3129 lines
109 KiB
3129 lines
109 KiB
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "vm.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "table.h"
#define S(c) (krk_copyString(c,sizeof(c)-1))
/* This is macro'd to krk_vm for namespacing reasons. */
KrkVM vm;
static KrkValue run();
static KrkValue krk_isinstance(int argc, KrkValue argv[]);
/* Embedded script for extensions to builtin-ins; see builtins.c/builtins.krk */
extern const char _builtins_src[];
* Reset the stack pointers, frame, upvalue list,
* clear the exception flag and current exception;
* happens on startup (twice) and after an exception.
void krk_resetStack() {
vm.stackTop = vm.stack;
vm.frameCount = 0;
vm.openUpvalues = NULL;
vm.flags &= ~KRK_HAS_EXCEPTION;
vm.currentException = NONE_VAL();
* When tracing is enabled, we will present the elements on the stack with
* a safe printer; the format of values printed by krk_printValueSafe will
* look different from those printed by printValue, but they guarantee that
* the VM will never be called to produce a string, which would result in
* a nasty infinite recursion if we did it while trying to trace the VM!
static void dumpStack(CallFrame * frame) {
fprintf(stderr, " | ");
size_t i = 0;
for (KrkValue * slot = vm.stack; slot < vm.stackTop; slot++) {
fprintf(stderr, "[ ");
if (i == frame->slots) fprintf(stderr, "*");
krk_printValueSafe(stderr, *slot);
fprintf(stderr, " ]");
if (i == frame->slots) {
fprintf(stderr, " * ");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
* Display a traceback by working through call frames.
* Called when no exception handler was available and
* an exception was thrown. If there the exception value
* is not None, it will also be printed using safe methods.
static void dumpTraceback() {
fprintf(stderr, "Traceback, most recent first, %d call frame%s:\n", (int)vm.frameCount, vm.frameCount == 1 ? "" : "s");
for (size_t i = 0; i <= vm.frameCount - 1; i++) {
CallFrame * frame = &vm.frames[i];
KrkFunction * function = frame->closure->function;
size_t instruction = frame->ip - function->chunk.code - 1;
fprintf(stderr, " File \"%s\", line %d, in %s\n",
(function->chunk.filename ? function->chunk.filename->chars : "?"),
(int)krk_lineNumber(&function->chunk, instruction),
(function->name ? function->name->chars : "(unnamed)"));
if (!krk_valuesEqual(vm.currentException,NONE_VAL())) {
if (IS_STRING(vm.currentException)) {
/* Make sure strings are printed without quotes */
fprintf(stderr, "%s", AS_CSTRING(vm.currentException));
} else if (AS_BOOLEAN(krk_isinstance(2, (KrkValue[]){vm.currentException, OBJECT_VAL(vm.exceptions.baseException)}))) {
/* ErrorClass: arg... */
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", AS_INSTANCE(vm.currentException)->_class->name->chars);
KrkValue exceptionArg;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(vm.currentException)->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("arg")), &exceptionArg);
if (IS_STRING(exceptionArg)) {
/* Make sure strings are printed without quotes */
fprintf(stderr, "%s", AS_CSTRING(exceptionArg));
} else {
krk_printValueSafe(stderr, exceptionArg);
} else {
/* Whatever, just print it. */
krk_printValueSafe(stderr, vm.currentException);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
* Raise an exception. Creates an exception object of the requested type
* and formats a message string to attach to it. Exception classes are
* found in vm.exceptions and are initialized on startup.
void krk_runtimeError(KrkClass * type, const char * fmt, ...) {
char buf[1024] = {0};
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
size_t len = vsnprintf(buf, 1024, fmt, args);
vm.flags |= KRK_HAS_EXCEPTION;
/* Try to allocate an instance of __builtins__. */
KrkInstance * exceptionObject = krk_newInstance(type);
KrkString * strArg = S("arg");
KrkString * strVal = krk_copyString(buf, len);
krk_tableSet(&exceptionObject->fields, OBJECT_VAL(strArg), OBJECT_VAL(strVal));
vm.currentException = OBJECT_VAL(exceptionObject);
* Push a value onto the stack, and grow the stack if necessary.
* Note that growing the stack can involve the stack _moving_, so
* do not rely on the memory offset of a stack value if you expect
* the stack to grow - eg. if you are calling into managed code
* to do anything, or if you are pushing anything.
inline void krk_push(KrkValue value) {
if ((size_t)(vm.stackTop - vm.stack) + 1 > vm.stackSize) {
size_t old = vm.stackSize;
size_t old_offset = vm.stackTop - vm.stack;
vm.stackSize = GROW_CAPACITY(old);
vm.stack = GROW_ARRAY(KrkValue, vm.stack, old, vm.stackSize);
vm.stackTop = vm.stack + old_offset;
*vm.stackTop = value;
* Pop the top of the stack. We never reclaim space used by the stack,
* so anything that is popped can be safely pushed back on without
* the stack moving, and you an also generally rely on a popped item
* still being where it was if you don't allocate anything in between;
* the repl relies on this it expects to be able to get the last
* pushed value and display it (if it's not None).
KrkValue krk_pop() {
if (vm.stackTop < vm.stack) {
fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: stack underflow detected in VM, issuing breakpoint.\n");
__asm__ ("int $3");
return NONE_VAL();
return *vm.stackTop;
/* Read a value `distance` units from the top of the stack without poping it. */
inline KrkValue krk_peek(int distance) {
return vm.stackTop[-1 - distance];
/* Exchange the value `distance` units down from the top of the stack with
* the value at the top of the stack. */
void krk_swap(int distance) {
KrkValue top = vm.stackTop[-1];
vm.stackTop[-1] = vm.stackTop[-1 - distance];
vm.stackTop[-1 - distance] = top;
* Bind a native function to the given table (eg. vm.globals, or _class->methods)
* GC safe: pushes allocated values.
void krk_defineNative(KrkTable * table, const char * name, NativeFn function) {
int functionType = 0;
if (*name == '.') {
functionType = 1;
if (*name == ':') {
functionType = 2;
KrkNative * func = krk_newNative(function, name, functionType);
krk_push(OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(name, (int)strlen(name))));
krk_tableSet(table, krk_peek(0), krk_peek(1));
* Collections *
* dict.__init__()
static KrkValue _dict_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkClass * dict = krk_newClass(NULL);
krk_tableSet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], OBJECT_VAL(dict));
krk_tableSet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_INREPR], INTEGER_VAL(0));
return argv[0];
* dict.__get__(key)
static KrkValue _dict_get(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number of arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _dict_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal);
KrkValue out;
if (!krk_tableGet(AS_DICT(_dict_internal), argv[1], &out)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.keyError, "key error");
return out;
* dict.__set__(key, value)
static KrkValue _dict_set(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 3) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number of arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _dict_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal);
krk_tableSet(AS_DICT(_dict_internal), argv[1], argv[2]);
return NONE_VAL();
* dict.__len__()
static KrkValue _dict_len(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number of arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _dict_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal);
return INTEGER_VAL(AS_DICT(_dict_internal)->count);
* dict.__contains__()
static KrkValue _dict_contains(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkValue _unused;
KrkValue _dict_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal);
return BOOLEAN_VAL(krk_tableGet(AS_DICT(_dict_internal), argv[1], &_unused));
* dict.capacity()
static KrkValue _dict_capacity(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number of arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _dict_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal);
return INTEGER_VAL(AS_DICT(_dict_internal)->capacity);
* dict._key_at_index(internalIndex)
static KrkValue _dict_key_at_index(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number of arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_INTEGER(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "expected integer index but got %s", krk_typeName(argv[1]));
return NONE_VAL();
int i = AS_INTEGER(argv[1]);
KrkValue _dict_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal);
if (i < 0 || i > (int)AS_DICT(_dict_internal)->capacity) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.indexError, "hash table index is out of range: %d", i);
return NONE_VAL();
KrkTableEntry entry = AS_DICT(_dict_internal)->entries[i];
return entry.key;
* list.__init__()
static KrkValue _list_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkFunction * list = krk_newFunction(NULL);
krk_tableSet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], OBJECT_VAL(list));
krk_tableSet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_INREPR], INTEGER_VAL(0));
return argv[0];
* list.__get__(index)
static KrkValue _list_get(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 2 || !IS_INTEGER(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number or type of arguments in get %d, (%s, %s)", argc, krk_typeName(argv[0]), krk_typeName(argv[1]));
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _list_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal);
int index = AS_INTEGER(argv[1]);
if (index < 0) index += AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count;
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.indexError, "index is out of range: %d", index);
return NONE_VAL();
return AS_LIST(_list_internal)->values[index];
* list.__set__(index, value)
static KrkValue _list_set(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 3 || !IS_INTEGER(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number or type of arguments in set %d, (%s, %s, %s)", argc, krk_typeName(argv[0]), krk_typeName(argv[1]), krk_typeName(argv[2]));
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _list_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal);
int index = AS_INTEGER(argv[1]);
if (index < 0) index += AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count;
if (index < 0 || index >= (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.indexError, "index is out of range: %d", index);
return NONE_VAL();
AS_LIST(_list_internal)->values[index] = argv[2];
return NONE_VAL();
* list.append(value)
static KrkValue _list_append(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number or type of arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _list_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal);
krk_writeValueArray(AS_LIST(_list_internal), argv[1]);
return NONE_VAL();
* list.__len__
static KrkValue _list_len(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number or type of arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _list_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal);
return INTEGER_VAL(AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count);
* list.__contains__
static KrkValue _list_contains(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number or type of arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _list_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal);
for (size_t i = 0; i < AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count; ++i) {
if (krk_valuesEqual(argv[1], AS_LIST(_list_internal)->values[i])) return BOOLEAN_VAL(1);
return BOOLEAN_VAL(0);
* Run the VM until it returns from the current call frame;
* used by native methods to call into managed methods.
* Returns the value returned by the RETURN instruction that
* exited the call frame. Should be nestable so a managed method
* can call a native method can call a managed can call a native
* and so on (hopefully).
KrkValue krk_runNext(void) {
size_t oldExit = vm.exitOnFrame;
vm.exitOnFrame = vm.frameCount - 1;
KrkValue result = run();
vm.exitOnFrame = oldExit;
return result;
* Exposed method called to produce lists from [expr,...] sequences in managed code.
* Presented in the global namespace as listOf(...)
static KrkValue krk_list_of(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkValue Class;
krk_tableGet(&vm.globals,OBJECT_VAL(S("list")), &Class);
KrkInstance * outList = krk_newInstance(AS_CLASS(Class));
KrkFunction * listContents = krk_newFunction(NULL);
krk_tableSet(&outList->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], OBJECT_VAL(listContents));
krk_tableSet(&outList->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_INREPR], INTEGER_VAL(0));
for (int ind = 0; ind < argc; ++ind) {
krk_writeValueArray(&listContents->chunk.constants, argv[ind]);
KrkValue out = OBJECT_VAL(outList);
krk_pop(); /* listContents */
krk_pop(); /* outList */
return out;
* Exposed method called to produce dictionaries from {expr: expr, ...} sequences in managed code.
* Presented in the global namespace as dictOf(...). Expects arguments as key,value,key,value...
KrkValue krk_dict_of(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc % 2 != 0) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "Expected even number of arguments to dictOf");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue Class;
krk_tableGet(&vm.globals,OBJECT_VAL(S("dict")), &Class);
KrkInstance * outDict = krk_newInstance(AS_CLASS(Class));
KrkClass * dictContents = krk_newClass(NULL);
krk_tableSet(&outDict->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], OBJECT_VAL(dictContents));
krk_tableSet(&outDict->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_INREPR], INTEGER_VAL(0));
for (int ind = 0; ind < argc; ind += 2) {
krk_tableSet(&dictContents->methods, argv[ind], argv[ind+1]);
KrkValue out = OBJECT_VAL(outDict);
krk_pop(); /* dictContents */
krk_pop(); /* outDict */
return out;
* list.__getslice__
static KrkValue _list_slice(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 3) { /* 3 because first is us */
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "slice: expected 2 arguments, got %d", argc-1);
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_INSTANCE(argv[0]) ||
!(IS_INTEGER(argv[1]) || IS_NONE(argv[1])) ||
!(IS_INTEGER(argv[2]) || IS_NONE(argv[2]))) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "slice: expected two integer arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _list_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal);
int start = IS_NONE(argv[1]) ? 0 : AS_INTEGER(argv[1]);
int end = IS_NONE(argv[2]) ? (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count : AS_INTEGER(argv[2]);
if (start < 0) start = (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count + start;
if (start < 0) start = 0;
if (end < 0) end = (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count + end;
if (start > (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count) start = (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count;
if (end > (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count) end = (int)AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count;
if (end < start) end = start;
int len = end - start;
return krk_list_of(len, &AS_LIST(_list_internal)->values[start]);
* __builtins__.set_tracing(mode)
* Takes either one string "mode=value" or `n` keyword args mode=value.
static KrkValue krk_set_tracing(int argc, KrkValue argv[], int hasKw) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (argc != 1) return NONE_VAL();
if (hasKw) {
KrkValue _dict_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal);
KrkValue test;
if (krk_tableGet(AS_DICT(_dict_internal), OBJECT_VAL(S("tracing")), &test)) {
if (AS_INTEGER(test) == 1) vm.flags |= KRK_ENABLE_TRACING; else vm.flags &= ~KRK_ENABLE_TRACING; }
if (krk_tableGet(AS_DICT(_dict_internal), OBJECT_VAL(S("disassembly")), &test)) {
if (AS_INTEGER(test) == 1) vm.flags |= KRK_ENABLE_DISASSEMBLY; else vm.flags &= ~KRK_ENABLE_DISASSEMBLY; }
if (krk_tableGet(AS_DICT(_dict_internal), OBJECT_VAL(S("stressgc")), &test)) {
if (AS_INTEGER(test) == 1) vm.flags |= KRK_ENABLE_STRESS_GC; else vm.flags &= ~KRK_ENABLE_STRESS_GC; }
if (krk_tableGet(AS_DICT(_dict_internal), OBJECT_VAL(S("scantracing")), &test)) {
if (AS_INTEGER(test) == 1) vm.flags |= KRK_ENABLE_SCAN_TRACING; else vm.flags &= ~KRK_ENABLE_SCAN_TRACING; }
return BOOLEAN_VAL(1);
} else {
if (!strcmp(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),"tracing=1")) vm.flags |= KRK_ENABLE_TRACING;
else if (!strcmp(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),"disassembly=1")) vm.flags |= KRK_ENABLE_DISASSEMBLY;
else if (!strcmp(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),"scantracing=1")) vm.flags |= KRK_ENABLE_SCAN_TRACING;
else if (!strcmp(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),"stressgc=1")) vm.flags |= KRK_ENABLE_STRESS_GC;
else if (!strcmp(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),"tracing=0")) vm.flags &= ~KRK_ENABLE_TRACING;
else if (!strcmp(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),"disassembly=0")) vm.flags &= ~KRK_ENABLE_DISASSEMBLY;
else if (!strcmp(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),"scantracing=0")) vm.flags &= ~KRK_ENABLE_SCAN_TRACING;
else if (!strcmp(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),"stressgc=0")) vm.flags &= ~KRK_ENABLE_STRESS_GC;
return BOOLEAN_VAL(1);
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError,"Debugging is not enabled in this build.");
return NONE_VAL();
* object.__dir__()
static KrkValue krk_dirObject(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc != 1) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "wrong number of arguments or bad type, got %d\n", argc);
return NONE_VAL();
/* Create a new list instance */
KrkValue myList = krk_list_of(0,NULL);
KrkValue _list_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(myList)->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal);
if (IS_INSTANCE(argv[0])) {
/* Obtain self-reference */
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
/* First add each method of the class */
for (size_t i = 0; i < self->_class->methods.capacity; ++i) {
if (self->_class->methods.entries[i].key.type != VAL_NONE) {
/* Then add each field of the instance */
for (size_t i = 0; i < self->fields.capacity; ++i) {
if (self->fields.entries[i].key.type != VAL_NONE) {
} else {
KrkClass * type = AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1, (KrkValue[]){argv[0]}));
for (size_t i = 0; i < type->methods.capacity; ++i) {
if (type->methods.entries[i].key.type != VAL_NONE) {
/* Prepare output value */
return myList;
* type(obj)
* For basic types (non-instances), finds the associated pseudo-class;
* for instances, returns the associated real class.
* Called often in native code as krk_typeOf(1,(KrkValue[]){value})
KrkValue krk_typeOf(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
switch (argv[0].type) {
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.baseClasses.intClass);
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.baseClasses.floatClass);
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.baseClasses.boolClass);
case VAL_NONE:
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.baseClasses.noneTypeClass);
switch (AS_OBJECT(argv[0])->type) {
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.baseClasses.typeClass);
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.baseClasses.functionClass);
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.baseClasses.methodClass);
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.baseClasses.strClass);
return OBJECT_VAL(AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->_class);
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.objectClass);
} break;
return OBJECT_VAL(vm.objectClass);
static KrkValue _type_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "type() takes 1 argument");
return NONE_VAL();
return krk_typeOf(1,&argv[1]);
/* Class.__base__ */
static KrkValue krk_baseOfClass(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return AS_CLASS(argv[0])->base ? OBJECT_VAL(AS_CLASS(argv[0])->base) : NONE_VAL();
/* Class.__name */
static KrkValue krk_nameOfClass(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return AS_CLASS(argv[0])->name ? OBJECT_VAL(AS_CLASS(argv[0])->name) : NONE_VAL();
/* Class.__file__ */
static KrkValue krk_fileOfClass(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return AS_CLASS(argv[0])->filename ? OBJECT_VAL(AS_CLASS(argv[0])->filename) : NONE_VAL();
/* Class.__doc__ */
static KrkValue krk_docOfClass(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return AS_CLASS(argv[0])->docstring ? OBJECT_VAL(AS_CLASS(argv[0])->docstring) : NONE_VAL();
/* Class.__str__() (and Class.__repr__) */
static KrkValue _class_to_str(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
char * tmp = malloc(sizeof("<type ''>") + AS_CLASS(argv[0])->name->length);
size_t l = sprintf(tmp, "<type '%s'>", AS_CLASS(argv[0])->name->chars);
KrkString * out = krk_copyString(tmp,l);
return OBJECT_VAL(out);
* isinstance(obj,Class)
* Searches from type(obj) up the inheritence tree to see if obj
* is an eventual descendant of Class. Unless someone made a new
* type and didn't inherit from object(), everything is eventually
* an object - even basic types like INTEGERs and FLOATINGs.
static KrkValue krk_isinstance(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "isinstance expects 2 arguments, got %d", argc);
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_CLASS(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "isinstance() arg 2 must be class");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue obj_type = krk_typeOf(1, (KrkValue[]){argv[0]});
KrkClass * obj_class = AS_CLASS(obj_type);
KrkClass * _class = AS_CLASS(argv[1]);
while (obj_class) {
if (obj_class == _class) return BOOLEAN_VAL(1);
obj_class = obj_class->base;
return BOOLEAN_VAL(0);
* globals()
* Returns a dict of names -> values for all the globals.
static KrkValue krk_globals(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
/* Make a new empty dict */
KrkValue dict = krk_dict_of(0, NULL);
/* Get its internal table */
KrkValue _dict_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(dict)->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal);
/* Copy the globals table into it */
krk_tableAddAll(&vm.globals, &AS_CLASS(_dict_internal)->methods);
return dict;
static int checkArgumentCount(KrkClosure * closure, int argCount) {
int minArgs = closure->function->requiredArgs;
int maxArgs = minArgs + closure->function->keywordArgs;
if (argCount < minArgs || argCount > maxArgs) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "%s() takes %s %d argument%s (%d given)",
closure->function->name ? closure->function->name->chars : "<unnamed function>",
(minArgs == maxArgs) ? "exactly" : (argCount < minArgs ? "at least" : "at most"),
(argCount < minArgs) ? minArgs : maxArgs,
((argCount < minArgs) ? minArgs : maxArgs) == 1 ? "" : "s",
return 0;
return 1;
static void multipleDefs(KrkClosure * closure, int destination) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "%s() got multiple values for argument '%s'",
closure->function->name ? closure->function->name->chars : "<unnamed function>",
(destination < closure->function->requiredArgs ? AS_CSTRING(closure->function->requiredArgNames.values[destination]) :
AS_CSTRING(closure->function->keywordArgNames.values[destination - closure->function->requiredArgs])));
* Call a managed method.
* Takes care of argument count checking, default argument filling,
* sets up a new call frame, and then resumes the VM to run the function.
* Methods are called with their receivers on the stack as the first argument.
* Non-methods are called with themselves on the stack before the first argument.
* `extra` is passed by `callValue` to tell us which case we have, and thus
* where we need to restore the stack to when we return from this call.
static int call(KrkClosure * closure, int argCount, int extra) {
KrkValue * startOfPositionals = &vm.stackTop[-argCount];
size_t potentialPositionalArgs = closure->function->requiredArgs + closure->function->keywordArgs;
size_t totalArguments = closure->function->requiredArgs + closure->function->keywordArgs + closure->function->collectsArguments + closure->function->collectsKeywords;
size_t offsetOfExtraArgs = closure->function->requiredArgs + closure->function->keywordArgs;
size_t offsetOfExtraKeys = offsetOfExtraArgs + closure->function->collectsArguments;
size_t argCountX = argCount;
if (argCount && IS_KWARGS(vm.stackTop[-1])) {
* Process keyword arguments.
* First, we make sure there is enough space on the stack to fit all of
* the potential arguments to this function. We need to call it with
* all of its arguments - positional and keyword - ready to go, even
* if they weren't specified.
* Then we go through all of the kwargs and figure out where they go,
* building a table at the top of the stack of final offsets and values.
* Then we clear through all of the spaces that were previously
* kwarg name/value pairs and replace them with a sentinel value.
* Then we go through our table and place values into their destination
* spots. If we find that something is already there (because it's not
* the expected sentinel value), we raise a TypeError indicating a
* duplicate argument.
* Finally, we do one last pass to see if any of the sentinel values
* indicating missing positional arguments is still there and raise
* another TypeError to indicate missing required arguments.
* At this point we can reset the stack head and continue to the actual
* call with all of the arguments, including the defaults, in the right
* place for the function to pull them as locals.
long kwargsCount = AS_INTEGER(vm.stackTop[-1]);
krk_pop(); /* Pop the arg counter */
size_t existingPositionalArgs = argCount - kwargsCount * 2;
int found = 0;
int extraKwargs = 0;
KrkValue * endOfPositionals = &vm.stackTop[-kwargsCount * 2];
for (size_t availableSlots = argCount; availableSlots < (totalArguments); ++availableSlots) {
krk_push(KWARGS_VAL(0)); /* Make sure we definitely have enough space */
KrkValue * startOfExtras = vm.stackTop;
for (long i = 0; i < kwargsCount; ++i) {
KrkValue name = endOfPositionals[i*2];
KrkValue value = endOfPositionals[i*2+1];
if (IS_KWARGS(name)) {
goto _finishArg;
/* First, see if it's a positional arg. */
for (int j = 0; j < (int)closure->function->requiredArgs; ++j) {
if (krk_valuesEqual(name, closure->function->requiredArgNames.values[j])) {
goto _finishArg;
/* See if it's a keyword arg. */
for (int j = 0; j < (int)closure->function->keywordArgs; ++j) {
if (krk_valuesEqual(name, closure->function->keywordArgNames.values[j])) {
krk_push(INTEGER_VAL(j + closure->function->requiredArgs));
goto _finishArg;
/* If we got to this point, it's not a recognized argument for this function. */
if (closure->function->collectsKeywords) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'",
closure->function->name ? closure->function->name->chars : "<unnamed function>",
return 0;
size_t destination = existingPositionalArgs;
for (long i = 0; i < found; ++i) {
/* Check for specials */
KrkValue name = startOfExtras[i*2];
KrkValue value = startOfExtras[i*2+1];
if (IS_KWARGS(name)) {
if (AS_INTEGER(name) == LONG_MAX-1) {
KrkValue _list_internal;
if (!IS_INSTANCE(value) || !krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(value)->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "*expresssion value is not a list.");
return 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count; ++i) {
startOfPositionals[destination] = AS_LIST(_list_internal)->values[i];
startOfExtras[i*2] = KWARGS_VAL(LONG_MAX-3);
} else if (AS_INTEGER(name) == LONG_MAX) {
startOfPositionals[destination] = value;
startOfExtras[i*2] = KWARGS_VAL(LONG_MAX-3);
if (destination > potentialPositionalArgs) {
if (!closure->function->collectsArguments) {
return 0;
krk_push(NONE_VAL()); krk_push(NONE_VAL()); krk_pop(); krk_pop();
startOfPositionals[offsetOfExtraArgs] = krk_list_of(destination - potentialPositionalArgs,
destination = potentialPositionalArgs + 1;
for (long clearSlots = destination; clearSlots < startOfExtras - startOfPositionals; ++clearSlots) {
startOfPositionals[clearSlots] = KWARGS_VAL(0);
for (int i = 0; i < found; ++i) {
if (IS_INTEGER(startOfExtras[i*2])) {
int destination = AS_INTEGER(startOfExtras[i*2]);
if (!IS_KWARGS(startOfPositionals[destination])) {
multipleDefs(closure, destination);
return 0;
startOfPositionals[destination] = startOfExtras[i*2+1];
} else if (IS_STRING(startOfExtras[i*2])) {
} else if (IS_KWARGS(startOfExtras[i*2])) {
if (AS_INTEGER(startOfExtras[i*2]) == LONG_MAX-2) {
KrkValue _dict_internal;
if (!IS_INSTANCE(startOfExtras[i*2+1]) || !krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(startOfExtras[i*2+1])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &_dict_internal)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "**expresssion value is not a dict.");
return 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < AS_DICT(_dict_internal)->capacity; ++j) {
KrkTableEntry entry = AS_DICT(_dict_internal)->entries[j];
if (entry.key.type == VAL_NONE) continue;
KrkValue name = entry.key;
KrkValue value = entry.value;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)closure->function->requiredArgNames.count; ++j) {
if (krk_valuesEqual(name, closure->function->requiredArgNames.values[j])) {
int destination = j;
if (!IS_KWARGS(startOfPositionals[destination])) {
multipleDefs(closure, destination);
startOfPositionals[destination] = value;
goto _finishDictEntry;
/* See if it's a keyword arg. */
for (int j = 0; j < (int)closure->function->keywordArgNames.count; ++j) {
if (krk_valuesEqual(name, closure->function->keywordArgNames.values[j])) {
int destination = j + closure->function->requiredArgs;
if (!IS_KWARGS(startOfPositionals[destination])) {
multipleDefs(closure, destination);
startOfPositionals[destination] = value;
goto _finishDictEntry;
_finishDictEntry: continue;
} else {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Internal error?");
return 0;
if (extraKwargs) {
if (!closure->function->collectsKeywords) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'",
closure->function->name ? closure->function->name->chars : "<unnamed function>",
krk_push(NONE_VAL()); krk_push(NONE_VAL()); krk_pop(); krk_pop();
startOfPositionals[offsetOfExtraKeys] = krk_dict_of(extraKwargs*2,&startOfExtras[found*2]);
long clearSlots;
for (clearSlots = destination; clearSlots < closure->function->requiredArgs; ++clearSlots) {
if (IS_KWARGS(startOfPositionals[clearSlots])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "%s() missing required positional argument: '%s'",
closure->function->name ? closure->function->name->chars : "<unnamed function>",
return 0;
argCount = totalArguments;
argCountX = argCount - (closure->function->collectsArguments + closure->function->collectsKeywords);
while (vm.stackTop > startOfPositionals + argCount) krk_pop();
} else {
/* We can't have had any kwargs. */
if ((size_t)argCount > potentialPositionalArgs && closure->function->collectsArguments) {
krk_push(NONE_VAL()); krk_push(NONE_VAL()); krk_pop(); krk_pop();
startOfPositionals[offsetOfExtraArgs] = krk_list_of(argCount - potentialPositionalArgs,
argCount = closure->function->requiredArgs + 1;
argCountX = argCount - 1;
while (vm.stackTop > startOfPositionals + argCount) krk_pop();
if (!checkArgumentCount(closure, argCountX)) {
return 0;
while (argCount < (int)totalArguments) {
if (vm.frameCount == FRAMES_MAX) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.baseException, "Too many call frames.");
return 0;
CallFrame * frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount++];
frame->closure = closure;
frame->ip = closure->function->chunk.code;
frame->slots = (vm.stackTop - argCount) - vm.stack;
frame->outSlots = (vm.stackTop - argCount - extra) - vm.stack;
return 1;
* Call a callable.
* For native methods, the result is available "immediately" upon return
* and the return value is set to 2 to indicate this - just krk_pop()
* to get the result. If an exception is thrown during a native method call,
* callValue will return 0 and the VM should be allowed to handle the exception.
* For managed code, the VM needs to be resumed. Returns 1 to indicate this.
* If you want a result in a native method, call `krk_runNext()` and the
* result will be returned directly from that function.
* Works for closures, classes, natives, and bound methods.
* If called with a non-callable, raises TypeError; this includes
* attempts to call a Class with no __init__ while using arguments.
* If callValue returns 0, the VM should already be in the exception state
* and it is not necessary to raise another exception.
* TODO: Instances with __call__ method.
int krk_callValue(KrkValue callee, int argCount, int extra) {
if (IS_OBJECT(callee)) {
switch (OBJECT_TYPE(callee)) {
return call(AS_CLOSURE(callee), argCount, extra);
case OBJ_NATIVE: {
NativeFnKw native = (NativeFnKw)AS_NATIVE(callee);
int hasKw = 0;
if (argCount && IS_KWARGS(vm.stackTop[-1])) {
long count = AS_INTEGER(vm.stackTop[-1]);
for (long i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (IS_KWARGS(vm.stackTop[-1 - count * 2 + i * 2])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError,"Unsupported use of argument expansion in native function call.");
return 0;
/* Dict it all up */
*(vm.stackTop - count * 2 - 1) = krk_dict_of(count * 2, (vm.stackTop - count * 2 - 1));
vm.stackTop = vm.stackTop - count * 2;
argCount -= count * 2;
hasKw = 1;
KrkValue * stackCopy = malloc(argCount * sizeof(KrkValue));
memcpy(stackCopy, vm.stackTop - argCount, argCount * sizeof(KrkValue));
KrkValue result = native(argCount, stackCopy, hasKw);
if (vm.stackTop == vm.stack) {
/* Runtime error returned from native method */
return 0;
vm.stackTop -= argCount + extra;
return 2;
KrkClass * _class = AS_INSTANCE(callee)->_class;
KrkValue callFunction;
if (krk_tableGet(&_class->methods, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_CALL], &callFunction)) {
return krk_callValue(callFunction, argCount + 1, 0);
} else {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Attempted to call non-callable type: %s", krk_typeName(callee));
return 0;
case OBJ_CLASS: {
KrkClass * _class = AS_CLASS(callee);
vm.stackTop[-argCount - 1] = OBJECT_VAL(krk_newInstance(_class));
KrkValue initializer;
if (krk_tableGet(&_class->methods, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_INIT], &initializer)) {
return krk_callValue(initializer, argCount + 1, 0);
} else if (argCount != 0) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.attributeError, "Class does not have an __init__ but arguments were passed to initializer: %d", argCount);
return 0;
return 1;
KrkBoundMethod * bound = AS_BOUND_METHOD(callee);
vm.stackTop[-argCount - 1] = bound->receiver;
if (!bound->method) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "Attempted to call a method binding with no attached callable (did you forget to return something from a method decorator?)");
return 0;
return krk_callValue(OBJECT_VAL(bound->method), argCount + 1, 0);
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Attempted to call non-callable type: %s", krk_typeName(callee));
return 0;
* Takes care of runnext/pop
KrkValue krk_callSimple(KrkValue value, int argCount, int isMethod) {
int result = krk_callValue(value, argCount, isMethod);
if (result == 2) {
return krk_pop();
} else if (result == 1) {
return krk_runNext();
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Invalid internal method call.");
return NONE_VAL();
* Attach a method call to its callee and return a BoundMethod.
* Works for managed and native method calls.
int krk_bindMethod(KrkClass * _class, KrkString * name) {
KrkValue method, out;
if (!krk_tableGet(&_class->methods, OBJECT_VAL(name), &method)) return 0;
if (IS_NATIVE(method) && ((KrkNative*)AS_OBJECT(method))->isMethod == 2) {
out = AS_NATIVE(method)(1, (KrkValue[]){krk_peek(0)});
} else {
out = OBJECT_VAL(krk_newBoundMethod(krk_peek(0), AS_OBJECT(method)));
return 1;
* Capture upvalues and mark them as open. Called upon closure creation to
* mark stack slots used by a function.
static KrkUpvalue * captureUpvalue(int index) {
KrkUpvalue * prevUpvalue = NULL;
KrkUpvalue * upvalue = vm.openUpvalues;
while (upvalue != NULL && upvalue->location > index) {
prevUpvalue = upvalue;
upvalue = upvalue->next;
if (upvalue != NULL && upvalue->location == index) {
return upvalue;
KrkUpvalue * createdUpvalue = krk_newUpvalue(index);
createdUpvalue->next = upvalue;
if (prevUpvalue == NULL) {
vm.openUpvalues = createdUpvalue;
} else {
prevUpvalue->next = createdUpvalue;
return createdUpvalue;
#define UPVALUE_LOCATION(upvalue) (upvalue->location == -1 ? &upvalue->closed : &vm.stack[upvalue->location])
* Close upvalues by moving them out of the stack and into the heap.
* Their location attribute is set to -1 to indicate they now live on the heap.
static void closeUpvalues(int last) {
while (vm.openUpvalues != NULL && vm.openUpvalues->location >= last) {
KrkUpvalue * upvalue = vm.openUpvalues;
upvalue->closed = vm.stack[upvalue->location];
upvalue->location = -1;
vm.openUpvalues = upvalue->next;
* Attach an object to a table.
* Generally used to attach classes or objects to the globals table, or to
* a native module's export object.
void krk_attachNamedObject(KrkTable * table, const char name[], KrkObj * obj) {
krk_tableSet(table, krk_peek(1), krk_peek(0));
* Same as above, but the object has already been wrapped in a value.
void krk_attachNamedValue(KrkTable * table, const char name[], KrkValue obj) {
krk_tableSet(table, krk_peek(1), krk_peek(0));
* Exception.__init__(arg)
static KrkValue krk_initException(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
if (argc > 0) {
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "arg", argv[1]);
} else {
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "arg", OBJECT_VAL(S("")));
return argv[0];
static KrkValue _string_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
/* Ignore argument which would have been an instance */
if (argc < 2) {
return OBJECT_VAL(S(""));
if (argc > 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "str() takes 1 argument");
return NONE_VAL();
if (IS_STRING(argv[1])) return argv[1]; /* strings are immutable, so we can just return the arg */
/* Find the type of arg */
if (!krk_bindMethod(AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1,&argv[1])), AS_STRING(vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_STR]))) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Can not convert %s to str", krk_typeName(argv[1]));
return NONE_VAL();
return krk_callSimple(krk_peek(0), 0, 1);
#define ADD_BASE_CLASS(obj, name, baseClass) do { \
obj = krk_newClass(S(name)); \
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.builtins->fields, name, (KrkObj*)obj); \
obj->base = baseClass; \
krk_tableAddAll(&baseClass->methods, &obj->methods); \
} while (0)
#define ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(obj, name, baseClass) do { \
obj = krk_newClass(S(name)); \
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, name, (KrkObj*)obj); \
obj->base = baseClass; \
krk_tableAddAll(&baseClass->methods, &obj->methods); \
} while (0)
/** native method that returns its first arg; useful for int(INT), etc. */
static KrkValue _noop(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return argv[0];
/* float.__int__() */
static KrkValue _floating_to_int(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return INTEGER_VAL((long)AS_FLOATING(argv[0]));
/* int.__float__() */
static KrkValue _int_to_floating(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return FLOATING_VAL((double)AS_INTEGER(argv[0]));
/* int.__chr__() */
static KrkValue _int_to_char(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
char tmp[2] = {AS_INTEGER(argv[0]), 0};
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(tmp,1));
/* str.__ord__() */
static KrkValue _char_to_int(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (AS_STRING(argv[0])->length != 1) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "ord() expected a character, but string of length %d found",
return NONE_VAL();
/* TODO unicode strings? Interpret as UTF-8 and return codepoint? */
return INTEGER_VAL(AS_CSTRING(argv[0])[0]);
/* str.__len__() */
static KrkValue _string_length(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc != 1) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.attributeError,"Unexpected arguments to str.__len__()");
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_STRING(argv[0])) {
return NONE_VAL();
return INTEGER_VAL(AS_STRING(argv[0])->length);
/* str.__set__(ind,val) - this is invalid, throw a nicer error than 'field does not exist'. */
static KrkValue _strings_are_immutable(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Strings are not mutable.");
return NONE_VAL();
* str.__getslice__(start,end)
* Unlike in Python, we actually handle negative values here rather than
* somewhere else? I'm not even sure where Python does do it, but a quick
* says not if you call __getslice__ directly...
static KrkValue _string_get_slice(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 3) { /* 3 because first is us */
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "slice: expected 2 arguments, got %d", argc-1);
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_STRING(argv[0]) ||
!(IS_INTEGER(argv[1]) || IS_NONE(argv[1])) ||
!(IS_INTEGER(argv[2]) || IS_NONE(argv[2]))) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "slice: expected two integer arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
/* bounds check */
KrkString * me = AS_STRING(argv[0]);
int start = IS_NONE(argv[1]) ? 0 : AS_INTEGER(argv[1]);
int end = IS_NONE(argv[2]) ? (int)me->length : AS_INTEGER(argv[2]);
if (start < 0) start = me->length + start;
if (start < 0) start = 0;
if (end < 0) end = me->length + end;
if (start > (int)me->length) start = me->length;
if (end > (int)me->length) end = me->length;
if (end < start) end = start;
int len = end - start;
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(me->chars + start, len));
/* str.__int__(base=10) */
static KrkValue _string_to_int(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1 || argc > 2 || !IS_STRING(argv[0])) return NONE_VAL();
int base = (argc == 1) ? 10 : (int)AS_INTEGER(argv[1]);
char * start = AS_CSTRING(argv[0]);
/* These special cases for hexadecimal, binary, octal values. */
if (start[0] == '0' && (start[1] == 'x' || start[1] == 'X')) {
base = 16;
start += 2;
} else if (start[0] == '0' && (start[1] == 'b' || start[1] == 'B')) {
base = 2;
start += 2;
} else if (start[0] == '0' && (start[1] == 'o' || start[1] == 'O')) {
base = 8;
start += 2;
long value = strtol(start, NULL, base);
return INTEGER_VAL(value);
/* str.__float__() */
static KrkValue _string_to_float(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc != 1 || !IS_STRING(argv[0])) return NONE_VAL();
return FLOATING_VAL(strtod(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]),NULL));
static KrkValue _float_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1) return FLOATING_VAL(0.0);
if (argc > 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "float() takes at most 1 argument");
return NONE_VAL();
if (IS_STRING(argv[1])) return _string_to_float(1,&argv[1]);
if (IS_FLOATING(argv[1])) return argv[1];
if (IS_INTEGER(argv[1])) return FLOATING_VAL(AS_INTEGER(argv[1]));
if (IS_BOOLEAN(argv[1])) return FLOATING_VAL(AS_BOOLEAN(argv[1]));
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "float() argument must be a string or a number, not '%s'", krk_typeName(argv[1]));
return NONE_VAL();
/* str.__get__(index) */
static KrkValue _string_get(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "Wrong number of arguments to String.__get__");
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_STRING(argv[0])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "First argument to __get__ must be String");
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_INTEGER(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "String can not indexed by %s", krk_typeName(argv[1]));
return NONE_VAL();
KrkString * me = AS_STRING(argv[0]);
int asInt = AS_INTEGER(argv[1]);
if (asInt < 0) asInt += (int)AS_STRING(argv[0])->length;
if (asInt < 0 || asInt >= (int)AS_STRING(argv[0])->length) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.indexError, "String index out of range: %d", asInt);
return NONE_VAL();
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString((char[]){me->chars[asInt]},1));
#define PUSH_CHAR(c) do { if (stringCapacity < stringLength + 1) { \
size_t old = stringCapacity; stringCapacity = GROW_CAPACITY(old); \
stringBytes = GROW_ARRAY(char, stringBytes, old, stringCapacity); \
} stringBytes[stringLength++] = c; } while (0)
#define AT_END() (self->length == 0 || i == self->length - 1)
/* str.format(**kwargs) */
static KrkValue _string_format(int argc, KrkValue argv[], int hasKw) {
if (!IS_STRING(argv[0])) return NONE_VAL();
KrkString * self = AS_STRING(argv[0]);
KrkValue kwargs = NONE_VAL();
if (hasKw) {
argc--; /* last arg is the keyword dictionary */
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[argc])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT], &kwargs);
/* Read through `self` until we find a field specifier. */
size_t stringCapacity = 0;
size_t stringLength = 0;
char * stringBytes = 0;
int counterOffset = 0;
char * erroneousField = NULL;
int erroneousIndex = -1;
const char * errorStr = "";
char * workSpace = strdup(self->chars);
char * c = workSpace;
for (size_t i = 0; i < self->length; i++, c++) {
if (*c == '{') {
if (!AT_END() && c[1] == '{') {
i++; c++; /* Skip both */
} else {
/* Start field specifier */
i++; c++; /* Skip the { */
char * fieldStart = c;
char * fieldStop = NULL;
for (; i < self->length; i++, c++) {
if (*c == '}') {
fieldStop = c;
if (!fieldStop) {
errorStr = "Unclosed { found.";
goto _formatError;
size_t fieldLength = fieldStop - fieldStart;
*fieldStop = '\0';
/* fieldStart is now a nice little C string... */
int isDigits = 1;
for (char * field = fieldStart; *field; ++field) {
if (!(*field >= '0' && *field <= '9')) {
isDigits = 0;
KrkValue value;
if (isDigits) {
/* Must be positional */
int positionalOffset;
if (fieldLength == 0) {
positionalOffset = counterOffset++;
} else if (counterOffset) {
goto _formatSwitchedNumbering;
} else {
positionalOffset = atoi(fieldStart);
if (positionalOffset >= argc - 1) {
erroneousIndex = positionalOffset;
goto _formatOutOfRange;
value = argv[1 + positionalOffset];
} else if (hasKw) {
KrkValue fieldAsString = OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(fieldStart, fieldLength));
if (!krk_tableGet(AS_DICT(kwargs), fieldAsString, &value)) {
erroneousField = fieldStart;
goto _formatKeyError;
krk_pop(); /* fieldAsString */
} else {
erroneousField = fieldStart;
goto _formatKeyError;
KrkValue asString;
if (IS_STRING(value)) {
asString = value;
} else {
if (!krk_bindMethod(AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1,(KrkValue[]){value})),
AS_STRING(vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_STR]))) {
errorStr = "Failed to convert field to string.";
goto _formatError;
asString = krk_callSimple(krk_peek(0), 0, 1);
if (!IS_STRING(asString)) goto _freeAndDone;
for (size_t i = 0; i < AS_STRING(asString)->length; ++i) {
} else if (*c == '}') {
if (!AT_END() && c[1] == '}') {
i++; c++; /* Skip both */
} else {
errorStr = "Single } found.";
goto _formatError;
} else {
KrkValue out = OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(stringBytes, stringLength));
return out;
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Error parsing format string: %s", errorStr);
goto _freeAndDone;
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.valueError, "Can not switch from automatic indexing to manual indexing");
goto _freeAndDone;
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.indexError, "Positional index out of range: %d", erroneousIndex);
goto _freeAndDone;
/* which one? */
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.keyError, "'%s'", erroneousField);
goto _freeAndDone;
return NONE_VAL();
/* str.join(list) */
static KrkValue _string_join(int argc, KrkValue argv[], int hasKw) {
if (!IS_STRING(argv[0])) return NONE_VAL();
KrkString * self = AS_STRING(argv[0]);
if (hasKw) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "str.join() does not take keyword arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
if (argc < 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "str.join(): expected exactly one argument");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue _list_internal;
if (!IS_INSTANCE(argv[1]) || !krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(argv[1])->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "str.join(): argument must be a list");
/* TODO: Support anything with __iter__, but keep hardcoded list support for speed. */
return NONE_VAL();
const char * errorStr = NULL;
size_t stringCapacity = 0;
size_t stringLength = 0;
char * stringBytes = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count; ++i) {
KrkValue value = AS_LIST(_list_internal)->values[i];
if (!IS_STRING(AS_LIST(_list_internal)->values[i])) {
errorStr = krk_typeName(value);
goto _expectedString;
if (i > 0) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < self->length; ++j) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < AS_STRING(value)->length; ++j) {
KrkValue out = OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(stringBytes, stringLength));
return out;
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Expected string, got %s.", errorStr);
return NONE_VAL();
static int isWhitespace(char c) {
return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r');
static int substringMatch(const char * haystack, size_t haystackLen, const char * needle, size_t needleLength) {
if (haystackLen < needleLength) return 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < needleLength; ++i) {
if (haystack[i] != needle[i]) return 0;
return 1;
/* str.__contains__ */
static KrkValue _string_contains(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "__contains__ expects an argument");
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_STRING(argv[0]) || !IS_STRING(argv[1])) return BOOLEAN_VAL(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < AS_STRING(argv[0])->length; ++i) {
if (substringMatch(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]) + i, AS_STRING(argv[0])->length - i, AS_CSTRING(argv[1]), AS_STRING(argv[1])->length)) {
return BOOLEAN_VAL(1);
return BOOLEAN_VAL(0);
/* str.split() */
static KrkValue _string_split(int argc, KrkValue argv[], int hasKw) {
if (!IS_STRING(argv[0])) return NONE_VAL();
KrkString * self = AS_STRING(argv[0]);
if (argc > 1) {
if (!IS_STRING(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Expected separator to be a string");
return NONE_VAL();
} else if (AS_STRING(argv[1])->length == 0) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.valueError, "Empty separator");
return NONE_VAL();
if (argc > 2 && !IS_INTEGER(argv[2])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Expected maxsplit to be an integer.");
} else if (argc > 2 && AS_INTEGER(argv[2]) == 0) {
return argv[0];
KrkValue myList = krk_list_of(0,NULL);
KrkValue _list_internal;
krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(myList)->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal);
size_t i = 0;
char * c = self->chars;
size_t count = 0;
if (argc < 2) {
while (i != self->length) {
while (i != self->length && isWhitespace(*c)) {
i++; c++;
if (i != self->length) {
size_t stringCapacity = 0;
size_t stringLength = 0;
char * stringBytes = NULL;
while (i != self->length && !isWhitespace(*c)) {
i++; c++;
krk_writeValueArray(AS_LIST(_list_internal), OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(stringBytes, stringLength)));
#if 0
/* Need to parse kwargs to support this */
if (argc > 2 && i != self->length && count >= (size_t)AS_INTEGER(argv[2])) {
size_t stringCapacity = 0;
size_t stringLength = 0;
char * stringBytes = NULL;
while (i != self->length) {
i++; c++;
krk_writeValueArray(AS_LIST(_list_internal), OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(stringBytes, stringLength)));
if (stringBytes) FREE_ARRAY(char,stringBytes,stringCapacity);
} else {
while (i != self->length) {
size_t stringCapacity = 0;
size_t stringLength = 0;
char * stringBytes = NULL;
while (i != self->length && !substringMatch(c, self->length - i, AS_STRING(argv[1])->chars, AS_STRING(argv[1])->length)) {
i++; c++;
krk_writeValueArray(AS_LIST(_list_internal), OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(stringBytes, stringLength)));
if (substringMatch(c, self->length - i, AS_STRING(argv[1])->chars, AS_STRING(argv[1])->length)) {
i += AS_STRING(argv[1])->length;
c += AS_STRING(argv[1])->length;
if (argc > 2 && count == (size_t)AS_INTEGER(argv[2])) {
size_t stringCapacity = 0;
size_t stringLength = 0;
char * stringBytes = NULL;
while (i != self->length) {
i++; c++;
krk_writeValueArray(AS_LIST(_list_internal), OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(stringBytes, stringLength)));
if (stringBytes) FREE_ARRAY(char,stringBytes,stringCapacity);
if (i == self->length) {
krk_writeValueArray(AS_LIST(_list_internal), OBJECT_VAL(S("")));
return myList;
#undef PUSH_CHAR
static KrkValue _int_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) return INTEGER_VAL(0);
if (IS_INTEGER(argv[1])) return argv[1];
if (IS_STRING(argv[1])) return _string_to_int(argc-1,&argv[1]);
if (IS_FLOATING(argv[1])) return INTEGER_VAL(AS_FLOATING(argv[1]));
if (IS_BOOLEAN(argv[1])) return INTEGER_VAL(AS_BOOLEAN(argv[1]));
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "int() argument must be a string or a number, not '%s'", krk_typeName(argv[1]));
return NONE_VAL();
/* function.__doc__ */
static KrkValue _closure_get_doc(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (!IS_CLOSURE(argv[0])) return NONE_VAL();
return AS_CLOSURE(argv[0])->function->docstring ? OBJECT_VAL(AS_CLOSURE(argv[0])->function->docstring) : NONE_VAL();
/* method.__doc__ */
static KrkValue _bound_get_doc(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkBoundMethod * boundMethod = AS_BOUND_METHOD(argv[0]);
return _closure_get_doc(1, (KrkValue[]){OBJECT_VAL(boundMethod->method)});
/* Check for and return the name of a native function as a string object */
static KrkValue nativeFunctionName(KrkValue func) {
const char * string = ((KrkNative*)AS_OBJECT(func))->name;
size_t len = strlen(string);
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(string,len));
/* function.__name__ */
static KrkValue _closure_get_name(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (!IS_CLOSURE(argv[0])) return nativeFunctionName(argv[0]);
return AS_CLOSURE(argv[0])->function->name ? OBJECT_VAL(AS_CLOSURE(argv[0])->function->name) : OBJECT_VAL(S(""));
/* method.__name__ */
static KrkValue _bound_get_name(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkBoundMethod * boundMethod = AS_BOUND_METHOD(argv[0]);
return _closure_get_name(1, (KrkValue[]){OBJECT_VAL(boundMethod->method)});
/* function.__str__ / function.__repr__ */
static KrkValue _closure_str(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkValue s = _closure_get_name(argc, argv);
size_t len = AS_STRING(s)->length + sizeof("<function >");
char * tmp = malloc(len);
sprintf(tmp, "<function %s>", AS_CSTRING(s));
s = OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(tmp,len-1));
return s;
/* method.__str__ / method.__repr__ */
static KrkValue _bound_str(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkValue s = _bound_get_name(argc, argv);
size_t len = AS_STRING(s)->length + sizeof("<method >");
char * tmp = malloc(len);
sprintf(tmp, "<method %s>", AS_CSTRING(s));
s = OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(tmp,len-1));
return s;
/* function.__file__ */
static KrkValue _closure_get_file(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (!IS_CLOSURE(argv[0])) return OBJECT_VAL(S("<builtin>"));
return AS_CLOSURE(argv[0])->function->chunk.filename ? OBJECT_VAL(AS_CLOSURE(argv[0])->function->chunk.filename) : OBJECT_VAL(S(""));
/* method.__file__ */
static KrkValue _bound_get_file(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkBoundMethod * boundMethod = AS_BOUND_METHOD(argv[0]);
return _closure_get_file(1, (KrkValue[]){OBJECT_VAL(boundMethod->method)});
* object.__str__() / object.__repr__()
* Base method for all objects to implement __str__ and __repr__.
* Generally converts to <instance of [TYPE]> and for actual object
* types (functions, classes, instances, strings...) also adds the pointer
* address of the object on the heap.
* Since all types have at least a pseudo-class that should eventually
* inheret from object() and this is object.__str__ / object.__repr__,
* all types should have a string representation available through
* those methods.
static KrkValue _strBase(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkClass * type = AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1,(KrkValue[]){argv[0]}));
size_t len = sizeof("<instance of . at 0x1234567812345678>") + type->name->length;
char * tmp = malloc(len);
if (IS_OBJECT(argv[0])) {
sprintf(tmp, "<instance of %s at %p>", type->name->chars, (void*)AS_OBJECT(argv[0]));
} else {
sprintf(tmp, "<instance of %s>", type->name->chars);
KrkValue out = OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(tmp, strlen(tmp)));
return out;
* str.__repr__()
* Strings are special because __str__ should do nothing but __repr__
* should escape characters like quotes.
static KrkValue _repr_str(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
char * str = malloc(3 + AS_STRING(argv[0])->length * 2);
char * tmp = str;
*(tmp++) = '\'';
for (char * c = AS_CSTRING(argv[0]); *c; ++c) {
switch (*c) {
/* XXX: Other non-printables should probably be escaped as well. */
case '\n': *(tmp++) = '\\'; *(tmp++) = 'n'; break;
case '\r': *(tmp++) = '\\'; *(tmp++) = 'r'; break;
case '\t': *(tmp++) = '\\'; *(tmp++) = 't'; break;
case '\'': *(tmp++) = '\\'; *(tmp++) = '\''; break;
case 27: *(tmp++) = '\\'; *(tmp++) = '['; break;
default: *(tmp++) = *c; break;
*(tmp++) = '\'';
*(tmp++) = '\0';
KrkString * out = krk_copyString(str, tmp-str-1);
return OBJECT_VAL(out);
* int.__str__()
* Unlike Python, dot accessors are perfectly valid and work as you'd expect
* them to in Kuroko, so we can do 123.__str__() and get the string "123".
* TODO: Implement format options here so we can get different widths,
* hex/octal/binary representations, etc.
static KrkValue _int_to_str(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
char tmp[100];
size_t l = sprintf(tmp, "%ld", (long)AS_INTEGER(argv[0]));
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(tmp, l));
* float.__str__()
static KrkValue _float_to_str(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
char tmp[100];
size_t l = sprintf(tmp, "%g", AS_FLOATING(argv[0]));
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(tmp, l));
* bool.__str__() -> "True" or "False"
static KrkValue _bool_to_str(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return OBJECT_VAL((AS_BOOLEAN(argv[0]) ? S("True") : S("False")));
* Inverse of truthiness.
* None, False, and 0 are all "falsey", meaning they will trip JUMP_IF_FALSE
* instructions / not trip JUMP_IF_TRUE instructions.
* Or in more managed code terms, `if None`, `if False`, and `if 0` are all
* going to take the else branch.
static int isFalsey(KrkValue value) {
return IS_NONE(value) || (IS_BOOLEAN(value) && !AS_BOOLEAN(value)) ||
(IS_INTEGER(value) && !AS_INTEGER(value));
/* Objects in the future: */
/* IS_STRING && length == 0; IS_ARRAY && length == 0; IS_INSTANCE && __bool__ returns 0... */
static KrkValue _bool_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) return BOOLEAN_VAL(0);
if (argc > 2) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "bool() takes at most 1 argument");
return NONE_VAL();
return BOOLEAN_VAL(isFalsey(argv[1]));
* None.__str__() -> "None"
static KrkValue _none_to_str(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
return OBJECT_VAL(S("None"));
static KrkValue _len(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc != 1) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "len() takes exactly one argument");
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_OBJECT(argv[0])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "object of type '%s' has no len()", krk_typeName(argv[0]));
return NONE_VAL();
if (IS_STRING(argv[0])) return INTEGER_VAL(AS_STRING(argv[0])->length);
if (!krk_bindMethod(AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1,&argv[0])), AS_STRING(vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LEN]))) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "object of type '%s' has no len()", krk_typeName(argv[0]));
return NONE_VAL();
return krk_callSimple(krk_peek(0), 0, 1);
static KrkValue _repr(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc != 1) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "repr() takes exactly one argument");
return NONE_VAL();
if (!krk_bindMethod(AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1,&argv[0])), AS_STRING(vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_REPR]))) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "internal error");
return NONE_VAL();
return krk_callSimple(krk_peek(0), 0, 1);
static KrkValue _striter_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (!IS_INSTANCE(argv[0]) || AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->_class != vm.baseClasses.striteratorClass) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Tried to call striterator.__init__() on something not a str iterator");
if (argc < 2 || !IS_STRING(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "Expected a str.");
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "s", argv[1]);
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "i", INTEGER_VAL(0));
return argv[0];
static KrkValue _striter_call(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (!IS_INSTANCE(argv[0]) || AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->_class != vm.baseClasses.striteratorClass) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Tried to call striterator.__call__() on something not a str iterator");
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
KrkValue _str;
KrkValue _counter;
const char * errorStr = NULL;
if (!krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("s")), &_str)) {
errorStr = "no str pointer";
goto _corrupt;
if (!krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("i")), &_counter)) {
errorStr = "no index";
goto _corrupt;
if ((size_t)AS_INTEGER(_counter) >= AS_STRING(_str)->length) {
return argv[0];
} else {
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "i", INTEGER_VAL(AS_INTEGER(_counter)+1));
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(&AS_CSTRING(_str)[AS_INTEGER(_counter)],1));
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Corrupt str iterator: %s", errorStr);
return NONE_VAL();
static KrkValue _str_iter(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkInstance * output = krk_newInstance(vm.baseClasses.striteratorClass);
_striter_init(3, (KrkValue[]){krk_peek(0), argv[0]});
return OBJECT_VAL(output);
static KrkValue _listiter_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (!IS_INSTANCE(argv[0]) || AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->_class != vm.baseClasses.listiteratorClass) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Tried to call listiterator.__init__() on something not a list iterator");
if (argc < 2 || !IS_INSTANCE(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "Expected a list.");
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
KrkValue _list = argv[1];
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "l", _list);
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "i", INTEGER_VAL(0));
return argv[0];
static KrkValue _listiter_call(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (!IS_INSTANCE(argv[0]) || AS_INSTANCE(argv[0])->_class != vm.baseClasses.listiteratorClass) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Tried to call listiterator.__call__() on something not a list iterator");
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
KrkValue _list;
KrkValue _counter;
KrkValue _list_internal;
const char * errorStr = NULL;
if (!krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("l")), &_list)) {
errorStr = "no list pointer";
goto _corrupt;
if (!krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("i")), &_counter)) {
errorStr = "no index";
goto _corrupt;
if (!krk_tableGet(&AS_INSTANCE(_list)->fields, vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &_list_internal)) {
errorStr = "failed to obtain __list from list";
goto _corrupt;
if ((size_t)AS_INTEGER(_counter) >= AS_LIST(_list_internal)->count) {
return argv[0];
} else {
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "i", INTEGER_VAL(AS_INTEGER(_counter)+1));
return AS_LIST(_list_internal)->values[AS_INTEGER(_counter)];
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Corrupt list iterator: %s", errorStr);
return NONE_VAL();
static KrkValue _range_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "range expected at least 1 and and at most 2 arguments");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkValue min = INTEGER_VAL(0);
KrkValue max;
if (argc == 2) {
max = argv[1];
} else {
min = argv[1];
max = argv[2];
if (!IS_INTEGER(min)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "range: expected int, but got '%s'", krk_typeName(min));
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_INTEGER(max)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "range: expected int, but got '%s'", krk_typeName(max));
return NONE_VAL();
/* Add them to ourselves */
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "min", min);
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "max", max);
return argv[0];
static KrkValue _range_repr(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
KrkValue min, max;
krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("min")), &min);
krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("max")), &max);
KrkValue output = _string_format(3, (KrkValue[]){krk_peek(0), min, max}, 0);
return output;
static KrkValue _rangeiterator_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "i", argv[1]);
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "m", argv[2]);
return argv[0];
static KrkValue _rangeiterator_call(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
KrkValue i, m;
krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("i")), &i);
krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("m")), &m);
if (AS_INTEGER(i) >= AS_INTEGER(m)) {
return argv[0];
} else {
krk_attachNamedValue(&self->fields, "i", INTEGER_VAL(AS_INTEGER(i)+1));
return i;
static KrkValue _range_iter(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
KrkInstance * self = AS_INSTANCE(argv[0]);
KrkValue min, max;
krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("min")), &min);
krk_tableGet(&self->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("max")), &max);
KrkInstance * output = krk_newInstance(vm.baseClasses.rangeiteratorClass);
_rangeiterator_init(3, (KrkValue[]){krk_peek(0), min, max});
return OBJECT_VAL(output);
void krk_initVM(int flags) {
vm.flags = flags;
vm.objects = NULL;
vm.bytesAllocated = 0;
vm.nextGC = 1024 * 1024;
vm.grayCount = 0;
vm.grayCapacity = 0;
vm.grayStack = NULL;
/* To make lookup faster, store these so we can don't have to keep boxing
* and unboxing, copying/hashing etc. */
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_INIT] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__init__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_STR] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__str__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_REPR] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__repr__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_GET] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__get__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_SET] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__set__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_CLASS]= OBJECT_VAL(S("__class__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_NAME] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__name__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_FILE] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__file__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_INT] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__int__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_CHR] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__chr__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_ORD] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__ord__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_FLOAT]= OBJECT_VAL(S("__float__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LEN] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__len__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DOC] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__doc__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_BASE] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__base__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_CALL] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__call__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_GETSLICE] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__getslice__"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__list"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_DICT_INT] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__dict"));
vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_INREPR] = OBJECT_VAL(S("__inrepr"));
/* Create built-in class `object` */
vm.objectClass = krk_newClass(S("object"));
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, "object", (KrkObj*)vm.objectClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.objectClass->methods, ":__class__", krk_typeOf);
krk_defineNative(&vm.objectClass->methods, ".__dir__", krk_dirObject);
krk_defineNative(&vm.objectClass->methods, ".__str__", _strBase);
krk_defineNative(&vm.objectClass->methods, ".__repr__", _strBase); /* Override if necesary */
/* Build a __builtins__ namespace for some extra functions. */
vm.builtins = krk_newInstance(vm.objectClass);
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, "__builtins__", (KrkObj*)vm.builtins);
/* Add exception classes */
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.baseException, "Exception", vm.objectClass);
/* base exception class gets an init that takes an optional string */
krk_defineNative(&vm.exceptions.baseException->methods, ".__init__", krk_initException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.typeError, "TypeError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.argumentError, "ArgumentError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.indexError, "IndexError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.keyError, "KeyError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.attributeError, "AttributeError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.nameError, "NameError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.importError, "ImportError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.ioError, "IOError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
ADD_EXCEPTION_CLASS(vm.exceptions.valueError, "ValueError", vm.exceptions.baseException);
/* Build classes for basic types */
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.typeClass, "type", vm.objectClass);
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, "type", (KrkObj*)vm.baseClasses.typeClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.typeClass->methods, ":__base__", krk_baseOfClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.typeClass->methods, ":__file__", krk_fileOfClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.typeClass->methods, ":__doc__", krk_docOfClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.typeClass->methods, ":__name__", krk_nameOfClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.typeClass->methods, ".__init__", _type_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.typeClass->methods, ".__str__", _class_to_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.typeClass->methods, ".__repr__", _class_to_str);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.intClass, "int", vm.objectClass);
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, "int", (KrkObj*)vm.baseClasses.intClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.intClass->methods, ".__init__", _int_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.intClass->methods, ".__int__", _noop);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.intClass->methods, ".__float__", _int_to_floating);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.intClass->methods, ".__chr__", _int_to_char);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.intClass->methods, ".__str__", _int_to_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.intClass->methods, ".__repr__", _int_to_str);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.floatClass, "float", vm.objectClass);
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, "float", (KrkObj*)vm.baseClasses.floatClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.floatClass->methods, ".__init__", _float_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.floatClass->methods, ".__int__", _floating_to_int);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.floatClass->methods, ".__float__", _noop);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.floatClass->methods, ".__str__", _float_to_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.floatClass->methods, ".__repr__", _float_to_str);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.boolClass, "bool", vm.objectClass);
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, "bool", (KrkObj*)vm.baseClasses.boolClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.boolClass->methods, ".__init__", _bool_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.boolClass->methods, ".__str__", _bool_to_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.boolClass->methods, ".__repr__", _bool_to_str);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.noneTypeClass, "NoneType", vm.objectClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.noneTypeClass->methods, ".__str__", _none_to_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.noneTypeClass->methods, ".__repr__", _none_to_str);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.strClass, "str", vm.objectClass);
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, "str", (KrkObj*)vm.baseClasses.strClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__init__", _string_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__str__", _noop);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__repr__", _repr_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__len__", _string_length);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__get__", _string_get);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__set__", _strings_are_immutable);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__int__", _string_to_int);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__float__", _string_to_float);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__getslice__", _string_get_slice);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__ord__", _char_to_int);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__contains__", _string_contains);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".__iter__", _str_iter);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".format", _string_format);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".join", _string_join);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.strClass->methods, ".split", _string_split);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.functionClass, "function", vm.objectClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.functionClass->methods, ".__str__", _closure_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.functionClass->methods, ".__repr__", _closure_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.functionClass->methods, ".__doc__", _closure_get_doc);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.functionClass->methods, ":__name__", _closure_get_name);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.functionClass->methods, ":__file__", _closure_get_file);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.methodClass, "method", vm.objectClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.methodClass->methods, ".__str__", _bound_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.methodClass->methods, ".__repr__", _bound_str);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.methodClass->methods, ".__doc__", _bound_get_doc);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.methodClass->methods, ":__name__", _bound_get_name);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.methodClass->methods, ":__file__", _bound_get_file);
/* Build global builtin functions. */
krk_defineNative(&vm.globals, "listOf", krk_list_of); /* Equivalent to list() */
krk_defineNative(&vm.globals, "dictOf", krk_dict_of); /* Equivalent to dict() */
krk_defineNative(&vm.globals, "isinstance", krk_isinstance);
krk_defineNative(&vm.globals, "globals", krk_globals);
krk_defineNative(&vm.globals, "dir", krk_dirObject);
krk_defineNative(&vm.globals, "len", _len);
krk_defineNative(&vm.globals, "repr", _repr);
/* __builtins__.set_tracing is namespaced */
krk_defineNative(&vm.builtins->fields, "set_tracing", krk_set_tracing);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.listiteratorClass, "listiterator", vm.objectClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.listiteratorClass->methods, ".__init__", _listiter_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.listiteratorClass->methods, ".__call__", _listiter_call);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.striteratorClass, "striterator", vm.objectClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.striteratorClass->methods, ".__init__", _striter_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.striteratorClass->methods, ".__call__", _striter_call);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.rangeClass, "range", vm.objectClass);
krk_attachNamedObject(&vm.globals, "range", (KrkObj*)vm.baseClasses.rangeClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.rangeClass->methods, ".__init__", _range_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.rangeClass->methods, ".__iter__", _range_iter);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.rangeClass->methods, ".__repr__", _range_repr);
ADD_BASE_CLASS(vm.baseClasses.rangeiteratorClass, "rangeiterator", vm.objectClass);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.rangeiteratorClass->methods, ".__init__", _rangeiterator_init);
krk_defineNative(&vm.baseClasses.rangeiteratorClass->methods, ".__call__", _rangeiterator_call);
* Read the managed code builtins module, which contains the base
* definitions for collections so we can pull them into the global
* namespace and attach their __init__/__get__/__set__, etc. methods.
* A significant subset of the VM's functionality is lost without
* these classes being available, but it should still work to some degree.
KrkValue builtinsModule = krk_interpret(_builtins_src,1,"__builtins__","__builtins__");
if (!IS_OBJECT(builtinsModule)) {
/* ... hence, this is a warning and not a complete failure. */
fprintf(stderr, "VM startup failure: Failed to load __builtins__ module.\n");
} else {
KrkValue val;
/* Now we can attach the native initializers and getters/setters to
* the list and dict types by pulling them out of the global namespace,
* as they were exported by builtins.krk */
KrkClass * _class = AS_CLASS(val);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__init__", _list_init);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__get__", _list_get);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__set__", _list_set);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__len__", _list_len);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__contains__", _list_contains);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__getslice__", _list_slice);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".append", _list_append);
_class = AS_CLASS(val);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__init__", _dict_init);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__get__", _dict_get);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__set__", _dict_set);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__len__", _dict_len);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".__contains__", _dict_contains);
/* These are used to for dict.keys() to create the iterators. */
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, ".capacity", _dict_capacity);
krk_defineNative(&_class->methods, "._key_at_index", _dict_key_at_index);
/* The VM is now ready to start executing code. */
* Reclaim resources used by the VM.
void krk_freeVM() {
FREE_ARRAY(size_t, vm.stack, vm.stackSize);
* Internal type(value).__name__ call for use in debugging methods and
* creating exception strings.
const char * krk_typeName(KrkValue value) {
return AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1, (KrkValue[]){value}))->name->chars;
* Basic arithmetic and string functions follow.
* BIG TODO: All of these need corresponding __methods__ so that classes
* can override / implement them.
* __add__, __sub__, __mult__, __div__,
* __or__, __and__, __xor__, __lshift__, __rshift__, __remainder__?
#define MAKE_BIN_OP(name,operator) \
static KrkValue name (KrkValue a, KrkValue b) { \
if (IS_INTEGER(a) && IS_INTEGER(b)) return INTEGER_VAL(AS_INTEGER(a) operator AS_INTEGER(b)); \
if (IS_FLOATING(a)) { \
if (IS_INTEGER(b)) return FLOATING_VAL(AS_FLOATING(a) operator (double)AS_INTEGER(b)); \
else if (IS_FLOATING(b)) return FLOATING_VAL(AS_FLOATING(a) operator AS_FLOATING(b)); \
} else if (IS_FLOATING(b)) { \
if (IS_INTEGER(a)) return FLOATING_VAL((double)AS_INTEGER(a) operator AS_FLOATING(b)); \
} \
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Incompatible types for binary operand %s: %s and %s", #operator, krk_typeName(a), krk_typeName(b)); \
return NONE_VAL(); \
/* Bit ops are invalid on doubles in C, so we can't use the same set of macros for them;
* they should be invalid in Kuroko as well. */
#define MAKE_BIT_OP(name,operator) \
static KrkValue name (KrkValue a, KrkValue b) { \
if (IS_INTEGER(a) && IS_INTEGER(b)) return INTEGER_VAL(AS_INTEGER(a) operator AS_INTEGER(b)); \
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Incompatible types for binary operand %s: %s and %s", #operator, krk_typeName(a), krk_typeName(b)); \
return NONE_VAL(); \
MAKE_BIT_OP(modulo,%) /* not a bit op, but doesn't work on floating point */
#define MAKE_COMPARATOR(name, operator) \
static KrkValue name (KrkValue a, KrkValue b) { \
if (IS_INTEGER(a) && IS_INTEGER(b)) return BOOLEAN_VAL(AS_INTEGER(a) operator AS_INTEGER(b)); \
if (IS_FLOATING(a)) { \
if (IS_INTEGER(b)) return BOOLEAN_VAL(AS_FLOATING(a) operator AS_INTEGER(b)); \
else if (IS_FLOATING(b)) return BOOLEAN_VAL(AS_FLOATING(a) operator AS_FLOATING(b)); \
} else if (IS_FLOATING(b)) { \
if (IS_INTEGER(a)) return BOOLEAN_VAL(AS_INTEGER(a) operator AS_INTEGER(b)); \
} \
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Can not compare types %s and %s", krk_typeName(a), krk_typeName(b)); \
return NONE_VAL(); \
static void concatenate(const char * a, const char * b, size_t al, size_t bl) {
size_t length = al + bl;
char * chars = ALLOCATE(char, length + 1);
memcpy(chars, a, al);
memcpy(chars + al, b, bl);
chars[length] = '\0';
KrkString * result = krk_takeString(chars, length);
static void addObjects() {
KrkValue _b = krk_peek(0);
KrkValue _a = krk_peek(1);
if (IS_STRING(_a)) {
KrkString * a = AS_STRING(_a);
if (IS_STRING(_b)) {
KrkString * b = AS_STRING(_b);
if (krk_bindMethod(AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1,(KrkValue[]){_b})), AS_STRING(vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_STR]))) {
KrkValue result;
int t = krk_callValue(krk_peek(0), 0, 1);
if (t == 2) {
result = krk_pop();
} else if (t == 1) {
result = krk_runNext();
} else {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "__str__ failed to call str on %s", krk_typeName(_b));
if (!IS_STRING(result)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "__str__ produced something that wasn't a string: %s", krk_typeName(result));
} else {
char tmp[256] = {0};
sprintf(tmp, "<%s>", krk_typeName(_b));
} else {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Can not concatenate types %s and %s", krk_typeName(_a), krk_typeName(_b)); \
* At the end of each instruction cycle, we check the exception flag to see
* if an error was raised during execution. If there is an exception, this
* function is called to scan up the stack to see if there is an exception
* handler value. Handlers live on the stack at the point where it should be
* reset to and keep an offset to the except branch of a try/except statement
* pair (or the exit point of the try, if there is no except branch). These
* objects can't be built by (text) user code, but erroneous bytecode / module
* stack manipulation could result in a handler being in the wrong place,
* at which point there's no guarantees about what happens.
static int handleException() {
int stackOffset, frameOffset;
int exitSlot = (vm.exitOnFrame >= 0) ? vm.frames[vm.exitOnFrame].outSlots : 0;
for (stackOffset = (int)(vm.stackTop - vm.stack - 1); stackOffset >= exitSlot && !IS_HANDLER(vm.stack[stackOffset]); stackOffset--);
if (stackOffset < exitSlot) {
if (exitSlot == 0) {
* No exception was found and we have reached the top of the call stack.
* Call dumpTraceback to present the exception to the user and reset the
* VM stack state. It should still be safe to execute more code after
* this reset, so the repl can throw errors and keep accepting new lines.
vm.frameCount = 0;
/* If exitSlot was not 0, there was an exception during a call to runNext();
* this is likely to be raised higher up the stack as an exception in the outer
* call, but we don't want to print the traceback here. */
return 1;
/* Find the call frame that owns this stack slot */
for (frameOffset = vm.frameCount - 1; frameOffset >= 0 && (int)vm.frames[frameOffset].slots > stackOffset; frameOffset--);
if (frameOffset == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: Call stack is corrupted - unable to find\n");
fprintf(stderr, " call frame that owns exception handler.\n");
/* We found an exception handler and can reset the VM to its call frame. */
vm.stackTop = vm.stack + stackOffset + 1;
vm.frameCount = frameOffset + 1;
/* Clear the exception flag so we can continue executing from the handler. */
vm.flags &= ~KRK_HAS_EXCEPTION;
return 0;
* Load a module.
* The module search path is stored in __builtins__.module_paths and should
* be a list of directories (with trailing forward-slash) to look at, in order,
* to resolve module names. krk source files will always take priority, so if
* a later search path has a krk source and an earlier search path has a shared
* object module, the later search path will still win.
int krk_loadModule(KrkString * name, KrkValue * moduleOut) {
KrkValue modulePaths, modulePathsInternal;
/* See if the module is already loaded */
if (krk_tableGet(&vm.modules, OBJECT_VAL(name), moduleOut)) {
return 1;
/* Obtain __builtins__.module_paths */
if (!krk_tableGet(&vm.builtins->fields, OBJECT_VAL(S("module_paths")), &modulePaths) || !IS_INSTANCE(modulePaths)) {
*moduleOut = NONE_VAL();
"Internal error: __builtins__.module_paths not defined.");
return 0;
/* Obtain __builtins__.module_paths.__list so we can do lookups directly */
if (!krk_tableGet(&(AS_INSTANCE(modulePaths)->fields), vm.specialMethodNames[METHOD_LIST_INT], &modulePathsInternal) || !IS_FUNCTION(modulePathsInternal)) {
*moduleOut = NONE_VAL();
"Internal error: __builtins__.module_paths is corrupted or incorrectly set.");
return 0;
* So maybe storing lists magically as functions to reuse their constants
* tables isn't the _best_ approach, but it works, and until I do something
* else it's what we have, so let's do the most efficient thing and look
* at the function object directly instead of calling _list_length/_get
int moduleCount = AS_FUNCTION(modulePathsInternal)->chunk.constants.count;
if (!moduleCount) {
*moduleOut = NONE_VAL();
"No module search directories are specified, so no modules may be imported.");
return 0;
struct stat statbuf;
/* First search for {name}.krk in the module search paths */
for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; ++i, krk_pop()) {
if (!IS_STRING(krk_peek(0))) {
*moduleOut = NONE_VAL();
"Module search paths must be strings; check the search path at index %d", i);
return 0;
addObjects(); /* Concatenate path... */
addObjects(); /* and file extension */
char * fileName = AS_CSTRING(krk_peek(0));
if (stat(fileName,&statbuf) < 0) continue;
/* Compile and run the module in a new context and exit the VM when it
* returns to the current call frame; modules should return objects. */
int previousExitFrame = vm.exitOnFrame;
vm.exitOnFrame = vm.frameCount;
*moduleOut = krk_runfile(fileName,1,name->chars,fileName);
vm.exitOnFrame = previousExitFrame;
if (!IS_OBJECT(*moduleOut)) {
"Failed to load module '%s' from '%s'", name->chars, fileName);
return 0;
krk_pop(); /* concatenated filename on stack */
krk_tableSet(&vm.modules, OBJECT_VAL(name), *moduleOut);
return 1;
/* If we didn't find {name}.krk, try {name}.so in the same order */
for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; ++i, krk_pop()) {
/* Assume things haven't changed and all of these are strings. */
addObjects(); /* this should just be basic concatenation */
char * fileName = AS_CSTRING(krk_peek(0));
if (stat(fileName,&statbuf) < 0) continue;
void * dlRef = dlopen(fileName, RTLD_NOW);
if (!dlRef) {
*moduleOut = NONE_VAL();
"Failed to load native module '%s' from shared object '%s'", name->chars, fileName);
return 0;
char * handlerName = AS_CSTRING(krk_peek(0));
KrkValue (*moduleOnLoad)();
void * out = dlsym(dlRef, handlerName);
if (!moduleOnLoad) {
*moduleOut = NONE_VAL();
"Failed to run module initialization method '%s' from shared object '%s'",
handlerName, fileName);
return 0;
krk_pop(); /* onload function */
*moduleOut = moduleOnLoad();
if (!IS_OBJECT(*moduleOut)) {
"Failed to load module '%s' from '%s'", name->chars, fileName);
return 0;
krk_pop(); /* filename */
krk_tableSet(&vm.modules, OBJECT_VAL(name), *moduleOut);
return 1;
/* If we still haven't found anything, fail. */
*moduleOut = NONE_VAL();
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.importError, "No module named '%s'", name->chars);
return 0;
* Try to resolve and push [stack top].name.
* If [stack top] is an instance, scan fields first.
* Otherwise, scan for methods from [stack top].__class__.
* Returns 0 if nothing was found, 1 if something was - and that
* "something" will replace [stack top].
static int valueGetProperty(KrkString * name) {
KrkClass * objectClass;
if (IS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(0))) {
KrkInstance * instance = AS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(0));
KrkValue value;
if (krk_tableGet(&instance->fields, OBJECT_VAL(name), &value)) {
return 1;
objectClass = instance->_class;
} else {
objectClass = AS_CLASS(krk_typeOf(1, (KrkValue[]){krk_peek(0)}));
/* See if the base class for this non-instance type has a method available */
if (krk_bindMethod(objectClass, name)) {
return 1;
return 0;
#define READ_BYTE() (*frame->ip++)
#define BINARY_OP(op) { KrkValue b = krk_pop(); KrkValue a = krk_pop(); krk_push(op(a,b)); break; }
#define READ_CONSTANT(s) (frame->closure->function->chunk.constants.values[readBytes(frame,s)])
* Read bytes after an opcode. Most instructions take 1, 2, or 3 bytes as an
* operand referring to a local slot, constant slot, or offset.
static inline size_t readBytes(CallFrame * frame, int num) {
size_t out = READ_BYTE();
while (--num) {
out <<= 8;
out |= (READ_BYTE() & 0xFF);
return out;
* VM main loop.
static KrkValue run() {
CallFrame* frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1];
while (1) {
if (vm.flags & KRK_ENABLE_TRACING) {
(size_t)(frame->ip - frame->closure->function->chunk.code));
uint8_t opcode = READ_BYTE();
/* We split the instruction opcode table in half and use the top bit
* to mark instructions as "long" as we can quickly determine operand
* widths. The standard opereand width is 1 byte. If operands need
* to use more than 256 possible values, such as when the stack
* is very large or there are a lot of constants in a single chunk of
* bytecode, the long opcodes provide 24 bits of operand space. */
int operandWidth = (opcode & (1 << 7)) ? 3 : 1;
switch (opcode) {
case OP_PRINT: {
uint32_t args = readBytes(frame, operandWidth);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < args; ++i) {
KrkValue printable = krk_peek(args-i-1);
if (IS_STRING(printable)) { /* krk_printValue runs repr */
fprintf(stdout, "%s", AS_CSTRING(printable));
} else {
krk_printValue(stdout, printable);
fputc((i == args - 1) ? '\n' : ' ', stdout);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < args; ++i) {
case OP_RETURN: {
KrkValue result = krk_pop();
if (vm.frameCount == 0) {
return result;
vm.stackTop = &vm.stack[frame->outSlots];
if (vm.frameCount == (size_t)vm.exitOnFrame) {
return result;
frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1];
case OP_EQUAL: {
KrkValue b = krk_pop();
KrkValue a = krk_pop();
case OP_LESS: BINARY_OP(less);
case OP_GREATER: BINARY_OP(greater)
case OP_ADD:
if (IS_OBJECT(krk_peek(0)) || IS_OBJECT(krk_peek(1))) addObjects();
else BINARY_OP(add)
case OP_SUBTRACT: BINARY_OP(subtract)
case OP_MULTIPLY: BINARY_OP(multiply)
case OP_DIVIDE: BINARY_OP(divide)
case OP_MODULO: BINARY_OP(modulo)
case OP_BITOR: BINARY_OP(bitor)
case OP_BITXOR: BINARY_OP(bitxor)
case OP_BITAND: BINARY_OP(bitand)
case OP_SHIFTLEFT: BINARY_OP(shiftleft)
case OP_SHIFTRIGHT: BINARY_OP(shiftright)
KrkValue value = krk_pop();
if (IS_INTEGER(value)) krk_push(INTEGER_VAL(~AS_INTEGER(value)));
else { krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Incompatible operand type for bit negation."); goto _finishException; }
case OP_NEGATE: {
KrkValue value = krk_pop();
if (IS_INTEGER(value)) krk_push(INTEGER_VAL(-AS_INTEGER(value)));
else if (IS_FLOATING(value)) krk_push(FLOATING_VAL(-AS_FLOATING(value)));
else { krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Incompatible operand type for prefix negation."); goto _finishException; }
size_t index = readBytes(frame, operandWidth);
KrkValue constant = frame->closure->function->chunk.constants.values[index];
case OP_NONE: krk_push(NONE_VAL()); break;
case OP_TRUE: krk_push(BOOLEAN_VAL(1)); break;
case OP_FALSE: krk_push(BOOLEAN_VAL(0)); break;
case OP_NOT: krk_push(BOOLEAN_VAL(isFalsey(krk_pop()))); break;
case OP_POP: krk_pop(); break;
KrkString * name = READ_STRING(operandWidth);
krk_tableSet(&vm.globals, OBJECT_VAL(name), krk_peek(0));
KrkString * name = READ_STRING(operandWidth);
KrkValue value;
if (!krk_tableGet(&vm.globals, OBJECT_VAL(name), &value)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.nameError, "Undefined variable '%s'.", name->chars);
goto _finishException;
KrkString * name = READ_STRING(operandWidth);
if (krk_tableSet(&vm.globals, OBJECT_VAL(name), krk_peek(0))) {
krk_tableDelete(&vm.globals, OBJECT_VAL(name));
/* TODO: This should probably just work as an assignment? */
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.nameError, "Undefined variable '%s'.", name->chars);
goto _finishException;
case OP_IMPORT: {
KrkString * name = READ_STRING(operandWidth);
KrkValue module;
if (!krk_loadModule(name, &module)) {
goto _finishException;
case OP_GET_LOCAL: {
uint32_t slot = readBytes(frame, operandWidth);
krk_push(vm.stack[frame->slots + slot]);
case OP_SET_LOCAL: {
uint32_t slot = readBytes(frame, operandWidth);
vm.stack[frame->slots + slot] = krk_peek(0);
uint16_t offset = readBytes(frame, 2);
if (isFalsey(krk_peek(0))) frame->ip += offset;
uint16_t offset = readBytes(frame, 2);
if (!isFalsey(krk_peek(0))) frame->ip += offset;
case OP_JUMP: {
frame->ip += readBytes(frame, 2);
case OP_LOOP: {
uint16_t offset = readBytes(frame, 2);
frame->ip -= offset;
case OP_PUSH_TRY: {
uint16_t tryTarget = readBytes(frame, 2) + (frame->ip - frame->closure->function->chunk.code);
KrkValue handler = HANDLER_VAL(tryTarget);
case OP_RAISE: {
vm.currentException = krk_pop();
vm.flags |= KRK_HAS_EXCEPTION;
goto _finishException;
/* Sometimes you just want to increment a stack-local integer quickly. */
case OP_INC: {
uint32_t slot = readBytes(frame, operandWidth);
vm.stack[frame->slots + slot] = INTEGER_VAL(AS_INTEGER(vm.stack[frame->slots+slot])+1);
case OP_CALL: {
int argCount = readBytes(frame, operandWidth);
if (!krk_callValue(krk_peek(argCount), argCount, 1)) {
if (vm.flags & KRK_HAS_EXCEPTION) goto _finishException;
return NONE_VAL();
frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1];
/* This version of the call instruction takes its arity from the
* top of the stack, so we don't have to calculate arity at compile time. */
int argCount = AS_INTEGER(krk_pop());
if (!krk_callValue(krk_peek(argCount), argCount, 1)) {
if (vm.flags & KRK_HAS_EXCEPTION) goto _finishException;
return NONE_VAL();
frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1];
int type = READ_BYTE();
case OP_CLOSURE: {
KrkFunction * function = AS_FUNCTION(READ_CONSTANT(operandWidth));
KrkClosure * closure = krk_newClosure(function);
for (size_t i = 0; i < closure->upvalueCount; ++i) {
int isLocal = READ_BYTE();
int index = readBytes(frame,(i > 255) ? 3 : 1);
if (isLocal) {
closure->upvalues[i] = captureUpvalue(frame->slots + index);
} else {
closure->upvalues[i] = frame->closure->upvalues[index];
int slot = readBytes(frame, operandWidth);
int slot = readBytes(frame, operandWidth);
*UPVALUE_LOCATION(frame->closure->upvalues[slot]) = krk_peek(0);
closeUpvalues((vm.stackTop - vm.stack)-1);
case OP_CLASS: {
KrkString * name = READ_STRING(operandWidth);
KrkClass * _class = krk_newClass(name);
_class->filename = frame->closure->function->chunk.filename;
_class->base = vm.objectClass;
krk_tableAddAll(&vm.objectClass->methods, &_class->methods);
KrkString * name = READ_STRING(operandWidth);
if (!valueGetProperty(name)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.attributeError, "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'", krk_typeName(krk_peek(0)), name->chars);
goto _finishException;
if (IS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(1)) && AS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(1))->_getter) {
krk_push(krk_callSimple(OBJECT_VAL(AS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(1))->_getter), 2, 0));
} else if (IS_STRING(krk_peek(1))) {
KrkValue out = _string_get(2, (KrkValue[]){krk_peek(1), krk_peek(0)});
krk_pop(); /* index */
krk_pop(); /* base object */
krk_push(out); /* result */
} else {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.attributeError, "'%s' object is not subscriptable", krk_typeName(krk_peek(1)));
if (IS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(2)) && AS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(2))->_setter) {
krk_push(krk_callSimple(OBJECT_VAL(AS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(2))->_setter), 3, 0));
} else if (IS_STRING(krk_peek(2))) {
goto _finishException;
} else {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.attributeError, "'%s' object is not subscriptable", krk_typeName(krk_peek(2)));
if (IS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(2)) && AS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(2))->_slicer) {
krk_push(krk_callSimple(OBJECT_VAL(AS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(2))->_slicer), 3, 0));
} else if (IS_STRING(krk_peek(2))) {
KrkValue out = _string_get_slice(3, (KrkValue[]){krk_peek(2), krk_peek(1), krk_peek(0)});
krk_pop(); /* max */
krk_pop(); /* min */
krk_pop(); /* base object */
krk_push(out); /* result */
} else {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.attributeError, "'%s' object is not sliceable", krk_typeName(krk_peek(2)));
KrkString * name = READ_STRING(operandWidth);
if (!IS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(1))) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.attributeError, "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'", krk_typeName(krk_peek(0)), name->chars);
goto _finishException;
KrkInstance * instance = AS_INSTANCE(krk_peek(1));
krk_tableSet(&instance->fields, OBJECT_VAL(name), krk_peek(0));
KrkValue value = krk_pop();
krk_pop(); /* instance */
krk_push(value); /* Moves value in */
case OP_METHOD: {
KrkValue method = krk_peek(0);
KrkClass * _class = AS_CLASS(krk_peek(1));
krk_tableSet(&_class->methods, OBJECT_VAL(READ_STRING(operandWidth)), method);
case OP_INHERIT: {
KrkValue superclass = krk_peek(1);
if (!IS_CLASS(superclass)) {
krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions.typeError, "Superclass must be a class.");
return NONE_VAL();
KrkClass * subclass = AS_CLASS(krk_peek(0));
subclass->base = AS_CLASS(superclass);
krk_tableAddAll(&AS_CLASS(superclass)->methods, &subclass->methods);
KrkClass * me = AS_CLASS(krk_peek(1));
me->docstring = AS_STRING(krk_pop());
case OP_GET_SUPER: {
KrkString * name = READ_STRING(operandWidth);
KrkClass * superclass = AS_CLASS(krk_pop());
if (!krk_bindMethod(superclass, name)) {
return NONE_VAL();
case OP_DUP:
case OP_SWAP:
case OP_KWARGS: {
if (!(vm.flags & KRK_HAS_EXCEPTION)) continue;
if (!handleException()) {
frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1];
frame->ip = frame->closure->function->chunk.code + AS_HANDLER(krk_peek(0));
/* Replace the exception handler with the exception */
vm.currentException = NONE_VAL();
} else {
return NONE_VAL();
#undef BINARY_OP
#undef READ_BYTE
KrkValue krk_interpret(const char * src, int newScope, char * fromName, char * fromFile) {
KrkFunction * function = krk_compile(src, newScope, fromFile);
if (!function) return NONE_VAL();
function->name = krk_copyString(fromName, strlen(fromName));
KrkClosure * closure = krk_newClosure(function);
krk_callValue(OBJECT_VAL(closure), 0, 1);
return run();
KrkValue krk_runfile(const char * fileName, int newScope, char * fromName, char * fromFile) {
FILE * f = fopen(fileName,"r");
if (!f) {
if (!newScope) {
fprintf(stderr, "kuroko: could not read file '%s': %s\n", fileName, strerror(errno));
return INTEGER_VAL(errno);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t size = ftell(f);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
char * buf = malloc(size+1);
if (fread(buf, 1, size, f) != size) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Failed to read file.\n");
buf[size] = '\0';
KrkValue result = krk_interpret(buf, newScope, fromName, fromFile);
return result;