- Removed useless set_pcm_params() call in base class contructor.
- SDL waveout destructor needs to call the unregister_wave_callback() method
of the SDL stuff, since the base class destructor doesn't do that.
- Moved BX_INIT_MUTEX() call to start_mixer_thread() to reduce code duplication.
- Call BX_FINI_MUTEX() only when the mixer thread and mutex was really used.
NULL for all services and the dummy driver provides the stubs. Now falling
back to the dummy driver if the wavein or midiout services are not provided
by the selected driver.
- sound 'file' driver: added failure handling in the file open methods.
- soundmod: initialize default driver with NULL to avoid crash on failure.
- SB16: Fixed crash if no driver is present / removed unused members.
- Implemented wave output using the 'soundfile' driver including dual wave
output in wavemode 3. Removed now obsolete output file handling and other
cleanups. The wave input (recording) feature is not affected by the
wavemode setting.
- Moved VOC file handling to the soundfile code.
- Updated iodev makefile dependencies.
- Implemented wave and midi output using the 'soundfile' driver.
- Implemented dual midi/wave output in midimode/wavemode 3.
- Removed now obsolete output file handling and other cleanups.
- The wave input (recording) and OPL3 output features are not affected by
the wavemode setting.
- TODO: Similar rewrite of ES1370 wave output and related cleanups.
- soundlow: use direct output if no PCM callback is registered.
- soundlow/soundfile: re-implemented openwaveoutput() method to support
runtime changes of wave mode or file (only implemented in the 'file'
driver, stub for others).
- soundfile: don't initialize mixer thread and PCM callback if thread is
already running / no output() delay in that case.
- Added the capability to load up to 4 sound drivers and added methods to
get pointers to the waveout, wavein and midiout services of a driver.
- Rewrite of the SB16 midi file output code. In midimode 2 and 3 the midiout
service of the 'file' driver is used. Removed obsolete midi file handling.
- Re-implemented the closemidioutput() method to make runtime changes of the
midi setup work with the new code.
- waveout: added support for RIFF WAVE format and raw output. The formats
'voc' and 'wav' are detected by file extension, raw output is used otherwise.
- midiout: added support for raw midi output (no header, no deltatime).
The 'mid' format is detected by file extension, raw output is used otherwise.
- Added 'midiout' parameter to the global sound option to specify the device
if necessary. The related SB16 parameter now only specifies the output file.
- TODO: Rewrite of the sound configuration and output code to support dual
output (device and file).
- New code is based on the dummy sound driver and file output code from SB16.
- The midiout feature supports the MIDI file format.
- The waveout feature currently only supports the VOC format.
- Add support for a more detailed sound configuration (waveout to device,
midiout to a file.
- The waveout feature should support WAV and RAW file formats.
- Move VOC file handling from soundmod.cc to soundfile.cc.
- Finally remove file handling code from sound devices.
creates the object and returns a pointer to it. TODO: Rewrite of the sound
configuration to support a more detailed setup (e.g. waveout with alsa,
dummy wavein, midiout to a file).
creates the object and returns a pointer to it. TODO: The wavein and midiout
components should also move to separate classes. When finished, it should be
possible to configure the sound support more detailed (e.g. waveout with sdl,
midiout with alsa and the dummy driver for wavein). Creating a separate
module for the output to file(s) is also possible.
'alsa'. Cleaned up the code a little bit.
TODO #1: Implement mixer thread support in the OSX sound driver.
TODO #2: Code cleanups in the Bochs sound code.
TODO #3: Resampling support and improvements in the wave recording code.
- removed disabled code for the sndPlaySound() function.
- removed now obsolete buffer ring for wave output.
- The new mothod waveout() is driven by the mixer thread. For the best results
you need to disable the 'realtime' sychronization and to find out a usable
IPS vaöue. The mixer also polls data from the speaker beep generator and
the OPL3 FM generator.
- TODO: Code cleanup in soundwin.cc, implementation in other sound modules.
- soundlow: prepared code for 2 pcm parameter sets:
emulated: requested by sendwavepacket()
real: used for the sound output
- soundsdl: startwaveplayback() rewritten to set_pcm_data().
- soundmod: some beep init code fixes.
- OPL3: Added support to change the samplerate of the generator.
- SDL sound: convert wave packet to 16 Bit signed stereo format.
- Increased the maximum size of a single wave packet for playbck/recording.