New suite of time functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,6 +38,192 @@ KRK_Function(time) {
return FLOATING_VAL(out);
static KrkClass * struct_time;
struct struct_time_obj {
KrkInstance inst;
struct tm _value;
#define IS_struct_time(o) (krk_isInstanceOf(o,struct_time))
#define AS_struct_time(o) ((struct struct_time_obj*)AS_OBJECT(o))
#define CURRENT_CTYPE struct struct_time_obj *
#define CURRENT_NAME self
KRK_Method(struct_time,__init__) {
KrkValue seq;
if (!krk_parseArgs(".V:struct_time", (const char *[]){"iterable"}, &seq)) return NONE_VAL();
if (!IS_TUPLE(seq) || AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.count != 9) return krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions->notImplementedError, "sequence other than 9-tuple unsupported");
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
if (!IS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[i])) return krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions->valueError, "expected int, not %T", AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[i]);
self->_value.tm_year = AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[0]) - 1900;
self->_value.tm_mon = AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[1]) - 1;
self->_value.tm_mday = AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[2]);
self->_value.tm_hour = AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[3]);
self->_value.tm_min = AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[4]);
self->_value.tm_sec = AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[5]);
self->_value.tm_wday = (AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[6])+6)%7;
self->_value.tm_yday = AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[7]) - 1;
self->_value.tm_isdst = AS_INTEGER(AS_TUPLE(seq)->values.values[8]);
return NONE_VAL();
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_year) { return INTEGER_VAL(self->_value.tm_year + 1900); } /* struct tm is 1900-indexed, snakes are not */
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_mon) { return INTEGER_VAL(self->_value.tm_mon + 1); } /* struct tm is 0-indexed, snakes are not */
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_mday) { return INTEGER_VAL(self->_value.tm_mday); }
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_hour) { return INTEGER_VAL(self->_value.tm_hour); }
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_min) { return INTEGER_VAL(self->_value.tm_min); }
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_sec) { return INTEGER_VAL(self->_value.tm_sec); }
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_wday) { return INTEGER_VAL((self->_value.tm_wday+1)%7); } /* struct tm has Sunday = 0, but snakes use Monday = 0 */
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_yday) { return INTEGER_VAL(self->_value.tm_yday+1); } /* struct tm is from 0, but snakes start from 1 */
KRK_Method(struct_time,tm_isdst) { return INTEGER_VAL(self->_value.tm_isdst); }
KRK_Method(struct_time,__repr__) {
return krk_stringFromFormat(
"time.struct_time(tm_year=%d, tm_mon=%d, tm_mday=%d, tm_hour=%d, tm_min=%d, "
"tm_sec=%d, tm_wday=%d, tm_yday=%d, tm_isdst=%d)",
self->_value.tm_year + 1900,
self->_value.tm_mon + 1,
(self->_value.tm_wday + 1) % 7,
self->_value.tm_yday + 1,
static time_t time_or_now(int has_arg, long long secs) {
if (!has_arg) {
struct timeval tv;
return (time_t)tv.tv_sec;
} else {
return (time_t)secs;
static void tm_or_now(const struct struct_time_obj * t, struct tm * _time) {
if (t) {
memcpy(_time,&t->_value,sizeof(struct tm));
} else {
struct timeval tv;
time_t time = tv.tv_sec;
KRK_Function(localtime) {
int gave_seconds;
long long seconds;
if (!krk_parseArgs("|L?",(const char*[]){"seconds"},&gave_seconds, &seconds)) return NONE_VAL();
time_t time = time_or_now(gave_seconds, seconds);
/* Create a struct_time to store result in */
CURRENT_CTYPE out = (CURRENT_CTYPE)krk_newInstance(struct_time);
if (!localtime_r(&time, &out->_value)) return krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions->valueError, "?");
return krk_pop();
static KrkValue krk_asctime(const struct tm *_time) {
/* asctime is normally locale-aware, but the snake function is not, so we do this manually */
static const char * monNames[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"};
static const char * dayNames[] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"};
char buf[40] = {0};
/* The normal strftime string for this is %a %b %d %T %Y
* Day Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY */
snprintf(buf,39, "%s %s%3d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d",
dayNames[_time->tm_wday % 7],
monNames[_time->tm_mon % 12],
_time->tm_year + 1900);
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_copyString(buf,strlen(buf)));
KRK_Function(asctime) {
struct struct_time_obj * t = NULL;
if (!krk_parseArgs("|O!",(const char*[]){"t"},struct_time,&t)) return NONE_VAL();
struct tm _time;
return krk_asctime(&_time);
KRK_Function(ctime) {
int has_arg;
long long secs;
if (!krk_parseArgs("|L?",(const char*[]){"secs"},&has_arg,&secs)) return NONE_VAL();
time_t time = time_or_now(has_arg, secs);
struct tm _time;
if (!localtime_r(&time, &_time)) return krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions->valueError, "?");
return krk_asctime(&_time);
KRK_Function(gmtime) {
int gave_seconds;
long long seconds;
if (!krk_parseArgs("|L?",(const char*[]){"secs"},&gave_seconds, &seconds)) return NONE_VAL();
time_t time = time_or_now(gave_seconds, seconds);
/* Create a struct_time to store result in */
CURRENT_CTYPE out = (CURRENT_CTYPE)krk_newInstance(struct_time);
if (!gmtime_r(&time, &out->_value)) return krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions->valueError, "?");
return krk_pop();
KRK_Function(mktime) {
struct struct_time_obj * t;
if (!krk_parseArgs("O!",(const char*[]){"t"},struct_time,&t)) return NONE_VAL();
struct tm _time;
memcpy(&_time,&t->_value,sizeof(struct tm));
_time.tm_wday = -1;
time_t out = mktime(&_time);
if (out == -1 && _time.tm_wday == -1) return krk_runtimeError(vm.exceptions->valueError, "invalid argument to mktime");
return FLOATING_VAL(out);
KRK_Function(strftime) {
const char * format;
struct struct_time_obj * t = NULL;
if (!krk_parseArgs("s|O!",(const char*[]){"format","t"},&format,struct_time,&t)) return NONE_VAL();
struct tm _time;
/* strftime wants a buffer size, but we have no way of knowing. Following
* what CPython does, start from 1024 and try doubling until we reach
* the length of our format string * 256, and then give up. */
size_t fmt_len = strlen(format);
size_t size = 1024;
while (1) {
char * buf = malloc(size);
size_t ret = strftime(buf,size,format,&_time);
if (ret || size > fmt_len * 256) {
return krk_pop();
size *= 2;
KRK_Module(time) {
KRK_DOC(module, "@brief Provides timekeeping functions.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_FUNC(module,sleep), "@brief Pause execution of the current thread.\n"
@ -48,5 +234,43 @@ KRK_Module(time) {
"Returns a @ref float representation of the number of seconds since the platform's epoch date. "
"On POSIX platforms, this is the number of seconds since 1 January 1970. "
"The precision of the return value is platform-dependent.");
krk_makeClass(module, &struct_time, "struct_time", KRK_BASE_CLASS(object));
struct_time->allocSize = sizeof(struct struct_time_obj);
KRK_DOC(struct_time, "Time value returned by various functions.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_METHOD(struct_time,__init__), "@arguments iterable: tuple\n\n"
"Create a @ref struct_time from a 9-tuple of @ref int values.\n"
"The format of @p iterable is `(tm_year,tm_mon,tm_mday,tm_hour,tm_min,tm_sec,tm_wday,tm_yday,tm_isdst)`.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_year), "Calendar year");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_mon), "Month, [1, 12]");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_mday), "Day of the month, [1, 31]");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_hour), "Clock hour, [0, 23]");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_min), "Clock minute, [0, 59]");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_sec), "Clock seconds, [0, 61] (maybe, due to leap seconds, depends on platform)");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_wday), "Day of week, [0, 6], 0 is Monday.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_yday), "Day of year [1, 366]");
KRK_DOC(BIND_PROP(struct_time,tm_isdst), "0, 1, -1 for unknown");
KRK_DOC(BIND_FUNC(module,localtime), "@brief Convert seconds since epoch to local time.\n"
"@arguments seconds=time.time()\n\n"
"If @p seconds is not provided, the current @ref time is used.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_FUNC(module,asctime), "@brief Convert time to string.\n"
"@arguments t=time.localtime()\n\n"
"If @p t is not provided, the current @ref localtime is used.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_FUNC(module,ctime), "@brief Convert seconds since epoch to string.\n"
"@arguments secs=time.time()\n\n"
"If @p secs is not provided, the current @ref time is used.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_FUNC(module,gmtime), "@brief Convert seconds since epoch to UTC time.\n"
"@arguments secs=time.time()\n\n"
"If @p secs is not provided, the current @ref time is used.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_FUNC(module,mktime), "@brief Convert from local time to seconds since epoch.\n"
"@arguments t\n\n"
"For compatibility with @ref time a @ref float is returned.");
KRK_DOC(BIND_FUNC(module,strftime), "@brief Format time string with system function.\n"
"@arguments format,t=time.localtime()\n\n"
"Uses the system `strftime` C function to convert a @ref struct_time to a string.\n"
"If @p t is not provided, the current @ref localtime is used.");
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