Add rudimentary (native) file i/o module

This commit is contained in:
K. Lange 2020-12-31 18:41:17 +09:00
parent 4df8cd8673
commit f745f8ec15
2 changed files with 295 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -553,6 +553,43 @@ print f
# → (I am a Foo!)
### File I/O
The module `fileio` provides an interface for opening, reading, and writing files, including `stdin`/`stdout`/`stderr`.
To open and read the contents of a file:
import fileio
let f ="","r")
To write to `stdout` (notably, without automatic line feeds):
import fileio
fileio.stdout.write("hello, world")
To read lines from `stdin`:
import fileio
while True:
fileio.stdout.write("Say something: ")
let data = fileio.stdin.readline()
if data[-1] == '\n':
data = data[:-1]
if data == "exit":
print "You said '" + data + "'!"
## About the REPL

src/fileio.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
* Native module for providing access to stdio.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "../vm.h"
#include "../value.h"
#include "../object.h"
#define S(c) (krk_copyString(c,sizeof(c)-1))
static KrkClass * FileClass = NULL;
KrkValue krk_open(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
/* How are we going to store files if we need to delete them at runtime
* when the GC finishes... maybe we could add a new object type that
* native modules can use that calls free() on an arbitrary pointer,
* or has a callback function that can do other things like closing...
* For now, let's just pretend it doesn't matter and let the user figure
* figure it out for themselves.
if (argc < 1) {
krk_runtimeError("open() takes at least 1 argument.");
return NONE_VAL();
if (argc > 2) {
krk_runtimeError("open() takes at most 2 argument.");
return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_STRING(argv[0])) {
krk_runtimeError("open: first argument should be a filename string.");
return NONE_VAL();
if (argc == 2 && !IS_STRING(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError("open: second argument should be a mode string.");
return NONE_VAL();
FILE * file = fopen(AS_CSTRING(argv[0]), AS_CSTRING(argv[1]));
if (!file) {
krk_runtimeError("open: failed to open file; system returned: %s", strerror(errno));
return NONE_VAL();
/* Now let's build an object to hold it */
KrkInstance * fileObject = krk_newInstance(FileClass);
/* Let's put the filename in there somewhere... */
krk_attachNamedValue(&fileObject->fields, "filename", argv[0]);
krk_attachNamedValue(&fileObject->fields, "_fileptr", INTEGER_VAL((long)(file))); /* Need a KrkNativePrivate or something... */
return OBJECT_VAL(fileObject);
#define BLOCK_SIZE 1024
static FILE * getFilePtr(KrkValue obj) {
KrkValue strFilePtr = OBJECT_VAL(S("_fileptr"));
KrkInstance * me = AS_INSTANCE(obj);
KrkValue _fileptr;
if (!krk_tableGet(&me->fields, strFilePtr, &_fileptr)) {
krk_runtimeError("Corrupt File object?");
return NULL;
krk_pop(); /* str object */
return (FILE *)AS_INTEGER(_fileptr);
static KrkValue krk_file_readline(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1 || !IS_INSTANCE(argv[0])) {
krk_runtimeError("Not sure how that happened.");
return NONE_VAL();
FILE * file = getFilePtr(argv[0]);
if (!file || feof(file)) {
return NONE_VAL();
size_t sizeRead = 0;
size_t spaceAvailable = 0;
char * buffer = NULL;
do {
if (spaceAvailable < sizeRead + BLOCK_SIZE) {
spaceAvailable = (spaceAvailable ? spaceAvailable * 2 : (2 * BLOCK_SIZE));
buffer = realloc(buffer, spaceAvailable);
char * target = &buffer[sizeRead];
while (sizeRead < spaceAvailable) {
int c = fgetc(file);
if (c < 0) break;
*target++ = c;
if (c == '\n') goto _finish_line;
} while (!feof(file));
_finish_line: (void)0;
/* Make a new string to fit our output. */
KrkString * out = krk_copyString(buffer,sizeRead);
return OBJECT_VAL(out);
static KrkValue krk_file_read(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1 || !IS_INSTANCE(argv[0])) {
krk_runtimeError("Not sure how that happened.");
return NONE_VAL();
/* Get the file ptr reference */
FILE * file = getFilePtr(argv[0]);
if (!file || feof(file)) {
return NONE_VAL();
/* We'll do our read entirely with some native buffers and manage them here. */
size_t sizeRead = 0;
size_t spaceAvailable = 0;
char * buffer = NULL;
do {
if (spaceAvailable < sizeRead + BLOCK_SIZE) {
spaceAvailable = (spaceAvailable ? spaceAvailable * 2 : (2 * BLOCK_SIZE));
buffer = realloc(buffer, spaceAvailable);
char * target = &buffer[sizeRead];
size_t newlyRead = fread(target, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, file);
if (newlyRead < BLOCK_SIZE) {
if (ferror(file)) {
krk_runtimeError("Read error.");
return NONE_VAL();
sizeRead += newlyRead;
} while (!feof(file));
/* Make a new string to fit our output. */
KrkString * out = krk_copyString(buffer,sizeRead);
return OBJECT_VAL(out);
static KrkValue krk_file_write(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
/* Expect just a string as arg 2 */
if (argc < 2 || !IS_INSTANCE(argv[0]) || !IS_STRING(argv[1])) {
krk_runtimeError("write: expected string");
return NONE_VAL();
/* Find the file ptr reference */
FILE * file = getFilePtr(argv[0]);
if (!file || feof(file)) {
return NONE_VAL();
return INTEGER_VAL(fwrite(AS_CSTRING(argv[1]), 1, AS_STRING(argv[1])->length, file));
static KrkValue krk_file_close(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1 || !IS_INSTANCE(argv[0])) {
krk_runtimeError("Not sure how that happened.");
return NONE_VAL();
FILE * file = getFilePtr(argv[0]);
if (!file) return NONE_VAL();
return NONE_VAL();
static KrkValue krk_file_flush(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
if (argc < 1 || !IS_INSTANCE(argv[0])) {
krk_runtimeError("Not sure how that happened.");
return NONE_VAL();
FILE * file = getFilePtr(argv[0]);
if (!file) return NONE_VAL();
return NONE_VAL();
static KrkValue krk_file_reject_init(int argc, KrkValue argv[]) {
krk_runtimeError("File objects can not be instantiated; use to obtain File objects.");
return NONE_VAL();
static void makeFileInstance(KrkInstance * module, const char name[], FILE * file) {
KrkInstance * fileObject = krk_newInstance(FileClass);
krk_attachNamedObject(&fileObject->fields, "filename", (KrkObj*)krk_copyString(name,strlen(name)));
krk_attachNamedValue(&fileObject->fields, "_fileptr", INTEGER_VAL((long)(file)));
krk_attachNamedObject(&module->fields, name, (KrkObj*)fileObject);
KrkValue krk_module_onload_fileio(void) {
KrkInstance * module = krk_newInstance(vm.object_class);
/* Store it on the stack for now so we can do stuff that may trip GC
* and not lose it to garbage colletion... */
/* Define a class to represent files. (Should this be a helper method?) */
const char chr_File[] = "File";
KrkString * str_File = S(chr_File);
FileClass = krk_newClass(str_File);
/* Bind it */
/* Add methods to it... */
krk_defineNative(&FileClass->methods, ".read", krk_file_read);
krk_defineNative(&FileClass->methods, ".readline", krk_file_readline);
krk_defineNative(&FileClass->methods, ".close", krk_file_close);
krk_defineNative(&FileClass->methods, ".write", krk_file_write);
krk_defineNative(&FileClass->methods, ".flush", krk_file_flush);
krk_defineNative(&FileClass->methods, ".__init__", krk_file_reject_init);
/* Make an instance for stdout, stderr, and stdin */
makeFileInstance(module, "stdin",stdin);
makeFileInstance(module, "stdout",stdout);
makeFileInstance(module, "stderr",stderr);
/* Our base will be the open method */
krk_defineNative(&module->fields, "open", krk_open);
/* Pop the module object before returning; it'll get pushed again
* by the VM before the GC has a chance to run, so it's safe. */
assert(AS_INSTANCE(krk_pop()) == module);
return OBJECT_VAL(module);