///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id$ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BOCHS ENHANCED DEBUGGER Ver 1.2 // (C) Chourdakis Michael, 2008 // http://www.turboirc.com // // Modified by Bruce Ewing // // Copyright (C) 2008-2014 The Bochs Project #include "config.h" #if BX_DEBUGGER && BX_DEBUGGER_GUI #include "bochs.h" #include "win32dialog.h" #include "enh_dbg.h" // Important Note! All the string manipulation functions assume one byte chars -- ie. "ascii", // instead of "wide" chars. If there exists a compiler that automatically assumes wide chars // (ie. 2 byte), then all the function names in here need to be changed to FORCE the compiler // to use the "A" functions instead of the "W" functions. That is, strcpyA(), sprintfA(), etc. // This will require setting macros for the non-os-specific code, too. #include #include #ifdef _WIN64 #define DWL_MSGRESULT DWLP_MSGRESULT #endif // User Customizable initial settings: // the Register color table COLORREF ColorList[16] = { // background "register type" colors indexed by RegColor value RGB(255,255,255), // white RGB(200,255,255), // blue (aqua) RGB(230,230,230), // gray RGB(248,255,200), // yellow RGB(216,216,255), // purple RGB(200,255,200), // green RGB(255,230,200), // orange RGB(255,255,255), // user definable RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255,255,255) }; #define STATUS_WIN_OVERLAP 4 // # of "extra" pixels at the top of a Status window // END of User Customizable settings COLORREF AsmColors[4] = { RGB(0,0,0), // text foreground color is normally black RGB(0,100,0), // current opcode is dark green and bold RGB(150,0,0), // a breakpoint is red and italic RGB(0,0,200) // both = blue, bold, AND italic }; #ifndef LVIF_GROUPID #define IS_WIN98 // this define may not exist in some compilers #define LVIF_GROUPID 0 #endif #ifndef IS_WIN98 // workaround broken code if IS_WIN98 not defined #define IS_WIN98 #endif // The wordsize popup is the 15th entry in the Opt menu -- COUNTING SEPARATORS // Index = (entry number - 1) -- if the Opt menu is modified, then update this value // -- or else the popup checkmarks won't work #define WS_POPUP_IDX 14 void DockResize (int j, Bit32u x); // need some function prototypes void SetHorzLimits(void); void ParseIDText(const char *x); void ShowData(); void UpdateStatus(); void doUpdate(); void RefreshDataWin(); void OnBreak(); void ParseBkpt(); void SetBreak(int i); void ChangeReg(); int HotKey (int ww, int Alt, int Shift, int Control); void ActivateMenuItem (int LW); void SetMemLine (int L); void MakeBL(HTREEITEM *h_P, bx_param_c *p); static unsigned LstTop = 0; static Bit32u CurTimeStamp = 0; // last mousedown time // Handles to Windows and global stuff HWND hY = NULL; // complete parent window HWND hL[3]; // 0=registers, 1=Asm, 2=MemDump HWND hE_I; // command input window HWND hS_S; // "status" window at bottom HWND hE_O; // debugger text output HWND hT; // param_tree window HWND hBTN[5]; // button row HWND hCPUt[BX_MAX_SMP_THREADS_SUPPORTED]; // "tabs" for the individual CPUs HFONT CustomFont[4]; HFONT DefFont; LOGFONT mylf; HMENU hOptMenu; // "Options" popup menu (needed to set check marks) HMENU hViewMenu; // "View" popup menu (needed to gray entries) HMENU hCmdMenu; // "Command" popup menu (needed to gray entries) // one "defualtProc" for each edit window (Input and Output) WNDPROC wEdit[2]; WNDPROC wBtn; // all the buttons have the same Proc WNDPROC wTreeView; WNDPROC wListView; // all the lists use the same Proc //HANDLE hTCevent[BX_MAX_SMP_THREADS_SUPPORTED]; // Start/Sleep Control for cpu_loop threads // window resizing/docking variables unsigned CurXSize = 0; // last known size of main client window unsigned CurYSize = 0; HCURSOR hCursResize; HCURSOR hCursDock; HCURSOR hCursArrow; int SelectedEntry; // keeps track of "clicks" on list entries // base window "styles" for the 3 listviews. long LVStyle[3] = { LVS_REPORT | WS_CHILD, LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_REPORT | WS_CHILD, LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_REPORT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE }; TVINSERTSTRUCT tvis; // tree-view generic item Bit32u SelectedBID; #define BTN_BASE 1024 #define MULTICPU_BTN_BASE 1030 bx_bool UpdInProgress[3]; // flag -- list update incomplete (not OK to paint) INT_PTR CALLBACK A_DP(HWND hh,UINT mm,WPARAM ww,LPARAM ll) { switch(mm) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetWindowText(hh,ask_str.title); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hh,101),ask_str.prompt); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hh,102),ask_str.reply); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(ww) == IDOK) { GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hh,102),ask_str.reply,100); EndDialog(hh,IDOK); return 0; } if (LOWORD(ww) == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(hh,IDCANCEL); return 0; } } return 0; } bx_bool ShowAskDialog() { bx_bool ret = FALSE; // The dialog box needs a caret, and will destroy the one in hE_I. // So destroy it myself, cleanly, and let it be recreated cleanly. CallWindowProc(*wEdit, hE_I,WM_KILLFOCUS,(WPARAM) 0,0); if (DialogBoxParam(GetModuleHandle(0),"DIALOG_AT",hY,A_DP,(LPARAM) 0) == IDOK) ret = TRUE; // recreate the caret in the Input window -- KILL and SET focus only work in pairs! CallWindowProc(*wEdit, hE_I,WM_SETFOCUS,(WPARAM) 0,0); return ret; } // Subclass the edit controls LRESULT CALLBACK ThisEditProc(HWND hh, UINT mm, WPARAM ww, LPARAM ll) { int i = 0; if (hh == hE_O) i = 1; // easy way to detect which edit window switch (mm) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // turn off any sizing operation if the cursor strays off the listviews Sizing = 0; // also turn off any half-completed mouseclicks xClick = -1; break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: case WM_SETFOCUS: // force the Input window to always have the caret return 0; // SETFOCUS/KILLFOCUS commands should be sent directly to the hE_I defProc case WM_CHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: // throw away all Enter keys (bell problems) if (ww == VK_RETURN) return 0; // force all typed input to the Input window (wEdit[0] = Input) CallWindowProc(*wEdit, hE_I, mm, ww, ll); return 0; case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: // simply let parent know about all keydowns in these edit boxes SendMessage(GetParent(hh),mm,ww,ll); // the following keys cause annoying "bells" if sent on to the Original proc // -- so throw them away (return 0) if (ww == VK_RETURN || ww == VK_DOWN || ww == VK_UP) return 0; } return (CallWindowProc(wEdit[i], hh, mm, ww, ll)); } // Subclass all the button controls together LRESULT CALLBACK BtnProc(HWND hh, UINT mm, WPARAM ww, LPARAM ll) { switch (mm) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // turn off any sizing operation if the cursor strays off the listviews Sizing = 0; // also turn off any half-completed mouseclicks xClick = -1; break; case WM_CHAR: // throw away any Enter keys (potential bell problems?) if (ww == VK_RETURN) return 0; // force any typed input to the Input window CallWindowProc((WNDPROC) *wEdit, hE_I, mm, ww, ll); return 0; case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: // pass to parent any keys SendMessage(GetParent(hh),mm,ww,ll); if (ww == ' ') // space chars cause buttons to activate return 0; } return (CallWindowProc(wBtn, hh, mm, ww, ll)); } // the subclassed tree-view uses the same handler that the listview does // subclass all the listviews at once // Note: the Sizing varaible keeps track of whether the program is in resize or dock mode, and // which windows are involved. It's complicated. If you don't like how I use the variable, tough. LRESULT CALLBACK LVProc(HWND hh, UINT mm, WPARAM ww, LPARAM ll) { int i; POINT pt; pt.y = HIWORD(ll); pt.x = LOWORD(ll); // get coordinates of the mouse (assume a mouse message) // some compilers generate buggy code if this 'if' is put inside the switch! if (mm == WM_PAINT) { i = 2; if (hh == hL[ASM_WND]) i=1; else if (hh == hL[REG_WND]) i=0; if (UpdInProgress[i] != FALSE) // if list is not complete, don't paint it { PAINTSTRUCT ps; BeginPaint (hh, &ps); EndPaint (hh, &ps); return 0; } } switch (mm) { case WM_CHAR: // throw away all Enter keys (or use them for something) if (ww != VK_RETURN && *wEdit != NULL) // force all typed input to the Input window CallWindowProc(*wEdit, hE_I, mm, ww, ll); return 0; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // need to play with the cursor during resize/dock operations // mouse position is in listview client's coordinates if (xClick >= 0) // saw a lbutton mousedown recently? (pre-dock mode) { // cancel an impending "click" and go to dock (drag) mode if mouse is moving too much i= (OneCharWide >> 1); if (pt.x > xClick + i || pt.x < xClick - i) xClick = -1; else if (pt.y > yClick + i || pt.y < yClick - i) xClick = -1; // go into dock mode (without canceling the click) on a .5s time delay i = CurTimeStamp + 500; if (xClick < 0 || GetMessageTime() > i) // Start a "dock" operation? Sizing = SizeList; // Sizing tells which ListView is being moved // if "drag" did not turn off, then I will get only one mousemove, with VK_LBUTTON showing UP i = GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON); if (i >= 0 && Sizing != 0) // this could be EITHER a dock or resize { int j = 2; if (hh == hL[REG_WND]) j = 0; // j = ListView destination index else if (hh == hL[ASM_WND]) j = 1; ClientToScreen(hh,&pt); ScreenToClient(hY,&pt); // convert to parent's coordinates DockResize (j, (Bit32u)pt.x); Sizing = 0; } } if (Sizing != 0) { ClientToScreen(hh,&pt); ScreenToClient(hY,&pt); // convert to parent's coordinates i = GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON); // verify horizontal limits of the current resize or dock operation if (pt.x > Resize_HiX || pt.x < Resize_LoX) Sizing = 0; else if (i >= 0 && Sizing > 0) { int j = DUMP_WND; if (hh == hL[REG_WND]) j = REG_WND; // j = ListView destination index else if (hh == hL[ASM_WND]) j = ASM_WND; DockResize (j, (Bit32u)pt.x); Sizing = 0; } else if (Sizing > 5) SetCursor(hCursDock); else SetCursor(hCursResize); } break; case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: // more cursor games ScreenToClient(hY,&pt); // convert to parent's coordinates if (Sizing == 0) { if (ww == HTBORDER) // mouse is hovering over a resize bar or border { if (pt.x < BarClix[0] + 10) // is it the left or right bar? { Sizing = -2; Resize_LoX = BarClix[0] - OneCharWide; // set horizontal limits Resize_HiX = BarClix[0] + OneCharWide; } else if (pt.x > BarClix[1] - 10) { Sizing = -1; Resize_LoX = BarClix[1] - OneCharWide; // set horizontal limits Resize_HiX = BarClix[1] + OneCharWide; } } } else if (Sizing >= 10) // continuing docking operation? SetCursor(hCursDock); else { // verify horizontal limits of the current resize operation if (pt.x > Resize_HiX || pt.x < Resize_LoX) Sizing = 0; else SetCursor(hCursResize); } break; case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: // NC messages are in Screen coordinates ScreenToClient(hY,&pt); // convert to parent's coordinates if (Sizing < 0) // doing a presize? -- enter full resize mode { SetHorzLimits(); SetCursor(hCursResize); return 0; // important to eat the mousedown (for scrollbars) } break; case WM_NCLBUTTONUP: i = Sizing; Sizing = 0; // a mouseup on a border can't be interpreted -- cancel everything xClick = -1; if (i > 0) return 0; // eat the mouseup if a sizing op is ending (for scrollbars) case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (Sizing < 0) // doing a presize? { SetHorzLimits(); SetCursor(hCursResize); } else // set "pre-dock" mode { if (hh == hL[REG_WND]) SizeList = 10; // remember which list to dock else if (hh == hL[ASM_WND]) SizeList = 11; else SizeList = 12; Resize_LoX = OneCharWide << 2; // set horizontal limits i = ListWidthPix[0] + ListWidthPix[1] + ListWidthPix[2]; Resize_HiX = i - (OneCharWide << 2); CurTimeStamp = GetMessageTime(); xClick = pt.x; yClick = pt.y; } // prevent default drag operations by returning 0 // unfortunately, this also prevents clicks from happening automatically return 0; case WM_LBUTTONUP: // the mouseup COMPLETES a "click" or drag if (Sizing > 0) { int j = DUMP_WND; if (hh == hL[REG_WND]) j = REG_WND; // j = ListView destination index else if (hh == hL[ASM_WND]) j = ASM_WND; GetCursorPos(&pt); // Screen coordinates ScreenToClient(hY,&pt); // convert to parent's coordinates DockResize (j, (Bit32u) pt.x); Sizing = 0; } else if (xClick >= 0) { // verify the mouseup was within a tight circle of the mousedown i= (OneCharWide >> 1) +1; if (pt.x < xClick + i && pt.x > xClick - i && pt.y < yClick + i && pt.y > yClick - i) { LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED; lvi.state = 0; // emulate a regular click, for Trees or Lists if (hh == hT) { TV_HITTESTINFO TreeHT; TreeHT.pt.x = pt.x; // find out which tree button got clicked TreeHT.pt.y = pt.y; HTREEITEM hTreeEnt; hTreeEnt = (HTREEITEM) CallWindowProc(wTreeView,hT,TVM_HITTEST,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &TreeHT); // then simulate a click on that button if (hTreeEnt != NULL) // make sure the click is actually on an entry CallWindowProc(wTreeView,hT,TVM_EXPAND,(WPARAM) TVE_TOGGLE,(LPARAM) hTreeEnt); xClick = -1; Sizing = 0; return 0; // eat all the Tree mouseups } i = REG_WND; // deal with List Focus DumpHasFocus = FALSE; if (hh == hL[ASM_WND]) i = ASM_WND; else if (hh != hL[REG_WND]) { DumpHasFocus = TRUE; i = DUMP_WND; EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_BRKPT, MF_GRAYED); if (LinearDump == FALSE) { EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_WPTWR, MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_WPTRD, MF_ENABLED); } else { EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_WPTWR, MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_WPTRD, MF_GRAYED); } } if (DumpHasFocus == FALSE) { EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_BRKPT, MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_WPTWR, MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_WPTRD, MF_GRAYED); } if (GetFocus() != hh) { CallWindowProc(wListView, hh, WM_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0); if (i != REG_WND) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[REG_WND], WM_KILLFOCUS, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0); if (i != ASM_WND) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[ASM_WND], WM_KILLFOCUS, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0); if (i != DUMP_WND) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], WM_KILLFOCUS, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0); } LVHITTESTINFO lvht; // do a hit test to get the iItem to select lvht.pt.y = HIWORD(ll); lvht.pt.x = LOWORD(ll); // make sure to do any subitem test on the RIGHT point! SelectedEntry = CallWindowProc(wListView, hh, LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) &lvht); // SelectedEntry is a copy of the iItem number -- ignore anything <= 0 int Control = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL); // key is down if val is negative if (Control >= 0) { // if no control key, deselect anyything that's selected int j = CallWindowProc(wListView, hh, LVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM) -1, MAKELPARAM(LVNI_SELECTED, 0)); while (j >= 0) { // cancel the item's "selection" CallWindowProc(wListView, hh, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)j, (LPARAM)&lvi); // and get the next one j = CallWindowProc(wListView, hh, LVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM) -1, MAKELPARAM(LVNI_SELECTED, 0)); } } if (SelectedEntry >= 0) // then select the one that got clicked { lvi.state = LVIS_SELECTED; CallWindowProc(wListView, hh, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)SelectedEntry, (LPARAM)&lvi); if (hh == hL[DUMP_WND] && DViewMode == VIEW_MEMDUMP && LinearDump == FALSE) { // if this was a PhysDump click -- need to get the "Selected Address" SA_valid = TRUE; SelectedDataAddress = DumpStart + (SelectedEntry<<4); // Clicked a Subitem? column numbers = byte offsets + 1 if (lvht.iSubItem > 0) SelectedDataAddress += lvht.iSubItem - 1; } else if (hh == hL[DUMP_WND] && DViewMode == VIEW_BREAK) { // breakpoint or watchpoint click -- figure out WHICH breakpoint! // SelectedBID is the breakpoint ID, if a breakpoint was clicked if (SelectedEntry < WWP_BaseEntry && SelectedEntry < 256) { i = 0; if (SelectedEntry > EndPhyEntry) i = 0x10000; // bit flag for Virtual Brk else if (SelectedEntry > EndLinEntry) i = 0x20000; // bit flag for Phy Brkpt SelectedBID = BrkpIDMap[SelectedEntry] | i; } else if (SelectedEntry >= WWP_BaseEntry && SelectedEntry < WWP_BaseEntry + WWPSnapCount) { // if a watchpoint was clicked, get its index (0 to 15) // and save the address for later verification i = SelectedEntry - WWP_BaseEntry; SelectedBID = 0x40000 | i; } else if (SelectedEntry >= RWP_BaseEntry && SelectedEntry < RWP_BaseEntry + RWPSnapCount) { i = SelectedEntry - RWP_BaseEntry; SelectedBID = 0x80000 | i; } } } } } xClick = -1; // all drags/clicks have been processed, so reset Sizing = 0; return 0; // eat all the mouseups } // end the switch if (hh == hT) // if this is a param_tree message, use the proper windowProc return (CallWindowProc(wTreeView, hh, mm, ww, ll)); else return (CallWindowProc(wListView, hh, mm, ww, ll)); } bx_bool SpListView() // Superclasses a ListView control { WNDCLASS wClass; GetClassInfo(GetModuleHandle(0), WC_LISTVIEW, &wClass); wListView = wClass.lpfnWndProc; wClass.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); wClass.lpszClassName = "sLV"; wClass.lpfnWndProc = LVProc; if (RegisterClass(&wClass) == 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } bx_bool SpBtn() // Superclasses a button control { WNDCLASS wClass; GetClassInfo(GetModuleHandle(0), "button", &wClass); wBtn = wClass.lpfnWndProc; wClass.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); wClass.lpszClassName = "sBtn"; wClass.lpfnWndProc = BtnProc; if (RegisterClass(&wClass) == 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // set all TRUE flags to checked in the Options menu, gray out unsupported features void SpecialInit() { int i = 8; doSimuInit = FALSE; EnableMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_EREG, MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_WPTWR, MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem (hCmdMenu, CMD_WPTRD, MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_XCEPT, MF_GRAYED); // 32bit registers are always displayed until longmode is active while (--i >= 0) { if (SeeReg[i] != FALSE) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, i + CMD_EREG, MF_CHECKED); } if (SingleCPU != FALSE) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_ONECPU, MF_CHECKED); if (BX_SMP_PROCESSORS == 1) EnableMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_ONECPU, MF_GRAYED); if (ShowButtons != FALSE) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_SBTN, MF_CHECKED); if (UprCase != 0) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_UCASE, MF_CHECKED); if (isLittleEndian != FALSE) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_LEND, MF_CHECKED); if (ignSSDisasm != FALSE) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_IGNSA, MF_CHECKED); if (ignoreNxtT != FALSE) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_IGNNT, MF_CHECKED); if (SeeRegColors != FALSE) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_RCLR, MF_CHECKED); if (DumpInAsciiMode == 0) // prevent an illegal value DumpInAsciiMode = 3; if ((DumpInAsciiMode & 2) != 0) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_MHEX, MF_CHECKED); else // one or the other MemDump mode must always be left on! (unchangeable) EnableMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_MASCII, MF_GRAYED); if ((DumpInAsciiMode & 1) != 0) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_MASCII, MF_CHECKED); else EnableMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_MHEX, MF_GRAYED); if (ShowIOWindows != FALSE) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_IOWIN, MF_CHECKED); HMENU wsMenu = GetSubMenu (hOptMenu, WS_POPUP_IDX); CheckMenuItem (wsMenu, CMD_WS_1, MF_CHECKED); EnableMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_TREG, MF_GRAYED); // not currently supported by bochs EnableMenuItem (hViewMenu, CMD_PAGEV, MF_GRAYED); #if BX_SUPPORT_FPU == 0 EnableMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_FPUR, MF_GRAYED); #endif if (! CpuSupportSSE) EnableMenuItem (hOptMenu, CMD_XMMR, MF_GRAYED); } // append a whole row of text into a ListView, all at once // Note: LineCount should start at 0 void InsertListRow(char *ColumnText[], int ColumnCount, int listnum, int LineCount, int grouping) { LV_ITEM lvi = {LVIF_TEXT,LineCount,0,0,0,(LPSTR) *ColumnText,80,0,0}; //#ifndef IS_WIN98 // lvi.iGroupId = grouping; //#endif // insert data for the first column CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[listnum],LVM_INSERTITEM,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvi); // loop over, and insert data for all additional columns lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; int i = 0; while (++i < ColumnCount) { lvi.iSubItem = i; lvi.pszText = ColumnText[i]; CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[listnum],LVM_SETITEMTEXT,(WPARAM) LineCount,(LPARAM) &lvi); } } void SetSizeIOS(int WinSizeX, int WinSizeY) { int i, j; TEXTMETRIC tm; // calculate the height/width of typical "glyphs" in the font HDC hdc = GetDC (hS_S); GetTextMetrics (hdc, &tm); ReleaseDC (hS_S, hdc); OneCharWide = tm.tmAveCharWidth; j= tm.tmAveCharWidth * 72; // status bar contains about 72 char positions (without eflags) if (j > WinSizeX/2) // leave half the status bar for the eflags j = WinSizeX/2; i = j*5 / 12; // predefined proportions of Status "subwindows" = 2:5:5 int modepos = j/6; int ptimepos = modepos + i; int eflpos = ptimepos + i; int p[4] = {modepos,ptimepos,eflpos,-1}; // then set the dimensions of the I, O, and S child windows j = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading; // input window is the height of a char i = j >> 1; int sY = j + i; // status window and buttons are 50% taller LstTop = 0; if (ShowButtons != FALSE) { // position the 5 command buttons LstTop = sY; i = WinSizeX / 5; SetWindowPos(hBTN[0],0,0,0,i,LstTop,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowPos(hBTN[1],0,i,0,i,LstTop,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowPos(hBTN[2],0,i*2,0,i,LstTop,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowPos(hBTN[3],0,i*3,0,i,LstTop,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowPos(hBTN[4],0,i*4,0,WinSizeX - 4*i,LstTop,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } else { ShowWindow(hBTN[0],SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hBTN[1],SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hBTN[2],SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hBTN[3],SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hBTN[4],SW_HIDE); } if (TotCPUs > 1) { // MultiCPU simulation -- need CPU button row, too. int HorPos = 0; unsigned int CPUn = 0; i = WinSizeX / TotCPUs; while (CPUn < TotCPUs - 1) { SetWindowPos(hCPUt[CPUn],0,HorPos,LstTop,i,sY,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); ++CPUn; HorPos += i; } // use up any extra pixels on the last button SetWindowPos(hCPUt[CPUn],0,HorPos,LstTop,WinSizeX-HorPos,sY,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); LstTop += sY; } else if (BX_SMP_PROCESSORS > 1) // only showing CPU0 on a SMP simulation { i = BX_SMP_PROCESSORS; // so hide all the other CPU buttons while (--i >= 0) ShowWindow(hCPUt[i],SW_HIDE); } // The status win may not use all of its space: overlap lists or Input by STATUS_WIN_OVERLAP pixels i = WinSizeY - sY - j; if (ShowIOWindows == FALSE) { // caret functions will be ignored if sent multiple times (which is what is desired) CallWindowProc(*wEdit, hE_I,WM_KILLFOCUS,(WPARAM) 0,0); // destroy Input caret ShowWindow(hE_I,SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hE_O,SW_HIDE); ListVerticalPix = WinSizeY - sY - LstTop + STATUS_WIN_OVERLAP; } else { CallWindowProc(*wEdit, hE_I,WM_SETFOCUS,(WPARAM) 0,0); // create Input caret ListVerticalPix = (WinSizeY * 3) >> 2; // 3/4 height SetWindowPos(hE_I,0,2,i + STATUS_WIN_OVERLAP,WinSizeX,j,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowPos(hE_O,0,0,ListVerticalPix + LstTop,WinSizeX, i - ListVerticalPix - LstTop + (STATUS_WIN_OVERLAP/2),SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } SetWindowPos(hS_S,0,0,WinSizeY - sY,WinSizeX,sY,SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SendMessage(hS_S,SB_SETPARTS,4,(LPARAM)p); } void MoveLists() { int i, j, k; unsigned int StrtCol[3] = {0,0,0}; // use DockOrder to figure out the start columns of each list // starting column of 2nd list = width of first list i = ListWidthPix[(DockOrder >> 8) -1]; j = ((DockOrder>>4)& 3) -1; // index of 2nd list StrtCol[j] = i; BarClix[0] = i; k = i + ListWidthPix[j]; // width of first + second StrtCol[(DockOrder & 3) -1] = k; BarClix[1] = k; // the center listview must be the only one with a border if (CurCenterList != j) { // remove the border on the previous center list, and put it on the new one SetWindowLong ( hL[CurCenterList], GWL_STYLE, LVStyle[CurCenterList]); SetWindowLong ( hL[j], GWL_STYLE, LVStyle[j] | WS_BORDER ); CurCenterList = j; // the tree window should have the same border as the data window -- // but unfortunately, SetWindowLong does not work properly on a treeview! // if (j == 2) // k=SetWindowLong ( hT, GWL_STYLE, TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP | TVS_HASLINES | TVS_HASBUTTONS | WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER ); // else // k=SetWindowLong ( hT, GWL_STYLE, TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP | TVS_HASLINES | TVS_HASBUTTONS | WS_CHILD ); } // On at least some versions of Win, you cannot mess with the positions // of subclassed ListView controls that still HAVE DATA IN THEM. // Therefore, delete all ListView data -- // then refresh the 3 main ListView windows afterward CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) 0); CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[ASM_WND],LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) 0); CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[REG_WND],LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) 0); SetWindowPos(hL[REG_WND],0,StrtCol[0],LstTop,ListWidthPix[0],ListVerticalPix,SWP_HIDEWINDOW); SetWindowPos(hL[ASM_WND],0,StrtCol[1],LstTop,ListWidthPix[1],ListVerticalPix,SWP_HIDEWINDOW); SetWindowPos(hL[DUMP_WND],0,StrtCol[2],LstTop,ListWidthPix[2],ListVerticalPix,SWP_HIDEWINDOW); // tree window = same size/position as dump window SetWindowPos(hT,0,StrtCol[2],LstTop,ListWidthPix[2],ListVerticalPix,SWP_HIDEWINDOW); // size the last column of each list = total width of that list CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[REG_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 2, ListWidthPix[0]); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[ASM_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 2, ListWidthPix[1]); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 17, ListWidthPix[2]); BottomAsmLA = ~0; // force an ASM autoload next time, to resize it doDumpRefresh = TRUE; // force a data window refresh on a break if (AtBreak != FALSE) // can't refresh the windows until a break! { doUpdate(); // refresh the ASM and Register windows RefreshDataWin(); // and whichever data window is up } } // redraw/recalculate everything if the vertical window sizes are invalid void VSizeChange() { RECT rc; GetClientRect(hY,&rc); SetSizeIOS((int)rc.right,(int)rc.bottom); // window sizes are font-dependent MoveLists(); } // kludgy function to remove column header/autosizing from Fill routines void RedrawColumns(int listnum) { static bx_bool DumpCResize = FALSE; // flag to force column resize/autosize static int PrevDV = -1; // type of previous Dump window that was displayed // ResizeColmns says whether font or 64bit mode has changed, // but the Dump windows need to "remember" seeing the flag if (ResizeColmns != FALSE) DumpCResize = TRUE; if (listnum == REG_WND) { if (ResizeColmns != FALSE) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[REG_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); } else if (listnum == ASM_WND) { // recalculate # of list items per page for all list windows AsmPgSize = CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[ASM_WND],LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) 0); if (AsmPgSize != 0) ListLineRatio = ListVerticalPix / AsmPgSize; CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[ASM_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); } else { char tmpc[32]; int i = 17; // MemDump resizes/uses ALL columns -- there ARE no unused ones if (DViewMode != VIEW_MEMDUMP && PrevDV != DViewMode) { // force the widths of unused columns to 0, by squishing ALL the columns to 0 width while (--i > 0) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, i, 0); } LV_COLUMN lvgc = {LVCF_TEXT,0,0,tmpc}; switch (DViewMode) { case VIEW_MEMDUMP: if (DumpInitted == FALSE) { CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) 0); strcpy (tmpc,"Address"); // "generic" header for col 0 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvgc); while (--i >= 0) // (i always equals 17) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, i, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); } else { if (DumpCResize != FALSE || PrevDV != DViewMode) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); if (PrevDAD != DumpAlign || PrevDV != DViewMode) { PrevDAD = DumpAlign; for(i = 1 ; i < 17 ; i++) { // if dumping ONLY in ascii, 0 out ALL the other columns if (((i - 1) & (DumpAlign - 1)) == 0 && (DumpInAsciiMode & 2) != 0) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, i, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); else // force the width of unused columns to 0 CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, i, 0); } } } break; case VIEW_GDT: // 2 of the GDT columns are too narrow with a regular Autosize if (PrevDV == DViewMode && DumpCResize == FALSE) return; strcpy (tmpc,"Index"); // header for col 0 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"Base Address"); // header for col 1 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 1,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"Size"); // header for col 2 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 2,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"DPL"); // header for col 3 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 3,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"Info"); // header for col 4 (17) CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 17,(LPARAM) &lvgc); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 3, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 2, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); break; case VIEW_IDT: if (PrevDV == DViewMode && DumpCResize == FALSE) return; strcpy (tmpc,"Interrupt"); // header for col 0 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"L.Address"); // header for col 1 (17) CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 17,(LPARAM) &lvgc); // redo col0 to handle the wide header CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); break; case VIEW_PAGING: if (PrevDV == DViewMode && DumpCResize == FALSE) return; strcpy (tmpc,"L.Address"); // header for col 0 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"is mapped to P.Address"); // header for col 1 (17) CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 17,(LPARAM) &lvgc); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); break; case VIEW_STACK: CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); if (PrevDV == DViewMode && DumpCResize == FALSE) return; strcpy (tmpc,"L.Address"); // header for col 0 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"Value"); // header for col 1 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 1,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"(dec.)"); // header for col 2 (17) CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 17,(LPARAM) &lvgc); break; case VIEW_BREAK: if (PrevDV == DViewMode && DumpCResize == FALSE) return; strcpy (tmpc,"Address"); // header for col 0 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"Enabled"); // header for col 1 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 1,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpc,"ID"); // header for col 2 (17) CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 17,(LPARAM) &lvgc); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); } DumpCResize = FALSE; PrevDV = DViewMode; } } // hide/clear param_tree window when showing a different MemDump window (GDT, IDT, etc.) void HideTree() { ShowWindow(hT,SW_HIDE); CallWindowProc(wTreeView,hT,TVM_DELETEITEM,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) TVI_ROOT); } void ShowFW() { FWflag = TRUE; MessageBox(hY,"With more than 1000 lines in the ASM window, be careful not to minimize the app.\r\nIt will be very slow to reopen.", "Friendly warning:",MB_ICONINFORMATION); } void Invalidate(int i) { InvalidateRect(hL[i],0,TRUE); } void SetStatusText(int column, const char *buf) { SendMessage(hS_S,SB_SETTEXT, column,(LPARAM) buf); } void GetLIText(int listnum, int itemnum, int column, char *buf) { LV_ITEM lvi = {LVIF_TEXT,itemnum,column,0,0,(LPSTR) buf,100,0,0}; CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[listnum], LVM_GETITEMTEXT,(WPARAM) itemnum,(LPARAM) &lvi); } void TakeInputFocus() { SetFocus(hY); // get the focus back from the VGA window } void GetInputEntry(char *buf) { GetWindowText(hE_I,buf,200); } void SetLIState(int listnum, int itemnum, bx_bool Select) { // assume selected LV_ITEM lvi = {LVIF_STATE,itemnum,2,LVIS_SELECTED,LVIS_SELECTED,(LPSTR) 0,0,0,0}; if (Select == FALSE) lvi.state = 0; CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[listnum],LVM_SETITEMSTATE,(WPARAM) itemnum,(LPARAM) &lvi); } int GetNextSelectedLI(int listnum, int StartPt) { int L = (int) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[listnum], LVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM) StartPt, MAKELPARAM(LVNI_SELECTED, 0)); return L; } int GetASMTopIdx() { int i = (int) CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[ASM_WND],LVM_GETTOPINDEX,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) 0); return i; } void ScrollASM(int pixels) { CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[ASM_WND],LVM_SCROLL,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) pixels); } void ToggleWSchecks(int newWS, int oldWS) { // the wordsize popup is the WS_POPUP_IDXth entry in the Opt menu -- COUNTING SEPARATORS HMENU wsMenu = GetSubMenu (hOptMenu, WS_POPUP_IDX); CheckMenuItem (wsMenu, oldWS, MF_UNCHECKED | MF_BYPOSITION); CheckMenuItem (wsMenu, newWS, MF_CHECKED | MF_BYPOSITION); } void MakeListsGray() { COLORREF c = RGB(255,255,255); if (AtBreak == FALSE) { SetStatusText(0, "Running"); c = RGB(210,210,210); // emulation running -> gui inactive } else SetStatusText(0, "Break"); // this sets the background color OUTSIDE the area of the list, for A, D, R CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETBKCOLOR,0,c); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[ASM_WND],LVM_SETBKCOLOR,0,c); CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[REG_WND],LVM_SETBKCOLOR,0,c); InvalidateRect(hL[REG_WND],0,TRUE); // Invalidate all 3 of the ListViews -- InvalidateRect(hL[ASM_WND],0,TRUE); // to force a redraw with the new background InvalidateRect(hL[DUMP_WND],0,TRUE); } // the following routine needs to replace the entire window's text, // and then scroll the window to the end of the text void SetOutWinTxt() { SetWindowText(hE_O,OutWindow); // replace all text with modified buffer // SendMessage(hE_O,EM_SETSEL,0,-1); // invisibly selects all, sets caret to end CallWindowProc(wEdit[1], hE_O,EM_SETSEL,OutWinSIZE,OutWinSIZE+1); // sets caret to end only CallWindowProc(wEdit[1], hE_O,EM_SCROLLCARET,0,0); // scrolls window vertically to caret // Note: the caret is never actually visible in the Output window } // as it stands, the caret is placed at the beginning of each selected history line, // but the exact functionality is not important -- just do what is easy void SelectHistory(int UpDown) { // the History buffer is circular, so wrap 64 to 0, and -1 to 63 CommandHistoryIdx = (CommandHistoryIdx + UpDown) & 63; SetWindowText(hE_I,CmdHistory[(CmdHInsert + CommandHistoryIdx) & 63]); CallWindowProc(*wEdit, hE_I, EM_SETSEL,(WPARAM) -1,(LPARAM) -1); } void ClearInputWindow() { SetWindowText(hE_I,""); } void SetMenuCheckmark (int flag, int CmdIndex) { // only the OptMenu has checkmarks, so don't need to "calculate" the hMenu if (flag != 0) CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CmdIndex, MF_CHECKED); else CheckMenuItem (hOptMenu, CmdIndex, MF_UNCHECKED); } // do a quickie job of converting a menu Command Index into its "parent" menu handle // -- this doesn't handle the Help menu (nothing there should ever need to be grayed or checked) HMENU MenuFromIdx (int CmdIndex) { if (CmdIndex < MI_FIRST_VIEWITEM) return hCmdMenu; if (CmdIndex < MI_FIRST_OPTITEM) return hViewMenu; // if (CmdIndex >= CMD_WS_1 && CmdIndex <= CMD_WS16) HIHI currently the submenu DOES NOT HAVE a global HMENU // return h???Menu; return hOptMenu; } // pass in FALSE or 0 to gray out a menu item void GrayMenuItem (int flag, int CmdIndex) { HMENU hm = MenuFromIdx (CmdIndex); if (flag != 0) EnableMenuItem (hm, CmdIndex, MF_ENABLED); else EnableMenuItem (hm, CmdIndex, MF_GRAYED); } // kludgy thing to remove OS-dependent code from the front of Fill routines void StartListUpdate(int listnum) { // ShowWindow(hL[listnum],SW_HIDE); // Hiding the windows causes way too much flicker UpdInProgress[listnum] = TRUE; CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[listnum],LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) 0); // then set a flag that list[listnum] is being updated -- prevent paint messages, cpu_loop calls, duplicate calls } void EndListUpdate(int listnum) { UpdInProgress[listnum] = FALSE; // It's OK to paint the listview now Invalidate(listnum); // -- but the window needs one last paint message ShowWindow(hL[listnum],SW_SHOW); } void DispMessage(const char *msg, const char *title) { MessageBox (hY, msg, title, MB_OK); } // exit GDT/IDT/Paging/Stack/Tree -- back to the MemDump window void ShowMemData(bx_bool initting) { int i = 1; if (LinearDump == FALSE) i = 0; LV_COLUMN lvgc = {LVCF_TEXT,0,0,(LPSTR)DC0txt[i]}; if (initting != FALSE) { GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTWR); GrayMenuItem (0, CMD_WPTRD); // update column 0 to say whether its physmem or linear CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvgc); } lvgc.pszText = tmpcb; HideTree(); ShowWindow(hL[DUMP_WND],SW_SHOW); DViewMode = VIEW_MEMDUMP; // returning to MemDump mode // need to fix the MemDump column "names" strcpy (tmpcb,"0"); // rebuild header for col 1 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 1,(LPARAM) &lvgc); // headers for cols 1 to 3, are just numbers 0 to 2 *tmpcb = '1'; CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 2,(LPARAM) &lvgc); *tmpcb = '2'; CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 3,(LPARAM) &lvgc); strcpy (tmpcb,"Ascii"); // rebuild header for col 17 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 17,(LPARAM) &lvgc); if (DumpInitted == FALSE) RedrawColumns(DUMP_WND); else { strcpy (tmpcb,DC0txt[i]); // "real" header for col 0 CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],LVM_SETCOLUMN,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &lvgc); PrevDAD = 0; // force a column resize HIHI getting rid of this line? if (AtBreak == FALSE) doDumpRefresh = TRUE; else ShowData(); // repopulates & resizes all columns } } // create the top layer of a parameter tree TreeView void FillPTree() { HTREEITEM h_PTroot; extern bx_list_c *root_param; // Note: don't multithread this display -- the user expects it to complete doDumpRefresh = FALSE; ShowWindow(hL[DUMP_WND],SW_HIDE); TreeView_DeleteAllItems(hT); // Note: all tree strings are hardcoded to be in tmpcb -- don't change! strcpy (tmpcb, "bochs parameter tree"); tvis.hParent = NULL; // create the root node tvis.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN | TVIF_STATE; tvis.hInsertAfter = (HTREEITEM)TVI_FIRST; tvis.item.pszText = tmpcb; tvis.item.cchTextMax = 250; tvis.item.cChildren = 1; tvis.item.state = TVIS_EXPANDED; // it must be expanded to show the first layer tvis.item.stateMask = TVIS_EXPANDED; h_PTroot = TreeView_InsertItem(hT,&tvis); tvis.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN; // don't expand any other layers int i = root_param->get_size(); while (--i >= 0) MakeBL(&h_PTroot, root_param->get(i)); ShowWindow(hT,SW_SHOW); } void MakeTreeChild (HTREEITEM *h_P, int ChildCount, HTREEITEM *h_TC) { tvis.item.cChildren = 0; if (ChildCount > 0) tvis.item.cChildren = 1; tvis.hParent = *h_P; // create leaves/recurse branches *h_TC = (HTREEITEM) CallWindowProc(wTreeView,hT,TVM_INSERTITEM,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) &tvis); } bx_bool NewFont() { LOGFONT lf; if (AtBreak == FALSE) return FALSE; GetObject(DefFont,sizeof(lf),&lf); CHOOSEFONT cF = {0}; cF.lStructSize = sizeof(cF); cF.hwndOwner = hY; cF.lpLogFont = &lf; cF.Flags = CF_SCREENFONTS | CF_EFFECTS | CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT; if (ChooseFont(&cF) == FALSE) return FALSE; ShowWindow(hL[REG_WND],SW_HIDE); // font is changed before MoveLists is called ShowWindow(hL[ASM_WND],SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hL[DUMP_WND],SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hS_S,SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hE_I,SW_HIDE); if (*CustomFont != DefFont) // destroy all variations of the prev. font DeleteObject (*CustomFont); DeleteObject (CustomFont[1]); DeleteObject (CustomFont[2]); DeleteObject (CustomFont[3]); *CustomFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); // create a bold version of the deffont lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; CustomFont[1] = CreateFontIndirect (&lf); // create a bold + italic version of the deffont lf.lfItalic = 1; CustomFont[3] = CreateFontIndirect (&lf); // create an italic version of the deffont (turn off bold) lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; CustomFont[2] = CreateFontIndirect (&lf); CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[REG_WND],WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)*CustomFont,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[ASM_WND],WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)*CustomFont,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); CallWindowProc(wListView,hL[DUMP_WND],WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)*CustomFont,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); CallWindowProc(*wEdit,hE_I,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)*CustomFont,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); SendMessage(hS_S,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)*CustomFont,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); return TRUE; } // Main Window Proc for our Dialog LRESULT CALLBACK B_WP(HWND hh,UINT mm,WPARAM ww,LPARAM ll) { unsigned i; extern bx_bool vgaw_refresh; switch(mm) { case WM_CREATE: { HFONT hF = (HFONT)GetStockObject(OEM_FIXED_FONT); DefFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); // Register Window char* txt0[] = {"Reg Name","Hex Value","Decimal"}; LV_COLUMN lvc = {LVCF_SUBITEM | LVCF_TEXT,LVCFMT_LEFT,0,txt0[0]}; hL[REG_WND] = CreateWindowEx(0,"sLV","",LVStyle[0],0,0,100,100,hh,(HMENU)1001,GetModuleHandle(0),0); // Note; WM_CREATE only happens once, so don't bother eliminating these SendMessage macros ListView_InsertColumn(hL[REG_WND],0,&lvc); lvc.pszText = txt0[1]; ListView_InsertColumn(hL[REG_WND],1,&lvc); lvc.pszText = txt0[2]; ListView_InsertColumn(hL[REG_WND],2,&lvc); // Enable the groupID's for the register window #ifndef IS_WIN98 // GroupID's are only supported on XP or higher -- verify Win Version // the group stuff may COMPILE correctly, but still may fail at runtime Bit8u MajWinVer, MinWinVer; Bit32u PackedVer = GetVersion(); bx_bool Group_OK = TRUE; MajWinVer = (Bit8u)(PackedVer & 0xff); // Major version # is in the LOW byte MinWinVer = (Bit8u)((PackedVer>>8) & 0xff); if (MajWinVer > 5 || (MajWinVer == 5 && MinWinVer >= 1)) // is it XP or higher? { wchar_t* txt[] = {L"General Purpose",L"Segment",L"Control",L"MMX",L"SSE",L"Debug",L"Test",L"Other"}; ListView_EnableGroupView(hL[REG_WND],TRUE); for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { LVGROUP group1 = {0}; group1.cbSize = sizeof(LVGROUP); group1.mask = LVGF_HEADER | LVGF_GROUPID; group1.pszHeader = txt[i]; group1.iGroupId = i; ListView_InsertGroup(hL[REG_WND], -1, &group1); } } else Group_OK = FALSE; #endif SendMessage(hL[REG_WND], LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); // Asm Window hL[ASM_WND] = CreateWindowEx(0,"sLV","",LVStyle[1] | WS_BORDER,0,0,1,1,hh,(HMENU)1000,GetModuleHandle(0),0); CurCenterList = 1; // ASM window starts with the border char* txt3[] = {"L.Address","Bytes","Mnemonic"}; lvc.pszText = txt3[0]; ListView_InsertColumn(hL[ASM_WND],0,&lvc); lvc.pszText = txt3[1]; ListView_InsertColumn(hL[ASM_WND],1,&lvc); lvc.pszText = txt3[2]; ListView_InsertColumn(hL[ASM_WND],2,&lvc); // SendMessage(hL[ASM_WND], LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER, // LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER); // Input / Output hE_I = CreateWindowEx(0,"edit","",WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,0,0,1,1,hh,(HMENU)1004,GetModuleHandle(0),0); // without AUTOHSCROLL, output window text is always supposed to wordwrap hE_O = CreateWindowEx(0,"edit","",WS_VSCROLL | WS_BORDER | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_MULTILINE,0,0,1,1,hh,(HMENU)1003,GetModuleHandle(0),0); SendMessage(hE_I,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)DefFont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); SendMessage(hE_O,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)hF,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); // subclass both the edit windows together *wEdit = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hE_I, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)ThisEditProc); wEdit[1] = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hE_O, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)ThisEditProc); // Status hS_S = CreateWindowEx(0,STATUSCLASSNAME,"",WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,0,0,1,1,hh,(HMENU)1006,GetModuleHandle(0),0); SendMessage(hS_S,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)DefFont,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); int p[4] = {100,250,400,-1}; SendMessage(hS_S,SB_SETPARTS,4,(LPARAM)p); // Dump Window hL[DUMP_WND] = CreateWindowEx(0,"sLV","",LVStyle[2],0,0,100,100,hh,(HMENU)1002,GetModuleHandle(0),0); //SendMessage(hL[DUMP_WND],WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)DefFont,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); strcpy (bigbuf, "Address"); lvc.pszText = bigbuf; ListView_InsertColumn(hL[DUMP_WND],0,&lvc); bigbuf[1] = 0; // use bigbuf to create 1 byte "strings" for(i = 1 ; i < 17 ; i++) { if (i < 11) *bigbuf = i - 1 + '0'; else *bigbuf = i - 11 + 'A'; ListView_InsertColumn(hL[DUMP_WND],i,&lvc); } strcpy (bigbuf, "Ascii"); ListView_InsertColumn(hL[DUMP_WND],17,&lvc); // SendMessage(hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER, HIHI // LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER); #ifndef IS_WIN98 if (Group_OK) { wchar_t* txt5[] = {L"16-bit code",L"64-bit code",L"32-bit code",L"16-bit data",L"64-bit data",L"32-bit data",L"Illegal"}; ListView_EnableGroupView(hL[DUMP_WND],TRUE); LVGROUP group1 = {0}; group1.cbSize = sizeof(LVGROUP); group1.mask = LVGF_HEADER | LVGF_GROUPID; for(int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) { group1.pszHeader = txt5[i]; group1.iGroupId = i; ListView_InsertGroup(hL[DUMP_WND], -1, &group1); } } #endif hT = CreateWindowEx(0,WC_TREEVIEW,"",TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP | TVS_HASLINES | TVS_HASBUTTONS | WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER, 0,0,1,1,hh,(HMENU)1010,GetModuleHandle(0),0); //SendMessage(hT,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)DefFont,MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0)); // Use the same messagehandler for the tree window as for ListViews wTreeView = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hT, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)LVProc); // create button rows int j = BX_SMP_PROCESSORS; Bit32u WStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON; if (j > 1) { while (--j > 0) { sprintf (bigbuf, "cpu%d",j); // number all the CPU buttons hCPUt[j] = CreateWindowEx(0,"sBtn",bigbuf,WStyle,0,0,1,1,hh,(HMENU)(1030+j),GetModuleHandle(0),0); } strcpy (bigbuf, "CPU0"); // Handle CPU0 specially -- it is "selected" hCPUt[0] = CreateWindowEx(0,"sBtn",bigbuf,WStyle,0,0,1,1,hh,(HMENU)MULTICPU_BTN_BASE,GetModuleHandle(0),0); } j = 5; while (--j >= 0) hBTN[j] = CreateWindowEx(0,"sBtn",BTxt[j],WStyle,0,0,1,1,hh,(HMENU)(BTN_BASE+j),GetModuleHandle(0),0); // any other OS-specific GUI initialization goes here: // Autosize a few columns once // RegName column CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[REG_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); // "bytes" column CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[ASM_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); // and the empty MemDump columns for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, i, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); // load the extra resizing/docking cursors hCursResize = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_SIZEWE); hCursDock = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_CROSS); SetTimer(hh,2,500,NULL); // request timer ticks every half a second (to update VGAW) UpdInProgress[0] = FALSE; UpdInProgress[1] = FALSE; UpdInProgress[2] = FALSE; ResizeColmns = TRUE; // do the initial resize on hex, address columns // Input window caret is created in SetSizeIOS, when the WM_SIZE message arrives break; } case WM_SIZE: { RECT rc; int i, j, k; bx_bool unchanged = FALSE; if (hY == NULL) // sometimes WM_SIZE is called before OSInit completes! hY = hh; // Mapping mode is MM_TEXT (Def), so Yvalues increase DOWN, all values are in pixels. GetClientRect(hY,&rc); // don't "resize" on minimize, if window is too small, or "unchanged" if (CurYSize == (unsigned int)rc.bottom && CurXSize == (unsigned int)rc.right) unchanged = TRUE; if (rc.bottom > 100 && rc.right > 150 && unchanged == FALSE) { // set up the Input/Output/Status windows CurYSize = rc.bottom; CurXSize = rc.right; SetSizeIOS(CurXSize,CurYSize); // need to recalculate List widths, with the same proportions as before i = ListWidthPix[0] + ListWidthPix[1] + ListWidthPix[2]; if (i == 0) i = 1; j = (ListWidthPix[2] * CurXSize) / i; k = (ListWidthPix[1] * CurXSize) / i; ListWidthPix[0] = CurXSize - k - j; // Register list ListWidthPix[1] = k; // Asm ListWidthPix[2] = j; // MemDump MoveLists(); } break; } case WM_CHAR: { if (ww != VK_RETURN) CallWindowProc(*wEdit, hE_I, WM_CHAR, (WPARAM) ww, (LPARAM) ll); break; } case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: // ww == key + ALT { HotKey ((int)ww, -1, 0, 0); // currently, no hotkeys have both Alt and something else break; } case WM_KEYDOWN: { int Control = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL); // key is down if val is negative int Shift = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT); if (HotKey ((int)ww, 0, Shift, Control) < 0) CallWindowProc (*wEdit, hE_I, WM_KEYDOWN, (LPARAM) ww, (LPARAM) ll); return 0; } case WM_COMMAND: { int LW = LOWORD(ww); if (LW >= BTN_BASE && LW <= BTN_BASE +4) // convert button IDs to command IDs LW = BtnLkup [LW - BTN_BASE]; else if (LW >= MULTICPU_BTN_BASE && LW < MULTICPU_BTN_BASE + BX_MAX_SMP_THREADS_SUPPORTED) { unsigned int newCPU = LW - MULTICPU_BTN_BASE; if (CurrentCPU != newCPU) { // change text on CurrentCPU button to lowercase strcpy (tmpcb, "cpu0"); tmpcb[3] = CurrentCPU + '0'; SendMessage (hCPUt[CurrentCPU],WM_SETTEXT,(WPARAM) 0 ,(LPARAM) tmpcb); // change text on newCPU button to UPPERCASE strcpy (tmpcb, "CPU0"); tmpcb[3] = newCPU + '0'; SendMessage (hCPUt[newCPU],WM_SETTEXT,(WPARAM) 0 ,(LPARAM) tmpcb); CurrentCPU = newCPU; BottomAsmLA = ~0; // force an ASM autoload, to repaint if (AtBreak != FALSE) // if at a break, pretend it just happened OnBreak(); // refresh the ASM and Register windows } return 0; } if (LW >= CMD_BREAK && LW < CMD_MODEB) // Does not include "Step"s or Options { if (AtBreak == FALSE) { SIM->debug_break(); // On a menu click always break (with some exceptions) } } ActivateMenuItem (LW); // run the code to perform the selected menu task return 0; } case WM_NOTIFY: { // key down NMHDR* n = (NMHDR*)ll; if (n->code == LVN_KEYDOWN) { NMLVKEYDOWN* key = (NMLVKEYDOWN*)ll; // pass any keystrokes from listview up to parent SendMessage(hh,WM_KEYDOWN,key->wVKey,0); } if (n->code == (UINT)NM_CUSTOMDRAW && n->hwndFrom == hL[ASM_WND]) // custom drawing of ASM window { // highlight the breakpoints, and current opcode, if any NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *d = (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *) ll; if (d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT) return CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; if (d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) // select the "active" ASM line { unsigned int fgclr = 0; // normal text color is black d->clrTextBk = RGB(255,255,255); // background is white if (!AtBreak) d->clrTextBk = RGB(210,210,210); // unless sim is "running" bx_address h = (bx_address) AsmLA[d->nmcd.dwItemSpec]; if (h == CurrentAsmLA) fgclr = 1; // current opcode is colored dark green int j= BreakCount; while (--j >= 0) // loop over all breakpoints { // brk list is sorted -- if the value goes too low, end the loop // And I know for a fact that some complers are soooo stupid that they // will repeat the following test twice, unless you force them not to. bx_address i = BrkLAddr[j] - h; // if (BrkLAddr[j] < h) if (i < 0) j = 0; // force the loop to end if it goes too far // else if (BrkLAddr[j] == h) else if (i == 0) fgclr |= 2; // change color if on a breakpoint } d->clrText = AsmColors[fgclr]; if (fgclr != 0) // if this row has color, process its subitems further { SetWindowLong(hh, DWL_MSGRESULT, CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW); return CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW; } } else if (d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == (CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) && d->iSubItem == 2) { // add extra visual feedback to a "colored" ASM mnemonic cell // -- but don't try to recalculate breakpoints! Just "guess" from the color. int fontattrib = 3; if (d->clrText == AsmColors[1]) // green = current RIP = bold fontattrib = 1; else if (d->clrText == AsmColors[2]) // red = brkpt = italic fontattrib = 2; SelectObject (d->nmcd.hdc, CustomFont[fontattrib]); return CDRF_NEWFONT | CDRF_DODEFAULT; } break; } if (n->code == (UINT)NM_CUSTOMDRAW && n->hwndFrom == hL[DUMP_WND]) // custom drawing of data window { NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *d = (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *) ll; if (d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT) return CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; d->clrTextBk = RGB(255,255,255); // background is white if (!AtBreak) d->clrTextBk = RGB(210,210,210); // unless sim is "running" else if (DViewMode == VIEW_STACK && d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) { // highlight changed lines in stack int j = d->nmcd.dwItemSpec; if (j < 0 || j >= STACK_ENTRIES) // make sure the line # is legal ; else if (StackEntChg[j] != FALSE) d->clrText = RGB(255,0,0); // changed entry = red } if (DumpAlign != 1 || LinearDump != FALSE || DViewMode != VIEW_MEMDUMP) break; // highlight any physical watchpoints in physdump mode if (d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) { SetWindowLong(hh, DWL_MSGRESULT, CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW); return CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW; } if (d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == (CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT)) { d->clrText = RGB(0,0,0); // assume black text if (d->iSubItem != 0) { // For each subitem, calculate its equivalent physmem address bx_phy_address h = (bx_phy_address) DumpStart + 16*(d->nmcd.dwItemSpec) + d->iSubItem -1; int j = num_write_watchpoints; int i = num_read_watchpoints; while (j > 0) { if (write_watchpoint[--j].addr == h) { d->clrTextBk = RGB(0,0,0); // black background d->clrText = RGB(255,0,150); // write watchpoint j = -1; // on a match j<0 -- else j == 0 } } while (--i >= 0) { if (read_watchpoint[i].addr == h) { if (j < 0) // BOTH read and write d->clrText = RGB(0,170,255); else { d->clrTextBk = RGB(0,0,0); // black background d->clrText = RGB(130,255,0); // read watchpoint } i = 0; // end the loop on a match } } } } break; } if (n->code == (UINT)NM_CUSTOMDRAW && n->hwndFrom == hL[REG_WND]) // custom drawing of register window { // highlight changed registers NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *d = (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *) ll; if (d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT) return CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; if (d->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) { int i = d->nmcd.dwItemSpec; Bit8u ClrFlgs = RegColor[ RitemToRnum[i] ]; d->clrText = RGB(0,0,0); d->clrTextBk = RGB(255,255,255); // RitemToRnum converts a ListView row number to the corresponding Register number. // RegColor has the 0x80 bit set if the register is supposed to be red. // Background color index is in the low nibble of ClrFlgs/RegColor. if (SeeRegColors != FALSE) d->clrTextBk = ColorList[ClrFlgs &7]; if ((ClrFlgs & 0x80) != 0) // should this register be red? d->clrText = RGB(255,0,0); if (!AtBreak) d->clrTextBk = RGB(210,210,210); // gray out the background if "running" } break; } if (n->code == (UINT)NM_DBLCLK) { if (AtBreak == FALSE) break; if (n->hwndFrom == hL[REG_WND]) ChangeReg(); else if (n->hwndFrom == hL[ASM_WND]) // doubleclick a breakpoint on ASM window SetBreak(SelectedEntry); else if (n->hwndFrom == hL[DUMP_WND]) { if (DViewMode == VIEW_MEMDUMP) // Change values in memory locations { if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) SetWatchpoint(&num_write_watchpoints,write_watchpoint); else if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) // ALT keys SetWatchpoint(&num_read_watchpoints,read_watchpoint); else { int L = CallWindowProc(wListView, hL[DUMP_WND], LVM_GETNEXTITEM,(WPARAM) -1,MAKELPARAM(LVNI_SELECTED, 0)); if (L >= 0) SetMemLine(L); } } else if (DViewMode == VIEW_BREAK) // delete breakpoint in Break window { // HIHI I should be using SelectedEntry, instead of SelectedBID, I think // HIHI -- the BID variable is not making my life easier i = SelectedBID & 0xf; if (SelectedBID >= 0x80000) // read watchpoint { if (RWP_Snapshot[i] == read_watchpoint[i].addr) DelWatchpoint(read_watchpoint, &num_read_watchpoints, i); } else if (SelectedBID >= 0x40000) // write watchpoint { if (WWP_Snapshot[i] == write_watchpoint[i].addr) DelWatchpoint(write_watchpoint, &num_write_watchpoints, i); } else { i = SelectedBID & 0xffff; if (i != 0) // determine the breakpoint TYPE { if (SelectedBID > 0x20000) bx_dbg_del_pbreak(i); else if (SelectedBID > 0x10000) bx_dbg_del_vbreak(i); else // linear brkpt bx_dbg_del_lbreak(SelectedBID); } ParseBkpt(); InvalidateRect(hL[ASM_WND],0,TRUE); // breakpoint colors may have changed } RefreshDataWin(); } } } break; } case WM_TIMER: { if (PO_Tdelay > 0) // output window is delaying display of a partial line? { if (--PO_Tdelay == 0) // on a timeout, add a lf to complete the line ParseIDText ("\n"); } UpdateStatus(); vgaw_refresh = TRUE; // ask bochs to update its own VGA window break; } case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: { // turn off any sizing operation if the cursor strays off the listviews Sizing = 0; // also turn off any half-completed mouseclicks xClick = -1; break; } case WM_CLOSE: { bx_user_quit = 1; SIM->debug_break(); KillTimer(hh,2); if (*CustomFont != DefFont) DeleteObject (*CustomFont); DeleteObject(CustomFont[1]); DeleteObject(CustomFont[2]); DeleteObject(CustomFont[3]); DestroyWindow(hY); hY = NULL; break; } } return DefWindowProc(hh,mm,ww,ll); } void HitBreak() { // Sim is at a "break". if (AtBreak == FALSE) { AtBreak = TRUE; StatusChange = TRUE; } if (doDumpRefresh != FALSE) RefreshDataWin(); OnBreak(); } // This function must be called immediately after bochs starts bx_bool OSInit() { TEXTMETRIC tm; if (doOneTimeInit) { InitCommonControls(); // start the common control dll SpListView(); // create superclass for listviews to use when they are created SpBtn(); // same for buttons WNDCLASSEX wC = {0}; wC.cbSize = sizeof(wC); wC.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); hCursArrow = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW); wC.hCursor = hCursArrow; wC.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); wC.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_GLOBALCLASS | CS_DBLCLKS; wC.lpfnWndProc = B_WP; wC.cbWndExtra = sizeof(void*); wC.lpszClassName = "bochs_dbg_x"; wC.hIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(0),"ICON_D"); wC.hIconSm = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(0),"ICON_D"); RegisterClassEx(&wC); doOneTimeInit = FALSE; } CurXSize = 0; CurYSize = 0; HMENU hTopMenu = LoadMenu(GetModuleHandle(0),"MENU_1"); // build the menus from the resource hOptMenu = GetSubMenu (hTopMenu, 2); // need the main menu handles hViewMenu = GetSubMenu (hTopMenu, 1); hCmdMenu = GetSubMenu (hTopMenu, 0); hY = CreateWindowEx(0,"bochs_dbg_x","Bochs Enhanced Debugger", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, 0,hTopMenu,GetModuleHandle(0),0); if (hY == NULL) return FALSE; HDC hdc = GetDC (hY); *CustomFont = DefFont; // create the deffont with modded attributes (bold, italic) memset(&mylf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); GetTextFace(hdc, LF_FULLFACESIZE, mylf.lfFaceName); // (constant is max length of a fontname) GetTextMetrics (hdc, &tm); ReleaseDC (hY, hdc); mylf.lfHeight = -(tm.tmHeight); // request a TOTAL font height of tmHeight // create a bold version of the deffont mylf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; CustomFont[1] = CreateFontIndirect (&mylf); // create a bold + italic version of the deffont mylf.lfItalic = 1; CustomFont[3] = CreateFontIndirect (&mylf); // create an italic version of the deffont (turn off bold) mylf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; CustomFont[2] = CreateFontIndirect (&mylf); return TRUE; } void CloseDialog() { SendMessage(hY, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } // recurse displaying each leaf/branch of param_tree -- with values for each leaf void MakeBL(HTREEITEM *h_P, bx_param_c *p) { HTREEITEM h_new; bx_list_c *as_list = NULL; int i = 0; char tmpstr[BX_PATHNAME_LEN]; strcpy(tmpcb, p->get_name()); int j = strlen (tmpcb); switch (p->get_type()) { case BXT_PARAM_NUM: if (((bx_param_num_c*)p)->get_base() == BASE_DEC) sprintf (tmpcb + j,": " FMT_LL "d",((bx_param_num_c*)p)->get64()); else sprintf (tmpcb + j,": 0x" FMT_LL "X",((bx_param_num_c*)p)->get64()); break; case BXT_LIST: as_list = (bx_list_c *)p; i = as_list->get_size(); break; case BXT_PARAM_BOOL: sprintf (tmpcb + j,": %s",((bx_param_bool_c*)p)->get()?"true":"false"); break; case BXT_PARAM_ENUM: sprintf (tmpcb + j,": %s",((bx_param_enum_c*)p)->get_selected()); break; case BXT_PARAM_STRING: ((bx_param_string_c*)p)->sprint(tmpstr, BX_PATHNAME_LEN, 0); sprintf(tmpcb + j,": %s", tmpstr); break; case BXT_PARAM_DATA: sprintf (tmpcb + j,": binary data, size=%d",((bx_shadow_data_c*)p)->get_size()); } MakeTreeChild (h_P, i, &h_new); if (i > 0) { while (--i >= 0) MakeBL(&h_new, as_list->get(i)); // recurse for all children that are lists } } #endif