51 lines
1.3 KiB
51 lines
1.3 KiB
from fileio import open
let lines, descriptions, count
with open('test/day7.in') as f:
lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
descriptions = {}
for line in lines:
let mine, contains = line.split(" bags contain ", 1)
if contains[:8] == "no other":
descriptions[mine] = []
let contents = []
for bag in contains.split(", "):
let cnt, rest = bag.split(' ',1)
let name = rest.strip().split('bag',1)[0]
for i in range(int(cnt)):
descriptions[mine] = contents
def reaches(bag, target, seen=set()):
for n in descriptions[bag]:
if n == target:
return True
if n not in seen:
if reaches(n, target, seen):
return True
return False
count = 0
for bag in descriptions.keys():
if reaches(bag, 'shiny gold'):
count += 1
print("There are", count, "bags that can contain a shiny gold bag, eventually.")
def find_depth(bag):
if not descriptions[bag]:
return 0
let to_scan = descriptions[bag]
let count = 0
while to_scan:
let i = to_scan.pop(0)
count += 1
return count
print("A shiny gold bag contains", find_depth('shiny gold'), "bags.")