- removed files completely ported to docbook
- removed obsolete files - updated index.html - fixed cvs-structure.txt
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Kevin'
| <-- REL-bochs-2000-03-25. Also called version 2.0 or REL_1_0_BASE.
| <-- REL-bochs-2000-03-25. Also called version 1.0 or REL_1_0_BASE.
+----- BRANCH-smp-bochs: by Bryce, modify bochs to simulate SMP machine.
| |
@ -29,12 +29,14 @@ is more current:<br><br>
<br><A TARGET="_top" HREF="http://bochs.sourceforge.net/">Bochs Home Page</A>
<br><A HREF="install.html">Compile/Install</A>
<br><A HREF="changelog.html">Versions (changelog)</A>
<br><A HREF="cosimulation.html">Cosimulation</A>
<br><A HREF="iodebug.html">I/O Interface to Bochs Debugger</A>
<br><A HREF="codingguidelines.html">Coding Guidelines</A>
<br><A HREF="sound.html">Sound Blaster 16 emulation</A>
<br><A HREF="3rdparty.license.html">3rd Party Software Licensing and Temporary Files</A>
<br><A HREF="Minix.html">Installation instructions for Minix</A>
<br><A HREF="Linux.html">Installation instructions for Linux</A>
<br><A HREF="guestNT.html">Installation instructions for WinNT 4.0</A>
@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Kevin Lawton">
<TITLE>Compiling and Installing Bochs</TITLE>
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#ececec" LINK="#3333cc" VLINK="#666666">
<H1>Compiling and Installing Bochs</H1>
<LI> <A HREF="#Getting current source code">Getting current source code</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="#Compiling source code">Compiling source code</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="#Setting up environment">Setting up environment before running</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="#Bochsrc file options">Bochsrc file options</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="#Command line options">Bochs command line options</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="#Installing an OS">Installing an OS (DOS/Win'95/Minix/Linux) within Bochs</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="changelog.html">ChangeLog</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="cosimulation.html">Optional cosimulation debugger</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL License</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="3rdparty.license.html">3rd Party Software Licensing and Temporary Files</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="#Keyboard Hacks">X11 Keyboard Hacks</A></LI>
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<A NAME="Getting current source code"></A>Getting current source code
Source code for Bochs, is available from the Bochs home page
at <a href="http://bochs.sourceforge.net">bochs.sourceforge.net</a>.
You can download the most recent release, or use CVS to check
out the latest sources. The releases are the most likely to compile
and run without modification, but if you want the very newest features
try CVS instead.
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<A NAME="Compiling source code"></A>Compiling source code
All releases are gzip'd tar files. That means the whole Bochs source
code directory has been
consolidated into one file using the Unix command 'tar', then compressed
to save space with GNU 'gzip'.
To extract the source code, you'll need both 'tar' and 'gzip/gunzip'.
All files are contained within one
subdirectory named 'bochs-YYMMDDv'.
cd /path/parent-directory
gzip -dc bochs-YYMMDDv.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
cd bochs-YYMMDDv
Before compiling, you'll need to run the configure script, which will configure
source code to run
on your system, and with your chosen options. There are many
options to 'configure', and you probably don't need any of them.
For example, if you run BeOS, specify '--with-beos' to configure.
To see a complete list:
unix-> ./configure --help
For more complete documentation of options available to configure,
click on <a href="configure.html">this link</a>.
You will also need to set
environment variables to tell configure what compiler and options
to use. Check out <a href="configure.html">this link</a>.
It's the same as the one above.
Now run configure, be it manually or by way of a script file.
unix-> ./configure
unix-> ./.conf.x86
<P>If the configure script bombs, check 'config.log'. Specifically,
look for errors returned
by the compiler. You may have options incompatible with your
compiler. See the link on setting the environment variables above.
Assuming at this point all went well with the configure command,
edit the file 'config.h', which was generated by ./configure.
Look for the USER CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS section. Each parameter
available for editing is documented. Generally the
defaults are fine for typical users.
Please read about each
parameter and edit carefully. <B>NOTE:</B> This file is
generated, and will be deleted if you run 'make dist-clean'.
You may now compile the source.
unix-> make
There are <a href="win32.html">separate instructions</a> for compiling
in Windows.
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<A NAME="Setting up environment"></A>Setting up environment
before running
<!-------- VGA font section already converted to docbook --------------->
In text mode, Bochs requires your X server to have access to the
VGA font. If you don't already have it, you must install it from
one of the font files in bochs-yymmdd/font.
There are two options; you may install the VGA font in a global place, or
in a local directory. You may need to install it locally if you don't have
root access.
<B>Option 1: installing VGA font in global font directory</B>
# NOTE1: Make sure your DISPLAY variable points to local machine.
# NOTE2: These steps require root privileges.
# NOTE3: Your X11 fonts path will vary on different systems. For example:
# Solaris 2.x /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts
# Linux /usr/lib/X11/fonts/
root-> cp font/vga.pcf font-path-here/misc
root-> compress font-path-here/misc/vga.pcf
root-> mkfontdir font-path-here/misc
root-> xset fp rehash
root-> /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart (Restart your X font server)
The command to restart the X font server is given for Redhat systems, but
it will vary between different machines, and might not even be necessary at
all. If you cannot figure out how to restart your font server, you can
just reboot.
<B>Option 2: installing VGA font in local font directory</B>
# NOTE1: Make sure your DISPLAY variable points to local machine.
# NOTE2: The "xset" command needs to be run for each X session.
user-> mkfontdir bochs-YYMMDD/font
user-> xset fp+ [full-path]/bochs-YYMMDD/font
<!-------- end of VGA font section already converted to docbook ------------>
<A NAME="Creating a hard disk image file"></A>
<B>Hard Drive Image File: </B> Bochs emulates a hard drive by using a
large Unix file, which you must create. The size of the hard drive is
dependent upon the number of cylinders, heads, and sectors-per-track that
you would like to emulate. Here are some examples of possible
drive geometries:
<TH>Sectors Total</TH>
For hard disk sizes larger than 528MB, be sure that newharddrivesupport is
enabled. This will be the compiled default in a future release, but for now
your .bochsrc still needs the line "newharddrivesupport: enabled=1" in order
to support >1024 cylinders.
Pick the size of the hard drive you want to emulate, and create a blank file
according to the parameters in the table. If you have the 'dd' command,
you can use it to create the file. Keeping in mind that there are 512 bytes
in a sector, just use the number of "Sectors Total" from the table as the
'count=' option to dd, and tell dd to use a block size ('bs=') the same as
a disk sector size (512). For example, for a 112MB drive, there are 229500
(900*15*17) sectors.
unix-> dd if=/dev/zero of=112M bs=512 count=229500
<A NAME="Creating a floppy image file"></A>
<B>Floppy Disk Image File:</B> Bochs emulates a floppy drive/disk using either
a Unix file, or a real floppy drive Unix device. To use either, you will need
an entry in your '.bochsrc' file pointing to the regular or device file. Use
the 'floppya:' and 'floppyb:' directives. If you are starting out, you will
need to make a copy of an <I>existing</I> bootable floppy. Otherwise, you may create
a <I>blank</I> image file, if you intend on formatting it using the OS you boot
within Bochs.
<TH>Sectors Total</TH>
To create a <I>blank floppy image file</I>, you can use the same concept as above for
creating blank hard disk image files. For example, to create a blank 1.44MB
floppy image file:
unix-> dd if=/dev/zero of=1.44M bs=512 count=2880
To create a <I>copy of an existing floppy disk</I>, granted you have a floppy disk
drive on your workstation, you can use one of the following commands, where
'/dev/fd0' would be the path to your floppy drive device name.
<P><B>NOTE:</B> If your system uses a form of volume management to automount
your floppy drive, you may have to tell it you popped in a new floppy,
and use an alternative device name to access it.
# Linux, direct use of floppy drive using 'dd'
unix-> dd if=/dev/fd0 ibs=512 of=1.44M
# Linux, direct use of floppy drive using 'cp'
unix-> cp /dev/fd0 1.44M
# With Volume Management handling floppy drive
Solaris 2.x-> volcheck
Solaris 2.x-> dd if=/vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 ibs=512 of=1.44M
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<A NAME="Bochsrc file options"></A>
Bochsrc file options
There are many options which you can change, to alter the behaviour
of bochs, enable features, etc. You can set values for these options
in a file called <B>".bochsrc"</B>. There should be a reference
file with this name, that comes with the source code distribution.
As, it's easier to maintain documenting possible commands in
the file itself, look in the reference file for more info.
Search Order:
<LI>bochs first tries to find this file in your current directory
<LI>bochs then tries to find this file in your home directory
<LI>bochs then gives up and doesn't use one.
<B>Note:</B> These options are overridden by any command line options you provide
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<A NAME="Command line options"></A>
Bochs command line options
You may now pass all options available in the ".bochsrc" file, to
bochs on the command line. Syntax for command line options is
now identical to directives in ".bocshrc". Old command line options,
such as <B>-bootC</B> are no longer valid.
Bochs expects that each option is passed as a single argument, so if
you need to use spaces, surround the option in quotes. For example:
bochs boot:c
bochs "boot: c" "diskc: file=../10M.vga, cyl=306, heads=4, spt=17"
bochs romimage:/tmp/someimage
<B>Note:</B> Look in the reference ".bochsrc" for syntax
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<A NAME="Installing an OS"></A>
Installing an OS (DOS/Win'95/Minix/Linux) within Bochs
The goal of Bochs is to emulate the components of a basic PC (CPU, BIOS,
disk drive, floppy, keyboard, VGA, and other chipsets) well enough to allow
for multiple Operating Systems to run within the emulator. So far,
Bochs has been successful in running several OS's at
one time or the other. Follow the link of your choice to learn how
to install the OS of your interest.
<LI> <A HREF="DOS.html">DOS</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="Windows31.html">Windows 3.1</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="Minix.html">Minix</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="Linux.html">Linux</A> </LI>
<LI> <A HREF="guestNT.html">WinNT 4.0</A> </LI>
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<A NAME="Keyboard Hacks">X11 Keyboard Hacks</A>
NOTE: your backspace key may not work properly. You may have to
source the file 'misc/xmods' in the main distribution directory.
I need to look at this problem a little more.
Using Ctrl-h always seems to work for me.
@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="Author" content="Josef Drexler">
<meta name="Description" content="A brief description of how the portable part of the sound subsystem of Bochs works, and how it should or could be ported to other platforms than those already supported.">
<title>Bochs Sound Blaster 16 Emulation</title>
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#ECECEC" link="#3333CC" vlink="#666666">
<center><h1>Sound Blaster 16 emulation</h1></center>
<h1>About SB16 emulation for bochs</h1>
This is Sound Blaster 16 emulation for bochs, written and donated by
Josef Drexler.
You can see also check out his related web page
<a href="http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/bochs/">here</a>.
The entire set of his SB16 patches have been integrated into
bochs, so you will not need to do so.
It has been tested with several soundcards and versions of Linux.
Please give
<a href="mailto:jdrexler@julian.uwo.ca">Josef</a>
feedback on whether is does or doesn't work
on your combination of software and hardware.
<h3>How much does work?</h3>
Right now, MPU401 emulation is next to perfect. It supports UART
mode, because the SB16's MPU401 ports can't do anything else as well.
The digital audio basically works, the emulation is too slow for fluent
output unless the application doesn't do much in the background (or the
foreground, really). The sound tends to looping or crackle on slower
computer, but the emulation appears to be correct. Even a MOD
player works, although only for lower sampling speeds.
Also, the MIDI data running through the MPU401 ports can be written
into a SMF, that is the standard midi file. The wave output
can be written into a VOC file, which has a format defined by
Creative Labs. This file format can be converted to WAV by
sox for example.
<h3>Output to a sound card</h3>
Output is supported on Linux and Windows 95 at the moment.
On Linux, the output goes to any file or device. If you have a
wavetable synthesizer, midi can go to /dev/midi00, otherwise you may need
a midi interpreter. For example, the midid program from the
DosEmu project would work. Wave output should go to /dev/dsp.
These devices are assumed to be OSS devices, if they're not
some of the ioctl's might fail.
On Windows, midi and output goes to the midi mapper and the wave mapper,
respectively. A future version might have selectable output devices.
<h1>Installation on Linux</h1>
A wavetable synthesizer on /dev/midi00 and a working /dev/dsp if you want real time music and sound, otherwise output to midi and wave files is also possible.
Optionally, you can use a software midi interpreter, such as the midid program from the DosEmu project instead of /dev/midi00.
<h3>Configuring bochs</h3>
There are a few values in config.h that are relevant to the sound functions.
Edit config.h after running configure, but before compiling.
BX_USE_SB16_SMF should be 1 unless you intend to have several sound cards
running at the same time.
BX_USE_SOUND_VIRTUAL can be 0 or 1, and determines whether the output class
uses virtual functions or not. The former is more versatile and allows to
select the class at runtime (not supported at the moment), while the latter
is slightly faster.
BX_SOUND_OUTPUT_C is the name of the class used for output. The default is
to have no output functions, so you need to change this if you want any sound.
The following are supported at the moment:
bx_sound_linux_c for output to /dev/dsp and /dev/midi00 on Linux
(and maybe other OSes that use the OSS driver)
bx_sound_windows_c for output to the midi and wave mapper of
Windows 3.1 and higher.
bx_sound_output_c for no output at all.
Setup the SB16 emulation in your .bochsrc, according to instructions
in that file.
<h1>Runtime configuration</h1>
The source for the SB16CTRL program that is used to modify
the runtime behaviour of the SB16 emulator is included in
<b>misc/sb16</b>. You can compile it or download the
<a href="http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/bochs/">executable</a>.
misc/sb16/ contains a C program that can be run inside the emulator, and the
executable for DOS. It currently supports the following commands:
-i <number>: shows the selected emulator info string,
e.g. sb16ctrl -i 3 to show how many patch translations are active
-t <six numbers>: loads a translation into the translation table. The
numbers are:
All values can be 0..127 or 255. 255 for Old values means "match
any" and for New values means "don't change",
e.g. sb16ctrl -t 255,255,0,255,255,32
to change patch 0 (Piano) to patch 32 (Acoustic Bass)
-r: Reset the patch translation table
e.g. sb16ctrl -r
-m <some numbers>: Upload the given numbers to the midi output device. Note
that it should be a complete midi message, and also that it is
subject to patch translation.
e.g. sb16ctrl -m 0x80,64,0
to send a note-off message to channel 0.
-f <filename>: Reads in a file and executes the commands in it. These have
the same format as the above commands, except that they don't have
the dash "-" in front of them.
Comment lines are supported and start with a hash sign "#".
-h: Show a brief summary of the commands.
All numbers can be valid parameters to the strtol() function, so hex and
octal notation is fine. They have to be delimited by either commas "," or
slashes "/", spaces are not allowed.
The command line can have any number of commands. However, if none are given,
"-f -" is assumed, which means commands are taken from stdin.
<h1>Features planned for the future</h1>
<li>Ports to more OS's, but I can't do this myself
<li>Finishing the OPL3 FM emulation by translating the music to midi data
Description of the sound output classes</h1>
This file is intended for programmers who would like to port the sound
output routines to their platform. It gives a short outline what services
have to be provided.
<p>You should also have a look at the exisiting files, <tt>SOUNDLNX.CC</tt>
for Linux and <tt>SOUNDWIN.CC</tt> for Windows and their respective
header files to get an idea about how these things <i>really</i> work.
The main include file is <tt>"bochs.h"</tt>. It has all definitions
for the system-independent functions that the SB16 emulation uses, which
are defined in <tt>"sb16.h"</tt>.
<p>Additionally, every output driver will have an include file, which
should be included at the end of <tt>sb16.h</tt> to allow the emulator
to use that driver.
<p>To actually make the emulator use any specific driver,
<tt>BX_SOUND_OUTPUT_C</tt> has to be set to the name of the respective
output class.
<p>Note that if your class contains any system-specific statements,
include-files and so on, you should enclose both the include-file and
the CC-file in an <tt>#if defined(<i>OS-define</i>)</tt> construct.
Also don't forget to add your file to the object list in
<tt>iodev/Makefile</tt> and <tt>iodev/Makefile.in</tt>.
The following classes are involved with the SB16 emulation:
<li><tt>bx_sb16_c</tt> is the class containing the emulator itself, that
is the part acting on port accesses by the application, handling the
DMA transfers and so on. It also prepares the data for the output
<li><tt>bx_sound_output_c</tt> is the base output class. It has all
the methods used by the emulator, but only as stubs and does not
actually produce any output. These methods are then called by
the emulator whenever output is necessary.
<li><tt>bx_sound_<i>OS</i>_c</tt> is derived from
<tt>bx_sound_output_c</tt>. It contains the code to generate
output for the <tt><i>OS</i></tt> operating system.
It is necessary to override all
the methods defined in the base class, unless virtual functions
are used. Note that this should remain an option, so try to
override all methods, even if only as stubs. They should be
declared <tt>virtual</tt> if and only if <tt>BX_USE_SOUND_VIRTUAL</tt>
is defined, just as in the examples.
The constructor should call the inherited constructor
as usual, even though the current constructor does not do
anything yet.
The following are the methods that the output class has to override.
All but constructor and destructor have to return either
<tt>BX_SOUND_OUTPUT_OK</tt> (0) if the function was successful,
or <tt>BX_SOUND_OUTPUT_ERR</tt> (1) if not. If any of the initialization
functions fail, output to that device is disabled until the emulator
is restarted.
<p>Constructor and destructor:
<tt><a href="#constructor">bx_sound_<i>OS</i>_c(bx_sb16_c *sb16)</a></tt>
<tt><a href="#destructor">~bx_sound_<i>OS</i>_c()</a></tt>
<p>Midi functions:
<tt><a href="#openmidioutput">int openmidioutput(char *device)</a></tt></li>
<tt><a href="#sendmidicommand">int sendmidicommand(int delta,
int command, int length, Bit8u data[])</a></tt></li>
<tt><a href="#midiready">int midiready()</a></tt></li>
<tt><a href="#closemidioutput">int closemidioutput()</a></tt></li>
Wave functions:
<tt><a href="#openwaveoutput">int openwaveoutput(char *device)</a></tt></li>
<tt><a href="#startwaveplayback">int startwaveplayback(int frequency,
int bits, int stereo, int format)</a></tt></li>
<tt><a href="#waveready">int waveready()</a></tt></li>
<tt><a href="#sendwavepacket">int sendwavepacket(int length, Bit8u data[])</a></tt></li>
<tt><a href="#stopwaveplayback">int stopwaveplayback()</a></tt></li>
<tt><a href="#closewaveoutput">int closewaveoutput()</a></tt></li>
<hr SIZE=4 WIDTH="100%">
<a NAME="constructor"></a><tt>bx_sound_<i>OS</i>_c(bx_sb16_c
*<a href="#conssb16">sb16</a>)</tt></h4>
The emulator instantiates the class at the initialization of Bochs.
<p>Description of the parameter:
<li><a NAME="conssb16"></a><tt>sb16</tt> is a pointer to the emulator class.
This pointer can then be used
to access for example the <tt>writelog</tt> function to generate
sound-related log messages. Apart from that, no access to the emulator
should be necessary.
The constructor should <i>not</i> allocate the output devices.
This shouldn't be done until the actual output
occurs; in either <tt>initmidioutput()</tt> or <tt>initwaveoutput()</tt>.
Otherwise it would be impossible to have two copies of Bochs running
concurrently (if anybody ever wants to do this).</li>
<a NAME="destructor"></a><tt>~bx_sound_<i>OS</i>_c()</tt></h4>
The instance is destroyed just before Bochs ends.
<a NAME="openmidioutput"></a><tt>int openmidioutput(char *<a href="#omodevice">device</a>)</tt></h4>
<tt>openmidioutput()</tt> is called when the first midi output starts.
It is only called if the midi output mode is 1 (midimode 1). It should
prepare the given MIDI hardware for receiving midi commands.</li>
<tt>openmidioutput()</tt> will always be called before <tt>openwaveoutput()</tt>,
and <tt>closemidioutput()</tt>will always be called before <tt>closewaveoutput()</tt>,
but not in all cases will both functions be called.
<p>Description of the parameters:
<a NAME="omodevice"></a><tt>device</tt> is a system-dependent variable.
It contains the value of the <tt>MIDI=device</tt> configuration option.</li>
Note that only one midi output device will be used at any one time.
may not have the same value throughout one session, but it will be closed
before it is changed.
<a name="midiready"></a><tt>int midiready()</tt></h4>
<tt>midiready()</tt> is called whenever the applications asks if the
midi queue can accept more data.
<p>Return values:
<tt>BX_SOUND_OUTPUT_OK</tt> if the midi output device is ready
<tt>BX_SOUND_OUTPUT_ERR</tt> if it isn't ready
<b>Note: </b><tt>midiready()</tt> will be called a few times
<i>before</i> the device is opened. If this is the case, it should
always report that it is ready, otherwise the application (not Bochs)
will hang.
<a NAME="sendmidicommand"></a><tt>int sendmidicommand(int <a href="#smcdelta">delta</a>,
int <a href="#smdcommand">command</a>, int <a href="#smclength">length</a>,
Bit8u <a href="#smcdata">data</a>[])</tt></h4>
<tt>sendmidicommand()</tt>is called whenever a complete midi command has
been written to the emulator. It should then
send the given midi command to the midi hardware.</li>
It will only be called after the midi output has been opened. Note that
if at all possible it should not wait for the completion of the command
and instead indicate that the device is not ready during the execution
of the command. This is to avoid delays in the program while it is
generating midi output.
<p>Description of the parameters:
<a NAME="smcdelta"></a><tt>delta</tt> is the number of delta ticks that
have passed since the last command has been issued. It is always zero for
the first command. There are 24 delta ticks per quarter, and 120 quarters
per minute, thus 48 delta ticks per second.</li>
<a NAME="smdcommand"></a><tt>command</tt> is the midi command byte (sometimes
called status byte), in the usual range of 0x80..0xff. For more information
please see the midi standard specification.</li>
<a NAME="smclength"></a><tt>length</tt> is the number of data bytes that
are contained in the data structure. This does <i>not</i> include the status
byte which is not replicated in the data array. It can only be greater
than 3 for SysEx messages (commands <tt>0xF0</tt> and <tt>0xF7</tt>)</li>
<a NAME="smcdata"></a><tt>data[]</tt> is the array of these data bytes,
in the order they have in the standard MIDI specification.
Note, it might be <tt>NULL</tt> if length==0.</li>
<a NAME="closemidioutput"></a><tt>int closemidioutput()</tt></h4>
<tt>closemidioutput()</tt> is called before shutting down Bochs or
when the
emulator gets the <tt>stop_output</tt> command through the emulator port.
After this, no more output will be necessary until <tt>openmidioutput()</tt>
is called again, but <tt>midiready()</tt> might still be called. It should
Wait for all remaining messages to be completed
Reset and close the midi output device</li>
<a NAME="openwaveoutput"></a><tt>int openwaveoutput(char *<a href="#owodevice">device</a>)</tt></h4>
<tt>openwaveoutput()</tt> is called when the first wave output occurs,
and only if the selected wavemode is 1. It should
Open the given device, and prepare it for wave output</li>
Store the device name so that the device can be opened in <tt>startplayback()</tt>.</li>
<tt>openmidioutput()</tt> will always be called before <tt>openwaveoutput()</tt>,
and <tt>closemidioutput()</tt>will always be called before <tt>closewaveoutput()</tt>,
but not in all cases will both functions be called.
<p><tt>openwaveoutput()</tt> will typically be called once, whereas
is called for every new DMA transfer to the SB16 emulation. If feasible,
it could be useful to open and/or lock the output device in
<tt>startplayback()</tt> as opposed to <tt>openwaveoutput()</tt>
to ensure that it can be used by other applications while Bochs doesn't
need it.
<p>However, many older applications don't use the auto-init DMA
mode, which means that they start a new DMA transfer for every single
block of output, which means usually for every 2048 bytes or so.
Unfortunately there is no way of knowing whether the application will
restart an expired DMA transfer soon, so that in these cases the
<tt>startwaveplayback</tt> function will be called very often, and it
isn't a good idea to have it reopen the device every time.
<p>The buffer when writing to the device should not be overly large.
Usually about four buffers of 4096 bytes produce best results. Smaller
buffers could mean too much overhead, while larger buffers contribute
to the fact that the actual output will always be late when the application
tries to synchronize it with for example graphics.
<p>The parameters are
<a NAME="owodevice"></a><tt>device</tt> is the wave device selected by
the user. It is strictly system-dependent. The value is that of the
configuration option.</li>
Note that only one wave output device will be used at any one time.
may not have the same value throughout one session, but it will be closed
before it is changed.
<a NAME="startwaveplayback"></a><tt>int startwaveplayback(int
<a href="#swpfreq">frequency</a>,
int <a href="#swpbits">bits</a>, int
<a href="#swpstereo">stereo</a>, int
<a href="#swpcodec">format</a>)</tt></h4>
This function is called whenever the application starts a new DMA transfer.
It should
Open the wave output device, unless <tt>openwaveoutput()</tt> did that
Prepare the device for data and set the device parameters to those given
in the function call</li>
The parameters are:
<a NAME="swpfreq"></a><tt>frequency</tt> is the desired frequency of the
output. Because of the capabities of the SB16, it can have any value between
5000 and 44,100.</li>
<a NAME="swpbits"></a><tt>bits</tt> is either 8 or 16, denoting the resolution
of one sample.</li>
<a NAME="swpstereo"></a><tt>stereo</tt> is either 1 for stereo output,
or 0 for mono output.</li>
<a NAME="swpcodec"></a><tt>format</tt> is a bit-coded value (see below).</li>
<td NOSAVE>The bits in <tt>format</tt> are
<table BORDER=2 >
<th>Bit number</th>
<td>0 (LSB)</td>
<td>0: unsigned data
<br>1: signed data</td>
<td>Type of codec</td>
<td>0: no reference byte
<br>1: with reference byte</td>
<td>reserved (0)</td>
<td WIDTH="5%"></td>
<td>The codec can be one of the following:
<table BORDER=2>
<td>PCM (raw data)</td>
<td>2-bit ADPCM
<br>(Creative Labs format)</td>
<td>2.4-bit (3-bit) ADPCM
<br>(Creative Labs format)</td>
<td>4-bit ADPCM
<br>(Creative Labs format)</td>
Other codecs are not supported by the SB hardware. In fact, most applications
will translate their data into raw data, so that in most cases the codec
will be zero.</td>
The number of bytes per sample can be calculated from this as
<tt>(bits / 8) * (stereo + 1)</tt>.
<a NAME="waveready"></a><tt>int waveready()</tt></h4>
This is called whenever the emulator has another output buffer ready
and would like to pass it to the output class. This happens every
<tt>BX_SOUND_OUTPUT_WAVEPACKETSIZE</tt> bytes, or whenever a DMA transfer
is done or aborted.
<p>It should return whether the output device is ready for another buffer
is returned, the emulator waits about 1/(frequency * bytes per sample) seconds
and then asks again. The DMA transfer is stalled during that time, but
the application keeps running, until the output device becomes ready.
<p>As opposed to <tt>midiready(), waveready()</tt> will <i>not</i> be
called unless the device is open.
<a NAME="sendwavepacket"></a><tt>int sendwavepacket(int <a href="#swplength">length</a>,
Bit8u <a href="#swpdata">data[]</a>)</tt></h4>
This function is called whenever a data packet of at most <tt>BX_SB16_WAVEPACKETSIZE</tt>
is ready at the SB16 emulator. It should then
Send this wave packet to the wave hardware</li>
This function <i>has</i> to be synchronous, meaning that it <i>has</i>
to return immediately, and <i>not</i> wait until the output is done. Also,
this function might be called before the previous output is done. If your
hardware can't append the new output to the old one, you will have to implement
this yourself, or the output will be very chunky, with as much silence
between the blocks as the blocks take to play. This is not what you want.
Instead, <tt>waveready()</tt> should return <tt>BX_SOUND_OUTPUT_ERR</tt>
until the device accepts another block of data.
<a NAME="swplength"></a><tt>length</tt> is the number of data bytes in
the data stream. It will never be larger than <tt>BX_SB16_WAVEPACKETSIZE</tt>.</li>
<a NAME="swpdata"></a><tt>data</tt> is the array of data bytes.</li>
<p><br>The order of bytes in the data stream is the same as that in the
Wave file format:
<table BORDER=2>
<th>Output type</th>
<th ALIGN=LEFT>Sequence of data bytes</th>
<td>8 bit mono</td>
<td>Sample 1; Sample 2; Sample 3; etc.</td>
<td>8 bit stereo</td>
<td>Sample 1, Channel 0; Sample 1, Channel 1; Sample 2, Channel 0; Sample
2, Channel 1; etc.</td>
<td>16 bit mono</td>
<td>Sample 1, LSB; Sample 1, MSB; Sample 2, LSB; Sample 2, MSB; etc.</td>
<td>16 bit stereo</td>
<td>Sample 1, LSB, Channel 0; Sample 1, MSB, Channel 0; Sample 1, LSB,
Channel 1; Sample 1, MSB, Channel 1; etc.</td>
<p>Typically 8 bit data will be unsigned with values from 0 to 255, and
16 bit data will be signed with values from -32768 to 32767, although the
SB16 is not limited to this. For further information on the codecs and
the use of reference bytes please refer to the Creative Labs Sound Blaster
Programmer's Manual, which can be downloaded from the Creative Labs web
<a NAME="stopwaveplayback"></a><tt>int stopwaveplayback()</tt></h4>
This function is called at the end of a DMA transfer. It should
Close the output device if it was opened by <tt>startwaveplayback()</tt>.</li>
and it's not going to be opened soon. Which is almost impossible to tell.
<a NAME="closewaveoutput"></a><tt>int closewaveoutput()</tt></h4>
This function is called just before Bochs exits. It should
Close the output device, if this hasn't been done by <tt>stopwaveplayback()</tt>.</li>
Typically, <tt>stopwaveplayback()</tt> will be called several times, whenever
a DMA transfer is done, where <tt>closewaveoutput()</tt> will only be called
once. However, in the future it might be possible that <tt>openwaveoutput()</tt>
is called again, for example if the user chose to switch devices while
Bochs was running. This is not supported at the moment, but might be in
the future.
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