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757 lines
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Patch name: patch.param-tree
Author: Bryce Denney
Date: Mon Mar 17 00:21:53 EST 2003
Status: Not complete
Detailed description:
I'm trying to organize the parameters into a tree structure instead of
a huge flat list. I want to get rid of the bx_id enumerated type and
parameter id numbers entirely. Instead of locating a parameter by its
id number (e.g. BXP_COM2_ENABLED) which is set at compile time, it can be
located by a string name such as "serial.1.enabled". This string would find
the parameter by traversing a tree of parameters that looks something like
enabled (was BXP_COM1_ENABLED)
path (was BXP_COM1_PATH)
enabled (was BXP_COM2_ENABLED)
path (was BXP_COM2_PATH)
enabled (was BXP_COM3_ENABLED)
path (was BXP_COM3_PATH)
enabled (was BXP_COM4_ENABLED)
path (was BXP_COM4_PATH)
This is not ready to be checked in! I wanted to commit the patch in case
anybody wanted to see the direction I was heading. I added some testing
code in main.cc, and I've converted just one parameter into tree form:
The old way to look up this value was with the id number
The new way to look it up is with the string
Patch was created with:
cvs diff -u
Apply patch to what version:
cvs checked out on DATE, release version VER
To patch, go to main bochs directory.
Type "patch -p0 < THIS_PATCH_FILE".
Index: main.cc
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/main.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.223
diff -u -r1.223 main.cc
--- main.cc 13 Feb 2003 15:51:12 -0000 1.223
+++ main.cc 17 Mar 2003 05:25:02 -0000
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
+void print_tree (bx_param_c *node, int level = 0);
int bochsrc_include_count = 0;
@@ -344,6 +345,8 @@
memset (&bx_options, 0, sizeof(bx_options));
+ bx_param_c *root_param = SIM->get_param(".");
// quick start option, set by command line arg
new bx_param_enum_c (BXP_BOCHS_START,
"Bochs start types",
@@ -735,8 +738,14 @@
menu = new bx_list_c (BXP_MENU_DISK, "Bochs Disk Options", "diskmenu", disk_menu_init_list);
menu->get_options ()->set (menu->SHOW_PARENT);
+ // memory subtree
+ bx_list_c *memory = new bx_list_c (root_param, "memory", "");
+ bx_list_c *ram = new bx_list_c (memory, "ram", "");
+ bx_list_c *rom = new bx_list_c (memory, "rom", "");
+ bx_list_c *optional_rom = new bx_list_c (memory, "optional_rom", "");
// memory options menu
- bx_options.memory.Osize = new bx_param_num_c (BXP_MEM_SIZE,
+ bx_options.memory.Osize = new bx_param_num_c (ram,
"Amount of RAM in megabytes",
@@ -1313,6 +1322,9 @@
menu = new bx_list_c (BXP_MENU_MISC, "Configure Everything Else", "", other_init_list);
menu->get_options ()->set (menu->SHOW_PARENT);
+ printf ("parameter tree:\n");
+ print_tree (root_param, 0);
void bx_reset_options ()
@@ -1351,7 +1363,7 @@
// boot & memory
- bx_options.memory.Osize->reset();
+ SIM->get_param("memory.ram.megs")->reset ();
// standard ports
@@ -1509,8 +1521,109 @@
+void bx_test_params () {
+ printf ("Begin\n");
+ // create numeric parameter a
+ bx_param_num_c *ap = new bx_param_num_c (BXP_NULL,
+ "parameter a",
+ "description of a",
+ 0, // minimum value
+ 10, // maximum value
+ 1); // default value
+ printf ("%s is %d\n", ap->get_name(), ap->get ());
+ ap->set(10);
+ printf ("%s is %d\n", ap->get_name(), ap->get ());
+ //ap->set(11); // causes assert because 11 is out of range
+ printf ("Resetting a to initial value.\n");
+ ap->reset ();
+ printf ("%s is %d\n", ap->get_name(), ap->get ());
+ Bit32u b = 77;
+ bx_param_num_c *bp = new bx_shadow_num_c (BXP_NULL,
+ "shadow parameter b",
+ "description of b",
+ &b);
+ printf ("%s is %d\n", bp->get_name(), bp->get ());
+ b = 32;
+ printf ("%s is %d\n", bp->get_name(), bp->get ());
+ bp->set (45);
+ printf ("%s is %d\n", bp->get_name(), bp->get ());
+ //printf ("Resetting b to initial value.\n");
+ //bp->reset (); // not supported on shadow params
+ printf ("%s is %d\n", bp->get_name(), bp->get ());
+ printf ("End\n");
+void print_tree (bx_param_c *node, int level)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<level; i++)
+ printf (" ");
+ if (node == NULL) {
+ printf ("NULL pointer\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (node->get_type()) {
+ printf ("%s = %d (number)\n", node->get_name(), ((bx_param_num_c*)node)->get());
+ break;
+ printf ("%s = %s (boolean)\n", node->get_name(), ((bx_param_bool_c*)node)->get()?"true":"false");
+ break;
+ case BXT_PARAM:
+ printf ("%s = '%s' (string)\n", node->get_name(), ((bx_param_string_c*)node)->getptr());
+ break;
+ case BXT_LIST:
+ {
+ printf ("%s = \n", node->get_name ());
+ bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c*)node;
+ for (i=0; i < list->get_size (); i++) {
+ print_tree (list->get(i), level+1);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void test_lookup (const char *pname)
+ printf ("looking up parameter '%s'\n", pname);
+ bx_param_c *param = SIM->get_param (pname);
+ print_tree (param);
+void bx_test_param_tree () {
+ printf ("bx_test_param_tree\n");
+ bx_list_c *top = new bx_list_c (BXP_NULL,
+ "bochs", "top level object",
+ 20);
+ bx_list_c *memory = new bx_list_c (top, "memory", "", 5);
+ bx_list_c *ram = new bx_list_c (memory, "ram", "", 5);
+ new bx_param_num_c (ram, "size", "Size of RAM in megabytes",
+ bx_list_c *rom = new bx_list_c (memory, "rom", "", 5);
+ new bx_param_num_c (rom, "address", "ROM Address",
+ 0, 0xffff, 0xf000);
+ print_tree (top);
+ printf ("Finding memory size: \n");
+ test_lookup (".");
+ test_lookup ("memory.ram.size");
+ test_lookup ("memory.ram");
+ //test_lookup ("memory.ram."); // illegal
+ //test_lookup ("memory.ram..size"); // illegal
+ printf ("bx_test_param_tree done\n");
int bxmain () {
bx_init_siminterface (); // create the SIM object
+ //bx_test_params ();
+ //bx_test_param_tree ();
+ //exit(0);
static jmp_buf context;
if (setjmp (context) == 0) {
SIM->set_quit_context (&context);
@@ -2179,7 +2292,8 @@
- BX_MEM(0)->init_memory(bx_options.memory.Osize->get () * 1024*1024);
+ bx_param_num_c *memsize = SIM->get_param_num("memory.ram.megs");
+ BX_MEM(0)->init_memory(memsize->get() * 1024*1024);
// First load the optional ROM images
if (strcmp(bx_options.optrom[0].Opath->getptr (),"") !=0 )
@@ -3286,7 +3400,7 @@
if (num_params != 2) {
PARSE_ERR(("%s: megs directive: wrong # args.", context));
- bx_options.memory.Osize->set (atol(params[1]));
+ SIM->get_param_num("memory.ram.megs")->set (atol(params[1]));
else if (!strcmp(params[0], "floppy_command_delay")) {
if (num_params != 2) {
Index: gui/siminterface.cc
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/gui/siminterface.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.94
diff -u -r1.94 siminterface.cc
--- gui/siminterface.cc 6 Feb 2003 23:16:55 -0000 1.94
+++ gui/siminterface.cc 17 Mar 2003 05:25:04 -0000
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
bx_simulator_interface_c *SIM = NULL;
logfunctions *siminterface_log = NULL;
+bx_list_c *root_param = NULL;
#define LOG_THIS siminterface_log->
// bx_simulator_interface just defines the interface that the Bochs simulator
@@ -51,10 +52,19 @@
virtual int register_param (bx_id id, bx_param_c *it);
virtual void reset_all_param ();
virtual bx_param_c *get_param (bx_id id);
+ virtual bx_param_c *get_param (const char *pname, bx_param_c *base=NULL);
+ // deprecated
virtual bx_param_num_c *get_param_num (bx_id id);
+ // deprecated
virtual bx_param_string_c *get_param_string (bx_id id);
+ // deprecated
virtual bx_param_bool_c *get_param_bool (bx_id id);
+ // deprecated
virtual bx_param_enum_c *get_param_enum (bx_id id);
+ virtual bx_param_num_c *get_param_num (const char *pname);
+ virtual bx_param_string_c *get_param_string (const char *pname);
+ virtual bx_param_bool_c *get_param_bool (const char *pname);
+ virtual bx_param_enum_c *get_param_enum (const char *pname);
virtual int get_n_log_modules ();
virtual char *get_prefix (int mod);
virtual int get_log_action (int mod, int level);
@@ -145,6 +155,56 @@
return retval;
+// recursive function to find parameters from the path
+bx_param_c *find_param (const char *full_pname, const char *rest_of_pname, bx_param_c *base)
+ const char *from = rest_of_pname;
+ char component[BX_PATHNAME_LEN];
+ char *to = component;
+ // copy the first piece of pname into component, stopping at first separator
+ // or at the end of the string
+ while (*from != 0 && *from != '.') {
+ *to = *from;
+ to++;
+ from++;
+ }
+ *to = 0;
+ if (!component[0]) {
+ BX_PANIC (("find_param: found empty component in parameter name %s", full_pname));
+ // or does that mean that we're done?
+ }
+ if (base->get_type() != BXT_LIST) {
+ BX_PANIC (("find_param: base was not a list!"));
+ }
+ BX_INFO (("searching for component '%s' in list '%s'", component, base->get_name()));
+ // find the component in the list.
+ bx_list_c *list = (bx_list_c *)base;
+ bx_param_c *child = list->get_by_name (component);
+ // if child not found, there is nothing else that can be done. return NULL.
+ if (child == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (from[0] == 0) {
+ // that was the end of the path, we're done
+ return child;
+ }
+ // continue parsing the path
+ BX_ASSERT(from[0] == '.');
+ from++; // skip over the separator
+ return find_param (full_pname, from, child);
+bx_param_c *
+bx_real_sim_c::get_param (const char *pname, bx_param_c *base)
+ if (base == NULL)
+ base = root_param;
+ // to access top level object, look for parameter "."
+ if (pname[0] == '.' && pname[1] == 0)
+ return base;
+ return find_param (pname, pname, base);
bx_param_num_c *
bx_real_sim_c::get_param_num (bx_id id) {
bx_param_c *generic = get_param(id);
@@ -159,6 +219,20 @@
return NULL;
+bx_param_num_c *
+bx_real_sim_c::get_param_num (const char *pname) {
+ bx_param_c *generic = get_param(pname);
+ if (generic==NULL) {
+ BX_PANIC (("get_param_num(%s) could not find a parameter", pname));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int type = generic->get_type ();
+ if (type == BXT_PARAM_NUM || type == BXT_PARAM_BOOL || type == BXT_PARAM_ENUM)
+ return (bx_param_num_c *)generic;
+ BX_PANIC (("get_param_num(%s) could not find an integer parameter with that name", pname));
+ return NULL;
bx_param_string_c *
bx_real_sim_c::get_param_string (bx_id id) {
bx_param_c *generic = get_param(id);
@@ -172,6 +246,19 @@
return NULL;
+bx_param_string_c *
+bx_real_sim_c::get_param_string (const char *pname) {
+ bx_param_c *generic = get_param(pname);
+ if (generic==NULL) {
+ BX_PANIC (("get_param_string(%s) could not find a parameter", pname));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (generic->get_type () == BXT_PARAM_STRING)
+ return (bx_param_string_c *)generic;
+ BX_PANIC (("get_param_string(%s) could not find an integer parameter with that name", pname));
+ return NULL;
bx_param_bool_c *
bx_real_sim_c::get_param_bool (bx_id id) {
bx_param_c *generic = get_param(id);
@@ -185,6 +272,19 @@
return NULL;
+bx_param_bool_c *
+bx_real_sim_c::get_param_bool (const char *pname) {
+ bx_param_c *generic = get_param(pname);
+ if (generic==NULL) {
+ BX_PANIC (("get_param_bool(%s) could not find a parameter", pname));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (generic->get_type () == BXT_PARAM_BOOL)
+ return (bx_param_bool_c *)generic;
+ BX_PANIC (("get_param_bool(%s) could not find a bool parameter with that name", pname));
+ return NULL;
bx_param_enum_c *
bx_real_sim_c::get_param_enum (bx_id id) {
bx_param_c *generic = get_param(id);
@@ -198,6 +298,19 @@
return NULL;
+bx_param_enum_c *
+bx_real_sim_c::get_param_enum (const char *pname) {
+ bx_param_c *generic = get_param(pname);
+ if (generic==NULL) {
+ BX_PANIC (("get_param_enum(%s) could not find a parameter", pname));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (generic->get_type () == BXT_PARAM_ENUM)
+ return (bx_param_enum_c *)generic;
+ BX_PANIC (("get_param_enum(%s) could not find a enum parameter with that name", pname));
+ return NULL;
void bx_init_siminterface ()
siminterface_log = new logfunctions ();
@@ -205,6 +318,12 @@
if (SIM == NULL)
SIM = new bx_real_sim_c();
+ if (root_param == NULL) {
+ root_param = new bx_list_c (NULL,
+ "bochs",
+ "list of top level bochs parameters",
+ 30);
+ }
bx_simulator_interface_c::bx_simulator_interface_c ()
@@ -795,6 +914,7 @@
this->ask_format = NULL;
this->runtime_param = 0;
this->enabled = 1;
+ this->parent = NULL;
SIM->register_param (id, this);
@@ -804,6 +924,22 @@
return old;
+void bx_list_c::set_parent (bx_param_c *newparent) {
+ if (parent) {
+ // if this object already had a parent, the correct thing
+ // to do would be to remove this object from the parent's
+ // list of children. Deleting children is currently
+ // not supported.
+ BX_PANIC (("bx_list_c::set_parent: changing from one parent to another is not supported"));
+ }
+ if (newparent) {
+ BX_ASSERT(newparent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
+ this->parent = (bx_list_c *)newparent;
+ this->parent->add (this);
+ }
bx_param_num_c::bx_param_num_c (bx_id id,
char *name,
char *description,
@@ -823,6 +959,28 @@
set (initial_val);
+bx_param_num_c::bx_param_num_c (bx_param_c *parent,
+ char *name,
+ char *description,
+ Bit64s min, Bit64s max, Bit64s initial_val)
+ : bx_param_c (BXP_NULL, name, description)
+ set_type (BXT_PARAM_NUM);
+ this->min = min;
+ this->max = max;
+ this->initial_val = initial_val;
+ this->val.number = initial_val;
+ this->handler = NULL;
+ this->base = default_base;
+ // dependent_list must be initialized before the set(),
+ // because set calls update_dependents().
+ dependent_list = NULL;
+ set (initial_val);
+ BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
+ this->parent = (bx_list_c *) parent;
+ if (this->parent) this->parent->add (this);
Bit32u bx_param_num_c::default_base = 10;
Bit32u bx_param_num_c::set_default_base (Bit32u val) {
@@ -874,7 +1032,7 @@
val.number = newval;
if ((val.number < min || val.number > max) && max != BX_MAX_BIT64U)
- BX_PANIC (("numerical parameter %s was set to %lld, which is out of range %lld to %lld", get_name (), val.number, min, max));
+ BX_PANIC (("numerical parameter '%s' was set to %lld, which is out of range %lld to %lld", get_name (), val.number, min, max));
if (dependent_list != NULL) update_dependents ();
@@ -1083,6 +1241,12 @@
+bx_shadow_num_c::reset ()
+ BX_PANIC (("reset not supported on bx_shadow_num_c yet"));
bx_param_bool_c::bx_param_bool_c (bx_id id,
char *name,
char *description,
@@ -1277,6 +1441,7 @@
this->size = 0;
this->maxsize = maxsize;
this->list = new bx_param_c* [maxsize];
+ this->parent = NULL;
init ();
@@ -1287,6 +1452,24 @@
this->size = 0;
this->maxsize = maxsize;
this->list = new bx_param_c* [maxsize];
+ this->parent = NULL;
+ init ();
+bx_list_c::bx_list_c (bx_param_c *parent, char *name, char *description,
+ int maxsize)
+ : bx_param_c (BXP_NULL, name, description)
+ set_type (BXT_LIST);
+ this->size = 0;
+ this->maxsize = maxsize;
+ this->list = new bx_param_c* [maxsize];
+ this->parent = NULL;
+ if (parent) {
+ BX_ASSERT(parent->get_type() == BXT_LIST);
+ this->parent = (bx_list_c *)parent;
+ this->parent->add (this);
+ }
init ();
@@ -1302,6 +1485,7 @@
for (int i=0; i<this->size; i++)
this->list[i] = init_list[i];
init ();
+ this->parent = NULL;
@@ -1342,17 +1526,15 @@
this->choice = new bx_param_num_c (BXP_NULL,
"list_choice", "", 0, BX_MAX_BIT64S,
- this->parent = NULL;
bx_list_c *
bx_list_c::clone ()
- bx_list_c *newlist = new bx_list_c (BXP_NULL, name, description, maxsize);
+ bx_list_c *newlist = new bx_list_c (get_parent(), name, description, maxsize);
for (int i=0; i<get_size (); i++)
newlist->add (get(i));
newlist->set_options (get_options ());
- newlist->set_parent (get_parent ());
return newlist;
@@ -1370,5 +1552,18 @@
BX_ASSERT (index >= 0 && index < size);
return list[index];
+bx_param_c *
+bx_list_c::get_by_name (const char *name)
+ int i, imax = get_size ();
+ for (i=0; i<imax; i++) {
+ bx_param_c *p = get(i);
+ if (0 == strcmp (name, p->get_name ())) {
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
Index: gui/siminterface.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/gui/siminterface.h,v
retrieving revision 1.99
diff -u -r1.99 siminterface.h
--- gui/siminterface.h 6 Feb 2003 23:16:54 -0000 1.99
+++ gui/siminterface.h 17 Mar 2003 05:25:06 -0000
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
// $Id: patch.param-tree,v 1.1 2003-03-17 05:29:15 bdenney Exp $
+// Intro to siminterface by Bryce Denney:
// Before I can describe what this file is for, I have to make the
// distinction between a configuration interface (CI) and the VGA display
// window (VGAW). I will try to avoid the term 'GUI' because it is unclear
@@ -46,18 +48,18 @@
// bx_floppy.s.media[2].heads = 17. If such access is needed, then a
// siminterface method should be written to make the change on the CI's behalf.
// This separation is enforced by the fact that the CI does not even include
-// bochs.h. You'll notice that control.cc include osdep.h, control.h, and
-// siminterface.h, so it doesn't know what bx_floppy or bx_cpu_c are. I'm sure
-// some people will say is overly restrictive and/or annoying. When I set it
-// up this way, we were still talking about making the CI in a seperate
+// bochs.h. You'll notice that control.cc includes osdep.h, control.h, and
+// siminterface.h, but it doesn't know what bx_floppy or bx_cpu_c are. I'm
+// sure some people will say is overly restrictive and/or annoying. When I
+// set it up this way, we were still talking about making the CI in a seperate
// process, where direct method calls would be impossible. Also, we have been
-// considering turning devices into plugin modules which are dynamically
+// considering turning devices into plugin modules which are dynamically
// linked. Any direct references to something like bx_floppy.s.media[2].heads
// would have to be reworked before a plugin interface was possible as well.
// The siminterface is the glue between the CI and the simulator. There is
// just one global instance of the siminterface object, which can be referred
-// to by the global variable bx_simulator_interface_c *SIM; The base class
+// to by the global variable bx_simulator_interface_c *SIM. The base class
// bx_simulator_interface_c, contains only virtual functions and it defines the
// interface that the CI is allowed to use. In siminterface.cc, a class
// called bx_real_sim_c is defined with bx_simulator_interface_c as its parent
@@ -777,6 +779,7 @@
class BOCHSAPI bx_param_c : public bx_object_c {
BOCHSAPI_CYGONLY static const char *default_text_format;
+ bx_list_c *parent;
char *name;
char *description;
const char *text_format; // printf format string. %d for ints, %s for strings, etc.
@@ -785,6 +788,7 @@
int enabled;
bx_param_c (bx_id id, char *name, char *description);
+ bx_param_c *get_parent () { return (bx_param_c *) parent; }
void set_format (const char *format) {text_format = format;}
const char *get_format () {return text_format;}
void set_ask_format (char *format) {ask_format = format; }
@@ -794,7 +798,7 @@
char *get_description () { return description; }
int get_enabled () { return enabled; }
virtual void set_enabled (int enabled) { this->enabled = enabled; }
- void reset () {}
+ virtual void reset () {}
int getint () {return -1;}
static const char* set_default_format (const char *f);
static const char *get_default_format () { return default_text_format; }
@@ -832,7 +836,11 @@
char *name,
char *description,
Bit64s min, Bit64s max, Bit64s initial_val);
- void reset ();
+ bx_param_num_c (bx_param_c *parent,
+ char *name,
+ char *description,
+ Bit64s min, Bit64s max, Bit64s initial_val);
+ virtual void reset ();
void set_handler (param_event_handler handler);
virtual bx_list_c *get_dependent_list () { return dependent_list; }
void set_dependent_list (bx_list_c *l);
@@ -857,7 +865,7 @@
// a bx_shadow_num_c is like a bx_param_num_c except that it doesn't
// store the actual value with its data. Instead, it uses val.p32bit
// to keep a pointer to the actual data. This is used to register
-// existing variables as parameters, without have to access it via
+// existing variables as parameters, without having to access it via
// set/get methods.
class BOCHSAPI bx_shadow_num_c : public bx_param_num_c {
Bit8u varsize; // must be 64, 32, 16, or 8
@@ -914,6 +922,7 @@
Bit8u lowbit = 0);
virtual Bit64s get64 ();
virtual void set (Bit64s val);
+ virtual void reset ();
class BOCHSAPI bx_param_bool_c : public bx_param_num_c {
@@ -987,7 +996,7 @@
char *initial_val,
int maxsize=-1);
virtual ~bx_param_string_c ();
- void reset ();
+ virtual void reset ();
void set_handler (param_string_event_handler handler);
Bit32s get (char *buf, int len);
char *getptr () {return val; }
@@ -1013,8 +1022,10 @@
int maxsize=-1);
class BOCHSAPI bx_list_c : public bx_param_c {
// just a list of bx_param_c objects. size tells current number of
// objects in the list, and maxsize tells how many list items are
// allocated in the constructor.
@@ -1031,8 +1042,7 @@
// title of the menu or series
bx_param_string_c *title;
// if the menu shows a "return to previous menu" type of choice,
- // this controls where that choice will go.
- bx_param_c *parent;
+ // "parent" controls where that choice will go.
void init ();
enum {
@@ -1049,19 +1059,21 @@
// of parameters.
} bx_listopt_bits;
- bx_list_c (bx_id id, int maxsize);
+ bx_list_c (bx_id id, int maxsize = BX_DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
bx_list_c (bx_id id, char *name, char *description, bx_param_c **init_list);
- bx_list_c (bx_id id, char *name, char *description, int maxsize);
+ bx_list_c (bx_id id, char *name, char *description, int maxsize = BX_DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
+ bx_list_c (bx_param_c *parent, char *name, char *description, int maxsize = BX_DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE);
virtual ~bx_list_c();
bx_list_c *clone ();
void add (bx_param_c *param);
bx_param_c *get (int index);
+ bx_param_c *get_by_name (const char *name);
int get_size () { return size; }
bx_param_num_c *get_options () { return options; }
void set_options (bx_param_num_c *newopt) { options = newopt; }
bx_param_num_c *get_choice () { return choice; }
bx_param_string_c *get_title () { return title; }
- void set_parent (bx_param_c *newparent) { parent = newparent; }
+ void set_parent (bx_param_c *newparent);
bx_param_c *get_parent () { return parent; }
virtual void text_print (FILE *);
@@ -1206,10 +1218,19 @@
virtual int register_param (bx_id id, bx_param_c *it) {return -1;}
virtual void reset_all_param () {}
virtual bx_param_c *get_param (bx_id id) {return NULL;}
+ virtual bx_param_c *get_param (const char *pname, bx_param_c *base=NULL) {return NULL;}
+ // deprecated
virtual bx_param_num_c *get_param_num (bx_id id) {return NULL;}
+ // deprecated
virtual bx_param_string_c *get_param_string (bx_id id) {return NULL;}
+ // deprecated
virtual bx_param_bool_c *get_param_bool (bx_id id) {return NULL;}
+ // deprecated
virtual bx_param_enum_c *get_param_enum (bx_id id) {return NULL;}
+ virtual bx_param_num_c *get_param_num (const char *pname) {return NULL;}
+ virtual bx_param_string_c *get_param_string (const char *pname) {return NULL;}
+ virtual bx_param_bool_c *get_param_bool (const char *pname) {return NULL;}
+ virtual bx_param_enum_c *get_param_enum (const char *pname) {return NULL;}
virtual int get_n_log_modules () {return -1;}
virtual char *get_prefix (int mod) {return 0;}
virtual int get_log_action (int mod, int level) {return -1;}