//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id$ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2001-2013 The Bochs Project // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // carbon.cc -- bochs GUI file for MacOS X with Carbon API // written by David Batterham // with contributions from Tim Senecal // port to Carbon API by Emmanuel Maillard // Carbon polishing by Jeremy Parsons (Br'fin) // slight overhaul of Carbon key event, graphics and window handling // and SIM->notify alert support by Chris Thomas // Define BX_PLUGGABLE in files that can be compiled into plugins. For // platforms that require a special tag on exported symbols, BX_PLUGGABLE // is used to know when we are exporting symbols and when we are importing. #define BX_PLUGGABLE // BOCHS INCLUDES #include "bochs.h" #include "keymap.h" #include "iodev.h" #include "param_names.h" #if BX_WITH_CARBON #include "icon_bochs.h" #include "font/vga.bitmap.h" #include "bxversion.h" // MAC OS INCLUDES #include #include // NOTE about use of Boolean versus bx_bool: // Boolean is defined as unsigned char in the Carbon headers, so when // you are talking to the Carbon API, it expects to find Boolean variables // and pointers to Booleans. The rest of Bochs uses bx_bool to represent // booleans, which are defined to be 32 bit unsigned, so member function // definitions and booleans outside this file will be bx_bools. "Boolean" // should only be used in Carbon specific code such as in this file. // CONSTANTS #define rMBarID 128 #define mApple 128 #define iAbout 1 #define mFile 129 #define iQuit 1 #define mEdit 130 #define iUndo 1 #define iCut 3 #define iCopy 4 #define iPaste 5 #define iClear 6 #define mBochs 131 #define iFloppy 1 #define iCursor 3 #define iTool 4 #define iMenuBar 5 #define iFullScreen 6 #define iConsole 7 #define iSnapshot 9 #define iReset 10 enum { RESET_TOOL_BUTTON = 5, CONFIGURE_TOOL_BUTTON, SNAPSHOT_TOOL_BUTTON, PASTE_TOOL_BUTTON, COPY_TOOL_BUTTON, USER_TOOL_BUTTON }; const MenuCommand kCommandFloppy = FOUR_CHAR_CODE ('FLPY'); const MenuCommand kCommandCursor = FOUR_CHAR_CODE ('CRSR'); const MenuCommand kCommandTool = FOUR_CHAR_CODE ('TOOL'); const MenuCommand kCommandMenuBar = FOUR_CHAR_CODE ('MENU'); const MenuCommand kCommandFullScreen = FOUR_CHAR_CODE ('SCRN'); const MenuCommand kCommandSnapshot = FOUR_CHAR_CODE ('SNAP'); const MenuCommand kCommandReset = FOUR_CHAR_CODE ('RSET'); #define SLEEP_TIME 0 // Number of ticks to surrender the processor during a WaitNextEvent() // Change this to 15 or higher if you don't want Bochs to hog the processor! int font_width; int font_height; #define WINBITMAP(w) GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(w)) // (((GrafPtr)(w))->portBits) #define ASCII_1_MASK 0x00FF0000 #define ASCII_2_MASK 0x000000FF const RGBColor black = {0, 0, 0}; const RGBColor white = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF}; const RGBColor medGrey = {0xCCCC, 0xCCCC, 0xCCCC}; const RGBColor ltGrey = {0xEEEE, 0xEEEE, 0xEEEE}; // GLOBALS WindowPtr win, toolwin, fullwin, backdrop, hidden, SouixWin; WindowGroupRef fullwinGroup; SInt16 gOldMBarHeight; Boolean menubarVisible = true, cursorVisible = true; Boolean windowUpdatesPending = true, mouseMoved = false; RgnHandle mBarRgn, cnrRgn; unsigned mouse_button_state = 0; CTabHandle gCTable; PixMapHandle gTile; BitMap *vgafont[256]; Rect srcTextRect, srcTileRect; Point scrCenter = {300, 240}; Ptr KCHR; short gheaderbar_y; Point prevPt; unsigned width, height, gMinTop, gMaxTop, gLeft; GWorldPtr gOffWorld; Ptr gMyBuffer; ProcessSerialNumber gProcessSerNum; static unsigned disp_bpp=8; static EventModifiers oldMods = 0; static unsigned int text_rows=25, text_cols=80; enum { TEXT_MODE, GRAPHIC_MODE } last_screen_state = TEXT_MODE, screen_state = TEXT_MODE; // HEADERBAR STUFF #define TOOL_SPACING 10 #define TOOL_MARGIN_SPACE 4 int numPixMaps = 0, toolPixMaps = 0; unsigned bx_bitmap_left_xorigin = 2+TOOL_SPACING; // pixels from left unsigned bx_bitmap_right_xorigin = 2+TOOL_SPACING; // pixels from right //PixMapHandle bx_pixmap[BX_MAX_PIXMAPS]; CIconHandle bx_cicn[BX_MAX_PIXMAPS]; struct __bx_tool_pixmap { // CIconHandle cicn; // PixMapHandle pm; ControlRef control; unsigned xdim; unsigned ydim; unsigned xorigin; unsigned yorigin; unsigned alignment; void (*f)(void); } bx_tool_pixmap[BX_MAX_PIXMAPS]; // Carbon Event Handlers pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowToolCommand (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowToolUpdate (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowBackdropUpdate (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorClick (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorUpdate (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorKeys (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationAppleEvent (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationMouseMoved (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationMouseUp (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationMenuClick (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationMenus (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData); // Event handlers OSStatus HandleKey(EventRef theEvent, Bit32u keyState); static BxEvent * CarbonSiminterfaceCallback(void *theClass, BxEvent *event); static bxevent_handler old_callback = NULL; static void *old_callback_arg = NULL; // Show/hide UI elements void HidePointer(void); void ShowPointer(void); void HideTools(void); void ShowTools(void); void HideMenubar(void); void ShowMenubar(void); // void HideConsole(void); // void ShowConsole(void); void UpdateTools(void); // Initialisation void InitToolbox(void); void CreateTile(void); void CreateMenus(void); void CreateWindows(void); void CreateKeyMap(void); void CreateVGAFont(unsigned char *vga_charmap); BitMap *CreateBitMap(unsigned width, unsigned height); PixMapHandle CreatePixMap(unsigned left, unsigned top, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth, CTabHandle clut); unsigned char reverse_bitorder(unsigned char); static pascal OSErr QuitAppleEventHandler(const AppleEvent *appleEvt, AppleEvent* reply, SInt32 refcon); class bx_carbon_gui_c : public bx_gui_c { public: bx_carbon_gui_c (void) {} DECLARE_GUI_VIRTUAL_METHODS() virtual void beep_on(float frequency); virtual void beep_off(); }; // declare one instance of the gui object and call macro to insert the // plugin code static bx_carbon_gui_c *theGui = NULL; IMPLEMENT_GUI_PLUGIN_CODE(carbon) #define LOG_THIS theGui-> // Carbon Event Handlers pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowToolCommand (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { HICommand commandStruct; UInt32 theCommandID; GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &commandStruct); theCommandID = commandStruct.commandID; if(theCommandID < toolPixMaps) { bx_tool_pixmap[theCommandID].f(); } return noErr; // Report success } pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowToolUpdate (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { theGui->show_headerbar(); return noErr; // Report success } pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowBackdropUpdate (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { Rect box; WindowRef myWindow; GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), NULL, &myWindow); GetWindowPortBounds(myWindow, &box); BackColor(blackColor); EraseRect(&box); return noErr; // Report success } // Translate MouseDowns in a handled window into Bochs events // Main ::HANDLE_EVENTS will feed all mouse updates to Bochs pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorClick (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { UInt32 keyModifiers; GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &keyModifiers); //if (!IsWindowActive(win)) //{ // SelectWindow(win); //} if (keyModifiers & cmdKey) mouse_button_state |= 0x02; else mouse_button_state |= 0x01; return noErr; // Report success } pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorUpdate (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { Rect box; Pattern qdBlackPattern; WindowRef myWindow; GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), NULL, &myWindow); GetWindowPortBounds(myWindow, &box); DEV_vga_redraw_area(box.left, box.top, box.right, box.bottom); return noErr; // Report success } pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorKeys (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { UInt32 kind; OSStatus outStatus = eventNotHandledErr; kind = GetEventKind(theEvent); switch(kind) { case kEventRawKeyDown: case kEventRawKeyRepeat: outStatus = HandleKey(theEvent, BX_KEY_PRESSED); break; case kEventRawKeyUp: outStatus = HandleKey(theEvent, BX_KEY_RELEASED); break; } return outStatus; } #if 0 // This stuff does work... it gets called, but converting the record // and then calling AEProcessAppleEvent consistently results in noOutstandingHLE(err result -608) // And its going to take more work to get RunApplicationLoop to work... pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationAppleEvent (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { EventRecord eventRec; fprintf(stderr, "# Carbon apple event handler called\n"); if(ConvertEventRefToEventRecord(theEvent, &eventRec)) { fprintf(stderr, "# Calling AEProcessAppleEvent\n"); OSStatus result = AEProcessAppleEvent(&eventRec); fprintf(stderr, "# Received AE result: %i\n", result); returm result; } else BX_PANIC(("Can't convert apple event")); return noErr; // Report success } #endif // Only have our application deal with mouseEvents when we catch the movement pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationMouseMoved (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { mouseMoved = true; return eventNotHandledErr; } pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationMouseUp (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { UInt32 keyModifiers; GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &keyModifiers); if (keyModifiers & cmdKey) mouse_button_state &= ~0x02; else mouse_button_state &= ~0x01; return eventNotHandledErr; // Don't want to eat all the mouseups } // Catch MouseDown's in the menubar, trigger menu browsing pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationMenuClick (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { short part; WindowPtr whichWindow; Point wheresMyMouse; GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), NULL, &wheresMyMouse); part = FindWindow(wheresMyMouse, &whichWindow); if(part == inMenuBar) { // MenuSelect will actually trigger an event cascade, // Triggering command events for any selected menu item MenuSelect(wheresMyMouse); return noErr; } return eventNotHandledErr; // Don't want to eat all the clicks } pascal OSStatus CEvtHandleApplicationMenus (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData) { HICommand commandStruct; OSErr err = noErr; short i; GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &commandStruct); switch(commandStruct.commandID) { case kHICommandAbout: { DialogRef aboutDialog; DialogItemIndex index; CFStringRef cf_version; char version[256]; sprintf(version, "Bochs x86 Emulator version %s (MacOS X port)", VER_STRING); cf_version = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, version, kCFStringEncodingASCII); AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec aboutParam = {0}; aboutParam.version = kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne; aboutParam.position = kWindowDefaultPosition; aboutParam.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton; CreateStandardAlert( kAlertNoteAlert, cf_version, NULL, /* can be NULL */ &aboutParam, /* can be NULL */ &aboutDialog); RunStandardAlert( aboutDialog, NULL, /* can be NULL */ &index); CFRelease(cf_version); } break; case kHICommandQuit: BX_EXIT(0); break; case kCommandFloppy: //DiskEject(1); break; case kCommandCursor: if (cursorVisible) HidePointer(); else ShowPointer(); break; case kCommandTool: if (IsWindowVisible(toolwin)) HideTools(); else ShowTools(); break; case kCommandMenuBar: if (menubarVisible) HideMenubar(); else ShowMenubar(); break; case kCommandFullScreen: if (IsWindowVisible(toolwin) || menubarVisible) { if (menubarVisible) HideMenubar(); if (IsWindowVisible(toolwin)) HideTools(); } else { if (!menubarVisible) ShowMenubar(); if (!IsWindowVisible(toolwin)) ShowTools(); } break; /* // Codewarrior programatic console that isn't available under Carbon without Codewarrior case iConsole: if (IsWindowVisible(SouixWin)) HideConsole(); else ShowConsole(); break; */ case kCommandSnapshot: bx_tool_pixmap[SNAPSHOT_TOOL_BUTTON].f(); break; case kCommandReset: bx_tool_pixmap[RESET_TOOL_BUTTON].f(); break; case kHICommandCopy: bx_tool_pixmap[COPY_TOOL_BUTTON].f(); break; case kHICommandPaste: bx_tool_pixmap[PASTE_TOOL_BUTTON].f(); break; } return noErr; // Report success } void MacPanic(void) { StopAlert(200, NULL); } void InitToolbox(void) { OSErr err; // gQuitFlag = false; InitCursor(); #if 0 // Our handler gets called... but I can't AEProcesAppleEvent successfully upon it? EventTypeSpec appleEvent = { kEventClassAppleEvent, kEventAppleEvent }; InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleApplicationAppleEvent), 1, &appleEvent, 0, NULL); #endif err = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, NewAEEventHandlerUPP(QuitAppleEventHandler), 0, false); if (err != noErr) ExitToShell(); } static pascal OSErr QuitAppleEventHandler(const AppleEvent *appleEvt, AppleEvent* reply, SInt32 refcon) { //gQuitFlag = true; BX_PANIC(("User terminated")); return (noErr); } void CreateTile(void) { GDHandle saveDevice; CGrafPtr savePort; OSErr err; unsigned long p_f; long theRowBytes = ((((long) (disp_bpp==24?32:(((disp_bpp+1)>>1)<<1)) * ((long) (srcTileRect.right-srcTileRect.left)) + 31) >> 5) << 2); // if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_PRIVATE_COLORMAP)->get()) // { GetGWorld(&savePort, &saveDevice); switch (disp_bpp) { case 1: p_f = k1MonochromePixelFormat; break; case 2: p_f = k2IndexedPixelFormat; break; case 4: p_f = k4IndexedPixelFormat; break; case 8: p_f = k8IndexedPixelFormat; break; case 15: p_f = k16LE555PixelFormat; break; case 16: p_f = k16LE565PixelFormat; break; case 24: //p_f = k24BGRPixelFormat; //break; case 32: p_f = k32ARGBPixelFormat;//k32BGRAPixelFormat; break; } BX_ASSERT((gMyBuffer = (Ptr)malloc(theRowBytes * (srcTileRect.bottom - srcTileRect.top))) != NULL); err = NewGWorldFromPtr(&gOffWorld, p_f, &srcTileRect, disp_bpp>8 ? NULL : gCTable, NULL, keepLocal, gMyBuffer, theRowBytes); if (err != noErr || gOffWorld == NULL) BX_PANIC(("mac: can't create gOffWorld; err=%hd", err)); SetGWorld(gOffWorld, NULL); RGBForeColor(&black); RGBBackColor(&white); gTile = GetGWorldPixMap(gOffWorld); if (gTile != NULL) { NoPurgePixels(gTile); if (!LockPixels(gTile)) BX_ERROR(("mac: can't LockPixels gTile")); if ((**gTile).pixelType != RGBDirect && (**gTile).pmTable != gCTable) { DisposeCTable(gCTable); gCTable = (**gTile).pmTable; } (**gCTable).ctFlags |= 0x4000; //use palette manager indexes CTabChanged(gCTable); } else BX_PANIC(("mac: can't create gTile")); SetGWorld(savePort, saveDevice); /* } else { gOffWorld = NULL; gTile = CreatePixMap(0, 0, srcTileRect.right, srcTileRect.bottom, 8, gCTable); if (gTile == NULL) BX_PANIC(("mac: can't create gTile")); }*/ } void CreateMenus(void) { Handle menu; menu = GetNewMBar(rMBarID); // get our menus from resource if (menu != nil) { SetMenuBar(menu); DrawMenuBar(); } else BX_PANIC(("can't create menu")); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mApple), iAbout, kHICommandAbout); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mFile), iQuit, kHICommandQuit); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mEdit), iCopy, kHICommandCopy); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mEdit), iPaste, kHICommandPaste); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mBochs), iFloppy, kCommandFloppy); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mBochs), iCursor, kCommandCursor); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mBochs), iTool, kCommandTool); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mBochs), iMenuBar, kCommandMenuBar); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mBochs), iFullScreen, kCommandFullScreen); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mBochs), iSnapshot, kCommandSnapshot); SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mBochs), iReset, kCommandReset); DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mEdit), iUndo); DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mEdit), iCut); DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mEdit), iClear); DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mBochs), iFloppy); EventTypeSpec commandEvents = {kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess}; EventTypeSpec menuEvents = {kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown}; InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleApplicationMenus), 1, &commandEvents, 0, NULL); InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleApplicationMenuClick), 1, &menuEvents, 0, NULL); } void CreateWindows(void) { Rect winRect; Rect screenBounds; Rect positioningBounds; EventTypeSpec eventClick = { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowHandleContentClick }; EventTypeSpec eventUpdate = { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDrawContent }; EventTypeSpec keyboardEvents[3] = { { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown }, { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat }, { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyUp }}; EventTypeSpec eventCommand = { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }; // Create a backdrop window for fullscreen mode // GetRegionBounds(GetGrayRgn(), &screenBounds); // Fullscreen mode only really wants to be on one screen screenBounds = (**GetMainDevice()).gdRect; GetAvailableWindowPositioningBounds(GetMainDevice(), &positioningBounds); SetRect(&winRect, 0, 0, screenBounds.right, screenBounds.bottom + GetMBarHeight()); CreateNewWindow(kPlainWindowClass, (kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute), &winRect, &backdrop); if (backdrop == NULL) {BX_PANIC(("mac: can't create backdrop window"));} InstallWindowEventHandler(backdrop, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowBackdropUpdate), 1, &eventUpdate, NULL, NULL); InstallWindowEventHandler(backdrop, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorClick), 1, &eventClick, NULL, NULL); InstallWindowEventHandler(backdrop, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorKeys), 3, keyboardEvents, 0, NULL); width = 640; height = 480; gLeft = positioningBounds.left; gMinTop = positioningBounds.top; gMaxTop = gMinTop + gheaderbar_y; // Create a moveable tool window for the "headerbar" winRect.top = positioningBounds.top + 10; winRect.left = positioningBounds.left; winRect.bottom = winRect.top + gheaderbar_y; winRect.right = positioningBounds.right; CreateNewWindow(kFloatingWindowClass, kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute, &winRect, &toolwin); if (toolwin == NULL) {BX_PANIC(("mac: can't create tool window"));} // Use an Aqua-savvy window background SetThemeWindowBackground(toolwin, kThemeBrushUtilityWindowBackgroundActive, false); SetWindowTitleWithCFString (toolwin, CFSTR("MacBochs Hardware Controls")); // Set title //InstallWindowEventHandler(toolwin, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowToolClick), 1, &eventClick, NULL, NULL); InstallWindowEventHandler(toolwin, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowToolCommand), 1, &eventCommand, NULL, NULL); InstallWindowEventHandler(toolwin, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowToolUpdate), 1, &eventUpdate, NULL, NULL); // Create the emulator window for full screen mode winRect.left = (screenBounds.right - width) /2; //(qd.screenBits.bounds.right - width)/2; winRect.right = winRect.left + width; winRect.top = (screenBounds.bottom - height)/2; winRect.bottom = winRect.top + height; CreateNewWindow(kPlainWindowClass, (kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute), &winRect, &fullwin); if (fullwin == NULL) BX_PANIC(("mac: can't create fullscreen emulator window")); InstallWindowEventHandler(fullwin, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorUpdate), 1, &eventUpdate, NULL, NULL); InstallWindowEventHandler(fullwin, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorClick), 1, &eventClick, NULL, NULL); InstallWindowEventHandler(fullwin, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorKeys), 3, keyboardEvents, 0, NULL); // Create the regular emulator window winRect.left = gLeft; winRect.top = gMaxTop; winRect.right = winRect.left + width; winRect.bottom = winRect.top + height; CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, (kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute), &winRect, &win); if (win == NULL) BX_PANIC(("mac: can't create emulator window")); SetWindowTitleWithCFString (win, CFSTR("MacBochs x86 PC")); // Set title InstallWindowEventHandler(win, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorUpdate), 1, &eventUpdate, NULL, NULL); InstallWindowEventHandler(win, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorClick), 1, &eventClick, NULL, NULL); InstallWindowEventHandler(win, NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleWindowEmulatorKeys), 3, keyboardEvents, 0, NULL); // Group the fullscreen and backdrop windows together, since they also share the same click // event handler they will effectively act as a single window for layering and events CreateWindowGroup((kWindowGroupAttrLayerTogether | kWindowGroupAttrSharedActivation), &fullwinGroup); SetWindowGroupName(fullwinGroup, CFSTR("net.sourceforge.bochs.windowgroups.fullscreen")); // This *can't* be the right way, then again groups aren't yet the right way // For the life of me I couldn't find a right way of making sure my created group stayed // below the layer of Floating Windows. But with the windows we have there's no current // harm from making it part of the same group. SetWindowGroup(toolwin, fullwinGroup); SetWindowGroup(fullwin, fullwinGroup); SetWindowGroup(backdrop, fullwinGroup); RepositionWindow(win, NULL, kWindowCenterOnMainScreen); hidden = fullwin; ShowWindow(toolwin); ShowWindow(win); SetPortWindowPort(win); } // ::SPECIFIC_INIT() // // Called from gui.cc, once upon program startup, to allow for the // specific GUI code (X11, Win32, ...) to be initialized. // // argc, argv: not used right now, but the intention is to pass native GUI // specific options from the command line. (X11 options, Win32 options,...) // // headerbar_y: A headerbar (toolbar) is display on the top of the // VGA window, showing floppy status, and other information. It // always assumes the width of the current VGA mode width, but // it's height is defined by this parameter. void bx_carbon_gui_c::specific_init(int argc, char **argv, unsigned headerbar_y) { int i; put("CARBON"); InitToolbox(); font_width = 8; font_height = 16; gheaderbar_y = headerbar_y + TOOL_MARGIN_SPACE + TOOL_MARGIN_SPACE; CreateKeyMap(); gCTable = GetCTable(128); BX_ASSERT (gCTable != NULL); CTabChanged(gCTable); //(*gCTable)->ctSeed = GetCTSeed(); SetRect(&srcTileRect, 0, 0, x_tilesize, y_tilesize); for(i=0; i<256; i++) { vgafont[i] = NULL; } CreateMenus(); CreateVGAFont(vga_charmap); CreateTile(); CreateWindows(); EventTypeSpec mouseUpEvent = { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseUp }; EventTypeSpec mouseMoved[2] = { { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseMoved }, { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDragged } }; InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleApplicationMouseUp), 1, &mouseUpEvent, 0, NULL); InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(CEvtHandleApplicationMouseMoved), 2, mouseMoved, 0, NULL); if (GetCurrentProcess(&gProcessSerNum) == noErr) SetFrontProcess(&gProcessSerNum); GetMouse(&prevPt); // redirect notify callback to X11 specific code SIM->get_notify_callback(&old_callback, &old_callback_arg); SIM->set_notify_callback(CarbonSiminterfaceCallback, NULL); UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); // loads keymap for x11 if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_KBD_USEMAPPING)->get()) { bx_keymap.loadKeymap(NULL); // I have no function to convert X windows symbols } } // HandleKey() // // Handles keyboard-related events. OSStatus HandleKey(EventRef theEvent, Bit32u keyState) { UInt32 key; UInt32 trans; OSStatus status; UInt32 modifiers; static UInt32 transState = 0; status = GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifiers); if(status == noErr) { status = GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &key); if(status == noErr) { // key = event->message & charCodeMask; // Let our menus process command keys if(modifiers & cmdKey) { status = eventNotHandledErr; } else { /* if (modifiers & shiftKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_SHIFT_L | keyState); if (modifiers & controlKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_CTRL_L | keyState); if (modifiers & optionKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_ALT_L | keyState);*/ // key = (event->message & keyCodeMask) >> 8; trans = KeyTranslate(KCHR, key, &transState); if ((trans == BX_KEY_PRINT) && ((oldMods & optionKey) || (oldMods & rightOptionKey))) trans = BX_KEY_ALT_SYSREQ; if ((trans == BX_KEY_PAUSE) && ((oldMods & controlKey) || (oldMods & rightControlKey))) trans = BX_KEY_CTRL_BREAK; // KeyTranslate maps Mac virtual key codes to any type of character code // you like (in this case, Bochs key codes). Much nicer than a huge switch // statement! if (trans > 0) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(trans | keyState); /* if (modifiers & shiftKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_SHIFT_L | BX_KEY_RELEASED); if (modifiers & controlKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_CTRL_L | BX_KEY_RELEASED); if (modifiers & optionKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_ALT_L | BX_KEY_RELEASED);*/ } } } return status; } BX_CPP_INLINE void ResetPointer(void) { // this appears to work well, especially when combined with // mouse processing on the MouseMoved events if(CGWarpMouseCursorPosition(CGPointMake(scrCenter.h, scrCenter.v))) { fprintf(stderr, "# Failed to warp cursor"); } } // ::HANDLE_EVENTS() // // Called periodically (vga_update_interval in .bochsrc) so the // the gui code can poll for keyboard, mouse, and other // relevant events. void bx_carbon_gui_c::handle_events(void) { EventRecord event; Point mousePt; int dx, dy; EventModifiers newMods; unsigned curstate; GrafPtr oldport; curstate = mouse_button_state; //so we can compare the old and the new mouse state if (WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, SLEEP_TIME, NULL)) { switch(event.what) { /* // This event is just redundant case nullEvent: // These events are all covered by installed carbon event handlers case mouseDown: case mouseUp: case keyDown: case autoKey: case keyUp: case updateEvt: break; */ case diskEvt: // floppyA_handler(); break; case kHighLevelEvent: // fprintf(stderr, "# Classic apple event handler called\n"); AEProcessAppleEvent(&event); show_headerbar(); // Update if necessary (example, clipboard change) break; default: break; } } else if (oldMods != (newMods = (event.modifiers & 0xfe00))) { if ((newMods ^ oldMods) & shiftKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_SHIFT_L | ((newMods & shiftKey)?BX_KEY_PRESSED:BX_KEY_RELEASED)); if ((newMods ^ oldMods) & alphaLock) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_CAPS_LOCK | ((newMods & alphaLock)?BX_KEY_PRESSED:BX_KEY_RELEASED)); if ((newMods ^ oldMods) & optionKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_ALT_L | ((newMods & optionKey)?BX_KEY_PRESSED:BX_KEY_RELEASED)); if ((newMods ^ oldMods) & controlKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_CTRL_L | ((newMods & controlKey)?BX_KEY_PRESSED:BX_KEY_RELEASED)); if ((newMods ^ oldMods) & rightShiftKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_SHIFT_R | ((newMods & rightShiftKey)?BX_KEY_PRESSED:BX_KEY_RELEASED)); if ((newMods ^ oldMods) & rightOptionKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_ALT_R | ((newMods & rightOptionKey)?BX_KEY_PRESSED:BX_KEY_RELEASED)); if ((newMods ^ oldMods) & rightControlKey) DEV_kbd_gen_scancode(BX_KEY_CTRL_R | ((newMods & rightControlKey)?BX_KEY_PRESSED:BX_KEY_RELEASED)); oldMods = newMods; } // Only update mouse if we're not in the dock // and we are the frontmost app. ProcessSerialNumber frontProcessSerNum; Boolean isSameProcess; GetFrontProcess(&frontProcessSerNum); SameProcess(&frontProcessSerNum, &gProcessSerNum, &isSameProcess); if(isSameProcess && !IsWindowCollapsed(win)) { GetPort(&oldport); SetPortWindowPort(win); GetMouse(&mousePt); if(menubarVisible && cursorVisible) { // Don't track the mouse if we're working with the main window // and we're outside the window if(mouseMoved && (mousePt.v < 0 || mousePt.v > height || mousePt.h < 0 || mousePt.h > width) && (prevPt.v < 0 || prevPt.v > height || prevPt.h < 0 || prevPt.h > width)) { mouseMoved = false; } /* // Limit mouse action to window // Grr, any better ways to sync host and bochs cursor? if(mousePt.h < 0) { mousePt.h = 0; } else if(mousePt.h > width) { mousePt.h = width; } if(mousePt.v < 0) { mousePt.v = 0; } else if(mousePt.v > height) { mousePt.v = height; } */ } //if mouse has moved, or button has changed state if (mouseMoved || (curstate != mouse_button_state)) { if(mouseMoved) { CGMouseDelta CGdX, CGdY; CGGetLastMouseDelta(&CGdX, &CGdY); dx = CGdX; dy = - CGdY; // Windows has an opposing grid } else { dx = 0; dy = 0; } DEV_mouse_motion(dx, dy, 0, mouse_button_state, 0); if (!cursorVisible && mouseMoved) { SetPt(&scrCenter, 300, 240); LocalToGlobal(&scrCenter); ResetPointer(); //next getmouse should be 300, 240 SetPt(&mousePt, 300, 240); } mouseMoved = false; } prevPt = mousePt; SetPort(oldport); } } // ::FLUSH() // // Called periodically, requesting that the gui code flush all pending // screen update requests. void bx_carbon_gui_c::flush(void) { // an opportunity to make the Window Manager happy. // not needed on the macintosh.... // Unless you don't want to needlessly update the dock icon // umpteen zillion times a second for each tile. // A further note, UpdateCollapsedWindowDockTile is not // recommended for animation. Setup like this my performance // seems reasonable for little fuss. if(windowUpdatesPending) { if(IsWindowCollapsed(win)) { UpdateCollapsedWindowDockTile(win); } if(last_screen_state != screen_state) { last_screen_state = screen_state; UpdateTools(); } } windowUpdatesPending = false; } // ::CLEAR_SCREEN() // // Called to request that the VGA region is cleared. Don't // clear the area that defines the headerbar. void bx_carbon_gui_c::clear_screen(void) { Rect r; SetPortWindowPort(win); RGBForeColor(&black); RGBBackColor(&white); GetWindowPortBounds(win, &r); PaintRect (&r); windowUpdatesPending = true; } // ::TEXT_UPDATE() // // Called in a VGA text mode, to update the screen with // new content. // // old_text: array of character/attributes making up the contents // of the screen from the last call. See below // new_text: array of character/attributes making up the current // contents, which should now be displayed. See below // // format of old_text & new_text: each is tm_info->line_offset*text_rows // bytes long. Each character consists of 2 bytes. The first by is // the character value, the second is the attribute byte. // // cursor_x: new x location of cursor // cursor_y: new y location of cursor // tm_info: this structure contains information for additional // features in text mode (cursor shape, line offset,...) void bx_carbon_gui_c::text_update(Bit8u *old_text, Bit8u *new_text, unsigned long cursor_x, unsigned long cursor_y, bx_vga_tminfo_t *tm_info) { unsigned char cAttr, cChar; Rect destRect; RGBColor fgColor, bgColor; GrafPtr oldPort, savePort; GDHandle saveDevice; GrafPtr winGrafPtr = GetWindowPort(win); OSErr theError; Bit8u *old_line, *new_line; unsigned int curs, hchars, offset, rows, x, xc, y, yc, i; bx_bool forceUpdate = 0, blink_mode, blink_state; static unsigned prev_cursor_x=0; static unsigned prev_cursor_y=0; char text_palette[16]; screen_state = TEXT_MODE; // first check if the screen needs to be redrawn completely blink_mode = (tm_info->blink_flags & BX_TEXT_BLINK_MODE) > 0; blink_state = (tm_info->blink_flags & BX_TEXT_BLINK_STATE) > 0; if (blink_mode) { if (tm_info->blink_flags & BX_TEXT_BLINK_TOGGLE) forceUpdate = 1; } if (charmap_updated == 1) { CreateVGAFont(vga_charmap); charmap_updated = 0; forceUpdate = 1; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { text_palette[i] = tm_info->actl_palette[i]; } // invalidate character at previous and new cursor location if((prev_cursor_y < text_rows) && (prev_cursor_x < text_cols)) { curs = prev_cursor_y * tm_info->line_offset + prev_cursor_x * 2; old_text[curs] = ~new_text[curs]; } if((tm_info->cs_start <= tm_info->cs_end) && (tm_info->cs_start < font_height) && (cursor_y < text_rows) && (cursor_x < text_cols)) { curs = cursor_y * tm_info->line_offset + cursor_x * 2; old_text[curs] = ~new_text[curs]; } else { curs = 0xffff; } GetPort(&oldPort); SetPortWindowPort(win); rows = text_rows; y = 0; do { hchars = text_cols; new_line = new_text; old_line = old_text; x = 0; offset = y * tm_info->line_offset; do { if (forceUpdate || (old_text[0] != new_text[0]) || (old_text[1] != new_text[1])) { cChar = new_text[0]; cAttr = new_text[1]; if (blink_mode) { cAttr = new_text[1] & 0x7F; if (!blink_state && (new_text[1] & 0x80)) cAttr = (cAttr & 0x70) | (cAttr >> 4); } if (offset == curs) { cAttr = (cAttr >> 4) | (cAttr << 4); } if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_PRIVATE_COLORMAP)->get()) { PmForeColor(text_palette[cAttr & 0x0F]); if (blink_mode) { PmBackColor(text_palette[(cAttr & 0x70) >> 4]); if (!blink_state && (cAttr & 0x80)) PmForeColor(text_palette[(cAttr & 0x70) >> 4]); } else { PmBackColor(text_palette[(cAttr & 0xF0) >> 4]); } } else { fgColor = (**gCTable).ctTable[text_palette[cAttr & 0x0F]].rgb; bgColor = (**gCTable).ctTable[text_palette[(cAttr & 0xF0) >> 4]].rgb; RGBForeColor(&fgColor); RGBBackColor(&bgColor); } xc = x * font_width; yc = y * font_height; SetRect(&destRect, xc, yc, xc+font_width, yc+font_height); CopyBits(vgafont[cChar], WINBITMAP(win), &srcTextRect, &destRect, srcCopy, NULL); if ((theError = QDError()) != noErr) BX_ERROR(("mac: CopyBits returned %hd", theError)); } x++; new_text+=2; old_text+=2; offset+=2; } while (--hchars); y++; new_text = new_line + tm_info->line_offset; old_text = old_line + tm_info->line_offset; } while (--rows); //previous cursor position prev_cursor_x = cursor_x; prev_cursor_y = cursor_y; SetPort(oldPort); windowUpdatesPending = true; } int bx_carbon_gui_c::get_clipboard_text(Bit8u **bytes, Bit32s *nbytes) { ScrapRef theScrap; ScrapFlavorFlags theScrapFlags; Size theScrapSize; OSStatus err; GetCurrentScrap(&theScrap); // Make sure there is text to paste err= GetScrapFlavorFlags(theScrap, kScrapFlavorTypeText, &theScrapFlags); if(err == noErr) { GetScrapFlavorSize(theScrap, kScrapFlavorTypeText, &theScrapSize); *nbytes = theScrapSize; *bytes = new Bit8u[1 + *nbytes]; BX_INFO (("found %d bytes on the clipboard", *nbytes)); err= GetScrapFlavorData(theScrap, kScrapFlavorTypeText, &theScrapSize, *bytes); BX_INFO (("first byte is 0x%02x", *bytes[0])); } else { BX_INFO (("No text found on clipboard...")); } return (err == noErr); } int bx_carbon_gui_c::set_clipboard_text(char *text_snapshot, Bit32u len) { ScrapRef theScrap; // Clear out the existing clipboard ClearCurrentScrap(); GetCurrentScrap(&theScrap); PutScrapFlavor (theScrap, kScrapFlavorTypeText, kScrapFlavorMaskNone, len, text_snapshot); return 1; } // ::PALETTE_CHANGE() // // Allocate a color in the native GUI, for this color, and put // it in the colormap location 'index'. // returns: 0=no screen update needed (color map change has direct effect) // 1=screen updated needed (redraw using current colormap) bx_bool bx_carbon_gui_c::palette_change(Bit8u index, Bit8u red, Bit8u green, Bit8u blue) { PaletteHandle thePal, oldpal; GDHandle saveDevice; CGrafPtr savePort; GrafPtr oldPort; /* if (gOffWorld != NULL) //(SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_PRIVATE_COLORMAP)->get()) { GetGWorld(&savePort, &saveDevice); SetGWorld(gOffWorld, NULL); }*/ if ((**gTile).pixelType != RGBDirect) { GetPort(&oldPort); SetPortWindowPort(win); (**gCTable).ctTable[index].value = index; (**gCTable).ctTable[index].rgb.red = (red << 8); (**gCTable).ctTable[index].rgb.green = (green << 8); (**gCTable).ctTable[index].rgb.blue = (blue << 8); SetEntries(index, index, (**gCTable).ctTable); CTabChanged(gCTable); SetPort(oldPort); } /* if (gOffWorld != NULL) //(SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_PRIVATE_COLORMAP)->get()) SetGWorld(savePort, saveDevice);*/ if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_PRIVATE_COLORMAP)->get()) { thePal = NewPalette(index, gCTable, pmTolerant, 0x5000); oldpal = GetPalette(win); SetPalette(win, thePal, false); SetPalette(fullwin, thePal, false); SetPalette(hidden, thePal, false); return(1); } return((**gTile).pixelType != RGBDirect); } // ::GRAPHICS_TILE_UPDATE() // // Called to request that a tile of graphics be drawn to the // screen, since info in this region has changed. // // tile: array of 8bit values representing a block of pixels with // dimension equal to the 'x_tilesize' & 'y_tilesize' members. // Each value specifies an index into the // array of colors you allocated for ::palette_change() // x0: x origin of tile // y0: y origin of tile // // note: origin of tile and of window based on (0,0) being in the upper // left of the window. void bx_carbon_gui_c::graphics_tile_update(Bit8u *tile, unsigned x0, unsigned y0) { Rect destRect; OSErr theError; Ptr theBaseAddr; GDHandle saveDevice; CGrafPtr savePort; GrafPtr oldPort; /* if (gOffWorld != NULL) { GetGWorld(&savePort, &saveDevice); SetGWorld(gOffWorld, NULL); }*/ screen_state = GRAPHIC_MODE; // SetPort - Otherwise an update happens to the headerbar and ooomph, we're drawing weirdly on the screen GetPort(&oldPort); SetPortWindowPort(win); destRect = srcTileRect; OffsetRect(&destRect, x0, y0); //(**gTile).baseAddr = (Ptr)tile; if ((theError = LockPortBits(gOffWorld)) != noErr) BX_PANIC(("mac: LockPortBits returned %hd", theError)); if ((theBaseAddr = GetPixBaseAddr(gTile)) == NULL) BX_PANIC(("mac: gTile has NULL baseAddr (offscreen buffer purged)")); else if (disp_bpp == 24 || disp_bpp == 32) { for (unsigned iY = 0; iY < (srcTileRect.bottom-srcTileRect.top); iY++) { Bit8u *iA = ((Bit8u *)theBaseAddr) + iY * GetPixRowBytes(gTile); for (unsigned iX = 0; iX < (srcTileRect.right-srcTileRect.left); iX++) { iA[iX*4 + 3] = tile[((srcTileRect.right-srcTileRect.left)*iY+iX)*(disp_bpp>>3)]; iA[iX*4 + 2] = tile[((srcTileRect.right-srcTileRect.left)*iY+iX)*(disp_bpp>>3) + 1]; iA[iX*4 + 1] = tile[((srcTileRect.right-srcTileRect.left)*iY+iX)*(disp_bpp>>3) + 2]; iA[iX*4] = disp_bpp == 24 ? 0 : tile[((srcTileRect.right-srcTileRect.left)*iY+iX)*4 + 3]; } } } else { BlockMoveData(tile, theBaseAddr, (srcTileRect.bottom-srcTileRect.top) * GetPixRowBytes(gTile)); } if ((theError = UnlockPortBits(gOffWorld)) != noErr) BX_ERROR(("mac: UnlockPortBits returned %hd", theError)); RGBForeColor(&black); RGBBackColor(&white); CopyBits(GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(gOffWorld), WINBITMAP(win), &srcTileRect, &destRect, srcCopy, NULL); if ((theError = QDError()) != noErr) BX_ERROR(("mac: CopyBits returned %hd", theError)); SetPort(oldPort); windowUpdatesPending = true; /* if (gOffWorld != NULL) SetGWorld(savePort, saveDevice);*/ } // ::DIMENSION_UPDATE() // // Called when the VGA mode changes it's X,Y dimensions. // Resize the window to this size, but you need to add on // the height of the headerbar to the Y value. // // x: new VGA x size // y: new VGA y size (add headerbar_y parameter from ::specific_init(). // fheight: new VGA character height in text mode // fwidth : new VGA character width in text mode // bpp : bits per pixel in graphics mode void bx_carbon_gui_c::dimension_update(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned fheight, unsigned fwidth, unsigned bpp) { if ((bpp != 1) && (bpp != 2) && (bpp != 4) && (bpp != 8) && (bpp != 15) && (bpp != 16) && (bpp != 24) && (bpp != 32)) { BX_PANIC(("%d bpp graphics mode not supported yet", bpp)); } guest_textmode = (fheight > 0); guest_xres = x; guest_yres = y; guest_bpp = bpp; if (bpp != disp_bpp) { free(gMyBuffer); DisposeGWorld(gOffWorld); if ((gCTable == NULL) || (*gCTable == NULL) || (*gCTable == (void *)-1)) gCTable = GetCTable(128); disp_bpp = bpp; CreateTile(); } if (guest_textmode) { text_cols = x / fwidth; text_rows = y / fheight; if(fwidth != font_width || fheight != font_height) { font_width = fwidth; font_height = fheight; CreateVGAFont(vga_charmap); } } if (x != width || y != height) { #if 1 SizeWindow(win, x, y, false); #endif #if 0 // Animates the resizing, cute, but gratuitous Rect box, frame; GetWindowBounds(win, kWindowStructureRgn, &frame); GetWindowPortBounds(win, &box); frame.right = frame.right - box.right + x; frame.bottom = frame.bottom - box.bottom + y; TransitionWindow(win, kWindowSlideTransitionEffect, kWindowResizeTransitionAction, &frame); #endif SizeWindow(fullwin, x, y, false); SizeWindow(hidden, x, y, false); width = x; height = y; } windowUpdatesPending = true; host_xres = x; host_yres = y; host_bpp = bpp; } // ::CREATE_BITMAP() // // Create a monochrome bitmap of size 'xdim' by 'ydim', which will // be drawn in the headerbar. Return an integer ID to the bitmap, // with which the bitmap can be referenced later. // // bmap: packed 8 pixels-per-byte bitmap. The pixel order is: // bit0 is the left most pixel, bit7 is the right most pixel. // xdim: x dimension of bitmap // ydim: y dimension of bitmap // rewritten by tim senecal to use the cicn (color icon) resources instead // We need to have a cicn resource for each and every call to create_bitmap // If this fails, it is probably because more icons were added to bochs and // we need to create more cicns in bochs.r to match with create_bitmap calls in // gui.cc unsigned bx_carbon_gui_c::create_bitmap(const unsigned char *bmap, unsigned xdim, unsigned ydim) { unsigned i; unsigned char *data; long row_bytes, bytecount; bx_cicn[numPixMaps] = GetCIcon(numPixMaps+128); // BX_ASSERT(bx_cicn[numPixMaps]); numPixMaps++; return(numPixMaps-1); } // ::HEADERBAR_BITMAP() // // Called to install a bitmap in the bochs headerbar (toolbar). // // bmap_id: will correspond to an ID returned from // ::create_bitmap(). 'alignment' is either BX_GRAVITY_LEFT // or BX_GRAVITY_RIGHT, meaning install the bitmap in the next // available leftmost or rightmost space. // f: a 'C' function pointer to callback when the mouse is clicked in // the boundaries of this bitmap. unsigned bx_carbon_gui_c::headerbar_bitmap(unsigned bmap_id, unsigned alignment, void (*f)(void)) { unsigned hb_index; Rect destRect, r; GetWindowPortBounds(toolwin, &r); int xorigin, yorigin = TOOL_MARGIN_SPACE; ControlButtonContentInfo info; toolPixMaps++; hb_index = toolPixMaps-1; //bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].pm = bx_pixmap[bmap_id]; //bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].cicn = bx_cicn[bmap_id]; bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].alignment = alignment; bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].f = f; if (alignment == BX_GRAVITY_LEFT) { bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].xorigin = bx_bitmap_left_xorigin; bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].yorigin = TOOL_MARGIN_SPACE; // bx_bitmap_left_xorigin += (**bx_pixmap[bmap_id]).bounds.right; bx_bitmap_left_xorigin += 32 + TOOL_SPACING; xorigin = bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].xorigin; } else { // bx_bitmap_right_xorigin += (**bx_pixmap[bmap_id]).bounds.right; bx_bitmap_right_xorigin += 32; bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].xorigin = bx_bitmap_right_xorigin; bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].yorigin = TOOL_MARGIN_SPACE; xorigin = r.right - bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].xorigin; bx_bitmap_right_xorigin += TOOL_SPACING; } SetRect(&destRect, xorigin, yorigin, xorigin+32, yorigin+32); info.contentType = kControlContentCIconHandle; info.u.cIconHandle = bx_cicn[bmap_id]; CreateIconControl(toolwin, &destRect, &info, false, &(bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].control)); SetControlCommandID(bx_tool_pixmap[hb_index].control, hb_index); return(hb_index); } // ::SHOW_HEADERBAR() // // Show (redraw) the current headerbar, which is composed of // currently installed bitmaps. void bx_carbon_gui_c::show_headerbar(void) { UpdateTools(); DrawControls(toolwin); } // ::REPLACE_BITMAP() // // Replace the bitmap installed in the headerbar ID slot 'hbar_id', // with the one specified by 'bmap_id'. 'bmap_id' will have // been generated by ::create_bitmap(). The old and new bitmap // must be of the same size. This allows the bitmap the user // sees to change, when some action occurs. For example when // the user presses on the floppy icon, it then displays // the ejected status. // // hbar_id: headerbar slot ID // bmap_id: bitmap ID void bx_carbon_gui_c::replace_bitmap(unsigned hbar_id, unsigned bmap_id) { //bx_tool_pixmap[hbar_id].pm = bx_pixmap[bmap_id]; //bx_tool_pixmap[hbar_id].cicn = bx_cicn[bmap_id]; ControlButtonContentInfo info; info.contentType = kControlContentCIconHandle; info.u.cIconHandle = bx_cicn[bmap_id]; SetControlData(bx_tool_pixmap[hbar_id].control, kControlEntireControl, kControlIconContentTag, sizeof(ControlButtonContentInfo), &info); show_headerbar(); } // ::EXIT() // // Called before bochs terminates, to allow for a graceful // exit from the native GUI mechanism. void bx_carbon_gui_c::exit(void) { if (!menubarVisible) ShowMenubar(); // Make the menubar visible again InitCursor(); // Make the clipboard all happy before we go CallInScrapPromises(); } #if 0 void bx_carbon_gui_c::snapshot_handler(void) { PicHandle ScreenShot; long val; SetPortWindowPort(win); ScreenShot = OpenPicture(&win->portRect); CopyBits(&win->portBits, &win->portBits, &win->portRect, &win->portRect, srcCopy, NULL); ClosePicture(); val = ZeroScrap(); HLock((Handle)ScreenShot); PutScrap(GetHandleSize((Handle)ScreenShot), 'PICT', *ScreenShot); HUnlock((Handle)ScreenShot); KillPicture(ScreenShot); } #endif // HidePointer() // // Hides the Mac mouse pointer void HidePointer() { HiliteMenu(0); HideCursor(); SetPortWindowPort(win); SetPt(&scrCenter, 300, 240); LocalToGlobal(&scrCenter); ResetPointer(); GetMouse(&prevPt); cursorVisible = false; CheckMenuItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iCursor, false); } // ShowPointer() // // Shows the Mac mouse pointer void ShowPointer() { InitCursor(); cursorVisible = true; CheckMenuItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iCursor, true); //CheckItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iCursor, true); } // UpdateTools() // // Check the state of the emulation and use it to tell which tools are available or not. void UpdateTools() { ScrapRef theScrap; ScrapFlavorFlags theScrapFlags; GetCurrentScrap(&theScrap); // If keyboard mapping is on AND there is text on the clipboard enable pasting if (SIM->get_param_bool(BXPN_KBD_USEMAPPING)->get() && (GetScrapFlavorFlags(theScrap, kScrapFlavorTypeText, &theScrapFlags) == noErr)) { EnableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mEdit), iPaste); EnableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[PASTE_TOOL_BUTTON].control); } else { DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mEdit), iPaste); DisableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[PASTE_TOOL_BUTTON].control); } // Currently copy and snapshot aren't available if we aren't in text mode if (screen_state == GRAPHIC_MODE) { DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mEdit), iCopy); DisableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mBochs), iSnapshot); DisableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[COPY_TOOL_BUTTON].control); DisableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[SNAPSHOT_TOOL_BUTTON].control); } else { EnableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mEdit), iCopy); EnableMenuItem(GetMenuRef(mBochs), iSnapshot); EnableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[COPY_TOOL_BUTTON].control); EnableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[SNAPSHOT_TOOL_BUTTON].control); } // User control active if keys defined char *user_shortcut; user_shortcut = SIM->get_param_string(BXPN_USER_SHORTCUT)->getptr(); if (user_shortcut[0] && (strcmp(user_shortcut, "none"))) { EnableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[USER_TOOL_BUTTON].control); } else { DisableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[USER_TOOL_BUTTON].control); } // Config panel only available if user has a terminal or equivalent if(isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { EnableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[CONFIGURE_TOOL_BUTTON].control); } else { DisableControl(bx_tool_pixmap[CONFIGURE_TOOL_BUTTON].control); } } // HideTools() // // Hides the Bochs toolbar void HideTools() { HideWindow(toolwin); #if 0 if (menubarVisible) { MoveWindow(win, gLeft, gMinTop, false); } else { MoveWindow(hidden, gLeft, gMinTop, false); } #endif CheckMenuItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iTool, false); HiliteWindow(win, true); } // ShowTools() // // Shows the Bochs toolbar void ShowTools() { #if 0 if (menubarVisible) { MoveWindow(win, gLeft, gMaxTop, false); } else { MoveWindow(hidden, gLeft, gMaxTop, false); } #endif ShowWindow(toolwin); // theGui->show_headerbar(); CheckMenuItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iTool, true); HiliteWindow(win, true); } // HideMenubar() // // Hides the menubar (obviously) void HideMenubar() { HideMenuBar(); HideWindow(win); ShowWindow(backdrop); hidden = win; win = fullwin; ShowWindow(win); SelectWindow(win); menubarVisible = false; CheckMenuItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iMenuBar, false); } // ShowMenubar() // // Makes the menubar visible again so other programs will display correctly. void ShowMenubar() { HideWindow(backdrop); win = hidden; hidden = fullwin; HideWindow(hidden); ShowWindow(win); HiliteWindow(win, true); ShowMenuBar(); menubarVisible = true; CheckMenuItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iMenuBar, true); } void HideConsole() { // HideWindow(SouixWin); CheckMenuItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iConsole, false); } void ShowConsole() { // ShowWindow(SouixWin); // SelectWindow(SouixWin); CheckMenuItem(GetMenuHandle(mBochs), iConsole, true); } // CreateKeyMap() // // Create a KCHR data structure to map Mac virtual key codes to Bochs key codes void CreateKeyMap(void) { const unsigned char KCHRHeader [258] = { 0, 1 }; const unsigned char KCHRTable [130] = { 0, 1, BX_KEY_A, BX_KEY_S, BX_KEY_D, BX_KEY_F, BX_KEY_H, BX_KEY_G, BX_KEY_Z, BX_KEY_X, BX_KEY_C, BX_KEY_V, BX_KEY_LEFT_BACKSLASH, BX_KEY_B, BX_KEY_Q, BX_KEY_W, BX_KEY_E, BX_KEY_R, BX_KEY_Y, BX_KEY_T, BX_KEY_1, BX_KEY_2, BX_KEY_3, BX_KEY_4, BX_KEY_6, BX_KEY_5, BX_KEY_EQUALS, BX_KEY_9, BX_KEY_7, BX_KEY_MINUS, BX_KEY_8, BX_KEY_0, BX_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET, BX_KEY_O, BX_KEY_U, BX_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET, BX_KEY_I, BX_KEY_P, BX_KEY_ENTER, BX_KEY_L, BX_KEY_J, BX_KEY_SINGLE_QUOTE, BX_KEY_K, BX_KEY_SEMICOLON, BX_KEY_BACKSLASH, BX_KEY_COMMA, BX_KEY_SLASH, BX_KEY_N, BX_KEY_M, BX_KEY_PERIOD, BX_KEY_TAB, BX_KEY_SPACE, BX_KEY_GRAVE, BX_KEY_BACKSPACE, BX_KEY_KP_ENTER, BX_KEY_ESC, 0, // 0x36 (record button) 0, // 0x37 (cmd key) 0, // 0x38 (left shift) 0, // 0x39 (caps lock) 0, // 0x3A (left option/alt) 0, // 0x3B (left ctrl) 0, // 0x3C (right shift) 0, // 0x3D (right option/alt) 0, // 0x3E (right ctrl) 0, // 0x3F (fn key -- laptops) 0, // 0x40 BX_KEY_KP_DELETE, // KP_PERIOD 0, // 0x42 (move right/multiply) BX_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY, 0, // 0x44 BX_KEY_KP_ADD, 0, // 0x46 (move left/add) BX_KEY_NUM_LOCK, 0, // 0x48 (move down/equals) 0, // 0x49 0, // 0x4A BX_KEY_KP_DIVIDE, BX_KEY_KP_ENTER, 0, // 0x4D (move up/divide) BX_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT, 0, // 0x4F 0, // 0x50 BX_KEY_EQUALS, // 0x51 (kp equals) BX_KEY_KP_INSERT, // 0x52 (kp 0) BX_KEY_KP_END, // 0x53 (kp 1) BX_KEY_KP_DOWN, // 0x54 (kp 2) BX_KEY_KP_PAGE_DOWN, // 0x55 (kp 3) BX_KEY_KP_LEFT, // 0x56 (kp 4) BX_KEY_KP_5, BX_KEY_KP_RIGHT, // 0x58 (kp 6) BX_KEY_KP_HOME, // 0x59 (kp 7) 0, // 0x5A BX_KEY_KP_UP, // 0x5B (kp 8) BX_KEY_KP_PAGE_UP, // 0x5C (kp 9) 0, // 0x5D 0, // 0x5E 0, // 0x5F BX_KEY_F5, BX_KEY_F6, BX_KEY_F7, BX_KEY_F3, BX_KEY_F8, BX_KEY_F9, 0, // 0x66 BX_KEY_F11, 0, // 0x68 BX_KEY_PRINT, // 0x69 (print screen) 0, // 0x6A BX_KEY_SCRL_LOCK, // 0x6B (scroll lock) 0, // 0x6C BX_KEY_F10, BX_KEY_MENU, // 0x6E BX_KEY_F12, 0, // 0x70 BX_KEY_PAUSE, // 0x71 (pause) BX_KEY_INSERT, BX_KEY_HOME, BX_KEY_PAGE_UP, BX_KEY_DELETE, BX_KEY_F4, BX_KEY_END, BX_KEY_F2, BX_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, BX_KEY_F1, BX_KEY_LEFT, BX_KEY_RIGHT, BX_KEY_DOWN, BX_KEY_UP }; KCHR = NewPtrClear(390); if (KCHR == NULL) BX_PANIC(("mac: can't allocate memory for key map")); BlockMove(KCHRHeader, KCHR, sizeof(KCHRHeader)); BlockMove(KCHRTable, Ptr(KCHR + sizeof(KCHRHeader)), sizeof(KCHRTable)); } // CreateVGAFont() // // Create an array of PixMaps for the PC screen font void CreateVGAFont(unsigned char *vga_charmap) { int i, x; unsigned char *fontData, curPixel; long row_bytes, bytecount; SetRect(&srcTextRect, 0, 0, font_width, font_height); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if(vgafont[i] != NULL) free(vgafont[i]); vgafont[i] = CreateBitMap(font_width, font_height); row_bytes = (*(vgafont[i])).rowBytes; bytecount = row_bytes * font_height; fontData = (unsigned char *)NewPtrClear(bytecount); for (x=0; xbaseAddr = Ptr(fontData); } } // CreateBitMap() // Allocate a new bitmap and fill in the fields with appropriate // values. BitMap *CreateBitMap(unsigned width, unsigned height) { BitMap *bm; long row_bytes; row_bytes = ((width + 31) >> 5) << 2; bm = (BitMap *)calloc(1, sizeof(BitMap)); if (bm == NULL) BX_PANIC(("mac: can't allocate memory for pixmap")); SetRect(&bm->bounds, 0, 0, width, height); bm->rowBytes = row_bytes; // Quickdraw allocates a new color table by default, but we want to // use one we created earlier. return bm; } // CreatePixMap() // Allocate a new pixmap handle and fill in the fields with appropriate // values. /* PixMapHandle CreatePixMap(unsigned left, unsigned top, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth, CTabHandle clut) { PixMapHandle pm; long row_bytes; row_bytes = (((long) depth * ((long) width) + 31) >> 5) << 2; pm = NewPixMap(); if (pm == NULL) BX_PANIC(("mac: can't allocate memory for pixmap")); (**pm).bounds.left = left; (**pm).bounds.top = top; (**pm).bounds.right = left+width; (**pm).bounds.bottom = top+height; (**pm).pixelSize = depth; (**pm).rowBytes = row_bytes | 0x8000; DisposeCTable((**pm).pmTable); (**pm).pmTable = clut; // Quickdraw allocates a new color table by default, but we want to // use one we created earlier. return pm; }*/ unsigned char reverse_bitorder(unsigned char b) { unsigned char ret=0; for (unsigned i=0; i<8; i++) { ret |= (b & 0x01) << (7-i); b >>= 1; } return(ret); } void bx_carbon_gui_c::mouse_enabled_changed_specific (bx_bool val) { } void bx_carbon_gui_c::beep_on(float frequency) { AlertSoundPlay(); BX_INFO(("Carbon Beep ON (frequency=%.2f)",frequency)); } void bx_carbon_gui_c::beep_off() { BX_INFO(("Carbon Beep OFF")); } // we need to handle "ask" events so that PANICs are properly reported static BxEvent * CarbonSiminterfaceCallback (void *theClass, BxEvent *event) { event->retcode = 0; // default return code if(event->type == BX_ASYNC_EVT_LOG_MSG || event->type == BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_ASK) { DialogRef alertDialog; CFStringRef title; CFStringRef exposition; DialogItemIndex index; AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec alertParam = {0}; if(event->u.logmsg.prefix != NULL) { title = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, event->u.logmsg.prefix, kCFStringEncodingASCII); exposition = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, event->u.logmsg.msg, kCFStringEncodingASCII); } else { title = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, event->u.logmsg.msg, kCFStringEncodingASCII); exposition = NULL; } alertParam.version = kStdCFStringAlertVersionOne; alertParam.defaultText = CFSTR("Continue"); alertParam.cancelText = CFSTR("Quit"); alertParam.position = kWindowDefaultPosition; alertParam.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton; alertParam.cancelButton = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton; CreateStandardAlert( kAlertCautionAlert, title, exposition, /* can be NULL */ &alertParam, /* can be NULL */ &alertDialog); RunStandardAlert( alertDialog, NULL, /* can be NULL */ &index); CFRelease(title); if(exposition != NULL) { CFRelease(exposition); } // continue if(index == kAlertStdAlertOKButton) { event->retcode = 0; } // quit else if(index == kAlertStdAlertCancelButton) { event->retcode = 2; } #if 0 if(event->u.logmsg.prefix != NULL) { BX_INFO(("Callback log: Prefix: %s", event->u.logmsg.prefix)); } BX_INFO(("Callback log: Message: %s", event->u.logmsg.msg)); #endif return event; } #if 0 // Track down the message that exiting leaves... switch(event->type) { case BX_SYNC_EVT_TICK: case BX_SYNC_EVT_LOG_ASK: break; default: BX_INFO(("Callback tracing: Evt: %d (%s)", event->type, ((BX_EVT_IS_ASYNC(event->type))?"async":"sync"))); } #endif if (old_callback != NULL) { return (*old_callback)(old_callback_arg, event); } else { return event; } } #endif /* if BX_WITH_CARBON */