Codecs package Co-authored-by: HarJIT <harjit@harjit.moe>
265 lines
10 KiB
265 lines
10 KiB
from codecs.infrastructure import StringCatenator, ByteCatenator, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, register_kuroko_codec
let _base64_alphabet = (
list(range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1)) +
list(range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1)) +
list(range(ord("0"), ord("9") + 1)) + [ord("+"), ord("/")]
let _base64_alphabet_uu = list(range(0x20, 0x60))
let _base64_alphabet_hqx = [ord(i) for i in
class Base64IncrementalCreator(IncrementalDecoder):
name = "inverse-base64"
alphabet = _base64_alphabet
padchar = "="
def decode(data_in, final = False):
let data = self.pending + data_in
self.pending = b""
let offset = 0
let out = StringCatenator()
while 1:
let subdata = list(data)[offset:(offset + 3)]
if (len(subdata) == 0) or (len(subdata) < 3 and not final):
return self._handle_truncation(out, None, final, data, offset, subdata)
let padchars = 3 - len(subdata)
subdata = subdata + ([0] * padchars)
let high = subdata[0]
let mid = subdata[1]
let low = subdata[2]
let charm = high >> 2
let up = ((high & 3) << 4) | (mid >> 4)
let down = ((mid & 0xF) << 2) | (low >> 6)
let strange = low & 0x3F
let outbit = "".join([chr(self.alphabet[i]) for i in [charm, up, down, strange]])
if padchars:
outbit = outbit[:-padchars] + (self.padchar * padchars)
offset += 3
class Base64IncrementalParser(IncrementalEncoder):
name = "inverse-base64"
alphabet = _base64_alphabet
padchar = "="
def encode(string_in, final = False):
let string = self.pending + string_in
self.pending = ""
let offset = 0
let out = ByteCatenator()
while 1:
let raw_substring = ""
let suboffset = offset
while (len(raw_substring) < 4) and suboffset < len(string):
if string[suboffset].strip():
raw_substring += string[suboffset]
suboffset += 1
if len(raw_substring) == 0:
return out.getvalue()
else if len(raw_substring) < 4 and not final:
self.pending = raw_substring
return out.getvalue()
let substring = raw_substring
let padchars = 4 - len(substring.rstrip(self.padchar))
if padchars:
substring = substring[:(4-padchars)] + (chr(self.alphabet[0]) * padchars)
let charm
let up
let down
let strange
charm = self.alphabet.index(ord(substring[0]))
up = self.alphabet.index(ord(substring[1]))
down = self.alphabet.index(ord(substring[2]))
strange = self.alphabet.index(ord(substring[3]))
except ValueError:
# Ignore the error specifier
raise UnicodeEncodeError(self.name, string, offset, suboffset,
"not Base64")
let high = (charm << 2) | (up >> 4)
let mid = ((up & 0xF) << 4) | (down >> 2)
let low = ((down & 3) << 6) | strange
if not padchars:
out.add(bytes([high, mid, low]))
else if padchars == 1:
out.add(bytes([high, mid]))
else if padchars == 2:
# Ignore the error specifier
raise UnicodeEncodeError(self.name, string, offset, suboffset,
"Base64 truncated or with invalid number of pad characters")
offset = suboffset
def reset(): self.pending = ""
def getstate(): return self.pending
def setstate(state): self.pending = state
Base64IncrementalParser, Base64IncrementalCreator)
class Base64UUIncrementalCreator(Base64IncrementalCreator):
name = "inverse-base64uu"
alphabet = _base64_alphabet_uu
padchar = " "
class Base64UUIncrementalParser(Base64IncrementalParser):
name = "inverse-base64uu"
alphabet = _base64_alphabet_uu
padchar = " "
Base64UUIncrementalParser, Base64UUIncrementalCreator)
class Base64HQXIncrementalCreator(Base64IncrementalCreator):
name = "inverse-base64hqx"
alphabet = _base64_alphabet_hqx
class Base64HQXIncrementalParser(Base64IncrementalParser):
name = "inverse-base64hqx"
alphabet = _base64_alphabet_hqx
Base64HQXIncrementalParser, Base64HQXIncrementalCreator)
class QuoPriIncrementalCreator(IncrementalDecoder):
name = "inverse-quopri"
def decode(data_in, final = False):
let data = self.pending + data_in
self.pending = b""
let offset = 0
let out = StringCatenator()
while 1:
# Unless we're final, stop one byte short of the end of the input and shove the
# last byte in pending. We need to know if a line end follows (end of the *final*
# input would count as a line end).
if (offset == len(data)) or ((offset + 1) == len(data) and not final):
self.pending = bytes(list(data)[offset:])
return out.getvalue()
let i = data[offset]
let next_eol = (offset + 1 == len(data)) or (data[offset + 1] in (0x0A, 0x0D))
if i > 0x20 and i < 0x7F and i != b"="[0]:
if self.linelength >= 75 and not next_eol:
self.linelength = 0
self.linelength += 1
else if i in (0x0A, 0x0D):
self.linelength = 0
else if i in (0x09, 0x20):
if next_eol:
if self.linelength > 73:
self.linelength = 1
let hexbit = hex(i)[2:].upper()
if len(hexbit) == 1: hexbit = "0" + hexbit
out.add("=" + hexbit)
self.linelength += 3
self.linelength += 1
if (self.linelength > 73) or (self.linelength > 72 and not next_eol):
self.linelength = 0
let hexbit = hex(i)[2:].upper()
if len(hexbit) == 1: hexbit = "0" + hexbit
out.add("=" + hexbit)
self.linelength += 3
offset += 1
def reset():
self.linelength = 0
self.pending = b""
def getstate():
return (self.linelength, self.pending)
def setstate(state):
self.linelength = state[0]
self.pending = state[1]
class QuoPriIncrementalParser(IncrementalEncoder):
name = "inverse-quopri"
def encode(string_in, final = False):
let string = self.pending + string_in
self.pending = ""
let offset = 0
let out = ByteCatenator()
while 1:
let substring = string[offset:(offset + 1)] # not string[offset] (it will fail at end)
if len(substring) == 0:
return out.getvalue()
else if substring == "=":
substring = string[offset:(offset + 3)]
if len(substring) < 3 and not final:
self.pending = substring
return out.getvalue()
offset += 1
# Python's QuoPri parser is very lenient so we should also be
let procsubst = substring.upper()
let hexd = "0123456789ABCDEF"
if len(substring) >= 3 and substring[1] == "\r" and substring[2] == "\n":
offset += 3
else if len(substring) >= 2 and substring[1] == "\n":
# Leniency to LF not CRLF in soft line break (following Python behaviour)
offset += 2
else if len(substring) >= 2 and substring[1] == "\r" and substring[2:3] != "\n":
# Leniency to CR not CRLF in soft line break
# Python behaviour will actually swallow any data between =\r and \n, which is
# BAD. I am not following suit.
offset += 2
else if len(substring) < 3 or procsubst[1] not in hexd or procsubst[2] not in hexd:
# Leniency to = which doesn't start a QuoPri escape
offset += 1
let byteval = (hexd.index(procsubst[1]) << 4) | hexd.index(procsubst[2])
offset += 3
def reset(): self.pending = ""
def getstate(): return self.pending
def setstate(state): self.pending = state
QuoPriIncrementalParser, QuoPriIncrementalCreator)
def base64_file_create(data, filename=None, mode=0o666):
let out = StringCatenator()
let creator = Base64IncrementalCreator("strict")
if filename != None:
let octmode = oct(mode)[2:]
out.add(f"begin-base64 {octmode} {filename}\n")
let offset = 0
while offset < len(data):
let segment = bytes(list(data)[offset:offset+57])
out.add(creator.decode(segment, True))
offset += 57
if filename != None:
return out.getvalue()
def uu_file_create(data, filename="-", mode=0o666):
let out = StringCatenator()
let creator = Base64UUIncrementalCreator("strict")
let octmode = oct(mode)[2:]
out.add(f"begin {octmode} {filename}\n")
let offset = 0
while offset < len(data):
let segment = bytes(list(data)[offset:offset+45])
out.add(creator.decode(segment, True))
offset += 45
return out.getvalue()