///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id: floppy.cc,v 1.110 2008-02-15 22:05:42 sshwarts Exp $ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A. // // MandrakeSoft S.A. // 43, rue d'Aboukir // 75002 Paris - France // http://www.linux-mandrake.com/ // http://www.mandrakesoft.com/ // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Floppy Disk Controller Docs: // Intel 82077A Data sheet // ftp://void-core.2y.net/pub/docs/fdc/82077AA_FloppyControllerDatasheet.pdf // Intel 82078 Data sheet // ftp://download.intel.com/design/periphrl/datashts/29047403.PDF // Other FDC references // http://debs.future.easyspace.com/Programming/Hardware/FDC/floppy.html // And a port list: // http://mudlist.eorbit.net/~adam/pickey/ports.html // // Define BX_PLUGGABLE in files that can be compiled into plugins. For // platforms that require a special tag on exported symbols, BX_PLUGGABLE // is used to know when we are exporting symbols and when we are importing. #define BX_PLUGGABLE extern "C" { #include } #ifdef __linux__ extern "C" { #include #include } #endif #include "iodev.h" // windows.h included by bochs.h #ifdef WIN32 extern "C" { #include } #endif #define LOG_THIS theFloppyController-> bx_floppy_ctrl_c *theFloppyController; /* for main status register */ #define FD_MS_MRQ 0x80 #define FD_MS_DIO 0x40 #define FD_MS_NDMA 0x20 #define FD_MS_BUSY 0x10 #define FD_MS_ACTD 0x08 #define FD_MS_ACTC 0x04 #define FD_MS_ACTB 0x02 #define FD_MS_ACTA 0x01 #define FROM_FLOPPY 10 #define TO_FLOPPY 11 #define FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN 2 #define FDRIVE_NONE 0x00 #define FDRIVE_525DD 0x01 #define FDRIVE_350DD 0x02 #define FDRIVE_525HD 0x04 #define FDRIVE_350HD 0x08 #define FDRIVE_350ED 0x10 typedef struct { unsigned id; Bit8u trk; Bit8u hd; Bit8u spt; unsigned sectors; Bit8u drive_mask; } floppy_type_t; static floppy_type_t floppy_type[8] = { {BX_FLOPPY_160K, 40, 1, 8, 320, 0x05}, {BX_FLOPPY_180K, 40, 1, 9, 360, 0x05}, {BX_FLOPPY_320K, 40, 2, 8, 640, 0x05}, {BX_FLOPPY_360K, 40, 2, 9, 720, 0x05}, {BX_FLOPPY_720K, 80, 2, 9, 1440, 0x1f}, {BX_FLOPPY_1_2, 80, 2, 15, 2400, 0x04}, {BX_FLOPPY_1_44, 80, 2, 18, 2880, 0x18}, {BX_FLOPPY_2_88, 80, 2, 36, 5760, 0x10} }; static Bit16u drate_in_k[4] = { 500, 300, 250, 1000 }; int libfloppy_LTX_plugin_init(plugin_t *plugin, plugintype_t type, int argc, char *argv[]) { theFloppyController = new bx_floppy_ctrl_c(); bx_devices.pluginFloppyDevice = theFloppyController; BX_REGISTER_DEVICE_DEVMODEL(plugin, type, theFloppyController, BX_PLUGIN_FLOPPY); return(0); // Success } void libfloppy_LTX_plugin_fini(void) { delete theFloppyController; } bx_floppy_ctrl_c::bx_floppy_ctrl_c() { put("FDD"); settype(FDLOG); s.floppy_timer_index = BX_NULL_TIMER_HANDLE; } bx_floppy_ctrl_c::~bx_floppy_ctrl_c() { BX_DEBUG(("Exit")); } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::init(void) { Bit8u i; BX_DEBUG(("Init $Id: floppy.cc,v 1.110 2008-02-15 22:05:42 sshwarts Exp $")); DEV_dma_register_8bit_channel(2, dma_read, dma_write, "Floppy Drive"); DEV_register_irq(6, "Floppy Drive"); for (unsigned addr=0x03F2; addr<=0x03F7; addr++) { DEV_register_ioread_handler(this, read_handler, addr, "Floppy Drive", 1); DEV_register_iowrite_handler(this, write_handler, addr, "Floppy Drive", 1); } DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, 0x00); /* start out with: no drive 0, no drive 1 */ BX_FD_THIS s.num_supported_floppies = 0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { BX_FD_THIS s.media[i].type = BX_FLOPPY_NONE; BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[i] = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[i] = FDRIVE_NONE; } // // Floppy A setup // BX_FD_THIS s.media[0].sectors_per_track = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.media[0].tracks = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.media[0].heads = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.media[0].sectors = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.media[0].fd = -1; switch (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_DEVTYPE)->get()) { case BX_FLOPPY_NONE: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x00); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_NONE; break; case BX_FLOPPY_360K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x10); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_525DD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_1_2: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x20); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_525HD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_720K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x30); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_350DD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_1_44: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x40); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_350HD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_2_88: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x50); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_350ED; break; // use CMOS reserved types case BX_FLOPPY_160K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x60); BX_INFO(("WARNING: 1st floppy uses of reserved CMOS floppy drive type 6")); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_525DD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_180K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x70); BX_INFO(("WARNING: 1st floppy uses of reserved CMOS floppy drive type 7")); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_525DD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_320K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0x0f) | 0x80); BX_INFO(("WARNING: 1st floppy uses of reserved CMOS floppy drive type 8")); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] = FDRIVE_525DD; break; default: BX_PANIC(("unknown floppya type")); } if (BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0] != FDRIVE_NONE) { BX_FD_THIS s.num_supported_floppies++; BX_FD_THIS s.statusbar_id[0] = bx_gui->register_statusitem(" A: "); } else { BX_FD_THIS s.statusbar_id[0] = -1; } if (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_TYPE)->get() != BX_FLOPPY_NONE) { if (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_STATUS)->get() == BX_INSERTED) { if (evaluate_media(BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[0], SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_TYPE)->get(), SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), & BX_FD_THIS s.media[0])) { BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[0] = 1; #define MED (BX_FD_THIS s.media[0]) BX_INFO(("fd0: '%s' ro=%d, h=%d,t=%d,spt=%d", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), MED.write_protected, MED.heads, MED.tracks, MED.sectors_per_track)); #undef MED } else { SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_STATUS)->set(BX_EJECTED); } } } // // Floppy B setup // BX_FD_THIS s.media[1].sectors_per_track = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.media[1].tracks = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.media[1].heads = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.media[1].sectors = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.media[1].fd = -1; switch (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_DEVTYPE)->get()) { case BX_FLOPPY_NONE: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x00); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_NONE; break; case BX_FLOPPY_360K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x01); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_525DD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_1_2: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x02); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_525HD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_720K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x03); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_350DD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_1_44: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x04); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_350HD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_2_88: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x05); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_350ED; break; // use CMOS reserved types case BX_FLOPPY_160K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x06); BX_INFO(("WARNING: 2nd floppy uses of reserved CMOS floppy drive type 6")); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_525DD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_180K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x07); BX_INFO(("WARNING: 2nd floppy uses of reserved CMOS floppy drive type 7")); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_525DD; break; case BX_FLOPPY_320K: DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x10, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x10) & 0xf0) | 0x08); BX_INFO(("WARNING: 2nd floppy uses of reserved CMOS floppy drive type 8")); BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] = FDRIVE_525DD; break; default: BX_PANIC(("unknown floppyb type")); } if (BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1] != FDRIVE_NONE) { BX_FD_THIS s.num_supported_floppies++; BX_FD_THIS s.statusbar_id[1] = bx_gui->register_statusitem(" B: "); } else { BX_FD_THIS s.statusbar_id[1] = -1; } if (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_TYPE)->get() != BX_FLOPPY_NONE) { if (SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_STATUS)->get() == BX_INSERTED) { if (evaluate_media(BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[1], SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_TYPE)->get(), SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYB_PATH)->getptr(), & BX_FD_THIS s.media[1])) { BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[1] = 1; #define MED (BX_FD_THIS s.media[1]) BX_INFO(("fd1: '%s' ro=%d, h=%d,t=%d,spt=%d", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYB_PATH)->getptr(), MED.write_protected, MED.heads, MED.tracks, MED.sectors_per_track)); #undef MED } else { SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_STATUS)->set(BX_EJECTED); } } } /* CMOS Equipment Byte register */ if (BX_FD_THIS s.num_supported_floppies > 0) { DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x14, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x14) & 0x3e) | ((BX_FD_THIS s.num_supported_floppies-1) << 6) | 1); } else { DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x14, (DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x14) & 0x3e)); } if (BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index == BX_NULL_TIMER_HANDLE) { BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index = bx_pc_system.register_timer(this, timer_handler, 250, 0, 0, "floppy"); } /* phase out s.non_dma in favor of using FD_MS_NDMA, more like hardware */ BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= ~FD_MS_NDMA; // enable DMA from start /* these registers are not cleared by reset */ BX_FD_THIS s.SRT = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.HUT = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.HLT = 0; } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::reset(unsigned type) { Bit32u i; BX_FD_THIS s.pending_irq = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.reset_sensei = 0; /* no reset result present */ BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg1 = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg2 = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg3 = 0; // software reset (via DOR port 0x3f2 bit 2) does not change DOR if (type == BX_RESET_HARDWARE) { BX_FD_THIS s.DOR = 0x0c; // motor off, drive 3..0 // DMA/INT enabled // normal operation // drive select 0 // DIR and CCR affected only by hard reset for (i=0; i<4; i++) { BX_FD_THIS s.DIR[i] |= 0x80; // disk changed } BX_FD_THIS s.data_rate = 2; /* 250 Kbps */ BX_FD_THIS s.lock = 0; } else { BX_INFO(("controller reset in software")); } if (BX_FD_THIS s.lock == 0) { BX_FD_THIS s.config = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.pretrk = 0; } BX_FD_THIS s.perp_mode = 0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[i] = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.head[i] = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.sector[i] = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.eot[i] = 0; } DEV_pic_lower_irq(6); if (!(BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA)) { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 0); } enter_idle_phase(); } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::register_state(void) { unsigned i; char name[8]; bx_list_c *drive; bx_list_c *list = new bx_list_c(SIM->get_bochs_root(), "floppy", "Floppy State", 35); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "data_rate", &BX_FD_THIS s.data_rate); bx_list_c *command = new bx_list_c(list, "command", 10); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { sprintf(name, "%d", i); new bx_shadow_num_c(command, name, &BX_FD_THIS s.command[i], BASE_HEX); } new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "command_index", &BX_FD_THIS s.command_index); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "command_size", &BX_FD_THIS s.command_size); new bx_shadow_bool_c(list, "command_complete", &BX_FD_THIS s.command_complete); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "pending_command", &BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_bool_c(list, "multi_track", &BX_FD_THIS s.multi_track); new bx_shadow_bool_c(list, "pending_irq", &BX_FD_THIS s.pending_irq); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "reset_sensei", &BX_FD_THIS s.reset_sensei); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "format_count", &BX_FD_THIS s.format_count); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "format_fillbyte", &BX_FD_THIS s.format_fillbyte, BASE_HEX); bx_list_c *result = new bx_list_c(list, "result", 10); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { sprintf(name, "%d", i); new bx_shadow_num_c(result, name, &BX_FD_THIS s.result[i], BASE_HEX); } new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "result_index", &BX_FD_THIS s.result_index); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "result_size", &BX_FD_THIS s.result_size); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "DOR", &BX_FD_THIS s.DOR, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "TDR", &BX_FD_THIS s.TDR, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_bool_c(list, "TC", &BX_FD_THIS s.TC); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "main_status_reg", &BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "status_reg0", &BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "status_reg1", &BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg1, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "status_reg2", &BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg2, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "status_reg3", &BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg3, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "floppy_buffer_index", &BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index); new bx_shadow_bool_c(list, "lock", &BX_FD_THIS s.lock); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "SRT", &BX_FD_THIS s.SRT, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "HUT", &BX_FD_THIS s.HUT, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "HLT", &BX_FD_THIS s.HLT, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "config", &BX_FD_THIS s.config, BASE_HEX); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "pretrk", &BX_FD_THIS s.pretrk); new bx_shadow_num_c(list, "perp_mode", &BX_FD_THIS s.perp_mode); new bx_shadow_data_c(list, "buffer", BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer, 512); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { sprintf(name, "drive%d", i); drive = new bx_list_c(list, name, 6); new bx_shadow_num_c(drive, "cylinder", &BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[i]); new bx_shadow_num_c(drive, "head", &BX_FD_THIS s.head[i]); new bx_shadow_num_c(drive, "sector", &BX_FD_THIS s.sector[i]); new bx_shadow_num_c(drive, "eot", &BX_FD_THIS s.eot[i]); new bx_shadow_bool_c(drive, "media_present", &BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[i]); new bx_shadow_num_c(drive, "DIR", &BX_FD_THIS s.DIR[i], BASE_HEX); } } // static IO port read callback handler // redirects to non-static class handler to avoid virtual functions Bit32u bx_floppy_ctrl_c::read_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, unsigned io_len) { #if !BX_USE_FD_SMF bx_floppy_ctrl_c *class_ptr = (bx_floppy_ctrl_c *) this_ptr; return class_ptr->read(address, io_len); } /* reads from the floppy io ports */ Bit32u bx_floppy_ctrl_c::read(Bit32u address, unsigned io_len) { #else UNUSED(this_ptr); #endif // !BX_USE_FD_SMF Bit8u value = 0, drive; switch (address) { #if BX_DMA_FLOPPY_IO case 0x3F2: // diskette controller digital output register value = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR; break; case 0x3F4: /* diskette controller main status register */ value = BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg; break; case 0x3F5: /* diskette controller data */ if ((BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA) && ((BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command & 0x4f) == 0x46)) { dma_write(&value); lower_interrupt(); // don't enter idle phase until we've given CPU last data byte if (BX_FD_THIS s.TC) enter_idle_phase(); } else if (BX_FD_THIS s.result_size == 0) { BX_ERROR(("port 0x3f5: no results to read")); BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; value = BX_FD_THIS s.result[0]; } else { value = BX_FD_THIS s.result[BX_FD_THIS s.result_index++]; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= 0xF0; BX_FD_THIS lower_interrupt(); if (BX_FD_THIS s.result_index >= BX_FD_THIS s.result_size) { enter_idle_phase(); } } break; #endif // #if BX_DMA_FLOPPY_IO case 0x3F3: // Tape Drive Register drive = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x03; if (BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[drive]) { switch (BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].type) { case BX_FLOPPY_160K: case BX_FLOPPY_180K: case BX_FLOPPY_320K: case BX_FLOPPY_360K: case BX_FLOPPY_1_2: value = 0x00; break; case BX_FLOPPY_720K: value = 0xc0; break; case BX_FLOPPY_1_44: value = 0x80; break; case BX_FLOPPY_2_88: value = 0x40; break; default: // BX_FLOPPY_NONE value = 0x20; break; } } else { value = 0x20; } break; case 0x3F6: // Reserved for future floppy controllers // This address shared with the hard drive controller value = DEV_hd_read_handler(bx_devices.pluginHardDrive, address, io_len); break; case 0x3F7: // diskette controller digital input register // This address shared with the hard drive controller: // Bit 7 : floppy // Bits 6..0: hard drive value = DEV_hd_read_handler(bx_devices.pluginHardDrive, address, io_len); value &= 0x7f; // add in diskette change line if motor is on drive = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x03; if (BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & (1<<(drive+4))) { value |= (BX_FD_THIS s.DIR[drive] & 0x80); } break; default: BX_ERROR(("io_read: unsupported address 0x%04x", (unsigned) address)); return(0); break; } BX_DEBUG(("read(): during command 0x%02x, port %04x returns 0x%02x", BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command, address, value)); return (value); } // static IO port write callback handler // redirects to non-static class handler to avoid virtual functions void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::write_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len) { #if !BX_USE_FD_SMF bx_floppy_ctrl_c *class_ptr = (bx_floppy_ctrl_c *) this_ptr; class_ptr->write(address, value, io_len); } /* writes to the floppy io ports */ void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len) { #else UNUSED(this_ptr); #endif // !BX_USE_FD_SMF Bit8u dma_and_interrupt_enable; Bit8u normal_operation, prev_normal_operation; Bit8u drive_select; Bit8u motor_on_drive0, motor_on_drive1; BX_DEBUG(("write access to port %04x, value=%02x", address, value)); switch (address) { #if BX_DMA_FLOPPY_IO case 0x3F2: /* diskette controller digital output register */ motor_on_drive0 = value & 0x10; motor_on_drive1 = value & 0x20; /* set status bar conditions for Floppy 0 and Floppy 1 */ if (BX_FD_THIS s.statusbar_id[0] >= 0) { if (motor_on_drive0 != (BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x10)) bx_gui->statusbar_setitem(BX_FD_THIS s.statusbar_id[0], motor_on_drive0); } if (BX_FD_THIS s.statusbar_id[1] >= 0) { if (motor_on_drive1 != (BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x20)) bx_gui->statusbar_setitem(BX_FD_THIS s.statusbar_id[1], motor_on_drive1); } dma_and_interrupt_enable = value & 0x08; if (!dma_and_interrupt_enable) BX_DEBUG(("DMA and interrupt capabilities disabled")); normal_operation = value & 0x04; drive_select = value & 0x03; prev_normal_operation = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x04; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR = value; if (prev_normal_operation==0 && normal_operation) { // transition from RESET to NORMAL bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, 250, 0); } else if (prev_normal_operation && normal_operation==0) { // transition from NORMAL to RESET BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command = 0xfe; // RESET pending } BX_DEBUG(("io_write: digital output register")); BX_DEBUG((" motor on, drive1 = %d", motor_on_drive1 > 0)); BX_DEBUG((" motor on, drive0 = %d", motor_on_drive0 > 0)); BX_DEBUG((" dma_and_interrupt_enable=%02x", (unsigned) dma_and_interrupt_enable)); BX_DEBUG((" normal_operation=%02x", (unsigned) normal_operation)); BX_DEBUG((" drive_select=%02x", (unsigned) drive_select)); if (BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[drive_select] == FDRIVE_NONE) { BX_DEBUG(("WARNING: not existing drive selected")); } break; case 0x3f4: /* diskette controller data rate select register */ BX_FD_THIS s.data_rate = value & 0x03; if (value & 0x80) { BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command = 0xfe; // RESET pending bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, 250, 0); } if ((value & 0x7c) > 0) { BX_ERROR(("write to data rate select register: unsupported bits set")); } break; case 0x3F5: /* diskette controller data */ BX_DEBUG(("command = %02x", (unsigned) value)); if ((BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA) && ((BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command & 0x4f) == 0x45)) { BX_FD_THIS dma_read((Bit8u *) &value); BX_FD_THIS lower_interrupt(); break; } else if (BX_FD_THIS s.command_complete) { if (BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command != 0) BX_PANIC(("write 0x03f5: receiving new command 0x%02x, old one (0x%02x) pending", value, BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command)); BX_FD_THIS s.command[0] = value; BX_FD_THIS s.command_complete = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.command_index = 1; /* read/write command in progress */ BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= ~FD_MS_DIO; // leave drive status untouched BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_MRQ | FD_MS_BUSY; switch (value) { case 0x03: /* specify */ BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 3; break; case 0x04: // get status BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 2; break; case 0x07: /* recalibrate */ BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 2; break; case 0x08: /* sense interrupt status */ BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 1; break; case 0x0f: /* seek */ BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 3; break; case 0x4a: /* read ID */ BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 2; break; case 0x4d: /* format track */ BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 6; break; case 0x45: case 0xc5: /* write normal data */ BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 9; break; case 0x46: case 0x66: case 0xc6: case 0xe6: /* read normal data */ BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 9; break; case 0x0e: // dump registers (Enhanced drives) case 0x10: // Version command, enhanced controller returns 0x90 case 0x14: // Unlock command (Enhanced) case 0x94: // Lock command (Enhanced) BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command = value; enter_result_phase(); break; case 0x12: // Perpendicular mode (Enhanced) BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 2; break; case 0x13: // Configure command (Enhanced) BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 4; break; case 0x18: // National Semiconductor version command; return 80h // These commands are not implemented on the standard // controller and return an error. They are available on // the enhanced controller. BX_DEBUG(("io_write: 0x3f5: unsupported floppy command 0x%02x", (unsigned) value)); BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 0; // make sure we don't try to process this command BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0x80; // status: invalid command enter_result_phase(); break; default: BX_ERROR(("io_write: 0x3f5: invalid floppy command 0x%02x", (unsigned) value)); BX_FD_THIS s.command_size = 0; // make sure we don't try to process this command BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0x80; // status: invalid command enter_result_phase(); break; } } else { BX_FD_THIS s.command[BX_FD_THIS s.command_index++] = value; } if (BX_FD_THIS s.command_index == BX_FD_THIS s.command_size) { /* read/write command not in progress any more */ floppy_command(); BX_FD_THIS s.command_complete = 1; } BX_DEBUG(("io_write: diskette controller data")); return; break; #endif // #if BX_DMA_FLOPPY_IO case 0x3F6: /* diskette controller (reserved) */ BX_DEBUG(("io_write: reserved register 0x3f6 unsupported")); // this address shared with the hard drive controller DEV_hd_write_handler(bx_devices.pluginHardDrive, address, value, io_len); break; #if BX_DMA_FLOPPY_IO case 0x3F7: /* diskette controller configuration control register */ if ((value & 0x03) != BX_FD_THIS s.data_rate) BX_INFO(("io_write: config control register: 0x%02x", value)); BX_FD_THIS s.data_rate = value & 0x03; switch (BX_FD_THIS s.data_rate) { case 0: BX_DEBUG((" 500 Kbps")); break; case 1: BX_DEBUG((" 300 Kbps")); break; case 2: BX_DEBUG((" 250 Kbps")); break; case 3: BX_DEBUG((" 1 Mbps")); break; } break; default: BX_ERROR(("io_write ignored: 0x%04x = 0x%02x", (unsigned) address, (unsigned) value)); break; #endif // #if BX_DMA_FLOPPY_IO } } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::floppy_command(void) { #if BX_PROVIDE_CPU_MEMORY==0 BX_PANIC(("floppy_command(): uses DMA: not supported for" " external environment")); #else unsigned i; Bit8u motor_on; Bit8u head, drive, cylinder, sector, eot; Bit8u sector_size, data_length; Bit32u logical_sector, sector_time, step_delay; // Print command char buf[9+(9*5)+1], *p = buf; p += sprintf(p, "COMMAND: "); for (i=0; i> 4; BX_FD_THIS s.HUT = BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] & 0x0f; BX_FD_THIS s.HLT = BX_FD_THIS s.command[2] >> 1; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= (BX_FD_THIS s.command[2] & 0x01) ? FD_MS_NDMA : 0; if (BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA) BX_ERROR(("non DMA mode not fully implemented yet")); enter_idle_phase(); return; case 0x04: // get status drive = (BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] & 0x03); BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] = (BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] >> 2) & 0x01; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg3 = 0x28 | (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive]<<2) | drive | (BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].write_protected ? 0x40 : 0x00); if (BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] == 0) BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg3 |= 0x10; enter_result_phase(); return; case 0x07: // recalibrate drive = (BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] & 0x03); BX_FD_THIS s.DOR &= 0xfc; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR |= drive; BX_DEBUG(("floppy_command(): recalibrate drive %u", (unsigned) drive)); step_delay = calculate_step_delay(drive, 0); bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, step_delay, 0); /* command head to track 0 * controller set to non-busy * error condition noted in Status reg 0's equipment check bit * seek end bit set to 1 in Status reg 0 regardless of outcome * The last two are taken care of in timer(). */ BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= (1 << drive); return; case 0x08: /* sense interrupt status */ /* execution: * get status * result: * no interupt * byte0 = status reg0 * byte1 = current cylinder number (0 to 79) */ if (BX_FD_THIS s.reset_sensei > 0) { drive = 4 - BX_FD_THIS s.reset_sensei; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 &= 0xf8; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 |= (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] << 2) | drive; BX_FD_THIS s.reset_sensei--; } else if (!BX_FD_THIS s.pending_irq) { BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0x80; } BX_DEBUG(("sense interrupt status")); enter_result_phase(); return; case 0x0f: /* seek */ /* command: * byte0 = 0F * byte1 = drive & head select * byte2 = cylinder number * execution: * postion head over specified cylinder * result: * no result bytes, issues an interrupt */ drive = BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] & 0x03; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR &= 0xfc; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR |= drive; BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] = (BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] >> 2) & 0x01; step_delay = calculate_step_delay(drive, BX_FD_THIS s.command[2]); bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, step_delay, 0); /* ??? should also check cylinder validity */ BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] = BX_FD_THIS s.command[2]; /* data reg not ready, drive not busy */ BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= (1 << drive); return; case 0x13: // Configure BX_DEBUG(("configure (eis = 0x%02x)", BX_FD_THIS s.command[2] & 0x40)); BX_DEBUG(("configure (efifo = 0x%02x)", BX_FD_THIS s.command[2] & 0x20)); BX_DEBUG(("configure (no poll = 0x%02x)", BX_FD_THIS s.command[2] & 0x10)); BX_DEBUG(("configure (fifothr = 0x%02x)", BX_FD_THIS s.command[2] & 0x0f)); BX_DEBUG(("configure (pretrk = 0x%02x)", BX_FD_THIS s.command[3])); BX_FD_THIS s.config = BX_FD_THIS s.command[2]; BX_FD_THIS s.pretrk = BX_FD_THIS s.command[3]; enter_idle_phase(); return; case 0x4a: // read ID drive = BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] & 0x03; BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] = (BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] >> 2) & 0x01; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR &= 0xfc; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR |= drive; motor_on = (BX_FD_THIS s.DOR>>(drive+4)) & 0x01; if (motor_on == 0) { BX_ERROR(("floppy_command(): read ID: motor not on")); BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_BUSY; return; // Hang controller } if (BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[drive] == FDRIVE_NONE) { BX_ERROR(("floppy_command(): read ID: bad drive #%d", drive)); BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_BUSY; return; // Hang controller } if (BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[drive] == 0) { BX_INFO(("attempt to read sector ID with media not present")); BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_BUSY; return; // Hang controller } BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive]<<2) | drive; // time to read one sector at 300 rpm sector_time = 200000 / BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track; bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, sector_time, 0); /* data reg not ready, controller busy */ BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_BUSY; return; case 0x4d: // format track drive = BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] & 0x03; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR &= 0xfc; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR |= drive; motor_on = (BX_FD_THIS s.DOR>>(drive+4)) & 0x01; if (motor_on == 0) BX_PANIC(("floppy_command(): format track: motor not on")); BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] = (BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] >> 2) & 0x01; sector_size = BX_FD_THIS s.command[2]; BX_FD_THIS s.format_count = BX_FD_THIS s.command[3]; BX_FD_THIS s.format_fillbyte = BX_FD_THIS s.command[5]; if (BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[drive] == FDRIVE_NONE) BX_PANIC(("floppy_command(): format track: bad drive #%d", drive)); if (sector_size != 0x02) { // 512 bytes BX_PANIC(("format track: sector size %d not supported", 128<> 7); if ((BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x08) == 0) BX_PANIC(("read/write command with DMA and int disabled")); drive = BX_FD_THIS s.command[1] & 0x03; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR &= 0xfc; BX_FD_THIS s.DOR |= drive; motor_on = (BX_FD_THIS s.DOR>>(drive+4)) & 0x01; if (motor_on == 0) BX_PANIC(("floppy_command(): read/write: motor not on")); head = BX_FD_THIS s.command[3] & 0x01; cylinder = BX_FD_THIS s.command[2]; /* 0..79 depending */ sector = BX_FD_THIS s.command[4]; /* 1..36 depending */ eot = BX_FD_THIS s.command[6]; /* 1..36 depending */ sector_size = BX_FD_THIS s.command[5]; data_length = BX_FD_THIS s.command[8]; BX_DEBUG(("read/write normal data")); BX_DEBUG(("BEFORE")); BX_DEBUG((" drive = %u", (unsigned) drive)); BX_DEBUG((" head = %u", (unsigned) head)); BX_DEBUG((" cylinder = %u", (unsigned) cylinder)); BX_DEBUG((" sector = %u", (unsigned) sector)); BX_DEBUG((" eot = %u", (unsigned) eot)); if (BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[drive] == FDRIVE_NONE) BX_PANIC(("floppy_command(): read/write: bad drive #%d", drive)); // check that head number in command[1] bit two matches the head // reported in the head number field. Real floppy drives are // picky about this, as reported in SF bug #439945, (Floppy drive // read input error checking). if (head != ((BX_FD_THIS s.command[1]>>2)&1)) { BX_ERROR(("head number in command[1] doesn't match head field")); BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0x40 | (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive]<<2) | drive; // abnormal termination BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg1 = 0x04; // 0000 0100 BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg2 = 0x00; // 0000 0000 enter_result_phase(); return; } if (BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[drive] == 0) { BX_INFO(("attempt to read/write sector %u with media not present", (unsigned) sector)); return; // Hang controller } if (sector_size != 0x02) { // 512 bytes BX_PANIC(("read/write command: sector size %d not supported", 128<= BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].tracks) { BX_PANIC(("io: norm r/w parms out of range: sec#%02xh cyl#%02xh eot#%02xh head#%02xh", (unsigned) sector, (unsigned) cylinder, (unsigned) eot, (unsigned) head)); return; } if (sector > BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) { BX_INFO(("attempt to read/write sector %u past last sector %u", (unsigned) sector, (unsigned) BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track)); BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] = cylinder; BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] = head; BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] = sector; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0x40 | (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive]<<2) | drive; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg1 = 0x04; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg2 = 0x00; enter_result_phase(); return; } if (cylinder != BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive]) { BX_DEBUG(("io: cylinder request != current cylinder")); reset_changeline(); } logical_sector = (cylinder * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].heads * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) + (head * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) + (sector - 1); if (logical_sector >= BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors) { BX_PANIC(("io: logical sector out of bounds")); } // This hack makes older versions of the Bochs BIOS work if (eot == 0) { eot = BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track; } BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] = cylinder; BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] = head; BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] = sector; BX_FD_THIS s.eot[drive] = eot; if ((BX_FD_THIS s.command[0] & 0x4f) == 0x46) { // read floppy_xfer(drive, logical_sector*512, BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer, 512, FROM_FLOPPY); /* controller busy; if DMA mode, data reg not ready */ BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_BUSY; if (BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA) { BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= (FD_MS_MRQ | FD_MS_DIO); } // time to read one sector at 300 rpm sector_time = 200000 / BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track; bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, sector_time , 0); } else if ((BX_FD_THIS s.command[0] & 0x7f) == 0x45) { // write /* controller busy; if DMA mode, data reg not ready */ BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= FD_MS_NDMA; BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_BUSY; if (BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA) { BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_MRQ; } else { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 1); } } else { BX_PANIC(("floppy_command(): unknown read/write command")); return; } break; case 0x12: // Perpendicular mode BX_FD_THIS s.perp_mode = BX_FD_THIS s.command[1]; BX_INFO(("perpendicular mode: config=0x%02x", BX_FD_THIS s.perp_mode)); enter_idle_phase(); break; default: // invalid or unsupported command; these are captured in write() above BX_PANIC(("You should never get here! cmd = 0x%02x", BX_FD_THIS s.command[0])); } #endif } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::floppy_xfer(Bit8u drive, Bit32u offset, Bit8u *buffer, Bit32u bytes, Bit8u direction) { int ret = 0; if (BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[drive] == FDRIVE_NONE) BX_PANIC(("floppy_xfer: bad drive #%d", drive)); if (bx_dbg.floppy) { BX_INFO(("drive=%u", (unsigned) drive)); BX_INFO(("offset=%u", (unsigned) offset)); BX_INFO(("bytes=%u", (unsigned) bytes)); BX_INFO(("direction=%s", (direction==FROM_FLOPPY)? "from" : "to")); } #if BX_WITH_MACOS if (strcmp(SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), SuperDrive)) #endif { // don't need to seek the file if we are using Win95 type direct access if (!BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].raw_floppy_win95) { ret = (int)lseek(BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].fd, offset, SEEK_SET); if (ret < 0) { BX_PANIC(("could not perform lseek() to %d on floppy image file", offset)); return; } } } if (direction == FROM_FLOPPY) { #if BX_WITH_MACOS if (!strcmp(SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), SuperDrive)) ret = fd_read((char *) buffer, offset, bytes); else #endif #ifdef WIN32 // if using Win95 direct access if (BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].raw_floppy_win95) { DWORD ret_cnt = 0; DIOC_REGISTERS reg; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile("\\\\.\\vwin32", 0, 0, NULL, 0, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) BX_PANIC(("Could not open floppy device under Win95 for read")); reg.reg_ECX = bytes >> 9; // / 512 reg.reg_EDX = offset >> 9; // / 512 reg.reg_EBX = (DWORD) buffer; reg.reg_EAX = BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].raw_floppy_win95_drv; DeviceIoControl(hFile, VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_INT25, ®, sizeof(reg), ®, sizeof(reg), &ret_cnt, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); // I don't know why this returns 28 instead of 512, but it works if (ret_cnt == 28) ret = 512; } else { #endif ret = ::read(BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].fd, (bx_ptr_t) buffer, bytes); #ifdef WIN32 } #endif if (ret < int(bytes)) { /* ??? */ if (ret > 0) { BX_INFO(("partial read() on floppy image returns %u/%u", (unsigned) ret, (unsigned) bytes)); memset(buffer + ret, 0, bytes - ret); } else { BX_INFO(("read() on floppy image returns 0")); memset(buffer, 0, bytes); } } } else { // TO_FLOPPY BX_ASSERT (!BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].write_protected); #if BX_WITH_MACOS if (!strcmp(SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), SuperDrive)) ret = fd_write((char *) buffer, offset, bytes); else #endif #ifdef WIN32 // if using Win95 direct access if (BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].raw_floppy_win95) { DWORD ret_cnt = 0; DIOC_REGISTERS reg; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile("\\\\.\\vwin32", 0, 0, NULL, 0, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) BX_PANIC(("Could not open floppy device under Win95")); reg.reg_ECX = bytes >> 9; // / 512 reg.reg_EDX = offset >> 9; // / 512 reg.reg_EBX = (DWORD) buffer; reg.reg_EAX = BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].raw_floppy_win95_drv; DeviceIoControl(hFile, VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_INT26, ®, sizeof(reg), ®, sizeof(reg), (LPDWORD) &ret_cnt, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); // I don't know why this returns 28 instead of 512, but it works if (ret_cnt == 28) ret = 512; } else { #endif ret = ::write(BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].fd, (bx_ptr_t) buffer, bytes); #ifdef WIN32 } #endif if (ret < int(bytes)) { BX_PANIC(("could not perform write() on floppy image file")); } } } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::timer_handler(void *this_ptr) { bx_floppy_ctrl_c *class_ptr = (bx_floppy_ctrl_c *) this_ptr; class_ptr->timer(); } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::timer() { Bit8u drive, motor_on; drive = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x03; switch (BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command) { case 0x07: // recal BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0x20 | drive; motor_on = ((BX_FD_THIS s.DOR>>(drive+4)) & 0x01); if ((BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[drive] == FDRIVE_NONE) || (motor_on == 0)) { BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 |= 0x50; } enter_idle_phase(); BX_FD_THIS raise_interrupt(); break; case 0x0f: // seek BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0x20 | (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive]<<2) | drive; enter_idle_phase(); BX_FD_THIS raise_interrupt(); break; case 0x4a: /* read ID */ enter_result_phase(); break; case 0x45: /* write normal data */ case 0xc5: if (BX_FD_THIS s.TC) { // Terminal Count line, done BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] << 2) | drive; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg1 = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg2 = 0; if (bx_dbg.floppy) { BX_INFO(("<>")); BX_INFO(("AFTER")); BX_INFO((" drive = %u", (unsigned) drive)); BX_INFO((" head = %u", (unsigned) BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive])); BX_INFO((" cylinder = %u", (unsigned) BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive])); BX_INFO((" sector = %u", (unsigned) BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive])); } enter_result_phase(); } else { // transfer next sector if (!(BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA)) { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 1); } } break; case 0x46: /* read normal data */ case 0x66: case 0xc6: case 0xe6: // transfer next sector if (BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA) { BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg &= ~FD_MS_BUSY; // clear busy bit BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_MRQ | FD_MS_DIO; // data byte waiting } else { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 1); } break; case 0x4d: /* format track */ if ((BX_FD_THIS s.format_count == 0) || BX_FD_THIS s.TC) { BX_FD_THIS s.format_count = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] << 2) | drive; enter_result_phase(); } else { // transfer next sector if (!(BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA)) { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 1); } } break; case 0xfe: // (contrived) RESET theFloppyController->reset(BX_RESET_SOFTWARE); BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0xc0; BX_FD_THIS raise_interrupt(); BX_FD_THIS s.reset_sensei = 4; break; case 0x00: // nothing pending? break; default: BX_PANIC(("floppy:timer(): unknown case %02x", (unsigned) BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command)); } } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::dma_write(Bit8u *data_byte) { // A DMA write is from I/O to Memory // We need to return the next data byte from the floppy buffer // to be transfered via the DMA to memory. (read block from floppy) Bit8u drive; drive = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x03; *data_byte = BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer[BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index++]; BX_FD_THIS s.TC = get_tc(); if ((BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index >= 512) || (BX_FD_THIS s.TC)) { if (BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index >= 512) { increment_sector(); // increment to next sector before retrieving next one BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index = 0; } if (BX_FD_THIS s.TC) { // Terminal Count line, done BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] << 2) | drive; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg1 = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg2 = 0; if (bx_dbg.floppy) { BX_INFO(("<>")); BX_INFO(("AFTER")); BX_INFO((" drive = %u", (unsigned) drive)); BX_INFO((" head = %u", (unsigned) BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive])); BX_INFO((" cylinder = %u", (unsigned) BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive])); BX_INFO((" sector = %u", (unsigned) BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive])); } if (!(BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA)) { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 0); } enter_result_phase(); } else { // more data to transfer Bit32u logical_sector, sector_time; // remember that not all floppies have two sides, multiply by s.head[drive] logical_sector = (BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].heads * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) + (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) + (BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] - 1); floppy_xfer(drive, logical_sector*512, BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer, 512, FROM_FLOPPY); if (!(BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA)) { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 0); } // time to read one sector at 300 rpm sector_time = 200000 / BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track; bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, sector_time , 0); } } } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::dma_read(Bit8u *data_byte) { // A DMA read is from Memory to I/O // We need to write the data_byte which was already transfered from memory // via DMA to I/O (write block to floppy) Bit8u drive; Bit32u logical_sector, sector_time; drive = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x03; if (BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command == 0x4d) { // format track in progress BX_FD_THIS s.format_count--; switch (3 - (BX_FD_THIS s.format_count & 0x03)) { case 0: BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] = *data_byte; break; case 1: if (*data_byte != BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive]) BX_ERROR(("head number does not match head field")); break; case 2: BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] = *data_byte; break; case 3: if (*data_byte != 2) BX_ERROR(("dma_read: sector size %d not supported", 128<<(*data_byte))); BX_DEBUG(("formatting cylinder %u head %u sector %u", BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive], BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive], BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive])); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 512; i++) { BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer[i] = BX_FD_THIS s.format_fillbyte; } logical_sector = (BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].heads * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) + (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) + (BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] - 1); floppy_xfer(drive, logical_sector*512, BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer, 512, TO_FLOPPY); if (!(BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA)) { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 0); } // time to write one sector at 300 rpm sector_time = 200000 / BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track; bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, sector_time , 0); break; } } else { // write normal data BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer[BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index++] = *data_byte; BX_FD_THIS s.TC = get_tc(); if ((BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index >= 512) || (BX_FD_THIS s.TC)) { logical_sector = (BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].heads * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) + (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] * BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track) + (BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] - 1); if (BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].write_protected) { // write protected error BX_INFO(("tried to write disk %u, which is write-protected", drive)); // ST0: IC1,0=01 (abnormal termination: started execution but failed) BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 = 0x40 | (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive]<<2) | drive; // ST1: DataError=1, NDAT=1, NotWritable=1, NID=1 BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg1 = 0x27; // 0010 0111 // ST2: CRCE=1, SERR=1, BCYL=1, NDAM=1. BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg2 = 0x31; // 0011 0001 enter_result_phase(); return; } floppy_xfer(drive, logical_sector*512, BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer, 512, TO_FLOPPY); increment_sector(); // increment to next sector after writing current one BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index = 0; if (!(BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA)) { DEV_dma_set_drq(FLOPPY_DMA_CHAN, 0); } // time to write one sector at 300 rpm sector_time = 200000 / BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track; bx_pc_system.activate_timer(BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_timer_index, sector_time , 0); // the following is a kludge; i (jc) don't know how to work with the timer if ((BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA) && BX_FD_THIS s.TC) { enter_result_phase(); } } } } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::raise_interrupt(void) { DEV_pic_raise_irq(6); BX_FD_THIS s.pending_irq = 1; BX_FD_THIS s.reset_sensei = 0; } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::lower_interrupt(void) { if (BX_FD_THIS s.pending_irq) { DEV_pic_lower_irq(6); BX_FD_THIS s.pending_irq = 0; } } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::increment_sector(void) { Bit8u drive; drive = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x03; // values after completion of data xfer // ??? calculation depends on base_count being multiple of 512 BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] ++; if ((BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] > BX_FD_THIS s.eot[drive]) || (BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] > BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].sectors_per_track)) { BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] = 1; if (BX_FD_THIS s.multi_track) { BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] ++; if (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] > 1) { BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] = 0; BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] ++; reset_changeline(); } } else { BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] ++; reset_changeline(); } if (BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] >= BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].tracks) { // Set to 1 past last possible cylinder value. // I notice if I set it to tracks-1, prama linux won't boot. BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive] = BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].tracks; BX_INFO(("increment_sector: clamping cylinder to max")); } } } unsigned bx_floppy_ctrl_c::set_media_status(unsigned drive, unsigned status) { char *path; unsigned type; if (drive == 0) type = SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_TYPE)->get(); else type = SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_TYPE)->get(); // if setting to the current value, nothing to do if ((status == BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[drive]) && ((status == 0) || (type == BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].type))) return(status); if (status == 0) { // eject floppy if (BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].fd >= 0) { close(BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].fd); BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].fd = -1; } BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[drive] = 0; if (drive == 0) { SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_STATUS)->set(BX_EJECTED); } else { SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_STATUS)->set(BX_EJECTED); } BX_FD_THIS s.DIR[drive] |= 0x80; // disk changed line return(0); } else { // insert floppy if (drive == 0) { path = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(); } else { path = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYB_PATH)->getptr(); } if (!strcmp(path, "none")) return(0); if (evaluate_media(BX_FD_THIS s.device_type[drive], type, path, & BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive])) { BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[drive] = 1; if (drive == 0) { #define MED (BX_FD_THIS s.media[0]) BX_INFO(("fd0: '%s' ro=%d, h=%d,t=%d,spt=%d", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), MED.write_protected, MED.heads, MED.tracks, MED.sectors_per_track)); #undef MED SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_STATUS)->set(BX_INSERTED); } else { #define MED (BX_FD_THIS s.media[1]) BX_INFO(("fd1: '%s' ro=%d, h=%d,t=%d,spt=%d", SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYB_PATH)->getptr(), MED.write_protected, MED.heads, MED.tracks, MED.sectors_per_track)); #undef MED SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_STATUS)->set(BX_INSERTED); } return(1); } else { BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[drive] = 0; if (drive == 0) { SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_STATUS)->set(BX_EJECTED); SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYA_TYPE)->set(BX_FLOPPY_NONE); } else { SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_STATUS)->set(BX_EJECTED); SIM->get_param_enum(BXPN_FLOPPYB_TYPE)->set(BX_FLOPPY_NONE); } return(0); } } } unsigned bx_floppy_ctrl_c::get_media_status(unsigned drive) { return BX_FD_THIS s.media_present[drive]; } #ifdef O_BINARY #define BX_RDONLY O_RDONLY | O_BINARY #define BX_RDWR O_RDWR | O_BINARY #else #define BX_RDONLY O_RDONLY #define BX_RDWR O_RDWR #endif bx_bool bx_floppy_ctrl_c::evaluate_media(Bit8u devtype, Bit8u type, char *path, floppy_t *media) { struct stat stat_buf; int i, ret; int type_idx = -1; #ifdef __linux__ struct floppy_struct floppy_geom; #endif #ifdef WIN32 char sTemp[1024]; bx_bool raw_floppy = 0; HANDLE hFile; DWORD bytes; DISK_GEOMETRY dg; unsigned tracks = 0, heads = 0, spt = 0; #endif //If media file is already open, close it before reopening. if(media->fd >=0) { close(media->fd); media->fd=-1; } // check media type if (type == BX_FLOPPY_NONE) { return 0; } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (type == floppy_type[i].id) type_idx = i; } if (type_idx == -1) { BX_ERROR(("evaluate_media: unknown media type %d", type)); return 0; } if ((floppy_type[type_idx].drive_mask & devtype) == 0) { BX_ERROR(("evaluate_media: media type %d not valid for this floppy drive", type)); return 0; } // open media file (image file or device) media->write_protected = 0; media->raw_floppy_win95 = 0; #ifdef macintosh media->fd = 0; if (strcmp(SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), SuperDrive)) #endif #ifdef WIN32 if ((isalpha(path[0])) && (path[1] == ':') && (strlen(path) == 2)) { raw_floppy = 1; wsprintf(sTemp, "\\\\.\\%s", path); hFile = CreateFile(sTemp, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // try to open it with Win95 style hFile = CreateFile("\\\\.\\vwin32", 0, 0, NULL, 0, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BX_ERROR(("Cannot open floppy drive")); return(0); } media->raw_floppy_win95 = 1; media->raw_floppy_win95_drv = toupper(path[0]) - 'A'; } // if using Win95 direct access, get params this way if (media->raw_floppy_win95) { DWORD ret_cnt = 0; DIOC_REGISTERS reg; BLOCK_DEV_PARAMS params; reg.reg_EAX = 0x440D; reg.reg_ECX = 0x0860; reg.reg_EDX = (DWORD) ¶ms; reg.reg_EBX = media->raw_floppy_win95_drv+1; //reg.reg_Flags = 0x0001; // assume error (carry flag is set) if (DeviceIoControl(hFile, VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_IOCTL , ®, sizeof(reg), ®, sizeof(reg), &ret_cnt, NULL)) { tracks = params.cylinders; heads = params.num_heads; spt = params.sects_per_track; } else { CloseHandle(hFile); return(0); } } else { if (!DeviceIoControl(hFile, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, NULL, 0, &dg, sizeof(dg), &bytes, NULL)) { BX_ERROR(("No media in floppy drive")); CloseHandle(hFile); return(0); } else { tracks = (unsigned)dg.Cylinders.QuadPart; heads = (unsigned)dg.TracksPerCylinder; spt = (unsigned)dg.SectorsPerTrack; } } CloseHandle(hFile); // if using Win95 direct access, don't open the file if (!media->raw_floppy_win95) media->fd = open(sTemp, BX_RDWR); } else { media->fd = open(path, BX_RDWR); } #else media->fd = open(path, BX_RDWR); #endif // Don't open the handle if using Win95 style direct access if (!media->raw_floppy_win95) { if (media->fd < 0) { BX_INFO(("tried to open '%s' read/write: %s",path,strerror(errno))); // try opening the file read-only media->write_protected = 1; #ifdef macintosh media->fd = 0; if (strcmp(SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), SuperDrive)) #endif #ifdef WIN32 if (raw_floppy == 1) { media->fd = open(sTemp, BX_RDONLY); } else { media->fd = open(path, BX_RDONLY); } #else media->fd = open(path, BX_RDONLY); #endif if (media->fd < 0) { // failed to open read-only too BX_INFO(("tried to open '%s' read only: %s",path,strerror(errno))); media->type = type; return(0); } } } #if BX_WITH_MACOS if (!strcmp(SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_FLOPPYA_PATH)->getptr(), SuperDrive)) ret = fd_stat(&stat_buf); else ret = fstat(media->fd, &stat_buf); #elif defined(WIN32) if (raw_floppy) { memset (&stat_buf, 0, sizeof(stat_buf)); stat_buf.st_mode = S_IFCHR; ret = 0; } else { ret = fstat(media->fd, &stat_buf); } #else // unix ret = fstat(media->fd, &stat_buf); #endif if (ret) { BX_PANIC(("fstat floppy 0 drive image file returns error: %s", strerror(errno))); return(0); } if (S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode)) { // regular file switch (type) { // use CMOS reserved types case BX_FLOPPY_160K: // 160K 5.25" case BX_FLOPPY_180K: // 180K 5.25" case BX_FLOPPY_320K: // 320K 5.25" // standard floppy types case BX_FLOPPY_360K: // 360K 5.25" case BX_FLOPPY_720K: // 720K 3.5" case BX_FLOPPY_1_2: // 1.2M 5.25" case BX_FLOPPY_2_88: // 2.88M 3.5" media->type = type; media->tracks = floppy_type[type_idx].trk; media->heads = floppy_type[type_idx].hd; media->sectors_per_track = floppy_type[type_idx].spt; media->sectors = floppy_type[type_idx].sectors; if (stat_buf.st_size > (media->sectors * 512)) { BX_ERROR(("evaluate_media: size of file '%s' (%lu) too large for selected type", path, (unsigned long) stat_buf.st_size)); return 0; } break; default: // 1.44M 3.5" media->type = type; if (stat_buf.st_size <= 1474560) { media->tracks = floppy_type[type_idx].trk; media->heads = floppy_type[type_idx].hd; media->sectors_per_track = floppy_type[type_idx].spt; } else if (stat_buf.st_size == 1720320) { media->sectors_per_track = 21; media->tracks = 80; media->heads = 2; } else if (stat_buf.st_size == 1763328) { media->sectors_per_track = 21; media->tracks = 82; media->heads = 2; } else if (stat_buf.st_size == 1884160) { media->sectors_per_track = 23; media->tracks = 80; media->heads = 2; } else { BX_ERROR(("evaluate_media: file '%s' of unknown size %lu", path, (unsigned long) stat_buf.st_size)); return 0; } media->sectors = media->heads * media->tracks * media->sectors_per_track; } return (media->sectors > 0); // success } else if (S_ISCHR(stat_buf.st_mode) #if BX_WITH_MACOS == 0 #ifdef S_ISBLK || S_ISBLK(stat_buf.st_mode) #endif #endif ) { // character or block device // assume media is formatted to typical geometry for drive media->type = type; #ifdef __linux__ if (ioctl(media->fd, FDGETPRM, &floppy_geom) < 0) { BX_ERROR(("cannot determine media geometry, trying to use defaults")); media->tracks = floppy_type[type_idx].trk; media->heads = floppy_type[type_idx].hd; media->sectors_per_track = floppy_type[type_idx].spt; media->sectors = floppy_type[type_idx].sectors; return (media->sectors > 0); } media->tracks = floppy_geom.track; media->heads = floppy_geom.head; media->sectors_per_track = floppy_geom.sect; media->sectors = floppy_geom.size; #elif defined(WIN32) media->tracks = tracks; media->heads = heads; media->sectors_per_track = spt; media->sectors = media->heads * media->tracks * media->sectors_per_track; #else media->tracks = floppy_type[type_idx].trk; media->heads = floppy_type[type_idx].hd; media->sectors_per_track = floppy_type[type_idx].spt; media->sectors = floppy_type[type_idx].sectors; #endif return (media->sectors > 0); // success } else { // unknown file type BX_ERROR(("unknown mode type")); return 0; } } void bx_floppy_ctrl_c::enter_result_phase(void) { Bit8u drive; unsigned i; drive = BX_FD_THIS s.DOR & 0x03; /* these are always the same */ BX_FD_THIS s.result_index = 0; // not necessary to clear any status bits, we're about to set them all BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg |= FD_MS_MRQ | FD_MS_DIO | FD_MS_BUSY; /* invalid command */ if ((BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0 & 0xc0) == 0x80) { BX_FD_THIS s.result_size = 1; BX_FD_THIS s.result[0] = BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0; return; } switch (BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command) { case 0x04: // get status BX_FD_THIS s.result_size = 1; BX_FD_THIS s.result[0] = BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg3; break; case 0x08: // sense interrupt BX_FD_THIS s.result_size = 2; BX_FD_THIS s.result[0] = BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0; BX_FD_THIS s.result[1] = BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive]; break; case 0x0e: // dump registers BX_FD_THIS s.result_size = 10; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { BX_FD_THIS s.result[i] = BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[i]; } BX_FD_THIS s.result[4] = (BX_FD_THIS s.SRT << 4) | BX_FD_THIS s.HUT; BX_FD_THIS s.result[5] = (BX_FD_THIS s.HLT << 1) | ((BX_FD_THIS s.main_status_reg & FD_MS_NDMA) ? 1 : 0); BX_FD_THIS s.result[6] = BX_FD_THIS s.eot[drive]; BX_FD_THIS s.result[7] = (BX_FD_THIS s.lock << 7) | (BX_FD_THIS s.perp_mode & 0x7f); BX_FD_THIS s.result[8] = BX_FD_THIS s.config; BX_FD_THIS s.result[9] = BX_FD_THIS s.pretrk; break; case 0x10: // version BX_FD_THIS s.result_size = 1; BX_FD_THIS s.result[0] = 0x90; break; case 0x14: // unlock case 0x94: // lock BX_FD_THIS s.lock = (BX_FD_THIS s.pending_command >> 7); BX_FD_THIS s.result_size = 1; BX_FD_THIS s.result[0] = (BX_FD_THIS s.lock << 4); break; case 0x4a: // read ID case 0x4d: // format track case 0x46: // read normal data case 0x66: case 0xc6: case 0xe6: case 0x45: // write normal data case 0xc5: BX_FD_THIS s.result_size = 7; BX_FD_THIS s.result[0] = BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg0; BX_FD_THIS s.result[1] = BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg1; BX_FD_THIS s.result[2] = BX_FD_THIS s.status_reg2; BX_FD_THIS s.result[3] = BX_FD_THIS s.cylinder[drive]; BX_FD_THIS s.result[4] = BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive]; BX_FD_THIS s.result[5] = BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive]; BX_FD_THIS s.result[6] = 2; /* sector size code */ BX_FD_THIS raise_interrupt(); break; } // Print command result (max. 10 bytes) char buf[8+(10*5)+1], *p = buf; p += sprintf(p, "RESULT: "); for (i=0; i= 512 makes it more robust, but allows for sloppy code... * pick your poison? * note: byte and head are 0-based; eot, sector, and heads are 1-based. */ terminal_count = ((BX_FD_THIS s.floppy_buffer_index == 512) && (BX_FD_THIS s.sector[drive] == BX_FD_THIS s.eot[drive]) && (BX_FD_THIS s.head[drive] == (BX_FD_THIS s.media[drive].heads - 1))); } else { terminal_count = DEV_dma_get_tc(); } return terminal_count; }