To see the commit logs for this use either cvsweb or
cvs update -r BRANCH-io-cleanup and then 'cvs log' the various files.
In general this provides a generic interface for logging.
logfunctions:: is a class that is inherited by some classes, and also
. allocated as a standalone global called 'genlog'. All logging uses
. one of the ::info(), ::error(), ::ldebug(), ::panic() methods of this
. class through 'BX_INFO(), BX_ERROR(), BX_DEBUG(), BX_PANIC()' macros
. respectively.
. An example usage:
. BX_INFO(("Hello, World!\n"));
iofunctions:: is a class that is allocated once by default, and assigned
as the iofunction of each logfunctions instance. It is this class that
maintains the file descriptor and other output related code, at this
point using vfprintf(). At some future point, someone may choose to
write a gui 'console' for bochs to which messages would be redirected
simply by assigning a different iofunction class to the various logfunctions
More cleanup is coming, but this works for now. If you want to see alot
of debugging output, in, change onoff[LOGLEV_DEBUG]=0 to =1.
Comments, bugs, flames, to me:
to plex86 on 5/14/2001 and said that it was okay:
> Yes, thanks to MandrakeSoft, the Elpin VGA BIOS 2.40 was licensed
> for use in _both_ plex86 and bochs. So you can distribute 2.40.
> Replace the text in 'bios/VGABIOS-elpin-LICENSE', with the
> same file from the plex86 CVS tree. Substitute bochs wherever
> plex86 occurs.
compile warnings with or without it on Linux, so it seems no longer
necessary. It may have been introduced to cope with the fabs symbol
conflict, which was already removed in rev1.3 of fpu_etc.c.
supported on more than just linux. Also since about half the options
said "Don't use this" I put the more stable/usable options toward the
top, and the rest in a separate table below.
signal. First, selection of the GUI should cause BX_GUI_SIGHANDLER to
be defined in Then, the GUI should define member functions
Bit32u get_sighandler_mask ();
void sighandler (int sig);
The mask function returns a bitfield where one bit corresponds to each
signal. For any signal whose bit is set to 1 in the return value of
get_sighandler_mask, the gui will control that signal. When the signal
arrives, bx_gui.sighandler(sig) will be called by bx_signal_handler,
instead of the default behavior of that signal.
1 or 2 hard disks.
- int13: check how many disks first, and only return an error if DL exceeds
the number of disks (ignoring bit 7 of course)
- added drive number arg to get_hd_geometry, so that get_hd_geometry can
retrieve the numbers corresponding to hard drive 0 or 1
- hard_drive_post will now set up the EBDA area for drive 0 if it exists,
then for drive 1 if it exists.
- made the code that fills 0x1b-0x23 for diskc conditional on diskc being
present; this was probably not necessary.
- added some code (still commented out) that will help in supporting a second
IDE interface.
since at present there's no way to actually manage this. To use both,
we will need to put the cdrom (or diskd) onto second ide controller with
a different IRQ.
Basicly what it does is, it help VGA16 find the syncing, because of the
technique it uses, bochs did not help it figure out the timing diffrences
with its one size fits all timing.