- add patch for CPUID function 0x80000001 for x86-64 emulation

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Bothamy 2003-01-05 02:16:38 +00:00
parent c6d3735a47
commit b4ba046f62

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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Patch name: patch.x86-64-cpuid
Author: Paul Brook
Date: Sun Jan 5 2003
Detailed description:
The attached patch fixes CPUID function 0x80000001 for x86-64 emulation
Without it recent kernels refuse to boot, complaining about missing
Patch was created with:
cvs diff -u
Apply patch to what version:
cvs checked out on Sun Jan 5 2003
To patch, go to main bochs directory.
Type "patch -p0 < THIS_PATCH_FILE".
Index: cpu/proc_ctrl.cc
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/cpu/proc_ctrl.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.63
diff -u -r1.63 proc_ctrl.cc
--- cpu/proc_ctrl.cc 13 Nov 2002 21:00:04 -0000 1.63
+++ cpu/proc_ctrl.cc 5 Jan 2003 02:11:11 -0000
@@ -1334,36 +1334,12 @@
- void
-BX_CPU_C::CPUID(bxInstruction_c *i)
+/* Get CPU feature flags. Returned by CPUID functions 1 and 80000001. */
+ static inline Bit32u
-#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4
- unsigned type, family, model, stepping, features;
+ unsigned features;
- invalidate_prefetch_q();
-#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4
- switch (EAX) {
- case 0:
- // EAX: highest input value understood by CPUID
- // EBX: vendor ID string
- // EDX: vendor ID string
- // ECX: vendor ID string
- RAX = 1; // 486 or pentium
-#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
- RBX = 0x68747541; // "Auth"
- RDX = 0x69746e65; // "enti"
- RCX = 0x444d4163; // "cAMD"
- RBX = 0x756e6547; // "Genu"
- RDX = 0x49656e69; // "ineI"
- RCX = 0x6c65746e; // "ntel"
- break;
- case 1:
// EAX[3:0] Stepping ID
// EAX[7:4] Model: starts at 1
// EAX[11:8] Family: 4=486, 5=Pentium, 6=PPro
@@ -1397,52 +1373,24 @@
// [31:30] Reserved
features = 0; // start with none
- type = 0; // OEM
-#if BX_CPU_LEVEL == 4
- family = 4;
- // 486dx
- model = 1;
- stepping = 3;
features |= 0x01;
-# else
- // 486sx
- model = 2;
- stepping = 3;
# endif
-#elif BX_CPU_LEVEL == 5
- family = 5;
- model = 1; // Pentium (60,66)
- stepping = 3; // ???
+#if (BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5)
+ features |= (1<<8); // Support CMPXCHG8B instruction
features |= (1<<4); // implement TSC
- features |= 0x01;
-# endif
features |= (1<<23); // support MMX
# endif
-#elif BX_CPU_LEVEL == 6
- family = 6;
-#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
- model = 2; // Hammer returns what?
- model = 1; // Pentium Pro
- stepping = 3; // ???
- features |= (1<<4); // implement TSC
+#if BX_CPU_LEVEL == 6
features |= (1<<15); // Implement CMOV instructions.
features |= (1<<9); // APIC on chip
# endif
- features |= 0x01; // support FPU
-# endif
- features |= (1<<23); // support MMX
-# endif
# if BX_SUPPORT_SSE >= 1
features |= (1<<24); // support FSAVE/FXRSTOR
features |= (1<<25); // support SSE
@@ -1450,9 +1398,6 @@
# if BX_SUPPORT_SSE >= 2
features |= (1<<26); // support SSE2
# endif
- BX_PANIC(("CPUID: not implemented for > 6"));
@@ -1467,14 +1412,75 @@
features |= (1<<6); // Support PAE.
-#if (BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 5)
- features |= (1<<8); // Support CMPXCHG8B instruction
+#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
+ features |= (1<<5); //AMD specific MSR's
+ return features;
+ void
+BX_CPU_C::CPUID(bxInstruction_c *i)
+#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4
+ unsigned type, family, model, stepping, features;
+ invalidate_prefetch_q();
+#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4
+ switch (EAX) {
+ case 0:
+ // EAX: highest input value understood by CPUID
+ // EBX: vendor ID string
+ // EDX: vendor ID string
+ // ECX: vendor ID string
+ RAX = 1; // 486 or pentium
+#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
+ RBX = 0x68747541; // "Auth"
+ RDX = 0x69746e65; // "enti"
+ RCX = 0x444d4163; // "cAMD"
+ RBX = 0x756e6547; // "Genu"
+ RDX = 0x49656e69; // "ineI"
+ RCX = 0x6c65746e; // "ntel"
+ break;
+ case 1:
+#if BX_CPU_LEVEL == 4
+ family = 4;
+ // 486dx
+ model = 1;
+ stepping = 3;
+# else
+ // 486sx
+ model = 2;
+ stepping = 3;
+# endif
+#elif BX_CPU_LEVEL == 5
+ family = 5;
+ model = 1; // Pentium (60,66)
+ stepping = 3; // ???
+#elif BX_CPU_LEVEL == 6
+ family = 6;
+#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
+ model = 2; // Hammer returns what?
+ model = 1; // Pentium Pro
+ stepping = 3; // ???
+ BX_PANIC(("CPUID: not implemented for > 6"));
RAX = (family <<8) | (model<<4) | stepping;
RBX = RCX = 0; // reserved
- RDX = features;
+ RDX = get_std_cpuid_features ();
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
@@ -1489,9 +1495,23 @@
case 0x80000001:
// long mode supported.
- // bug in manual - should be EDX not EAX
- RDX = (1 << 29);
- RAX = RBX = RCX = 0;
+ features = get_std_cpuid_features ();
+ RAX = features;
+ // Many of the bits in EDX are the same as EAX
+ // [10:10] Reserved
+ // [11:11] SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions
+ // [18:19] Reserved
+ // [20:20] No-Execute page protection
+ // [21:21] Reserved
+ // [22:22] AMD MMX Extensions
+ // [25:28] Reserved
+ // [29:29] Long Mode
+ // [30:30] AMD 3DNow Extensions
+ // [31:31] AMD 3DNow Intructions
+ features = features & 0x0183F3FF;
+ RDX = features | (1 << 29) | (1 << 11);
+ // RAX = RBX = RCX = 0;
+ RBX = RCX = 0;
case 0x80000008: