You can now choose for each disk on the ata interfaces the
disk mode, between :
- flat : one file flat layout
- concat : multiple files layout
- external : developer's specific, through a C++ class
- dll : developer's specific, through a DLL
- sparse : stackable, commitable, rollbackable
- vmware3 : vmware3 disk support
- undoable : flat file with commitable redolog
- growable : growing file
- volatile : flat file with volatile redolog
- z-undoable : gziped flat file with commitable redolog
- z-volatile : gziped flat file with volatile redolog
A new "bxcommit" utility can merge commitable redologs to
flat images.
- FAQ - sound question: added FreeBSD to the list of supported platforms
- list of configure shortcut files updated
- compiling footnote: file locations updated
- replaced reference to sound.html (old docs) by a reference to the
"sb16-emulation" section
- compiling instructions for BeOS updated
- keyboard mapping: supported guis added
- move configure options section right after Standard Compile. It
was buried at the end of the section and hard to find before.
- fix section issue for sb16
- fix typo in pit description
with scp and then log in and gunzip it on the shell server. This speeds
up "make webinst" quite a bit.
- add "make dl_docs" which downloads a bochsdoc.tar.gz from the web site.
This will be used to grab the rendered documentation for platforms that
do not have docbook tools. (Most don't.)
- stop installing "README" because depending on where you put it, it can
overwrite the main README.
authors. If someone has contributed a section, we would give them credit in
that section. If they write enough sections, we can take out the
section-by-section credits and list them as an author.
make install it will build the docbook documentation and install it
into $(prefix)/share/doc/bochs. If it is not specified, then it will
be enabled only if the program "docbook2html" is found in your path.
- this completes [ 652957 ] install docbook docs instead of HTML
Modified Files: configure doc/docbook/
- only rebuild docbook stuff when the source is newer
- add install target
- allow $SFUSER environment variable to define the sf username, instead of
hardcoding the user->sfuser translations in the makefile.
- now alldocs is called index.html
- add dist-clean target