- check in MacOSX disk image creation utility

This commit is contained in:
Bryce Denney 2002-11-22 06:07:39 +00:00
parent 9acf9f4198
commit 67479020ae

bochs/build/macosx/diskimage.pl Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# Copyright (C) 1991-2002 and beyond by Bungie Studios, Inc.
# and the "Aleph One" developers.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This license is contained in the file "COPYING",
# which is included with this source code; it is available online at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
my $fullfolderPath = shift(@ARGV);
die "err: No folder specified" unless defined($fullfolderPath) && length($fullfolderPath);
$fullfolderPath =~ s{/$}{};
$fullfolderPath =~ m{([^/]+)$};
local $folderName = $1;
local $folderSize = undef;
local $imageName = "'$fullfolderPath.dmg'";
local $imageSectors = undef;
local $imageTemp = "'$fullfolderPath-tmp.dmg'";
die "err: $folderName is not a directory\n" if(!-d $fullfolderPath);
# Know a better way to get the first value from du?
($folderSize) = split(m/ /, `du -s "$fullfolderPath"`);
die "err: du failed with $?\n" if($?);
# Inflate $folderSize for disk image overhead. Minimum 5 MB disk
local $fiveMBImage=10240;
$imageSectors = $folderSize + int($folderSize * 0.08);
if($imageSectors < $fiveMBImage)
$imageSectors = $fiveMBImage;
# Create image, overwriting prior version
`hdiutil create -ov -sectors $imageSectors $imageTemp`;
die "err: hdiutil create failed with $?\n" if($?);
# Initialize the image
local $hdid_info=`hdid -nomount $imageTemp`;
die "err: hdid -nomount failed with $?\n" if($?);
$hdid_info =~ s/( |\t|\n)+/~!/g;
local (@hdid_info) = split(m/~!/, $hdid_info);
local ($disk_dev, $hfs_dev);
$disk_dev = $hdid_info[0];
$hfs_dev = $hdid_info[4];
$disk_dev =~ s{/dev/}{};
$hfs_dev =~ s/disk/rdisk/;
`newfs_hfs -v "$folderName" $hfs_dev`;
local $err = $?;
`hdiutil eject $disk_dev`;
die "err: newfs_hfs failed with $err\n";
`hdiutil eject $disk_dev`;
# Fill the image
$hdid_info = `hdid $imageTemp`;
die "err: hdid failed with $?\n" if($?);
$hdid_info =~ s/( |\t|\n)+/~!/g;
@hdid_info = split(m/~!/, $hdid_info);
$disk_dev = $hdid_info[0];
$disk_dev =~ s{/dev/}{};
`ditto -rsrcFork "$fullfolderPath" "/Volumes/$folderName"`;
local $err = $?;
`hdiutil eject $disk_dev`;
die "err: ditto failed with $err\n";
`hdiutil eject $disk_dev`;
# Create the compressed image
`hdiutil convert $imageTemp -format UDCO -o $imageName`;
die "err: hdiutil convert failed with $?\n" if($?);