- added more SDL details, minor tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,15 +15,21 @@ Changes in 1.4 (FIXME(bdenney):change to release date):
- keyboard mapping?
- keyboard type?
- keyboard changes by Volker Ruppert. FIXME(vruppert): need details.
- new SDL interface by Dave Poirier. FIXME(eks): need compile instructions for
different platforms. Possibly this will require configure.in improvements
that Bryce can help with.
- experimental SDL interface by Dave Poirier.
SDL is a graphics library that has works on many platforms.
This interface is experimental, and is missing a few features of the
standard Bochs interfaces: 1. icons at the top of the window, and
2. extended keys (arrows, keypad) are not working.
FIXME: need compile instructions for various platforms.
Possibly this will require configure.in improvements that Bryce can help
- fixed bug [ #468340 ] pic:slave: OCW3 not implemented. Now the slave PIC
supports all the modes that the master PIC does, and nobody will see this
message again.
- text mode cursor is improved (Volker Ruppert)
- improve mouse motion in RFB mode, from patch #457968
- serial port emulation improvements by Volker Ruppert
- serial port emulation improvements by Volker Ruppert.
FIXME(vruppert): need a few more details.
- serial port emulation improvements for FreeBSD and OpenBSD by Stu Grossman
- fix some memory leaks (patch from Darko Tominac)
- you can now change the cdrom at runtime. To notify Bochs that you have
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# doc/docbook/Makefile
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 2001-06-16 00:23:33 m2calabr Exp $
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.6 2002-03-06 15:45:09 bdenney Exp $
# Builds documentation in various formats from SGML source, and
# allows easy update to the Bochs web site.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
SECTIONS=user documentation development
# these files get installed in addition to the sections
EXTRAS=README alldocs.html
EXTRAS=README alldocs.html images include
# complete list of what to install
@ -27,35 +27,58 @@ REMOTE_PATH=/home/groups/b/bo/bochs/htdocs/doc/docbook
# -x means don't try to forward X authorization, it won't work for SF
SSH=ssh -x
all: $(SECTIONS)
# docbook defines and stuff
JADE_ARGS=-t sgml -d $(HTML_STYLESHEET) # -V nochunks
# this assumes that for each section [S], there is a subdirectory
# called [S] and the main file to render is [S]/[S].dbk. The $@
# expression is the target name, so when doing "make user" the $@ is
# user.
# render the docbook for a section
cd $@; docbook2ps $@.dbk
cd $@; docbook2pdf $@.dbk
cd $@; docbook2html $@.dbk
all: all_html
# install the stuff on the remote server using ssh the bryce->bdenney
all_html: user/book1.html documentation/book1.html development/book1.html
user/book1.html: user/user.dbk
rm -f user/*.htm*
export i=user; cd $$i; $(JADE) $(JADE_ARGS) $$i.dbk
cp user/book1.htm user/book1.html
documentation/book1.html: documentation/documentation.dbk
rm -f documentation/*.htm*
export i=documentation; cd $$i; $(JADE) $(JADE_ARGS) $$i.dbk
cp documentation/book1.htm documentation/book1.html
development/book1.html: development/development.dbk
rm -f development/*.htm*
export i=development; cd $$i; $(JADE) $(JADE_ARGS) $$i.dbk
cp development/book1.htm development/book1.html
for i in $(SECTIONS); do $(SGML_VALIDATE) $$i/$$i.dbk; done
# install the stuff on the remote server using ssh. The bryce->bdenney
# stuff is just because Bryce's local username and sourceforge
# username don't match. If your usernames match then the "whoami"
# will work ok.
webinst: all
webinst: #all
# fix <TITLE> tags in all html files
./fixtitles.pl `find . -name '*.htm'`
./fixtitles.pl `find . -name '*.html'`
# fix permissions locally so that tar will install things right
chmod 664 `find $(INSTALL_LIST) -type f -print`
chmod 775 `find $(INSTALL_LIST) -type d -print`
# copy to remote
@echo Installing documentation on $(REMOTE_PATH)
if test "`whoami`" = bryce; then sfuser=bdenney; \
else sfuser=`whoami`; fi; \
case "`whoami`" in \
bryce) sfuser=bdenney;; \
daemian) sfuser=vasudeva;; \
*) sfuser=`whoami`;; \
esac; \
tar cf - $(INSTALL_LIST) | \
$(SSH) $$sfuser@$(REMOTE_HOST) "cd $(REMOTE_PATH) && umask 002 && tar xvf -"
#remove generated files
for S in $(SECTIONS); do \
rm -f $$S/*.html $$S/*.ps $$S/*.pdf $$S/*.out; \
rm -f $$S/*.htm* $$S/*.ps $$S/*.pdf $$S/*.out $$S/*.rtf $$S/*.tex $$S/*.fot; \
Reference in New Issue
Block a user