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* plex86: run multiple x86 operating systems concurrently
* Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Kevin P. Lawton
* fault-mon.c: fault/int handlers for VM monitor - monitor space.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "plex86.h"
#include "monitor.h"
/* The monitor stack frame. When an exception or interrupt occurrs
* during the execution of either guest or monitor code, the following
* values are pushed.
* ss
* esp
* eflags Values pushed by the CPU and interrupt stub. To simplify
* cs things, the stub pushes an error of zero for those
* eip events which don't naturally cause an error push, and
* error also pushes the vector of the exception/interrupt.
* vector
* eax
* ecx
* edx General registers, pushed with a PUSHA instruction,
* ebx by code below.
* <esp>
* ebp
* esi
* edi
* es
* ds Segment selectors, pushed by code below.
* fs
* gs
void handleMonFault(guest_context_t *monContext);
static inline
Bit32u readCR2(void)
Bit32u cr2;
asm volatile ("movl %%cr2, %0" : "=r" (cr2));
return( cr2 );
asm (
".text \n\t"
/* __handle_fault: This is called by all of the monitor's fault handler
* stubs. A fault could have originated from execution of the guest
* (due to virtualization conditions or natural fault generation) or
* from the monitor (currently only due to bugs in the monitor).
".globl __handle_fault \n\t"
"__handle_fault: \n\t"
" pushal \n\t" /* Save general registers */
" pushl %es \n\t" /* Save segment registers */
" pushl %ds \n\t"
" pushl %fs \n\t"
" pushl %gs \n\t"
" movl 60(%esp), %eax \n\t" /* CS pushed by CPU from fault */
" andl $3, %eax \n\t" /* Check CS.RPL bits */
" jz __fault_from_mon \n\t" /* RPL0 means from monitor */
/* We have determined that the fault was from guest code. Prepare
* to call the monitor C code to do most of the fault handling.
"__fault_from_guest: \n\t"
" movl %ss, %eax \n\t" /* Copy SS into DS/ES */
" movl %eax, %ds \n\t"
" movl %eax, %es \n\t"
" cld \n\t" /* gcc-compiled code needs this */
" pushl %esp \n\t" /* Push pointer to saved guest context for C call.*/
" call handleGuestFault\n\t" /* Call the C monitor fault handler. */
" addl $4, %esp \n\t" /* Remove arg from stack. */
".globl __ret_to_guest \n\t" /* Fault handled, work back to guest. */
"__ret_to_guest: \n\t"
/* Return to the guest. Restore registers from the monitor stack. */
" popl %gs \n\t" /* Restore guest segments */
" popl %fs \n\t"
" popl %ds \n\t"
" popl %es \n\t"
" popal \n\t" /* Restore guest general registers */
" addl $8, %esp \n\t" /* Ignore vector and error dwords */
" iret \n\t" /* Resume execution of guest */
"__fault_from_mon: \n\t"
" cld \n\t" /* gcc-compiled code needs this */
" pushl %esp \n\t" /* Push pointer to context. */
" call handleMonFault \n\t" /* Call C code for real work */
" addl $4, %esp \n\t"
/* Return to monitor. Restore state from the monitor stack. */
"__ret_to_monitor: \n\t"
" popl %gs \n\t" /* Restore monitor segments */
" popl %fs \n\t"
" popl %ds \n\t"
" popl %es \n\t"
" popal \n\t" /* Restore monitor general registers */
" addl $8, %esp \n\t" /* ignore vector and error dwords */
" iret \n\t" /* Resume execution of monitor */
* Hardware interrupt handler stub
".globl __handle_int \n\t" /* Return to monitor code */
"__handle_int: \n\t"
" pushal \n\t" /* Save guest general registers */
" pushl %es \n\t" /* Save guest segment registers */
" pushl %ds \n\t"
" pushl %fs \n\t"
" pushl %gs \n\t"
" movl %ss, %eax \n\t" /* Copy SS into DS/ES */
" movl %eax, %ds \n\t"
" movl %eax, %es \n\t"
" cld \n\t" /* gcc-compiled code needs this */
" pushl %esp \n\t"
" call handleInt \n\t" /* monitor interrupt handler */
" addl $4, %esp \n\t"
" cmpl $0x1, %eax \n\t" /* Was interrupt generated from monitor code? */
" je __ret_to_monitor\n\t" /* Yes, so return to monitor code */
" jmp __ret_to_guest \n\t" /* No, so return to guest code */
handleInt(guest_context_t *context)
* handleInt(): Redirect a hardware interrupt back to the host
nexus_t *nexus = (nexus_t *) (((Bit32u) context) & 0xfffff000);
vm_t *vm = (vm_t *) nexus->vm;
unsigned from_monitor;
Bit64u t1;
t1 = vm_rdtsc();
if ( (context->cs & 0x0003) == 0x0003 ) {
/* End of elapsed guest execution duration. Add elapsed */
/* cycles to time framework. */
vm->system.cyclesElapsed += (t1 - vm->system.t0);
from_monitor = 0; /* Event from guest code */
else {
from_monitor = 1; /* Event from monitor code */
/* Interrupts are off naturally here. */
vm->mon_request = MonReqRedirect;
vm->redirect_vector = context->vector;
handleGuestFault(guest_context_t *context)
/* Handle a fault from the guest. Called from the assembly stub
* __handle_fault.
nexus_t *nexus = (nexus_t *) (((Bit32u) context) & 0xfffff000);
vm_t *vm = (vm_t *) nexus->vm;
Bit32u cr2 = readCR2();
Bit64u t1;
/* End of elapsed guest execution duration */
t1 = vm_rdtsc();
vm->system.cyclesElapsed += (t1 - vm->system.t0);
#warning "Delete these checks"
if ( !context->eflags.fields.if_ )
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: guest IF=0.\n");
if ( context->eflags.fields.vm )
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: eflags.VM=1.\n");
switch ( context->vector ) {
case ExceptionDB: /* 1 */
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: #DB, method=%u not coded\n",
#if 0
if (vm->executeMethod == RunGuestNMethodBreakpoint) {
/* Breakpoint generated because we requested it via TF=1 */
else {
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: #DB, method=%u not coded\n",
case ExceptionBR: /* 5 */
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: BR unfinished.\n");
/* BOUND instruction fault; array index not in bounds */
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: emulate_exception was here.\n");
/*emulate_exception(vm, context->vector, 0);*/
case ExceptionDE: /* 0 */
case ExceptionBP: /* 3 */
case ExceptionOF: /* 4 */
case ExceptionNM: /* 7 */
case ExceptionMF: /* 16 */
toHostGuestFault(vm, context->vector);
/*monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: DE/BP/OF/NM/MF unfinished.\n");*/
/*monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: %u\n", context->vector);*/
/* emulate_interrupt(vm, context->vector); */
case ExceptionNP: /* 11 */
case ExceptionSS: /* 12 */
case ExceptionAC: /* 17 */
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: NP/SS/AC unfinished.\n");
/* use emulate_xyz() */
/*interrupt(vm, context->vector, 0, 1, context->error); */
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: %u\n", context->vector);
case ExceptionUD: /* 6 */
case ExceptionGP: /* 13 */
toHostGuestFault(vm, context->vector);
case ExceptionPF: /* 14 */
guestPageFault(vm, context, cr2);
monpanic(vm, "handleGuestFault: Unhandled Fault: %u\n", context->vector);
handleMonFault(guest_context_t *monContext)
nexus_t *nexus = (nexus_t *) (((Bit32u) monContext) & 0xfffff000);
vm_t *vm = (vm_t *) nexus->vm;
if (vm->inMonFault)
monpanic(vm, "handleMonFault called recursively.\n");
vm->inMonFault = 1;
monpanic(vm, "handleMonFault: vector=%u\n", monContext->vector);
/* Fault occurred inside monitor code. */
switch ( monContext->vector ) {
case ExceptionPF:
case ExceptionGP:
Bit32u cr2;
/*unsigned us, rw;*/
cr2 = readCR2();
if (monContext->error & 0x8) /* If RSVD bits used in PDir */
monpanic(vm, "handleMF: RSVD\n");
/*us = G_GetCPL(vm)==3;*/
/*rw = (monContext->error >> 1) & 1;*/
monpanic(vm, "handleMF: \n");
monpanic(vm, "hMF: vector=%u\n", monContext->vector);
/*vm->abort_code = 1;*/
vm->inMonFault = 0;