text_palette[(new_text[1] >> 4) & 0x0F]; } invert = ((offset == curs) && (cursor_visible)); gfxcharw9 = ((tm_info->line_graphics) && ((new_text[0] & 0xE0) == 0xC0)); // Display this one char fontrows = cfheight; fontline = cfstart; if (y > 0) { pfont_row = &vga_charmap[(new_text[0] << 5)]; } else { pfont_row = &vga_charmap[(new_text[0] << 5) + cfstart]; } buf_char = buf; do { font_row = *pfont_row++; if (gfxcharw9) { font_row = (font_row << 1) | (font_row & 0x01); } else { font_row <<= 1; } if (hchars > text_cols) { font_row <<= h_panning; } fontpixels = cfwidth; if ((invert) && (fontline >= tm_info->cs_start) && (fontline <= tm_info->cs_end)) mask = 0x100; else mask = 0x00; do { if ((font_row & 0x100) == mask) *buf = bgcolor; else *buf = fgcolor; buf++; if (!dwidth || (fontpixels & 1)) font_row <<= 1; } while (--fontpixels); buf -= cfwidth; buf += disp; fontline++; } while (--fontrows); // restore output buffer ptr to start of this char buf = buf_char; } // move to next char location on screen buf += cfwidth; // select next char in old/new text new_text+=2; old_text+=2; offset+=2; x++; // process one entire horizontal row } while (--hchars); // go to next character row location buf_row += disp * cfheight; if (!split_screen && (y == split_textrow)) { new_text = text_base; forceUpdate = 1; cs_y = 0; if (tm_info->split_hpanning) h_panning = 0; rows = ((res_y - line_compare + fontheight - 2) / fontheight) + 1; split_screen = 1; } else { new_text = new_line + tm_info->line_offset; old_text = old_line + tm_info->line_offset; cs_y++; y++; } } while (--rows); h_panning = tm_info->h_panning; prev_cursor_x = cursor_x; prev_cursor_y = cursor_y; } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::graphics_tile_update(Bit8u *snapshot, unsigned x, unsigned y) { Uint32 *buf, disp; Uint32 *buf_row; int i, j; if (sdl_screen) { disp = sdl_screen->pitch/4; buf = (Uint32 *)sdl_screen->pixels + (headerbar_height + y) * disp + x; } else { disp = sdl_fullscreen->pitch/4; buf = (Uint32 *)sdl_fullscreen->pixels + y * disp + x; } i = y_tilesize; if(i + y > res_y) i = res_y - y; // FIXME if (i<=0) return; switch (disp_bpp) { case 8: /* 8 bpp */ do { buf_row = buf; j = x_tilesize; do { *buf++ = sdl_palette[*snapshot++]; } while(--j); buf = buf_row + disp; } while(--i); break; default: BX_PANIC(("%u bpp modes handled by new graphics API", disp_bpp)); return; } } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::handle_events(void) { SDL_Event sdl_event; Bit32u key_event; Bit8u mouse_state; int dx, dy, wheel_status; bx_bool mouse_toggle = 0; while (SDL_PollEvent(&sdl_event)) { switch (sdl_event.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (sdl_event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED) { SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(window); } if (sdl_event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST) { DEV_kbd_release_keys(); } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if (!sdl_grab || console_running()) { break; } if (just_warped && sdl_event.motion.x == (int)half_res_x && sdl_event.motion.y == (int)half_res_y) { // This event was generated as a side effect of the WarpMouse, // and it must be ignored. just_warped = 0; break; } new_mousebuttons = ((sdl_event.motion.state & 0x01)|((sdl_event.motion.state>>1)&0x02) |((sdl_event.motion.state<<1)&0x04)); if (sdl_mouse_mode_absxy) { dx = sdl_event.motion.x * 0x7fff / res_x; if (sdl_fullscreen_toggle) { dy = sdl_event.motion.y * 0x7fff / res_y; DEV_mouse_motion(dx, dy, 0, new_mousebuttons, 1); } else if ((sdl_event.motion.y >= headerbar_height) && (sdl_event.motion.y < ((int)res_y + headerbar_height))) { dy = (sdl_event.motion.y - headerbar_height) * 0x7fff / res_y; DEV_mouse_motion(dx, dy, 0, new_mousebuttons, 1); } } else { DEV_mouse_motion(sdl_event.motion.xrel, -sdl_event.motion.yrel, 0, new_mousebuttons, 0); } old_mousebuttons = new_mousebuttons; old_mousex = (int)(sdl_event.motion.x); old_mousey = (int)(sdl_event.motion.y); if (!sdl_mouse_mode_absxy) { SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window, half_res_x, half_res_y); just_warped = 1; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: // mouse capture toggle-check if ((sdl_event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) && (sdl_fullscreen_toggle == 0)) { if (mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_MBUTTON, 1)) { if (sdl_grab == 0) { SDL_ShowCursor(0); SDL_SetWindowGrab(window, SDL_TRUE); } else { SDL_ShowCursor(1); SDL_SetWindowGrab(window, SDL_FALSE); } sdl_grab = ~sdl_grab; toggle_mouse_enable(); } break; } else if (!sdl_fullscreen_toggle && (sdl_event.button.y < headerbar_height)) { headerbar_click(sdl_event.button.x); break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if ((sdl_event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) && (sdl_fullscreen_toggle == 0)) { mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_MBUTTON, 0); } if (console_running()) { break; } // figure out mouse state new_mousex = (int)(sdl_event.button.x); new_mousey = (int)(sdl_event.button.y); // SDL_GetMouseState() returns the state of all buttons mouse_state = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL); new_mousebuttons = (mouse_state & 0x01) | ((mouse_state>>1)&0x02) | ((mouse_state<<1)&0x04); // send motion information if (sdl_mouse_mode_absxy) { dx = new_mousex * 0x7fff / res_x; if (sdl_fullscreen_toggle) { dy = new_mousey * 0x7fff / res_y; DEV_mouse_motion(dx, dy, 0, new_mousebuttons, 1); } else if ((new_mousey >= headerbar_height) && (new_mousey < (int)(res_y + headerbar_height))) { dy = (new_mousey - headerbar_height) * 0x7fff / res_y; DEV_mouse_motion(dx, dy, 0, new_mousebuttons, 1); } } else { DEV_mouse_motion(new_mousex - old_mousex, -(new_mousey - old_mousey), 0, new_mousebuttons, 0); } // mark current state to diff with next packet old_mousebuttons = new_mousebuttons; old_mousex = new_mousex; old_mousey = new_mousey; break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: if (sdl_grab && !console_running()) { wheel_status = sdl_event.wheel.y; if (sdl_mouse_mode_absxy) { DEV_mouse_motion(old_mousex, old_mousey, wheel_status, old_mousebuttons, 1); } else { DEV_mouse_motion(0, 0, wheel_status, old_mousebuttons, 0); } } break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (console_running()) { if ((sdl_event.key.keysym.sym & (1 << 30)) == 0) { Bit8u ascii = (Bit8u)sdl_event.key.keysym.sym; if ((ascii == SDLK_RETURN) || (ascii == SDLK_BACKSPACE)) { console_key_enq(ascii); } } break; } // mouse capture toggle-check if (sdl_fullscreen_toggle == 0) { if ((sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LCTRL) || (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RCTRL)) { mouse_toggle = mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_KEY_CTRL, 1); } else if (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LALT) { mouse_toggle = mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_KEY_ALT, 1); } else if (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F10) { mouse_toggle = mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_KEY_F10, 1); } else if (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F12) { mouse_toggle = mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_KEY_F12, 1); } if (mouse_toggle) { toggle_mouse_enable(); } } // Window/Fullscreen toggle-check if (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SCROLLLOCK) { sdl_fullscreen_toggle = ~sdl_fullscreen_toggle; if (sdl_fullscreen_toggle == 0) { switch_to_windowed(); } else { switch_to_fullscreen(); } break; } if (sdl_nokeyrepeat && sdl_event.key.repeat) { break; } // convert sym->bochs code if (!SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_KBD_USEMAPPING)->get()) { key_event = sdl_sym_to_bx_key(sdl_event.key.keysym.sym); BX_DEBUG(("keypress scancode=%d, sym=%d, bx_key = %d", sdl_event.key.keysym.scancode, sdl_event.key.keysym.sym, key_event)); } else { /* use mapping */ BXKeyEntry *entry = bx_keymap.findHostKey(sdl_event.key.keysym.sym); if (!entry) { BX_ERROR(("host key %d (0x%x) not mapped!", (unsigned) sdl_event.key.keysym.sym, (unsigned) sdl_event.key.keysym.sym)); break; } key_event = entry->baseKey; } if (key_event == BX_KEY_UNHANDLED) break; DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(key_event); break; case SDL_KEYUP: // mouse capture toggle-check if ((sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LCTRL) || (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RCTRL)) { mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_KEY_CTRL, 0); } else if (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LALT) { mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_KEY_ALT, 0); } else if (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F10) { mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_KEY_F10, 0); } else if (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F12) { mouse_toggle_check(BX_MT_KEY_F12, 0); } // filter out release of Windows/Fullscreen toggle if (sdl_event.key.keysym.sym != SDLK_SCROLLLOCK) { // convert sym->bochs code if (!SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_KBD_USEMAPPING)->get()) { key_event = sdl_sym_to_bx_key(sdl_event.key.keysym.sym); } else { /* use mapping */ BXKeyEntry *entry = bx_keymap.findHostKey(sdl_event.key.keysym.sym); if (!entry) { BX_ERROR(("host key %d (0x%x) not mapped!", (unsigned) sdl_event.key.keysym.sym, (unsigned) sdl_event.key.keysym.sym)); break; } key_event = entry->baseKey; } if (key_event == BX_KEY_UNHANDLED) break; DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(key_event | BX_KEY_RELEASED); } break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: if (console_running()) { console_key_enq(sdl_event.text.text[0]); } break; case SDL_QUIT: BX_FATAL(("User requested shutdown.")); break; } } #if BX_SHOW_IPS if (sdl_ips_update) { sdl_ips_update = 0; sdl_set_status_text(0, sdl_ips_text, 1); } #endif } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::flush(void) { SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(window); } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::clear_screen(void) { SDL_Rect rect; if (sdl_screen) { rect.x = 0; rect.y = headerbar_height; rect.w = res_x; rect.h = res_y; SDL_FillRect(sdl_screen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(sdl_screen->format, 0, 0, 0)); } else if (sdl_fullscreen) { rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.w = res_x; rect.h = res_y; SDL_FillRect(sdl_fullscreen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(sdl_fullscreen->format, 0, 0, 0)); } else return; SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(window, &rect, 1); } bx_bool bx_sdl2_gui_c::palette_change(Bit8u index, Bit8u red, Bit8u green, Bit8u blue) { if (sdl_screen) sdl_palette[index] = SDL_MapRGB(sdl_screen->format, red, green, blue); else if (sdl_fullscreen) sdl_palette[index] = SDL_MapRGB(sdl_fullscreen->format, red, green, blue); return 1; } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::dimension_update(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned fheight, unsigned fwidth, unsigned bpp) { if (bpp == 8 || bpp == 15 || bpp == 16 || bpp == 24 || bpp == 32) { disp_bpp = guest_bpp = bpp; } else { BX_PANIC(("%d bpp graphics mode not supported", bpp)); } guest_textmode = (fheight > 0); guest_fsize = (fheight << 4) | fwidth; guest_xres = x; guest_yres = y; if (guest_textmode) { fontheight = fheight; fontwidth = fwidth; text_cols = x / fontwidth; text_rows = y / fontheight; } if ((x == res_x) && (y == res_y)) return; #ifndef ANDROID // This is not needed on Android if (((int)x > sdl_maxres.w) || ((int)y > sdl_maxres.h)) { BX_PANIC(("dimension_update(): resolution of out of display bounds")); return; } #endif if (sdl_fullscreen_toggle == 0) { SDL_SetWindowSize(window, x, y + headerbar_height + statusbar_height); sdl_screen = SDL_GetWindowSurface(window); headerbar_fg = SDL_MapRGB( sdl_screen->format, BX_HEADERBAR_FG_RED, BX_HEADERBAR_FG_GREEN, BX_HEADERBAR_FG_BLUE); headerbar_bg = SDL_MapRGB( sdl_screen->format, BX_HEADERBAR_BG_RED, BX_HEADERBAR_BG_GREEN, BX_HEADERBAR_BG_BLUE); } else { SDL_SetWindowSize(window, x, y); // BUG: SDL2 does not update the surface here sdl_fullscreen = SDL_GetWindowSurface(window); } res_x = x; res_y = y; half_res_x = x/2; half_res_y = y/2; bx_gui->show_headerbar(); host_xres = x; host_yres = y; host_bpp = 32; } unsigned bx_sdl2_gui_c::create_bitmap(const unsigned char *bmap, unsigned xdim, unsigned ydim) { Uint32 *buf, *buf_row; Uint32 disp; unsigned char pixels; if (n_sdl_bitmaps >= MAX_SDL_BITMAPS) { BX_PANIC(("too many SDL bitmaps. To fix, increase MAX_SDL_BITMAPS")); return 0; } bitmaps *tmp = new bitmaps; tmp->surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, xdim, ydim, 32, #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN 0xff000000, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x00000000 #else 0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000, 0x00000000 #endif ); if (!tmp->surface) { delete tmp; bx_gui->exit(); BX_FATAL(("Unable to create requested bitmap")); } tmp->src.w = xdim; tmp->src.h = ydim; tmp->src.x = 0; tmp->src.y = 0; tmp->dst.x = -1; tmp->dst.y = 0; tmp->dst.w = xdim; tmp->dst.h = ydim; buf = (Uint32 *)tmp->surface->pixels; disp = tmp->surface->pitch/4; do { buf_row = buf; xdim = tmp->src.w / 8; do { pixels = *bmap++; for (unsigned i=0; i<8; i++) { if ((pixels & 0x01) == 0) *buf++ = headerbar_bg; else *buf++ = headerbar_fg; pixels = pixels >> 1; } } while (--xdim); buf = buf_row + disp; } while (--ydim); sdl_bitmaps[n_sdl_bitmaps] = tmp; return n_sdl_bitmaps++; } unsigned bx_sdl2_gui_c::headerbar_bitmap(unsigned bmap_id, unsigned alignment, void (*f)(void)) { unsigned hb_index; if (bmap_id >= (unsigned)n_sdl_bitmaps) return 0; if ((bx_headerbar_entries+1) > BX_MAX_HEADERBAR_ENTRIES) BX_PANIC(("too many headerbar entries, increase BX_MAX_HEADERBAR_ENTRIES")); hb_index = bx_headerbar_entries++; bx_headerbar_entry[hb_index].bmap_id = bmap_id; bx_headerbar_entry[hb_index].xdim = sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->src.w; bx_headerbar_entry[hb_index].ydim = sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->src.h; bx_headerbar_entry[hb_index].alignment = alignment; bx_headerbar_entry[hb_index].f = f; if (alignment == BX_GRAVITY_LEFT) { sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->dst.x = bx_bitmap_left_xorigin; bx_bitmap_left_xorigin += sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->src.w; } else { bx_bitmap_right_xorigin += sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->src.w; sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->dst.x = bx_bitmap_right_xorigin; } bx_headerbar_entry[hb_index].xorigin = sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->dst.x; return hb_index; } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::replace_bitmap(unsigned hbar_id, unsigned bmap_id) { SDL_Rect hb_dst; unsigned old_id; if (!sdl_screen) return; old_id = bx_headerbar_entry[hbar_id].bmap_id; hb_dst = sdl_bitmaps[old_id]->dst; sdl_bitmaps[old_id]->dst.x = -1; bx_headerbar_entry[hbar_id].bmap_id = bmap_id; sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->dst.x = hb_dst.x; if (sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->dst.x != -1) { if (bx_headerbar_entry[hbar_id].alignment == BX_GRAVITY_RIGHT) { hb_dst.x = res_x - hb_dst.x; } SDL_BlitSurface( sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->surface, &sdl_bitmaps[bmap_id]->src, sdl_screen, &hb_dst); SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(window, &hb_dst, 1); } } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::show_headerbar(void) { Uint32 *buf; Uint32 *buf_row; Uint32 disp; int rowsleft = headerbar_height; int colsleft, sb_item; int bitmapscount = bx_headerbar_entries; unsigned current_bmp, pos_x; SDL_Rect hb_dst, hb_rect; if (!sdl_screen) return; disp = sdl_screen->pitch/4; buf = (Uint32 *)sdl_screen->pixels; // draw headerbar background hb_rect.x = 0; hb_rect.y = 0; hb_rect.w = res_x; hb_rect.h = headerbar_height; SDL_FillRect(sdl_screen, &hb_rect, headerbar_bg); // go thru the bitmaps and display the active ones while (bitmapscount--) { current_bmp = bx_headerbar_entry[bitmapscount].bmap_id; if(sdl_bitmaps[current_bmp]->dst.x != -1) { hb_dst = sdl_bitmaps[current_bmp]->dst; if (bx_headerbar_entry[bitmapscount].alignment == BX_GRAVITY_RIGHT) { hb_dst.x = res_x - hb_dst.x; } SDL_BlitSurface( sdl_bitmaps[current_bmp]->surface, &sdl_bitmaps[current_bmp]->src, sdl_screen, &hb_dst); } } // draw statusbar background rowsleft = statusbar_height; buf = (Uint32 *)sdl_screen->pixels + (res_y + headerbar_height) * disp; do { colsleft = res_x; buf_row = buf; sb_item = 1; pos_x = 0; do { if (pos_x == statusitem_pos[sb_item]) { *buf++ = headerbar_fg; if (sb_item < 11) sb_item++; } else { *buf++ = headerbar_bg; } pos_x++; } while (--colsleft); buf = buf_row + disp; } while (--rowsleft); SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(window, &hb_rect, 1); for (unsigned i=0; isurface); n_sdl_bitmaps--; } #if BX_DEBUGGER && BX_DEBUGGER_GUI if (SIM->has_debug_gui()) { close_debug_dialog(); } #endif } // New graphics API methods bx_svga_tileinfo_t *bx_sdl2_gui_c::graphics_tile_info(bx_svga_tileinfo_t *info) { if (sdl_screen) { info->bpp = sdl_screen->format->BitsPerPixel; info->pitch = sdl_screen->pitch; info->red_shift = sdl_screen->format->Rshift + 8 - sdl_screen->format->Rloss; info->green_shift = sdl_screen->format->Gshift + 8 - sdl_screen->format->Gloss; info->blue_shift = sdl_screen->format->Bshift + 8 - sdl_screen->format->Bloss; info->red_mask = sdl_screen->format->Rmask; info->green_mask = sdl_screen->format->Gmask; info->blue_mask = sdl_screen->format->Bmask; info->is_indexed = (sdl_screen->format->palette != NULL); } else { info->bpp = sdl_fullscreen->format->BitsPerPixel; info->pitch = sdl_fullscreen->pitch; info->red_shift = sdl_fullscreen->format->Rshift + 8 - sdl_fullscreen->format->Rloss; info->green_shift = sdl_fullscreen->format->Gshift + 8 - sdl_fullscreen->format->Gloss; info->blue_shift = sdl_fullscreen->format->Bshift + 8 - sdl_fullscreen->format->Bloss; info->red_mask = sdl_fullscreen->format->Rmask; info->green_mask = sdl_fullscreen->format->Gmask; info->blue_mask = sdl_fullscreen->format->Bmask; info->is_indexed = (sdl_fullscreen->format->palette != NULL); } #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN info->is_little_endian = 0; #else info->is_little_endian = 1; #endif return info; } Bit8u *bx_sdl2_gui_c::graphics_tile_get(unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned *w, unsigned *h) { if (x0+x_tilesize > res_x) { *w = res_x - x0; } else { *w = x_tilesize; } if (y0+y_tilesize > res_y) { *h = res_y - y0; } else { *h = y_tilesize; } if (sdl_screen) { return (Bit8u *)sdl_screen->pixels + sdl_screen->pitch * (headerbar_height + y0) + sdl_screen->format->BytesPerPixel * x0; } else { return (Bit8u *)sdl_fullscreen->pixels + sdl_fullscreen->pitch * y0 + sdl_fullscreen->format->BytesPerPixel * x0; } } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::graphics_tile_update_in_place(unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned w, unsigned h) { // Nothing to do here } // Optional bx_gui_c methods void bx_sdl2_gui_c::set_display_mode(disp_mode_t newmode) { // if no mode change, do nothing. if (disp_mode == newmode) return; // remember the display mode for next time disp_mode = newmode; if ((newmode == DISP_MODE_SIM) && console_running()) { console_cleanup(); return; } // If fullscreen mode is on, we must switch back to windowed mode if // the user needs to see the text console. if (sdl_fullscreen_toggle) { switch (newmode) { case DISP_MODE_CONFIG: BX_DEBUG(("switch to configuration mode (windowed)")); switch_to_windowed(); break; case DISP_MODE_SIM: BX_DEBUG(("switch to simulation mode (fullscreen)")); switch_to_fullscreen(); break; } } } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::statusbar_setitem_specific(int element, bx_bool active, bx_bool w) { sdl_set_status_text(element+1, statusitem[element].text, active, w); } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::get_capabilities(Bit16u *xres, Bit16u *yres, Bit16u *bpp) { *xres = sdl_maxres.w; *yres = sdl_maxres.h; *bpp = 32; } void bx_sdl2_gui_c::set_mouse_mode_absxy(bx_bool mode) { sdl_mouse_mode_absxy = mode; } #if BX_SHOW_IPS void bx_sdl2_gui_c::show_ips(Bit32u ips_count) { if (!sdl_hide_ips && !sdl_ips_update) { ips_count /= 1000; sprintf(sdl_ips_text, "IPS: %u.%3.3uM", ips_count / 1000, ips_count % 1000); sdl_ips_update = 1; } } #endif void bx_sdl2_gui_c::set_console_edit_mode(bx_bool mode) { if (mode) { SDL_StartTextInput(); } else { SDL_StopTextInput(); } } /// key mapping code for SDL2 typedef struct { const char *name; Bit32u value; } keyTableEntry; #define DEF_SDL_KEY(key) \ { #key, key }, keyTableEntry keytable[] = { // this include provides all the entries. #include "sdlkeys.h" // one final entry to mark the end { NULL, 0 } }; // function to convert key names into SDLKey values. // This first try will be horribly inefficient, but it only has // to be done while loading a keymap. Once the simulation starts, // this function won't be called. static Bit32u convertStringToSDLKey (const char *string) { keyTableEntry *ptr; for (ptr = &keytable[0]; ptr->name != NULL; ptr++) { //BX_DEBUG (("comparing string '%s' to SDL key '%s'", string, ptr->name)); if (!strcmp(string, ptr->name)) return ptr->value; } return BX_KEYMAP_UNKNOWN; } // SDL2 ask dialog #ifndef WIN32 int sdl2_ask_dialog(BxEvent *event) { SDL_MessageBoxData msgboxdata; SDL_MessageBoxButtonData buttondata[4]; int i = 0, level, mode, retcode; char message[512]; level = event->u.logmsg.level; sprintf(message, "Device: %s\nMessage: %s", event->u.logmsg.prefix, event->u.logmsg.msg); msgboxdata.flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR; msgboxdata.window = window; msgboxdata.title = SIM->get_log_level_name(level); msgboxdata.message = message; msgboxdata.buttons = buttondata; msgboxdata.colorScheme = NULL; mode = event->u.logmsg.mode; if ((mode == BX_LOG_DLG_ASK) || (mode == BX_LOG_DLG_WARN)) { buttondata[0].flags = 0; buttondata[0].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_CONTINUE; buttondata[0].text = "Continue"; buttondata[1].flags = 0; buttondata[1].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_CONTINUE_ALWAYS; buttondata[1].text = "Alwayscont"; i = 2; } #if BX_DEBUGGER || BX_GDBSTUB if (mode == BX_LOG_DLG_ASK) { buttondata[i].flags = 0; buttondata[i].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_ENTER_DEBUG; buttondata[i].text = "Debugger"; i++; } #endif if ((mode == BX_LOG_DLG_ASK) || (mode == BX_LOG_DLG_QUIT)) { buttondata[i].flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_ESCAPEKEY_DEFAULT; buttondata[i].buttonid = BX_LOG_ASK_CHOICE_DIE; buttondata[i].text = "Quit"; i++; } msgboxdata.numbuttons = i; if (SDL_ShowMessageBox(&msgboxdata, &retcode) < 0) { return -1; } else { return retcode; } } int sdl2_yesno_dialog(bx_param_bool_c *bparam) { SDL_MessageBoxData msgboxdata; SDL_MessageBoxButtonData buttondata[2]; int retcode; msgboxdata.flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR; msgboxdata.window = window; msgboxdata.title = bparam->get_label(); msgboxdata.message = bparam->get_description(); msgboxdata.numbuttons = 2; msgboxdata.buttons = buttondata; msgboxdata.colorScheme = NULL; buttondata[0].flags = 0; buttondata[0].buttonid = 1; buttondata[0].text = "Yes"; buttondata[1].flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_ESCAPEKEY_DEFAULT; buttondata[1].buttonid = 0; buttondata[1].text = "No"; if (SDL_ShowMessageBox(&msgboxdata, &retcode) < 0) { return -1; } else { bparam->set(retcode); return retcode; } } BxEvent *sdl2_notify_callback(void *unused, BxEvent *event) { bx_param_c *param; switch (event->type) { case BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_DLG: event->retcode = sdl2_ask_dialog(event); return event; case BX_SYNC_EVT_ASK_PARAM: param = event->u.param.param; if (param->get_type() == BXT_PARAM_BOOL) { event->retcode = sdl2_yesno_dialog((bx_param_bool_c*)param); return event; } case BX_SYNC_EVT_TICK: // called periodically by siminterface. case BX_ASYNC_EVT_REFRESH: // called when some bx_param_c parameters have changed. // fall into default case default: return (*old_callback)(old_callback_arg, event); } } #endif #endif /* if BX_WITH_SDL2 */