- new gui variable 'user_dialog' indicates the presence of a gui dialog box for
editing the userbutton shortcut before sending it - simple userbutton shortcut dialog for the X11 gui implemented - small fixes in the X11 "ask" dialog code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// $Id: gui.cc,v 1.84 2005-10-20 17:34:22 sshwarts Exp $
// $Id: gui.cc,v 1.85 2005-10-21 18:00:17 vruppert Exp $
// Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ bx_gui_c::init(int argc, char **argv, unsigned tilewidth, unsigned tileheight)
BX_GUI_THIS host_xres = 640;
BX_GUI_THIS host_yres = 480;
BX_GUI_THIS host_bpp = 8;
BX_GUI_THIS user_dialog = 0;
specific_init(argc, argv, tilewidth, tileheight, BX_HEADER_BAR_Y);
@ -550,13 +551,7 @@ bx_gui_c::userbutton_handler(void)
char *ptr;
int i, len = 0, ret = 1;
#ifdef WIN32
if (strcmp(bx_options.Osel_displaylib->get_choice(bx_options.Osel_displaylib->get()),
"rfb")) {
if (!strcmp(bx_options.Osel_config->get_choice(bx_options.Osel_config->get()),
"wx")) {
if (BX_GUI_THIS user_dialog) {
ret = SIM->ask_param (BXP_USER_SHORTCUT);
strcpy(user_shortcut, bx_options.Ouser_shortcut->getptr());
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// $Id: gui.h,v 1.47 2005-10-13 16:22:21 sshwarts Exp $
// $Id: gui.h,v 1.48 2005-10-21 18:00:17 vruppert Exp $
// Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ protected:
Bit16u host_pitch;
Bit8u host_bpp;
Bit8u *framebuffer;
bx_bool user_dialog;
// Add this macro in the class declaration of each GUI, to define all the
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// $Id: sdl.cc,v 1.59 2005-07-30 18:57:02 vruppert Exp $
// $Id: sdl.cc,v 1.60 2005-10-21 18:00:17 vruppert Exp $
// Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
@ -297,6 +297,9 @@ void bx_sdl_gui_c::specific_init(
new_gfx_api = 1;
#ifdef WIN32
user_dialog = 1;
void sdl_set_status_text(int element, const char *text, bx_bool active)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// $Id: win32.cc,v 1.96 2005-10-02 17:37:56 vruppert Exp $
// $Id: win32.cc,v 1.97 2005-10-21 18:00:17 vruppert Exp $
// Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
@ -678,8 +678,9 @@ void bx_win32_gui_c::specific_init(int argc, char **argv, unsigned
// load keymap tables
if(bx_options.keyboard.OuseMapping->get()) {
bx_keymap.loadKeymap(NULL); // I have no function to convert X windows symbols
user_dialog = 1;
void resize_main_window()
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// $Id: wx.cc,v 1.74 2004-11-06 17:03:43 vruppert Exp $
// $Id: wx.cc,v 1.75 2005-10-21 18:00:17 vruppert Exp $
// wxWidgets VGA display for Bochs. wx.cc implements a custom
@ -914,6 +914,7 @@ bx_wx_gui_c::specific_init(int argc, char **argv, unsigned tilewidth, unsigned t
new_gfx_api = 1;
user_dialog = 1;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// $Id: x.cc,v 1.92 2005-10-16 13:11:38 vruppert Exp $
// $Id: x.cc,v 1.93 2005-10-21 18:00:17 vruppert Exp $
// Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
@ -640,6 +640,7 @@ bx_x_gui_c::specific_init(int argc, char **argv, unsigned tilewidth, unsigned ti
new_gfx_api = 1;
user_dialog = 1;
@ -1973,7 +1974,7 @@ int x11_ask_dialog(BxEvent *event)
KeySym key;
int done, i, level;
int retcode = -1;
int button = 0, oldbutton = -1;
int valid = 0, control = 0, oldctrl = -1;
unsigned long black_pixel, white_pixel;
char name[16], text[10], device[16], message[512];
@ -2024,62 +2025,213 @@ int x11_ask_dialog(BxEvent *event)
gc, 105, 60, 65, 20, "Alwayscont");
x11_create_button(xevent.xexpose.display, dialog,
gc, 190, 60, 65, 20, "Quit");
oldbutton = button - 1;
if (oldbutton < 0) oldbutton = 1;
oldctrl = control - 1;
if (oldctrl < 0) oldctrl = 1;
case ButtonPress:
if (xevent.xbutton.button == Button1) {
if ((xevent.xbutton.y > 60) && (xevent.xbutton.y < 80)) {
if ((xevent.xbutton.x > 20) && (xevent.xbutton.x < 85)) {
button = 0;
control = 0;
valid = 1;
} else if ((xevent.xbutton.x > 105) && (xevent.xbutton.x < 170)) {
button = 1;
control = 1;
valid = 1;
} else if ((xevent.xbutton.x > 190) && (xevent.xbutton.x < 255)) {
button = 2;
control = 2;
valid = 1;
case ButtonRelease:
if (xevent.xbutton.button == Button1) {
if ((xevent.xbutton.button == Button1) && (valid == 1)) {
done = 1;
case KeyPress:
i = XLookupString((XKeyEvent *)&xevent, text, 10, &key, 0);
if (key == XK_Tab) {
if (button == 3) button = 0;
if (control == 3) control = 0;
} else if (key == XK_Escape) {
control = 2;
done = 1;
} else if ((key == XK_space) || (key == XK_Return)) {
done = 1;
if (button != oldbutton) {
XDrawRectangle(xevent.xexpose.display, dialog,
gc_inv, button_x[oldbutton], 58, 69, 24);
XDrawRectangle(xevent.xexpose.display, dialog,
gc, button_x[button], 58, 69, 24);
oldbutton = button;
if (control != oldctrl) {
XDrawRectangle(bx_x_display, dialog, gc_inv, button_x[oldctrl], 58, 69, 24);
XDrawRectangle(bx_x_display, dialog, gc, button_x[control], 58, 69, 24);
oldctrl = control;
retcode = ask_code[button];
retcode = ask_code[control];
XFreeGC(bx_x_display, gc);
XDestroyWindow(bx_x_display, dialog);
return retcode;
int x11_string_dialog(bx_param_string_c *param)
Window dialog;
XSizeHints hint;
XEvent xevent;
GC gc, gc_inv;
KeySym key;
int valid = 0, control = 0, oldctrl = -1;
int done, i;
unsigned long black_pixel, white_pixel;
char editstr[80], name[80], text[10], value[80];
strcpy(name, param->get_name());
strcpy(value, param->getptr());
hint.flags = PPosition | PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize;
hint.x = 100;
hint.y = 100;
hint.width = hint.min_width = hint.max_width = 250;
hint.height = hint.min_height = hint.max_height = 90;
black_pixel = BlackPixel(bx_x_display, bx_x_screen_num);
white_pixel = WhitePixel(bx_x_display, bx_x_screen_num);
dialog = XCreateSimpleWindow(bx_x_display, RootWindow(bx_x_display,bx_x_screen_num),
hint.x, hint.y, hint.width, hint.height, 4, black_pixel, white_pixel);
XSetStandardProperties(bx_x_display, dialog, name, name, None, NULL, 0, &hint);
gc = XCreateGC(bx_x_display, dialog, 0, 0);
gc_inv = XCreateGC(bx_x_display, dialog, 0, 0);
XSetState(bx_x_display, gc_inv, white_pixel, black_pixel, GXcopy, AllPlanes);
XSetBackground(bx_x_display,gc,WhitePixel(bx_x_display, bx_x_screen_num));
XSetForeground(bx_x_display,gc,BlackPixel(bx_x_display, bx_x_screen_num));
XSelectInput(bx_x_display, dialog, ButtonPressMask
| ButtonReleaseMask
| KeyPressMask
| KeyReleaseMask
| ExposureMask
| PointerMotionMask
| EnterWindowMask
| LeaveWindowMask);
XMapWindow(bx_x_display, dialog);
done = 0;
while (!done) {
XNextEvent(bx_x_display, &xevent);
switch (xevent.type) {
case Expose:
if (xevent.xexpose.count == 0) {
sprintf(editstr, "%s%s", value, "_ ");
XDrawRectangle(xevent.xexpose.display, dialog, gc, 45, 20, 160, 20);
XDrawImageString(xevent.xexpose.display, dialog, gc, 49, 34, editstr, strlen(editstr));
x11_create_button(xevent.xexpose.display, dialog,
gc, 55, 60, 65, 20, "OK");
x11_create_button(xevent.xexpose.display, dialog,
gc, 130, 60, 65, 20, "Cancel");
oldctrl = control - 1;
if (oldctrl < 0) oldctrl = 1;
case ButtonPress:
if (xevent.xbutton.button == Button1) {
if ((xevent.xbutton.y > 60) && (xevent.xbutton.y < 80)) {
if ((xevent.xbutton.x > 55) && (xevent.xbutton.x < 120)) {
control = 1;
valid = 1;
} else if ((xevent.xbutton.x > 130) && (xevent.xbutton.x < 195)) {
control = 2;
valid = 1;
} else if ((xevent.xbutton.y > 20) && (xevent.xbutton.y < 40)) {
if ((xevent.xbutton.x > 45) && (xevent.xbutton.x < 205)) {
control = 0;
valid = 1;
case ButtonRelease:
if ((xevent.xbutton.button == Button1) && (valid == 1)) {
if (control > 0) {
done = 1;
case KeyPress:
i = XLookupString((XKeyEvent *)&xevent, text, 10, &key, 0);
if (key == XK_Tab) {
if (control == 3) control = 0;
} else if (key == XK_Escape) {
control = 2;
done = 1;
} else if (control > 0) {
if ((key == XK_space) || (key == XK_Return)) {
done = 1;
} else {
if (key == XK_Return) {
control = 1;
done = 1;
} else if (key == XK_BackSpace) {
if (strlen(value) > 0) {
value[strlen(value)-1] = 0;
oldctrl = -1;
} else if ((i == 1) && (strlen(value) < 40)) {
strcat(value, text);
oldctrl = -1;
if (control != oldctrl) {
if (oldctrl > 0) {
XDrawRectangle(bx_x_display, dialog, gc_inv, oldctrl==1?53:128, 58, 69, 24);
} else if (oldctrl == 0) {
sprintf(editstr, "%s%s", value, " ");
XDrawImageString(bx_x_display, dialog, gc, 49, 34, editstr, strlen(editstr));
if (control > 0) {
XDrawRectangle(bx_x_display, dialog, gc, control==1?53:128, 58, 69, 24);
} else {
sprintf(editstr, "%s%s", value, "_ ");
XDrawImageString(bx_x_display, dialog, gc, 49, 34, editstr, strlen(editstr));
oldctrl = control;
if (control == 1) param->set(value);
if (control == 2) control = -1;
XFreeGC(bx_x_display, gc);
XDestroyWindow(bx_x_display, dialog);
return control;
BxEvent *
x11_notify_callback (void *unused, BxEvent *event)
int opts;
bx_param_c *param;
bx_param_string_c *sparam;
switch (event->type)
event->retcode = x11_ask_dialog(event);
return event;
param = event->u.param.param;
if (param->get_type() == BXT_PARAM_STRING) {
sparam = (bx_param_string_c *)param;
opts = sparam->get_options()->get();
if ((opts & sparam->IS_FILENAME) == 0) {
event->retcode = x11_string_dialog(sparam);
return event;
case BX_SYNC_EVT_TICK: // called periodically by siminterface.
case BX_SYNC_EVT_ASK_PARAM: // called if simulator needs to know value of a param.
case BX_ASYNC_EVT_REFRESH: // called when some bx_param_c parameters have changed.
// fall into default case
Reference in New Issue
Block a user