- some fixes to usb support from SF patch #1340111 by Ben Lunt
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// $Id: pciusb.cc,v 1.22 2005-09-23 19:31:12 vruppert Exp $
// $Id: pciusb.cc,v 1.23 2005-10-29 09:12:39 vruppert Exp $
// Copyright (C) 2004 MandrakeSoft S.A.
@ -212,8 +212,9 @@ bx_pciusb_c::reset(unsigned type)
// First, clear out the device(s)
for (i=0; i<BX_USB_CONFDEV; i++)
for (j=0; j<USB_CUR_DEVS; j++)
for (j=0; j<USB_CUR_DEVS; j++) {
memset(&BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[j], 0, sizeof(USB_DEVICE));
BX_USB_THIS keyboard_connected = 0;
BX_USB_THIS mouse_connected = 0;
@ -223,7 +224,6 @@ bx_pciusb_c::reset(unsigned type)
init_device(0, bx_options.usb[0].Oport1->getptr());
init_device(1, bx_options.usb[0].Oport2->getptr());
@ -252,11 +252,10 @@ bx_pciusb_c::init_device(Bit8u port, char *devname)
for (int i=0; i<USB_CUR_DEVS; i++) {
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[i].dev_type == type) {
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[i].dev_type == type)
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num = i;
usb_set_connect_status(type, connected);
usb_set_connect_status(port, type, connected);
@ -287,13 +286,11 @@ bx_pciusb_c::read(Bit32u address, unsigned io_len)
Bit32u val = 0x0;
Bit8u offset,port;
//BX_DEBUG(("register read from address 0x%04x - ", (unsigned) address));
offset = address - BX_USB_THIS hub[0].base_ioaddr;
switch (offset) {
case 0x00: // command register (16-bit)
val = /*BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_command.max_packet_size*/ 0 << 7 // always return as 0 (max packet = 32) lowspeed
val = BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_command.max_packet_size << 7
| BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_command.configured << 6
| BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_command.debug << 5
| BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_command.resume << 4
@ -360,7 +357,6 @@ bx_pciusb_c::read(Bit32u address, unsigned io_len)
//BX_DEBUG(("val = 0x%08x", (Bit32u) val));
BX_DEBUG(("register read from address 0x%04X: 0x%08X (%i bits)", (unsigned) address, (Bit32u) val, io_len * 8));
@ -410,7 +406,9 @@ bx_pciusb_c::write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len)
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_command.host_reset) {
BX_USB_THIS reset(0);
for (unsigned i=0; i<USB_NUM_PORTS; i++) {
usb_set_connect_status(BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[i].device_num].dev_type,
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[i].device_num < 0)
BX_PANIC(("USB internal error at line %i", __LINE__));
usb_set_connect_status(i, BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[i].device_num].dev_type,
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[i].device_num].connect_status);
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[i].connect_changed = 1;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[i].enabled = 0;
@ -535,8 +533,10 @@ bx_pciusb_c::write(Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len)
// TODO: descriptors, etc....
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].reset) {
// are we are currently connected/disconnected
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num < 0)
BX_PANIC(("USB internal error at line %i", __LINE__));
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].connect_status = 0;
usb_set_connect_status(BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].dev_type, 1);
usb_set_connect_status(port, BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].dev_type, 1);
BX_DEBUG(("Port #%d: Reset", port+1));
@ -718,27 +718,24 @@ void bx_pciusb_c::DoTransfer(struct TD *td) {
Bit8u addr = (td->dword2 >> 8) & 0x7F;
Bit8u endpt = (td->dword2 >> 15) & 0x0F;
Bit8u pid = td->dword2 & 0xFF;
//Bit8u d = (td->dword2 & 0x00080000) ? 1 : 0;
Bit8u data[64];
struct REQUEST_PACKET *rp = (struct REQUEST_PACKET *) data;
// if packet, read in the packet data
if (pid == TOKEN_SETUP) {
if (td->dword3) BX_MEM_READ_PHYSICAL(td->dword3, 8, data);
// the '8' above may need to be maxlen (unless maxlen == 0)
BX_DEBUG(("TD found: %08x %08x %08x %08x", td->dword0, td->dword1, td->dword2, td->dword3));
BX_DEBUG((" %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", data[0], data[1], data[2],
data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]));
// check TD to make sure it is valid
// A max length 0x500 to 0x77E is illegal
if (((td->dword2 >> 21) >= 0x500) && ((td->dword2 >> 21) != 0x7FF)) {
BX_ERROR(("error at 11111111111"));
return; // error = consistency check failure
//if (td->dword0 & 0x8) return; // error = reserved bits in dword0 set
// other error checks here
@ -747,7 +744,7 @@ void bx_pciusb_c::DoTransfer(struct TD *td) {
struct USB_DEVICE *dev = NULL;
for (i=0; i<USB_CUR_DEVS; i++) {
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[i].connect_status) at_least_one = 1;
if ((BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[i].address == addr) && BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[i].connect_status){
if ((BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[i].address == addr) && BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[i].connect_status) {
dev = &BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[i];
@ -757,21 +754,29 @@ void bx_pciusb_c::DoTransfer(struct TD *td) {
if (dev == NULL) {
BX_PANIC(("Device not found for addr: %i", addr));
BX_USB_THIS set_status(td, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0x007); // an 8 byte packet was received, but stalled
return; // device not found
if ((pid == TOKEN_OUT) && (maxlen == 0x7FF) && (addr == 0)) {
// This is the "keep awake" packet that Windows sends once a schedule cycle.
// For now, let it pass through to the code below.
} else {
BX_PANIC(("Device not found for addr: %i", addr));
BX_USB_THIS set_status(td, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0x007); // an 8 byte packet was received, but stalled
return; // device not found
maxlen &= 0x7FF;
if (maxlen > dev->function.device_descr.max_packet_size)
maxlen = dev->function.device_descr.max_packet_size;
if (dev) {
if (maxlen > dev->function.device_descr.max_packet_size)
maxlen = dev->function.device_descr.max_packet_size;
} else
maxlen = 0;
// parse and get command
Bit16u cnt;
switch (pid) {
case TOKEN_IN: // Data came from HC to Host
// if an interrupt in, do the protocol packet.
// if an interrupt in / bulk in, do the protocol packet.
if (endpt > 0) {
fnd = 0;
for (i=0; (i<dev->function.device_config[dev->config].interfaces) && !fnd; i++) {
@ -783,7 +788,6 @@ void bx_pciusb_c::DoTransfer(struct TD *td) {
//BX_INFO(("Interface %i endpt %i protocol %i", j, endpt, protocol));
if (fnd) {
cnt = dev->function.device_config[dev->config].Interface[dev->Interface].endpts[0].max_size;
switch (protocol) {
@ -813,13 +817,12 @@ void bx_pciusb_c::DoTransfer(struct TD *td) {
BX_PANIC(("Unknown/unsupported endpt protocol issued an Interrupt In packet. protocol %i", protocol));
BX_PANIC(("Unknown/unsupported endpt protocol issued an Interrupt In / Bulk packet. protocol %i", protocol));
} else {
BX_PANIC(("Unknown endpt issued an Interrupt In packet. ID 0x%04x Interface %i endpt %i", i, endpt, dev->function.device_descr.vendorid));
BX_PANIC(("Unknown endpt issued an Interrupt In / Bulk packet. ID 0x%04x Interface %i endpt %i", i, endpt, dev->function.device_descr.vendorid));
} else {
bx_gui->statusbar_setitem(BX_USB_THIS hub[0].statusbar_id[0], 1);
BX_DEBUG(("TOKEN_IN: len = %i", maxlen));
BX_DEBUG((" address = 0x%08X, Depth = %i, QH = %i, Terminate = %i\n"
" spd=%i, c_err=%i, LS=%i, IOS=%i, IOC=%i, status=0x%02X, act_len=0x%03X\n"
@ -834,7 +837,7 @@ void bx_pciusb_c::DoTransfer(struct TD *td) {
// So we need to set the address for this device *after* the in packet.
if (maxlen == 0) {
BX_USB_THIS set_status(td, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x7FF);
if (BX_USB_THIS set_address_stk && !addr) {
if (BX_USB_THIS set_address_stk && (addr == 0)) {
BX_USB_THIS set_address_stk--;
dev->address = BX_USB_THIS set_address[BX_USB_THIS set_address_stk];
dev->state = STATE_ADDRESS;
@ -843,16 +846,10 @@ void bx_pciusb_c::DoTransfer(struct TD *td) {
if (dev->function.in_cnt > 0) {
bx_gui->statusbar_setitem(BX_USB_THIS hub[0].statusbar_id[0], 1);
cnt = (dev->function.in_cnt < maxlen) ? dev->function.in_cnt : maxlen;
BX_MEM_WRITE_PHYSICAL(td->dword3, cnt, dev->function.in);
BX_DEBUG((" Packet: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X",
dev->function.in[0], dev->function.in[1], dev->function.in[2],
dev->function.in[3], dev->function.in[4], dev->function.in[5],
dev->function.in[6], dev->function.in[7]));
dump_packet(dev->function.in, cnt);
dev->function.in += cnt;
dev->function.in_cnt -= cnt;
BX_USB_THIS set_status(td, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, cnt-1);
@ -862,21 +859,55 @@ void bx_pciusb_c::DoTransfer(struct TD *td) {
case TOKEN_OUT: // data should go from Host to HC
BX_DEBUG(("TOKEN_OUT: maxlen = 0x%03X", maxlen));
BX_DEBUG((" address = 0x%08X, Depth = %i, QH = %i, Terminate = %i\n"
" spd=%i, c_err=%i, LS=%i, IOS=%i, IOC=%i, status=0x%02X, act_len=0x%03X\n"
" max_len=0x%03X, D=%i, EndPt=%i, addr=%i, PID=0x%02X\n"
" buffer address = 0x%08X",
td->dword0 & ~0x0000000F, (td->dword0 & 0x00000004)?1:0, (td->dword0 & 0x00000002)?1:0, (td->dword0 & 0x00000001)?1:0,
(td->dword1 & 0x20000000)?1:0, (td->dword1 & 0x18000000)>>27, (td->dword1 & 0x04000000)?1:0, (td->dword1 & 0x02000000)?1:0, (td->dword1 & 0x01000000)?1:0, (td->dword1 & 0x00FF0000)>>16, td->dword1 & 0x000007FF,
(td->dword2 & 0xFFE00000)>>21, (td->dword2 & 0x00080000)?1:0, (td->dword2 & 0x00078000)>>15, (td->dword2 & 0x00007F00)>>8, td->dword2 & 0x000000FF,
bx_gui->statusbar_setitem(BX_USB_THIS hub[0].statusbar_id[0], 1);
if (maxlen == 0) {
BX_USB_THIS set_status(td, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x7FF);
// (remember that we will get an out once in a while with dev==NULL)
if ((addr > 0) && (endpt > 0)) {
fnd = 0;
for (i=0; (i<dev->function.device_config[dev->config].interfaces) && !fnd; i++) {
for (j=0; j<dev->function.device_config[dev->config].Interface[i].num_endpts; j++) {
if (endpt == (dev->function.device_config[dev->config].Interface[i].endpts[j].endpt & 0x7F)) {
protocol = dev->function.device_config[dev->config].Interface[i].protocol;
fnd = 1;
if (fnd) {
// Read in the packet
Bit8u bulk_int_packet[1024];
BX_MEM_READ_PHYSICAL(td->dword3, maxlen, bulk_int_packet);
// now do the task
switch (protocol) {
case 1: // keypad
BX_PANIC(("Keyboard received and OUT packet!"));
case 2: // mouse
BX_PANIC(("Mouse received and OUT packet!"));
BX_PANIC(("Unknown/unsupported endpt protocol issued an Interrupt Out/Bulk packet. protocol %i", protocol));
} else {
BX_PANIC(("Unknown endpt issued an Interrupt Out/Bulk packet. ID 0x%04x Interface %i endpt %i", i, endpt, dev->function.device_descr.vendorid));
} else {
BX_DEBUG(("TOKEN_OUT: maxlen = 0x%03X", maxlen));
BX_DEBUG((" address = 0x%08X, Depth = %i, QH = %i, Terminate = %i\n"
" spd=%i, c_err=%i, LS=%i, IOS=%i, IOC=%i, status=0x%02X, act_len=0x%03X\n"
" max_len=0x%03X, D=%i, EndPt=%i, addr=%i, PID=0x%02X\n"
" buffer address = 0x%08X",
td->dword0 & ~0x0000000F, (td->dword0 & 0x00000004)?1:0, (td->dword0 & 0x00000002)?1:0, (td->dword0 & 0x00000001)?1:0,
(td->dword1 & 0x20000000)?1:0, (td->dword1 & 0x18000000)>>27, (td->dword1 & 0x04000000)?1:0, (td->dword1 & 0x02000000)?1:0, (td->dword1 & 0x01000000)?1:0, (td->dword1 & 0x00FF0000)>>16, td->dword1 & 0x000007FF,
(td->dword2 & 0xFFE00000)>>21, (td->dword2 & 0x00080000)?1:0, (td->dword2 & 0x00078000)>>15, (td->dword2 & 0x00007F00)>>8, td->dword2 & 0x000000FF,
if (maxlen == 0) {
BX_USB_THIS set_status(td, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x7FF);
} else {
BX_PANIC(("Got to this position and shouldn't have...000"));
bx_gui->statusbar_setitem(BX_USB_THIS hub[0].statusbar_id[0], 0);
@ -1448,44 +1479,47 @@ bx_pciusb_c::pci_write(Bit8u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len)
bx_pciusb_c::usb_mouse_enable(bx_bool enable)
BX_USB_THIS mouse_connected = enable;
if (BX_USB_THIS last_connect != enable) {
usb_set_connect_status(USB_DEV_TYPE_MOUSE, enable);
for (int i=0; i<USB_NUM_PORTS; i++)
usb_set_connect_status(i, USB_DEV_TYPE_MOUSE, enable);
BX_USB_THIS last_connect = enable;
bx_pciusb_c::usb_set_connect_status(int type, bx_bool connected)
bx_pciusb_c::usb_set_connect_status(Bit8u port, int type, bx_bool connected)
for (int i=0; i<BX_USB_CONFDEV; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<USB_NUM_PORTS; j++) {
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].dev_type == type) {
if (connected) {
if (!BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].connect_status) {
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].state = STATE_DEFAULT;
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].address = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].alt_interface = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].Interface = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].config = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].low_speed = 1; // all devices we support are low speed
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].line_dminus = 1; // dminus=1 & dplus=0 = low speed (at idle time)
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].line_dplus = 0; // dminus=0 & dplus=1 = high speed (at idle time)
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].status = 1; //
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].connect_changed = 1;
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].connect_status = 1;
} else {
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].low_speed = 0; // all devices we support are low speed
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].line_dminus = 0; // dminus=1 & dplus=0 = low speed (at idle time)
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].line_dplus = 0; // dminus=0 & dplus=1 = high speed (at idle time)
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].status = 0; //
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].enabled = 0; //
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].able_changed =
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].connect_status ? 1 : 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].connect_changed =
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].connect_status ? 1 : 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num].connect_status = 0;
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num > -1) {
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].dev_type == type) {
if (connected) {
if (!BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].connect_status) {
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].state = STATE_DEFAULT;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].address = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].alt_interface = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].Interface = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].config = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].low_speed =
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].low_speed;
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].low_speed) {
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].line_dminus = 1; // dminus=1 & dplus=0 = low speed (at idle time)
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].line_dplus = 0; // dminus=0 & dplus=1 = high speed (at idle time)
} else {
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].line_dminus = 0; // dminus=1 & dplus=0 = low speed (at idle time)
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].line_dplus = 1; // dminus=0 & dplus=1 = high speed (at idle time)
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].status = 1; //
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].connect_changed = 1;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].device_num].connect_status = 1;
} else {
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].status = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].connect_changed = 1;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].enabled = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].able_changed = 1;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].low_speed = 0;
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].line_dminus = 0; // dminus=1 & dplus=0 = low speed (at idle time)
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[port].line_dplus = 0; // dminus=0 & dplus=1 = high speed (at idle time)
@ -1538,10 +1572,6 @@ bx_pciusb_c::usb_mouse_enq(int delta_x, int delta_y, int delta_z, unsigned butto
bx_pciusb_c::usb_key_enq(Bit8u *scan_code)
// BX_INFO(("scan code: len = %i 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x", strlen((char *) scan_code), scan_code[0], scan_code[1], scan_code[2]));
// return 0;
bx_bool is_break_code = 0;
Bit8u our_scan_code[8];
@ -1570,6 +1600,8 @@ bx_pciusb_c::usb_key_enq(Bit8u *scan_code)
for (int j=0; j<USB_NUM_PORTS && !fnd; j++) {
// is there something plugged in to this port?
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].status) {
if (BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num < 0)
BX_PANIC(("USB internal error at line %i", __LINE__));
dev = &BX_USB_THIS hub[i].device[BX_USB_THIS hub[i].usb_port[j].device_num];
for (int k=0; k<dev->function.device_descr.configs && !fnd; k++) {
for (int l=0; l<dev->function.device_config[k].interfaces && !fnd; l++) {
@ -1627,4 +1659,23 @@ bx_pciusb_c::usb_mouse_connected()
return BX_USB_THIS mouse_connected;
// Dumps the contents of a buffer to the log file
bx_pciusb_c::dump_packet(Bit8u *data, unsigned size) {
char the_packet[256], str[16];
strcpy(the_packet, "Packet contents (in hex):");
unsigned offset = 0;
for (unsigned p=0; p<size; p++) {
if (!(p & 0x0F)) {
BX_DEBUG(("%s", the_packet));
sprintf(the_packet, " 0x%04X ", offset);
offset += 16;
sprintf(str, " %02X", data[p]);
strcat(the_packet, str);
if (strlen(the_packet))
BX_DEBUG(("%s", the_packet));
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// $Id: pciusb.h,v 1.9 2005-01-21 16:07:38 vruppert Exp $
// $Id: pciusb.h,v 1.10 2005-10-29 09:12:39 vruppert Exp $
// Copyright (C) 2004 MandrakeSoft S.A.
@ -37,33 +37,13 @@
#define BX_USB_MAXDEV 1
#define BX_USB_CONFDEV 1 /* only 1 USB hub currently */
#define USB_NUM_PORTS 2 /* UHCI supports 2 ports per root hub */
#define USB_CUR_DEVS 2 // 2 devices. 1 on each port
#define USB_NUM_PORTS 2 /* UHCI supports 2 ports per root hub */
#define USB_CUR_DEVS 2
#define TOKEN_IN 0x69
#define TOKEN_OUT 0xE1
#define TOKEN_SETUP 0x2D
// Bus Line Status States
#define LO_IDLE BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 1; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 0;
#define LO_K BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 0; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 1;
#define LO_J BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 1; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 0;
#define HI_IDLE BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 0; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 1;
#define HI_K BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 1; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 0;
#define HI_J BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 0; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 1;
#define SE0 BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 0; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 0;
#define SE1 BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dminus = 1; \
BX_USB_THIS hub[0].usb_port[0].line_dplus = 1;
#define LO_SOP LO_K
// device requests
@ -114,6 +94,7 @@ struct USB_DEVICE {
Bit8u alt_interface; // which alt interface to use
Bit8u endpt; // which endpt to use
unsigned state; // the state the device is in. DEFAULT, ADDRESS, or CONFIGURED
bx_bool low_speed; // 1 = ls
struct {
Bit8u direction;
Bit8u *in;
@ -389,11 +370,12 @@ private:
bx_bool mouse_connected;
static void init_device(Bit8u port, char *devname);
static void usb_set_connect_status(int type, bx_bool connected);
static void usb_set_connect_status(Bit8u port, int type, bx_bool connected);
static void usb_timer_handler(void *);
void usb_timer(void);
void DoTransfer(struct TD *);
void dump_packet(Bit8u *data, unsigned size);
unsigned GetDescriptor(struct USB_DEVICE *, struct REQUEST_PACKET *);
void set_status(struct TD *td, bx_bool stalled, bx_bool data_buffer_error, bx_bool babble,
bx_bool nak, bx_bool crc_time_out, bx_bool bitstuff_error, Bit16u act_len);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user