Faster binary-to-decimal conversions

This commit is contained in:
K. Lange 2024-01-11 22:53:35 +09:00
parent b162ed889b
commit 9590df3ef0

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@ -1404,7 +1404,6 @@ KRK_Method(long,__rtruediv__) {
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_takeStringVetted(rev,size,size,KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_STRING_ASCII,hash)); \
@ -1948,6 +1947,379 @@ KRK_Method(long,_get_digit) {
return INTEGER_VAL(_self->digits[index]);
* Huge decimals for fast conversion.
* This is a lightweight implementation of decimal-based bigints that only supports
* addition, inplace subtraction, and multiplication (via Karatsuba). With this, we
* can much more quickly produce decimal conversions of (binary) longs.
typedef uint32_t digit_t;
#define DEC_DIGIT_SIZE sizeof(digit_t)
#define DEC_DIGIT_CNT 9
#define DEC_DIGIT_MAX 1000000000
* Adds @c a and @c b to create a new results.
static digit_t * dec_add(const digit_t * a, size_t awidth, const digit_t * b, size_t bwidth, size_t * outwidth) {
*outwidth = (awidth > bwidth ? awidth : bwidth) + 1;
digit_t * out = calloc(*outwidth, DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
int64_t carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < *outwidth - 1; ++i) {
digit_t n = ((i < awidth) ? a[i] : 0) + ((i < bwidth) ? b[i] : 0) + carry;
out[i] = n % DEC_DIGIT_MAX;
carry = (n >= DEC_DIGIT_MAX);
if (carry) {
out[*outwidth-1] = 1;
} else {
*outwidth -= 1;
if (*outwidth == 0) {
*outwidth = 1;
out[0] = 0;
return out;
* Subtracts a smaller @c b from a larger @c a in-place.
static void dec_isub(digit_t * a, size_t awidth, const digit_t * b, size_t bwidth) {
int64_t carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < awidth; ++i) {
int64_t a_digit = (int64_t)((i < awidth) ? a[i] : 0) - carry;
int64_t b_digit = (int64_t)((i < bwidth) ? b[i] : 0);
if (a_digit < b_digit) {
a_digit += DEC_DIGIT_MAX;
carry = 1;
} else {
carry = 0;
a[i] = (a_digit - b_digit) % DEC_DIGIT_MAX;
* Decimal left shift. Multiply a by 1000000000^amount and return a new result value.
static digit_t * dec_shift(const digit_t * a, size_t awidth, size_t amount, size_t * outwidth) {
if (awidth == 1 && a[0] == 0) {
*outwidth = 1;
return calloc(1,DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
*outwidth = awidth + amount;
digit_t * out = calloc(*outwidth,DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
for (size_t i = 0; i < awidth; ++i) {
out[i+amount] = a[i];
return out;
* Multiply a by b and return a new result value.
* Uses the Karatsuba algorithm for larger values; degrades to brute-force
* chalkboard multiplication for smaller values.
static digit_t * dec_mul(const digit_t * a, size_t a_width, const digit_t * b, size_t b_width, size_t * outwidth) {
/* We want a to be bigger than b */
if (a_width < b_width) {
const digit_t * t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
size_t tmp = a_width;
a_width = b_width;
b_width = tmp;
*outwidth = a_width + b_width;
/* Degenerate case where a or b is 0: return 0 */
if ((a_width == 1 && a[0] == 0) || (b_width == 1 && b[0] == 0)) {
*outwidth = 1;
return calloc(1,DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
/* Degenerate case where a is 1, return b */
if (a_width == 1 && a[0] == 1) {
*outwidth = b_width;
digit_t * out = malloc(*outwidth * DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
memcpy(out, b, *outwidth * DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
return out;
/* Degenerate case where b is 1, return a */
if (b_width == 1 && b[0] == 1) {
*outwidth = a_width;
digit_t * out = malloc(*outwidth * DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
memcpy(out, a, *outwidth * DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
return out;
if (b_width < 50) {
/* Fallback brute-force multiplication */
digit_t * out = calloc(*outwidth,DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
for (size_t i = 0; i < b_width; ++i) {
digit_t bdigit = (i < b_width) ? b[i] : 0;
int64_t carry = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < a_width; ++j) {
digit_t adigit = (j < a_width) ? a[j] : 0;
uint64_t t = carry + (int64_t)adigit * (int64_t)bdigit + out[i+j];
carry = t / DEC_DIGIT_MAX;
out[i+j] = t % DEC_DIGIT_MAX;
out[i+a_width] = carry;
while (*outwidth > 1 && out[(*outwidth)-1] == 0) (*outwidth)--;
return out;
} else {
size_t m2 = a_width / 2;
/* Split a into its high and low halves */
const digit_t * low1 = a;
size_t low1_width = (m2 <= a_width) ? m2 : a_width;
while (low1_width > 1 && low1[low1_width-1] == 0) low1_width--;
digit_t a_zero = 0;
const digit_t * high1 = (m2 <= a_width) ? (a + m2) : &a_zero;
size_t high1_width = (m2 <= a_width) ? (a_width - m2) : 1;
/* Split b into its high and low halves */
const digit_t * low2 = b;
size_t low2_width = (m2 <= b_width) ? m2 : b_width;
while (low2_width > 1 && low2[low2_width-1] == 0) low2_width--;
digit_t b_zero = 0;
const digit_t * high2 = (m2 <= b_width) ? (b + m2) : &b_zero;
size_t high2_width = (m2 <= b_width) ? (b_width - m2) : 1;
size_t z0_width, z1_width, z2_width;
/* z0 = low1 * low2; z2 = high1 * high2 */
digit_t * z0 = dec_mul(low1, low1_width, low2, low2_width, &z0_width);
digit_t * z2 = dec_mul(high1, high1_width, high2, high2_width, &z2_width);
/* z1 = (low1 + high1) * (low2 + high2) */
size_t sleft_width, sright_width;
digit_t * sleft = dec_add(low1, low1_width, high1, high1_width, &sleft_width);
digit_t * sright = dec_add(low2, low2_width, high2, high2_width, &sright_width);
digit_t * z1 = dec_mul(sleft, sleft_width, sright, sright_width, &z1_width);
/* Store (z1 - z2 - z0) into z1 */
dec_isub(z1, z1_width, z2, z2_width);
dec_isub(z1, z1_width, z0, z0_width);
/* Calculate (z1 - z2 - z0) * 10 ^ m2 */
size_t m2_shift_width;
digit_t * m2_shift = dec_shift(z1, z1_width, m2, &m2_shift_width);
/* Add z0 to that */
size_t add_width;
digit_t * add = dec_add(m2_shift, m2_shift_width, z0, z0_width, &add_width);
/* Then calculate z2 * 10 ^ (m2 * 2) */
size_t m2_2_width;
digit_t * m2_2 = dec_shift(z2, z2_width, m2 * 2, &m2_2_width);
/* And add everything up */
size_t result_width;
digit_t * result = dec_add(m2_2, m2_2_width, add, add_width, &result_width);
*outwidth = result_width;
return result;
* @brief Raise 2 to the wth power, as a huge decimal.
* Creates a decimal representation of 2 raised to the requested power.
* If @p w is very small (eg. 2**w would fit in one decimal digit), then
* we can create this value directly. Otherwise, we recursively break
* down @p w into smaller values and build huge decimals out of them
* through repeated multiplication.
* An older prototype of this used a cache, which did save some time,
* but not a whole lot in the long run, and this implementation is
* considerably simpler without the cache.
* @param w Power to raise 2 to, as a KrkLong.
* @param sizeOut Resulting size of the huge decimal.
* @returns A huge decimal representing 2 ** w.
static digit_t * dec_two_raised(KrkLong * w, size_t * sizeOut) {
if (w->width == 0 || (w->width == 1 && w->digits[0] <= 29)) {
*sizeOut = 1;
digit_t * out = malloc(DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
out[0] = 1 << (w->width == 0 ? 0 : w->digits[0]);
return out;
} else {
/* w2 = w >> 1 */
KrkLong w2;
KrkLong one;
krk_long_init_si(&w2, 0);
krk_long_init_si(&one, 1);
_krk_long_rshift(&w2, w, &one);
/* t = Decimal(1 << w2) */
size_t tSize;
digit_t * t = dec_two_raised(&w2, &tSize);
if ((w->digits[0] & 1) == 0) {
/* Result = t * t */
krk_long_clear_many(&one, &w2, NULL);
digit_t * result = dec_mul(t, tSize, t, tSize, sizeOut);
return result;
} else {
/* wmw2 = w - w2 */
KrkLong wmw2;
krk_long_init_si(&wmw2, 0);
krk_long_sub(&wmw2, w, &w2);
krk_long_clear_many(&one, &w2, NULL);
/* right = 1 << wmw2 */
size_t rightSize;
digit_t * right = dec_two_raised(&wmw2, &rightSize);
/* result = t * right */
digit_t * result = dec_mul(t, tSize, right, rightSize, sizeOut);
return result;
* @brief Convert a KrkLong to a series of huge decimal digits.
* Takes a KrkLong @p n of bitwidth @p w and converts it into an array of
* @c digit_t huge decimal digits, storing the size in @p sizeOut.
* @param n KrkLong to convert.
* @param w Bitwidth of @p n as a KrkLong.
* @param sizeOut Resulting size of the huge decimal.
* @returns Huge decimal of equivalent value.
static digit_t * long_to_dec_inner(KrkLong * n, KrkLong * w, size_t * sizeOut) {
if (n->width == 0) {
*sizeOut = 1;
return calloc(1,DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
if (w->width == 1 && w->digits[0] <= 29) {
*sizeOut = 1;
digit_t * out = malloc(DEC_DIGIT_SIZE);
out[0] = n->digits[0];
return out;
size_t aSize, bSize, cSize;
digit_t * a, * b, * c;
KrkLong w2, hi, lo, tmp;
krk_long_init_many(&w2, &hi, &lo, &tmp, NULL);
KrkLong one;
krk_long_init_si(&one, 1);
/* w2 = w >> 1 */
_krk_long_rshift(&w2, w, &one);
/* hi = n >> w2 */
_krk_long_rshift(&hi, n, &w2);
/* tmp = hi >> w2 */
_krk_long_lshift(&tmp, &hi, &w2);
/* lo = n - (hi >> w2) */
krk_long_sub(&lo, n, &tmp);
krk_long_clear_many(&one, &tmp, NULL);
/* tmp = w - w2 */
krk_long_sub(&tmp, w, &w2);
/* a = Dec(hi) */
a = long_to_dec_inner(&hi, &tmp, &aSize);
krk_long_clear_many(&hi, &tmp, NULL);
/* b = Dec(1 << w2) */
b = dec_two_raised(&w2, &bSize);
/* c = a * b */
c = dec_mul(a, aSize, b, bSize, &cSize);
/* a = Dec(lo) */
a = long_to_dec_inner(&lo, &w2, &aSize);
/* result = a + c */
digit_t * result = dec_add(a, aSize, c, cSize, sizeOut);
return result;
KRK_Method(long,__repr__) {
/* For rather small values (10 was chosen arbitrarily), use the older approach */
if (self->value->width >= -10 && self->value->width < 10) {
size_t size;
uint32_t hash;
char * rev = krk_long_to_str(self->value, 10, "", &size, &hash);
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_takeStringVetted(rev,size,size,KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_STRING_ASCII,hash));
/* We can only do this on positive values, but we can re-use the digits
* of the current number while processing, since longs are generally
* not mutable by any other operations. */
KrkLong abs = *self->value;
int inv = (krk_long_sign(&abs) == -1);
krk_long_set_sign(&abs, 1);
/* Calculate bit width for halving */
size_t bits = _bits_in(&abs);
KrkLong w;
krk_long_init_ui(&w, bits);
/* Convert to big decimal digits */
size_t size;
digit_t * digits = long_to_dec_inner(&abs, &w, &size);
/* We don't need to clear abs since its digits are our digits, but
* we need to clean up w even if it is pretty small... */
/* Count number of leading zeros */
int leading = 0;
for (size_t j = 0, div = DEC_DIGIT_MAX/10; j < DEC_DIGIT_CNT; j++, div/=10) {
if (((digits[size-1] / div) % 10)) break;
leading += 1;
/* Allocate spcae for output */
char * out = malloc(size * DEC_DIGIT_CNT + 1 - leading + inv);
char * writer = out;
/* Write negative sign if original value was negative. */
if (inv) *(writer++) = '-';
/* Collect digits */
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0, div = DEC_DIGIT_MAX/10; j < DEC_DIGIT_CNT; j++, div/=10) {
if (leading) { leading--; continue; }
*(writer++) = ((digits[size-i-1] / div) % 10) + '0';
*writer = '\0';
return OBJECT_VAL(krk_takeString(out, writer - out));
#ifndef KRK_NO_FLOAT
KrkValue krk_int_from_float(double val) {
union { double asDbl; uint64_t asInt; } u = {val};